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When I worked in a supermarket an old lady once pulled me aside after I was speaking with a colleague. "I just want to say it's so refreshing to see a young man talking about literature, it's so nice to see the generations stay interested in good things" I was likening my colleague to lenny from of mice and men so although the lady was a little mistaken I remembered that comment ever since


That last paragraph has made my morning šŸ˜‚


This is gold šŸ˜„


When I worked in a supermarket an old lady told me that she likes coming to my till, her and her husband specifically joined my lane everytime no matter how big the queue was because they enjoyed talking to me so much and appreciated the help I gave. I was touched. When she came in the week after, we both realised she'd confused me with someone else.




I was likening myself to Lenny last week in regards to wanting to squash the life out of my cat Little Fat Stuart.


I'm curious to know, was there a Big Fat Stuart? And how little is Little Fat Stuart?


I've got two mates that live together. They're both called Bob. One is tall and fat, and the other is small and fat. A couple of years ago tall Bob and i went to pick up a Chinese and the Chinese lady working behind the counter said in a strong Chinese accent "Oh hi Big Fat Bob! Where little Fat Bob tonight?"


Pass on my regards to the two Fat Bobs.


There was never a Big Fat Stuart, Little Fat Stuart probably isn't even that little for a cat even if you take his morbid obesity out of the equation. He is little compared to me though. It's all relative.


I would really like to see a photo of Little Fat Stuart.


I just bought this book myself I read it in school and it was one of the only ones I enjoyed because school generally sucks the fun out of reading


As a service engineer visiting a client to do repairs. ā€˜Oh thank goodness itā€™s youā€™.


I've had this too. "Oh great it's you, it'll get fixed this time then!". Always makes me grin a little!


This is the one! Multiple visits and issues not resolved... Oh thank god its you not them other idiots


I was doing a promotional event for Gran Turismo, and I was giving some advice to two young kids on how to go faster on the track. A man behind me suddenly said 'Listen to him kids. He knows what he's talking about.' It was Ben Collins, the old Stig.


Bwoah, wouldā€™ve made my decade that


>Bwoah It was Ben Collins, not Kimi RƤikkƶnen.


Leave him alone, he knows what heā€™s doing!






Had some random dude ask if I had any rizlas, I said no ..he said "yeah I can tell you don't smoke your skin is so good" as a 48yo bloke I will take that.


A couple of months ago I had somebody ask me for a lighter. When I told them I don't smoke, they looked at me like they thought I must be lying to them. Maybe I have really bad skin.


Maybe you just look like a firestarter, a twisted firestarter.


I love when men compliment each other


it truly is the best thing.


>I've since bought driving gloves and a hat, to enhance her experience. You've gone drunk with power


Is she sat in the back?


Guy isnā€™t a boyfriend heā€™s a chauffeur


Turns out her name is Lady Penelope




If you're anything like me you've now been getting that hair cut for the last 13 years and refuse to change with the times


Mens haircuts are set in stone at 25 unless they go bald. IDST


He makes her sit in the back now.


Was in the Army in 2002, just walking in to the comms building this bloke I'd bever met said and I quote "my god your eyes are gorgeous if you were a bird I'd f*ck you silly!" Will never forget it šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


How long have you been together


Was waiting for the "7 years later and still happily married". Gutted.


I hate to tell you that 2002 wasnā€™t seven years agoā€¦


If only you'd joined the Navy, you could have got some action.


Username checks out!


A common navy saying used to be ā€˜women are great for a bit of fun, but you canā€™t beat the real thingā€™.


Join the navy, feel a man


Such a Pongo thing to say. Heā€™d probably fuck you for the dit though regardless of your sex šŸ¤£


"You're my dream man." from my misses. Or "I love you daddy" from my eldest son. Deffo these two


Technically, Freddy Kruger was a dream man too. sorry, i had to.


Thank god these arenā€™t the other way around, be rather worrying that.


I worked as a visitor helper at a National Trust site when I was a teenager. Two old ladies shuffled past as I was directing traffic, they both smiled at me and one said "you'll go a long way with that smile, young man". That's a compliment that's forever imprinted in my memory, how sweet!


What are you doing now and has the smile got you anywhere


Oh it's got me to the very top, now I'm directing traffic at the Ritz!


Asking the real questions here.


Not me but my fiancĆ© got complemented once on his hair in a petrol station. The guy behind the counter was saying how nice his hair was and asked how long it was so my boyfriend put his hair down out of a bun and the guy behind the counter was like ā€œwow, your hair is so luxuriousā€. It was wholesome as shit to watch.


That's cute af


You're not as much of a cunt as I was told.


At work I got something like this, I was the deputy and I always got ā€œeveryone said you were a cunt, but they said said youā€™re a decent cuntā€


You're a cunt, but you're our cunt.


This is the most British bit of Reddit I've ever seen. You daft cunts.


Awww I once got this in a card!


Thanks mum


She gave me a deep hug and told me I was a kind man. I almost cried.


thatā€™s really sweet laserdicks




A lady told me my motorcycle was cool last week. I think about it every 6 seconds.


I was out cycling some months ago - probably almost a year ago now - and a kid went "wow! Nice bike" as I coasted past them. Still smiling about it.


"I like what you're about." Man, I'm *all about* what I'm about. Thank you.


I like the cut of your jib!


Whatā€™s a jib


Promote that man!


I think it's a type of sail on the front of a ship


From someone who, for [reasons] we had not spoken for a couple of years. "When I was really struggling, I'd ask myself, what would you do" That gave me good feels.


The person I think this about "What would X do", is sadly no longer with us, knocked off this bicycle by a drunk driver and killed. At his funeral I told his wife, "I never found the right moment to tell him, but whenever I'm struggling with stuff, I think about what X would've done." I think she appreciated it. I still do, and its coming up to 8 years now. RIP mate.


> "When I was really struggling, I'd ask myself, what would you do My friends used to say that about me....but they would always add " so I know to do the complete opposite" Which brought down the good mood somewhat


If somebody said that to me I'd assume they'd think that so that they could avoid doing something stupid. In all seriousness, I think that's possibly one of the best compliments somebody can be given.


When I first met a male friend at uni aged 18 I said he had nice cheekbones. I'm female but wasn't hitting on him, just a genuine compliment. This was in the 90s when that indie look with floppy hair and sharp cheekbones was a look I was a big fan of. (Still kinda am tbh!) We're still friends and he recently told me that compliment had always stayed with him and made him feel good, we're now 45!


I think I speak for most men when I say we don't receive many compliments, if we are lucky enough to receive any, they stay with us for years.


My missus told me Iā€™m a good dad. Means a lot when you are slogging your bollocks off everyday to try and give the best you can to the fam.


I'm a very involved stepdad with no bio kids. My 9yo has autism and ADHD, we usually butts heads 24/7. A few days ago I was creating something with a knife cardboard, and gaffa tape to stop our indoor rabbit getting into places with cables that he shouldn't and my son looked at me and said something along the lines of "You're a really good Dad. You always know how to fix everything for us and you're really smart." It was a bit silly but it hit me like a ton of bricks as we don't usually get that kind of compassion and sentiment from him, that will keep me going for a long, long time.


That is huge.


Well done. I hope I get this kind of praise once I become a father. We're expecting in October and I'm seriously hoping I can pull my weight enough.


I'm going to pass on to you the best parenting advice I've ever been given. Basically, make sure your child sees your eyes light up to see them, every time you see them. This is something a child should experience *Every Single Day*. Sadly my childhood experience was far from this, and this advice came from an elderly lady when my girls were tiny. It has proved to be the best advice I have ever been given as a parent.


Itā€™s brilliant mate, canā€™t describe how proud you feel when the little one arrives. Once you make it out of the first 2/3 months of sleep deprivation everything feels like a breeze. My only advice to you is when the midwife says ā€˜dad take a lookā€™ donā€™t look. Nothing good comes of it.


2/3 *years* you mean, right? Or did my toddler just not get the memo?


My experience so far has been they wake up all the time for the first few months, then they give you some hope and start sleeping through the full night. Then the sleep regression kicks in, after that they get ill, then they get ill, then they get ill, then they get ill, then they get ill, then when will this illness just bugger off so I can sleep, then they get ill, then your in the hospital for the night because the fever just won't go down then they get ill.


My partner didn't want to go down that end either. Unfortunately for him, we ended up having an unplanned home birth. Paramedics arrived as I did my final push so he was basically my midwife all the way through, seeing everything that was on offer. He was traumatised for a little while after, not that I blame him through lol.




My husband is an amazing Dad but I definitely don't tell him enough. I'm going to tell him tonight.


Had a Christmas temp leave us and on her way out she told me Iā€™m one of the most genuine men sheā€™s ever met. Been a long time anyone had said anything like that.


Thatā€™s a great compliment. If I was looking to date, ā€œgenuineā€ would be top of my wish list.


Was at a wedding, helping tidy up at the end (it was informal, at a church hall) my kid was looking for me and someone pointed me out to them and said "if you can't find your dad just look to see who's helping, he's always helping people your dad". Made me smile, glad that my kids will see that example and hopefully pick something up from it.


That's a great thing to hear - really something for the rest of us to aim for! Well done


Now I've got 2 :)


I decided to lose some weight so started going to the gym 3 or 4 times a week. I walked into the staff room a couple of weeks after I started and one of the girls I worked stopped what she was doing and said, "Wow, you really look good!" I'd always had a thing for her but always thought I'd never stand a chance. This happened in November 2019 - I still think about it at least once a day.


I did a similar thing, after a nasty divorce I piled on loads of weight but then one day had a revelation and hit the gym 6 days a week for a good few months. I walked into one of my employers satellite offices that I hadn't visited for a while and the first comment was "fucking hell you've lost weight, have you got cancer?" Woman was a twat.


So are you married now?


Haha no we were both in relationships at the time. We've both since changed teams and surprisingly, we bumped into each other at work last month. I probably should ask her out for food/a drink as we're both single now, but I would definitely batting above my average if she says yes.


Ask her. How many missed opportunities do you want to regret later?


> We've both since changed teams I'm quite tired and for some reason read that as you are both now gay, had to go back and reread to make sense of it. If i was right the first time, congrats.


Ask her if she fancies a coffee man, something casual, don't make it too awkward. I'll freely admit I'm batting, but if I hadn't have asked... What's the worst that can happen, she says no and you don't speak to her for another 4 years? Go on do it and report back šŸ‘šŸ»


>but I would definitely batting above my average if she says yes. I reckon in \~50% of couples, one person is always punching above their weight. Why shouldn't it be you?


Don't put yourself down, /u/arse_wiper89 - I bet you've got loads to bring to a relationship. Even if you were unattractive (people are always negative about their looks) it's not all about that. Personality and the way you treat the other person plays a big part too. I know it's easy for someone who has never met you to see this, but try looking at yourself objectively. You go to the gym, you're trying to improve yourself - consider giving it a go. And remember even if she says no, that's not a reflection on you.


When I left my last job, I had mentored a young lad for a few months. He had previously been in care of a local authority and apart from a few short term foster placements he had lived most of his life in a kidsā€™ home. He said to me ā€˜Iā€™ll really miss you. Nobody has ever been so kind to me.ā€™ Well the wind blew and some dust went in my eye.


I work in mental health and was fairly new to the job. Iā€™d been working with a young lad who had lost his Granddad. At the end of support he completed a feedback questionnaire and had put in the ā€œany other commentsā€ box ā€œas my granddad would say, sheā€™s a goodenā€™ā€ So validating, destroyed my imposter syndrome, cried that Iā€™d actually helped someone


It's been 6 years since I was on a psychiatric ward but I still remember the names and faces of a couple of the people who worked there (which is saying a lot because I remember very, very little from that time!). Their seemingly endless positivity and kindness really left an impression that I don't think I truly appreciated until I really started to come out the other side. One of them, Abby, once said that it was ok if I didn't have any hope because she was carrying enough for both of us until I did. At the time, I think it probably annoyed me tbh, now, it makes me feel emotional because she really did. 6 days a week, for 2.5 months, that girl would walk in with a huge smile, she'd listen, she'd push when she knew I could take it... She gave me a chance to rebuild myself at my own pace and whilst feeling cared for and safe. Never, never underestimate just how much of an effect you're having on the people you work with, even if they're not in a place to fully appreciate it when you know them. You guys are bloody amazing!! x




This is a bit slushy so apologies in advance. But my (new) partner recently told me: "You know when you've got a crush on someone and you think the sun shines out of their arse, then over time that ebbs even if you still like them? You've just got better." Genuinely just melted me.


Someone once told me I was like the human version of Snoopy.


Is that a compliment? Snoopy always strikes me as chaotic neutral, leaning evil.


Not the nicest thing exactly but the compliment that meant the most to me was when my mate's girlfriend at college told me that blue really suited me, I was wearing a blue shirt at the time. My wardrobe remains overwhelmingly blue to this day. I think it was just the fact that it was a completely unprovoked compliment and she meant it in a very nice way.


I was at my graduation ceremony, we had done all the presentations and I was in the pub with my parents still in my cap and gown. As I walked through to go to the bar a random local bloke tapped me on the shoulder and said: "Well done mate. Congratulations, " shook my hand and turned and walked away. Never met him before, it just really was nice. It made the day complete. It was a sad day as well because our little group realised that our fun 3 years were over and that some of us would not see each other again. They were good years unlike now.


This choked me up a little, I think its the accumulation of all these heart warming comments


Quite some time ago, the younger sister of an ex from when I was in my late teens emailed me out of nowhere. I hadn't seen her for a good 20 years but we were friends on Facebook. Anyway, at that time of my life, I had lost some weight and had started running marathons and trail races. Things were going well for me, and my fb reflected that at that time. So I receive a long dm from her telling me how much I had inspired her to lose weight herself. She was always a heavy-set girl, and I remember her struggling as a child with bullying etc. But now she's sending me pics of her doing MMA kicking someone in the head and telling me it's all because I made her feel like she could. If I could do something amazing then she could too. It's been 10 years since then and I've stopped running and gotten fat agian but she's still fighting fit, married and has a child now. She didn't have to dm me at all but the face she did just warms my heart. ā¤ļø


Helped an old couple with their luggage (down 3 flights of stairs and several trips!) whilst everyone else sat round and watched and bear in mind was the smallest guy there, when my missus said that I was so amazingly kind and she could see herself marrying me one day! That was 20years ago, still happy with my wife and still think about what she said and the love in her eyes as she expressed it to me


Wow. Reading some of these comments just shows how much even a small compliment can mean to people. Scary!


Men don't get complimented very much, so if you say something - anything - nice to us it tends to stick. I make sure to compliment my mates when it's deserved to up their quotient a bit and normalise saying nice things to other men.


I am strictly hetero, but whenever I see my mates I am always like "Hey handsome" cos a lot of the time it's unexpected and often brings a smile to their face. Guys really dont get many compliments so literally saying anything nice is greatly appreciated.


I was walking through my local park and there were 5 or 6 lads in their late teens early 20s walking towards. They were all in suits and ties, in good spirits and doing that whole ā€œfixing cuffs, straightening ties, I look goodā€ thing and laughing about. As they walked past I just said ā€œlooking sharp, ladsā€. That got them laughing even more. I hope that they had a good day, whatever they were doing.


> I am strictly hetero, but whenever I see my mates I am always like "Hey handsome" Plus it's good to keep your options open.


I was feeling fairly rubbish yesterday and a guy I've seen at the gym a few times came up to me and said he was impressed at how hard I was working and how he wished he was as strong as me! It put me on such a high and totally changed my day. I wanted to catch him before he left to say thank you but he sneaked out. Everyone I met yesterday I kept telling them how I had the most amazing compliment at the gym. Just a few kind words or a small action can change a lot :)


Yes I remember a lady telling me 12yrs ago that her hubbie thought I was a beautiful young woman and she felt she ought to tell me because people don't often get told that. That compliment actually changed my life.


I've seen videos of people going around handing flowers to random women. It's kind of upsetting how many of them are speechless or break down crying simply because a stranger did something nice for them.


When I got with my now wife I'd gone through a rough breakup, so had deleted Facebook and hit the gym pretty hard. When I first got undressed in front of her she just said "wow" and I've been chasing that high ever since. It's not to be found at the bottom of a family size bag of Doritos or in an entire cheesecake though, despite how many I've inspected in the intervening years.




Had an old bloke come up to me as I was waiting outside Asda for my wife. He smiled, leaned in and whispered "you're a pretty little thing aren't you" then walked off. a little bit creepy, but being 6,4 and not a little thing, really made my day.


Yeah I had an old man approach me on my first day working at a HMV and tell me that 'he would've paid 20p for me back in the day'...


My son told me, I think he was 6 at the time, that heā€™s happy Iā€™m his Dad.




Was he a Flemish or French speaker?


He cleared his throat a lot in the morning, but he wasn't Flemish all the time.




ā€œThank you so muchā€ from a frazzled mom packing her trolley after I distracted her kid for 5 minutes whilst she did. ā€œI wish my dad had been like youā€ from my wife


Was covering reception desk at my work weekend and the first lady I was signing in told me I had "Magnificent Eyes" also when I was up on a ward checking something one of the patients said to me "mate don't take this the wrong way but you're the healthiest looking man I've ever seen". As someone who's about two stone over weight I'll take that, was just back from holiday so could have been the tan.


I'm not sure this quite counts butā€¦ We have a Ukrainian woman in our department at the moment. I'm not sure she's actually doing much work but she's here "seeing what we do and how we do things in the UK". But I think mostly it's just to have a sense of normality in her daily routine while her family is still in Kiev. Monday she was in my office most of the day, chatting between jobs and asking questions in very broken English. At the end of the session she rushed off to get a train and she said "thank you for today, you made me laugh, twice". I got the impression she's not had much to laugh about for quite some time. It broke my stony little heart.


Ha, a student said to me this morning I looked like Hugh Jackman. Reader, I can assure you that I don't look like him. But nice to say so nonetheless.


At primary school I told a dinner lady she looked like Jo Brand. I didn't mean it bad, I loved Jo Brand! And she did look like Jo Brand. She wasn't impressed.


You might as well have just said she looks like John Sergeant.


Really makes you understand how compliment starved us guys are. When I first started to work out and it was way to early to tell people, a guy at work grabbed my bicep (in a sort of friendly how are you sort of way.) Pulled his hand back as if shocked and grabbed it again Told me how impressive it was (it really wasnt) didn't know I was a gym rat (I wasn't) and good for me, all that. Stuck with me for years. How people perceive you in a positive way but don't always say somthing.


I was watching some random corporate rugby sevens tournament near Kingston about 7 or 8 years ago which a friend of mine had invited me to. We were in some stands by ourselves and someone on the pitch kicked the ball into touch, which I caught. One of the coaches of this sevens side motioned to me to pass the ball to him, which I did. The ball went straight to him and it was a reasonable distance, and the coach replied in a kiwi accent "Great pass mate!". Someone tapped me from behind and asked me if I knew who that was. I said I didn't - but it was Zinzan Brooke, former No.8 for the All Blacks!


ā€œWhen we make love I donā€™t fantasise about someone elseā€ was a memorable one. Nicest football coach I ever had.


"You don't realise how handsome you are" Made me stop in my tracks. It felt very good to hear that


Iā€™m fairly short 5ā€™7 and one day in the office we were discussing height and I commented on my own lack of stature and the fact I am actually shorter than a notoriously short colleague. This caused much consternation and hilarity in the office until the colleague in question walked in and it was confirmed that I am indeed shorter than him. When discussing this revelation my colleagues as one came to the conclusion that they donā€™t picture me as short or even notice my hight when thinking about me and they put this down to me having a great personality


When I was sixteen, I was a shy chubby but smart guy. Never had a girlfriend, a few kisses but nothing to write home about. I was at a party and I could see one of the hottest girls in school was alone and seemed to be upset. I got the courage to talk to her, we sat for what must have been four or five hours just talking. My friends took the piss out of me for not making a move. But she was vulnerable and we were talking about how hard her parents split was. We ended up talking most weekends on the phone for about three months. At that point she got a boyfriend and drifted away. I thought nothing of it, I was just there when she was down. Months later when leaving school we were going to different colleges and probably wouldnā€™t see each other again. The whole school had ā€œyearbooksā€ where our friend wrote things about us in them, mostly consisted of ā€œyouā€™re a dickhead, but youā€™re alrightā€. This girl spent time writing a full two page response how that night weā€™d talked had saved her as she was thinking of suicide. Told me how I was the kindest, smartest and downright funniest guy sheā€™d ever had the pleasure of meeting and whoever got me was a lucky bitch. Firmly friend-zoned but one of the if not the nicest thing someone has ever told me. Decades later I still remember it.


Wow you made an incredible difference in her life, she'll never forget that for sure.


Iā€™ve always been taught, things like ā€œThe only people who remember you worked late are your familyā€ And ā€œYouā€™ll be judged on the lives you made an impact on, not how much is in your bankā€ She did get in touch a couple years ago, sheā€™s married with kids and happy. Thatā€™s all you want really is for people to be happy.


"Parker" "Yes m'lady?" "Well done." "Thank you, m'lady."


"Don't worry, I'm not raising your rent"


In a workshop we were asked to write something nice about the people in the room then stick it to their back. You couldn't tell who'd written what when you took them off to read. One on my back said "Really beautiful mind". Best compliment I've ever had.


My wife recently came out with 'thanks for your hard work and everything you do for our family'. That made me well up somewhat, I must say. Was lovely and very much appreciated. 17yrs together this weekend, 10yrs married September.


My lovely friend told me recently that I make her feel special every time she sees me, that it's my superpower. I got a bit teary.


I was taking my kids back to there mums a few years ago on the bus. Some bloke spoke up as we were getting off and said "You've got good kids. You're doing a great job"


I was on the phone to my Dad while getting out of an Uber. I did my usual ā€œthank you very much and enjoy the rest of your eveningā€ to the driver and my Dad very proudly said over the phone, ā€œI am so proud of you, you are an incredibly polite young ladyā€ It really touched me


Maybe not the nicest, but a very recent one. I was on a stag do a few weeks ago (in Leeds) and we were a couple hours deep so I was tipsy, but still pretty cognisant. We were stood outside deciding our next move (\*after karaoke bar) and I saw a (n attractive) woman down the street on her phone, carrying a cake but sort of stumbling around looking a bit vulnerable. So I went and chatted to her, (her name was Nicole) and it turned out she was carrying a red velvet cake (we discussed how I know it's popular but a bit wasted on me) but that she had lost her friends and the cake was for her birthday. Anyway, she was flustered and told me that her uber was arriving soon but obviously needed her friends first. Her phone started ringing and she dropped it rather than answer it, so she picked it up and thrust it over to me and told me to answer it. It was her uber driver so I sent her in to where she thought her friends last were and spoke to the uber driver and said phone again in 3 minutes, blah blah. Anyway, she managed to find her friends, came out with them and I told them the uber situation. She gave me a "thank you, why can't everyone be like you?" and her friends dragged her off. Then she pulled back, looked me dead in the eye and said "Seriously, thank you so much", coupled with a kiss on the cheek and went to get her uber. It's something small, and I'm sure I've had nicer things said to me, but I always try to look out for people and do the right thing. It was the fact she pulled back to make sure she told me which stuck in my mind. I'm glad she got home safe <3


Mum told me I was handsome and then added like that twat, your dad. Bitter and Sweet in one comment. Thanks mum


After having quite shaky handwriting as a kid I put in a fair bit of effort quietly practicing until I could do print and cursive nicely. A few months ago someone at work noticed my notebook and complimented my handwriting. Still riding high off of that one.


Will you marry me? Was a leap year on Feb 29th. Said yes although didn't believe it would make any difference. Coming up 30years married soon. Enjoy


My girlfriend has been very complimentary about how supportive I was during the birth of our daughter last week. Sheā€™s been telling everyone, which is nice.


My niece 4 year old, ā€œwhy are you always nice?ā€


A girl once said that my voice made her vibrate. I think about that nearly every day.


You're the best daddy in the world. Everyone should have a daddy like you.


Probably when my parent's friend watched the video I made of my holiday to Japan. He said it was fantastic and really well made. This hit extra hard for me because video production is a bit of a side-passion of mine, and my family had almost nothing to say about the video I put so much effort into making.


Long story, but the short version is I was on a driving event to promote the recently released Mark 3 Mazda MX-5. There were a few checkpoints, and we set off at different times to get there - not by any means a race, just to stagger people's arrivals. At the last checkpoint, the chap driving the car we'd been variously overtaking and overtaken by all day came up to talk to me. "It was a pleasure driving with you today. You obviously know what you're doing. Do you race?" I had to say I didn't (other than being a co-driver a couple of times on rallies) but I had done a few trackdays. "Well you've got talent." he said. "Really smooth style and aware of when you could push it. I had a time keeping up with you." Turns out it was a BTCC driver - iirc Anthony Reid? Slight Scottish accent, teenage daughter (in 2006) who was with him.


Well last night my misses was on the phone to the doctors tryin to get some mental health help, the nurse asked if she anyone for support. Without even a moments pause she just blurted out "my partner, it's my rock, I'd be lost without him". Feels good to be appreciated and loved :-)


My partner said something similar about my driving, her ex drove like a cunt and she was terrified about being in the car with him. She constantly falls asleep when she's in the car with me because she is so chill with my driving and has no worries.


Once at a wedding I met a guy that had been in my class in high school for a couple of years, and then moved schools. As he was introducing me to his girlfriend, he said "We knew each other in X school, but he was one of the good ones". We were not friends but I do not remember him being disliked or bullied. Apparently experience at my school (very demanding) for him had been very traumatic, he had struggled a lot academically with little help from teachers. Apparently I had also helped him in class and with homework. I did not remember but he was grateful all these years later. Made me think about how something I had done without thinking (not significant enough to even remember) had meant so much to somebody else.


I visited a store the other day I used to be a department manager at 6 years ago and asked how some of the staff I worked with were getting on and the guy Iā€™ve never met said ā€˜oh Iā€™ve heard of youā€™. Given this was 6 years later I expected the worst but the staff said it was talked of as a great time to have worked there which made me chuffed to know


One time I walked into a room and a teeny tiny two year old looked at me and just said "Wow!". That's gonna stay with me for life.


"Your mother must be very proud of you". A lady leaving a bar after I had given her my seat about an hour before. Nothing big in and of itself as remarks go, but my Mom had passed away 15 years before and it still makes me smile when I think about the comment.


Was working on a lady's bathroom while she was at work. Her mother was there , lovely woman probably in her mid to late 80s. Once I'd finished she came to me and said " thank you for your work I'll make sure to give your number out to all my friends because you've absolutely worked your bollocks off today " . Made me chuckle


When meeting a friend of a friend for the first time, before even saying hello she turned to my friend and said quite openly, "You never told me he was so handsome". Being a pretty average looking guy, this made me smile the rest of the day and still remember it 8 years later.


I met an elderly couple through work and they complimented me on my present, attentive parenting as they had seen me with my daughter on a bus FIVE YEARS before, singing nursery rhymes and playing games with her. I always made a huge effort to connect with my daughter, to teach her, entertain her, and listen to her. It massively paid off. She's at secondary school now and is top of her class in everything. Also when she was a toddler and had some mandatory developmental test they told me it was obvious I had spent a lot of time on my knees on the carpet. I don't think they were being homophobic.


My son told his teachers in nursery his favourite thing in the world is playing with his dinosaurs in the garden with his daddy. When they told me I very nearly cried, one of the happiest moments of my life.


I don't want to be "that guy who tries to milk the old outdated and often wrong stereotype of men not getting compliments", but I honestly can't remember. šŸ˜… I get a few "thanks" here and there for helping folks, but ultimately I'm a tubby, hairy-yet-balding, middle-aged northerner, so people aren't exactly breaking down the door to tell me how great I am. And I'm okay with that. It's better than getting insulted for sure! šŸ˜




Hey, I still reckon Ogre Fiona was hotter than Human Fiona in Shrek, so I guess we have that going for us! šŸ˜… And hey, if all else fails, you got your epic tea-making skills to fall back on, and as we as Brits know, tea is everything. šŸ˜




You have a great way with words, friend!




I don't think it's actually the nicest thing because my fiance has said lots of wonderful stuff to me. But the compliment which sticks in my mind the most is the first one I ever received from a girl when I was about 15, who said I had a lovely smile. It meant extra since she was just about the most gorgeous girl in school, and I was pretty sure at that point that I would be a permanent kissless virgin.


Not necessarily the nicest but the first time my girlfriend called me hot made me smile like shit. Idk, sheā€™s quite reserved with her words and has been since the day we met, so i knew she meant it and that sheā€™d mustered up the courage to say it aloud, so it kind of made it more special than anyone before saying anything of the kind (not that iā€™m saying many gals have lmao).


A female stranger leant out of her car while I was sat in traffic just to tell me she loved my moustache. Fairly sure her boyfriend was in the passenger seat too


My wife is stunning and I am definitely punching. Was on a night out and people was saying how did you manage to get with her. I had one bloke come up to me and say, I see and hear everyone saying how beautiful your wife is, but I thought I'd let you know i think your a handsome man. Definitely don't think he was hitting on me, but was nice to hear. I'm use to hearing how beautiful she is, but nice to hear it about yourself sometimes. Had a lady at the bar the same night tell me I was punching with her, I told her but I wouldn't be with you would I šŸ˜‚.


The person I was line managing recently left our company. A while after she'd gone I opened my cupboard to find she'd left a card and some whisky in there. In the card she just wrote how grateful she was for my support and how I'd helped her to overcome her doubts and really push herself, which made her more confident in the process. Such a nice message that made me feel vindicated in my approach to management. The whisky was nice too. On a related note, if you're line-managing someone and the first three things you ask them in every catchup aren't "How are you - no, really, how are you?", "Is your workload manageable?" and "Is there anything more I can do to support you?" then you're doing it wrong.


As a 19 year old I got told I looked like an angel sent from heaven by an old lady in a coffee shop. 6 hours later I was sitting near a bus stop in the pouring rain, soaked through sitting on the floor given up hope as my bus was 2 hours late and another old lady came and offered me Ā£20 for the shelter for the night. From an angel to somebody thinking I was homeless was quite a contrast. However both of those have stuck in my mind as they were both very nice things. (Somebody wanting to help another who they believed in need - I didn't take the money if anybody was wondering)


"Would you like to share this scone" Brought a tear to my eye


I used to get ā€œyou smell amazingā€ ā€œyouā€™re clothes look amazingā€ and now I get ā€œyour arms are massiveā€ Both are as a result of enduring bullying as a kid I suppose. Grew up mixed race and used to get called a P*ki a lot and how I smelled of curry (I never did because I was OCD clean) and was a bit overweight and used to wear hand me downs. Over the years worked myself up to a good position which has allowed me to buy nice things and spend time in the gym.


" wow, you could be a model! If you let me pay to get your teeth straightened you'd make millions. I actually represent some models here's my card, let me know." Thanks middle aged lady in a random pub in 2010, you made me feel conflicting emotions, you made me want to smile but yet I couldn't smile because you made me self conscious about my teeth šŸ¤£ Never forgot it though


Someone once complemented me on my ears. They said they were perfect. Still riding that high to this very day.


A random drunk dude (London, well dressed chap with his lady friend) was walking past while I was having a pint outside a pub and he stopped and said ā€œyouā€™re a very handsome chapā€ then walked on. Made me so happy because Iā€™m not what youā€™d call traditionally attractive.


ā€œI donā€™t know you very well but you must be a good man as your daughter is so lovelyā€


Someone told me I had nice finger nails once. Since then, I always keep them trim and tidy, although I donā€™t think another soul will ever notice again


A successful businessman I respect once nonchalantly observed ā€˜I bet there isnā€™t a single place you havenā€™t dominated from the moment youā€™ve stepped into itā€™. I was quite taken aback that heā€™d got that vibe from me, and then I thought about it and was like ā€˜actually, youā€™re rightā€™ - and we pissed ourselves laughing šŸ˜‚.


One of my kids is non verbal but he can look at me and make me feel like an actual superhero. No words needed.


Someone once said they liked my new haircut. That was 13 years ago, still makes me smile.


I have been nominated for awards at work a couple of times and have also won. Reading the comments on my site managers nomination made me cry. It was along the lines of ā€˜she is a breath of fresh air, the best *insert job role here* I have ever worked with (coming from a man of his experience it meant a lot), never gives up and excels at everything she puts her mind toā€™. I have recently moved teams and itā€™s wank, but those compliments make me get up in the mornings.


I was with a friend in Scarborough getting fish and chips and the man serving us said (after a bit of a chat) "you are two of the politest ladies I've ever met".


i was doing a motorbike ride across europe with a big group. i overtook some of them approaching a roundabout in the middle of the alps, no other traffic around. i pulled a rolling stoppie as i slowed for the roundabout (braking so hard the rear wheel comes off the ground), then took the roundabout leant over pretty far, not quite knee-down but close, & then pulled a wheelie on the exit away from it. later, a lady in the group came over & told me it looked like i was dancing with my bike, not just riding it. easily the coolest thing iā€™ve ever been told about myself


My missus said I was a brilliant Father. It's the best thing I ever heard because both my parents were/are average.


my wife tells me my reverse parking is one of my best attributes. not really sure how i feel about this but a compliment is a compliment i guess


People always say I have lovely eyes. That they're the most beautiful eyes they ever saw. I'm not much to look at as a morbily obese person. But when someone tells me this is makes me so happy


My ex told me I made The Last of Us look easy when I was playing on grounded mode šŸ˜‚ My coworker also called me a very handsome man when I shaved once so that felt cool. Sheā€™s gay but that makes it mean more to me haha


I met a woman towards the end of last year, we ended up quite close but she always seemed a little withdrawn. When asked about it, she mentioned that she had trouble trusting me. Quite upset I asked her why, her response was ā€˜You just seem too good to be trueā€™. Thatā€™s stuck in my mind since, not the most positive situation but a compliment nonetheless.