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You may have ADHD


it is the biggest problem i face because i've been having a caffeine drink every morning for.... 10+ years and it usually is fine but if i wnt more energy i instinctively go for a second one - and know damn well the second one will make me MORE tired. but i always do it because my little insect brain is convinced this time it will be different. but no the second drink makes me sleepy. but there is a magic that it makes me sleepy but if i drink it at the wrong time of day i still cant sleep so its truly the worst of both worlds šŸ„“


I'm the same. If I have coffee in the afternoon it will make me want a nap, but if I've had too much during the day, I won't sleep at night. It never gives me energy or focus, it just makes me distracted. One thing I have learned is that if I have cake or biscuits with coffee I will be even more sleepy.Ā 


Cake and biscuits are carb heavy so no wonder it makes you even more sleepy.


ADHD here. First moka pot, so good. If I have a second moka, it will put me down for a 3-hour sleep.


Lol I feel thatšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Same going for my second cup now


>and know damn well the second one will make me MORE tired. but i always do it because my little insect brain is convinced this time it will be different. but no the second drink makes me sleepy. [This time... it shall be different!](https://youtu.be/6TMOMTtAMBI) >!Sorry, this is the first thing that popped into my head.!<


Same wtf is there a scientific explanation for it because it's so weird šŸ˜­


I have to assume thereā€™s a real reason but I have done 0 research and just drink that second drink like an idiot every time šŸ˜‚


This is how I learned I had adhd at 31. Went to a new Psychiatrist for anxiety, we talked for an hour, and the last questions were ā€œHow many Red Bulls do you have a day? Really? That many and they donā€™t work? Hereā€™s an adderall prescription, congratulations on your ADHD diagnosis.ā€ I had absolutely *zero* idea I had ADHD. Adderall absolutely changed my life in ways I canā€™t even put into words. OP go schedule a consultation with a psychiatrist and just talk for an hour. You might learn some life changing stuff lol


I have a high amount of diagnosed neurodiversity in my family with a hell of a lot of ADHD.. we are all coffee fiends with nearly zero impact on us. My working theory is that it's acting like Adderall light ..


This wasn't how I learned, but I noticed in my late-20s that I'd get very tired around 1. I tried everything, from skipping lunches to drinking *more* coffee to adding in supplements. By my early 30s, I realized it happened after I'd drink coffee. But by then I'd invested so much time and money into my coffee hobby... Well, I ultimately decided to give it up, because I was nodding off in the middle of the day. I wasn't tired anymore but I did have a much harder time focusing, which made my ADHD symptoms worse, and eventually led to me getting a diagnosis about 2 years later!


I get exhausted everyday around 2-3pm. But I also have almost none of the symptoms of ADHD...I don't know what my problem is.


Please do put it into words. I'm very resistant to thinking my ADHD is somehow detrimental and requires me to buy a magic pill every day forever. For me, having ADHD is like a superpower and often just means I have to do a couple things manually that other people's brains seem to do automatically, like doling out rewards and stimulants for completing hard work.


Iā€™ll start this off with the fact that I was diagnosed severe inattentive ADHD, not hyperactive. I didnā€™t even know *inattentive* was a thing. The immediate reaction I had to the meds was a sense of euphoria, which is pretty common, and I felt great. I could focus on things I was doing, have normal conversation, I was much much more efficient at work. Literally zero downsides. Life just felt better, more real for a lack of a better description. And then I sat down to play guitar and learn one of the more difficult songs Iā€™ve been itching to play. Iā€™ve been playing for 18 years, and learning songs has never really come easy to me. It generally takes a few sessions over a few days, no biggie. All of a sudden I realized it was two hours later, and I was practicing the song *in full* and I just started crying tears of happiness. It was like my meds just unlocked the ability to tap into skill that I had, but wasnā€™t able to use previously with my brain wired the way it is. It was such a bittersweet realization. The fact that Iā€™m just genuinely just better at my hobbies now is CRAZY. My relationships, professional and personal, have gotten significantly better. I can practice active listening now, I donā€™t interrupt anyone anymore. And my anxiety has taken a huge hit as well. Not eliminated because I have other issues, but ADHD definitely added to it and now weā€™ve eliminated that part. The fact that I was able to sit down and type all of this should speak for part of it at least lol


Thanks for sharing your experience. This honestly gives me hope for ADHD medications. I too was diagnosed later in life and wish something could have been done earlier cuz I was clearly suffering through it in school and it was a problem. I tried lisdexamphetamine and had horrible manic-like reactions. So that drug scared me from taking different ADHD meds. I'm on some other psych meds too šŸ˜” but how you're saying it helped with interpersonal relationships and anxiety too is just amazing. I let it go untreated for so long now but I'm going to ask about being treated next time I see my psych. So thanks for your inspiration!


isnt adderall bad for you though


Only if you don't have ADHD




Not who you asked, but hereā€™s my experience. I was diagnosed with ADHD a few years ago as an adult who probably had always looked like the poster child for NOT ADHD. I was fairly organized (to the outside eye) and a great student and so on and so forth. I did have ADHD ā€œsymptoms,ā€ but luckily for me they were the helpful ones - i could hyper focus and also jump from thing to thing with ease. But I went through a significant life change (from a very frantic, demanding, varied, chaotic job to being a stay at home mom) and thatā€™s where it really became a *disorder* for me. Without the constant varied stimuli of my extremely stressful and chaotic life before, I suddenly became paralyzed. My house was trashed, I was depressed, I was unable to function at even 10% of my former levels. With fewer external stimuli, the noise in my brain kicked up to 11 and I wasnā€™t able to break through it. I started an ADHD med and POOFā€¦the noise stopped. The way I always describe it is that when Iā€™m medicated, I feel like Iā€™m the one driving the bus. Sometimes I take med breaks during periods where I think I can manage the ADHD and can afford to get a little scattered, but there is such a dramatic difference when Iā€™m on it. So to answer your question - maybe you donā€™t need a pill. I didnā€™t for 35 years. But if you start to feel like your life is slipping out of your grasp and like youā€™re not able to function at the level youā€™d like to function, then it might be time to look into the pill.


That easy?! We have a 3-5 YEAR waiting list just to START the diagnostic process.. Fucking hate this country...


I do feel genuinely awful when people tell me about how long theyā€™ve waited or how difficult the process was, especially when I feel like my diagnosis was damn near an accident when all I wanted was my social anxiety to chill the fuck out.


like everyone else is saying, i also get sleepy w coffee man that shit makes me so mad. i want to be AWOKEN.


This is my wife lol. Sheā€™ll drink coffee at 9pm and be asleep super fast afterwards.


This, OP. I can have a cup of coffee in the morning and it's just a nice relaxing start to my day, but anything after that and I will likely want to take a nap. I have ADHD, so stimulants have kind of the opposite effect on my brain meats. Consider talking to a psychiatrist if you are able.


Interesting you made that comment. How is it related to sleepiness and caffeine .


Why did you come to this conclusion? Iā€™ve been falling asleep caffeinated for decades and often wondered if all my squirming and pacing was adhd but I feel like Iā€™m getting along fine just curious is all


Don't pathologise people over nothing The reason why coffee can make some people sleepy is simple. They have caffeine tolerance so it's the heat of the drink that induces tiredness, likely through lowering blood pressure. That or they drink weak coffee Coca Cola and energy drinks have high caffeine too but I don't think anybody feels sleepy after drinking them


They said OP "may" have ADHD, which is a perfectly valid response to this post as sleepiness after consuming caffeine, including energy drinks, can be one of the indicators.


Seems like everyone is jumping at the chance to diagnose OP, pathologising them over an innocuous post


Weak coffee? My moka delivers a mug with 700-1,000 mg of caffeine. But yes, coffee has other psychoactives not present in energy drinks or sodas.


I came here to say this.


Me too










Better sleephygiene... Sleep more and better quality and you will feel like on drugs


No offense but it's kinda like saying 'don't be sad!' when someone is depressed


True, but sadly the only way to stay with energy without putting something in your body is having a good sleep schedule :(


I am not OP but I also get sleepy after coffein, just as most people with ADHD. And I guarantee you that I have the healthiest mattress, dark room, ergonomic pillow, and 9 hours of uninterrupted sleep - that's not the issue nor the solution


There is no such thing as a one size fits all solution. Better sleep may not have worked for you, but itā€™s definitely something that helps a lot of people in a similar situation.


Generally yes but the OP didn't say 'I'm tired what do I do'. They gave us more info, that coffeine doesn't work. It gives us much more insight and heavily implies that it's not just a case of 'go to sleep earlier'


Right they just want more energy and the staying awake effects. Doesnā€™t mean they are sleepyā€¦


Hard disagree. Lack of sleep doesnā€™t just cause sleepiness, it can also cause tiredness, cognitive struggles, lack of focus, irritability, lowering of natural defenses, mood swings, etc. If caffeine is not fully blocking all the adenosine his body is releasing, then itā€™s not unreasonable to suggest to get rid of that build up naturally. Iā€™ve experienced it first hand, when the quality (not just quantity) of my sleep has degraded then caffeine doesnā€™t really do much. Caffeine works wonders when Iā€™m well rested. So, the suggesting of better sleep is a very reasonable one. Also, itā€™s not ā€œgo to sleep earlier,ā€ but more of have better sleep. This is a complex topic, since it involves having a good quality of sleep (if Iā€™m under high amounts of stress or anxiety my sleep quality suffers even if I have your sleep setup) and the right quantity of sleep as well (if I sleep more than my right amount I feel like crap). Dismissing the importance of sleep shouldnā€™t be understated.


None taken


You gotta start somewhere. Why not start here tonight and then tomorrow maybe talk to somebody? Ain't no shame in being happy!


What are you talking about bro šŸ˜­ why do you assume I am at the starting point (i guarantee i have tried anything you may come up with) and I am extremely happy, just more often than not sleepy


So true! Routine, sleep, prayer and meditation, exercise, socialize with good ppl, a balanced life and a happy life are way better than drugs! Oh, see somebody if you need help with little things...cuz they might be hiding big things. Follow their advice. I am striving every day for this to be me.


Matcha green tea, Ashwaganda tea, red ginseng jellyšŸµ I'm surprised no one mentioned these yet? All give energy without anxiety or jitters.


I'm the same. It's wild. I have tried looking at sunlight first thing in the morning (like, FIRST thing in the actual morning, not when I first wake up), moving more (i.e. exercise, in time it does help. Maybe not that immediately but in time it does help make me alert), and that aside, frankly just napping it out.


I like that, ā€œnapping it outā€. Thatā€™s just what it feels like some days


I totally agree! Sometimes, if you need it find it, you need to just sleep it out. I have learned to accept dips and hips instead of fighting them, but with balance! Balance is beautiful and so easy to lose!IMO.


You are not alone, this happens to me also. But only with coffee, when I take Tea (black or green) it helps me stay up.


You might want to get your sleep and blood checked. When I had untreated sleep apnea, I would literally drown myself in coffee, and all it did was put me into a really strange state of relaxed anxiety.


I stop breathing 7 times during the night and have no CPAP machine. What does one do when they are about to become houseless?


You may have ADHD. Coffee keeps me calm and mellow.


Some days it works but most days it doesn't do much not even at higher dosage. Is there something that will help? I've tried dmaa long time ago and that worked.


Different caffeine doses do different things, a larger dose of caffeine might make a difference, but it might not. Try an energy drink that includes B vitamins. Take the comments about ADHD seriously and talk to a doctor of some kind. Your doctor might also recommend a sleep study to see if you have sleep apnea or something else.Ā  I was diagnosed with ADHD at 30, and lots of things about my childhood made sense after that.


Glad someone mentioned the b vitamins!


Im sure there are many things, but if you're dehydrated, caffeine will make you sleepy.


That totally makes sense!; Ain't it weird how the most important information is like, yeah man. I didn't know that I knew that. Thank you. It's like, innate?


There is a direct correlation between caffeine and neurodiversity. Google time my friend


sounds like you have ADHD - this is a symptom for some people who have ADHD (my husband and his eldest child both get super sleepy when they drink any caffeinated beverages). Lucky for you, if you get a diagnosis, you can get medication that is a stimulant and that will perk you right up!


Just try and cut back on your intake. Exercise and diet! If youā€™re always tired no matter what you do, you may also have sleep apnea.


How much coffee are you drinking? And are you resting properly?


Try ginseng


I dunno, Ritalin, meth, crack?


Try different forms of caffeine? Guarana et al?


Arepa - itā€™s a natural, non caffeinated fruit drink but it gives you a big boost of energy. Itā€™s from New Zealand. You can order it online. It comes as a drink, a powder or a pill version. I like the ready made drink. Has totally changed my coffee intake and now I just drink coffee when I feel like it cause I like the taste/smell but I donā€™t need the pick me up from the caffeine if I have 1 Arepa


Lol it's just black currant juice. Probably can get that cheaper elsewhere.


Try vitamin B12 chews.


I dont care for coffee cause it makes me so sleepy. I drink green tea on the other hand!


You might have reached your saturation point. Drinking enough caffeine will overload your system and start to have a negative effect.


Do some exercise in the morning to get the blood pumping and itā€™ll give you an energy boost. You have to find the balance in an intensity thatā€™ll give you energy without draining you.Ā  Also coffee can create a cycle of addiction as in the more you consume it the more it requires you to consume greater qty in order to get the same effect. When I started working I would drink 1 small coffee only because 2 would get me the jitters and progressively it went from 1 small to 2 large coffees. When I hit the 3 large coffees I realized it was way too much coffee and I would get headaches on day I didnā€™t drink coffee along with feeling really lethargic. Thatā€™s when I decided to quit drinking regular coffee. I still like the routine annd the taste so i replaced it with decaf coffee and tea in reasonable quantity. Ā I can now spend days without drinking coffee without it affecting me in any way.


This use to happen to me. I just persisted in drinking it and eventually body adapted and now it gives me energy


You have adhd


I have the same problem - caffeine is unreliable for me. Sometimes it makes me tired, sometimes it does nothing, and a handful of other times it's made me so hyper I couldn't sit still for three hours. I've found that chia seeds can help a bit, if you have them with your breakfast Also some soundtracks I've found on YouTube, specifically from Jason Lewis. He has some tracks to "wake up without caffeine", as well as a lot for staying alert and focused for working. Some of my favorites from his channel are his audio sugar rush tracks (in case anyone was wondering or thinking of commenting, I do have ADHD)


Good chance you have ADHD and there are some mushroom blends that could be particularly helpful if this is indeed the case.


When you drink coffee, try to take a 15-20 min nap, you'll feel the kick after you wake up.


If you eat meat, eat more fat and less carbs. Stay hydrated and keep your electrolytes up. I used to drink 6 Diet Mt. Dews a day because I thought I needed the caffeine. I upped my fat, cut out my carbs and sugar, and stay hydrated. Now I have 0 caffeine and I still have more energy than I used to have.


There are lot of factors but these are the things you can try to check . If you do all of them , you wonā€™t need coffee to stay energized 1. Do you have enough sleep time daily ( deep sleep )? Average is 6hr-8hr 2. Food can make you to feel sleepy after eating (especially consuming Carb foods ) So try to avoid processed foods . Eat high protein / fat foods and veggie ( little carb is fine ). Lot of people feel sleepy after eating lunch is because their body need to spend energy to digest the food and those blood sugar spike 3. Regular exercise can help 4. A short mediation 5-10 min can relieve the sleepiness but i will rather check what I eat first if I feel sleepy after eating


noopept a neutropic maybe?


Try to drink an energy drink or Coca-Cola/Pepsi, if the effects are the same do blood analysis. Of you got nothing from them, congrats on discovering you have adhd.


I have the same response if I've been drinking caffeine regularly for a while. It's like my body says "oh fuck this, no, not again". But if I drink occasionally I'm good. If you need it just to wake up, honestly just having a routine of sunlight, some movement, cold water on your face and drinking lots of water with electrolytes will wake you up just right. If you need it for boost of energy, ginseng might be helpful, though taking every day for long term is probably not a good idea.


I had this when I was younger, caffeine intolerance. I eventually grew put of it halfway through puberty. For some reason still happens sometimes during that time of the month. You can sometimes find caffeine free energy drinks, though they're few and far between now. Monster unleaded was really good, though I'm pretty sure it's of the market now, had a coworker who also drank it since caffeine triggered her epilepsy.


I have this too, tho not as much. I kind of get a high then I get sleepy similar to how a sugar rush works. I thought I was just weird but good to know others have this issue. Maybe try green tea (less caffeine) or chaga or lion's mane mushrooms (different way to boost your energy via nutriants). There is this coffee alternative I've heard of called "MUDWTR" that is made with mushrooms but is supposed to have a similar effect to coffee just with a different chemical compound. Totally organic and healthy. Costs more which is why I didn't adopt it. If I had money to burn I might but I'm not a super coffee conaseur or anything. Hell I can hardly afford regular coffee. But if you really want something that won't make you sleepy maybe it's worth it. šŸ¤· https://mudwtr.com/ (P.S. Not endorsing anything just saying it exists. As I said I can't afford it and have not tried it. Best selling points for me would be its organic, healthy and somewhat original. But yeah that's just me reading their site.)


Are you Add or ADHD because I am and coffee makes me sleepy too


Scratch and sniff


I feel the same, ill pass tf out woth half a damn cup


Pro plus


Caffeine usually has adverse effects on adhd people or so Iā€™m told. Go get some adderall for your adhd and thatā€™ll solve this problem


Caffeine doesn't actually "give" you any real form of energy. What it does, in short, is block the receptors and feelings in your brain of feeling tired. So, it doesn't actually give you a boost, it just makes you less aware of how tired you are. Therefore, the best way to get energy without caffeine, is to actually rest and have natural energy. Hence is why you "crash" after it wears off, you're just returning to the state you were in before you took the caffeine, and it feels worse since you were esentially numbing it the whole time you were "on" caffeine.


OP. You have ADHD.


It makes me sleepy too. I donā€™t drink them often but whenever I drink ice capps, they make me so tired after. When I offer my mom a sip, sheā€™s like ā€œno, I wonā€™t sleepā€.


Green or black tea.


Caffeine as any other chemical substance may cause a rebound effect on your body. So if you drink more coffee than usual, you'll feel sleepy, tired or even depressed. However, the long-term effects can turn into a threat to your health (i.e. tachycardia, trembling hands, high blood pressure). Just drink less coffee. One cup every four or five hours. Cut back from what you're always drinking now to fewer cups. Just that.


Caffeine only blocks the receptors in your brain for feeling tired. Caffeine does not give you anything.


Crazy as it sounds drink more water. It works


Well if it makes you sleepy and you want the same effect, i'll say melatonin


I had the same problem for most of my life - then I was diagnosed with ADHD - started Vyvanse (now on 50mg) and caffeine actually gave me energy. The first time having a coffee on 20mg I was bouncing off the walls hyper - before the meds even 3 energy drinks and 2 cups of coffee didn't do a single thing.


Take less caffeine. 1 or 2 heavy espressos instead of 2 liters of regular coffee. And immediately after the first espresso, take a powernap.


Exercise. Assuming you have a decent routine, eat healthy, and sleep well you should be fine. But thatā€™s difficult to do in practice which is why caffeine is way easier.


Yes and while I'm not a doctor, I do have ADHD and coffee has the same effect on me. I'm not joking when I say, who else needs coffee to sleep? I had someone who I thought was a friend accused me of being a junkie because I drink coffee at night. He doesn't believe ADHD is a thing. That's why he's not my friend anymore. Anyway, that's probably why that's happening to you. I would at least go to the doctor and rule it out.


Yes, if you drink too much caffeine you build up a tolerance or an unusual reaction-an allergy, cuz it is a drug. Go look up allergy"an abnormal(unusual) reaction. Stop drinking it for a few days,. I recommend doing it on a weekend, or where you can be a little grumpy for a few days(just a little grumpier, not much). Tell ppl you are cutting it for a couple days so you might be a little grumpier and they can support and understand you. Then, start drinking it again, but keep the amount low. That's what I tried cuz it made me sleepy after a while too. Or Or Or You can do cocaine, meth, crack, Adderall, other ADHD meds.šŸ˜œ


BTW, this is the most fun I've had reading comments! Thx for the topic!ā¤ļøšŸ’‹


I have 2 big cups in the morning and maybe one in the afternoon. If I needed to sleep right after I could, no problem. Problem comes when I don't drink it. Headache, shakes in my hand, really bad mood. I'm Colombian we start with the coffe early there, I can't stop for fear of pain and an awful day. And now reading here I could have adhd? Oh boy.


caffeine occasionally used to make me sleepy and itā€™s bc i have ADHD.. maybe thatā€™s why? talk to your doctor about it (if you have one)


Try different types of caffeine. I can drink pop all day long and not feel anything, and coffee doesn't do anything either but if I drink black tea (iced or hot) I totally get the zoomies. Also used to take caffeine pills and those also worked. That being said, if you're trying to caffeinate when you should already have enough energy it is worth it to find the source. Vitamin deficiencies, dehydration, sleep apnea or other sleep disorders, sleep hygiene, etc. You can never "catch up" on sleep and getting enough is really important for your brain health.


As others have said, you likely have ADHD. Caffeine has an inverse affect. You should go to a doctor and talk to them about it. When I did, they asked me a lot of questions about my life that I didnā€™t realize were symptoms of a life of untreated ADHD.


If caffeine makes you sleepy, you might have ADD... One of the deciding answers to questions a doctor asked regarding drug use. Answered no when he asked about crank, it just made me sleepy. He was chuffed..


Caffeine kicks in like 3-4 hours later, so maybe you're thinking is not doing its job straight away?


Adderal, maybe energy drinks like monster or something like gamersupps. The extra stuff besides caffeine might help.


Maybe coffee :)


Get enough sleep, be active, stay hydrated.


Ok, so caffeine and energy drinks also put me to sleep... I have found things that are made to "relax" me have the reverse affect. There use to be non-energy drinks with rose hip and stuff made to relax you. They fueled me like I imagine caffeine does to normal folks. One was called purple drank or something like that. And even more random anything with red dye number 6... not sure why. Turns me into a chatter-box with verbal diarrhea.