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Bedtime. Most days I’m not asleep until 4:30am. I enjoy the quiet of the night.


Hey same! 🙂 Been thinking of changing up for a long time, but the quietude is something hard to give up. I love feeling the absence of other people's energy. Same reason I love a nice cemetery.


the absence of other peoples energy! that’s what it is. like if i’m wanting alone time i have to like actually be alone. if my SO is awake & in the other room, & doesn’t bother me i still don’t feel quite alone. he either needs to be asleep or gone for me to fully feel alone.


This is actually something my fiancée and I struggled with when we first moved in together. For her alone time means I grab my Switch and play in another room for a few hours or maybe take a Power Nap. For me, alone time means she needs to be out of our house or asleep at night. She’s confused why a couple days a week (like tonight) I stay awake till 3am. It’s cause I don’t feel other peoples energy and I can be truly alone.


I heard autism or adhdh has biological clock different. I do have both but also when I was a teenager I got bullied and didn't feel good at home either. So evening and night was my world. So got used to that sense of peace. It's annoying ! I need better sleep


And with so many distractions and temptations to stay up late, it can be really tough to maintain a consistent, healthy sleep schedule.


I rarely go to bed that early. I'm more a 6am type. And to answer the "do you have a job" question from below, yes. I work night, at a high end restaurant. 5pm-midnight is my normal schedule. Then it's time for a shower, youtube, whatever and in bed hopefully by 6am. Usually wake up about 1pm.


I also work evening shift (4-12) and force myself to go to bed by 4 am and sometimes lay there until 6 am 🤦🏻‍♀️ then force myself up by 11 am. I need to be awake and in the proper gear for work, lol


People always ask me "what do you do all night?" Exactly what you do in the day! I have a brake pad making a little noise. Tomorrow, after work, yes after midnight, I'm gonna yank the front wheel, remove the slide pin and grease it, and hope that helps. Will take 15 minutes, but just an example of my late night activities.


Replying to both you and SomeDude: I’m also a late nighter and my bedtime is usually 4-6am (also restaurant work). I have a friend that will text me goodnight at 6am when he’s waking up, and one time during a family group text - that was ungodly early in the morning - my sister said “I know you’re about to go to bed so feel free to answer later” It’s a love language when your friends and fam know your odd sleep schedule 🥰


same here. there something about not sleeping even when it's late at night. the quiet and the peace you feel at the night. no distraction and simply makes you feel more calm rather than in the daylight.


Omg Me Too! Trying to break the habit. Retirement is not good. You develop terrible terrible habits.


I work overnight shifts 5 days a week so I don’t go to bed til 8-9am. I also love the peace and quiet of nighttime.


I have congenital mirror movement disorder. When I intent is only move fingers on one hand, the same fingers move on my opposite hand automatically. The effect is strongest on my middle finger. The chance of having this disorder is around 1 in 1 million. I have an even rarer variant which, as far as as I know, has never been documented. When I move a finger on one hand, I also have what could only be called opposite movements on the same hand. So, if I press my pinky down, all my other fingers on that hand move upwards. Luckily, mine is not so bad. A lot of people with congenital mirror movements can’t play musical instruments and have trouble writing. I don’t have any mirror movements in my wrists at all, which is a blessing.


What instrument do you play? And how the hell did you type this?


I play concertina, piano, flute, tin whistle, contrabass clarinet, guitar, and if you put a saxophone in my hands I could make some noise. My best is probably concertina. Here I am [playing with some friends](https://youtu.be/d8Ywn_uaUXQ) 11 years ago or so. I’m the guy in the brown sweater playing there squeeze box. Like I said, the mirror movements aren’t that strong for me. It doesn’t really affect my life but they’re definitely there. I type around 120 wpm on average. When I type, my fingers flail around a lot. In general, I can’t keep my fingers close to the keyboard. If I try to keep them close like you’re supposed to, it slows me down . So, I just let them flop around and they end up getting where they need to go. The same goes for playing music. I have to just let my fingers flop around instead of keeping them close to the keys or fretboard in a neutral position like you’re supposed to. It doesn’t cause any issues, but I’m sure it’s much more work than it is for other people who can improve the efficiency of their finger movements haha.


I don't have social media besides reedit


Same. People are either shocked or don't believe me. Some new person, "What's your instagram?" Me, "I don't have instagram." Them, "Ha ha... oh, you're serious."


I don’t have Instagram either


Same, me neither


I went on a few dates a while back that went really well. Then I was ghosted because “my friends think it’s a red flag you don’t have socials.”


I've heard this argument before. People being afraid of the unknown aka they can't see your personality online and may actually need to put in the effort of getting to know you in person.


Same, and thank god for it.


Me neither. Good choice.


me neither, looks like maybe we are not that much an "incredibly small minority"?


I had a friend who went to Harvard and sent me an email about The Facebook before most people had heard of it. I didn't get it then; I don't get it now.


Same. And I’m not social IRL. I just prefer being alone most of the time.


I am so much happier without social media.


Same and as soon as I'm cured I'm getting off this.


I technically still have FB and instagram but I pretty much never go on those for the last few years.


I still have a landline.


Same. And my cell phone is not a smart phone.




Same and I don't own a cellphone.


Same, and until I was forced off very recently, copper lines. Loved it. ETA: a quick google search says in the US, 25 percent of us still have landlines. So while that's a minority, it's not rare.


I have synesthesia. Basically, the wiring of my brain didn’t develop quite right such that, when I hear things, the signal goes correctly to the ear part of the brain BUT it also goes to the visual part of the brain. Wired as I am, I see sounds. To be clear, it isn’t like hallucinations. It is more like my brain is graphing the sounds in real time. So where a normal person perceives timbre, volume, pitch, etc. my perception of sounds also includes size, texture, opacity, etc. It is all just abstract stuff essentially and I dont even notice it most of the time because it is my normal I suppose. But I do have some limitations in that really loud sounds can make it hard to see. But I always have ear plugs and Im good.


I have a mild version of this, where my brain assigns color and texture to (for instance) days of the week, which I believe is a fairly common version of synesthesia. None of the colors or textures are particularly pleasant either. Monday is the color of tomato soup with a nubby, tweedy texture, for instance.


That's pretty neat. What part of the world do you live in? Do your holidays have texture?


Days of the week have colours for me. Coincidentally, Monday is also a reddish colour for me too.


Same. I was “stuck” at a really cool live performance the other day with my partner and our friend and I had to take a break and head to the back because I forgot my ear plugs and it was so, so loud in there. I hate explaining it because I feel like a tryhard for attention whenever I talk about it. I just say it’s overwhelming. My head and eyes were killing me all night and the next day after. When it’s that loud I stop being able to see well too. It doesn’t feel nice.


>really loud sounds can make it hard to see. That is fucking *wild*. So is it like when you're driving with GPS and you have to turn the music down to see better?


Music is generally too organized to be an issue. Like, you aren’t going to mistake music for anything real. Some heavy heavy metal or noise synth stuff maybe. But I wouldn’t be blasting music so loud as to be a problem as that would hurt my ears too over time. Think more like walking down the street and you come across someone jackhammering.


I have synaesthesia too, the one where numbers and letters all have different colours. Days of the week are also coloured.


You must have a lot more fun reading math textbooks than the rest of us.


Same here but I “taste” them


i’ve read a few books on this, seriously one of the cooler sounding differences in cognition i’ve encountered.


I’m sure this has downsides (like you said, loud sounds obscuring vision) but it also sounds really cool lol


This is actually so cool to me


I don't know what to call it, but I used to refer to songs in my old band by their color. I once said something to the effect of "oh that's the green one" and the guitar player looked at me like I had 3 heads.


Incidentally, that is how I discovered I had it as a youth. I was asking my guitarist to emphasize the 7th in a chord, or in my words, “add some purple.” And we had a conversation. I thought everyone saw sounds. There are all sorts of figurative sayings that make sense to me literally. That “big bass” sound. “That kick drum sounds thick.” “The hihat is too thin.”


I can make my ears rumble, my eyes unfocus, and I’ve had nine surgeries.


I can also make my ears rumble and my eyes unfocus. Is that unusual?


Same, right down to the number of surgeries. I can also make my eyes (the colored part) vibrate really fast back and forth.


My dad can do the eye shaking! So cool. Where have you had your surgeries? Mine: Ear, Wisdom Teeth, five Knee (meniscus transplant x2 one with femoral osteotomy, arthroscopy x2, hardware removal), ankle, abdomen. Of course don’t answer if you don’t want to! I realize it’s a forward question. Just cool to meet another surgery expert!


Wait, normal people can't unfocus their eyes?


I've always wondered, other people cannot change the focus in their eyes? I can make anything blurry or sharp whenever however i want


Eyes unfocus on command isn’t normal?


My cousin has a coworker who is becoming a media preservationist as a hobby. He's been copying every DVD and VHS he can get his hands on.


Please let it also be random home videos, and just random stuff recorded on tv with commercials intact.


I still write hand written letters and post cards monthly


I eat kiwi with the skin on. Edit: didn't realize how common this actually is... Fuzz gang!


This is an absolutely brave thing to admit.


That's a funny way of spelling unhinged.


I do this too and my coworkers think I’m a freak.


I thought that the first time I saw a colleague do it. Mocked him for months. Tried it once. Fuzz gang.


Fuzz gang!


I don’t do this anymore but…I used to peel grapes.


I do this!


There are dozens of us! I like the leathery crunch


I discovered this at 40 (needing to eat a bunch of kiwis quickly because I’m a dad and no one else would eat them), and this is the way!


You like my hubby don’t want to waste food 🍱 no matter what you are an other Mikey he will eat anything to keep from throwing away Me after I eat a couple days it the freezer it will be until he gets hungry 😋 makes great eating for him cause it’s already cooked and I don’t have to cook it pop in microwave in summer or oven and make another meal later with added food on the side. Saves on groceries buying too. ⭐️🎼🤗


So do I! The skin is the best part!


Same! I'll up the ante by admitting I also eat mangoes with the skin on.


Same damn 😂


Why? Isn't it bitter and prickly?


My boyfriend does this, he tells almost everyone to try it


It’s the correct way!


I have a preauricular pit, also called ear pit, or preauricular sinus. 1% of babies are born with one. It’s kind of a boring minority to be in as they go.


The childhood memory of my father squeezing around mine until dirt came out.


My daughter has one, should I bond with her by squeezing her pit gunk out or was it more traumatizing?


I have them in both ears 🦻🏻


Dated a girl who had those. Sometimes they smelled weird. That was a kinda gross, but not boring.


I'm 99 percentile of height, so probably that. I also completed the pokedex


How tall are you?




Do you work in finance and have a trust fund? Do you have blue eyes?


I had a friend who was either 6'8" or 6'10", can't remember. What I do remember is he was like in the 99.8 percentile. He built a spice rack in his kitchen above the arch leading into his dining area. I thought that was hilarious and awesome.


I think I am for women (186cm).


Oh, absolutely. I keep a tape of my voicemail messages. Can't beat that authentic low-quality buzz.


I have a laser disk player and 20 some movies. It's wild for people to see for the first time, guaranteed intermissions though so that's kinda nice


I had covid a few years ago, mild case but I lost my sense of smell. It came back, mostly, but some things just don’t smell the same. The smells are indescribable, like scents I’ve never smelled before & can’t compare to other things. Cucumber is the most awful smell. I have to cut & pack it up separately when I make a salad for my husband because I don’t want to ruin my salad. Coffee smells like boiling rotting onions. My one son’s clothes have an acrid smell to them, hard to describe. My water bottle smells like dog if it’s been in my or my husband’s car cup holders. I was hoping with time this would go away but I think my sense of smell is permanently damaged.


I used to work with a guy who had the opposite happen to him. Before he got covid he was a SUPERRRrrr picky eater. Only ate like 4 things bc everything else tasted so so bad. But after he got covid his pallet **heavily** expanded and he’s been trying as many new foods as possible bc now everything taste really good apparently lol


That’s funny!


I've never had covid AFAIK. And I'm still trying my best to avoid it, as I've been doing the whole pandemic.


I purchase my music, it pisses my boyfriend off because of the existence of Spotify, which I don’t use. I’m always concerned about the possibility of losing music due to legal rights and stuff. Purchasing them ensures that even if you can’t buy it anymore, it’s still available to you. An example of my argument is that iTunes use to have it that you can purchase the OST of Sonic Rush, it’s no longer available for purchase. The only song that I bought from that album when it was still available was “Wrapped in Black”. One of the best final boss songs ever and perfect for AMV’s.


If I have anything not bought on CD or vinyl is is a copy of a hard copy. Partially because I hate many mp3 recordings and I want everything in hand I don't want to pay for something and not have access forever. I also don't like download only games but it is getting hard if not impossible to always have a physical copy.


I am a MP3 hoarder


This is especially important for soundtracks and tribute albums. The legal stuff is all over the place so it’s hard to find it on streaming platforms.


I was born with a bilateral complete cleft lip and palate, which is the rarest form of a birth defect that 0.14% of people have. (9% of those 0.14% have the condition)


My sibling was born with the same. Bless you and all those reconstructive surgeries and everything you've been through. You're one tough cookie, and a beautiful shining star!


Thank you very much!


I am proud of bring able to pick things up with my toes. Comes in very handy/footy when you are hanging clothes to dry and a sock falls off to the ground. I am training my kids to learn this invaluable skill.




Me too! I can pinch with my toes too.


I can wiggle my ears and raise my eyebrows individually. If we assume that there isn't any correlation between being able to do both, then that would put me in around 5% who can do both. It's isn't an *incredibly* small minority though.   My feet are very small for a guy. They're around a 5.5 UK male, and 39 EU. So there's also that.   Some of my interests seem to be niche as well, so there's also that.


I don’t own a TV.


My old co worker would say this all the time like he was quirky and unique, but still had a laptop and smartphone. I don't think it's such a minority anymore with youtube and stuff online. No offense tho I just found him really obnoxious and annoying. Also sucked at his job.


I don’t watch TV or movies on my phone or tablet either. A few times a year I go to the theater to see a movie.


I have MS & now that I am older & it doesn’t really go into remission anymore I now have certain symptoms that are here to stay. One of these very unusual symptoms that no longer comes & goes is my heightened sense of smell. I can smell everything! My family hates it, especially my husband. Because unfortunately this super power usually means something bad is about to happen & it’s probably going to cost a lot of money. I can always smell sewer problems long before it actually happens. I can smell a water leak. When building our house back after a tornado hit, I kept telling the contractor there was mold behind a wall, no one would believe me. The insurance paid for inspectors to test & they had machines & said the walls were dry. I kept saying I smelled mildew & mold, nobody smelled it but me, they tested it again it came back negative. Finally it was ready to move in but in our bedroom I could smell that wet mildew smell from the tornado & I knew everyone was going to hate me, especially my husband. I knew it was probably going to be $4-10,000 out of our pocket but my MS had already attacked my lungs & they are permanently damaged & I knew this could possibly kill me, I told the contractor to tear the wall out. He couldn’t believe I was doing this. I told him where I thought the smell was the strongest hoping to keep down cost, the whole construction crew was there because they all thought I was crazy. They took about 3 blows to the wall, I told them to hit at the bottom, with the 4th blow you could see the black on the insulation. I was right. Within 2 sections of the studs water had leaked in & the insulation was wet & it was mildewed & had black mold. Luckily it was contained within those 2 sections & had not spread into the wood. No one could believe it. My contractor took pictures & sent it to the insurance company & to the environmental inspectors who had tested it & told me the whole room was completely dry. My nose saved my life. My contractor asked if he could borrow me & my nose to check out other houses & I told him of course!


A real life supersmeller (like Gus on Psych)! That's fascinating that your MS does that....


I hate having MS it is a living hell, but the brain is the most unusual thing. It can be a very interesting disease. We feel things that aren’t there & don’t feel things that are there.


Good luck to you. It sounds awful. I'm glad you were able to smell that mold, though! :)


Thank you & good luck to you too.


Saved myself for marriage. I married the only guy I ever dated and my first kiss was with him on our wedding day, I was 22 years old. That’s as old fashioned as you can get I think. Relationship wise.


I’m kind of sorta the same. I’m gay and waiting for love and marriage before having sex. Definitely old fashioned


I don't know if this is in the same vein, but I asked my (future) wife's father for permission to marry his daughter.


So many of these are not “extremely small minorities”


I write in cursive.


having a crippling sudoku addiction, which is pretty uncommon for someone who is 16


Not the worst addiction to have, you're keeping your mind sharp! I went through a heavy sudoku phase as well, always had to have a little book of puzzles with me.


I’ve had a fecal microbiota transplant!


Cool! Did it have the desired effect?


I hate cilantro.


My son also has this gene. He says that Cilantro tastes like soap.


Completely ruins any dish that it is in. Absolutely overpowers it and it is all that I taste.


I detest cilantro.


My people! It’s absolutely horrendous stuff


Me too…if I ever want the taste of cilantro I just shave a bar of soap into my food and VOILA! Instant cilantro flavor.


I hated it until I was like 35. Tasted like soap every time. Then one day I ate something I didn't know had cilantro in it but it was delicious. I've always heard it was genetic but something changed in my early 30s. I have no idea how or why but I'm glad it did!


This is actually very common. A lot of people equate it to eating soap


Coriander, for my fellow confused Redditors


Natural redhead with blue eyes




Not as old school but I still buy DVD's and Blu Rays.


Same here. Most of the movies I watch aren’t on any streaming service, although we’re looking into The Criterion Channel…but I’ll still buy movies on disc.


Streaming services either edits a lot of stuff or removes movies and shows. Physical media all the way.


I can write simultaneously with both hands, it can be the same words or different words, awesome party trick huh😂


I NEVER reheat leftovers


I am in the 20% of the population that can dramatically raise one eyebrow! I can also wiggle them in weird ways :]


I can do that too! I can pretty much shut a conversation down with one quizzical look.


i drive a stick shift and my daughter flew in for a week long visit, borrowed my car and haha couldnt start it. Once she got home from this visit, she discovered she kept trying to hit the clutch when she was driving her automatic. haha but she reports that she really enjoyed driving the standard shift for the week, that it *took her back to the old days* lol


I've been on Reddit longer than most anyone else.


I have green eyes, with only around 2℅ of the US sharing this eye color. Not that rare, but it's cool.


People who have died and come back to life People who have survived a sustained coma Presidential campaign photographers Winner on SharkTank


Profitable poker players. I'm a professional player and coach. It might be hard to believe to non-poker players but ~80% are losers. You have to not only be better than the other players, you *also* have to be SO much better that you "beat the rake." The rake is basically a Taz that the house takes from every pot. The only way to do this is to play a LOT. For all the people who play poker, those of us who are profitable, much less able to make a living off of it, are an *extremely* small minority.


Everyone seems to eat eggs for breakfast but I can’t stand em


I am also not an egg fan.


Weirdly I love eggs, just not for breakfast. Eating them early in the day upsets my stomach for some reason.


I eat peanuts with the shells on.


I’m a gay 30 year old with no legs, no parents and still a virgin uwu


I’m a functional idiot. I would normally be classified too stupid to tie my own shoes but yet I’ve figured out how to wiggle my way through life in some manner.


I won’t go to or eat Chick fila. They can’t trust women with their own reproductive rights then they don’t get my money. Same with Hobby Lobby. My husband says it’s a good thing that I don’t investigate all the brands/companies I frequent because soon we wouldn’t be able to eat, drive a car, travel or many other things. Having standards is not easy!


Your husband is right. Boycotting 1-2 companies… but how/where do you draw the line? You might feel noble but there are hundreds of companies and brands that exploit people and have CEOs that are garbage humans. Airbnb, Amazon, ChevRon, Coca-Cola, Disney, Google, Kellogg’s, ANYTHING that says “made in China.” And think of brands that are partly-owned by other brands. I mean, I’m genuinely wondering where you determine to draw the line. I know of someone who “protests with their purse” and refuses to eat at Chick Fil A or shop at Hobby Lobby. Those are the only two places he boycotts. Seems like those are the two places you boycott as well. Anywhere else? I’m not saying it’s fruitless, but I can sense a bit of high-horseness with the high “standards” remark at the end of your comment. It’s the holier than thou that puts a sour taste in people’s mouths because I’m sure there are dozens of brands you purchase that would oppose those standards you’re boasting about.


I applaud your dedication to your principles. Don’t forget Nestle and Monsanto, two of the worst.


I love Starfield! There are literally three of us on Reddit.


I have a foreskin


Most of us in the world do man.


America or Israel?


I hate ice in drinks except water


I only hate ice in water. Seriously, all other drinks, yes. Water, no.


You would love my wife and in laws. They have hundreds of VHS tapes. They have multiple tall book cases double deep with tapes and boxes and boxes more. They all watch everything put on screen and bought so many movies.


I have a phone but I don’t have a SIM card so I don’t have a mobile phone number, makes creating accounts, booking appointments online etc. a real pain but they’re the only times I’d ever need one so I never bother. I’ve also been living in Canada on a visitors visa legally for the past 4 years, can’t imagine there’s many people that can say that either.


I'm allergic to corn. Like all derivatives of corn. Airborne, ingesting, topical use. And, I react differently to them.


I never smoke, drink alcohol or use drugs. I don't have any tattoos nor piercings.


I’m 33 and I don’t shop online. I buy everything from brick and mortar stores. I’ve had far too many bad experiences with packages being lost, misplaced, delivered to the wrong address, you name it. Amazon, DoorDash, even fucking Instacart. I finally stopped and it’s one of the best things I’ve done. If I want something, I can go find it and usually get it that day. All I have to do is put on pants.


I am a very optimistic person who believes in the good in other people and enjoys life


I am in the tiny minority of ONE who is unimpressed by Taylor Swift.


She is le annoying


I don't have a TV in my bedroom and don't allow my kids to have one, either. TVs belong in the living room in my opinion.


I don't like chocolate


My brother collects laserdiscs and has movie nights where we bet on where the disc flips!


I can’t sleep without at least two pairs of socks, no matter the weather


I have Meniere's Disease. It affects 2/10 of 1% of the population.


I have no sense of smell.


I dont know if this is ocd but I have this weird thing I made in my childhood. If I am in my house I close the tap (or faucet) in two steps. I would close the tap in 3 steps if in some place where I might go again and is a bit familiar place. I would close the tap in four steps if I am in a place where I might not come again or have less chance of me going there. If I dont do this in this way and if I closed the tap in two steps in a place where I have less chance going, I might accidentally teleport there in my sleep, is my fear. I know its stupid. And its fairly less now but it is still there.


That is called Obsessive Compulsive Disorder OCD). It’s pretty different in real life vs how it’s typically portrayed in popular culture. Please do yourself a favor and do some reading into it and maybe consider seeking therapy. I say this as a lifelong OCD sufferer (fortunately not usually debilitating but still someone for whom it’s a daily nuisance)


I have a rare mutation of the nail on the second toe of my right foot. Both my mother and her mother have/had it. It kinda looks like a clubbed nail or even a claw. The bed is very narrow and we all had it since birth. It's called nonsyndromic congenital nail disorder 10. I can also wiggle my ears and touch my nose with my tongue.


So I’m house hunting these days and I realized that I’m probably one of 5 people left in the country who doesn’t like an open plan layout. I hate the kitchen + great room concept and any layout that has a tucked away kitchen means the house is old AF and I need to put too much money into upgrading. Annoying.


I'm a very underweight American.


Half Icelandic, quarter African American & quarter Jewish born in Iceland.


I am intersex. There are several genetic intersex conditions. I have the one closest to the female half.


Transgender army veteran. Number is minuscule.


I pour milk first, then cereal second. Doesn’t seem like it should be a big deal whatsoever, but the many disagreements I’ve had with friends about it says otherwise.


Same lol. I don't want my cereal to get soggy. I think It's one of those things that people get upset about because it became a meme to make fun of people for it, like the pineapple on pizza thing. I don't really get why it's a big deal either.


I don’t like tattoos.


I still dabble in film photography. I built a 386 PC from parts. I have records and tapes and CDs. I casually collect paperback and hardback books from the 70s and 80s. None of these things interest any of my friends or family, so I'm a minority of 1 within my family group.


I have red hair and blue eyes


Still have my own VHS collection. Sadly, my VCR died recently.


I don’t collect VHS, but i still have some. Favorites that i haven’t duplicated on DVD yet. So of course i have a VHS player, it’s a DVD/VHS combo though. I’m in an incredibly small minority of people who understands that ‘D’ & ‘R’ are the same corrupt politicians who have been trampling on our rights and privileges for generations and i refuse to support either one. We’re such a tiny minority that i’ve only met one other in real life and have yet to find a group of us on any media platform.






I am one of the few people in the world who cares about grammar.


My husband also collects VHS tapes and we have a working VCR. He also has a huge collection of old video games. Atari and original Nintendo are set up at our house.


I haven't driven or owned a car for the majority of my life. I didn't get my license until I was 21 and have never had a driving commute.


Daily Peanut butter and dill pickle sandwich eater


Individuals who have Heritary Spastic Paraplegia and have a different perspective on life that many can't relate to. People in wheelchairs are not unless, and we really do appreciate your help, albeit, some than others depending on circumstances, but when you (not you, using in a general sense) try to tell me how difficult it is being in a wheelchair because you broke your leg once, a decade ago, is like comparing a Geo Metro to a Porsche 911. I'm not trying to go on a rant, nor am I mad at anyone, I have more to say, but I won't. You can ask, I guess. If you even want to.


I’ve never been put under anesthesia


I eat mangos with the skin on.


Funny you say that - I found a working VCR thrifting and decided to grab it for old home made videos and such. The nostalgia of using it was so great.


My main hobby is written role-play. Making character and jointly telling a story. I've been doing it since Neopets was in its heyday.