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Walk through my house without fear of being savagely beaten. I can eat whenever I want. I can speak and can speak at any volume I would like.


I have a decent amount of disposable income, so pretty much buy what I want, eat what I want and travel when I want. When I was a kid we were pretty poor.


Good for you!!


What is your job? Only  if you don’t mind me askin


Senior cyber security engineer


Very cool


I ate dessert before dinner the other day. Lol don't recommend. Much better eating dinner and looking forward to dessert


Hahaha, love that! We all need a little innocent chaos from time to time!


I can have as many animals and hobbies as I want. My mom would always give away my dogs and never let me have hobbies. So now I enjoy both to the fullest.


I often forget that I can just... Leave the house. Like, I don't need permission, I don't have to say where, I can just leave. I can buy things on my own accord as well. It also feels weird to just stay overnight at a friend's house with very little planning prior.


Wander around to a different room when I can't sleep. I've always struggled with insomnia, or at the very least never being able to fall asleep at a "reasonable" hour. My mom used to get so mad when I was up later than bedtime saying I couldn't sleep and her solution was just "Go lay still!" It drove me nuts, like don't you think I tried that? Lol


Never really thought about how that could be helpful for some, thanks for the insight!


Watch two sporting events at once, which I just did today by watching my team play baseball and the men compete in the US gymnastics trials. I did not have to constantly turn channels. Come to think of it, the men's trials probably would not have been on TV back then for me to watch.


Stay up until 2:30 am frequently and buy whatever art supplies I want. I have a cupboard full that I haven’t even used yet (but I use a lot)


I get to set my own schedule! I'm retired and finally living alone for the first time ever. I can stay up reading until the sun comes up and then sleep until 4 in the afternoon! No one tells me to turn off the tv and go to bed and no one grumbles if I sleep all day. I waited 70 years for this freedom and I'm enjoying every bit of it!


So happy that you are happy! You keep living every day to the fullest, you've earned it!


i don’t have an answer, but i’m a fellow southerner and the fact that your parents kept the ac that high is fucking crazy. like WHAT?! we always keep it at 70-71. anything lower, according to my mom & grandma, is too cold and anything higher is too hot lol.


Oh my gosh, it was torture. Pure. Torture. Sometimes, 87. That's the highest I can remember. My mom still keeps it at this temp. I don't go to her house. For more reasons than just that, but it's a real contributing factor!


When we had our "heat dome," a few years ago, they were talking about the people that had reactions from the heat, and said that anything above 80 is a risk. I keep my AC "high" at 76-78, but more than that is too much. I'll also turn it down if I really need to, but I'm usually comfortable at that temp.


I can appreciate people being comfortable at warmer temps and fully understand that I keep it a little frigid, but I agree with you and so does OSHA haha!


Afford and budget out concerts once a year.


This is awesome! Great idea


Travel to destinations where none of my relatives live.


I like this, too. I do not have a close family.


My family is close, but I can go places other than where they live.


Watch R rated movies.


I didn’t see one until I was 17


This is mind blowing to me. Did you also not ever play a video game rated M before then as well? Genuinely curious. Also, what was the first R movie and if yes to my video game question, what game?


The only video games back then cost a quarter at the arcade. The movie was Flashdance.


I saw patriots day when I was like 12 cause my dad didn’t know it was rated r 💀


Then: "Don't open another box of cereal until you finish this one." Now, I have the Wall of Cereal in the pantry.


Oh my gosh, I had this rule tooooooooo! What if I want cinnamon toast crunch on Monday and honey nut cheerios on Tuesday? I wasn't allowed to have cereal with marshmallows or anything too exciting. Pretty sure I have tried every type of cereal now.


I limit it to when I’m on vacation, but going to a candy shop and buying whatever I want to try


I try to keep things in moderation as well, I can get carried away pretty easily! But I really love this simple treat you allow yourself! Do you always get the same type of candy, or do you try different kinds?


I have some go-to favorites (I might be the only person who actually likes Jordan almonds), but always looking for anything new or unusual, especially regional specialties. If they have soda, I’m on a quest to find the perfect cream soda, so I’ll end up with lots of those


Styling myself I think. My mom would always tell me what to wear, didn't feel nice that whatever I picked out would get immediately rejected. But now, with my own style, my mom is also happy to see me happy


Glad yall have a good relationship now


Get as many toys as I want, whenever I want, as long as I can afford them. I love dolls, and I don't have to wait for "special occasions", like birthday or christmas, I can just get them myself! In a regular Tuesday!


Love all of this!


buy any comic I want


get back home lately


having a cat


lots of junk food


openly practice witchcraft. making a room to grow herbs, house crystals, and do art in. and just have a tone of occult stuff.


Go to a movie and/or out to dinner any time I want


using ipads for games on weekdays. I wasn't allowed a phone back then and the ipad would be kept in the parents' room on weekdays. there was only one computer at home and it was one of those office PCs that can't really run games.


Stay up as late as I want with the lights on


I Can cry and be vulnerable now …Not fully comfortable yet about it, but I’m slowly working on it