• By -


It's nearly a year since our lovely cat was killed and it was a hot evening just like this, so I'm feeling very sad and it's kinda come out of nowhere. I miss him loads and I wish I could go back in time and not let him out that evening. I will always remember he was sitting on the landing after I'd put my son to bed, it was a difficult bedtime that took forever so I just went and flopped on the sofa and looked at my phone. I was ignoring the cat and I wish I hadn't. We have another cat now from the RSPCA and she's fab, I love her... But it's not quite the same. Our old cat was abandoned from a feral litter because he had cat flu and we found him and raised him from about 4 weeks old. He was very strange and always poorly, he didn't seem to understand he was a cat. Cost us a fortune in vets bills, very loving apart from when he'd pounce on my feet and legs when I came out of the shower. I miss his weird little chirpy meow and I even miss the way he used to bite me!


Hindsight is a beautiful thing... we can't ever known whats going to happen and we can't beat ourselves up over desicions we've made. It's absolutely brutal to lose a pet, especially when it's well before their time, but he was so lucky to be so loved and cherished by you in the time he had. No pet is just replaceable, but we can love new ones. Anyways, go easy on yourself! Much love x


I've been to see my dad in his new care home today. The staff are lovely, and there are loads of them. My first impressions were really positive, so that's a relief. I now, of course, have a raging headache from the pent up tension and apprehension. I've done very little since getting home, just a bit to eat, a nap, another bit to eat, watered the garden, had a shower and got into my pyjamas. I've got the footy on, but I'm not paying much attention to it. The weather over the weekend looks a bit more reasonable, so hopefully I'll feel like actually doing something.


Does anyone else automatically downvote a comment if it contains "y'all" or is it just me *This comment is being downvoted and I can only assume it's because it contains "y'all"


I'm off for a long arranged dinner/drinks/night out with my old work. After the week I've had I just want to curl up in bed but I know I'll enjoy it when I get there Just need to be firm and not let myself get talked into a late one as I'm dead on my feet


At last I can spread the marmite without tearing holes in the bread. It's officially Summer.


Same, but with Nutella. It was worse before we had insulation put in the house. Solid all year round. You really had to hack at it.


? Do you store your marmite in the fridge?


Feeling so stressed at the moment. Pretty sure my car is totally and utterly buggered, I really need it for work and potential future jobs but I want to get a new car anyways. Problem is I know nothing about selling and buying cars.


If you work it out, let me know... I also want a new car but no idea how it works! Seems to mostly be on finance with the cost of second hand cars so high, but I just don't get it haha. Also know so little about my current car I struggle filling in info to get insurance, never mind trying to sell the thing...


Would you remember someone from the year below from your school times? Met someone who not only knew me buy spouted off a dozen names. I'd struggle to name 5 people in my year, and couldn't name a single person in the year below. What about you guys?


No, not at all. I bumped into someone a couple of years ago who recognised me from being in the year below me, and I had absolutely no idea who he was. I was too polite to admit that though, so I took the coward's way out when he told me his name. I'm not proud of it...


Nope, couldn't even at the time. You didn't mix with the year below, unless maybe you had a sibling there, in which case they'd be tolerated in exceptional circumstances! Mind you, these days I can only remember my friends nicknames from then.


Annual leave day woohoo! Managed to get some stuff done this morning but after a fairly exciting start with my kitty getting attacked by another cat that came into the house and then got scared by the window cleaner as well. Luckily she's recovered and been relaxing she enjoyed the afternoon as we've had a nice afternoon nap. Treated family to McDonald's tonight. Currently chilling tonight.


Annual leave day woohoo! Managed to get some stuff done this morning but after a fairly exciting start with my kitty getting attacked by another cat that came into the house and then got scared by the window cleaner as well. Luckily she's recovered and been relaxing she enjoyed the afternoon as we've had a nice afternoon nap. Treated family to McDonald's tonight. Currently chilling tonight.


Feeling miserable, flare up of my health condition, aka my stomach has gone to shit. I hate being ill and I hate that it's my stomach as its just so embarrassing! Like really, couldn't I have a gammy knee or something not embarrassing, instead of feeling sick and getting the poops, I feel very unwomanly.


Kind of wish I started a feather boa business in Wembley now.


Friday! Soon be Monday. Only 6 more days until the nights start drawing in. Winter is coming!


House drama: we have water (where it should be!)! We have electricity! We have gas! Seeing as half the house is still cordoned off, I’m limited in what I can do, so I’m cleaning the kitchen. Well right now I’m sat on the street with some fruit and water. What plug do I need to buy to power my router…. I’ve said I’ll work from home next week but the router is in the accessible part of the house but is plugged into a socket that does not yet have electricity, but I can’t access the socket to unplug it and plug it into one that does.. I can probably Google that..


Owning a leather sofa in this heat is awful. I just had to peel myself off mine


Couldn't you just cover it with a blanket for a bit?


Leather car seats too 😵‍💫


Been working most of the day and got an early finish so can’t complain! I was owed some time back so may as well use it. Plan to go for a walk in this glorious weather. Later this evening, sit back, relax and do some light reading and gaming.


Any tips for keeping cool while playing tennis in this mess?


If they get too sweaty, remember that you can request a new pair of balls.


Furthermore, if they need recovering you can request your balls felt.


Good advice.


Fieldwork in this hot sun is fucking killing me :(


Visiting friends for the weekend, though booked a hotel for tonight. I got here a bit early and can't check in till 3, receptionist said no early check ins so debating where to go and smoke a joint in this summer sun. I'd rather get checked in first as will be immediately mashed having not smoked for a bit, but how to kill 57mins... What a conundrum! Edit: I've stayed in a hotel quite frequently lately as I've been travelling between houses when moving and now visiting friends, never been asked my nationality as I've checked in, but that's twice in a row this week! Feel slightly offended I have to say!


The downside of abandoning the blackout I don’t see people mentioning is the quality and depth of content here will absolutely suffer long term. Many people will never use this site again after the end if the month if nothing changes (me included, apollo is great)


I think that's almost the point of the changes. Those of us who have been here forever and treat it like a discussion forum, having long comments about all sorts, we aren't what reddit wants anymore. They want to bring in a new user, social media style, who will make a little profile for themselves (who knew reddit had profile pics!), and then doomscroll forever, going past multitudes of ads on the way. They don't want people stopping and spending ages just talking, that doesn't bring in revenue. They're going for the same as tiktok, Instagram, Facebook etc, getting people to keep scrolling.


I've used RIF forever and rarely access from a browser, so I am very sad that RIF will stop working at the end of the month. I simply won't have the capacity to access reddit as much.


The whole blackout has been both sobering and a little worrying. On the one hand it was pretty amazing to be able to step away and not have any fear of missing out because everyone was missing out. On the other hand, I seem to get a lot of my news from here with more traditional news outlets being a lot slower or less accessible. I've also found, working in IT, that a lot of my Googling ultimately ends up with a source on Reddit so this week has been a lot of dead links and *actual* work needing to be done! I struggle with anything over 20 degrees so whilst it's been a little cooler than last weekend i'm still not doing too great. The plus side has been that i'm only in the office one day a week at the moment so don't have to endure many places without air conditioning or a fan!


Seeing as there was no complaints thread ... Was supposed to give blood yesterday, so many text and email reminders, even messages asking me to cancel if I can't make it (preferably with at least 3 days notice). I had to leave work early, was halfway to the appointment (a 40 minute drive) and they text me to say it's been cancelled without giving a reason. Next available appointment? End of August. And I got an email this morning saying they really need my blood. Right. I know things are difficult but it was such a waste, how do I know they won't do the same thing next time? Other half is working all weekend and my mum is being difficult - I mentioned about popping round for a bit to see dad for father's day but mum said no because apparently they need the whole weekend to pack for their holiday ... So I suspect it will just be me and the cats. I might go for a swim and I've got rockfit to go to but I do feel rather meh. I've missed this sub.




Sounds like it - it feels like they should just book fewer slots if they can't cope, it's not the staff's fault I know, but I imagine it's just not that simple. Can't be helped, I'll try again in August :o)


working from home today for the first day all week, so i've tackled my backlog of washing while i've got the chance. i'm hoping to get round to doing some painting later on tonight; i signed up to a gouache patreon a little while ago but haven't actually been using any of the content.


Happy Friday everyone, glad to see casual uk back! After a crappy few days hoping kiddo will manage some nursery time today and a positive end to the week 🤞.


My students are heading back to their home countries this week and my Omani student has given me a kilogram of dates as a thank you for the year. They’re in a sort of syrup I think….


Got a decent fan for once. It's actually keeping me cool all day rather than just blowing hot air around the room. It also has a timer so I can leave it on when I'm in bed and not worry about leaving it on all night. Best 35 quid I've spent this year. Still waiting for the f1 subreddit to reopen, or for a replacement to pop up. It's race week and I've missed having an aggregate of news and videos.


Link it x


It’s Friday, the neighbours have lied to me when they said they only needed to get rid of the small holly bush in the corner of both our front gardens, and they have now killed my conifer to put up a fence. Plan for the weekend? Get absolutely blathered on Saturday and throw up all over their front garden after getting out of the taxi. Hope it bakes into their stone work. Bastards.


> needed to get rid of the small holly bush in the corner of both our front gardens, and they have now killed my conifer to put up a fence. might want to look into that... killing your plants like that is a properly cunt move and can be fun as fuck sets of laws around it.


Not only that, but the fence is further into my garden than the boundary was before. Can’t deal with it now as I just nipped home to grab some lunch. A lot of naughty things being done.


Get onto the council etc. They'll fuck them in the arse over it. As they should.




Congratulations! This is weird but I often find your comments on here so relatable, it’s like I’ve written them myself


Congratulations on the new job, hope you settle in quickly!


On Monday I decided to spend the following 10 days climbing Everest's (8,849m) equivalent on a treadmill with a 15% incline, doing 10% per day over 10 days. [So far so good](https://imgur.com/a/uKxNFdN), off to complete day 5 this evening. But I did fail this Computer Science course I've been struggling with for a while yesterday. Didn't understand a lick of it.


Well hello, thanks for asking! This morning a did a tiny bit of gardening before the wall of heat arrived. There’s only so much my lazy/amateur ass can do so I fear my wildflower seedlings will need to channel their survival instincts to the max this summer. I’m now doing a bit of laundry for stuff I’m taking on holibobs (yes, I’m unironically calling it that) next week. I’m not even going anywhere exotic (literally next county seaside park), but I’m approaching it like Big Vaycay in terms of preparation and anticipation. Because why not!


It’s Friday evening for me in Australia (woo!). It is, shall we say, bollocking freezing, as it’s winter over here, so I’m a tad jealous of the warmer weather. However, I’m also kicking back with a nice couple of drinks, so I’m warm inside and relaxed. Weekend ahead should be fairly relaxed, hopefully!


At the airport soon to board a flight to France to go to a wedding. I don’t know the people getting married, or indeed anyone else at the wedding, the groom is a friend of my husband’s from work. But who am I to turn down a weekend in rural France without any children? Will just sit in a corner drinking wine and enjoying the peace and quiet.


Just been signed off for two weeks with ligament damage but the ashes start today so ...result?


As long as you weren’t due to play I’d say big result!


*Ben stokes has left the chat*


My husband has an unexpected day off today while I'm WFH and he's just sort of... lurking. It's supper annoying.


My husband works from home and I work shifts and I feel so awkward all the time. It's much better now we've moved house and he has an office room, previously he worked in the living room and I had to be wary of being in the back of his calls.


Ditto, I feel your pain!


It my day off today! Took a little walk around the village and the washer has just finished. It's so warm the cat is flopping around everywhere she can and wants nothing to do with me, I don't blame her because I want nothing to do with her either.


It's my mums birthday today. The first 2 years away from home I mailed her a birthday card but I realised she appreciates a zoom call better because I was so bad at writing a good card. Don't get me wrong I love my mum but emotional writing is one of my weaker points


Had a week off work, no idea what I'm going to do today as i've done the things I needed to do.


Sounds like a perfect time for: * A BBQ * Watching TV * Reading a book * Enjoying the sunshine * Going for a walk * Playing with pets (if any) * Gardening


I started knocking down the wall that's been in our garden for 5 years from the previous owner's greenhouse, haven't injured myself at all with a mallet which is quite the achievement being dyspraxic. Hoping to convince my husband that we should buy a sledgehammer to finish the job


Oh sledgehammers are fun , id just go buy one if i had a wall to knock down lol .


I can't drive and walking home with one seems that bit threatening, hence convincing husband to go pick one up in the car


Could see if you can order online Personally id go for threatening walk with it but im not normal lol


As a side note, I’ve often wondered of the absolute legality of carrying a heavy duty/power tool around in such a situation. Sure, there’s nothing nefarious about walking to a local store, purchasing a pruning saw and returning home with it. But what if an anxious/overzealous/hypervigilant pedestrian reported me? Do I have to ensure that it’s wrapped, or out of sight? Do I have anything like a duty of care to ensure I don’t startle the neighbourhood? Often wondered… but not enough to bother looking into it tho lol.


Get a receipt


Appliances arrive today for our new home. Wondering what will go wrong. Then seeing a band on my bucket list on Sunday.


Beer Festival tonight, then Parkrun tomorrow morning (might be a bit slower than usual), before usual weekend house jobs for the rest of Saturday. Meeting up with the old man and the mothership for Father's Day, not sure exactly what we have planned, but probably a walk to a pub. Lovely stuff.


Last day in work before two weeks off and my Birthday. Recently picked up snooker and really want to play but have no one to play with regularly but hopefully I'll get some in over the weekend.


My daughter just finished high school! Her last exam finished just after 10am. She's out for a meal with her best friends tonight to celebrate and then we're doing the family thing tomorrow.


Just got back (5 hours ago) from a 14 day road trip covering 8 European countries and about 3500 miles. Had a nap, washers on, and off out into the garden grass is so long. Collecting daughter and granddaughter from Heathrow Sunday morning for a few months stay.




It wasn’t exhausting as we love driving and three adults took it in turns. (Dismissing the stunning Switzerland because it’s so expensive…) Austria was my favourite we have friends in Vienna, Salzburg is a cozy city with plenty to see and a visitors card that covers a lot of activities and transport included. Austria has such good food, a mountain round every corner, beautiful lakes. Found some places to stay that I would go back to in a heartbeat. Will be going back to explore the Tyrol in more detail!


On a train to London! Bit wem isn’t it? Going to take my friend for a celebration lunch at Dishoom as she officially retired from the navy last week (as long as she doesn’t go wild on the ordering it’s going to be my treat…but she doesn’t know this) Then I have tickets to Cabaret tonight, Penn & Teller tomorrow, chill day on Sunday & we drive back home together Monday!


Jesus jones I'm hungover. That's all.


Make sure you rehydrate!


Todays been pretty splendid. It's 30 degrees already and I'm working in the garden listening to the new King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard album. My face is melting both literally and figuratively


Day off. Going to go for a walk in a bit, legs need some sun they're practically translucent. Otherwise a lazy day, might sit out in garden and read for a bit once the sun hits the right spot


Working today, my home office is absolutely boiling so I’m melting away and it’s only just gone past 10 o’clock! Have football tonight so that’ll be a sweatfest too. Going to grant myself unlimited ice cream today.


Ice cream is wonderful, but, you'll have better success staying cool with popsicles or fudgicles.


House work this morning (boring) but this afternoon I'll be walking a stream bed planting willow in an attempt at stabilising and re-meandering it. Then I foresee a chippy tea!! Always remember the sun screen.


Good to be back after the black out. Not sure what I'm going to do with myself when RiF goes.


i had two days off this week and now i have no idea what day it is any more. cat had one of her thyroid glands removed on tuesday, apparently it was the size of a cashew nut, and she's got a massive scar, the other cats will think she's well hard. She seems to be coping pretty well, despite the surgery and coming off one lot of meds and onto antibiotics. Annoyed she's not allowed out yet though, poor thing.


Having a great week! I am feeling so much better; more energy. Husband appears to be improving, the dog is recovering really well from her spay and my manager is on leave for the next two weeks so I have got loads and loads of work done. I am even sleeping well, despite the heat. It appears to cool down nicely at night at the moment. Weekend should be good; son is visiting us tomorrow with FD present and card. Dog should start her agility course this weekend (it was postponed last weekend due to the weather so I am hoping they've managed to move it to the morning as it was scheduled for 1pm and the course is outside). I've done the weeks shopping, all the washing and intend to get the house cleaned. ETA: I really missed this place. It's my Reddit safe space


Friday means half work day (hooray!) The plan today is simple - get a haircut. Having even slightly long hair in this heat and humidity just sucks. I might also buy some more books whilst I'm in town, because I always need more books.


Oh my goodness i really need a haircut too. My hair is approaching half way down my neck which is far too long in this heat and it also frizzes up as soon as the humidity goes over a certain level. But getting an appointment at a ladies salon is way harder than it should be


I definitely don't envy you! Thankfully, as a dude I can just waltz into my usual barbers and come out under an hour later looking and feeling way better.


Have had a somewhat better week. Well better in that offing myself doesn't seem like the best idea in the world anymore. So that's a win. Have had a busy week too but this morning is my last 9am shift until Tuesday. With that and preparing for holiday and giving myself things to look forward to. It's too hot though. After my shift I fully intend on going for a swim then chilling with some drinks and games.


Been putting a lot of effort in at the gym over the last few months, working out 4-5 times per week + a change in diet, and have dropped from 27% body fat to 19% since the start of February. This change has unfortunately put me in a bit of a disagreement with my family, who are concerned that it's "not healthy" to focus so much on fitness. I have a great relationship with my family, but they don't really take care of themselves much. It feels like being out of shape has become so normalised that someone trying to improve themselves is assumed to have some kind of compulsion.


Well done! Sorry about your family, people particularly of the familial variety can be so quick to judge us when we change or focus on something new/different. Hopefully they’ll start to change their opinions 🤞


Well done, keep it up! Re family: That's not that unusual. My family were the same. Just keep doing it and they'll come round eventually. It stopped for me when the results became undeniable. Now I just get asked to open jars, lol


Due mostly to luck I have kept my insides on the inside for a month. I have been following a plan that is mostly basic self-care but some slightly more challenging bits, and I have earned enough "points" to get sky cricket for the Ashes. Have been really struggling with pain the last few days, even more than usual. It's my body's way of telling me that it can nobble me without using my stomach, but no matter. I intend to spend a lot of the next few days lying on the sofa watching cricket, that won't be terribly strenuous.


Back to work tomorrow after a week off. Strategically positioned my week off though so I'm only have to work 30 hours this week. So 3 in, 3 off. 3 more weeks of work before my next week off and it's going to be another skint one. Didn't realise my car insurance is due next month and I'm fully expecting an increase going off what others are saying. Also finally cancelled the postcode lottery. Noticed they've increased it to 12.50 but the prizes are still just a tenner on the vast majority of draws.


GAME have launched a podcast… I used to go here all the time as a kid https://open.spotify.com/episode/00XPzgyu9B03OJp7sM79ZF?si=hW7b2hEyT8yr94WFa-Rmxw


I’ve been in hospital for 2 days so I’m fucking glad to be back home and have had a proper sleep! Going to do absolutely fuck all today. Eat some food and watch YouTube is the only plan. I have tried to stay away from Reddit because /u/spez is an absolute cunt and I use Apollo (shoutout /u/iamthatis) and although I set up on Lemmy, it just isn’t the same.


Today marks 6 months since we adopted the dog. Took him to his favourite cafe for a croissant and have bought him a steak for dinner. Oh to be a dog owned by DINKs eh. Spending the rest of today watching *Succession*, and looking for better phone and broadband deals as it’s the time of year mine need renewing. Tomorrow we’re taking the dog to be a model at a life drawing class, which will be interesting.


Going to look at a wedding venue today. Skeptical as although I want something nice, fuck spending loads of money on one day and getting stressed with planning. Might just end up at a register office for the sake of minimising the stress and saving money that I can otherwise spend on weekends away. Keeping an open mind, it’s a nice day and my MIL-to-be is coming with us :)


Share ya pain. Wanna get married and have as many people there as possible, but want the day to be perfect and that shit is not cheap


Gretna green


Can’t do that these days, otherwise I would’ve done it already!


I've got today off. Originally I was meant to have this week off, but I ended up cancelling it. I've got a big survey of one of my reserves next week and I needed this week to ensure I've got everything ready, which included building an "app" within our GIS iPad software for data collection. One of the guys I'm surveying with, however, is old-school and reckons paper and pencil will be quicker in the field. That's probably true but the ability to export the species records directly out of the software into Excel ready for analysis saves huge amounts of time when compared to transcribing... also it probably avoids transcription errors and also means I get to learn about pivot tables. Also it's meant to rain next week and I can tell you trying to use paper and pencil in the rain is terrible. At least the iPad in its waterproof case doesn't have the same problem. Tomorrow, I've got my first ever strongman competition! I do have to go to Scarborough for it though. Going to spend the rest of today panicking about it as well as organising all my stuff. Happy Friday.


Work from home doing nothing, i have like 3 hours worth of stuff to do


similar here, nearly everyone else in my team is off today for some reason. Got a few emails to reply on and a zoom at lunch


Todays plans are eat , netflix and slowly melt into a puddle . Weekend plans are eat , netflix , puddle and maybe a waddle over to town lol .


We got my niece up this weekend, long weekend, she had us at 5am ,


In a bad mood as we're technically on leave but partner has to work this morning. First, I thought 'great, I've got some stuff I could catch up on too' and I can claim the time back as TOIL but apparently he needs space to himself so I can't use my desk. So basically being kicked out for the morning. Can't really afford to do anything fun. Genuinely considering going into the office at this point cos either way my morning of leave is screwed. It's gonna take a lot to get me out of this sulk.


Helping on a charity stall at Africa Oye Saturday, taking my dad to York with sibs sunday, he's 89 and he likes a train.


Just to say - I was torn re: the blackout, but am really glad this sub is back. so much of social media makes me really anxious, but this sub is a real refuge. Love you all


Stuck working in the office in Birmingham while the first Ashes Test starts just down the road 🙃🙃 Oh well, I'll be going there on Sunday myself, so today will just be one huge clockwatching exercise for ya boy!


Allergies this year have been fucking me hard. Without lube.


me too, i feel like i'm allergic to the world...i can't ever remember it being this bad my eyes are streaming and i feel like i can hardly breath, when my eyes stop streaming the skin around them is sore as fuck. this week has been horrible


Feeling a bit rubbish from my COVID booster yesterday. It's nice and sunny though so that's making me cheerful. I've almost survived a month in my new job. I really hope my husband gets good news today from his interviews.


Unexpected WFH day, so sitting around in my civvies savouring this coffee like it's the last beverage on earth. Making plans for next weekend, dossing a bit.


This weekend the wife's on another hen do, so, tomorrow, I'm building myself a whisky barrel pond in the garden! I'm so excited!


Got a lingering headache from a few days of hot weather, poor sleep and probably not enough water. Can't wait for the rain that's forecast on Sunday, tbh. On the late shift tonight, then a weekend working and preparing for an interview (which I'm incredibly pessimistic about....).


Headaches can be from lack of electrolytes too, rehydrate with care. I sip a little pickle juice, but keep hearing how awesome coconut water is.


I've been given a £300 voucher to my country's version of Harrods by my uni's legacy students club for my birthday, and I plan to spend half of it on random posh crap from their online clearance rack. I already have a pure copper turbot pan (reduced to £20 from £1,500, a mocha spoon (was £27, reduced £0.50), and a box of 5-ply sustainable bamboo quilted toilet paper in my basket. I'm conflicted between a Tiffany silver polish cloth or a box of Chanel facial cotton. I'm gonna be spending the weekend mending some clothes I got from charity shops and napping. This is the best week I've had in months.


When you say sustainable bamboo toilet paper, is it still flushed or wash and re-use?


You chop the top off as it grows and have a fresh butt scraper each morning.


It's our springer spaniels 2nd birthday so he had a birthday bandana to wear, opened some presents,is off for his morning walk with my husband and later after work we'll go for a walk in some new places for new sniffs, get a dog birthday cupcake at the pet shop and come home so he can have a pizza (one of those small ones. It's a special treat. Not an every day thing. We feed him properly too the rest of the time. This is just an extra once a year thing) because what's a better birthday party than a pizza party.


Pup tax?


https://imgur.com/a/8T5c04u Try this again. Accidentally had our address in the tag on there first time ha. He looks a bit silly cos he just had a super short haircut cos it's hit high 20s every day in the south east and he runs 2h a day in the woods so he gets hot ha.


Thank you!!!


That's a happy pup!


Thanks! I don't think I've ever seen him experience anything other than joy. Spaniels are just such happy fellows.


Happy birthday pup!


Iv never had hayfever as severe as it’s been this year and it’s really kicking my arse. Itchy eyes, runny nose and all that, but I get asthma triggered by hayfever and it’s got me using an inhaler for the first time in years, multiple times a day. I’m praying for a good bit of rain to help ease it so I actually sleep!


It's been awful for me this year. I have to do a whole routine just to manage the day. Wake up, take a hayfever tablet, take a nasal spray, rub hayfever balm around the nose and eyes, and take hayfever relief eye drops ( a bloody godsend!). Then before bed wash my face (apparently pollen sticks to your eyebrows) and change pillow casing every few days. I'm not sure which of these works the most but if I miss one I'm a mucusy mess.


bear squeal rob clumsy fertile zealous act frightening lip jellyfish -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


if you haven't already tried it, Beconase nasal spray is amazing stuff! - somehow it cures all the itchy eyes and face! It doesn't totally fix the asthma hayfever brings on, I've struggled with the same, especially with the humidity never had such heavy lungs! But it does ease it a bit!


Just a heads up if you use preventer inhalers they can be the same steroid as you can find in beconase, so getting a preventer inhaler can be two birds one stone whilst avoiding doubling up on steroids.


Ooo that's good to know - I found after a couple days of using the spray morning and night, I don't really need to use it more than once a day if that!


Seconded - this is really good stuff. Top tip, when using it, don't point upwards, but rather to the sides as this is where the sinuses are. Also, don't sniff or it'll just go down the back of the throat.


It's not the worst I've had in recent years for me, but it started much earlier than usual.


When I was a wee bairn, I had hayfever so bad I could barely go outside from June to July without dissolving into a puddle of mucus. Luckily, I grew out of the worst of it and it's turned into an occasional sniffle. This year has been like I was back to the bad old days. I can barely go outside without my eyes itching, throat burning and nose exploding. Even that fexofenadine isn't touching the sides.


I was like you when I was young. I remember at scout camp having to sit out of the activities with a streaming nose and eyes, and envying those who weren't incapacitated by hayfever. Nowadays I'm one of the least affected by it, and can wave my clean hanky around as everyone else sneezes. But this year I had a bad week when the good weather started, up to two days ago, which seems to be when the pollen I'm allergic to stopped being produced.




What do you play?




Oh nice! I've been thinking about taking up bass recently, such a great instrument.


We’ve a contract with a local window cleaning company - supposed to be monthly but they were last here mid-April and the windows are covered in dust and bird shit. So they’re getting a phone call today. Edit - having one of those days. Got up too late to go for a run, scoby in my kombucha brew has died, and we’ve spent our budget for the month with 2 weeks left. Urgh.


So have our beloved mods been deposed and corporate shills installed to end the blackout, or what?


We made a [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/CasualUK/comments/14a6zli/rcasualuk_is_reopen_for_business) last night.


Fair enough; considered response and care for those that need it. Fuck u/spez still though.


No. Same moderators we have had in place since at least October last year, which was the last new intake. The longtime mods are still here too.


Seems like it.


No, we're still here


No revision to do this weekend, AND got the place all to myself! Absolutely no idea what I'll fill the void with :)


Shitting with the door open


Pot noodle and a wank


Probably going to B&Q with the wife to look at getting a new Hottub


What time do you want us round?


Is the old hot tub worn out, or are you upgrading to one with more features?


Upgrading we bought a cheap one awhile ago when shops were practically giving them Away


Probably a good idea getting a cheap one first. I've held off as I've suspected it would be used for a week, and then I'd never use it ever again, until someone came round, wanted to go in it, and the water in it would be all green. But you use it enough to need an upgrade? What will be better about the more expensive one? Bigger water jets?


The one we are getting Is bigger and has more jets at first I didn't think we would use it much but we use it a lot during the summer evenings


I’m off to a supplier site today for a lunch social - homemade Indian dishes are on the menu. Should be lovely.


O we're back! Hello everyone! Let me see what have I been up to the whole week that I haven't told you about, let me see... _checks notes_ ...ah that's right, fuck all.


Weather has dropped a couple of degrees which is nice. It's hotter in the house than outside. Just listening to the recycling lorry do its biz. Away this weekend so hopefully I'll get some cleaning done today.


I've had doors and windows open since 6am and I've got it down from 23 to 21°C indoors. It's crept up to 17 outside, just can't get the heat out of this house, well until winter of course!


If you have a fan, find out the direction of any breeze and put the fan in an open window blowing the same way (outwards) to help create a low pressure inside the house that'll suck in the cooler air.


Yeah I need to invest in a fan, I was just looking at some online


Don't get a Dyson fan, they're overpriced and not that good. I have one and compared to my other fan which is a traditional bladed fan, it's quieter, but doesn't move air about anywhere near as well. The little holes for the air intake also clog really easily and are a bugger to clean properly.


Sun's out. Bin's out.


I am travelling 4 hours by train to collect the minivan I bought, and then driving it 4 hours to bring it home. Actually a bit nervous as I've never driven something so big before.


Got a 1 hour meeting at 9am. The joy. I'll be making another batch of dandelion & burdock cordial today but I think this time I'll add some of the kola nut extract so it's caffeinated as well.


I'll be round with an outstretched glass later 😁


Feel free. My recipe makes about 1.5l of cordial, so there's plenty! It's a 1:5 dilution, so it'll make about 4.5l of drink in total.


What’s your recipe?


* 1 litre of water * 900g of granulated white sugar * 100g black treacle * 200ml burnt caramel syrup * 25g dandelion root * 50g burdock root * 40g star anise * 25g cinnamon sticks * 50g fresh chopped ginger * 1tsp citric acid Add all the ingredients apart from the sugar into a large heavy bottomed pan. Bring to a simmer and cover for 20-40 minutes, stirring occasionally. Filter well and add the sugar. heat gently to dissolve. Allow to cool and bottle. Use 1 part cordial to 5 parts water.


Kept the windows & curtains open last night, it's lovely and cool inside this morning. Hopefully I can capture that by shutting everything when I leave for work. Got a fan arriving later as well. I've got myself into a good morning routine now. Alarm at 7, put some music on, relax for about half an hour. Get up around half past, go downstairs and make a tea in travel mug for the walk to work. Gives me about 40 minutes then to get dressed. It's looking like another busy day at work today, I was off Monday-Wednesday so catching up on bits that need to be done.


After having less than 2 hours sleep yesterday, I’m feeling positively refreshed today. Mysteriously £3 has appeared in my account this morning so that will be a couple nice pastries for breakfast whilst I get the bus to work


Power cut till at least 9:30 I'm off to a pub for breakfast. Wanted to clean and play diablo all day. The weather is lush though.


Kid has been sick since Sunday. I've caught it Wednesday. House is covered in vomit and sadness. We're all exhausted but seems like everyone might finally getting better. Parenting is wild.


Sickness bug in our house too! 3 year old was sick and stopped Tuesday. 9 month old has been sick nearly every day but otherwise seems fine. I finally succumbed last night and it was horrific!! It’s literally the worst part of parenting when you’re ill yourself


Oh no - definitely no fun when sickness starts spreading (and by the sounds of it, everything else too). But glad everyone is starting to feel a bit better!