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Did you sign a sublet agreement of any kind with the person? As long as your signature and their signature is on a lease, they can’t back out like that.


I do have my signature. She never signed it back


I’m just on a work break so I can’t say much, but geez, I’m sorry that you’re having such a shitty time.


I’m truly so sorry that u are going through this:( idk what the roomates justification is on feeling the way they did about you. But I truly hope you find an accepting community in Ottawa. It’s much easier to find and meet people during regular school term (fall and winter). But try to put yourself out there (much easier said than done). You truly seem like a self reflective person and can try to detach yourself from the assumption ur ex-roommates have made of you. Go on eventbrite and see what socials are going on! Ottawa is truly a beautiful city to enjoy the summer and I hope you get to experience every bit of it with confidence and love!


Thank you for this message. I felt good after reading this


Why did they say they do not feel safe around you? Was it some kind of prejudice reason?


I'm leaning towards maybe the roommates found out they're trans or something


I don’t think so, but it’s possible they’re racist, or found a friend to replace the sublease room. Messed up either way


I’m not actually


The person subleasing didn’t have a problem. It was only after discussing with roommates that she denied it


It’s not easy. Don’t let those 2 people ruin your perception of carleton and Ottawa/Canada in general. Hope you find something :)


I'm so sorry you had such a hard time. Feel free to message me if you need any kind of help and I'll try my best to help! I hope that despite an inauspicious start to your trip, you still have a great time at Ottawa and Carleton.