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As a practising Muslim, I don't hate Jews, Christians, Atheists, Gays. I don't hate dogs. In fact, a lady went to heaven after feeding a thirsty dog. I don't consume bacon, wine, beer like many others. Why does it matter if I don't consume these things? I don't hate any civilization or traditions.


As a practicing Christian, I don’t hate anyone either. My friend who is an observant Jew and I talk about this often. I know many so-called Christians who are terrible people, full of hate and intolerance. She says she knows some folks who claim to be Jewish but you couldn’t tell by how they act. The problem isn’t the religion so much as the people who claim to follow it.


The problem isn’t one religion it’s the extremism that is in every religion. Extremism in anything ruins it for everyone.


Same, it’s wild how far people go to try to make it look like we all do the same thing


Doesn’t say that in the Quran


So I guess your only practicing certain parts of your faith considering non believers in the Quran need to be killed apparently. - (Surah At-Tawbah (9:5):"And when the sacred months have passed, then kill the polytheists wherever you find them and capture them and besiege them and sit in wait for them at every place of ambush. But if they should repent, establish prayer, and give zakah, let them [go] on their way. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.")


If u search up the biggest sins in Islam. Ud see that murder is one of them. So 9:5 def has to have a diff meaning. https://islamqa.info/amp/en/answers/128862


So you are okay with gay lesbian and trans Muslims than?


That's between them and God, but the text doesn't allow it. Acting upon it (sex with a person of the same gender) is still a major sin.


Ok. What is the punishment for homosexuality in Islam? Could please educate us?


Homosexuality itself isn't a sin. The act of sodomy between two people of the same gender (if done out in the open), with 4 God fearing witnesses who can't even have the slightest difference in their account of what they saw when viewing the act, is death in an Islamic country (keyword is Islamic country and by the authorities).


So, in an Islamic country, death is the punishment? Ok. Very inclusive and liberal religion 😂


For public sexual acts (penetration) regardless if they're straight or gay, yes. When has Islam ever claimed to be fully "inclusive" or "liberal"? Even so called "inclusive" and "liberal" societies are that up to a certain point.


So if two gay men kisses in public, what’s the punishment?


Not death. Either a fine or short jail sentence, or some form of corporal punishment. But even in Muslim majority countries, men show brotherhood by holding hands and kissing on the cheeks.


So fine or short jail sentence for gays who does lip kisses in public? Ok. Next question: what is the punishment for apostasy and theft in Islam?


>Next question: what is the punishment for apostasy Depends if they make their apostasy public. Back when the ruling was revealed, apostasy was the equivalent of treason. The way it's viewed is if the apostate causes civil disorder and conflict, they are either imprisoned or put to death. The ruler can also deport them. >and theft in Islam? Depending on the amount stolen, why it was stolen (the punishment was suspended during a time of famine) how many offenses have taken place, how the item was stolen, where it was stolen from, it can range from no punishment to having your hand cut off. I know a lot of people don't do much research into why these punishments exist, all of the conditions behind them, but they really are a last resort, and a lot of mercy is applied. The evidence has to be indisputable.


1. What do you mean by “civil disorder and conflict”? If I am an ex Muslim and I publically denounce and criticize Islam, is that punishable or considered as causing civil disorder? 2. Where does it say in the Quran/hadith to let go off a thief? Please share the reference


Then you're not a practicing Muslim. You're just an opportunist who finds it easier to infringe on the rights of others you haven't met than to confront the lies of Islam. Which is just as bad as being a practicing Muslim.


>Then you're not a practicing Muslim. Wait, who are you again to determine if I am or aren't a practising Muslim? Are you an Islamic scholar? I pray my 5 prayers, fast, give Zakat, believe in the Shahada, stay away from major sins. >ou're just an opportunist who finds it easier to infringe on the rights of others you haven't met than to confront the lies of Islam. Where have I "infringed" on the rights of anyone?


What are the five pillars of Islam?


Probably should have given that thirsty dog water, no?




>>I don't hate dogs. In fact, a lady went to heaven after feeding a thirsty dog. It would be better to give a thirsty dog water instead of food. But I was just poking fun.


That's exactly what she did lol.


Now hold up, you SAY you don't hate - but a LOT of religious people claim that, while also looking at those people as if there's something wrong with them? Is it ACTUAL "don't hate" or is it "hate the sin, not the sinner"? Asking because as a gay man, Islamophobia IS sometimes prevalent in my life (because of what Islamic nations do to people like me) - and I'm ALWAYS looking for allies on the inside


I just browsed his twitter. It’s a whole lot of yikes on bikes. It also seems he really amped it up after the winter term was over so maybe he’s retired or on his way out? He was tweeting/retweeting mostly about neuroscience related stuff, (I assume) his students at conferences, faculty related stuff up until about May.


That or he realized he can get away with it since the department head was notified and didn't do anything. Not sure which, but his retirement is probably very soon.


A whole heckin lots of yikes on all the bikes!


Universities love to use its Muslim students as marketing material to make themselves look good and progressive but then turn a blind eye to Islamophobia perpetrated by staff and students. Carleton is sadly no different. I hope people start to wake up and realize that these institutions are not your friend and only care about getting your money. That's not to say don't go to University, but just know that Carleton won't have your back unless there's a financial incentive for them to care. As students we have to have each other's backs.


Exactly! well said


It’s not for looking good it’s about money.


How is this allowed at Carleton?? I’m so tired of the performative ‘activism’ when in reality they don’t actually care. They don’t care about any rights of their students (or very few at least) they care about making themselves look good. If they did care crap like this wouldn’t be allowed by their literal profs! I’m ashamed to have been a Raven all the years after so much of their performative acts have come to light in the last semester. Shame on that prof, shame on Carleton for allowing this!


Universities don’t care about their students unless there is a financial incentive to do so. An immigrant struggling with a 9 to 5 facing Islamophobia? Nobody cares. A student paying for their fees themselves, using their own spare change? Different story.


>shame on Carleton for allowing this! Isn't this his personal social media? He's not posting it on the Carleton social media channel.


Right but it’s the same as when you work for the gov- you represent your work place. People have been fired for much less than being islamaphobic id love to see Justice but carleton has proven themselves to be Zionists and zionist supporters.


Bro Hymie is a fucking nutter. I had him for a class a few years ago and he’s just not all there. He’s definitely on the way out, he was old and loopy three years ago. This is just gross tho


It seems like your very valid post has been hijacked by non-Carleton students and racists alike. I recommend reaching out to the u/cuOmbuds. This seems like something in their wheelhouse. Unfortunately, it's unlikely anything will happen to this professor if he's tenured, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't try!


How ironic he’s talking about hate


Fuck him lol


Disgusting. Wish he was fired.


Interesting how an Islamophobia brigade has entered the room. I wonder how reddit makes it easy for the bots to find posts like this. /u/spez reddit is total shit and your stock price should tank to zero. It's an echo chamber for the bigoted.


Someone (who isn't a student) shared this post in another subreddit with the intention of mocking it and it sent over a bunch of Islamaphobic commenters. Not really sure what's in it for him since he doesn't go here


Where can complaints be submitted?


Email the following folks, on the same email: ** Dr. Matthew Holahan, Chair, Department of Neuroscience -- [email protected] ** Dr. Maria DeRosa, Dean of the Faculty of Science -- [email protected] ** Dr. Jerry Tomberlin, Interim President of Carleton -- [email protected] ** Noël Badiou, Associate Vice-President, Equity and Inclusive Communities -- [email protected] ** Cindy Taylor, Associate Vice-President, Human Resources -- [email protected] ** Jeremy Brzozowski, Associate Vice-President, Student Affairs and Student Life -- [email protected]


Why there is no freedom of speech ?


Cuz his views are in conflict with his job. What happens when he has Muslim students paying to be in his class? Is he going to fail them?


Not at all, He think that Islam is a bad religion and Muslims come to the west to occupy the global institutions so they can cancel whatever they don’t like. This is a normal approach like in Majority Muslim countries people cancel Pepsi or International Banking, Condoms just because they don’t like them. Muslim students are hardworking that’s why they are in majority specially in high paid majors like Medicine and Engineering they benefit from a western way of life so why someone fail them if the benefit is mutual ?


There is freedom of speech; the fact that he tweeted this is proof. Facing consequences from your employer isn't the same as denying freedom of speech.


That Imtiaz Mehmood dude is amongst the most open racist people on Twitter, and that's saying a lot because cuz of Twitter's standards, so even if you're a person that's critical of Islam or whatever, this should raise more than one eyebrow cuz this is beyond just having different or opposing beliefs, this is just downright unfettered hatred for others, and the fact that someone of faculty at such a position not only engages, but endorses this garbage is absolutely insane and questions the integrity of our university.


Islam is not a race he hates Islam as an ex Muslim and that’s totally fine.


No he actively hates Muslims and spews anti Muslim shit, race is a factor because of anti Arab stuff that he also spews. Saying "oh he just hates a religion" isn't the get out jail free card you think it is. This is an incredibly moronic thing to say in response when all sides of political and religious spectrum are appalled by this naked display of bigotry


He's Iranian?




Islam is not a race.


Right, so this point becomes irrelevant to the discussion when, for a matter of fact, he's spewing discriminatory hateful shit about others. Criticism of a religion is one thing, bigotry towards others is another.


Again Islam is not a race one can kill some one in the name of religion but there should be complete freedom of speech when it comes to criticism.


Yes but that's not what's happening here, he's just being hateful to others, so much so to the point of spewing comically unhinged stereotypes. My best friend is an atheist who's written and speaks a ton of his criticism of Islam, but you don't see me calling him a racist, and you don't see him spewing shit like in OP's post which we can see here, which is objectively, a hardline fact, not a criticism towards a religion.


Hmmmmm maybe he is a islamophobe + racist + classist person. If he target an individual I would consider him a hateful person.


hating islam as an ex muslim is fine, hating any religion that you’ve been victimized by and left is fine, what’s not fine is being a bigot.


This is not bigotry Muslims in general dislike the western politics, Israel, Bacon, western family system and ethics. The list goes on it is very similar to the Shiasm between Orthodox and Western Catholics.


it’s pretty obvious the “and you” was included to promote hatred towards muslims though… i don’t know why this is something that’s being swept under rug when it obviously extends beyond “fact” but rather being used to push an agenda. i also find it interesting how the prof is jewish and retweeted this as though judaism isn’t also intolerant to pork, christians, muslims, and gays (orthodox). generalizations are harmful and that post is bigoted.


Hatred towards Muslims is bad I agree with you but Muslims in general don’t like the western politics they accuse the west of creating havoc in the Middle East and the Global south.


So many commenters are not from Carleton lol Anyway, I do agree with freedom of speech but as a public figure in the department, I don’t think he should be allowed to do this without some kind of action taking place. And as a Muslim, it’s kinda wild how much shit we get from single verses translated in the non-native language of the Quran and taken out of context of the others.


You don’t agree with the freedom of speech.


Oh man.. That def doesnt look good


I'd bet money if this post was about Christians you'd all be cheering.


You don’t see posts like this about Christina’s


>makes a visibly indigenous student afraid to take his course Even if you were Muslim and not indigenous, saying you're afraid here is ridiculous. The prof harboring anti-muslim views isn't going to make them attack you in class. This is to say nothing of why an indigenous student would fear someone who has given no indication of being anti indigenous, or why you would even bring this up.


He stated he is against decolonization and I put only a portion of the post in here but it contained more directed statements against indigenous people and their quest for liberation in Canada & the US.


This is so incredibly ironic considering how much research he and several other neuroscience professors do alongside Indigenous communities… I’m disappointed, the hypocrisy is astounding


Indigenous research is like free $$$ for researchers


I’d like to think most of the other professors have good intentions (mostly because I have a minor in neuroscience and I looked up to some of these profs), but you unfortunately make a fair point…


$$$ and social capital. Settler researchers can pat themselves on the back of being an “ally” by extracting knowledge from communities and knowledge keepers. They can then attend “decolonial conferences” where not a single person on those panels are Indigenous.


Judaeo-Christian is such a bullshit term, only Christians use to force some kind of connection between Jews and themselves


I mean…there’s an uncomfortable but seemingly much more respectful way to have a conversation about the legitimacy of that point. A meme like this doesn’t seem to do it justice to put it quite lightly.


Where is the Islamophobic part?


May I ask why you guys feel the image is Islamophobia? My parents come from Iran, and they do discriminate against a lot of the things on the image. Drinking isn't allowed, atheism isn't allowed, women are treated like second class citizens. That all comes from the Islamic faith as far as I am concerned. Can anyone provide more context so me, I might be uneducated.


>May I ask why you guys feel the image is Islamophobia? Because it's furthering hatred against Muslim women. By looking at this image, an individual would be to led to believe that all Muslim women in Hijab believe those things. >My parents come from Iran, and they do discriminate against a lot of the things on the image. So Iran represents all Muslims? Iran is also majority Shia, whilst the majority of Muslims are Sunni. >Drinking isn't allowed, atheism isn't allowed, women are treated like second class citizens. That all comes from the Islamic faith as far as I am concerned Drinking is indeed not allowed for Muslims. Many other faiths don't allow alcohol either. Atheism is like any other belief or non-belief, it's up out individual. And can you define second class?


They kill atheists, too. Their laws prohibit atheism. (Citing Iran on this, but you can not be openly atheists in Saudia arabia/ Afghanistan / Pakistan, etc.) By second-class citizens, I mean the government prohibits women's rights/freedoms. We see this recently with Mahsa Amini being murdered for simply not wearing a veil over her head. Saudia Arabia (majority sunni) mimics this behavior as well. They only recently stopped executing children. But there's other examples like women not being allowed in certain professions/elected positions. Hell, even Saudi Arabia only recently gave women the privilege to drive The governments of the countries I've listed so far are based on the Islamic faith. Each one of them have some form of discrimination towards women or domestic violence concerns towards women. You might say that it doesn't speak for all Muslims, but it seems to be a minority that disagrees. Editing this because it's not allowing me to reply to you. 1 - a second class citizens is someone not given the equal rights and opportunities, as well as a person being systemically & actively discriminated against by the state. The Islamic countries I have mentioned so far 100% do discriminate against women, they go so far as to devalue a woman's testimony in the courtroom (so ill let you imagine how rape or domestic violence cases are viewed by the judge) 2 - There are Muslim protestors standing up for equal rights but they are also a minority with regard to disagreeing. 3 - Saudi Arabia stopped executing juveniles in 2020? So, no, they at many points had executed children. Please keep in mind Saudi Arabia is known for having a corrupt court system with unfair trials, please review amnesty internationals page on Saudi arabia. 4 - I'm happy bangladesh has a female president. However, Bangladesh is also rife with domestic violence towards women. Please check amnesty internationals page on Bangladesh. A better comparison would be Europe if anything, they have female prime ministers and much less issues when it comes to domestic violence and human rights. I dislike all religious conservatives so if I start talking about the U.S I'll go on forever. (They overthrew Iran's sovereignty twice, once in WW2 and the 2nd in the 1950s). 5 - I bring up women being granted the privilege so drive in Saudi Arabia to illustrate how behind they are, and there are many other examples. Many islamic societies are sexist towards women.


>They kill atheists, too. Proof? >(Citing Iran on this, but you can not be openly atheists in Saudia arabia/ Afghanistan / Pakistan, etc.) Sure you can. I've seen guys on YouTube go go Pakistan, Afghanistan, claim to believe in nothing, and nothing happened to them. Even in Saudi, there are a ton of tourists going there, people going for work, many of whom are Atheists, and nothing happens to them. >By second-class citizens, I mean the government prohibits women's rights/freedoms. We see this recently with Mahsa Amini being murdered for simply not wearing a veil over her head. I don't agree at all with what happened to Mahsa, but an Islamic country has a dress code (for both men and women) like any western country does. Just because you draw the line at all out nudity doesn't mean other countries and cultures also draw the line there. >Saudia Arabia (majority sunni) mimics this behavior as well. They only recently stopped executing children. When did Saudi execute children? >But there's other examples like women not being allowed in certain professions/elected positions. What kind of professions? And a lot of these countries aren't democracies. >Each one of them have some form of discrimination towards women In what sense? >Hell, even Saudi Arabia only recently gave women the privilege to drive Which is the only Muslim majority country that did this. >or domestic violence concerns towards women. Which isn't allowed in Islam. >but it seems to be a minority that disagrees. Based on what?


She’s saying that u can’t live in Pakistan Iran Saudi and other countries that banned atheism


1. Second class means woman have less rights than men. What can men do but not women? 70% of the ppl in uni r women, women can work in many places, go to school, and do shit. They just can’t do a few things from what Ik. Yall have freedom up to some capacity. Same w men tbh. 2. Many Muslims are against the mandatory 🧕 in Iran. I’ve seen protesters and Muslims in the west saying that it’s a huge sin to force someone to kill someone for a scarf. 3. Saudi Arabia doesn’t execute children. We don’t hear any executions there. What executions are u talking abt? 4. Did u know that the US has never had a female president even tho it’s not a Muslim country? Bangladesh has a female president rn and it’s 90% Muslim. 5. Woman in Saudi couldn’t drive till 2018. But where does it say in Islam woman can’t drive? Ur basically saying Islam is sexist bc of the goverment?? Anyone can go around and say that they’re Muslims, but are they acc real Muslims?? Also did u know it was only one out of 50 countries that banned women from driving until 2018???


Hello fellow Iranian. The disgusting power-hungry pieces of shit who have held Iran hostage for decades are not representative of Islam and Muslims worldwide. They just use the name of Islam to try to dignify their atrocities. What man of god would justify murdering and brutalizing so many young people? The worst in a large group of people do not represent everyone else in that group. Some of my most devout family members also hate them. I hope this helps! :)


It really doesn't after going there and visiting, and talking to women in Iran, and understanding their experiences with domestic violence ( there's a lot of domestic violence towards women in Iran btw) I honestly don't feel like it would be that different, if I was born in Saudia arabia, UAE, Egypt, Algeria etc etc I feel like I'd just witness high levels of domestic violence towards women again.


What domestic violence? How many %? What is the punishment for the violence?


At most a the judge turning a blind eye, or a slap on the wrist. Please keep in mind, in Iran a woman's perspective is devalued in a Court room setting. In Court in Iran 2 Female Witnesses are equivalent to one male witness. Most domestic violence situations are a man/women, ill let you imagine how an Iranian Court room will think about that. Ill refer you to The Human rights group, Amnesty International's page on Iran.


I am a gay atheist white male, and I work with many Muslims. I find most Muslims are humble people, and even if they do not accept my sexuality, they have always been respectful to me. I have received far more hostility from other groups.


But he's not even wrong about Islam. People on Reddit love to complain about Christians but they have no idea how much worse Islam is in a lot of places. Generalizing all Muslims as being hardliners and picking on students is insanely unprofessional though and he should be fired.


as an academic he should understand that the forum matters. as an academic he should be taking an academic approach to the reality of islam. not capitalizing on shitposts. ergo it doesn't matter if he's correct or incorrect, it is out of pocket especially so given his profession.


Yeah, I agree completely.


Uh no lol just because you’re a teacher doesn’t mean you HAVE to take a professional approach on everything. He’s a person first.. with freedom of speech.. that protects opinions.. would be nice if the student never saw it but it’s not against the law to post your opinion on social media, that’s literally what it’s for. I get it. It’s mean. It hurt your feelings. But that’s as far as it goes. Hurt feelings. No crime has been committed no academic misconduct imagine a democracy where we fire people for having opinions 😳 that’d be interesting lol


Fam 99% of Muslims do not care about who you are.


Don't worry, I'm well aware of that. There are a billion people practicing Islam, to generalize all of them as terrible or dangerous people is simply ridiculous. The point of my comment though is that Islam does have a lot of problematic teachings in it when followed extremely conservatively, just like other religions Reddit likes to dunk on, just (in my opinion) to an even bigger extent.


Someone will probably have already said this but the triple parentheses around his name is also a far-right / anti-semitic dogwhistle. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triple_parentheses


He’s Jewish, he’s using the triple parentheses ironically as an “I’m not ashamed” message


Zionists are also right wingers tho and tend to align themselves with antisemites (see: Christian Zionists)


The parentheses are around his own name. You’re saying he’s labelling himself a Jew and… targeting himself with an antisemitic trope? Seriously, think. Anyway, his tweets/rt’s are often about defending Jews/Israel and calling out anti-semitism.


He is Jewish, its only anti-semitic when someone uses the parentheses on someone else.


And on top of that, prophet Muhammad married a minor.... All religions suck by the way. Yes, Catholic rapist priests suck too.


Reminds me of Professor Jacob Kovalio, a friend took his History of Japan class and apparently he got worse over the pandemic.


I had him 20+ years ago for a History of China course and he was excellent. What are you referring to when you say ‘he got worse…’?


He apparently went down the far right wing rabbit hole. I had him online 2 years ago for the history of china, my friend had him in person last school year for the history of japan and he said things in class that made his classmates to create a complaint to the dean and he would have added his signature if he wasn't worried about getting into the History MA program here.


Hmm it would be helpful to know what he specifically said that caused the complaint.




It’s ironic that conservatives despise far right Muslims, like this caricature, yet agree with them on 90% of issues. If conservatives could just get past their racism and xenophobia, they could happily join hands with far right immigrants in hating gay people, women, education, etc.


Thinking conservatives hate women, education, etc is exactly what’s wrong with PurpleBearClaw - as if women aren’t conservative and such. You’re chronically online, mate.


Bud, conservative politicians openly oppose abortion, cut education funding, hold meetings with the German AFD, Poilievre meets with Diagolon members, tells openly transphobic conservative media personality to keep “keep up the great work”, and on it goes. Yes, voters don’t typically understand the implications of supporting the conservatives, but the politicians know what they’re doing. Unfortunately reality doesn’t seem to mesh with the conservative worldview, hence the confusion on your part?


There are a LARGE number of radicalized Islam followers in the world. Having said that, not many radicals immigrate to the US to go to university.


As a Muslim I agree with Imtiaz, Muslims are product of Arab, Persian, Turkish and IndoPersian cultures and amalgamation of various including the Greek and western philosophies. Hijab is not part of Islam it’s a political statement Infact in Canada with this cold weather almost everyone is a Hijabi. Anti-Zionism is the new form of Anti-Semitism.


So noone is gonna call out the obvious BS ? Muslim culture and gay culture are incompatible. THEY do hate us. We want to be left alone. They want us to conform. No.


1) You’re not a student here 2) Public acceptance for LGBTQ in western countries does not actually reflect acceptance for everyone in these countries. I’m gay but a lot of my peers/coworkers don’t know that. I also have Christian parents. The amount of shit being spoken behind gay folk’s backs by these people is astounding. Especially because of how they act towards them in public (nice and amicable). Stop acting like only one region on earth hates the gays please


You're right. They're 2000 year old thought plagues that should be openly mocked and criticized.


Right, but I don’t think openly antagonizing your arab students during lectures and retweeting bad-faith memes on twitter with the smokescreen of “defending the gays” is the correct way to go about it.


Yeah muslims are allowed to be homophobic because other shithole 3rd world countries do the same thing. Were you born this stupid or did the lobotomy really take a toll on your mental capacity?


Canada and the US are shithole 3rd world countries according to your retard logic 🤡


Let bro have an opinion wtf. We can’t freely think anymore. Now I gotta eat the onion on the burger cause people gonna be offended if I don’t




Ok, first off there’s nothing wrong with hating bacon, wine, and beer. Muslims just can’t have dogs as pets bc their saliva is impure and don’t take care of themselves, like cats do. But we’re supposed to treat dogs nicely and feed them. There’s a Hadith that says that someone went to hell bc they didnt feed the dog w water, so wdym “hate dogs”?? Bacon is unhealthy and the cons outweigh the pro. Same with wine and beer. Second off, civilization, tradition and culture should be respected. Islam says that all ethnicities are equal. Islam only bans some traditions if it goes against the belief of Islam. We aren’t supposed to hate it. They’re supposed to avoid haram events. Third off, when Muslims say they hate a country, they prolly hate the goverment, economy, and /or politics, not the ppl living there. Fourth, when did Islam say to hate Christians, Jews, and atheists? Read Quran 2:256 and surah kafirun. They’re basically saying u can’t force someone to be Muslim and let them do them and not disrespect their beliefs. However, it’s haram to celebrate their holidays, like Christmas and Easter. Lastly, Muslims aren’t rlly against gays. They’re just against pronouns, drag shows, and teachers teaching abt this stuff to lil kids.




Read the next sentence. Also in some non Muslim countries, they’re homophobic too


Yea I just dont understand why I wouldnt support an ideology thats wants me dead since I dont transcribe to it. I mean its called the religion of peace for a reason, thats why muslim countries are truly the pinnacle of tolerance and human civilization. The west has lots learn from them.


forgot this... /s


Ughh yeah l also hate it when someone is absolutely right about something.




being bigoted and antagonistic towards muslim and arab students in a secular country as an educator is “absolutely right”? just out yourself as a bigot then.


Lmao had to add bacon cause thats super important 😂😂😂😂




Send her out of our country


Based on my experience, I don’t think he’s wrong. He shouldn’t put EVERY Muslim in that category but I do think there are a lot of Muslims out there like this


You go to Carleton bud ?


I do? What up?


Truth hurts


Everyone in here just being mad that someone said something that is blatantly true is hilarious. Not one person can come up with a reason why what is stated in that meme is objectively wrong? It's literally true.


bros just gay




what a narcissistic interpretation of this post, you missed the point entirely and only focused on the part that concerns you. Being queer does not allow you to attack other minority groups. I am against homophobia too but my respect is NOT transactional.


My respect is also not transactional. it simply has the requirement that you treat gay people as human beings. Since muslim doctrine and all muslim countires call for them to hunt and slaughter gay men like animals I will treat them with the same level of hatred.


>. it simply has the requirement that you treat gay people as human beings. Which I, as a practising Muslim, do. I encounter many people who do things against my religion, be it drinking, drugs, etc. But I don't treat them any less. >Since muslim doctrine Need evidence for this. >and all muslim countir Provide evidence for every single Muslim country. >I will treat them with the same level of hatred. Let's say you're correct on both accounts, you're really going to make assumptions about every Muslim and treat them differently? How's that different to what you're claiming they're doing? Seriously, no one's out to get you. I literally don't care that you're gay.


if you live in canada, you probably encounter muslims everyday. who isn’t treating you like a human being? you’re blatantly generalizing all muslims as though that isn’t bigotry.


Most of the world is homophobic too. Look at east Europe and Africa. They’re pre homophobic too and they’re mostly non Muslims.


Im arab, most of my friends at Carleton are Muslim and a vast majority are actively accepting or indifferent to the LGBTQ+ community. Like they’ve cut people off for being homophobic. This is not mentioning all the other stuff on that list that are objectively wrong like “hating you” or your country or culture. Generalizations like this are legitimately all racism




Sorry I didn’t know I was speaking to the expert on Islam


You don't need to be an expert. Imams themselves will tell you what Islam believes about homosexuality. Or you can go read the Qur'an yourself.


Sorry I didn't know I was talking to somebody who never bothered to read the doctrine they're defending....


OK show me where it calls for the torture of gay people


Here's one: We also (sent) Lut: He said to his people: "Do ye commit lewdness such as no people in creation (ever) committed before you? For ye practise your lusts on men in preference to women : ye are indeed a people transgressing beyond bounds. And his people gave no answer but this: they said, "Drive them out of your city: these are indeed men who want to be clean and pure!" But we saved him and his family, except his wife: she was of those who legged behind. And we rained down on them a shower (of brimstone): Then see what was the end of those who indulged in sin and crime! Quran 7:80-83 Now fuck off and educate yourself.


You do realize the story of Lut is also in Christianity and Judaism, right ? Do you hate Christians and Jewish people just as much as you do Muslims?


You said “torture and murder” gay people


white gays need to keep their mouths shut


^ racist trash You must be a practicing Muslim to hate gay people so much.




Go back to fucking China if you dont like the people of this country.


it's just a meme. cmon .


Womp womp


He’s not fucking wrong exactly, is he? Look around FFS. Especially in the GTA




So every Muslim can say “from the river to the sea Palestine will be free” and that’s also okay. I’m arab too idiots


Which arab calls themselves arabic, you dolt


👱🏻‍♂️: As an Arab myself ^(yes I know Arabs can be blonde and have blue eyes)


The leaps in logic that liberals will go to to defend cultures that would never extend the same niceties to them. Purely astounding.


my respect for others is not transactional and this isn't even true in this scenario.


What a democratic response. I wonder if Muslim's respect for other beliefs is also non-transactional. Probably; they're usually such a peaceful and tolerant lot. That's why Islamic countries are some of the most prosperous in the world. It's their unwavering devotion to equality and scientific advancement that puts their societies that extra step ahead of everyone else.


Dang you are really racist. Not going to engage in this.


Dang you really have no idea what you're talking about. How about you do engage, and tell me what my critiques of Islam, the religion, have to do with any specific race?


What do you think the word "racist" means lol? You realize Islam isn't a race, right? It's an ideology, a vile one, and open to criticism just like any other ideology.


I'm not exactly super patient with (the vast majority of) Muslims myself but I sure as fuck hope any prof saying shit like that would get fired too.


And Muslims that say that shit should be deported to their country of origin!!!




He’s not wrong about any of that.


Free speech goes both ways😊


Do not discriminate against muslims, it is racist and a lowly thing to do. But please read some english quran before deciding if something is islamaphobia or criticism. Here are great places to start from: http://quran.com/2/244 http://quran.com/2/216 http://quran.com/3/56 http://quran.com/3/151 http://quran.com/4/74 http://quran.com/4/76 http://quran.com/4/89 http://quran.com/4/95 http://quran.com/4/104 http://quran.com/5/33 http://quran.com/8/12 http://quran.com/8/39 http://quran.com/8/57 http://quran.com/8/65 http://quran.com/8/67 http://quran.com/9/5 http://quran.com/9/14 http://quran.com/9/20 http://quran.com/9/29 http://quran.com/9/41 http://quran.com/9/73 http://quran.com/9/88 http://quran.com/9/111 http://quran.com/9/123 http://quran.com/25/52 http://quran.com/33/60-63 http://quran.com/47/35 http://quran.com/48/29 http://quran.com/61/4 http://quran.com/66/9


I'm not clicking your adds. Btw listen here day 0. Muslim isn't a race.




Lmfao 100%


It’s true though…


Yet he's right. :) Go Israel! *


I really wish people got the chance of living in a country plagued by islam before giving themselves the right of deciding who deserves a welcoming and understanding treatment. -a syrian ex muslim


"Islamaphobia" "It makes indigenous students afraid to take his courses" Y'all are so cooked in Canada. I'm sorry. Please, put your token westernized Muslims on a pedestal in the comments while ignoring the haunting polling data on Muslim thought in the Arab world. Ignore the Quran and its hadiths. Just look at Liz, my Muslim upper middle-class Canadian classmate. She's totally normal! Any concern for Islamic thought sure must be racist.


He’s got a point, what’s wrong with?


Is he wrong though?



