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What kind of car is it? It's not unusual for summer cars to change hands frequently, also given the current financial state of the country, owning 2 cars long term has become a lot more difficult


It's an automatic Toyota Yaris. I did think the current financial state of the country is a factor for sure


Yeah, certainly no S2000 or Z4. If you're interested in it, might be worthwhile doing one of those AA pre-purchase inspections, think its about £200 and an AA mechanic will come and do a pre-purchase inspection of a used car. I've never used them tbh but heard good things


If you look at what is actually being inspected, it seems like it might be a bit of a waste of money.


Probably been used as a food delivery car or something. I would stay clear of it.


People's circumstances can change suddenly, maybe they're expecting a kid and need something bigger, perhaps they lost their job and can't afford a car at the moment, perhaps they now work from home and so have decided it's not worth keeping it just sitting on the drive being barely used when they have another family car, perhaps they just decided it's not for them and they would like something different, there's all sorts of reasons someone might sell after 18 months, it's not necessarily a red flag.


That doesn't seem suspicious in any way. FWIW I'm considering selling the car I bought about 18 months ago, because I'm doing more miles in it than I'd expected and my insurance has gone through the roof, so it's costing me a lot more to run than anticipated. The previous owner also had it about 2 years, and sold it to buy a new car. I might be a bit suspicious about a car being sold on after a couple of months, but it's something to query with the seller rather than a big red flag.


Fair point and I'm probably going to be selling my car not long after 24 months, but I think in OP's case the question is why owners 3 and 4 are selling up so quick, is it a coincidence or is there something wrong with the car? 3 had it for 16 months is isn't awfully short but 4 has had it for half that and is selling up.


It's something to ask about, but there's probably a reasonable answer. For all we know they're the same family, so it's not a worrying change of ownership at all.


The longest I have ever owned a car is 18 months. Although to be fair every other car I’ve owned has been scrapped or stolen.


Now you mention it, I've owned 6 cars (unless I'm forgetting something), of which I have had the latest less than 18 months, 4 were scrapped, and 1 was sold after, probably 2 or 3 years, but was only off SORN for a year. But of the 4 that were scrapped, 3 were owned more than 18 months, although 2 of them spent various periods SORNed.


I have had 6, the first was crashed and stolen before I could scrap it, the second was a rust bucket and scrapped, the 3rd was crashed and scrapped the, 4th I’ve had for 17 months and has been off the road the last 5, the 5th is a parts car I bought a year ago and has never been on the road since and the 6th has only been on the road since last Saturday.


I know people who change cars multiple times a year.


I change my car quite often. Some people stick to one car for lifetime, other change after 10y, 5y,2y,1y, half a year. Thats totally normal.


Two years is a normal time to own a car what’s the problem


Current keeper had had it for less than 7 months