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I once stopped and pointed out to a cop he and his other cop friend were blocking the bike lane on Harrison in front of the post office and how incredibly dangerous it is. His exact words were “shut the fuck up you stupid bitch. If you don’t get the fuck out of here I will run you over.”


JFC. Power tripping taken to the extreme.


Imagine being able to interact with the public like that in any other job. It's the greatest case for pro union in every sector.




I watched a cop blow through three red lights in a row the other day on foster Ave, and he didn't have any emergency lights on or anything. It made me furious. The cruiser number on the top was 1720 for whatever that's worth.


I’d like to report this some way if I can as well. Has anyone had any success on reporting violations like this?


I have no idea. I've never tried.


They'll just tell you cops have qualified immunity for traffic violations and won't do anything about it if you call non emergency or 311 fwiw


It's like the entire police department watched that one Simpsons episode where the cops park in front of a fire hydrant, and they made it a policy.


Let’s just defund the police. That worked like a charm.


The police have not been defunded in any significant way, at all. The rise in crime disappeared once the economy and new leadership came in. But I'm sure none of that matters to you, even if it refutes everything you just threw at the wall.


Homocides were down last year, but it is still 50% higher than it was a decade ago. The city is not trending in the right direction when you look at the numbers beyond one year. Violent crime was up 11% last year and arrests are down 11%. There is political pressure for police to avoid arrests that was a result of misguided liberal policies. Speaking of leadership, the current mayor has openly said he wants to defund the police. Refute that.


Their budget is higher than ever


Inflation is a real thing. How underserved is the community when it comes to police after the BLM crowd. We have alienated police to the point where police academy numbers are down over 80%. I feel bad for the poor people that are pawns to liberal policing policies.


exact time..... day ...location and car number and top number if it has it and then is pretty much file an officer complaint


Report to whom? The cops? What are they gonna do, ticket themselves?


There are calls the police go to that they don’t use emergency equipment like in progress burglary especially if they are a few blocks away! The noise can scare the suspect off and if you want to catch them in the act that’s not good. As long as he went through the red light cautiously they are allowed to do it! 1720 is the Sgt.


Bonus points for being a sergeant who should know better and sets the tone for subordinate officers. 🤦🏻‍♂️ 


The saddest little cowards. Fuck CPD.


Fuck these assholes


And them their crybaby boot-lickers whine whenever the public expects them to do their fucking jobs and wonder why so many don’t like them.


Extremely common CPD L


Also parked in a bus stop Berth, to boot.


Damn man, its a shame you didnt have your tow stickers with ya.




He sure looks busy getting paid $50 an hour to sit there doing nothing - making the streets more dangerous in fact!




You’re right, I probably disrupted his daydream of donuts and abusing homeless people. Oink oink




Does pissing off bootlickers like you count? If not, I probably don’t!




Of course I’m not! Why else would we be fighting on Reddit! We’re both losers!


You talk a lot of shit for just moving to the city less than 2 years ago.


Good morning! I hope for the sake of your physical and mental health you were able to at least have a piece of toast or touch your toes before stalking my account at 6am Get well soon! Xx


Licking boots for dinner tonight?




I bet you lick boots ya boot lickin boot licker






No one cares that you were slightly inconvenienced, whether by a cop or Lance Armstrong himself. Get off your cross, we need the wood.


Cry more


Are ya complaining about this?? There’s no way


I submitted a complaint through COPA. Any other ways I should report?


That’s dumb lol at least these fkrs are out there lol for once! And you go and complain about it? Hey if you feel accomplished then more power to you lol


Surprised you were able to respond with that boot so far down your throat!


Uh huh . Whatever you say kiddo.


If it wasn't obvious, it can be extremely dangerous to go around cars in the bike lane, which explains the outrage. People die from that you know, because the roads are not built for bicycles even if they draw a stupid stripe on the street. But you knew this already I am sure. Are you just trying to be controversial for the sake of it?


I understand that part my guy lol but let me ask you this, what’s stopping you from walking into the side walk, going around 7 feet and going back into your bike? Instead of crying about officers doing their job ( for once lol bc we know they don’t do shit lol )


That's not a solution man that's just justifying a cop breaking a law, homie can park in a parking lane God forbid they have to walk a block. Why do bicycles have to make so many sacrifices and concessions to cars and trucks when they're both just one driver and one vehicle ? Legally bike riders are just another "driver" on the road but they're treated like annoying geese crossing the road, just so inconvenient for drivers in 2 ton machines to tap a break pedal or actually pay attention looking for pedestrians and bicycles. The entire reason for a bike lane is because vehicle lanes are DANGEROUS inherently for them to ride in. You wouldn't ask a handicap person to hop a curb bc ur blocking a sidewalk for construction, you wouldn't ask a car to cross a ditch because a cop wants to block the whole road to park and grab lunch. You're just assuming this dude is working lmao, Chicago cops don't work until they see a suspicious homeless person on private property, and they basically ignore traffic laws out of convenience rather than urgent necessity. It's very inconsequential in this moment but you're essentially arguing for cops being above the law lol


Wait, it is now their job to endanger cyclists? I mean it would make sense, I just haven’t heard about this change in the job requirements


They stopped sprinkling crack a while ago, because they can just make up reasons now. It's gotta be a power thing.


You talk like you couldn’t even finish middle school, and people out there still trying to reason with you😭