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Another thing to consider is karamihan sa girls na nagugustuhan usually have really good family / heritage / achievement backgrounds, tipong kahit good intention ka tapos knowing na may kaya talaga yung fam nya, lahat sila may narating o may position (and they are hoping you can level with them as well) is enough to intimidate sa mga nagbabalak pa lang - and surprisingly, karamihan ng magaganda nasa ganitong estado - thus echnically them being better off sa mga may kaya or may na achieve na rin.


This. Sa movies lang talaga nagiging successful yung magkaibang estado.


This. And kahit pa pinursue madami pading compatibility issues pag di magka parehas stado sa buhay,.


Oh goodness this speaks to me 🥴


Masyado lang silang hampaslupa para sa babae in short. Nag se self pitty sa tiktok.




This or if they can't see a possibility with you because they think you are difficult then they just don't try.


Eto lang ang sagot


they want you but they don't have the balls to pursue you ganun yun


Uhm I don't think yan yung point ng comment. HAHA


feel ko connected naman HAHAHA kasi merong iba hanggang want ka lang kaya ayaw ka ipursue ganon kasi di ka nakikita as something worth risking for






This is me. Never naligawan, always invisible. 🤷


It will come 😊


ify 😭


*“B-b-but... That's impossible! Lahat ng babae may 100+ na manliligaw because they live life on easy mode! 😤”* - some incel living in his mom's basement


I lost count actually, “gusto kita pero feel ko hindi iita kaya ị-handle” OKAY.


hindi kaya daw i handle how..? care to elucidate?


isa sa reason is feel daw nila kaya ko naman na raw sarili ko and hindi ko need ng someone to take care of me🙃 masyado raw akong maraming activities and friends


ikaw na manligaw, nang maiba naman






Same siz


Siguro? As a girl I've had guys who approached me pero not pursued, I kinda thought I may be intimidating. Pero na-realize ko din sa sarili ko na as someone who goes the extra mile to get what I want, I wouldn't want to be tied to someone who gives up easily. And if they really saw me as the end game, they would have done everything they could to get me. Kaya ok lang. And buti na lang.


THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! id rather for things to take time than settle for less


But at the same time, there are times when someone goes the extra mile and the other person drag the one that puts the extra mile along without any intention of being with them. Where is the line drawn, really? I think we're cutting ourselves short either way for not trying (both ways).


That's true. May mga babae din who really drag the poor guys, which is unfair. And meron din namang girls na after several years lang sila nadedevelop sa guy dahil nagtyaga talaga sya i-pursue kahit nireject na ni girl in the past. My general take on this is that wala sa girl ang burden para magustuhan si guy. Si guy ang nangangahas na abutin sya. Bakit si girl ang mag-aadjust? But if the girl is also starting to like the guy, then she has to start getting off her high horse and meet him halfway. In my case I don't think I cut myself short for not going out with the guys who approached but did not pursue me. Ni hindi ko nga alam na they were approaching me until they told me years later para ma-close na daw nila chapter nila with me. Wala akong nakuhang hint from them na they were being extra nice because they had romantic intentions. At the present I see them living their own lives, I'm happy for them, and I'm happier that I did not end up with them.


Depende. Meron din namang gusto sa simula tapos hindi tinuloy kasi may topak pala ang ugali.


This is me. Haha!


Proud toxic pota haha matinde ka teh


Wala eh, ganon talaga. Kakalungkot lang ang failed almost relationships dahil ganyan ako. But I’m trying to fix myself for the next person.


Ah ok you are working on it. Buti naman.


Don’t feel sorry. I shouldn’t have made the thread about me. Lol.


Why is this downvoted lol, at least you're self-aware and is doing something about it


Hahaha! Its fine. Ayaw nila ng ganyang person and I understand lol


Totoo yung post but not always. Minsan talaga di ka lang gusto enough. Don't dig too deep.


Minsan, people confuse "bitchy" with "intimidating"




Or "bitchy" with "confident".




kasi most men satin wants their woman to be submissive (bato bato). pag mas malakas ang vibe ng babae eh tinatamaan machismo nila. kaya kung intimidating si girl eh it'll take guts to win her heart.


I mean, if a guy wants somebody who will submit and just follow him around then he can just get a dog. 🙃


You do know there's a very clear difference between a submissive woman and a doormat, right?


Tanginang yan, gusto ng slave.


You do know there's a very clear difference between a submissive woman and a doormat, right?


grabe sha haha. di pa like wag mo gawin to ganyan. kaloka


There's a very clear difference between a doormat and submissive. A submissive woman is just someone who supports her guy, no matter what, for richer or for poorer, she will always be there. She may give constructive criticisms to her man, but it's all in good faith. She wants her man to be the best he can be. She is his trusted confidant, even in the darkest of times. A woman like this is a TREASURE that must be earned by a good man. A doormat is... well I don't need to explain that to you, do I? I'm a man and I don't want a doormat either. And my current girlfriend knows this. Kaming mga lalake, what we want is peace. Because let's face it, pag maganda ang babae, she's going to have a lot of guys sa facebook propping up her ego. I'm not saying all girls are like this, pero a lot of women who rely on their looks to carry them through life have some of the most obnoxious attitudes towards men I've ever seen. Which we can't really blame them fully because they've been surrounded by SIMPS all their life - men who don't know any better. They are very combative and insecure. Since they've been propped-up by compliments and attention from these men all their life, they think they're some sort of Goddesses. These types of women usually wear lots of construction-grade make-up and couldn't bear leaving the house without em'. Tipong gusto nila the "Perfect Guy" - handsome, charismatic, must have money, powerful, good connections, celebrity status, good parents, good friends, good up-brining, blah blah blah, but they forget to realize that this so-called perfect man is also looking for the perfect woman - a submissive (again, NOT a doormat) and beautiful woman who will be at his side. Ask yourself, are you the perfect woman for him? And then, when the woman hits 30+, that's when she realizes that this so-called perfect man doesn't exist pla, and now pinaglololoko na cya with things like "When ka magkaka-anak?" or "When ka magkakaroon ng jowa?". You see, a woman hits their prime at 18-25. By that time, you can expect a woman to have LOTS of attention from men because that's the point in time women are at their most fertile. Men, however, doesn't hit their prime until their 30s. You can ignore those syempre and just laugh. But some of these women inhale so much copium by telling themselves "no man can handle me!" or "I don't need no man!". Of course, no man can handle you. Of course, you don't need no man. With that kind of attitude? That's exactly what you're gonna get! A combative woman will NEVER land a man. Period. You can try all you want, but the only guy you will ever get will only play with you and leave you for a better woman. See what I mean? If you want a perfect guy, you better be the perfect woman for him. It's give and take, not take and take it all.


Ang contradicting submissive tapos combative. Labo.


Sorry, my mistake. Fixed it for you. What I meant is a submissive woman gives constructive criticisms to her man but it's not because she wants to be combative, but because she wants the best for him.


ako na gustong dinodominate ako ng babae hahahah


i identify with this post. yes, may kirot but thats nothing in comparison with the peace. ive been with a guy who went against the grain and found it a challenge to take me, in the end it felt like im always levelling down with him. good riddance, i dont settle, i elevate.


Yes yes. Good riddance na lang iniisip ko everytime nangyayari ‘to hahaha


Women who have high social status will find most men unattractive, because women, by nature, want to look up to men.


Until these women hit their 30s, and then they realize that men are now going after women much younger than them, and that's the time they lower their standands. Im not saying all women are like this, but I've seen some na ganito. I had a boss at my workplace who is a stunningly gorgeous and sexy woman who is still single in her early 40s and she's also successful and high social status. Unfortunately, men only want to bang her, not wife her up. And she probably knows that too. Women of high social status are only desirable in their primes (18-25), they slowly lose it after that. Because let's face it, no one is going to cater to a woman's ego forever just like a celebrity can't be famous forever because someone much better will come along. And when it comes to women, another better women will always come along. They always do. In the end, the one that will stick out is a woman's personality, ideals, morality and attitude. Is she going to be a good wife material unlike the others? Is she going to be a trusted confidant? Will she be there to support her man even in the darkest of times? Or will she be a burden?


I agree. If a woman is still hot in her 40s, a man will most likely just bang her. If the guy decides to marry her, he will have to accept the fact that she will not bear him a child. Here, people will say, how about Alice Dixson? Well, one, most women are not Alice Dixson. Two, by their late 30s, most women will find it hard to conceive and give birth to a healthy baby. Three, what most news reports don't say about celebs giving birth in their 40s and 50s is that celebs spend a lot of money and effort to pull off: frozen eggs, in vitro fertilization, surrogate mothers, frequent check-ups with medical specialists, and a lot of hoping and praying.


Nice. Lebadura ang peg.


sakto malapit na mag-Semana Santa


More of like, they just like u. But they don’t like u that much 🥲


Thinking ng male, refer to this https://youtu.be/sezpQVjcdmI?si=nftPx82JeQHXq-eq


it really varies. in reality, only with the same wavelength but matured yung kaya humandle ng ugali sa isa't isa dahil it'll be a trainwreck kung magkaibang-magkaiba kayo tapos hindi pa willing yung isa mag-compromise


Ganito ako dati! Hahahahaha. Ung mga guys na nameet ko before talking stage era takot sa commitment until I changed the game ganon pero happy na ako now. Sana happy rin mga puso nyo sis! 🫶🫶🫶


how did u change the game? and wdym?


Changed the game? Expound sizt.


Walang babaeng nakakaintimidate sa lalaking gusto talaga yung girl. Baka may hidden agenda si boy kaya nagaalangan, or baka naturn-off kay girl kaya hindi pinursue. 💀


🥺 true! Kaya nakak pagod kumilala. Mag iinvest ka ng time and effort tapos sa huli, hindi rin pala i pu pursue.


Dalawa lang yan for me. He would lose himself trying to reach my standards or I would dumb my self down so he can relate to me, which is unfair tbh.


Why would he have to lose himself just so he can relate to you? Losing himself just to reach your "standard"?! That is so fvcking unfair, no man deserves a woman like that. 😭


Just means we're not aligned.


Only a weak guy will say this comment on a strong vibe women. Kung genuine ang intentions mo. Walang strong strong sa ganyan


That thing called Hyperindependence , and also we are not intimidating, they are intimidated. Issue nio yun. HAHAHA. 😂




I can say im this growing up wala talagang malakas loob mangligaw pero i can sense na iba tingin sakin or puro noobs nagkakagusto sakin idk. I was really sweet and kind i always thought bakit kaya wala nag kakagusto sakin elem to college days


Totoo ‘to. Parati na lang akong ginugusto pero hindi naman nilalakasan loob para manligaw kumbaga sana nagpupursige hindi lang sa chat or what. Kung gusto, diba gagawa ka ng paraan? Pero wala e puro amba lang hahaha hindi kapursue-pursue nga yata 🥲


skill issue


Pag maganda or strong aura , only lusted over but never wanted🤣🤣


i recently dated someone, i really thought were okay. suddenly, he stopped messaging. akala ko i did something wrong. but i realized, i made one mistake, and he didnt even try to communicate? hindi ba ako worth it? spent years on overcoming my insecurities and here i am again.


To assume kaya ka hindi na pursue kasi intimidating ka. Lol. Hindi pa ba tapos tong nonsense na to. Sobrang daming pwedeng maging compatibility issues ang naisip masyadong strong/intimidating. Keep telling yourself that para makatulog ka sa gabi.


ako to nung single ako. since i was aware na ganito ang tingin ng mga guys sakin, i changed my game.i assumed the high possibility na maintimidate ang ka age group ko na guys, so sabi ko maybe i can find some one older than me na mature enough na. then when I was on my first company, it was all girls group on my dept. then the other dept is 80% all boys, but i feel wala dun yung para sakin. so after 6 months yata, i applied to another big company. then the rest is history since i met my match there. kung sakali after a year i still dont have bf that time, my plan was to apply to another company ulit. hahah yung iba ang goal is magpalaki mg sahod kaya nag company hopping, ako is on the look out for that "person" na hindi maiintimidate at kaya ako i pursue and will respect me as well.


Depends, really. Some men are intimated, of course. But if all men are intimidated by you and not a single one is pursuing you, maybe it's time to look in the mirror? You see, some men are very "observant". They see you, they look at you, and then observe your attitude, and then they will decide if they will continue or not. If a woman's vibe is combative and have an obnoxious attitude, kinda like what you see in YT in modern western women - "I don't need no man!", "no man can handle me!", "I'm too good for you!", etc, then yes, men will NOT purse you. Are you kidding me? That kind of attitude will only prime you for men who will only play with you and dump you later for a better woman. They're usually searching for the "Perfect Guy" - celebrity-looks, charismatic, handsome, kind, loving, have money, must be good in bed, must have good parents, must have good job, blah blah blah. They forget to realize though that Mr Perfect Guy is also looking for the perfect woman. Are you the perfect woman for him? If looks is all you can offer him, then he's NOT going to choose you. Look, I'm not saying all women are like this, but some of these so-called "intimidating" women have some of the most obnoxious attitudes towards men I've ever seen. I don't need to go into details, but damn do they inhale a LOT of copium.


Strong lang ang personality nila pero may weakness din naman...


This is me, laging sinasabihan ng "maganda na matalino pa" pero di nililigawan kasi nahihiya at natatakot mabasted lol.


Used to think this is the case, pero they would go out of their way to level with you. Met a lot of guys and eventually they find me intimidating, but i agree with majority of people on this, they like you but not enough to pursue you.


Not at all times, pinursue naman ako kaso palaging niloloko. Madalas mas tanga pa naman tayo sa pagibig


Me. I'm this girl. 😭 I will never get over the very first almost relationship I ever had in high school. He would do every sweet and sfw things with me besides kissing. He bought me gifts. We were practically a couple, even his friends thought we were just lowkey. Then he stopped talking to me. And I asked him why. He straight up told me that he's no good for me and that I'm better off without him. I let it go. It happened again recently in college. Extremely similar scenario, but so far nothing is happening and I'm already expecting that it'd stay that way again lol.


It takes an even stronger man to be with a strong woman. I'm not strong, I just want a peaceful life. As such, I admire boss babes, but I don't intend to be in a relationship with them. Nor they, me.


Imagine a group of women with qualities that are hard to find these days. These ladies are strong, independent, family-oriented, and hold traditional values that are rare in modern times. Men find them incredibly attractive, but are intimidated to pursue them because they fear that these women are too pure and fragile. These women are like gems that everyone wants to possess, but only a few have the courage to try.


As someone who always gets told that i have a very strong personality or im very frank. Di ko ibaba standards ko just to cater to a guy's ego. Even if i end up single forever, madali lang makahanap ng tite if gusto ko lol


my ex told me that I'm too much for him


Specially the guys here, totoo bang hanggang gusto lang dahil intimidating ang babae? And what makes her intimidating?


maganda, matalino, mayaman. why would she settle for me? ganun yun.


I'm one of the girls who feel na di rin pinupursue same as the post, and I do get that intimidating factor a lot. Pero, on my defense, if let's say totoo nga yung mga ganyan factors na why would a girl settle for someone below and stuff, we sometimes also think na why not make yourself deserving and be at their level. It doesn't have to be na mag strive ka before you reach that level and tsaka mo ipursue. We actually don't mind whatever state you are in, kasi. We are very willing to support you all throughout to reach that goal.


As someone na who backed out once before because i got intimidated this is so nice to hear. Tho naisip ko na rin naman siya i think after ko mag backout HAHAHA na thats the purpose of relationship naman e, yung partnership, companionship through thick and thin. Siguro nauna lang talaga yung intimidation kaya di na nakapagisip. Pero, ill keep this in mind now. Thanks for reminding. Tho, im talking to someone na medyo same type now, and iba pa rin pag magkavibe, same energy talaga kayo. Nawawala yung intimidation.


Aww sad


Nagustuhan is the start. Pero malay ba nating may mga alarming stuff pala kaya hindi pinursue.


Hindi tinuloy kasi malala ang inferiority complex 🙃


Parang true 😅🤣




Sino nag-sabi?


With GOD, nothing is impossible! 🙏


Cringe ass


It's still LIKE not yet LOVE, sabi nung lalakeng naka date ko ng 1week. Hahahahahaha 😂


May nagsabi sakin high maintenance daw hahaha


ako na to ahaha iyak


yeah realtalk 👌


haha chinese family


Me na pinursue pero hindi pinanindigan.


Ay Ako to HAHA


pano kung wala ding talagang nagpursue hahahahhaha


Ako to. Hahahahhaha! Usually dahil sa weight ko. And mas gusto nila ko as kalandian lang o tropa tropa lang.


super baet out my league version naman sakin


Not a girl pero i can relate. Madami nagsasabi sakin nito eh. Haha


Wala bang lalaki na mag cocomment dito? Haha curious ako kung ano stand nila sa ganitong topic


🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️ ems


ako yung guy na hindi nagpupursue, hindi dahil intimidating yung girl.. kapag nasa dating stage palang and feeling ko hindi reciprocated yung mga small gestures ko, i tend to veer away and i dont give a fvck if you look like the second coming of anne curtis


baka naman okay ang physical attraction, pero pag getting to know na, puro red flag na.


Hindi naman pwedw namang maganda lang pero basura pala ugali


Kalokohan, daming messages o friend request pero wala. Puro arte lang lahat at pagkauhaw sa attention


Nung single pa ko, there are some na nagustuhan ko na nasa similar situation gaya nung nasa tiktok. My thinking here is like if I pursue this woman, will it net positive than negative. Also, thinking din about the family compatibility kasi if gaya ko na intention to marry ang dating, family is also another aspect. Then, comes also yung personal status ko that time, like anong timeline nya tska timeline ko in terms of life goals. Kaya prinoprobe ko through friendship yung mga bagay bagay then arrive with the conclusion later on. Intimidation is not the word for me, but rather the threshold of adjustment in both ends.


i experience this twice 1st guy: he's very honest because he didn't just ghost me. sinabi nya na gusto nya talaga ako but i just came from a 2 yr realtionship. we have the same vibe as in. i'm a funny girl and super same kami humor talaga. up until now di ko alam if nagustuhan ko ba talaga sya non or it's my coping mechanism as someone na kakagaling lang sa break up 2nd guy: worst! we went out for 1 yr no label talaga, on and off and ang ate mo marupok kahit nagliliparan na ang red flag nya sa face ko. can't communicate. nag a i love you sya, hatid sundo ako fr school bahay or pag aalis kami, we travel, etc but dont worry i never gave him a girlfriend treatment. biglang nawala, i was so so so broken hearted kasi i was just waiting for him to ask me out :((( next thing i know he ghosted me na then wala pa yatang 1 month, may bumati na sa kanya na happy monthsary. we got a chance to chat and sabi nya "i'm hard to get" LOOOOOL.


Mas lumiliit ang dating pool ng babaeng mataas na ang naachieve sa career. Which is i guess okay lang saming mga babae. Pag mas may alam ka na, you dont tolerate bullshit na din sa dating.


No it's just that you are not ready to commit


As a girl na laging hindi pinupursue, there's nothing wrong with that. It's just that, I probably met men who are not willing to risk it all with me. Kasi sabi nga nila, they probably like you pero they don't see you enough to risk it all. Instead of asking myself whys and what ifs, I just go on. I know in time, someone will.


Di ka na nga pinursue, di pa kaya umamin na di nila kaya. Hirap beh


This kind of posts feeds into some people’s delulu. For sure sinasabi nila ‘to sa sarili nila para di na mag-improve; if you can’t accept me for who i am type of bs. Siguro sa iba nagaapply sa kanila pero yung iba toxic lang din talaga kaya di kayang i-handle ng ibang tao. Sometimes people are not intimidating, they’re just shitty lol. I mean if marami nang nagkagusto sayo and wala pa ring nag-pursue—and desperate ka na to complain—maybe it’s time to self-reflect.