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When I was a kid I opened a pack of perri crisps that were all air and contained a single crisp. 8yr old me was outraged at the injustice and wrote a letter to them, they sent me a cheque for a pound.


If you'd been smart enough to invest that at the time you'd be a millionaire by now...


I wasn't. I spent it on a stencil from the Sunday Market after mass 😭


😆😆😆 Ireland is all a father ted scene. Basically, you are Dougal.


I would tend to agree with that assessment 😅


Omg when I was a kid there was something hard and whole in one of Perri's packets of crisps. My mam didn't dare open it incase it was a rat. We sent it back with a letter and sometime later a crate of free Perri was delivered to us and an apology letter saying there was a whole potato in the bag?? Yeh right but whatever I got ma crisps and little old me was happy out.


Why did that Mr perri bastard only give me a pound? Delighted he went out of business.


They didn't go out of business, they're Largo Foods and own Tayto lol


Old man perri is Mr Tayto? What in the scooby doo shit is that


Bought it over and built Tayto Park. Think he owns King as well. Remember Sam Spudz, they're gone but the factory is still in use afaik for processing Spudz. Hot Lips, Hunky Dory, etc and they used to supply Pettits stores down in Wexford/Waterford (one of those fords lol)


I worked for Largo Foods (Perri Crisps) briefly back in the 90s and they had a folder with those transparent pockets containing crisp packets and the complaints. Some contained 2p coins and bits of machinery that had fallen in, one contained a ring, which was a real head scratcher as the only women there packed the sealed crisp packets into boxes and wouldn't have been up on the gantry where the crisps went into the packets (a long roll, that was sealed and separated into individual packets).


When I was 13 about 20 years ago I wrote a letter complaining to Cadbury’s that my favourite bar was always sold out in my local spar. They wrote me a very nice reply back saying it was that that was because of the shop not them. Definitely the most Fat Kid thing I ever did


Haha I love this


My Mum used to read 'Women's Way' when I was young and they had a kid's section where you could write in with your own poem, so I did just that and dedicated my poem to... Cadbury's Roses. I even decorated the paper with empty wrappers. Surprisingly enough, they didn't publish it.


What was the bar? The suspense is killing me


Just the plain milk chocolate 😂


"Not our issue, you fat fuck!" dying.


I once found a gold ticket in a Choclate bar. They gave me a tour of the factory and I watched kids die.


The kids didn't die they just suffered life-changing injuries.


You weren't there man.


He was. He is one of the oompa loompas who made the daring escape.


Years ago I wrote a letter to Cadburys to complain about something, can’t remember what but it wasn’t that serious and I’d heard they sent you a box of Dairy milks if you complained, they sent me 3 bars n the post.


When I was a kid (20ish years ago) I sent them an idea for a new bar and they responded and sent me a box of bars. Did it again the next year, same thing from them :)


It would have been hilarious if they'd made up a bar like you'd described and then sent them all to you, "we made your bar, it's shit so you can fucking eat them".


The idea I gave was mint chip and golden crisp combined which doesn’t sound too bad hah


Mint chip? By god I hope you didn't say that in your idea.


Just need to borrow my nephew for his top tier childlike handwriting. I jest, my handwriting befits that of a 6 year old. Cadbury’s soon to be inundated with letters from grown up children.


I bet you felt like royalty though.


Did this last year and got a €2 voucher, 30 days to use it and bit a single shop would take it.


![gif](giphy|3o6ZtpzSCmlYjdsGlO) That’s the message they really sent you there 🤣


This is true. Got free cocholate based off letters. Back in the day tho 




My aunt once found a screw in a loaf of bread. She contacted them, and they sent her out a box of about 30 different types of bread, cream crackers and biscuits. No way she could use it before it spoiled, so she just gave it all away.


Could freeze it. Bit late to be telling you now though.


We're talking 20+ yrs ago now


Probably too far gone at this stage so 😁


Gonna say she got fucked sending out bread to ye. Shouldve haggled em sending a photo of said screw and saying "the Sun on Sunday wpuld love this. 500 cash in the post"


Next time lol !


What brand was it?


I dont recall, but it was a sliced white loaf. The screw was easily spotted


Your aunt sounds like a buzzer. 


Once got a packet of jersey cream biscuits with none of the cream filling in half the pack, just a load of loose biscuits. I found a number to ring for the company left a message but nobody got back to me.


I wanna imagine someone using it as a ringtone for the office or something and you've a really really strong West Belfast accent "Hi dur luv am ringing cuz ders no fuckin cream in me jerseys creams yiz cunts ye. Ats a fuckin disgrace. A fucking disgrace. Am not to be messed with!"


i got a single oreo without cream in a pack and got a tenner over a decade ago


Back in the 90s, a girl in my office got a kitkat with heat bloom and she wrote to them. They sent a case of kitkat display boxes, about 400 kitkats total. It took us nearly 6 months and 8 people to eat them all. Even now I look at a kitkat a and think about it


Heat bloom?


This could be where the chocolate gets a white sheen all over the outside. Need an expert in here, stat.


When chocolate is stored at too high a temp, the milk component seperates and forms a patina, it looks like white mold


I've had this loadsa times!!!


You shouldn't eat it, its not harmful as such, but it can give you the shits.


Feck. I'm more distraught about the free chocolate I didn't know could have been mine.


They don't send the chocolate anymore, they send a voucher you can cash in at a shop. Funny thing is that a huge amount of the vouchers don't get cashed.


Good on ya. I once tweeted Cadbury because a row of my whole nut had no nut in it. I was mostly being facetious to entertain my followers. Cadbury have no time for facetious, told me to DM so they could rectify the issue and send me some apology whole nut bars. 🤣


This has happened to me loads! Wish I complained now as I love a whole nut


My partner got sent a huge big hamper last Christmas because she found a piece of gravel in a mince pie. Always pays to complain


Pays more if got a solicitor involved - she probably could have got thousands for that


Only she ate it....


Hope you have better luck than I had with Ferrero, who had a recall on Kinder Eggs because they contained salmonella (I think they went a bit too far with the egg theme).  They sent me a 4 euro voucher for my box of contaminated kinder eggs, that every single shop I tried, refused to accept. When it expired a couple months later, Ferrero refused to replace it.


I tweeted O’Donnells about how their big bags of crisps had shrank massively and they sent a courier with an entire box of 24 bags. When we were kids my little brother got a kinder egg and one of the pieces was missing. My mum wrote a letter on his toddler behalf and they sent him an entire tray of Kinder eggs and an apology. It was the best day of his at that time quite short life


Fucking hell, whatever way I read your last sentence, it read to me that your brother died shortly after that. He is OK ya?


It definitely reads like that. Jesus OP dropping a bomb like that


Hopefully missing some comma there !


In fairness, he had fuck all to compare it too!


I have an aunt who wrote to Lucozade because her Lucozade was flat. They responded with an apology and 100 euro work of vouchers for free Lucozade's.


I once found a lump of metal in an ice cream. They sent me 10e worth if vouchers.


Nowadays you’d probably get 100k


You'd think that! my daughter was eating custard from a pot,I heard something crunch, and the next thing blood was pouring out her mouth, a big lump of thick green glass. Sent it to the company, and they replied oh we have nothing in our factory like that. "Here's a 5 euro voucher to buy our custard again." Eh,thanks, but no thanks! Probably should have taken it further,but I was just happy she was OK and wasn't overly injured.


jesus that sounds scary


Now that would've been a claim for sure. Folks here opening and not eating can't really do much. Its like seeing a slippy patch in a shop and going "i could've slipped of i had slipped on that! I'm claiming!" Ya need to actually have slipped...


I didn't think to take pictures. I just emailed them, and they asked for the glass, and I sent it so I'd no real proof left either now that I think of it. The hardest part was getting a toddler to spit it out. Be worse than a cut lip and gum if that had happened. Everything after that was put into a bowl and thoroughly mixed, just not that brand of custard,never bought it again.


This was last summer


I know what you nearly consumed last summer


It's a pity you can't prove the bite straight from a sealed packet, though, I imagine they'll still give you a few goodies. If there's a bite, then it sounds like the factory that manufactured it has rodents.


Most of those things are being made en masse in sealed machines for just said reason. It definitely was some cunt on the QA line as they're being checked for defaults and he's done it and thrown it back on the line instead of out likely


Ha, this is great. I have just emailed Lidl about one of their scratch and saves advertising free redemption of a Dark Chocolate bar, but apparently it only redeems the Wholenut, despite both being advertised and both in the picture. Interested to see what the response will be.


Just had one. It wasnt great.


I once got a packet of custard creams with no custard in the top layer, sent an email to them and got three packets back.


Guy above is going to be raging after leaving a voicemail and getting no reply for the same issue


They'll be writing you back with a copy and pasted "we're sorry for your inconvenience" email.


Nearly choked on a piece of glass in a pack of Snax when I was a kid. It was completely coated in dust from the rest of the crisps. I threw it away, recovered and ate the rest of the pack. Years later I discovered I could have gotten a years supply of Taytos


Hope you get something nice back. When I was about 8/9 we found a long blonde hair in a tub of Dairygold. My parents reported it and they sent a lady out to check that it wasn't our hair. None of my family were blonde and we all had short hair. They sent us a big hamper with loads of different crackers and cheeses. It was an eye opening experience for someone who grew up on a block of red cheddar being the only cheese in the house.


Found hair in a Cadbury product many years ago. They replied by sending 3 bags of chocolate that was off the line cause of silly misprints or such. My dad caught onto this and started sending shit back to Like 7up wheb there was nothing wrong and getting crates of drinks back on reply.


I once had pringles that had no flavor, wrote a good spirited email to them explaining how disappointed I was in them. I got 4 €1 vouchers for pringles that had to be used separately, they were pretty cool, kept one of them , and a pretty nice email back. Worth it.


Had a packet of Cadbury Eclairs years ago and the wrapper on one was filthy. Sent it back to them, complaining about hygiene standards. Got a large box of milk tray and several large bars. My brother had some issue with a bag of Perri crisps and sent them off. Got a full box (48 packs) of every type of crisp they made!




I often feel the urge to email companies to tell them to get their shit together


Out of interest, was it normal shite or was there something wrong with it !




Jaysus I'd love a twix


You're getting old. No wrong, just old 😅


When we were young, my dad would occasionally get us Cadbury dairy milk bars as a weekend treat for movie night. Once, the chocolate was 'bleached' and tasted off. It was a genuine Titanic tragedy for us (treats were rare). He send one of the bars off, by mail, with a strongly worded letter - only short of throwing in a small violin. A fortnight later, a MASSIVE box arrived (in Cadburys' distinctive purple), filled with chocolate bars and a really nice apology letter. That kind of customer service worked: Cadbury remains our goto 'happy memory' chocolate a generation on.


Around last year I was having breakfast and a bowl of Granola from Dunnes stores felt I had a few spoons full and felt something very sharp in my mouth long story short I bagged it up and contacted Dunnes they sent it off for analysis and it was a massive Thorn than had got into the pack they sent me a detail of how the granola is made where it is made and a 25€ voucher


I knew a guy who loved Wham bars, but when they changed their recipe he didn't like them anymore. So he wrote them an email asking why they changed it and would they ever revert to the original. They actually wrote back to him saying something along the lines of they were sorry to hear he no longer enjoyed the taste of wham bars but the new formula was blah blah... he read the email out to me and my friends like it was a break up letter. 😂


I once found finger nail clippings in a jar of pasta sauce, big fuck off clippings, could have even been toenails. About 5 of them. Found the first one in my mouth after I started eating my pasta shells. I still don't like pasta shells, or Lloyd Grossman for that matter...


Mars quality customer service used to be run out of Abtran in Cork. The amount of nails and pieces of metal people found was mad.


From up north. In 2006 days organic stuff was all the rage. Went to a local organic shop and bought expensive chocolate. Might have been Green and Blacks. Opened the chocolate and it was all white. Went back to the wee shop and the woman opened more and they were all white inside. Emailed the company with photos and they sent me £100 (!) worth of vouchers 😂


I found a sugar coated wasp in my frosties back in the 80s. Should have complained to Tony.


You'll get a voucher for €1.50


bought a pack of oreos as a teenager. one of them came without cream, so as a joke i made a complaint. they sent me €10 worth of free coupons in the post.