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I'm tired of idiots stating he is firefly case, again and again, and the same for king case.Cope is unreal


Its less cope and more like doomposting. Given their overreliance on waifus and fanservice, hoyo has basically conditioned a portion of their fanbase to expect disappointment. The firefly/SAM situation just accelerated that feeling of dread, that they'll do the same thing to Capitano. The reason why Capitano is so popular is because he basically falls into the hyper masculine badass armored character trope like Vader, Master Chief or Doomguy. Making him turn out to be a girl would basically be Hoyo sending the message that while they know armored characters are popular, they don't have enough faith in them to sell without a waifu slapped to them. Plus, most of their male characters are either noble, dignified types, manipulative schemers or zesty, fruity flaming dudes. Take no shit, one man army type of guys like Blade or even Tartaglia are exceedingly rare. It's like asking for Conan the Barbarian but they keep giving you Mandrake the Magician. Given that it's a gacha game that relies a lot on waifus, It's just fans expecting the worst.


Nah, they know armored guys would sell. I refuse to believe that they could be dumb enough to assume characters like Gorou or Dori would be more marketable than Capitano or Pierro.  Hoyo devs just don't care and go with what they themselves are into. Which is why the roster is overly feminine in tone. Hoyo only designs male characters that are "pretty" or "cute" with gentlemanly or himbo personalities.  Even the characters that are supposed to be on the edgy, intimidating, side are made to look young, scrawny, and short to offset it.


I'd believe you if it weren't for the fact that they tried to run a survey to add playable male characters in HI3 (which unfortunately backfired) after the popularity of Genshin, made HSR, which is basically Honkai with playable husbandos, started making furries like Von Lycaon and Ben in ZZZ. They know what's up and what's popular in western pop culture, but they're also aware of what sells with the CN Otakus, the people whom they mainly catered to. They literally unfortunately made their bed when they declared that HI3 would be a waifu only niched game, something they definitely regretted down the line. Otherwise , we would've gotten fully playable Kevin and Kalpas already . That's why they're still tiptoing on the edges of playing it safe vs taking a risk, even if it's shown that cooler edgier sell just as well (Blade outsold Kafka). SAM was them going back to old habits. That's why the concern with Capitano is that they'll see how popular Firefly is and how good she sells that they'll take the wrong idea and pull off the same thing with Capitano.


That's what I was worried about. If firefly don't sell well, Capitano might become unplayable.


But if SAM sells well, they might assume it's because of Firefly and try to do the same thing with Capitano, even if they belong to different teams. It's doomposting lose/lose


Probably, but they may try similar type characters as well.


Its so stupid that they might change reality and make it real. Not only the "theory" is braindead, but somehow People don't stop parroting it for more than a month now without any logic added to it. It feels sad to be here.


unlike Honkai, genshin doesn’t kill off (if signora leaks happen) characters that are already perfectly designed (my duke… he played too much darksouls) nor do they merge them into one, genshin just straight up gives you what they look like, you could see arlecchino’s playable outfit in the funeral trailer it’s one of the things I think could be used in a fair argument of is Honkai better for genshin’s side


Oh my god yes. You can't say that you didn't enjoy the Sam/firefly thing. I loved Sam bit really disliked firefly yet if you say this the firefly simps start attacking, insulting and THREATENING you and your family. I am speaking from experience. All of my interactions have been like this.


Please, Mihoyo dont bring that crap into this game as well...atleast not with Capitano.


I actually like Firefly and didn’t mind her being Sam, but yes I would be really disappointed if they did the same thing again with Capitano. In a game of waifus and pretty boys please just let us have our one (1) mysterious faceless giant jacked man


Same case for me. Firefly is all fine and dandy but if they continue doing it again and again I just won't pull for those characters and just keep getting disappointed. Not to mention those kinds of characters are already rare in genshin and star rail so it's gonna hurt even more. There's a certain charm to characters like Sam and Capitano because they're essentially faceless and it kinda breaks when you show their face or make them a waifu. And as you've said we don't have masculine looking men. You could say there's Itto but his model just looks like the usual genshin tall boy twink quite a shame really. Also funny when the blacksmiths are more jacked than our playable charas XD


i like firefly..but i also like capitano, so as much as i like firefly i dont want capitano to be like her, and tbf capitano doesnt have the themes and set up that sam had for this.


Honestly I just think we lack nice armored guys in general. I don't dislike fireflies but if Capitaine ends up being a little kid or something I'll like him less.


i dont mind Firefly being Sam, but i do NOT want it to be the same with Cap please


What does this mean? People think Capitano is secretly a different person? or do they think he is going to be the traveler's boyfriend? like how Firefly seems to be a love interest to the TB in HSR


There are a low amount of people who think that Capitano might be a woman under the helmet. And the point of my post is that many people here agree that the "Firefly is Sam" situation was bad (according to previous posts that compared Sam and Capitano)


Do they think he is Columbina or just a woman that we don't know?


I am TERRIFIED they will ruin Capitano too.


Oh god I didn’t think of that, now I’m actually worried


We need our Genshin Kratos. No females. There's enough in the game. If they make him a woman, they're about to have one of the biggest backlashes of all time cuz alot and I mean ALOT LOT of people want a big guy archtype. If they make him a woman, that appeal would be gone and alot of people wouldn't be pulling. Period


They ll never make a big guy playable 


Oh you haven't seen the big guy leaks awhile back huh ? TLDR: In the beginning of last yr, there was a big leak flood that included slightly leaned down models of the blacksmith model as Pierro, the Captain and 2 more characters People also said that they were gonna nerf Alhaitham's biceps just like Rosaria's boobs before release but here we are with not only buff Alhaitham playable but Wrio, the next buff guy after him in the next region, being EVEN buffer. Following the same tradition of a "bigger man every region" begets a bigger man than Wrio and there's no better fits for that other than the Captain and Varka What I'm saying is, we never know


It's mainly because of how popular the whole SAM/Firefly situation is that Hoyo will take the wrong message and believe that they'll pull off the same thing as a result with Capitano.


I mean I could claim to be the one who started the rumor ahah. I just state it to annoy people here because the reactions are funny. But truthfully I do want him to at least be as muscular as Wriothesley.


What if it’s a tall, jacked woman in the armor though? A compromise.


It's a dumb trope even if the woman is jacked


The alternative, ‘literally just a really strong guy’ is arguably more tropey and overused. The covering of the face should mean something big for Capitano’s character. It shouldn’t just be that he has a big scar there or whatever


Not in genshin it isn't. We only have youthful "pretty boys" that are either gentlemen or himbos. A big bad armored guy would be a breath of fresh air. 


is it a trope or is that then just a dude in a helmet 😭😭😭


Doesn't change the fact that it's still a woman though. Female characters already take up a vast majority of the numbers and spotlights in Hoyo games. No matter how "unique" they might be, being a female character already means they're more common than the male counterparts.


If they go a similar path with capitano hopefully they’ll pull a mulan (is that her name) instead of