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stressful or depressing TV shows and movies i got enough of both of these things in my life. i just wanna watch something dumb as hell i have some exceptions though


This. But with books. Whenever you ask for recommendations, you'll always get a variation of drama, thriller, tragedy, historical retellings and classics. I just need some sweet escapism most of the time. And a story can also have depth and value without being overly grim.


If you like things on the lighter side, I can’t recommend enough *Furiously Happy* by Jenny Lawson. It’s a memoir by a woman with severe anxiety and depression who tells absolutely hilarious stories about her misadventures and experiences with neuro-divergence. From Wikipedia: “The title refers to Lawson's philosophy of being "furiously happy" after becoming so depressed that she eventually decided to force herself to be happy out of frustration and spite, driving herself to adventures and experiences in order to build happy memories to sustain her through bouts of depression. This propels her to do such things as travel to Australia in order to hug a koala while wearing a koala suit, to wear a fancy ballgown on ordinary occasions in order to feel beautiful, and to connect with people in the real world in spite of painful physical ability and severe social anxiety. She also related experiences of other mentally ill people who have gone on their own adventures after being inspired by her.”


Thanks, this sounds good 👍


I hope you enjoy it! Be prepared to laugh whether or not you want to. I gave a copy to my favorite manager as a gift when she transferred away. 😅


A while ago, my mum found a whole mini library full of all the books we used to read as kids. I’ve taken them back to my home and I’m rereading every book. Sure, I may look funny because I’m reading a kids novel but luckily I’m at home so no one can judge me. Besides, who gives a toss anyway? I’m loving every book and the way it helps me escape reality.


Yeah only things I watch are action packed excitement or dumb and funny. There are a few serious drama shows that I love like Breaking Bad, Animal Kingdom, etc. But fuck a horror movie or tearjerker. EDIT: Except Pixar movies. Pixar can break my heart.


Same. I know a friend who likes to watch gore movies. I dont understand why he would go all the trouble to watch people ripping each other. I kind of understand the appeal of some serious movies with some deep meanings. But I am living a serious movie with deep meaning I want some comedy and want to feel light. Its just an escapism for me


yea i can understand like over the top horror. and i enjoy shlocky old horror B-movies. But it's those serious, self-reflective, morose indie films that i have a hard time with.


I feel this but the opposite I'm tired of watching the same raunchy comedy film my adult life


Yes! Comedies and light hearted shows are good for me. Even if I like some of the darker themed shows I really need to be in the right headspace for it. Often I’ll just replay sitcoms instead of watching something more intensive, even if it otherwise appeals to me. I really need to have the mental energy for those kinds of things


YES. Especially as I've gotten older. I want fun, happy TV shows and movies. Stranger Things is the most "dramatic" that I'll watch but they balance it with comedy well, plus I'm certain it'll have a happy ending. I have to like majority of the characters and be able to root for them.


Same here. I never got those super serious (usually British) crime shows with their dramatic, horrifying crimes and bleak everything one moment and then a graphic sex scene the next. Personally, I like horror, and I'm far from uncomfortable with sex or sexuality, but someone could crack a joke once in a while and I don't want to watch some guy's ass go up and down for a disturbingly long shot, especially not in the first five minutes of the first episode.


Never going to finish 'the maid's tale'...


Me with anime, manga, and light novels. It takes me days to recover from them.


I say something similar about scary movies. Life is a scary enough lol


"Nobody watches this show to feel things. Life's already depressing enough as is." -an ironic quote from Bojack Horseman.


Oh god yes to this one. It really feels like so many depressing shows are some kind of psyop. Like imagine if that’s your main influence on what life is like. That everyone is an asshole with almost no redeeming qualities. That’s what a lot of these shows are like. I feel like that started with the sopranos. (Which I also don’t like for this reason).


Can't agree more. I hate watching emotional things like doctor or emotional police programs. Why do I want to be sad?


I think people recommend sad movies more because it’s more memorable and impactful as it’s easier to come up with an amazing plot that is sad or dark than a happy one


Avid Black Mirror aficionados have entered the chat. They won’t miss one fkn chance to shove black mirror down your throat. Life is shit enough as it is and all I wanna do is unwind at the end of the day with some Whose Line Is It Anyway or some Seinfeld or heck even some Winnie the fkn Pooh. Just leave me alone with your Black Mirrors and your Game of Thrones.


>i just wanna watch something dumb as hell Is that why so many people watch the Kardashians ?


Vaping. Just don't understand it.


Yep, one of my good friends is a doctor and she says if there is one vice she wishes people would stay away from is vapes.


I don't know if this is true but I've heard that it's worse than smoking. Again, it's just something that I read. Either way, it just doesn't make any sense to me


It’s actually more accurate that it is as bad as smoking. Difficult to say which is worse. The reason for that is that vaping hasn’t been around for so long. But it is factually bad for you - part of the process heats up pieces of plastic that you inhale…


the convenience is the dangerous part. with smoking you can’t smoke indoors, you have to go outside usually, and with vapes, well, you take hits until it’s empty. then you refill it. for the whole day. the whole week. you’re on that thing all that time and when you lose it you are like “holy fuck where is it i need it rn”


This girl Isabella at work 🙄


Does she have a sister named Mirabel?


Perhaps an infatuation with flowers?


drink on the job?


I’m gone 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Yeah screw Isabella we all see right thru her phony bullshit.


Isabella sucks


is she hot


Is she single


Is she ready to mingle


Reality TV of any kind. From the Kardashians to American Idol, I hate them all


You leave MTVs The Challenge out of this


But everyone claims to dislike the Kardashians.


I probably have a skewed perception. I was just on vacation with some friends and our kids. They all love the show. Also isn’t the show wildly popular??


Just heard a kid character on Netflix call it "hate-watching".


Alcohol. I don't like the feeling of getting drunk, i guess it has to do with me prefering to be in control of myself. Edit: grammar


I hate the drunk feeling, too and hangovers can ruin your whole next day.


I'm almost 38. I had a hangover last weekend and it ruined my next *two* days


Damn!!! That's rough, bro.


I loved it for a long time and then around early 30s it completely changed. I hate the feeling now and can’t even have a couple.


I kinda agree with you. Definitely on being in control part. I love the taste of Alcohol, and the feel of a couple of shots. However, I don't like being drunk and I despise the hangovers. I haven't had any Alcohol in months for that very reason.


I was really afraid to even try before I found a good company that took care of me. There are too many downsides except for this, though.


Completely agree with you! 🙌


Sitcoms with laugh tracks like don't tell me when to laugh I find funny when it'sfunny. I don't need you to beat me over the head with kauguing "THEYRE KAUGHING SO YOU LAUGH" fuck you


its also the laughs of dead people since all the tracks were recorded in the 50s and they just reuse them




They're all somewhere laughing at Wilhelm, screaming as he gets bitten by an alligator.


I actively listen for the Wilhelm scream in every movie I watch. 😂


The ghosts demand you laugh with them!


omg 😱 i never thought of that




any and all sea/river/lake food not allergic, i just find it all disgusting


I always tell people that if the food spent any part of its life living underwater I am not going to eat it.


Are you also opposed to freshwater stuff? You do know practically any animal with "meat" is going to be around 60% water by volume. We're essentially swimming in water 24/7 whether you like it or not.


Lol you missing out


I’m just leaving more for all yall that really appreciate it ❤️


Hate the smell, hate the texture, hate the taste. I'm a land animal, I eat land food.


absolutely, land mammals represent :)


Same! I do eat one or two things like I'm fine with white fish and prawns. But I don't understand how people can eat anything else. Other sea food just makes me want to projectile vomit. I had lobster before because everyone raved about it and I thought it was gross. Even worse is that they give it to you IN ITS SHELL 🤢 I can't deal with meat of any sort that looks like the creature it came from. Like I like pork but if you told me to carve it from a whole pig over a BBQ NOPE...just no no no. I don't like it. Seafood always ends up looking like the animal it came from somehow. What's worse is squid. How the fuck does anyone like squid or octopus? The smell is vile and I can't even deal with the texture.


I don’t like fish or lobster. I definitely hate picking crabs, but I’ll eat a crab cake every once in a while.


Roller coaster. - did I just started a controversy here 😀. Come on!, I always wonder why people pay money, wait in such long queues, scream the hell out of them, just to upset their own internal organs? Alright, I get it that you call it as pleasure. I just don't find pleasure in that?


I finally tried them a few years ago after a lifetime of being terrified of them. I rode 4 different roller coasters just to "shake the fear away" because people always say it gets better once you get used to it It wasn't as bad as I expected it to be, but it wasn't as half as pleasant or fun as people around me always claimed it was and no matter how many times I got in, I'd always feel anxious before each ride. I get to feel anxiety on a daily basis so why would I pay for it? It was just a good day to learn that facing your fears doesn't automatically turn them into a joyful thing and that roller coasters, while not awful, are simply not for me


Facing fear is a good thing! I applaud you trying it out and conquering your fear. In my case, I have rode roller coaster many times. Each time I am forcing myself for others sake to ride and I don't enjoy it. Hence I learnt that I don't "like" it. If there is a situation of life or death, I will definitely use roller coaster to save myself or someone, but it is not something I find joy in doing 😀


Same. I’ll stand in line with you and hold your hat and wallet. I’m not going. Every few years someone talks me into trying one again, and I always still hate it.


I love roller coasters. But I accept they're not everyone's fun.


The adrenaline is what people seek


The Fast and Furious movies. I’m happy everybody else is having a good time but I just don’t care at all


Same. Never watched even one of it and have no interest in watching either


These guys are my friends


Super hot weather, I get dizzy and nauseated, and that’s a terrible time.


I'd take winter over summer ANY day.


It depends where you live, but the same here.


And you cant escape it. At least you can add layers in the cold


Having a circle of friends. I am a fantastic acquaintance, but the word "friend" is a potent one. That's a big commitment, and 99.9% of people I encounter don't make me want to make that commitment. I used to have a small circle of friends that I'd have taken a bullet for, but as the years dragged on, I realized I only stayed involved out of obligation. These days, I prefer solitude or the company of my girlfriend and her kids. I much prefer a simple life without all the attachments, obligations, and plans, that a group of friends entails.


Oh gosh that reminds me of a friend I made out of convenience because our kids play together. Granted, we are legit friends, hanging out without the kids and texting daily, but she’s constantly inviting me to these expensive girl getaways with her old high school friends. Where they go to concerts, wear matching shirts, trash talk their partners, and drink too much. Yeah, no thanks. Might be fun, but there’s so many other things I’d rather do with my time and money


Going out to restaurants. I prefer eating at home or at a friend’s place. I don’t get the appeal of going to crowded restaurants.


I generally don't like crowds either but I'm not about to pretend I can make any of the amazing dishes at my favorite joints. That's the only appeal for me.


Definitely, I can cook, but I'm not going to wrack my brain making my favorite dish from a restaurant if it's right down the street. Sometimes, the convenience of having someone else cook and having a special treat is a nice gift for yourself.


This. I make a pretty good country-fried steak. But I can't figure out how to get that crispy crust restaurants give it. So once in a while I'll get one from a restaurant. And I prefer this local brewery's pizza over homemade.


i dont like it when its too crowded and you have to wait for an available table😅


I only go out to eat for things that are hard to prepare at home. My husband does a much better barbecue than the barbecue restaurants, for example.


i enjoy it a lot less now because of tipping. i went to a restaurant the other day with a friend for dinner and the minimum tip option was 35%! and i live in a country where waitstaff is paid fairly per hour


It's just a different setting, a bit of variety, also service and you don't have to wash up. They both have their pros and cons. Not all restaurants are crowded, it's reasonable to want to avoid those.


Game of Thrones


Monkeys. They are the spawn of the devil! They just wanna snatch your shit and bite you if you try to get it back.


Social media im addicted to it but I really fucking hate it people just sit behind a screen and bully each other… pathetic


Watermelon (I also really hate honeydew and cantaloupe) TikTok


Hard to compete with Spongebob and pizza. You win.


American Cheese ….barf


Tiktok, bad for my brain, I can get distracted with dumb stuff somewhere else thank you very much.


Agree. What’s interesting about this one is everyone I know who uses it say they hate it but continue to use it.


Music festivals like Coachella, Riot Fest, etc etc. I just don’t see the appeal of paying overpriced tickets just to see the one or two bands/artist you like for like a 10-20 minute set, jumping around in the hot summer sun all sweaty, musty, vomit everywhere, smells like cat piss on top of that most people at these festivals are on some hard shit or drunk, at least at a regular concert you’re there to see the artist you paid for, not having to sit through 50 others. Just no…idk music festivals just seem so…trashy (no offense to anyone who does enjoy them)


They certainly seem to attract a lot of people I’d willingly avoid interacting with, given the choice.


Anime. For the life of me I could NEVER get into anime. Never cared for Dragon Ball Z, Naruto, My Hero Academia, and countless others. I am trying hard to watch Attack On Titan because I do see the premise to be interesting. Over all just, no. I don’t care for that medium.


When I see Japanese animation, all I see is where they try to animate as little as possible. A frozen head with only the mouth moving. Lots of panning of a static shot of a city. A drawing of the hero in one pose while the background is zooming by. Gets irritating fast.




the big bang theory


Good thing you're on Reddit then. Seems like virtually every person on here hates that show.


People here be like NeRd BlAcKfAcE oh fuck off


Agreed. They act like the show is insulting to nerds and doesn't understand nerd culture, but as a major nerd myself with lots of nerdy friends...yeah, the show is spot-on far more often than it isn't.


Utterly unwatchable tripe. I hate it so much.


it couldn't be funny if its life depended on it. it's cringe and it was so popular lmao that's the only funny thing about it put on some broad city or some fisk please


I wish this sub allowed gifs so I could put a bazinga here (I’ve only watched a few episodes whenever it was on tv at a hotel)


children and babies


^this 💯%




My answer to this is always beer!! Please, I don’t care how much you tell me it’s an acquired taste. I don’t care if there is 100,000 beers out there and there is one that I should like. I know I’ve only tried a handful but if I have to put that much work into liking something, I don’t want to like it. Look myself and everyone else who dislike beer aren’t telling you that you can’t drink it. We aren’t even judging you. Just please stop telling all of us how wrong we are and how much we are missing out. We just want to not drink beer in peace!!


I love beer, but I hate people that try to force others to like beer. My long running joke when the beer elitism comes around is "DUDE! Stop telling them the good stuff, more for me!"


Same. And I’ve tried dozens. They all taste like beer. Fruity beer, sour beer, hoppy beer, whatever the heck you want but still BEER. And the “acquired taste” line is always such a cop out. Why should I have to suffer through countless drinks and waste all that money just so I can eventually “like” (not hate any more) the taste.


Alcohol. Never got into it.


You aren’t missing much.


Never understood the concept of wanting to get drunk and I've saved a ton of $$$ not buying booze.


I was against keto diets from the get go because I watched my mother yo-yo from overweight to obese as a child doing fad diets and adkins was one of them and it made her angry and constipated. I did it though, for seven months, after finally being brainwashed from working in the beauty industry and social media and guess what? It made me angry and constipated [[writing this in brackets because it’s gross bathroom details skip to the other side of the brackets it you don’t want to read it but I would literally shit tiny black coils like a little dog and it was so concerning.]] you need fiber and starch. It’s linked to colon cancer now and everyone knows it’s the worst for yo-yoing. 


I hate all things “diet”. I tried literally EVERYTHING and the only thing that worked for me, and this isn’t a plug or anything, but myfitness pal and learning to have patience. Took a little while but I’ve lost 30.7kg (70.5lbs) and kept it off for 3 years


Anime. All of it. I do not like it.


Tomatoes, I HATE tomatoes.


Me too. I also hate pickles and cabbage.


I hate Marvel. I have no idea why people are even into it. It's just too generic 🙃


Taylor Swift


Watching sports. Hookups.


I do not like South Park 🤮


I hate crime shows Lifes stressful enough as it is I prefer sport or lifestyle shows it keeps my mind happy My wife loves them so I usually just go another room or bed and read


SMORES! Blech! most overrated treat ever. fight me bros!


As Chef Slowik said in “The Menu”: “The S’more is the most offensive assault on the human palate ever contrived. It's everything wrong with us, and yet we associate it with innocence. Unethically sourced chocolate and gelatinized sugar water imprisoned by industrial-grade graham cracker.” I won’t spoil what happens next. 😬🔥


So sticky!! Not even that good! A hunk of chocolate on some cardboard and a smoked up marshmallow. No.


i dunno what i dislike really, but i like the way you type with the emoticons. yas =] !!




Taylor Swift and Disney lmao


Camping. There's absolutely nothing about it I find appealing.


OK i dont want anything to do with you we are exact opposites 🙅‍♂️🙅‍♂️🙅‍♂️🙅‍♂️ pizza is my life


uhh sorry but chicken is better


Taylor swift


Ketchup and twerking with ass cheeks showing. I'm not a fan of twerking since it feels way too sexual to be on the internet.


Small talk


You monster! 


no you! u doughnut


The crying-laughter emoji. I couldn't tell you why it vexes me so, and yet it does.


Bowling. I’m bored after 3 turns and nobody is ever happy with just one game.


And feeling all the disgusting shit in the finger holes, wearing shoes that have been worn 1,000, loud as hell, incredibly boring, and something about a bowling alley depresses me.


Being around people. I love being home with my wife and dogs more than going out


Vampires. The most boring of monsters.




Modern pop music


Reality TV shows (married at first sight, love island ect) Alcohol Celebrities Modern music


those eyebrows that are brushed upwards


Our presidential candidates But I love pizza


If you're referring to America, I think you're in the majority.


Gritty shows about terrible people. It was vaguely interesting when LOST and HEROES did it but now it's just the norm unless you watch grandma or children's TV and even there it creeps in.


Ok. I’m not going to answer your question. You wanna know why? Because you need to watch *at least one* episode of SpongeBob SquarePants before you go handing out judgements about it, much less making any SpongeBob themed bracelets. I’m convinced that the pure source of my sense of humor is based solely the first three seasons of that show. I think that I’m a better person for having watched it at such a young age. The show successfully wraps moral dilemmas in hilarious dialogue, all set in a classic piratey aquatic setting. Stephen Hillenburg (RIP) was a comedic genius with vision, who clearly poured his heart and soul into a fantastic show. The first roughly 100 episodes are a masterpiece. I’d recommend it to anyone.


Sports of any kind. And video games.


Username checks out


going to the movies. the noise is overstimulating, but the fact i'm expected to focus on a movie straight through with zero breaks bores my adhd brain.


Yes 10,000%. I also have ADHD & this is my issue with movies, too. If I'm at home, I have a much easier time watching a movie because I can make my own food, fidget, stretch, pause if needed--pretty much everything you can't do when you're in a packed movie theater with a bunch of strangers haha.


Tats and nose 'jewelry'.


Facebook, Instagram, tiktok etc


Olivia Rodrigo. In general I am simply not a fan of her music, despite liking artists that most of her fans also like (Taylor Swift, Sabrina Carpenter). But how hard she tries to be “alternative” and how she markets herself as “alt” really bugs me when she very clearly isn’t. There isn’t a problem with being basic, but don’t try to pretend you’re not. She makes pop, not punk. She also stole music from my favorite band, which is what really solidified my dislike of her.


Italian food. Sorry, it gets tiring


as a third generation Italian immigrant to the USA i simultaneously heavily agree and strongly disagree.




rap music besides run-dmc and that one sunflower song from spiderman lol


Vaping. I just don't get it


jojo sewa via tik tok dont get it


I am not really a fan of breakfast. There is always at least one restaurant in a U.S. town that advertises "We Serve BREAKFAST ALL DAY!" People are all psyched about it -- "Oooh! It's 3pm & I get to have BREAKFAST!" On the other hand, I'm annoyed I can't have the broad array of options offered by "lunch" or "dinner food" in the early morning. I go to McDonald's and they won't let you have a hamburger or a shake yet. I go to the Indian or Chinese restaurant and they aren't open yet. The justification? "No market exists for Indian or Chinese or Ethiopian or Russian food for breakfast in America." Why not breakfast soup, if I want it? Maybe on the weekends? And no, I'm not talking about kid cereal that makes its own sugar-gravy in milk, like Kaboom or Qwisp. In 'Murica, you can ONLY have cereal, granola, a freaking donut, pancakes, waffles, bacon, sausage! Maybe yogurt if you are some kind of Communist. (/s) The colors of American breakfast would make a sad flag: brown, gray, beige, yellow, white. There was a fanzine in the 1990s rhapsodizing about all things breakfast. It was named "BREAKFAST Zine". One of my friends, a societally-well-adjusted breakfast partisan, tried to egg me on (yes, I know...) to write an essay explaining why breakfast sucks eggs. The zine is long dead, but this comment rants a little bit like what I would have written to them.


Spicy food. Pain isn’t a flavor and having a burning mouth and anus isn’t a flex.


Politics and religion. I instantly have checked out of the conversation if you bring up this crap with me.




Im no monarchist or royalist, but i don’t like Meghan Markle. Lol


Pickles 😣 they’re evil


Pizza, noodles, and anything that requires leaving the house.


pizza is a pretty wild thing to dislike but i could see reasons for it but NOODLES?!?!? mate you crazy


That’s why delivery exists


🍕but pizza is incredibbbllleeeeee🍕🍕🍕


The beach. All that sand, ugh.


oh hi Anakin :)


coffee, the smell alone makes me sick, i tried drinking coffee 4 times in my life, vomited every time.


Peanut butter. It tastes burnt to me... All my life and I'm over 50🤷🏻‍♀️


Women’s basketball


Probably red wine? I hate the smell of it, hate the taste of it. White wine is ok, and beer and liquor are fine.


Garlic While it seems to me that everyone else is in competition with each other over how freaking much garlic you can put into your dishes, for me personally the sheer thought of the smell makes me almost vomit. I just don't get! For me it simply stinks and there is nothing worse than standing close to somebody who just ate something garlic-heavy. I would even say it's close to antisocial to eat garlic and then to get on the train for example. But yeah, I know... I am the weird one.


[Your personal hell](https://thestinkingrose.com/menu1.html)


Pickles. They're. Disgusting.


Nightmares. I’m a huge horror fan, so they are kind of thrilling. Dreams wherein I am back in high school because of some fluke and suddenrly need to pass an exam for a class I never attended because I couldn’t find….those are the worst Edit: oh I got the question wrong. I thought it was things you like that others don’t. I’m not the biggest fan of tacos. I’m all about the Torta baby


Tomatoes. It’s the texture and taste that are off-putting to me🤷‍♀️


The Kardashians


This thread. I feel like a fucking ray of sunshine compared to these people hating on some of Earth’s finest creations lmao


Penguins make me uncomfortable. And dolphins freak me the fuck out


Match making/love game shows like circle, love island, etc.


Horror movies. At that point just watch the news to get scared


Taylor Swift. Love Island. People who post nothing but their kids on Social Media.


You’d think people would know by now the huge risks of posting your kids on social media. You’d think.


Loud cars


Horror movies or scary movies. Why would I want to raise my blood pressure and possibly give myself nightmares? Rather funny or alyanything else


The Harry Potter series. It's overwrought and tedious.