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Fair. Last thing they want is to waste time with ordinary people looking at it and then complaining it's knackered. But £1k is a bit steep...


Post Covid car market will have that fixed in an afternoon and on a forecourt for £4,995. 2 owner, FSH. Fully loaded dog guard.


Built in herbal air fresheners too.


“The lingering aroma of cigarette smoke in a car can be likened to the rich, complex scents of a vintage cigar lounge. Imagine the blend of woody and leathery notes mingling with the car’s upholstery, creating a sophisticated and nostalgic ambiance reminiscent of a bygone era. This nuanced fragrance evokes a sense of timeless elegance and refined taste, transforming the vehicle into a private retreat where history and luxury converge.”


Where's the shakespeare bot when you need it


A grand ain't too bad, fix the turbo amd get two years of shitboxing out of it. It's only £250 for the turbo off Ebay; add £240 for tyres, and you're £1500 into something that can either last two years or twenty. But this isn't a car for someone who doesn't fix cars. It's for a backyard mechanic who's comfortable doing reasonably chunky work


I think the price went up from the last time I saw this ad but could be mistaken


He had it on his channel, said it was dogshit there. He got a video worth of content out of it, so he's likely at least broken even on it


Who is he?




"Hi guys, how's it going? Welcome back"


"Well, we're here..."


I kind of love him TBH


I genuinely find him very funny. Love his content and how transparent he is about everything.




He initially had it up for about £650, not sure the motive behind the price increases if he wants it out of the way.


As someone who sells cars the difference in the quality of customer between a £600 car and a £1000 car is vast. Put up a car for £600 and you will be bombarded with "SWOPS!" and "£200 cash waiting!". The higher price weeds these jokers out. Probably realised it's worth around about £4000 in good mechanical and cosmetic order.


Probably now he’s getting additional traffic from the YouTube video someone else had said he has done on it


It's famous now


What's the dealership name?


High Peak Autos Ltd


He has a great YouTube channel. Very very down to earth.


I agree, so down to earth, like when he complains about all his poor customers and tells them to get better jobs




in the same video as the one where he tells poor people to 'just work harder', he said no car in the UK really needs air con, stupid dipshit


That's pulled completely out of context. It's when people who spend the least expect the world out of a 15 year old used car and complain no end. If you're being that picky, then yeah, they should go get a better job.


Reminds me of someone on here a couple years back that bought a 15 year old X5 and wanted to take it away to the Lake District for the weekend and it broke down. People forget that just because a 15 year old car can look like new - it’s still a 15 year old car.


Really? He buys old shit boxes and fixes them up if there's a few quid in it. Seems like a good set up. Won't spend too much money that he won't get back.


sounds like he should just work harder and get better job so he doesn't need to deal with people like that


Cause he knows they sell but he doesn’t like doing them. You can tell he’s a bit of a snob cause he’d prefer to be restoring range rovers and Jags. Not even the fun ones like defenders or X / F types.


> High Peak Autos Ltd haha i knew it's Matt just from the way he wrote this


Enjoy your videos very much. Keep up the good work!


Not my videos but I’ll still take the credit, thanks


If corporate life taught me anything it's that doing the work isn't the important part, taking the credit is 😋


Oh wow that’s 10 minutes from me, big up Stockport


that's why I like Matt as he doesn't try and hide anything and ses it how it is


He’s a proper comedian. I still haven’t watched a video of his without cracking up.


same here even when he is trying to do a serous review he is still funny


This is Matt from High Peak Autos and the car is that Volvo ex Police car he did a video about on his channel a few weeks ago.


Fair enough but the seller is trying to get £1k for a scrap car...


Fix the turbo & you’ve got a shitbox that’ll run for years.


A friend bought a T5 Volvo recently and he's having all sorts of issues with the fuel pump. Rest of it is fine so far...


[Not the worst looking Volvo](http://www.autotrader.co.uk/car-details/202405240053569) on AT at least. Only 106k miles. The turbo is the biggest issue, the scuttle is a 2 minute job, and the tyres are probably £500.


Why hasn't he got the water out of the scuttle? 🤦


Roof probably leaks so it fills up every time it rains.


I bought a 2007 D5 XC70 for £800. FSH, 2 x elderly owners and a clean interior. Gearbox was playing up. Bought a valve body box for £200 and 3 hours later it was clean, working. And off to Spain for a test run out! Thank you, Covid!


Not sure if I'm missing something obvious but what's with the flask of coffee and sandwiches? Is that for the dealer as a tribute? Or are they saying you'll be there a while?


Think it’s saying you’ll be there a while to get it running if you’re not trailering it away


Nice Volvo, Not too shabby 👀 although the stench of cigs is a turn off, recently purchased a VW and currently battling to get the smell of smoke out the interior. ETA: Hey thanks for the tips! ill definitely try out a few


A trick I've used in cars with a bit of whiff in them is an ionic air purifier, specifically a PureMate 3.4W Silent. I sit it in the middle of the car with a jump-pack to run it over night then air out in the morning. A few sessions seems to wipe out any odours. I've also used it on HiFi speakers that came from a heavy smoker, sealed them up in a box with the purifier for a few days and all trace of smell went. Should be able to pick one up cheaply on eBay: [https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/126558953474?itmmeta=01J21GFYK4QAGNYT4B4ESTTKZS&hash=item1d77806002:g:GKQAAOSwDcRmhRkH&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAAwIcYs1GB35%2FkvntZ1H%2BWqCHGULGRB5tDsTcCAwREL8Ua66uYSeWl%2FFEHicwNSAOotc2AD4%2F6lp6Mv%2B7HBfte0a7codHgIlc0D%2BAEaLQBjhL4isqrwXCbv%2BGyfZYQ6Im7a21rWoxXC%2Bte%2F%2Bmkp38pTtMYRLm6S8jkqjpl6v2NqyRVDWH9YXIP8KoeL6xADzE9o%2F1pm9M3%2FPjyDhI2CQ8wcVQ4QmAdzQKzDpAwjZi9J%2BGU7UMR2nQfvPis%2B44H39FaDA%3D%3D%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR9bpv7CQZA](https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/126558953474?itmmeta=01J21GFYK4QAGNYT4B4ESTTKZS&hash=item1d77806002:g:GKQAAOSwDcRmhRkH&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAAwIcYs1GB35%2FkvntZ1H%2BWqCHGULGRB5tDsTcCAwREL8Ua66uYSeWl%2FFEHicwNSAOotc2AD4%2F6lp6Mv%2B7HBfte0a7codHgIlc0D%2BAEaLQBjhL4isqrwXCbv%2BGyfZYQ6Im7a21rWoxXC%2Bte%2F%2Bmkp38pTtMYRLm6S8jkqjpl6v2NqyRVDWH9YXIP8KoeL6xADzE9o%2F1pm9M3%2FPjyDhI2CQ8wcVQ4QmAdzQKzDpAwjZi9J%2BGU7UMR2nQfvPis%2B44H39FaDA%3D%3D%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR9bpv7CQZA)


Have you tried sprinkling a generous layer of bicarbonate of soda all over the carpets, parcel shelf, seats etc? Leave it overnight and then hoover up before going over with a wet/dry vac the next day. Helps to neutralise and remove it. 


Don't massively over spend on this one


Hahaha I noticed it's from High Peak Autos which explains the funny description. 😂


Love it


I've seen this guy pick up the car on YouTube. https://youtu.be/rTgJD3ElLo4?feature=shared so he's trying to make £400 on what he spent despite it seems having done nothing to it 


Sounds like something fun to work on to be honest. Possibly quite a good deal if you don’t mind the work.


This would genuinely make me want to buy this car more, first off he sounds great and second at least I know what I’m fucking getting rather than some little tit tiger sealing leaks left right and centre


He has a YouTube channel it's brilliant. I started watching a year ago and his "I bought a cheap ....." Have become my favourite thing to watch at lunchtime at work. The channel is high peak autos


Thanks mate I’ll get onto it now


"Bring a flask of coffee and some sandwiches" Man I'm bringing an entire setup and we having a bbq


I just read the part about the dogs and dog guard and instantly realised it was that v70 from high peak autos i think its called lol


Send it to auto alex nice shitbox