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One Christmas in the 70’s I got play-doh barber shop set, my older sister and her boyfriend came over and joined me using it. Then they started to mix the colours…. Within seconds I said ‘right that’s enough!’ And packed everything away. Still gets brought up how I ended playing abruptly because they mixed the play-doh colours!


Correct response to such a situation. How DARE they! Who mixes paydoh colours!!


I think I practically did say that followed by ‘right,that’s all going away nowww!’ Edit: my dad always used to say all my toys were like the day he bought them as I always looked after my stuff!


Especially when it’s not your playdoh


My daughter is 4 and it takes all of my restraint not to take her play dough off her when she does this. Last time I said don't mix the colours she pointed at the box to where they were moving colours and said, "you're supposed to." I'm convinced it's a tactic by play dough so I have to keep buying more.


Like Primary School plasticine, all brown.


I need to wash my hands just thinking about that stuff.


I feel like I can smell it now too.


Yes I have so many pots of grey-green and brown playdough lying around the house


Barbarians. You were correct.


I banned play doh from the house after my then 3 year old daughter couldn't be trusted to not mix the colours. 9 years later it's still a banned substance and the thought of it makes me anxious.


For years afterwards when my sisters visited my room at my parents house they’d jokingly say ‘don’t touch anything for gods sake!’


Got my head stuck in a towel ring in the bathroom had to be removed from the wall and cut off 🙃


Guess that's when they stopped putting money in a uni fund for you.


So thats why I never got a uni fund 🤔 don't even think they make towel rings anymore I mustn't have been the only one to get stuck 😆


I have one in my bathroom


Think my heads too big to fit in one now but if you have small children beware!


okay to be fair this should never be forgotten


My youngest had a special seat when she was toilet training (the sort that sit under the toilet seat so they don't fall in) she once took it off the toilet and decided to wear it round her neck.. she was convinced I was going to cut her head off while I was cutting the seat off 🙄


🤣 haha bless her, my daughter got her toe stuck in a draw handle somehow and thought we would have to cut her toe off, kids get stuck in the stupidest of things 😆


ahh this made me fully LOL


My dad shaved his beard off one day when I was about 5 or 6. I came down for breakfast and saw this clean shaven man at the table, burst into tears and said "You're not my Daddy!" 🤣


When my daughter was about 3 she said to me, "daddy, only Santa is allowed a beard, shave yours off." So I did. The next day she said, "daddy where is your beard?" "You told me to shave it off." "No I didn't, you look silly."


My stepfather once shaved his beard off in between walking me to primary school and picking me up. I refused to leave with him because it wasn’t him. Never going to live that one down.


Wow, that must have been so bizarre!


It was so strange! My teachers recognised him but 5yr old me was adamant I had no idea who he was.


Well that was not the best idea on his part.


That happened to me sister aswell, she wouldn't go anywhere near him! He had to grow his beard back!


I did exactly the same when my dad shaved his face, with extra, screaming, running away and hiding in my room 😂


This sort of happened to me as well! My Dad decided he was going to try having short hair and the hairdresser went a bit too far and basically gave him a skinhead. I was also about 5 or 6 and cried when I first saw the state of him. Turns out he hated it too and took a week off work and wore a baseball cap until it grew out!


I had similar when I was about 6, left my mum, who had waist-ling hair, to spend the weekend with my dad. Came back Sunday evening and my mum had shaved her head Sinead O'Connor style. Cried for so long because my mum had turned into a boy.


Same. In an airport. Aged about 16!


My elder brother took 4 year old me to buy my mum some chocolates for her birthday. I immediately ruined the surprise by saying 'we got you a present, can we eat them now?' 43 years later, it's still bought up at birthdays whenever someone is given a box


I apparently said to my dad, "Daddy, I got you a present, I can't tell you what it is it's a box of chocolates." All in one breath. I still suck at surprises. I get too excited!


My mum bought my dad a shirt for his birthday with the two of us in tow. She told my brother, who was around 5, not to tell my dad. So as soon as my dad got home from work my brother just yells 'we didn't get you a shirt for your birthday!'


Excellent job!!


He did as your mum asked


I did something similar. My dad was teasing, saying "I bet you haven't been shopping for my birthday present", and I said "we have, we've been to loads of book shops"..


We (my mum) bought our dad a phone and a bottle of whisky one year, one of his mates also bought him a bottle of the same whisky. My little brother saw it and went "BRENDAN! We bought dad that, and a new phone!" He's never lived that down


One of the first times my sister got drunk she couldn't hack it and had to come home. We were trying to put her to bed and she was absolutely refusing. She loudly proclaimed "IM READY TO PARTY... ARE YOU?" This has become one of the most common phrases used in my household now lol


Absolutely fair play. For the record, I’m always ready to party


When I was little I convinced my younger brother that 50ps were worth more than pound coins as they were bigger so I said I'd swop all the 50ps in my piggy bank for the pounds in his, was home free till he mentioned all his 50ps to Mum. Bro and family still bring it up (in jest). I feel awful I did that now ofcourse and my brother finds it funny as an adult but I was only about 6/7 at the time.


I tried this as a little test with my daughter, to swap my shiny metal coin for her silly paper money. She was having none of it, she’s too clever to fall for that!


Apparently I had a proper wobbler as a child because my dad swapped my 5 pound coins for a note and i couldnt comprehend that the paper was wotrh the same


When we were at the zoo I saw some Flamingos and said ‘look, Rabbits on sticks’ and to this day that’s what everyone calls Flamingos….nobody thought to take me for an eye test though…


My young daughter forgot the word for "bull" and they will always and forever be known as "sharp cows" in our family.




[Obligatory Simpsons](https://y.yarn.co/99d18ed2-53c2-4356-8cac-814ff0d4b3c8_text.gif)


Similarly my brother pins and needles “spikes and noodles” so that’s what they’re called in my family


We call them ‘fizzy fingers/toes/feet’


My brother forgot the word for Flamingoes once while looking at pictures my dad had taken on a work trip so he said 'oh!!! It's... it's.... Two legged pink things!!!'


One of those trees with branches... Monkey Puzzle trees! Actually my mother in the car.


My mum used to knit these range of figures like wee chefs or animals. One time we were walking through the supermarket while she's thinking out loud "I must get stuffing for the Octopus".. I regailed in horror proclaiming "I'm not eating that!" I'm 40 and it still gets brought up.


When I was little me and my family all went to a restaurant and I purposely face planted the cheesecake my Mum had got for everyone because I saw someone do it on Tiz Woz. I remember shouting ‘watch this’ and head butted the cheesecake. I couldn’t understand why she got so angry! That gets brought up to this day!


How Little?


Dunno must’ve been about 5 I guess.


That's amazing


forgot my keys twice when I was 11, right around the time my mum went back to work so we had to come home from school to an empty flat and unlock it ourselves. No big deal, as my grandparents lived next door and I just went over there. I'm 33 now and my grandparents and mother still ask me, every single time I'm about to close the front door to ANY place, if I remembered the keys. I've never forgotten them since, so... that one really stuck.


I’m 33 moved out at 16 still get asked have you got everything when I leave my mums even after being there 25 minutes


My dad remarried when I was 3/4 My new stepmum had lots of sisters so lots of new aunties for me. Year or two later stepmum is now pregnant with my half sister. I was very perplexed at why I hadn’t met Auntie Natal whom my stepmum had mentioned she was going to that afternoon. I’m 32 and it still gets brought up.


When cooking i got confused by the ingredient names and asked for “detonated coconut” and “gelignite” instead of desiccated coconut and gelatine.


Were your parents in bomb disposal?


I was very keen on my chemistry set at the time!


What kind kind of radicalised child even knows that gelignite is a word?


I have no idea how I knew those words, I was still in primary school. The chemistry kit I had was great though, it had a Bunsen burner type thing that ran off meths and proper chemicals. It even came with a few strips of magnesium. I made stink bombs and all sorts with it.


Fell down the toilet because my uncle left the seat up. Dad had to come and pull me out


Watch South Park episode "Reverse Cowgirl" for laughs :)


Someone I knew sat on the toilet, only to discover her father had taken the screws out to do something with the floor. It fell forward onto her and pinned her to the floor. Face on the ground, arse still on the seat.


When I was five or six, I went to a Chinese buffet with the family. I had one instruction from the mother "You can't get anymore unless you've cleaned your plate!" I wasn't big on Chinese, but I tried my first BBQ ribs that day and my God, I was most impressed. One problem with ribs however, that awkward bone in the middle. I tried my best to eat them too but I just couldn't do it, I didn't bother bringing this up to my mother because "Well she said if there's anything left on the plate, then I can't get anymore, that's that". I ask you, Redditors, what's a child to do? Throw all of the bones under the table whilst no one's looking, of course. I must've had about a dozen ribs that day, never been happier.


20 years ago I said that a character on a TV show was attractive. My parents still bring that up as a benchmark of attractiveness for women as they think I a) haven’t matured at all in that time and b) can only find one kind of woman attractive.


who was it though??


Moira Stewart


i dont know what i expected, but this is better.


My grandparents took me to a nature reserve when I was 5/6 . Went to the on site shop with my pocket money wanting a can of pop, apparently when I saw the price I said " 50p!?! I'm not paying that" and walked out


My friend and I were playing in our garden, he had decided to tell me he was stuck at the top of the wall he’d just climbed up. Flash back 1 week and my school had received a talk from the local fire brigade. Five year old me remembering this, decided to go inside and ring 999. Lo and behold, my friend magically gets down from the wall and the firemen arrive. I got told off by the main guy and my mum made me throw my lolly pop in the bin.


Aw, that wasn't fair, you were trying to help.


The lollipop in the bin punishment is hilarious.


“My mum made me throw my lollipop in the bin” damn that’s cold.


Got locked in a coin operated public loo at the seaside when I was about 4, my sister who is 6 years older, paid 5p of her own money to get me out. Still talked about nearly 40 years later


Pay the damn money back!


I offered, she prefers to have this to bring up in arguments


Being born, gets dragged up once a year without fucking fail


Was once caught licking a leaflet. I was watched for several minutes. It tasted nice.


Leaflets are delicious! The glossy coating is weirdly sweet.


I ran out of the room terrified when big foot from big foot and the Henderson's showed up in screen. I was 6 but my family acts like I had this reaction at 26


Once got my 4 year old self lost inside a sleeping bag after going in head first and not being able to find the way out. If I ever change a duvet cover when my Mum is over she warns me not to get lost!


When I was 6 I was my sister's bridesmaid, after the wedding and reception we all got back to the hotel at about 11pm-midnight. Obviously being 6 at the time I was very VERY tired, to get to our room we had to walk up a half flight of stairs, nobody reminded me to pick up the front of my dress so I don't trip. Of course, exhausted, grumpy, 6 year old me tripped spectacularly up the stairs because I didn't lift the front of my dress, I ended up laying on the stairs, face down, crying my little heart out but all anyone could see was a little pair of feet in gold shoes kicking around because I was wearing a relative's jacket at the time and it completely covered me apart from my feet. Mum likes to bring this up at least once or twice a year, often around my sister's anniversary.


Not me, but my younger brother. When he was 4 he got into our mum's sewing box and therefore a set of scissors. Managed to very poorly cut his own hair - more of a mangling than a cut. When confronted about it, he was adamant that he didn't do it, and (brilliantly) that he "wasn't even there when it happened!"


When I was about 6 my dad got my stepmum to light one of his farts and told me not to tell my mum. When my dad dropped me off to his horror the first I said was 'muuum dad did a fart and (stepmums name) lit it'


That is a cool dad!


About 10 years old, I loved nothing more than lazing in our brown corduroy beanbag n a Saturday morning, in my boxers watching Saturday morning kids tv. One Saturday came downstairs, flopped in the beanbag, felt a bit in comfy/cold sensation, only to realise I’m now covered in cat shit all up my side. I’m now 45, this always gets brought up at family gatherings. As an adult I have continually said no to the kids plea for a cat. 💩💩💩


Aww cmon it isn’t your kids fault you dove into cat shit! Get them a kitty!


Slipped in the bath which was full. Knee went straight through the bottom. Didn’t tell anybody. Parents discovered a full baths worth of water pissing into the kitchen.


That must have been a very fragile bath.


Probably just an old cheap plastic one, they aren’t so uncommon.


So what’s your nickname, flooder?


Very similar story to yours but my phrase of choice was "hooty ears", like when you get congested and have blocked ears that feel a bit...hooty Also my brother would call a hat a "haton" because of people saying "put your hat on". To this day we still call them hatons


My brother complained of a creaky skull.


I had a “cardion”! My mum used to say “put your cardi on” and I thought they were called cardion’s. When a teacher told me it was a cardigan, I apparently said “errr you’re wrong”!


i was 8 and I called the glove compartment in my dad’s car the “glove department” which still gets held over me and it is now permanently called the glove department


I changed schools when I was around six, maybe seven years old and I *hated* my teacher. Absolutely loathed her (fuck you, Miss Spence). So, as a result I started to fake being ill to avoid going to school. Started with coughs, colds (which my mother refused to believe, given that we were living in Spain at the time) and then it escalated all the way to...>!a broken leg!<. *Yeah.* That still gets brought up at least once a year, even though I'm now in my forties. But my god, I hated that teacher (thankfully she got the boot and I got a nicer teacher).


Sprayed nair on my flick thinking it was hairspray and then cried and begged god not let my hair fall out. Was 10.


And did it?!


No thank god, it did thin a little but the majority of it stayed. * A flick was a 90s hair style where you would spray the fuck out of your fringe with hairspray to hold it in a wave style. The bigger the flick the cooler you were.


Wet-look gel has entered the chat


We once lived with a partner of my mums who had a kid around the same age as me, but this kid was quite overweight. We were living with them over Christmas, and all our chocolate advent calendars were kept together in the living room. In the middle of the night when everyone was asleep I would sneak down and eat all the calendars every day. My mum and her partner blamed the other kid as she seemed like she had the appetite for it. I did this many nights in a row before getting caught and my mum was appalled that it was me My mum isn’t with that partner anymore and I don’t have any contact with the girl but I bet she hated me lol


“I’ll never drink mucky beer”. Every time I crack open a drink. I was like 4 mum, and listening to a very hungover dad in the bathroom the morning after a wedding. How was I supposed to know how fun it was


I asked for lemon meringue pie in a restaurant when I was about 10 and pronounced it lemon mer-in-goo. If it's on the menu when we go out they still take the piss about it.


I used to cry when the song came on at the end of Andy Pandy. You know the one that’s like ‘TIME TO GO HOME!!! Now anytime we leave to go home from anywhere as a family everyone starts singing it and looking at me. It’s great.


Things I said as a small child learning to speak still get joked about, and I don't even remember saying them! Every time we see a garden gnome, someone in my family is bound to take a jab at me for calling them "guarding Normans" when I was 3 or 4. Imagine making fun of a literal child who physically can't make the sounds. "Fidgin" for "pigeon", too.


>"guarding Normans" Guarding Normans is a fantastic name for them, even more so because deep in the origin story of the humble Garden gnome, (yes there's a lot of stuff about German Fairy tales and such) is a half buried concept that people got them as kind of little garden 'protector' I'm fairly sure I'm going to start calling them that from now on!


My family used to live in a cul-de-sac and there was another family with a son about our age. We were all friends are were allowed to walk to the corner shop together to buy some sweets. One day we were in the shop and our little friend marched straight up to the counter and asked for a packet of 'Arthurs Waffle'. In the end it turns out he wanted some Werthers Original. We still haven't forgotten all these years later!


That's... Cruel. It's a perfectly good way to express yourself at five years old. I did animal impressions which still get referred to.


It’s not cruel, it’s just a bit of fun between family.


I was about 7 and packed a suitcase and ran away from home. I got 0.3 miles down the road, and sat on my suitcase of dressing up clothes for 30mins before mum drove past and saw me sat on the pavement by Tesco. I was too scared to cross the road on my own (at lights) so I sat down instead.


When I was about 8 or 9, I managed to learn my teacher's first name, but because I only saw it written down, I pronounced it as it was spelt. His name was Geoff. My parents still find it funny, but how was I supposed to know it was a soft G and silent O?






Like the G pronunciation in ‘ghost’? Aw, bless your small self! I remember that finding out a teacher’s first name was quite a big deal, as if we couldn’t believe they weren’t christened ‘Miss’ or ‘Mr’ lol


My grandparents have a mould for making jelly in which is shaped like a rabbit. When I was about 4/5 and the jelly was settling in the fridge I went in to get a drink or something and knocked the mould out. Me in my little 4 year old logic ran out the room and pretended nothing had happened. Cue my grandma finding the kitchen floor absolutely covered in un set jelly. Her and my grandad come into the room to ask me about the jelly, and I reply 'it wasn't me, the rabbit jumped out the fridge'. Escaped a bollocking because they both just burst out laughing, and still 25 years later it's a running joke in the family whenever anyone is making jelly to make sure the rabbit dosent jump


When I was about 8 my dad was winding me up and I snapped and said "when I'm 20, you'll be old as fuck, and I'll beat the shit out of you!"


I set fire to the attic, by accident though. The bigger issue is the attic was part of my folks hotel and we had a wedding in the function room at the time. Bride and groom got photos with the firemen so not a total loss lol. Only minor damage done but of course could have been much worse.


When I was 4, I had really bad earache. I described it as “dire ear” because I’d heard the term when other people were poorly and assumed it meant how I thought it sounded… Good times.


I'm almost twice your age and I still have legs that "wobble" if my asthma needs attention, even though the legs arenot very near the breathing parts. So.


One Christmas my mum had set up the table, bucks fiz poured at everyone's place but dinner wasn't ready yet. Little six year old me went round and drank all the bucks fizz and then when confronted fell backwards off a stool because I was drunk. I slept it off through Christmas dinner and it's still brought up every year. Still love Bucks Fizz though.


When I was about 4 or so I decided to make myself a sandwich while my mum was napping, went to the kitchen, made my sandwich and sat watching TV while I ate it, it wasn't the best sandwich, or even good at that, mum wome up and asked what I was eating, I said a ham sandwich, mum then says we don't have any ham and checked the fridge, turns out I had made a bacon sandwich... no wonder it was so chewy... the story still gets told to this day some 25 years later 😂


I was in the butchers with my family, and I saw a sign that I thought said “Pineapple” sausages, and I said oh pineapple sausages sound nice, can we try them pointing in their general direction, the butcher looks up and laughs, and my dad laughs, I’m completely lost as to why they’re all laughing and ask for some pineapple sausages, and then the sign was passed to me and it was pork and apple. I still stand by the fact pineapple sausages would be nice. Another one we were driving through the country side and there was a train going over a bridge and my dad said oh look a choo-choo, and there was a classic car coming towards us on the road I said oh look a car-car.


Used to wrestle with my brothers, one day one grabbed my small toe and yanked it backwards. ‘My little toe’. Will never leave me that one…


In my mum's mind, I haven't aged a day past 14. Every assumption she makes is based on my teen years - despite my being over 30 and a mother myself now. I've grown and changed but because she never grew up she can't comprehend that I have.


I am 47 and went to an interview for a very senior job recently. My mum phoned me on the morning of the interview to remind me to make sure I wore clean smart clothes.


Every time my mother gets in my car she'll start advising on what look out for, be careful etc, like it's the first time I've been behind a wheel. I've been driving for 33 years. The irony is, when she used to drive, she was absolutely bloody awful.


I had dreams of building my own house so I said when I was very young that I wanted to get 'bricks from Wickes'.


Straight guzzled a whole plate of smoked salmon in one go. No idea how old I was but obviously too young to remember. We'd gone out for a fancy meal somewhere and my grandma had ordered the smoked salmon. Apparently the very second the waiter set the plate down on the table I had decided I could make a much better job of it than my nan. Grabbed it and more or less swallowed it whole before she even knew what was happening. Mum and dad both bring it up still whenever my wife comments on me eating too much / too fast.


One Christmas morning, when I was about 6 or 7, I got so excited that I threw up all over the kitchen and made a funny noise while doing it. Something like “blerrr-blelleller-blerrr”. And still, at 38-years-old, whenever I say I’m ill, my sister makes that noise at me.


I didn’t know what constipation was but I sure knew what it FELT like, and called for my mum from the toilet, shouting to her that I have “THE SPLOINKS”


In the bath with my cousin when I was a kid and I apparently did a shit. Must've been 4 or 5, maybe younger, and my uncle still mentions it at the few family gatherings we have each year.


My parents used to tell me all the time that I "looked chinese" because I have almond shaped eyes and my eyes almost close when I smile. I became fascinated with Chinese culture from a young age because of this. I had (imitation) silk dresses, ate with chopsticks, watched martial arts movies. One day when my mum was being mean to me I said "I'm going to go to China to find my real parents". To this day, my family brings that up (basically anytime I smile too wide around them and my eyes disappear). I don't see them much


Iraqis in the attic Guess I was concerned about the Iraq war


My parents still remind me I phoned the fire brigade when I was 3 or 4 (they showed up).. feel terrible for wasting their time now I’m an adult


Following on from the manure pile post from yesterday. As a child I visited the grandparents in the country and went off on an adventure around 8 years old, I came across a big hill blocking the way to where I wanted to go so I thought I'd climb over it. The crust was firm so I thought it was just mud so I started climbing over it but as I neared the top my feet started to sink, remembering I'd seen something recently on kids TV about spreading your weight on quicksand I started crawling and and made it down the other side. I was caked in muck and clothing/trainers ruined and 30+ years later my grandparents remind me of this at every opportunity.


On a car journey to Blackpool playing I spy, I thought I was so clever using the letter “K”, so after much guessing mum and dad gave in and I revealed “Koala!” - they still bring it up 20 years later to the point I think they’re possibly convinced there really are Koalas on the way to Blackpool!


I was about 8 walking with my parents through a park and spotted an Old English Sheepdog and exclaimed "Look......its one of those durex dogs" !! Either my knowledge of paint brands wasn't what it was.......or I started early!


I get really bad travel sickness, always have. Once, when I was about 9 or 10 me, my brother and my parents were in the car going on holiday and I started to feel sick. I had just read the word ‘bilious’ in a book a few days prior so I announced to the car that I “feel bilious’. My parents thought this hilarious and to this day if I say I don’t feel well, my dad will say “ahh what’s wrong, do you feel bilious?!” I’m 37


Went downstairs at like 4am on Christmas morning and opened my 3 sisters and my own Christmas presents then went back to bed. Gets brought up every Christmas, get over it.


Funny but definitely wouldn’t fly today. When I was in primary school, say about year 4 or 5, my dad used to listen to Tupac in the car on the school run, inevitably I was convinced that they were calling people “knickers” so whenever I got into playground drama I’d call other kids knickers 🤦‍♂️


Once i had an argument with the neighbor kid, and told him that if he would compete with an ant the ant would win the Nobel prize. I was around 4-5.


We were all sat round the table having breakfast. I felt something on my chair, picked it up and it was a dead vole that the cat had brought in. I freaked out and just threw it. Well it landed in my sisters Cereal bowl and splashed milk all over her face. And she screamed and screamed. I got such a bollocking and they still mention it now


Shaved off part of my sisters eyebrow when we were very young. This was in the 80s, it's still brought up.


As a drunk 14 year old making animal noises (they were really bad)


once accidentally said “FCUK” as fuck at like 4 and haven’t lived it down to this day


In nursery I bit a girl on the eye lid I’m 26 now and last time it was brought up was last week 😂


Got asked for a bowl when mashing potatoes. I wasn't paying attention and passed a colander. It was sat inside the bowls. I was about 9. 25 years later, anytime intelligence is brought up I can guarantee my old man will drag this up.


About 10 years ago my eldest daughter, who was 9 at the time, loudly and proudly announced that she was vegetarian. Whilst tucking into a plateful of bacon. You bet your backside that this is mentioned whenever bacon is on the menu and it'll be mentioned for the rest of her life. She still isn't a veggie either.


I still say wobbly legs to describe feeling weak and faint. Don't see the problem.


When I was about 10 having dinner and my dad told me to not talk with my mouth full to which I replied "if it was full I wouldn't be able to talk."


Once when a group of relatives were gossiping one said with a sigh “All the gossip of the world” about everything they’d been talking about, almost as if she was ashamed of themselves. I immediately flipped the phrase just for fun & said “A world made of gossip” & they found it so profound & acted like I’d called them out on their behaviour & kept repeating it for years. I just said it meaninglessly.


Not something I said, but my family still laugh at me for being a gullible idiot when I was younger. We were on holiday in Jersey one year, and we'd taken a couple of cars over on the ferry. My uncle decided one afternoon that he was worried about a wiring issue with his car, and asked me if I could help out. 'I need you to get into the boot and tell me if the light goes out' he said. So of course I nod my head and get in the boot. 'the lights gone out!' I cheerfully reply. Nothing. 'The lights gone out' I say again. Engine starts. My uncle then proceeds to take me on a nice 10 minutes drive along the coastline, with me screaming for my life in the back. Lesson learned.


Was the lesson that your uncle is an idiot?


Not gullible. Not an idiot. Your uncle was a tool.


My mum told me I needed to put on clean pants every day. After a week I couldn’t find any more pants and my trousers wouldn’t fit.


I got hit by a car on my 6th birthday. I got hit again the following year but a monthafter my birthday. I wasn’t a bright child


Set fire to the neighbours shed and burnt it down. It was nearly 40 years ago, stop mentioning it!


You know the thing that happens when you rub your eyes and see colours and patterns? I was trying to explain that, as a small child, and said something along the lines of “it’s like magic eyes!” It has never been let go. Same as that one time at Christmas when I was maybe 12 or so when I spilled a glass of sparkling grape juice on my mother, they still bring it up every year when someone fills my glass.


I didn't know the lyrics to 'Mr. Brightside' It was during a formal dance, an I still hear about it to this day.


My sister always brings up that fact that I stood on her while playing follow the leader with my friend. She can't even remember because she was 6 months old. It was nearly 25 years ago.


I stole and ate some chocolate decorations off the Christmas tree around 40 years ago. My sister continues to bring it up almost every time we get together including last weekend.


I got stuck in a tumble dryer as a toddler.


My parents hired a clown for my older brothers birthday party back in the 80s. The same clown turned up at my nursery the week after. Apparently, little me who was as shy as anything, put my hand up during his nursery act and in my innocent sweet voice said 'Mr Tom Tom you left your balls on our fireplace!' - I was talking about his juggling balls of course, he'd left them behind after my brother's party. Apparently the nursery staff were in hysterics and told my Mom when she collected me.


I tried to open a door at school using my bum and the door swing out hard, hit the wall and shattered the glass! I had to see the Head Teacher and was known for this the whole time I was at school. It's still mentioned now (although less often thankfully!).


how I acted the exact same as my sister, my family do not shut up about what I did in the past and keep bringing up every single thing about it


When I was a kid I liked to play "colours". What that means is I would think of a colour, and whoever was around had to guess what colour am I thinking of. Once I really gave my grandma a run for her colour knowledge and she gave up after naming some 30 different colours. I was thinking about "dark black". To this day everything that a normal, sane person would call "black", to our family it is "dark black".


I had a speech impediment when I was little and would struggle getting words out. I could never say car park, it always came out as par cark and to this day that’s what the whole family calls them. I struggled with tomato too which came out as tomat-Tt-toes. And Harry ramsden-den-dens


One day I left for school with only tights on (no skirt) my mum had to chase me down the road, she brings it up alll of the time and still finds it hilarious


I convinced myself I made the Micky mouse club house song (part of me still believes this)


I found a large tin of green gloss paint, which I thought would be fun to chuck down the underpass near our house. It exploded, and splattered a large area with funeral parlour green paint. Some of it was still there in the mid 90s, some 10 years later when the council removed it. Only then did I fess up, but it still gets brought up occasionally by my father.


Misspelled the word birthday in a card to my dad writing bithday instead. To this day, over 20 years later, we always wish everyone in the family a happy bithday.


Got caught eating a whole packet of jaffa cakes under the table. Every Christmas for years I'd get gifted one of those massive boxes of stale ones as a reminder. But I'd 100% do it again.


I was 8 and said I wanted to try being vegetarian. It only lasted a week or two and now every time we have dinner with extended family I'm asked if I'm still a vegetarian.


Not quite did or said, but happened. I was mugged for my phone, late teens, by 2 guys and a girl, no I wasn’t at a Pizza place. 18 years later my brothers still bring up the fact I was mugged by a girl, doesn’t matter that the other two were half a foot taller than me and male, I was mugged in their eyes solely by a Girl.


Used to say greenmoore instead of moor-green when I was 5/6/7. It’s a place! I’m not sure why this is such a big deal but my mum loves to bring up how I always said it the wrong way around.


Not me but my brother. Christmas day, he was 5 or 6 ripped open the wrapping paper to reveal a guitar and screams “ITS A PIANO!” We got the whole thing on video and hes never lived it down


Went on holiday somewhere was about 6yo, might have been a caravan in Bournemouth actually, anyways it pissed it down, we all got back to the caravan and big family drinking, I take my socks off and throw them and they stick to the wall. Off the back of that story it goes into me being a fussy eater and taking a cucumber off my food in a cabaret bar (Butlins) and throwing it, at my auntie, and it stuck right in the middle of her forehead. 😂


I am the oldest of 3, and like most eldest siblings, lived to torment my younger siblings. I kept a physical record of every ridiculous thing my younger sister said for years and years, she didn’t half come out with some random shit. Here are a few of my favorites: -What’s a Deidre? (We were talking about the godawful Deidre Barlow glasses I had at the time) -Where is scouse? -Do you like my testicles? (She had just got new glasses and I think was supposed to say spectacles) -I’ve got itchy teeth These are all still talked about to have a good laugh.


This story is told by both of my parents regularly: My family were out at a lake camping when I was around 3 and my sister was around 5. There was a jet skiier out on the lake. Me: what's that man doing? (Points to jet skiier) My sister: (with complete confidence and disdain at my stupidity) that man is chasing that boat of course.


I got caught pleasuring myself to some hedge porn (men only) on top of a coal hill. They called me 'chocky mountain' after that. :)


When I was a child I had to get fairly major surgery on my ear. Afterwords I had to wear this massive tight bandage that went right around my head and looked like a turban. I had to wear this thing for nearly a month! I might have got sympathy and got away with it if it happened at any other time, but lucky me it happened the week of the September 11th terror attacks. It still gets brought up every so often and of course leads to.me being called Bin Laden for a week or 2 again 😢


When I was at primary school I stopped during a sports day race to pull my knee high socks up. My parents have never let me forget it.


My sister convinced me chinese people ate spoons with a fork when I was about 7 and she was 12. To this day if she ever serves me soup it has a fork In it


Somewhat similar to you, I must’ve overheard my mum saying not to eat something because it was mouldy, so whoever I didn’t like something I’d say “it’s mouldy”, they still joke about it to this day.


Couldn't tie shoelaces until I was 11. Everyone loved laughing at me for it, but no one actually tried to teach me properly. Apparently it's still hilarious now I'm approaching my 30's.


I'm not proud of this. I was obsessed with fire as a child. Lighters, using a magnifying glass to burn newspapers, bonfires etc. We had a fake-looking but working gas fire in the living room. I must have been 10 or so and I convinced my slightly younger and more naïve sister to touch a piece of metal that I had secretly heated up. I guess I just wanted to know what would happen and what her reaction would be. As expected she yelped, she cried and I got grounded. She always brings it up as an example of how I'm such a terrible brother. I agree, I was.


When I was 6 I cut the front of my hair off on Christmas Eve as my mom thought I’d look cutie in curls, it took a year to grow back.