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NO !! NO. !! There are multiple types of alcohols. Most poisonous. Only drinkable versions considered. Reports are takes more injections but eventually dies the job. Typically 3 cc per nut per session according to reports. Stick to Everclear. Or vodka. No gin


#Never! Hell, I wouldn't even use gin; you could end up with a lifelong allergy to juniper, and I like martinis too much to risk that. :) Vodka or Everclear are the best choices, unless you're going to use mineral salts like calcium chloride, which is relatively well supported in veterinary medicine. Zinc gluconate (neutersol / esterilsol / zeuterin) is a little trickier, and as far as I know has only ever been used once in a human, and had nasty side effects requiring hospitalization the day after. Still, injections are dangerous; don't overdo it or you'll end up with alcohol poisoning! You might also see denatured ethanol in hardware stores. In this case, "denatured" means "we added poison" so don't **dare** use that stuff either.


Fair enough. So is it the wrong type of alcohol then. Best stick to vodka or gin as first go


No rubbing alcohol it will kill you not the same stuff




Only if you have a deathwish


It can cause blindness.


Umm no. If I can't just drink it then no im not injecting it. But from what I here a drinking alcohol that has no flavors in it is good enough. Thats why Everclear is so good. Vodka does the trick too after searching the subreddit.