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I can only attempt to put myself in the mindset of someone locked up, but you got nothing but time to think, and think some more. Something like this, if he didn't have internet access, could be that one thing that just happened to stick in his mind.


He did have internet access. Just not the privileges to search flight MH370 up. Funny though, through all he’s been through in jail, his first real question to me besides the where’s/why’s regarding family, he would ask about that damn plane that went missing a decade ago.


I kinda of get it.  It is like if you got put away while the Titan/Titanic thing happened and you never heard they died. It was such a big story and if you got put away before it was resolved it would be in the back of your mind.


Prison, not jail.


A brain worm


Sounds like your friend is "stuck in time." I had a friend who went to juv when we where in 8th grade, he got out about 15 years later, tracked me down and he really thought everything was still the same as the day before he went in like nobody moved on with their lives.


15 years in juvie?! Bro what the hell did he do?


Stole an anti-aging serum. They kept denying parole cuz he never got old enough to be released.


Hahahaha omg I *almost* fell for that


Slick, man, very slick...


Slick, sliding away…


Jesus Christ. RED ALERT, RED ALERT! Sneaky delivery of an ear bug! Here, you earned this... 🌠💥🌌💥🌠💥🌌🏆🏅🏆🏅🏆🏅


Something bad enough for his sentence to continue as an adult. He probably went to juvie as a minor, since putting a minor in genpop is PROBABLY a bad idea. After he became of age, they would've moved him to normal prison.


It started off small and escalated over the years with fights and infractions.




English criminal Charlie bronson has been in for decades more that he originally should have been. Just kept doing shit in prison to keep him in longer. It happens


Oh, yeah that makes sense. Pretty impressive to know that case off the top of your head though, no?


He's very famous in the uk. His first conviction was 7 years for armed robbery and he ended up serving 13 ueats (that was in 1976) he got out for a few years and then went back in for another robbery and is now doing life.


I have heard on True Crime vids of Youth Detention Centres where inmates stay until 25. I can't remember though if it was America or England, but the idea made a lot of sense to me.


Dude said 10 years.


HOLY FUCK that was 10 years ago? I still remember going on that website that mapped out part of the ocean and had people volunteer time to look through the tiles for debris


Yep i aint that old but remember when it happened. And yes its been 10 years bc i was 9 or 10 back then.


Don’t prisons get tv and internet ?


I did ask him this. They did have the “internet” but it was nothing more than a couple of computers that were very restricted in what they could do. He told me that he could use them under supervision but he couldn’t just log onto google and search stuff up. He told me that he didn’t bother to ask the guards, as apparently the guards often refused to chit-chat with the inmates in fear of getting too close with them.


What could they do with the internet access though?


It was probably a form of intranet.


Inmates use the internet to check their prison email. And they can send prison emails too.


Doesn't mean he'd have the opportunity to look up something so specific.


He could have asked a guard.


Or, did nobody visit him in jail?




Why not it’s not like he has to do anything else in 10 years and if he is so interested in it why wouldn’t he All they do is pull each other off 24/7


No, basic cable and no internet.


Cable is provided if you have a tv and internet is available in state prisons and in the feds. A friend of ours was in the feds for 7 years and he would be on fb occasionally.


I’m a former corrections officer. Federal prison does not have internet. They are able to use a tablet that has email access. They do sneak in phones and use that. You can just google if your friend was illegally using the internet in prison. We use to have a hell of a time searching for the cell phones. They were getting on Facebook to get pictures of the COs to black mail for drugs and sex. It worked with a few of the younger girls. There are only a few, something like 40 out of the over 1500 prisons we have that are allowed super restricted internet for educational purposes.


What kind of pictures on fb could they possibly use to blackmail


I didn’t see them, I only heard what they had. Several women were posting sexual pics in their uniform coats and just the shirts. I think it was more of a”do this or we’re selling your pics” which they did do to one woman. The sexual harassment working in a men’s prison is severe. It’s also very easy to blackmail a CO that is sneaky or has done something wrong. You slip once they’re going to make sure you do it again. The pics were used as leverage. Several offenders were transferred to higher level prisons over it.


Yes- the courts have ruled that inmates have a constitutional right to access to information


Well evidently some prisons have internet that allows access to dating websites - Life After Lockup.


This is crazy to me but I saw it myself. Not only a dating site but a site that is specifically made for incarcerated women to find men to be released to when they get out. My niece was on one. It was called something stupid like “caged babes” or “babes behind bars”. Something along those lines. I remember thinking that (1) someone would be crazy to answer the ad and (2) why are they given access to this. Its almost like they’re planning their next crime.


Yes the current season there’s one inmate who even has access to his outside gfs security cameras and watches them all day. & latest episode he had to sell his cell so when he gets out he won’t get caught with it. The only reason I would think he’s so vocal about it on tv is because I once filmed for true life (didn’t air cause my mom wouldn’t sign the waiver for the minor kids and the episode was about too many siblings) and we threw a party we asked if we would get in trouble if anyone under 21 (we were all around that age but wanted to be cautious) was drinking and they said no technically since it’s not present time they can’t get in trouble I forgot the legality terms the producers used


This reminds me of being at the DMV last year. The guy standing behind me had a phone alarm start going off and it was loud. He starts apologizing excessively to other people in the room and saying "I don't know how to work this darn thing". I asked if he needed a hand and I helped him get the alarm off. He explains to me he just got out of prison after being in for 15 years. So he'd never actually used a smartphone before a couple days ago. So he had less smartphone know how than your average grandmother despite being about 40.


We grandmas do fine, thx.


Will you be my grandma?




Thanks 🧡


Thank you very much. 😳😳😳


Wow your friend is really invested in this disappearance, I mean I am in the same boat because since I watched a youtube video about it I started searching for more details about it.




yeah bro, lemino's videos are so freakin good like the quality is top notch that's why I like watching his youtube videos. The best one is the dyatlov pass incident.


Well they found some debris on a beach.


Yeah they found a lot of stuff that helps indicate where it went down and some locals, fishermen etc claim they witnessed the crash, or events leading to it. Made me think of the HMS Terror, when experts went searching for it, the Inuit tribespeople all knew where it was for decades but the various expeditions ignored them. However, with Flight 370 I think the reports of eyewitnesses and the debris are certainly factored into the investigation, and unlike the Terror instead of it being elitism by the experts, it's more likely to be the press/TV networks keeping it going as a mystery as unfortunately, until authorities can close the case officially and sign off on a definitive reason, it's technically still unsolved. Realistically though, I think they have a pretty good idea of what happened.


Funny first thing my school mate asked me was about after getting out of prison I think he was in about 13-14 year's was about his then GF. I'm thinking she's now married, 2-3 children, about 20-30 lbs since l seen her with my bro. I asked him when was last time you talked to her, it was night before he went to court and got locked up. I didn't have the heart to break it to him, just then the door bell rings, guess who it was, her, with kids in tow.


I need more details.


My buddy Mother suggested she inform my buddy about her new life, and her oldest son, turns out she had just got pregnant prior to my buddy getting locked up, it was his son. He took the news positive, to this day has been a good father. Hasn't been back in prison, working hard as a forklift operator/warehouse manager.


That’s really good to hear.


I mean in prison there really isn't much interesting going on, so he probably spent a lot of time wondering about mh370, probably the most exciting thing that happened in prison


Similar situation happened with my uncle. My uncle was in prison for about 6 years, so he went to prison when I was in middle and was released towards the end of my senior year of high school. When we went to the store with him and he was looking for an iPod, so he could listen to some music. I had to tell him that iPods basically no longer exist and that everything is on the smart phone haha.


Had a cousin that spent years behind bars and missed the whole advent of smartphones too. He had heard about them but had never seen one. We were well into iPhone X by the time he got out


Based on a couple of videos I've watched on the situation, the most likely cause is just...the captain purposely flying out over the Indian ocean and crashing it. They found the exact path he took on his flight sim. And there are a number of factors that point to purposeful actions taken by the captain to keep the plane "hidden". And the Indian ocean, for lack of a better term, is fucking huge lol. Pieces of the plane have been found, but the body of it remains missing. Just goes to show how much ocean is out there.


Still the best video summing it up: https://youtu.be/kd2KEHvK-q8?si=QCOK9lOYiXo7zIXP


thank you !


the world was so different 10 years ago… i need his reaction to politics and just the current state of the world lmao


He seems indifferent to it all. He’s old enough to have been an adult during the turn of the century, he’s seen a lot. Funnily enough, the two things that shocked him the most were flight MH370, and the death of Matthew Perry.


wtf, Matthew Perry died?!


Does he know of ChatGPT and Midjourney/Dall-e all that?


I'm feeling the same way. Does he think people still use selfie sticks all the time? That everyone is saying "totes magotes" instead of yes? Bound to be a load of new memes (social ones, not the computer image ones) that he needs to catch up on. It's actually fascinating.


I remember when they found a big piece on a beach and when asked how they knew it was from MH270, the NTSB said “because no other plane is missing that part.”


Stay away from the subreddit about it. It's a cesspool.


have him follow the mh370 subreddit and go nuts reading everything posted for a decade


Holy shit was that ten years ago???


i believe it.. my best friend is getting out of prison this july after being in there since 2015. im wondering about things he’ll remember but i forgot. we’ve been in contact almost the whole time, thankfully, but before contact he thought everyone was still friends with each other and we all still lived in the same place, but so much has changed since then i had to fill him in. (we were 18/19 and now 27/28) crazy stuff


Oh man, that last line made me realize how long ago 2015 was 😳


I have a friend who works on submarines for the navy. A couple years ago, he was deployed and was working underwater for several months. When he and his crew finally resurfaced, they were surprised and confused to find that everyone on land was now wearing face masks.


Bro missed an entire pandemic




Take your time with him and go slow. Adjusting to civilian life can be difficult especially after so much time. Best of luck to you both the future is bright ahead of yall!


Couldn't he ask you on the phone?


Wait til you tell him about the submarine implosion 


He is awaken , i honor him for such awaken on time


They’ve found parts of it, just not the whole plane


Wow, that must have been a lot to take in for your friend after being away for so long. It's understandable that he would be surprised by the news about the missing Malaysian airplane. It's a reminder of how much the world can change during a decade.


There were 2 missing


I found out my uncle and his family was supposed to be on that second plane.. until they rebooked for the next flight because of some timing issues. A senior of mine in university was unfortunately on it though. It was a crazy time to lose those two planes, where the families still don’t have proper closure to this day.


Well not really. Nobody missed the other one. It was shot down by either Ukrainian separatists or Russian forces.


I mean it's ok to say Russia did it. Literally, every official investigation on came out saying it was Russia no need to muddy the water.


You're right. I hadn't really remembered. I knew it was definitely Russian equipment, but not much more than that for sure.


A lot of people on that plane shot down were from the Netherlands, which has steadfastly supported Ukraine ever since.


Thankfully, there are some stellar videos on it on YouTube. If he’s allowed to access the internet, he’ll have a whole rabbit hole of brand new information to get lost in.


Haha once he’s settled I’m sure he’ll look forward to tying some loose ends.


I’m not going to lie, I love a good mystery and conspiracy. I gorged myself on MH370 stuff after the Netflix doc said that most of the found wreckage has been found by one, unrelated guy 😂 It also led me to a stellar podcast/channel called Mentaur Pilot. The guy is a pilot and does a lot of deep dives into aviation. It’s wildly informative and really interesting stuff.


How is he finding it with the advancement in tech? Like how fast smartphones connect to the internet now, how video chat is so common, how we have landed on Mars, how AI is developing and increasingly used, or even how so many people use Tiktok and a lot less use Facebook? I'm so curious with how he views all this changes after being stuck in time in a way!


I can only imagine how someone in confinement might think, with ample time for thoughts to linger. Without internet access, this could stick in their mind.


Tell him to watch the Netflix docu on it, it explains 4 likely theories👀


I gave up on it the day I watched the documentary. Lol Hella sad, and fucking crazy.


They have news in jail.


If he’s missing 15 years of news you can make anything up


News still gets around in jail, was he in Alcatraz or smth lol


I was sentenced to 51 months for a bar fight. I had a previous drama with a guy who tried to blow me up while asleep 😴 inside my RV. Yes, it was over a woman. Lol Anyway, when I came home, the iPhone had the facial recognition, and I was so shocked, and then the phone was waterproof as well from what I was told. I was blown away by how far technology came. Luckily, I wasn't blown up the night he threw the cocktail bomb under my RV because he cut the wrong line🤣 and he calls himself a mechanic!! My journey taught me a lot, and I lost a lot. Rip dad... I let anger get the best of me, Since then, I have worked on that, and things are going better. This week. I just had to say goodbye to my mother. And I am very fortunate to be out here to say my goodbyes because with my dad. I was not able to do that. I hope your friend controls himself and Assesses he people he might hang out with before he does. Take me slow is my best advise. Because it only takes one mess up to go back for another decade.


I just went through all the documentaries on it after asking myself that question.


Come on I worked as a corrections officer for over 13 years. Just because he was locked up he still had access to TV and internet. Also he could have asked a family member or friend by way of a letter or phone call what he wanted to know. I had inmates ask me about things and I would google it for them.


ayo, send him back!


My ex- spent about 5 years in prison from 2011-2016 (my dumb ass stayed with her, I was young and stupid and in love and I will not make at least two of those mistakes again!) In Year 4 things that she told me she needed or was looking forward to…. -Asked me to Mapquest directions to the prison and print them out for her sister (by this point GPS was common place on cell phones.) -Said she was looking forward to Red Box DVD rentals (when I explained NetFlix to her she thought I was speaking Japanese.) -Requested an MP3 player and didn’t understand that she could just stream what she wanted from her phone. (more Japanese.) -Asked what version of Windows we were on when it became clear technology had advanced fairly significantly. -Requested a Point and Shoot camera (was amazed when she got an iPhone and saw the quality of photos she could take with it.) It took her about 6 months to catch up to technology.


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Some people just hook onto things for something to look forward too