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Went sale agreed today on a house I really wanted in the area I live currently and love. We were outbid by one party but they pulled out of the sale. Its been a tough slog and you never believe it when people say you will get there eventually. Having a few celebratory drinks before worrying about loan offers surveys and contracts tomoro.


Congrats, didn't believe it myself til I had those keys in my hands!


Congratulations. A big marker in life.


Closing at the end of this month myself! Hopefully it’ll be worth the slog!


Congrats 👏


Congrats :)


Congratulations, delighted for you.




It's the best feeling congrats. Fingers crossed the rest of the process is smooth for you


Genuinely delighted for you. Please celebrate as hard as you like to because this is SUCH a huge achievement. Sláinte bbz x


I have an interview tomorrow. First one in almost six years. I've been the stay at home parent for a few years now and nervous about returning to work, so trying not to lose my head over tomorrow. Fingers crossed for me, lads.


Best of luck!


Thank you 😊


Best of luck.


Bit of practice, be grand. I thought fucked up my first interview, but they offered me a job anyway. It's an employee market out there, don't undersell yourself. Good luck!


Good luck!


Even if you don't get this one, job interviews are always worth going to for the practice! By the time you're in an interview for the job of your dreams, you'll be a confident queen ♥️


I know I'm a bit late, but I hope it went well! :)


How did it go?


Pretty good, I think, thanks for asking! Even if nothing comes of it, it was a good experience. It reminded me that I'm still a very capable professional person, not just "Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaam!" 😂 Feeling much more confident about the rest of my jobhunt now


😂😂😂 Ah, that's great to hear. Always good to climb back on that horse!


Sometimes I love just having banter on this sub with fellow Irish people because I am extremely lonely. On a lighter note, I ordered popcorn seasoning on eBay and they accidentally sent me a Godzilla DVD which I found amusing.


At least it was an apt mistake! Godzilla and popcorn, your evening is sorted 👌


Did you get the seasoning as well? Love the sound of popcorn seasoning


Popcorn seasoning sounds delish what flavours are there?


I too want to know more about this!


Brazilian shops stock it


That’s miles away!


Popcorn flavour obviously.


Damn i thought it was some kind of delicious sprinkles FOR popcorn ill be on my way


Lol it probably is mate I'm just joking.


Ooooooo. Which Godzilla is it? Minus One is fantastic if you haven't seen it!


i didnt get it, they messaged me saying they sent it by accident lol and i wouldnt pay the customs on it so it'll prob be sent back. this is the second time they sent me the wrong thing. i've gotten a refund...


Ah well. At least you got your refund! Hopefully you get your popcorn seasoning! I'm a boring butter and salt guy. Although the Keoghs new honey and sea salt stuff is like crack.


yeah my Dad loves those crisps actually! I got my refund and a decent chuckle lol it was so random. "sorry we didnt send you your seasoning but here's Godzilla" hahaha


If you had both the seasoning and the Godzilla you'd have nearly all the ingredients for a great night!


hahaha I would lol. I have a good few horror movies downloaded so I'm watching one of those tonight with my dog :) so that's all I need!


Which Godzilla?


haha i dunno, i never paid the customs on it. They messaged me on ebay telling me they sent me the godzilla and the person who ordered that got my seasoning


Do yourself a favour and buy this. I use it every Friday and Saturday. Cajun, salt, garlic, parmesan, whatever you feel like. It's amazing. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Collapsible-Silicone-Microwave-Popcorn-Handles/dp/B01M6ZKZPN/ref=asc_df_B01M6ZKZPN/?tag=googshopuk-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=697324151504&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=1623404123768347355&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1007850&hvtargid=pla-311348829001&psc=1&mcid=c797e177d6be3a96903fd3fad5ae7926&gad_source=1


awh thats so cool, thank you!!


Now at the risk of sounding very silly, is this seasoning for popcorn? Or is it popcorn flavoured seasoning for cooking with? Eg popcorn flavoured chicken, popcorn flavoured eh soup, popcorn flavoured sammiches and so on… Both would be cool but if I can make some popcorn flavoured ice cream there’d be no stopping me.


That's so funny but you're actually in for a treat because you CAN buy popcorn flavoured protein powder I'm pretty sure!! Google it! It's seasoning for popcorn but I use it on bread. It's butter flavour seasoning but is low calorie. I gives my bread a butter taste without butter. I have severe and enduring anorexia ( anorexia that doesn't respond to treatment etc and is managed for life) and I won't eat butter. So I do this lol. I understand it sounds weird but I can't do butter. I've stopped trying "battling fear foods" because it never works and I ultimately feel like a failure. So I do what I can do o get around it! I went on a mad tangent there I'm sorry. It's called Kernel Seasons by the way!


Butter flavoured seasoning eh? We truly live in the golden age of science.


They also do kettle korn flavour!


I became an Irish citizen two weeks ago. One of the best days of my life. Lived here nearly ten years, married to a wonderful Irish guy for nearly six. Never been happier. I know it’s not a perfect place but sure where is?


Congrats! And welcome to the fold. It's a lovely feeling.




One of us! Fáilte! Thanks for making my home your home.


Wasn't feeling work today so I just didn't


I was the same so I booked Friday off ![gif](giphy|IwAZ6dvvvaTtdI8SD5)


Are you me??? I booked this Friday off as well. Whoop whoop


Partay ![gif](giphy|U4DswrBiaz0p67ZweH)






I’m getting Chinese and a bottle of wine Friday night and I’m excited about it since yesterday


What's the order?


Spice bag, Singapore chow mein, chicken balls curry sauce, bottle of New Zealand Sauvignon and a share bag of Malteasers. Not all for me obviously except for the wine 😜


>Not all for me obviously I was thinking jaysus lad before the end. Chinese takeaway makes up a large percentage of the reason I fly home as often as possible lol.


Ah its class but dont do it often its mental amount of salt


I know it's a losing battle but sometimes I leave a note on my order for less salt 😅 Mainly because I'd prob try to demolish all that myself (sans wine)...


Yesterday I saw a "tree cutting bus" from Dublin Bus....my naive self always just assumed it was the fact the buses drove the route and knocked the trees as they went that kept the trees in the shape they became....bus topiary if you will.


Was it armoured with a huge circular saw blade? Just asking in case of a zombie apocalypse.


Hahaha, no unfortunately, just an open top bus filled with bits of tree. Like a sad victory parade in the suburbs.


Damn. Opportunity missed by Dublin Bus there.


Just got back from 3 weeks travelling China solo. Amazing, but overwhelming at times. It amazes me how many people would ask me where I'm from and then look clueless when I said Ireland, even when I looked up the translation for it. I shuddered everytime I had to say "UK" and then quickly say, "Beside it! Beside it!"


China is unreal. Went there a few years ago to visit my sibling who lives there and it absolutely blew my mind. Definitely a country of contrasts.


It was phenomenal. Overwhelming at times, especially during a public holiday, but otherworldly. I'm a huge fan of Sichuan food so I was like a pig in shit wandering about the province eating as much hotpot as I could!


Ah seriously, as a foodie-type, I know exactly what you mean. I didn't have a bad meal there! I've been trying to recreate some of the dishes I had with limited success! Hotpot for life!


Just in case you're not already familiar, Chinese Cooking Demystified is a great channel on YouTube! A lot of their recipes take a lot of prep but dear lord I've had some amazing dinners from that channel.


Thank you so much! Will definitely check it out!




Same thing in Cambodia, had to do the UK thing too unfortunately. It's hilarious though to think we'd expect them to actually know about this tiny island.


I put up a burlesque costume on FB marketplace, i wore it once to a burlesque night yonks ago and cost me a fair bit at the time, this was before costumes were readily available as they are now. No takers, except one lad I just got a message from asking if i want to sell him my old knickers....


Yeah are you going to reply to me or what


Can you post the link. Asking for a friend.


Decided to take the kids and drive out to the mother's to surprise her. Kids had a blast, the mother was delighted, 4 year old lit candles in the church with Nanny and managed not to set anyone or anything on fire, and the baby slept the whole drive home. Sure what more could you want of a Wednesday?


I had a bath earlier


Did you enjoy it?




Watching the new Nickelback documentary on Netflix. I remember going on a family holiday back in the day, as in back when discmans were a thing back in the day, was in the airport and had to get something so picked up one of their albums not knowing who they were. Played that on repeat for the two weeks of the holiday, been a fan of theirs since, never understood the hate they got/get


They are amazing live. I don't understand all the hate either.


the Sun really surprised us this evening lads, didn't it?




Oh man that movie literally broke me into a million pieces, absolutely loved it. I remember that scene as well. If you also enjoy torturing your heart, watch All of Us Strangers, also with Paul Mescal


It did! Just back from a walk down to the lake with the doggies. Heading down it was grey and windy, but coming home was lovely


Bright burny thing, yes. Burnt media thing, no.


Was feeling all super healthy putting together a salad for work dinners, then followed it with a plate of new baby spuds, salt and butter.. Win some lose some Btw congratulations to the two new homeowners, glad to hear there are people finding their place.


Still waiting for my keys to move house, fucking sick to death of living amongst boxes but grateful I have a lovely home to move to. My St Bernard has a sore paw, so I'm dragging him to the doggy doctor tomorrow. I'm sitting on the floor on my 2yr olds room with my arm wedged between the cot bars because he likes to do this thing he calls pillow banket/handy pillow where he uses his pillow as a blanket and my hand as a pillow. He's a strange one.


I just pan fried potatoes with onions, peppers, garlic, and franks hot sauce. Then lashed on a load of grated cheddar. It was delicious!


Oh. Wow. It's nice and clean in here. Nice nice.


Have nothing much to say other than that prick shouting Ireeeelaaaaaand in the beginning of that RTÉ documentaries ad does my fucking head in. 


Lol same here! At least they got rid of the freaking music on repeat during the ads when you watch on the player.


I watched Signs again for the umpteenth time. Still terrifies me. Ghost and horror movies, does nothing to me. Throw aliens in the mix, and I run to the bathroom at night so they don't get me. I worry they're gonna grab my feet when I get out of bed.


That clip in the movie, when the alien appears during the childs bday party in the news broadcast, always freaks me tf out!!! Love that movie though!




Def gonna give this another watch over the weekend now! ![gif](giphy|1bLfTdPis6fpC)


Was in the sea today - very chilly but nice 😁


Sounds refreshing 🌊


Was supposed to play tennis tonight but a sudden fever hit me.. i managed to cook first time a steak 🥩 in a panini press.. 😋 never thought it was possible


Bloody awful day. My poor doggo had to go to vets hes not well at all and then my card was flagged for fraud purchases so had to cancel it and now have to wait for a new one and god only knows when that will show up and ive the arm wrestling to pay for this weekend


Arm wrestling?


East vs west is on saturday. Streaming from turkey


Gonna need more context there.


On what? Theres an armwrestling tournament on the weekend and ive no card to pay for the ppv


Well for a start there are arm wrestling tournaments. Secondly they are big enough to be ppv. And when you say east v west is that Ireland, Europe or global. Never heard of this being such a big thing that it would ever be ppv to be honest.


Ah i get ya. Yep there are arm wrestling tournaments, king of the table takes place in dubai and then east vs west is usually in turkey. The east is usually represented by folks from eastern europe, russia etc and the west would be europe, canada and the US. Its kind of taken off the last couple of years, still kind of niche though i guess. Wouldnt be big into it myself but my girls and their dad absolutely love it and it keeps them entertained for a good few hours. I think the last show from turkey was about 5 and a half hours long


Tried to reply to explain but my comment was removed sorry


Hosting outdoors on Saturday. Fretting over potential rain. Say your sunshine dry mantra please 🙏🏼 😂 Also did not feel work today but sure we got through it


I'm playing red dead redemption 2 I love it


Settling in for a late night writing session. Currently working on the first draft of a short horror story and hoping inspiration lasts long enough to finish it. Only things I've got for company are tea, Tesco sultana oat cookies and a suitable playlist. Also looking forward to a hike tomorrow and a few nights in Killarney with some friends next week.


How did the writing go? I had an assignment (creative writing course, just a hobby) due yesterday but asked for one more day so I can polish my story. I have all morning to make it better, in between customers at work.


I didn't get the role I went for, and they recently downgraded my role, so I'm back doing the entry-level shite I started with over 8 years ago. I've gone for 7/8 interviews in this place over the years and only ever been successful in one which they have now reversed. I'm so lucky in my personal life but i seem to be destined to be a perennial loser when it comes to a career, mostly because i can't bring myself to lick arse and I'm depressed off my head about it.


Are you in a position to change Company?


Not really, over 50 with few qualifications, I won't get the same wages, holiday time, and hybrid working starting again. Saying that I've applied for the civil service, I'm trying to be optimistic, but it's hard after so many years rejection.


Is this the open thread btw or is it somewhere else?


This is it, sorry


I've seen the sun today, it was glorious.


I suppose the best course of action would be to have another pint.


I've just set three sticks of incense burning in a car. MIL forgot shopping in the boot about two years ago and the car has smelled like a corpse ever since, even after getting it double cleansed with ozium or chloride gas or whatever yer man used. A lad into classic cars told me years ago, if you burn something in a car then carbon in the smoke goes into particles of all sizes and gets right into all the nooks and crannies in the fabrics of the interior and everything and seemingly this helps capture and eliminate odours. Seems mad but trying it out now for the craic. Might be supposed to burn charcoal but I can't remember


I absolutely adore traveling Solo amd have been in most english speaking territories and it feels the world is starting to get small due to me having crippling anxiety of not being understood and language barriers. With the exception of Duolingo. Any suggestions for basic language learning ?


Returned back from a work trip and was starving. Got down at the bus station and dunnes was closed. Went to Centra and ordered a soft serve 99. The lad made the biggest 99 I've ever seen and just made my day. I was in a rush to catch the next bus so couldn't even thank him 😭😭


Trying to decide if I fancy so someone or if they are just being nice to me


Hate and love these moments. I hope it all works out. Summer is a nice time to feel these feelings.


Indeed. Cheers .


Vodafone sent me a new TV box and it's absolutely fucking awful




Aye should have done it but I'm locked in now, tempted to fuck the lot and get starlink, you can't get the landline guys off the phone until you go for a bundle


I paid the lads €20/€40 inc tip and they set everything up however they knew best including possibly a few extras when they did it back in November and the neatest job I’ve seen with wires following brickwork


Aye last year they did that for me, great lads on the day. This year I got a box posted out with instructions, had to ring up to get a full install and it's just been drama.




Today was a great day.


Ice Cube up in here haha


Does anyone have any good Netflix recommendations? I’m looking for some hidden gems. I like comedies, films based on true stories, and some action films. I hate romcoms, horror, and gore.


For true stories, there’s a docu series called Painkiller (not a documentary more so a show with actors etc) about the opioid epidemic and the CEO of the company who managed to basically do everything illegally possible to get opioids approved and onto the American Market by fooling people into thinking it was a normal drug. It shows how messed up it was, follows a family with a prescription opioid addict after a bad accident and a federal prosecutor who was trying to take the Sackler family down for their crimes (all a true story btw). But for a really weird show, I’d recommended 3 body problem. Scientist start killing themselves all over the world for some strange reason and very weird things begin happening that don’t make sense, it jumps back and fourth from the 60’s I believe to present day because a Chinese scientist did something very very foolish and is now going to impact reality itself basically. It sounds strange but it’s really good and I can’t say much more without spoiling the entire plot.


I started the three body problem and found it horrendously violent. I didn’t get very far into the first episode. But I’ve heard it (and the book) is incredible. Does it carry on as violent or should I give it another try?


Thanks! I’ve seen Painkiller, but I’ve never heard of 3 Body Problem, it sounds good.


I'm still angry at the wether for not being more summery. Had work so absolutely no drying out there.


Looking forward to waking up again tomorrow to sweet fuck all 😎😎, except studying for my theory test


Not great, late on paper work for house hunting, work halted because of permissions needed for various projects, a game I bought on steam is not working and the [Reddit post](https://old.reddit.com/user/Sanguinusshiboleth/comments/1dtzk5t/part_2_to_my_digimon_evolution_lines_for_major) I put up yesterday got feck all interaction anywhere I cross posted it.


I was supposed to be going to the Netherlands tomorrow to see some of my best friends and meet their 2 year old. I've not seen them in 3 years due to the pandemic and an accident I had earlier this year right before I was due to fly. I just tested positive for Covid. They move back to Australia in two weeks!  Also f**k Ryanair! 


Recovering from Covid and almost feel fully fine today and appreciating breathing through both nostrils. Work wasn’t great but got through it. Wondering if I hate my job or if I’m in the wrong place but that’s an everyday discussion!


Unfortunately my family experienced a racist while he was literally working on our shower, and i really want to report him but i believe this dude works alone and I haven’t a clue on where to report him to. He gave out to my 14 year old sister and also berated my parents and i am still fuming over it 😞 he was generalising us Africans by claiming that we came here to this country with bad attitudes…all the while having an attitude with us while he was in our home because of the color of our skin


So he’s taking your money but also being a racist?


Yup pretty much 🙃 and we are having issues with our shower again but my dad doesn’t wanna go to him again, surely there are other ppl who can fix our shower other than that fella


100%. What a twat. It’s the lack of self awareness of their actions


I feel like with the rise in anti immigrant sentiment, its only gonna tumble further from here😅anyways i still know how to hold my own but that was still absolutely shockin


Stuck on the idea between buying a new car and keeping my current one. Current one has no major issues besides one door won’t lock and high mileage. I’m currently working part time and in college for another 2 years


Anyone using or know someone thats using Ozempic or a some similar prescription appetite suppressant ? How's it working out ? Might be going on one of these weight loss drugs soon


I did and it worked well but then I decided to have the surgery so I stopped taking it. But it does work for as long as you use it


Nice to know it works. Were there any adverse side affects from the medication?


Not for me. My friend was quite nauseous on it for a good while but it did settle. I think long term there is links to liver issues but I might have made that up I can't remember. Something livery. But I was taking it for a few months with no complaints