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Nice teeth. I have a mouth fulla straight white chicklets. Growing up dirt fucking poor - genetic lottery got me out of the trailer park


Me too! Thank god, I would never have been able to afford to get braces.


I genuinely believe that systemically dental care isn’t considered medical care - bc it’s a *mostly* reliable class indicator.


Would genuinely love to hear more about this theory.


When it comes to paying rent, buying shoes for kids or putting food on table. Who’s going to have extra for dental insurance.


Without class indicators, you get a bunch of plebs just CASUALLY sneaking into high society. There’s no greater threat to hoarded wealth than a regular human with inconvenient empathy (and WORSE poor family members looking for a leg up). That’s why teeth are so reliable a class indicator. Money can fix the shape of the bite, the shade of white, keep cavities from becoming extractions, and in extreme circumstances completely replace them. It’s easy to spot cheap dentistry. The upper class prefer having a reliable easily identified class indicator. Other class indicators (a deep regional accent for example) can be lost through hard work but nothing except MONEY can fix a jacked up grill.


Can confirm, I worked my ass off to leave my poor backwoods hometown, only to have my fucked up grill color my life.


The British have entered the chat and started the War of 2024.


Not chicklets lmao


I don’t get sick…like, I do but what puts everybody out for days will give me mild symptoms for a few hours and then I’m fine, if I get symptoms at all. My mom tried to get me to catch chicken pox as a kid and I never got it. Haven’t ever gotten covid. CMV negative which is apparently rare-ish so I can donate blood for babies and immune compromised people. My husband and I both got food poisoning once and it was uncomfortable for me for a few hours and for him he wasn’t fully okay for days. I guess I have a really good immune system!


That’s insane. I on the other hand catch absolutely everything and get absolutely wrecked by what is a mild cold for others :(


Are you me? I just posted a similar comment about never getting sick, and I also am CMV negative!


What is CMV negative? i very rarely if ever get sick as well, i wonder if i am also CMV negative Never-mind, just looked it up. Interesting!


Yes, you are them. We are all them!!!


I have the same thing, but my awesome immune system has swung so far as to give me an autoimmune disorder. It's a double edged sword!


Me too ! I did get the chicken pox though. I remember as a kid bringing home the flu or something and I’d have it maybe a couple days and my mother and little brother would catch it and be out for days or weeks and my mother would get so mad. I went years without a cold - I would even challenge myself to see if I’d get sick around someone who was. I got covid one Xmas and didn’t know I had it. I had a sniffle so I took a test because I worked for an old woman at the time. Easiest cold I ever had !


& my ex husband has the rare blood thing and can donate to babies and such.


Or a really bad immune system. When people don't have Covid symptoms when they have Covid, for example, it means their body isn't fighting back. I remember an immunocompromised individual who tested positive for months because his body was just ignoring the virus. They finally cured him using antibodies.


Yeah except I’ve never tested positive. My whole family went down with it but I kept testing negative with no symptoms 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’ve taken probably 20 tests over the past few years whenever I get exposed and nothing!


Are you Bruce Willis from Unbreakable?


I get colds and stuff like normal but all the rest is true. I had to get the chickenpox vaccine for work since I'd never had it. I went to chicken pox parties as a kid but nothing.


Same here! Admittedly I’m not sure if I’m CMV negative (I’ve honestly never heard of it until now) but, like you, I just never seem to get sick. Sniffles yes, headaches yes, and occasionally I will get something that’ll make me feverish and sweaty, but it’s gone by the next morning. In fact I can go to bed, feeling a little quenchy, and I know that I’ll sleep heavily and sweat it out and will be fine the next day.


I've never gotten a cavity. No one in my immediate family has. And I don't have perfect oral hygiene.


Im so jealous. I have on each teeth and I don’t eat sugar and wash them after every meal…


Same here! I brush twice a day, sometimes 3 , but rarely floss. I went 6 years without going to a dentist because I didn't have insurance. When I finally went I went in fully expecting to be told I had at least one, but outside of needing a cleaning below the gumline, I was golden.


I went for several years without going to the dentist, and when I finally went, the hygienist was like "Bitch, you look like you just came from the dentist."


Korean - No body odor because of a mutation in the ABCC11 gene. Everything else eh. Not so much.


That's the one I'm jealous of!


Don't worry, I'm making up for the smells you aren't producing.


Not just Korean. East Asian and have this too. Never touched deodorant in my life.


>No body odor because of a mutation in the ABCC11 gene. DEAR GOD I HAD NO IDEA THIS WAS EVEN A THING


Ok my best friend isn’t Korean she’s from Hong Kong but she’s HAIRLESS. I’m a Mediterranean chick and that shit grows thick black and bold on me and I won’t even get into the BO - she got me an Ewok Christmas jumper though cs shes thoughtful like that 💙


Win: I have really nice, fast growing hair and I have a lot of it Loss: It's not exclusive to my head


Me, too, mine grows fast and it's Hella thick. My whole family has extremely thick hair. though I would not call my hair really nice because it can be pretty frizzy so I have to take good care of it.


My son has this, his hair grows exceptionally fast and so does his finger nails. He’ll get a hair cut and it’s already grown in in about a week, I’m not exaggerating. He’s growing it longish (the flow hair cute) so I’m interested to see how it turns out.


Same! Except now it's starting to thin on top, front and center right :(


I'm the only one in my family who doesn't need glasses


I see. Unlike your family. BURN! (I'm this close to being legally blind, I'm just having fun.)


Lol I needed a good laugh. Thanks for this!


I was too until I hit 30. I feel lucky I was able to hold out as long as I did.


I've had better than 20/20 vision my whole life. In my late 40s now, and it has declined quickly.


That was my brother's claim. Until about 5 years ago. :-D


Same, the other 5 are envious.


Low blood pressure. I'm anxious with a temper- low blood pressure is saving my life.


It's not uncommon for a nurse to take my BP, pause, then we have this conversation: "I'm gonna take that again..." "Let me guess, mid 90s over mid 60s?" "Yeah?" "Yeah that's correct."


Same exact thing with me. I once had it read 82/56 and the nurse was extremely worried but I'm pretty sure it was just because I had dozed off in the waiting room and my body hadn't caught up to speed yet


This is me! I’ve always had low blood pressure in that range (90s/60s) while my husband is on 4 different BP meds at max dosage and still tests in the 190/100 range. It’s insane.


How is hubbys sleep? I ask because med resistant high BP can be because of sleep apnea, which can happen to any person of any size


Same here. I've been riddled with anxiety for as long as I can remember but I always have low to normal pressure. My doc also mentioned that genetically its highly unlikely that I'll ever develop diabetes. Also my nails grow long pretty easily. And they're strong and naturally have a rounded square shape. If I wasnt always cleaning they would look like an acrylic set


lol I had a genetic test which showed I have the ace Dede gene polymorphism. It’s associated with diabetes, high blood pressure but also strength and muscle mass. I consider it my genetic win but health wise I have to be more careful.


Same!!! However sometimes the low blood pressure makes you prone to fainting if in shock! Does this happen to you too?


I almost pass out if I stand up too quickly, that can be annoying.


Do you also have cold hands & feet? My feet are like ice blocks


Yep, I have cold everything.


Low blood pressure gang, slowly rise up so we don't get light-headed. 🤣


Have you looked into POTS? I have this as well and it took years to realize what it was (but was reassuring to know it wasn’t a secret brain tumor or something)


Yeah I've heard of it. It's possible, but at the same time just standing up more slowly/carefully seems to work well enough so I don't see much point in seeking out a diagnosis for it unless it's actually dangerous or something... I've always had low blood pressure. It served me well when I used to be obese and a heavy drinker. "Your blood pressure is perfect!" Doctors would exclaim. So now that I've quit drinking and lost all the weight it just went down hard and that's when the lightheadedness started. I also eat a lot of salt to compensate.


I think it probably saved me from some heart damage after Covid. My bpm and blood pressure both rose dramatically for a while, but luckily because they started so low it wasn’t very concerning


Me too!


Omg that’s me as well 🤣


I’m anxious and have been on two different medications for years that are super problematic with making blood pressure skyrocket. They monitored me for three years and when it never went up a tic they finally stopped making me get multiple blood pressure tests a year (and thankfully has allowed me to continue both treatments long term and they’re helping what they’re supposed to help)


I also have low blood pressure, but it just means I'm frequently cold and an exceptionally slow blood draw. 😁


i also am low bp, anxious with a temper. could the moods be related to the bp?


My mother and I look young for our ages. She's in her early 60's and can pass for late 40's. I'm almost 40, and folks (coworkers/randos) guess my age at mid-20's to early 30's. Usually they guess mid to late 20's. The initial guesses and shock when I tell them my age is SUCH a confidence booster.


Same here !! I’m 35 and people always mistake me for early/mid 20s. It can be a little annoying when you’re treated like a teen (it happens all the time) but, it’s definitely better than looking 55 at 35 haha My parents also look young for their ages! They’re 73 and could pass for 50s. It’s a blessing for sure.


Anyone else reading this super pissed off at their DNA?


I am such a basic bitch


Enough to neutralize acid?


I'm trying to remember what's genetically good about me but all I can think of right now is whats wrong 😭


Yup, keep thinking about all the genetics loses I have 🙈 Being sick just by looking at people twirling, gaining weight just by talking about food, having pimples as an adult … What a winner 🙈


Same. I have TWO disorders where there’s no cure or treatment that makes it go away. HS and Vertigo


Yeah… I have the gene that means you don’t smell when you sweat (which is nice)… but I also have the genes for like 4 different mental illnesses which I’d gladly trade off 🫠


I was born without wisdom teeth


On the opposite side, I was born with enough room in my mouth for my wisdom teeth so i don't have to get mine removed


Me too, I have all 4 wisdom teeth but not problems with them


Same here, didn't even feel them growing.




I had one wisdom tooth in the roof of my mouth; I could feel it with my tongue. I'm old ... over the course of my lifetime it's moved to the very back behind my last molar; dentist said leave it alone.


In the middle side, I wasn't born with enough space but my parents didn't take me to the dentist to get my teeth straightened so the tooth that grew in front of everything else left enough space for the two wisdom teeth that I have to grow painlessly.


i was born with too small of a mouth plus wisdom teeth, but turns out im missing some of my adult teeth. so they just yanked out a baby tooth to make room 💀 way cheaper and faster


Me too! The adult teeth I was missing, my mom had erupt in the roof of her mouth instead of her gums. I definitely got the better deal on that one.


Meanwhile I had 6 wisdoms which was a shocking x-ray for my dentist


I was 16-17 when I got my mouth x-rayed for braces. No wisdom teeth showed up in the X-ray. Got congratulated for not having wisdom teeth. Bragged about being evolved. Now about 15 years later, I had one come in last year (top left) and had a few teething pains a couple months ago for the top right. So they do develop later and grow in adulthood


Not everyone, thankfully. I'm 44 and never had them. My best friend who is 42 is now having issues with hers though, but hers showed on xray at 12.


This is so weird. I would like a dentist to weigh in. I’ve always thought permanent teeth were ready waiting to shoot up. Maybe my calcium intake was poor as a child. Cause I definitely did not have wisdom teeth in the xray. But you’re super lucky, it’s not the most comfortable.


Ro blood type. It's pretty rare in the donor population but quite common in sickle cell patients, so there's a huge demand for it. Means that if I don't book a donation appointment for a while I start getting very polite phone calls from NHSBT. I've been a donor since I was 18 but unfortunately I can't do it at the moment due to an iron deficiency


despite having several food allergies to peanuts and shellfish, i am way less reactive to mosquito bites and poison ivy than most people. both of them don't really cause any reaction for me


Currently sat here on day 3 of a 14 day holiday to Greece with my foot so swollen from 1 mosquito bite I can barely walk 😭 37 and have suffered with Skeeter Syndrome my whole life so would kill for your super power!


I build muscle crazy easily. I started lifting weights several years ago but within my first month of it I had visible muscle definition in my arms. Before lifting I wasn’t athletic at all and I don’t really watch my macros like all these other fitness folks. I’m asked all the time for tricks or “the secret” and all I can say is good genetics. As a 30 yo woman I feel like I have a timeline to this but my dad is the exact same way. He’ll go without lifting for months then hit the gym and have his abs back with a couple weeks. And that man has never watched what he eats and drinks a lot of beer. We’re just short and shredded.


Same! And same regarding my father, he used to do some bodybuilding before I was born. This is actually the first time I hear it from another female. Most fitness people don't believe it. It's also super easy to get into shape, I have an easy time into fitness and sports in general.  I had a dna test done a while back and it showed fast-twitch muscle fibers and likely a sprinter. No problem whatsoever with endurance either though, the problem is more to stop once I get it going. Absolutely love feeling my body healthy and working.   I'll always think I should've done something with it from a young age.


I also build muscle very quickly/easily, and was never athletic or sporty (was very overweight and sedentary until I joined a gym in 2016 when I was in my mid-thirties). Now in my mid-forties, I’m still overweight but much fitter and healthier after losing around 25Kg/50lbs. I do weight training three times a week plus one cardio session (which I still loathe, but it ‘allows’ me to eat cake and chocolate!). My trainer tells me I’m unusually strong for a woman. No idea why, although both my parents were strong in their youth. My dad had fairly big biceps and toned arms &legs even though I don’t think he’s ever been in a gym, and my mum used to be able to lug heavy bags around for her job. It almost makes up for the family tendency towards diabetes, arthritis, dementia, poor eyesight, and problems with putting on weight!


Mine is that I'm alive and conscious lol. That's always a genetic win in my book of life. Everything else is just a bonus honestly.


Going through a pretty bad anxiety patch in life right now and this is a helpful outlook lol thank you


I can waggle my ears


I think you win this one.


I’ve always been able to do this and I never realized nobody else could. Do you happen to wear glasses? I found that wearing glasses helped me develop this trait.


I’m a 30s woman with no body hair. I have never shaved before 🙌 only downside is very light brows I still have to draw in every day.


Same here 🙌  But I got my brows microbladed so that I don't need to draw them in lol.


Not even your armpits? I'm a pale woman with dark hair everywhere. I'm jealous. 😂


Yup. My hair is naturally black too, so I feel super lucky.


My body hair is pretty sparse, sometimes I worry there’s something wrong with my hormones but like… at least I can enjoy rarely having to shave.


I've never been so jealous. Among my lottery-winning-daydreams would be full body electrolysis. I shave my head, trim everything else, and keep a short beard for the illusion of a chin 🤣. Being hairy is awful.


I couldn't be more jealous if I tried. LOL


My partner is 49 and he never shaved once in his life and here I am waxing every 2 weeks


I am so jealous but really happy you don't have to go through the pain🙏You're lucky lol


I am a sleep camel. I can stay up for 36 hours like nothing, and 48 hours if I work at it, IF I have a full day's rest before it. My career is project based so this really comes in handy when crunch time happens. Also I rarely use caffeine, and when I do it's almost entirely recreational.


damn, sleep camel is a great metaphor for this lol I'm the opposite, very sensitive to lack of sleep. I'm a night owl, it's way easier to stay up til 6 am than to *wake* up at that time - but once I'm awake for 24 hours consecutively, I notice my cognition and coordination start to suffer pretty damn fast!


Whoa. I want to know what gene that is. I'm jealous, I'm hung over without at least a standard 8 + 2 coffees


Well most everyone in my family lives to be 80 to 90 even with bad lifestyles, drinking, smoking, no exercise, everyone lives to at least 80 The downside is a pretty clear and consistent lineage of mental illness and depression


My parents look young for their age and drink like fish.


I have really pretty green eyes. The first compliment I've ever recieved from a girl was about my eyes - and it affected me so much I made it my reddit username lol


Twins! Green eyes are super rare, we have more lipochrome pigment in our eyes than normal people.


I got green too! Yay for us rarities!


I have that “buccal fat removal” look without getting anything done and I can smell better than most people


It's not a "useful" genetic win but both my parents and their parents have good skin → I don't have to spend money on skincare aside from moisturizer and sunscreen


People with bad skin would absolutely say thats a useful superpower! Revel in it


I am grateful for it everyday\~\~ my "getting ready" time is cut significantly!


During puberty I basically had no zits, so there's that.


I've had acne since I hit puberty and now at 27, it's still there. It just doesn't want to go away, and I hate looking at myself most days. I'm covered in scars as well. I don't even want to know how much money I've spent on skincare over the years... This is definitely a useful genetic win!


Me too, but at this point I have just accepted it. My face is the way it wants to be, my back is the way it wants to be. Because skincare products make my skin worse and irritate it. Is it the sterile life of the city? Is it the constant stress? Who knows, it will fix itself when it fixes itself.


Thank you so much for saying this. I hope you get your acne problem solved soon.


Thanks, that's very sweet of you to say :)


Same! I got so many bad genetic traits but at least my skin is flawless. People are astounded that I don’t wash my face daily or use any products aside from sunscreen and hypoallergenic soap when I shower.


My grandmother was 92 and had no lines or wrinkles on her forehead, my dad is the same. I unfortunately did not inherit this.


Ah, wish I had that gene! Thank your parents :D


I hate you so much (I say this admiringly)


I could run a marathon in mid august and i'd still have no body odour. Super useful in the summer. Too bad i don't hunt, i'd be unnoticeable lol


Im really jealous of this one. I stink after the gym, even if i shower beforehand


You can try to reset your body flora by using chlorhexidine wash or wipes and then sleeping with someone who smells good.


Dark, thick, long eyelashes and nicely-shaped big lips.


All my wisdom teeth have come through, they just fit in my mouth without issues. Dentists always get a little surprise out of it.


I can smell dogs who are diabetic. I had no idea until I worked front office for a vets office and mentioned the smell of one of the dogs. Our vet was pretty excited, so wait, you can smell that too? Apparently not everyone can. So I gues I could always be a service person for a diabetic dog.


Solid life plan. Get a super bougie family who loves their dog to hire you as a service person for their dog.


I smell ketones on people…wonder if I could do it for dogs, too?


I have two: I am 6’3”, which according to my short king friends is like the ideal height for a man. Any taller and I might have a much harder time with things like doors and airplane seats. My second is that I am extremely ethnically ambiguous. I have a sort of Mediterranean tan complexion with dark hair and hazel eyes. I’ve been mistaken for Greek, Italian, Israeli, Punjabi, Egyptian, Arab, Mexican, the list goes on. I am none of those things lol.


I wish I'd stopped at 6'2". Can confirm that at 6'5" things can be annoying; I'm glad I'm not any taller.


As someone who is 6'5 I hit my head WAY too much I agree 6'1-6'3 was prolly the better height


Yeah, it's a massive pain... I've got long hair at the moment, had it clipped up on the top and then managed to hit the clip on a doorway this morning.


I’m ethnically ambiguous too! Nearly black thick wavy hair, pretty pale with kind of olive undertones and very dark brown eyes. I’ve been mistaken as Hispanic, Filipina, Arabic, Egyptian, Roma, etc. There is a chameleon aspect to it sometimes where people think I’m the ethnicity of whoever I’m standing next to. I did my AncestryDNA a couple years ago, and it might have well have just said “white.”


6'1 is bad enough with air plane seats. It's mostly a pain because I can't get women's pants that are long enough in stores. Sleeves are never long enough. Most of my jumpers and trousers are for men.


I have wide shoulders, thick arms, and massive thighs and calves. Not always a win, but I have always been much stronger than most people. I powerlifted for a few years. It's definitely a loss at finding clothes that fit me. I also have a bad heart and blood pressure because of it. I can't run for shit and am generally just slow with anything athletic. But from a strength aspect, I am definitely gifted.


Same, kinda. I'm basically a human forklift. Never got into powerlifting, tho. Every sport seems to depend on cardio, which I suck at. The downside is that sometimes I can't even do anything with these hulk hands. Nothing ever fits. I accidently break stuff all the time, even when I'm being careful. I wear out shoes 2X faster because my feet are so wide and I'm heavy. On the plus side, I don't need help moving furniture. Oh, and no one ever tries to start trouble when I'm out at the bars.


I’m 46 and got into strength training last year. I’m at the point now where strangers will comment on my muscles. Not gonna lie, it feels good and it’s helped my mental health and self esteem greatly.


God tier face skin quality. Not oily, dont get pimples except once every few months, no spots, pimples dont leave scars, small pores, and smooth skin. I dont get pimples even if i dont wash my face.


Full head of hair. Male pattern boldness is actually inherited from your mother's side. Both my grandads lived their whole life without balding. Small victories


HD eyesight. Tested at 20-10 when I was 18, and I’m still around 20-12 in my 30s. Also, it seems like my teeth are extremely resistant to cavities, plaque etc. Now that I think about it, I’ve had a lot of physical genetic luck. But my mental health is a train wreck.


I can chop and eat raw onions and garlic and not “cry “. I don’t get onion or garlic breath either. I don’t have body odour or stinky feet. Not sure if related…..


I have no allergies. Seeing how people are struggling with crap like gluten intolerance or ridiculous stuff like chocolate allergy, all the way to basically being allergic to everything, I am eternally grateful to my genetics.


Super-fast metabolism! People are surprised I can eat anything without gaining weight


Same here... Until I turned 27.




Super useful in today's post-scarcity world, but what about after the zombies come? I can gain weight on 500 calories a day. You would starve within a week. I would still have an unhealthy BMI. I could see an ad for ice cream and gain 4 pounds.


If I have one I haven't found it


I don’t need any friends cause I have schizophrenia and it comes with built in friends!


I have an unusually sensitive sense of smell. I can always trust my nose. I don’t look at the dates on anything, I just smell it. I can tell when milk is just starting to turn but it’s not off yet, or if meat is ok to eat regardless of the use by date. It’s never let me down and I’m really happy to have this superpower. But I have a weird relationship with fragrance. For quite a lot of perfumes and aftershaves, I can’t actually smell the scent that it’s supposed to be, I can only smell the chemicals underneath. It can be quite overwhelming in crowded places and sometimes makes me choke. I think I heard in a science programme that there’s an actual gene for this kind of olfactory sensitivity.


My eye color. Blue eyes that solidly sit between teal and grey, with a yellow burst in the middle and a dark teal ring around the outside. I'm generally a pretty humble person, but I can admit people are totally right for complimenting my eye color. It's truly unique and gorgeous.


I have these same eyes too! Twinsies ☺️


I’m a 6 ft tall woman, and I love my height. Also, I’ve been told by many people that I look more than a decade younger (like the bouncer who wouldn’t let me into a club, when I forgot my ID- even though I was 47 years old, lol). I get it from my dad- he looked like he never aged. 


I am also a tall woman that looks a decade younger. I'm not quite as tall as you, but not many girls are taller than me. I went out to lunch with my friends, and they ordered an alcoholic drink, and the guy serving us asked us for ID. He looked at theirs first and realised they're 30 and was kinda embarrassed, but my friends just laughed and said "We take it as a compliment". Then he saw mine and realised I'm even older. I get it from my mum.


it doesn't see any action, but my penis is in the top 1% of men


When I eat a lot of rice my pee smells like popcorn


I think this is that Reddit moment where we all point out that this probably means you are diabetic and should get yourself to a doctor to get checked out. https://ugatl.com/blog/pee-smell-like-popcorn/


Thank you, I tried to Google it and nothing came up. Last time the doc checked I was fine, maybe ill go for a check up again. At least its not cancer. Edit: huh, the link says that it might also come from a high proteine diet, which I am currently on. Would make sense, cause it correlated. Still, better safe than sorry


Alcoholism !


36 hours sober for the first time in forever. It was crazy to vividly dream again.


Sober dreams are CRAZY dude. I’m 6 months sober and I still have crazy dreams. Didnt dream due to drinking for years and getting dreams back hit me like a train lol


I have central heterochromia and huge limbal rings that I kept into adulthood, so my irises have 3 distinct rings of color. People really seem to like that.


I'm 58 years old and people think I'm in my early forties. I went on a trip with my grandmother and everyone thought she was my mother. Thanks for the genes!


What foods have ptc? Never heard of it. Interesting! For me it's all superficial besides that I'm healthy. Both my parents have pretty straight hair and no dimples. But one of my grandparents has a dimple, and another one has wavy hair, and I got both. And let me tell you I'm glad I don't have straight hair because it looks hideous on me lol...


I can taste it, too! It *really* makes up for all my genetic losses.


All four of my wisdom teeth grew nicely straight up, so they don't need removal... ...in return for my short stature, 160cm for a man.


Many People consider my face perfect as a male. I remember seeing with friends an article about the ideal proportions and we measured ours for fun. The article mentioned that Robert patinsson having very close to the golden ratio face and I got measurements closer than him.


Really thick hair even when I am older. Everyone else around me is losing their hair.


I have long, slender limbs thanks to my dad and I don’t have thick body hair so I don’t need to shave my arms or legs. My skin is basically flawless with no pimples or acne scars / holes or bumps even though I don’t use any skincare except for some moisturiser or sunscreen if I’m going out in the sun. This is probably from my mom because she’s basically hairless and her skin is so good in spite of doing absolutely nothing. I eat tons of vegetables and drink lots of water so I think they help a lot too. I think I have more genetic wins than losses and I can only be grateful about it. When I see my friends, and I know how hard they work to “fix their problems” with the skin etc, and I just cannot relate too much. Of course they tell me that I should start the 7-10 steps of Korean skincare routine and even buy me some products to motivate me but it’s hard to do it when I don’t see the need to spend so much time on it. I have a body that’s easy to shop online for. This saves me a lot of time because I hate having to return clothes even if it’s free shipping. Just a hassle.


I can see my dong


I have no allergies to anything. Nuts, eggs, shellfish, dairy, gluten, I can eat as much as I want with no allergic reaction. 


Ever since I was a kid I’ve instinctively sat in an Asian squat position for long periods of time because it was comfortable. I didn’t realise that some people, especially those with my ancestry (mostly European) can’t do it. It’s useful for greeting cats in the street and resting when the ground is gross.


Can eat whatever I want without gaining weight and I also always have visible and strong abs, without working out


Dyspraxia, adhd and depression💪


I have really nice fingernails. They are pretty hard, but not so hard they are brittle. And they grow really nice white tips. To the point people have thought I was wearing French manicure until they looked closer. Sadly, my hands are still ugly so I'm not gonna be a hand model in this lifetime.


I can wiggle my ears.


Straight teeth


Left-handed redhead (+ freckled complexion). Doesn't bestow superpowers but instills fear in the superstitious, so that's cool. Soulless demon? Sure. I'm fine with that.


My longest eyelashes are almost an inch long (~20mm). It was the first comment made by the doctor and nurses when I was born. Wearing glasses is a pain in the ass though and I have to curl them daily or else they're fully in my vision or they curl into my eyes at the corners. Very lucky but also, it's annoying.. lol (edited a few times because I suck at conversions)


I have miracle level cholesterol, I eat a ton of greasy and fried foods, I’m overweight etc but my cholesterol tests are always on the best end of the scale. Unfortunately doesn’t mean that I’m healthy or gonna live longer I just don’t have to worry about fried food in my diet.


No wisdom teeth. Not even a hint that they even attempted to grow.


\*sigh\* Why even try? --Your wisdom teeth


I have 3 nipples


People in my family tend to age well. I look a lot younger than I am. This is probably partially because our skin is unusually oily. On the minus side I have terrible skin: acne from age 11 to present.


Nothing! My genes weren't blessed with awesomeness 😂


My calves are incredibly muscular. I don't do anything special. I always "skip" leg day but they remain incredibly strong. I am in terrible shape, but I can walk all day, up a mountain if needed and my legs never get tired.


Both halves of my body are pretty much equal. As in— if you were to chop me in half, the only difference you would find is boob size, and a few moles, scars and spots I also have a really strong sense of smell for anything except burning bacon. No, I don’t know either— I can smell when milk is beginning to turn, but I can’t smell when I’m about to start a fire


I get my hair from my dad’s side. He’s almost 60 and doesn’t have a speck of grey AT ALL. He also has a completely full head of hair too. My hair is one thing I’ll never have to worry about.


I can control my diaphragm, so I haven't had the hiccups since time immemorial. There'll be one, and then I can stop the muscle from contracting again. I've never met another person with something similar.


I can squat with both my feet touching the ground, it's very useful I can take a rest anywhere without sitting on the floor. That's it.


Legit big bones, like I can do shit that would break bones and I’d be fine but if I were to break a bone I’d take a little longer I believe. Did not get passed down to my nephew I think


I worked an incredibly physical job pretty much my entire career. One that is known for destroying people's backs. I retired never having experienced back issues. Absolutely wonderful the gene lottery.


Hair is not turning gray and I’m 70. Thick, full brownish long hair. Hair dresser says I definitely won the hair lottery.


My brother and dad both had muscular dystrophy (which ultimately led to both of their deaths) and my mom has had chronic joint issues her whole life (literally since birth). Me? Epitome of health. Neither myself or either of my daughters(22&23) or my grandson (2) are carriers of the MD gene either.


This is the cutest thread I've seen on this sub