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Make them wait…if there’s no one in the kitchen and no one else there close the kitchen and take your break. People will be mad but fuck em they’ll survive 30 minutes without their precious pizza. As for the quitting? Go for it. They can’t sue you for quitting because you’re being abused as an employee hell i wouldn’t even tell them just walk the fuck out if they really treat you like that.


I just worry because of the employee contract saying I would need to pay fees for either a transfer employee or the overtime someone else would be doing but they take so much of my money every time I eat on shift(or try to, usually not even enough of a gap to eat a small pizza) I don't even know if I could pay any of said fees.


how long have you been working there? That sounds like the most fearmongering shit i’ve ever seen lmao. My store has seen like 3 or 4 people disappear overnight out of nowhere in the time i’ve been there and i’ve only been there 3 months i think and my manager says it’s pretty average turnover for our store I really don’t think you have anything to be scared of you just maybe need to stand up for yourself and call your bosses out on this bullying. I’m not an avid redditor so i don’t have a bunch of links to give you but this seems like something you could give to a labor department or something…or honestly quit cause as far as i’ve seen casey’s HR don’t give a fuck about no one lol


I have been there for at most a month with little to no training. Most people there have been there for years but anyone else that's new has the same issues I'm having.


Take money? Fees? That's illegal as hell. If you eat on shift and have no breaks you can sue. I'm holding that in my back pocket rn.


"California and December 31, 2019. In the event that Executive terminates his employment other than for Good Reason the Company terminates Executive's employment for Cause, in each case, on or prior to the first anniversary of the Effective Date, Executive shall be required to reimburse the Company for the Relocation Payment within ninety (90) days following such termination." I could be misunderstanding this part of the employee contract but I'm not sure tho.


You're not an executive


1. Are you an executive? 2. Did they pay to relocate you? Are you on salary? 3. If the answer to the above 2 questions is No, then this does not apply to you. If you were salary and signed and employment contract, yes this would probably change things. However how you describe your work/working environment leads me to believe that that is not the case.


Alright I was dyslexic read it as employee for some reason instead of executive 💀 thank you for clarifying


lol its ok. i was v confused when you brought it up cuz i've NEVER met upper management that worked in a kitchen at Caseys lol.


If they require you to clock out for a break then go sit in your car, out in the sidewalk, the back stock room, anything that gets you away from everything. Change OMS promise times to an hour out so you have 30 minutes for your break and 30 minutes to get the order ready once you come back. Have your warmer stocked before you leave. Make a sign that says something to the effect of “Pizza Maker on break. Orders can be placed via the automated phone system, the app or at the register. Back in 30 minutes.” If your manager says you have an order, blah blah, tell them you’re on your break and you’ll make it when you come back or they can fill in for you while you’re gone. It is not illegal to not offer breaks in some states, some states it is illegal so that depends on where you’re located. It is however illegal to ASK someone to work while they’re clocked out. If you do it without being asked you’re still entitled to the money for the time you worked but it wouldn’t be illegal because nobody representing Casey’s asked you to. Hope this helped.


I've been told before I'm not allowed to adjust the wait times past 25 minutes by the manager which has been my main issue when it comes to having breaks. We're the main location in a small town with A speedway and average 40-50 orders between 4-8pm almost daily so if anything I'll just come back to 20 pizzas needing to be made in a hurry since that's the time I'm supposed to clock out. a break is useless 2 hours after you get on shift and if I take one 2 hours before I leave it would be just making me stay later since any time after about 4 5pm I'm constantly needing to clean do garbage or make orders and if I have a spare second that's when I finally have an opening to make a warmer that's been needing to be made for over an hour. It's a poorly run and overwhelming location imo and I can't even have a requested day off because I'm the only one there really keeping the place clean and stocked half the time and they know that so they schedule me as frequently as they can without it being full time.


saying this as someone who worked at caseys for almost 8yrs. YOU DO NOT OWE THEM SHIT. they are not entitled to your time, and if you are scheduled to be off, you do NOT need to come in. You cannot get in trouble for quitting w/o notice, and THEY can get ion trouble for not letting you take a 30 (in some states) or for requiring you to work off the clock (in all states, and goes against company policy) if your manager insists get their request in writing, or txt them and ask for clarification/confirmation so that you have a paper trail for HR or legal purposes. If you are on break someone else needs to cover. point blank. thats a them problem not a you problem. in addition you are entitled to that employee discount when on the clock. it may apply only to certain things, but if what you want is covered, you should be able to get it. also depending on the state, if you work full time hours more than i think 2/3 weeks in a row you are entitled to full time benefits.


I wanna ask as someone that worked at a Casey's how bad would it be for me to quit when there's only two other people scheduled for today. At work rn and yet again left with a sink full of dishes, infact piling out of the sink and onto the floor, that aren't mine, the line completely needed to be restocked when I got here, and when I said I'm about ready to quit my coworker pointed at me and said "no your not! I've been here since x time and you gotta be here there's nobody for kitchen" and when I asked about dishes "that's your problem" and left the kitchen with all the warmers needing to be redone the second I clocked in basically. This is getting ridiculous but I don't want to really piss anyone off since it's one of the only restaurants in town.


you have to weigh your odds of getting another job, with your desire to not burn this bridge. They cannot require you to keep working. If you want to quit. You can. However, if you're worried abt not being able to work at Casey's ever again, id say dont worry. Generally you wont be eligible for rehire for 6mos to a year. and if they are that desperate for people (as i know most caseys to be) then they wont think too hard abt rehiring you after that time period, should you need it. As far as your coworker saying you cant quit. lmao thats a them problem and the manager problem tbh. it doesnt matter how long they've worked. Yes they are allowed to leave at the time they are scheduled to leave. However if no one is coming in to cover, thats the SM and Assistant managers' problem. Maybe the DM if you're sufficiently short staffed. They cant require you to cover, they cant force you to stay over, they cant make you work when clocked out. You could also try reporting this to your state's labor board and request assistance.


Yup! It comes down to whether or not you want/can find a different job and if you can survive without one for a little while. But definitely sounds like you should find someplace else.


Who actually told you, you would have to pay fees for leaving them high and dry? Lol no. THATS illegal af and no where stated in the Casey's employee handbook. Coming from a former manager. This job isn't worth all you're giving it. Especially with little to nothing in return.


As a former Casey’s cook, leave your job it’s not worth it. Better opportunities out there. My coworker had enough of the store’s manger’s shit. Walked to the front of the store, threw his shirt on the ground and yelled I fucking quit and walked out. I left 2 weeks after him. There’s a reason why Casey’s has a high turnover rate.


Might take inspiration from your coworker next time I work if they can't transfer me while I look for a new job especially if one of the shitty managers is working. Our store is half managers and only one is nice the rest suck.


Previous manager/1st assistant at Casey's. You can change the promise times as high as you want. I used to have team members try to get by setting it to 60 minutes for one order cuz they didn't feel like working. As for the quitting on the spot? I quit on a truck day halfway through the shift because my ability to care about the place with them taking advantage of me from the second i had become the SM. (Imagine 145 hours in a 2 week period and expecting me to do even more on top of that) They cannot make you pay anything or whatever else they threaten. My suggestion is to find out who your HR rep is and bring it up with them that they are having you work off the clock as well if you dont get to clock back in. If you are taking a 15 minute break you shouldn't have to clock out. 30 min yes, but as others have said I would leave the building/the lot completely because they legally can't tell you what to do when you are off the clock for your break


I never bother to clock out for my breaks honestly no matter how much they tell me to because they're never as long as it's scheduled for, and I don't clock out till I'm out the door so it's not off the clock but I'm only scheduled till 10pm most days and a majority of the time I'm here till 11 because the next person to come in will hand me her dishes as they're made like pan fresh out of the oven as I'm finishing mine. I don't care if I'm in late for my own work but when it starts to bleed into doing night shift stuff too it's a little ridiculous in my opinion.


Yeah I remember those days well. Used to have a midshift worker who would make a crapton of cookies and hide them so she didn't have to package them and then conveniently remember them after she clocked out so the night shift workers got stuck. Latest I ever got out of the building was 1 am with us closing at 11pm


35 hours is full time hours and you’ll get full benefits.


Well apparently not I'm only getting discounts when lucky if I'm on shift with the right people.


And you can quit at anytime. You won’t get sued. But I would start with having a conversation with your manager and then go to your DM if it doesn’t get resolved.


My store threw me on the registers for opening without training. I tried to call management and ask how to turn on the pumps but no one answered. When the store manager finally did arrive I turned in my badge and congratulated him on becoming the new opener.


You guys have breaks? Wow. We have to smoke, bathroom, and eat while serving customers. Sucks.


That's what I mean is we're supposed to but they don't give them tho. they still ask me to clock out but I just don't clock out because the breaks are if I'm lucky I can get a bite or two of some bread sticks I still had to pay full amount for even tho it was a mess up on an order or whatever bc of how busy it is all the time