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It's called Odometer Fraud in US and it's a federal crime.


Yeah it happens but its very illegal in the EU.


I'm pretty sure that's illegal everywhere and you shouldn't do it.


I wouldn't, the main thing is for me to check the right one!


You can read the genuine mileage via obd from ecu.


[Fighting mileage fraud on used cars | Topics | European Parliament (europa.eu)](https://www.europarl.europa.eu/topics/en/article/20180525STO04312/fighting-mileage-fraud-on-used-cars#:~:text=Although%20odometer%20manipulation%20is%20currently,of%20penalties%20across%20the%20EU.)


You can check mileage off of OBD2 scanners to make sure you are not being scammed. If your country has an equivalent of an MOT (like in the UK) there are websites you can check what mileage it was at at each test. As for actually doing it. The first thing you have to do is know it's definitely illegal. And even if you live in one of those places where a piece of paper with some numbers written on it can make you not get caught. You are still being a massive cunt by doing it. And you should rot in hell.


Oh man I remember taking the old mechanical odometers apart and setting the mileage ba- I mean that's a crime, don't you even think about doing it!


not legal in pretty much all cases


Once I was troubleshooting electrical issues, and i changed a component that changed the odometer reading, essentially the one that stored it... didnt really matter as it was sold for scrap shortly afterwards (and it got rolled forward and not backwards...) So, weirdly easy to do if you know how... but dont do it.


Yeah...its a grey area. I know people do it to dial back a lease... But attempting to defraud a potential buyer , or a dealership is outright wrong. It places a bad light on and already dirty industry...its a shot in the foot because no one will pay a premium price for a car... and the person that indeed has a low mileage, well maintained, emaculate vehicle will lose on their investment. So dial away...share it with friends and watch your value plummet.


The state i live in america you are required to register and inspect your car every year. There are sources like carac that used that data to check if the mileage goes up every year and their is no random decline in mileage.


Pretty common in Europe but ofc not legal, you can do that with an obd interface and change the mileage from ECU pretty simple lol, plenty YouTube tutorials + it's possible to find out the mileages on newer gen of cars with auto transmission where it stores the automatic gearbox mileage in a different part. I had a 2016 vw Passat with the 170k odo reading and the transmission was clapped out to 690.000km lmao


690K? Jesus. Did someone take a car across Russia..... 1000 times?