• By -


Andrew Robinson for PHYS1007…. Maybe the best human on earth and he should be tenured!


He also killed it in PHYS 1003, nothing but props to that prof!


Zachary Patterson for NEUR 3204/3207/4306! Passionate about (the neurobiology of) drugs and fair exams. He just taught his last course at Carleton and a lot of the neuro students will miss him :(


What? I thought he was just going on sabbatical!


He told me during an office hour he got his dream job because I asked which courses he'd be teaching next year, so he won't be back at Carleton. Even though he's a fantastic prof, he said teaching wasn't his plan long-term anyway. edit: word


He deserves the world and cu neuro is the worse for it. happy for him!


Out of curiosity, why do you say CU Neuro is the worst?


CU neuro is great, im saying it’s worse off without him


If you happen to know where he’s going next, I’d love to still follow his work, maybe consider whatever school he goes into next


He's no longer teaching - working for a stats drug company I think? Not big pharma but something related to drugs Canada, can't remember the details


Love love love that man, I’m so sad I won’t have him to finish out my degree, I loved his work


Chris Motz best psych prof ever. PSYC 1001/1002, and PSYC2100. He set the bar so high for how good profs can be during my first year


THIS!!! Love that man so much


Yeah everything about Chris Motz is perfect. His PSYC 2100 exams were extremely challenging but fair. I wish Motz would train other profs how to teach.


Carolina Czastkiewicz ECON 1001 & ECON 1002


Also for ECON2708 !


And 2020!


I really enjoyed CGSC 1001 - mysteries of the mind with Jim Davies


Darryl Hill ❤️ there couldn’t be any other professor better than him in CS


S+ tier: Ahmed Almaskut




Great guy. Had him for an algebra refresher last summer.


Josh Redstone makes philosophy easy and interesting for those outside the study, has extremely interesting and engaging lectures, is a really genuine and understanding guy, overall 10/10.


LAWS 2908 with Collin fletcher. Heavy class with like 3-4 assignments that are your whole grade. If you take it fletcher you’ll get out on top. He’s super easy to speak too and really does mesh with the class and has an environment where it’s comfortable to ask questions and clarification. Also will challenge your base if you answer a question (in a good way) to get more of your reasoning out so you can better understand things for the papers and proposals


PSCI 3606 A Canadian Foreign Policy Instructor: Dr. Eric Van Rythoven I thought Eric was excellent. Very well-informed and explained things thoroughly. Great class. Great professor.


I really enjoyed Ava Mckenny's class(i took COMP 1405 and 1406 and 2406 back in the day with her), super chill person and i wish i was still in CS to take them. Mustafa Bahran's PHYS class for BIT majors was hilarious, he really enjoyed physics and teaching people about physics. Kyle Harvey is hilarious and a super easy prof to come to with math and related issues(he single handed help me pass COMP 1805), i've taken lin alg 2 and 3 with him and linear inequalities and it was super fun. also shout out to Dr. Melissa Chee, i haven't taken a class with her(she teaches NEUR 2001 and NEUR 2004) but i work with her lab and sit in on lab meetings and its refreshing seeing someone who's as smart as she is help the lab students work through issues in a way by forming questions that seem like she's genuinely interested.


Mustafa 🐐🐐


The absolute GOAT


Ava’s sarcasm is hilarious


Literally my favourite story of her I tell people is when I told her I had epilepsy and he dropped this line with just pure sarcasm “you have me shitting my pants every day thinking you’re gonna have a seizure and I’m going to run around being like the hell do I do”


John Hale LAWS 2302. Never finished my degree and reminiscing back to that class, part of it makes me want to go back in hopes of getting him for something else.


Sadly I've heard that he's retiring - but yes, he is a great Prof!


If that's true, Carleton is truly losing an amazing professor and amazing faculty member.


Chris Rudyk for NEUR. It was a prerecorded online class and it had the energy and passion of an IRL course. I hope he teaches some courses on campus because I think he’s really enthusiastic and seems like he loves teaching. I’ve had profs who phone it in and it’s soul-draining- Dr Chris is the opposite.


Love Chris Rudyk !!


Norman Hillmer, the greatest of all time.


I also wanna give Hasan Ahmed a shout out, as well as Stephen Azzi and Andrew Johnson


3007 with Robert Collier is amazing


Brennan Conway-Smith for cogsci first year seminar. 10/10 recommend.


Pat Morin is the greatest professor in the CS department that man saved my life.


Me and my homies love Darryl Hill 😎


Darryl is the goat ong


megan rivers-moore, katharine bausch, and ann cvetkovich the FIST department <3 best profs ever


Prof Rodney Nelson, took ethics with him and one other course. Absolute top professor, he was a huge help for me


Abu Syed Kabir is the 🐐! He taught MAAE2400, I actually didn’t even have him, I just went to his classes instead of the section I was registered in. Best engineering professor I’ve had so far.


Took his class 4 years ago, great professor! 


Adam Barrows- ENGL 4607 such an interesting class imo and he is a great lecturer Chris Johnson- ENGL 4135 amazing class! Such a chill dude


It was his first year at Carleton, but Masum Hossain (ELEC 2507) deserves some genuine attention for being not only a very clear and articulate professor who can get his point across, but for also genuinely caring about the understanding of his students. He has a real desire and passion to share what he knows and its so refreshing for an ELEC proff. I hope he stays for as long as he enjoys his job:))


Michael Runtz BIO1902A (natural history), by far the BEST prof I’ve had throughout my entire academic career (including high school and elementary lol). He is hilarious, is so passionate about the topic and is just so incredible. I took this as a summer course elective to accelerate my university journey but I ended up falling in love with nature. I now get so excited to point out different species and share my knowledge. I guarantee you’ll love this class and him!!!!! 100000000000…000000…0000000…/10 MICHAEL RUNTZ FOR THE WIN ** he’s retiring within the next couple of years I think if not sooner so make sure to take it asap!**


i think he said this fall/winter is his last term


Jamie Brownlee, a contract prof in the legal department. His environmental policy analysis class was so good - he managed to make it a little less depressing with his dry humour.


Jamie is awesome!


Denise DeShaw for ASLA 1010!! Such a kind and wonderful person, you can tell that she truly truly cares about her students and showed up to class every day energetic and enthusiastic to share her language and culture with us. If you have the chance to take the intro to ASL course with Prof. DeShaw, please do!!


RJ Cova Cova. Taking linear algebra with him. He has a great enthusiasm that keeps you attentive, and he's very approachable for questions. I get the feeling from him that he wants the students to succeed which is an underrated quality in teachers.


He made MATH3705 actually quite straightforward, and fun ! I love the cova-isms


SOWK2202 with Rob Nettleton! He was so kind, helpful and so interested in what he was teaching. Really engaging guy: I hope he teaches a course again.


I am going into my 4th year of biochemistry so I have some opinions. BIOL 3104 - Owen Rowland BIOC 3101 - Will Willmore BIOC 3103, 3013, 3104 - Alexandra Pettit I hated my degree until these profs. Made such an impact on my degree. They all love what they do and make everything seem so exciting! Plus most of them use more active learning teaching styles so their classes are super interesting and engaging. 10/10 recommend


Kerry Badgley hands down, had him for an elective for Canadian politics, he's the most caring, understanding, hilarious and overall an amazing prof as well as a person. He turned those 3 hour evening lectures fun


Jason Etele forever the 🐐 for Aero - Stream D enjoyers. AERO 4442 was the best class of my degree, by far.


eric van rythoven for psci he has my <3


Cassandra Morrison, she’s a Ph.D grad from UOttawa where she then became a professor there and we stole her away🫶🏽 she’s teaches Psych2307 neuropsych part 1 which used to only be taught by Brian tansley whose class you either pass or absolutely get slaughtered by I took his class twice and absolutely failed, took Cassandra’s version and passed with an A. Love love love her and her work with Alzheimer’s


Madame Céline Bonnotte-Hoover. Best damn french professor there is! (FREN 1002 & 1100)


Ahmad Hassan for ECOR1046. He made class sooo fun to attend and I loved his way of teaching


Alberto Salazar ( LAWS 2202) The 🐐🔥


root gorelick (biol2002) was amazing!! if you ever have the chance to take a class with him, i highly recommend it. he's such an interesting guy and a super nice professor!


I was in this class last fall too and thoroughly enjoyed his teaching! Such a fantastic prof!


Tarry Ahuja, he's hilarious and easy to learn from. He really makes clear what you need to know for tests. I had him for Addiction and the 2nd year Health Psych class.


Oh I hate that man, never answers any emails unless the dean or PMC is attached and even then it takes weeks. No feedback on assignments, and when you ask he ignores you


Oh damn, I'm sorry to had a shitty experience? He was actually quite responsive for me.


It might just be a difference between summer courses and full term courses, I’ve heard amazing things about him, so I was shocked by my experience this summer term. I may try it again if my grades aren’t what I expected (over an 80 on my exams but a 46% on my assignment that I took days on, no feedback or rubric, i followed the instructions as written. So I’m stressed)


No no no no - I cant stand Tarry. I've never been so disappointed by a prof with a 5.0 ratemyprof score. Yes, he is pretty good looking, funny and an interesting lecturer but there was so much wrong with his summer 2301 course this year: -Slow to respond to some e-mails.  Ignores other e-mails. - Delegates too much to the TAs. - Parts of his lectures were CRINGE, made me feel REALLY uncomfortable. - Unclear expectations for exams and assignments.  His “YOU SHOULD KNOW THIS” clues aren’t as useful as many students seem to think. - Zero assignment feedback - students got a mark and that was it. - Takes marks off your short answer questions if you don’t put down exactly what he said in class, even if you read it in the book. - Some of his slides have sloppy, confusing mistakes on them. - Sometimes, the way he categorizes information makes no sense. - Goes on useless tangents sometimes. - Lectures for the summer course were recorded from 2018/2019. - He included some random midterm/exam questions that were not talked about in class. - Accused some students of using AI, deducted marks but didn’t tell you if you were impacted. To be fair, I can understand that some students probably cheated but so sketch that he didn't bother telling people if they were impacted. - What he says in class contradicts the textbook sometimes.


I'm bummed to hear that you and others had such a poor experience with him. I guess I was lucky to have had a positive one.


Barbara Acheson for CHEM1006!!


Homie I was in your class are you on crack


LOOL I loved her, she went above and beyond I can’t say any negatives


Paul Mezo 🐐 prof in Math


I'm heading into 3rd year bio, and so far I've found the biology department is full of wonderful, caring professors. Iain McKinnel for 1103 and Greg Bulte for 1104 were both fantastic. Root Gorelick for 2002 was an absolute joy and made me excited to go to class, even at 8:30 in the morning. Nigel Lithgo was tough, but his ecology classes were incredibly interesting and well taught. And Michael Runtz for Natural history and Natural history of Ontario. It's hard to compare with his enthusiasm!


aaron ettinger, asif hameed, mark hanvelt, steve white, melissa haussman, from the PSCI department 💗💗💗


Roz Dakin, Biological Methods and Social Evolution. A truly great professor who makes learning fascinating and never anxiety-inducing


Tamara Sorensen-Duncan and Karen Jesney from the SLALS department!!!! Loved their classes so much


professor iyas in bgins (gins4090, gins1000). Had him multiple times in my acadmeic career he is truly an inspirational professor and an icon, one of the best professors iv ever ever had, he has inspired me so much and i really look up to him!


Paul Simms 🐐- ENVE 4101