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I think you'd be better set practicing for a bit till you get a good grasp on techniques. Then go there to get more valuable knowledge.


Appreciate it


I actually took this class a couple years back. I think it is a better class to take if you have some knowledge before hand. Learning new techniques with little knowledge is a lot more difficult than learning when you have more knowledge at these classes. Yes you do get a whole roll but I was not able to choose what I wanted unfortunately


Thank you so much! I will pass on this class. I will keep looking for other classes which are maybe longer and for less experience.


3m is a little spendy but they give you unlimited vinyl to practice with. Mind you getting certified is tough but you can play with more material than the course costs. Upside, if you do get certified you get put on a list of installers. Some projects/people will only work with certified installers


Great feedback! I will look and see when 3M is in town


I’ve taken two this year and they’re very worth it. You get a free roll and you can pick some of the color shift colors. Class is basically free and you can learn as much as you want there.


I believe avery still gives you a full roll of vinyl included in that cost, it's a really good value.