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I’m not going to mindlessly hate on a reboot but I really feel like the show doesn’t need it. Not only am I pretty sure the original creator doesn’t want it, but the show itself is pretty timeless and I don’t think there is much more they can do after the movie. A lot of reboots aren’t really necessary imo and this fits into that category.


Plus it had a nice, proper ending, something most shows don't get. It was good start to finish, and best left as is


What was the ending as someone who only casually watched the show?


Pretty much the Ed's being accepted by the Cul de sac kids at the end of the movie.


Huh, I always thought the ending was finally meeting Eddy’s brother and it turns out he was a huge douche to his brother so they empathize with eddy after all this time.


Yea that's the lead up to it.


And Johnny losing his mind and becoming the new villain. Wish they had made another halloween special with him as the villain, since he took that pumpkinhead 🎃


I would like a sort of resolution to Johnny's villain time. Other than that the series is fine as it is and should be left alone. -is afraid we'll get a be cool scooby doo type reboot and no want that at all-


Ooooh gotcha!


That’s nice


Don't you mean some reboots aren't necessary. Not saying a reboot of Ed Edd N Eddy is a bad thing, but yeah I agree that this series should be left untouched since it is a timeless classic.


Ten episode continuation of them in high school. That's it. No second season. Just episodic stories with a slight connection, then end it with either prom or graduation so we can have closure.


Yeah. If anything just re air the old show. It’s less effort and money that could be used for a new, bigger project instead.


It should be left to rest no need for a reboot


The reboot is so 100% completely unnecessary that it shadows all logic.


Nah, they'd probably make it too clean and cute. 


That or the humor wouldn't translate well with an updated style. I could see it being too gross and violent, like new age SpongeBob.


Total Dramarama:


No thanks. Make something original for once. No more reboots.




This series should be left alone. It ended beautifully, with each of them growing and being rewarded with the validation and acceptance they’ve been looking for.


Not without the same artstyle and the original creators. EE&E is an all ages riot, I wouldnt want it to lose that appeal. Plus narratively it ended, they all got accepted and get to grow up. Itd have to be the same/talented writers or I would have bad faith in a continuation pesonally


I would love it but I doubt they can top the scam schemes from the original


![gif](giphy|gKkcYSsnxvCpy) # I’M HAPPY JUST WATCHING THE ORIGINAL ☺️


We don't need more reboots. We need new and fresh ideas. The only way I want to see a return to any show is if it's to continue the story, or to do it in a mature way with the original writers involved.


I’m sorry but they would definitely ruin it in the Velma fashion. Take Scooby Doo and turn it into some twisted homunculus of a great cartoon.


Burn that. Original art style or don't do it.


Is it just me or does it feel like every time an old cartoon is rebooted it gets ruined


ed edd n eddy is my favorite childhood show. if you could tell me it would come back with the same energy, humor and style, i would absolutely love it. but i think we know that would definitely not be the case, so leave it the fuck alone.


I'd hate it. Yet another IP dragged back from the dead to milk more cash from it. Soulless rehashes being so prevalent now just makes me sick. Add it to the pile.


*Confused screaming* ![gif](giphy|37QUZJhmcdhc6yVUKV)


What I say about Disney, “not everything needs a live action remake” I will say about this, “not everything needs a reboot”


Danny has said he doesn’t want to do a reboot.




I remember when reboots were for shows could actually benefit from it due to lack of realization, good ideas but bad execution or just being old as hell, and not for lack of creativity/making a quick buck


Not everything needs a reboot. This is one of those things that can do without such a thing.


No, just no.


I feel like it'd be a coin toss. The show was good because despite the cartoony antics, there was a grounding in reality. Things like the raggedy cardboard and spare part aesthetic of all of the Ed's scams, the fact that we **knew** that what the Eds were doing was wrong in a lot of ways but still enjoyed their antics, cheering equally when they got their way and when they were punished. I feel like a reboot would either lean to much into the cartoony stuff, not lean into the cartoony stuff enough, or try to make the Eds less... Ed-like. Take away Eddy's greed, Double D's organizational skills, Ed's entertaining stupidity, things like that. (Just had the mental image of Ed acting like modern Patrick) Or worse, in an attempt to please Moral Guardians, alter the entire dynamic of the group and keep them from doing scams in the first place. I guess the main question for me is: Could they get away with an episode like "One + One = Ed" today? If yes, I'd say let them try. If no, let the Eds and the Cul-de-sac rest.


Maybe if it was like... them in highschool dealing with the mishaps of becoming an adult or college life. Ed learning to be a chef, veterinarian, or zoo keeper; Double Dee getting some sort of science degree as a scientist, doctor, or something with NASA (or even a teacher!); and Eddy trying to figure out who he is. Maybe he'll do some bitcoin stuff, maybe he'll get into legal trouble, or maybe he'll end up being a Criminal Defense Attorney, giving people like him a second chance at life. Showing the world that you can't judge a book by its cover, that if you give someone a chance to be something great, they can. But if you snuff the flame before it can spark, they'll believe they can only be one thing: a bad person.


There’s very few CN shows that actually need or would be better with a reboot and 99% of the shows that do are the action shows they never finished.


The show doesn't need one. It ended perfectly


Hard pass


Doesn't need one.


Please no. Please keep it sacred.




If it’s a cheap cash grab trying to use nostalgia as the only thing you would watch the show for, I would riot


I’d rather [Peach Creek](https://youtu.be/9edcb2WIsIQ?si=FyaJb3yAeoGVP4_4) be made honestly


I saw both episode 1 and the preview for episode 2 when they dropped I agree it would be dope and more mature tone would be dope


Had to scroll way to far to find this!!


All reboots are trash but this Reboot would be interesting


The show doesn’t need it, but if a show came out that brought the idea to modern audiences, that would be cool. Essentially a show that is inspired by Ed, Edd, & Eddy, but not a direct reboot.


If it does happen it’s probably gonna use gen z humor


If they did a series in the future rather than a reboot, I'd be all aboard it, especially if it had the original creators, but I think a reboot would be a waste and bad idea


No way in hell, will literally have the same Steven Universe animation like every other mid show on current CN


I'm hanging myself with this one


Nope, the art style would just feel off if they used anything other than the original


Left Picture: Ed, Edd and Eddy Right Picture: Doug, Dougg and Douglas




If they WERE to reboot the show, it’d better at least have Antonucci’s involvement.


As long as it keeps the same goofy and edgy comedy as the original idea watch it


If it did i don’t want it to look smooth. I want the squiggly lines that make the character stand out


As much as I love the show and the idea of more of it excites me, the truth is I'm almost certain that it's more likely for a reboot to do more harm than good to the memory. I believe the time something was created in/for is a big part of what makes it good. A reboot would probably end up falling into the same tropes, problems etc that current shows do. Not to say that shows now aren't good, or that there aren't exceptions to this but it is a legitimate concern. If they want to keep doing ed edd n eddy stuff I think a spinoff or something. Maybe age em up or whatever I don't know but a full reboot of the original would have me skeptical


Geez that sounds like ass




Nah, they will add the stupid things using the excuse "This is what kids like" or "Is not for the older fans" and other excuses. I don't think Danny will accept an reboot knowing that he can't use the same adult jokes, he will have to turn Eddy in something else because the parents will cry about Eddy teaching kids how to scam. Ed Edd n Eddy, Courage, Megas XLR and others don't need an reboot, they need an return without changes. Beavis and Buttheat work well eve now because Mike Judge keep their stupidity in these modern times, only adapt the jokes to what we have


Not if they use that art style.


the humor of the show would 100% be changed to fit into todays standards which is probably the worst thing that could happen if there is a reboot. Ed Edd and Eddy is one of my childhood shows so it wouldnt be the same if the people making the reboot are trying to be safe but thats just my opinion.


No the show had a perfect ending plus a lot of good Cartoon Network shows dont need reboots but I'm sure they'll get some.


Don't you dare touch my childhood




Not with that generic art style.




Hell no


Not in that art style


As long as it wasn’t political and message spamming. Just 3 guys hanging out trying to get some jaw breakers. Yeah


Meh... doesn't need it IMO 😗


Don't you dare!


anyone else getting Ed Edd and Eddy Childhood episode vibes from this?


Well I want if the creator of ed edd n eddy involved in this reboot


Ed Edd n' Eddy should keep their happy ending. After the movie, they made friends, Eddy stood up to his older brother, Edd finally understood Eddy and his weakness, and Ed stayed Ed. Perfect ending for a timeless cartoon.


I would love for a continuation of the show, the series helped me out through a Hell Hole my family was in, we’re in a bigger Hell Hole now and would love to have the series back 1 more time to get me though this one.


No, modern day would probably mess something up.


I’m all for it. I’m at a stage in my life where I welcome reboots and change. Give the future generation a chance to appreciate a revamped version of the classics we grew up on. [+]


I don't think the traditional Ed, Edd, and Eddy plot would work today. Plus the art style seems super sanitized for what was a rather openly sleezy show. I mean, it was a show about scamming locals out of their allowance so a group of friends could get candy. Sure, the hijinks were creative at times, but it would be a hard premise to sell today. TTG was an abysmal reboot, but Teen Titans at the core is about fighting villians with a certain cast. Fighting villainous evil doers is not a hard plot to sell.


No. Just no. Please


No. Leave them be.


I wouldn’t mind, I miss the trio anyway


today is the day i realized ed edd and eddy were built like duncan from total drama


No point. Reboots are good for shows with an overarching plot, I think. Ed Edd n Eddy was more of a gag show where the appeal was the fantastic style (extreme key poses and boiling lines), sound design, colors. That’s like, the MAGIC that made this show so popular. A reboot that looks like every other show today would be the worst. (As cute as that fanart up top is.)


Imo it doesn't need a reboot as the movie was a perfect ending to the show. Tho I'd love a all grown up style spin off like an official Peach Creek


Cute! No.


I'd love it


Nope. Never. Just let the story go. Companies need to just be original or stop gatekeeping and let people with new ideas in.


NO. The show ended perfectly. Leave it to it's well deserved rest.


“If they touch Ed Edd n’ Eddy there will be problems.” - a random youtube comment


The depends: do the people in charge of the *Teen Titans* reboot have anything to do with it?


Please no


I would initiate world war 3 and hope fallout becomes a reality


The reboot with them as older teens/young adults has potential. A straight reboot of the series is not needed.


As much as I would love more of this show, its ending was perfect.


Thanks, I hate it. Honestly I get that the Kankers don't age well. And that the show has a mean streak. But the show is 25 years old! You gotta either accept that and acknowledge that some aspects of it "wouldn't work today" or you watch something else. Plus Danny would never let this happen anyway so why do we still entertain this idea? Before we even think about a reboot we should get an official release of the 3 holiday specials and the movie


Nope. . . Not gonna stand for the Ed boys to be done like they did my Teen Titans. . .


The Big Picture Show was a great ending and allowed the show to end on a high note. It's so very rare shows do that so I'd rather they left it's legacy intact and we get something new instead. 


If they don't change the design too drastically and they stick to those early 2000s jokes and references only adults could get, then yeah




It doesn’t need a reboot but I feel like they could use the characters as essentially guest characters for other shows


I don't think it'll do the show justice


The only way I'd take a reboot is if the art characteristics were done in the same style where the outline remaind on different ends and the humor was still there from when it debuted. As in the humor a lot of shows could never get away with anymore was brought back.


No. With the way things are now I don’t trust them to do a reboot justice. Either it will be soulless nostalgia bait or it will be a ‘reimagining’ that just uses the IP to reskin a random pitch that doesn’t have the legs to stand on its own


May as well change your name to PBS from there 😂


idk i think we need to start letting sleeping dogs lie it was such an amazing show and i think it just needs to be left alone, not everything needs a reboot and i think channels like cartoon network would be in a better place if they put the same amount of effort into creating new works instead of giving reboots to things that dont really need one


TBH, that fan made short of them being grown, *Peach Creek*, was really good. I wouldn’t mind more of that than basically a reboot. More continuity, less reclamation.


You leave this gem alone!


whoever made this gave too much credit to the animators they’re parodying cause these are actually decent character designs, no bean mouths or static posture


May this never reach the light


i want it to be styled like in the peachcreek series on yt have the series be a timeskip of the caste as teenagers


Do. Not.


Ed needs to be wall-eyed no matter what. That said, it was such a singularly weird show I don’t think a reboot makes sense without the original creators involved and full of ideas for it. I could see a sequel series featuring the cul de sac’s next generation of kids working better though.


Don't you dare touch those boys with the Cal-Arts style.


I’ll only hate on the reboot if that’s the art style they go with


Give another shot to Clarence instead. Ed Edd n Eddy was perfect and has the closure most shows aren't afforded.


Not in THAT design, if they reboot it, I pray that they uses the same art style


I think a reboot that took to more story would be welcomed in this day and age. Like the series finale was so good because the episodic nature of it always had the through line of Eddy's brother is cool, only to find out the truth. If they handled it with a good enough writing team I think it could be great


when people ask for a show to come back they would be more than happy with re runs of the episodes we’ve already grown up with and love. not a whole remake of an already existing show because things WILL be changed in comparison with the original this always happens with remakes and then everyone complains and simultaneously keeps watching it


I would mind a reboot but please don't iron them, they stay better wrinkled


Yes please, 100% but with (obviously) everyone involved


![gif](giphy|13cXQYDrCrdFU4|downsized) Except it’s the canker and one of the Ed’s is screaming the gif


Wasn't Eddy's voice actor blacklisted from the VA community for wanting to get better pay? The show would not be the same without Eddy.


The only way I'd be up for that is if it was like the Ducktales one. But I personally don't believe we need one. My nephew actually likes watching this series too.


Hell no. Not another clean, round reboot. Let good shows Rest In Peace.


A show reboot? Maybe not, but I'd definitely follow a comic series on them :)


Idk your reboots scare me, teen titans go was a mistake man.


ABSOLUTELY NOT. I love this show, I grew up with it and it still holds up, the ending was amazing too. Please, don't let this show have the same fate as The Simpsons. Just let it be, and be happy rewatching the original.


Never watched the og, but I would definitely watch a reboot


Poorly. The Ed's will all be gay or bi. Naz would be a lesbian who is in love with the cankers who are also lesbians and not sisters in this version.


Only if it's written and voiced by the same people.


Cringe every time I see the rightside artwork. Too clean and bland. The OG art style was perfect


This almost looks like it was drawn by Cas Van de Pol.


Not with that art style.


I would be angry, you already ruined Foster's by making it a pre-school show, and sadly most of the viewership is adults who have big nostalgia centers in their brains 🙃


I would hate it but I would hope the art style stayed the same. One of the most nostalgic shows of my childhood because it’s the one I can remember the most of I suppose


Nah, let it rest. I’m quite sure Danny confirmed there’ll be no reboot anyway since he says the characters had their story told.


Not like that man. They had a really cool style of animation that I feel like fits their episodes very well. I’m not hating on that animation in general, but not for these fellas


Not with that “clean” art style. Everything is so clean these days. Can’t we go back to how the shows were drawn back in the 90s/early 2000s?




No. It’s should be left alone


Nope. It's not gonna happen. Leave the originals alone.


The only type of reboot I'd want is a limited 8 to 10 episode run of the guys in college on adult swim with a little more adult vibe. I just hope they would keep it away from stoner comedy.


Nah leave em be. Ed, Edd n Eddy were based off of old cartoon slapstick violence and i dont think modern artstyles or mindsets could do it justice.


Much rather them have made an adult swim version as them as adults since most people who grew up watching it are adults now but not gonna hate till I see it tho it didn’t really need a reboot it was fine as is


\*insert Gandalf quote here\*




Will it be them in High School Finally? Because I waited years for them to get a time skip outfit change I can't go back to the original look. They need their Jackets


Most of what made the original run so good would not be allowed today, mainly the over-the-top slapstick. An EEnE reboot would be so toned down that it wouldn't really be worth it.


No way! The original is pure gold and I hate to see the characters I have grown to admire be leveled down to being stupid or annoying.


Now I would like to see a continuation of Johnnys’ villain phase from the end credits scene… other than that, I don’t think a reboot is needed.


Oh hell naw not if they look like that They have to be the same as before or nothing at all tbh