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Lee Evans. Had enough, retired and spends his days cycling round Essex.


My god, imagine how much he sweats from cycling all the time.


I was once front row, dead centre, at a small warmup gig he did and he actually didn’t sweat that much in that situation. Maybe it’s just nerves from larger gigs that make him sweat. He also shook the hand of every person on the front row at the end of the gig. Not related to sweating, just a nice thing he did!


They use *a lot* more stage lighting on the larger shows so I guess it'll be that too.


Also a lot more stage for him to wander around


He once almost smashed my very pregnant wife in the face with the door of the pizza express that used to be on Hanover St in Edinburgh… you have never seen a more apologetic man in your life, lol! Jolly nice bloke though, This was about 25 years ago mind


Probably cycles in a suit as well.


A wet suit


I met him in a hotel lobby in Torquay at the peak of his fame. We did the old "I know you know I know you thing" before he asked if I'd had a nice stay and if I had plans for the rest of the day. He was with his wife and daughter. Really nice guy.


It warms my heart when you hear stories of celebrities being as nice in private as they seem in the spotlight. A much less famous person, but I met John Petrucci (guitarist) a few years ago and he was the same. He's one of my heroes, so I was so happy that he was such a nice guy.


I met Mike Portnoy in a lift. The man is a _cunt_.


I’ve toured with Lee Evens a few times, the big arena shows when comedy was bigger than rock n roll… He’s the nicest guy in show business, really decent bloke, His manager died suddenly of a heart attack, and he realised there was more to life… So now he enjoys it… Touring isn’t what you probably think it is, it’s hard work, night after night…


>His manager died suddenly of a heart attack, and he realised there was more to life… Damn, that sucks. Fair play to Lee though.


Me and my husband saw him on what was his last tour (though we didn’t realise it at the time) and he talked a lot about his family and the sacrifices they’d made for him and his career. A few days later we saw him on Jonathan Ross and he announced his retirement. I wasn’t a huge fan originally but my husband loves him so I’d got tickets as a present. Glad I did, we had such a good time and I saw him in a really different light afterwards too.


Phil Jupitus as well. Making art in a remote farmhouse in Scotland apparently. Good on him. Ed: It's 'Phill' Jupitus, and he's living in a small(ish) Scottish coastal town rather than a farmhouse, thank you all for the corrections. My source was an article I skimmed several months ago, so apologies for the lack of factual rigour.


Saw him a few weeks ago performing poetry as a surprise support act for yard act in Leeds. It was announced at the gig it would be his last ever performance. Pretty cool


He lost his love for it when he's manager passed away suddenly. He did his Monsters tour as a final farewell. Lee is lovely and such a family man. If he ever wanted to return though he could outsell Peter"remember the 70s" Kay.


Art Attack -- Neil Buchanan


Liverpool lad. Was in a band. Got the art tv job. Sold the rights for his show. Made a fortune. Back in a band. Not a bad career tbh. Edit. Sorry. I know he was in lots of TV stuff before, but it was the Art Attack gig where he made his fortune.


Band is called Marseille if anyone scrolling by is wondering. Not a bad NWOBHM band


>NWOBHM New World Order Bohemian Hirsute Monkey?


Assuming you're not being facetious; New Wave Of British Heavy Metal.


Nope - I was truly ignorant of the meaning. I'm sure that as a musical movement it's fine but I am quite keen to hear my NWO quirky hairy chimp band now, though.


>quite keen to hear my NWO quirky hairy chimp band now, though. I mean, I think we can *all* agree on that.


Art Attack went global! I once saw it dubbed on TV in China. My wife watched it growing up there and Chinese kids called him ‘uncle Neil’.


That's kind of wholesome


>Chinese kids called him ‘uncle Neil’. I love that. Always saw him as the Tony Hart for the generation below mine.


He now goes by “Banksy”




Pixie Lott. She was huge at one point but haven't heard about her in years


She does the odd small festival as far as I know


Considering how big she was at one point. just odd she really fell out of favour so quickly. Especially as she was pretty damn hot.


As you say, I remember having a huge crush on her when I was younger.


She’s a coach on the Voice Kids UK apparently. I just remember her stint in the Fred movie. the peak of her career one might say.


Abi titmus.


Here’s a laugh for you. I’m in a teams meeting at work (15/20 people) and didn’t realise my mic was on. I thought I was on mute. And wasn’t. And used Siri to search for her. So I’m the middle on my meeting I’ve just randomly said “Abi Titmus” 😂😂🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️


You should have just claimed you said 'happy Christmas' and remarked how you're just getting your greetings in early


That is magnificent


She went to America, tried to get into acting and settled down with one of the actors she met on Days of Our Lives. Fun fact, she grew up near where I went to school and actually went to the same high school that my wife went to. Although not at the same time, she's quite a bit older than us.


She was pretty savvy and figured out early on that if she commissioned and paid for her own photoshoots that she would keep the rights to the images which meant she could license them to places like Zoo and Nuts for way more than she would have been paid just to pose for them. Plus by owning the rights it meant that if the S\*n wanted to use them she could also charge them for the rights. Apparently she would just book a studio and photographer and all the hair and makeup people, turn up with 20 bikinis and then do enough to get her paid for the next year while giving the magazines "fresh" content every other week.


I really cant knock someone for having enough business savvy to do something like that and play the media at their own game.


Always felt a bit bad how the press dragged her through the mud.


They'll do that. Especially to someone who is basically playing them at their own game. They don't like it up 'em.


So she basically sold her nudes to the lads mags? OnlyFans before OnlyFans was a thing. Genuis




Dr Drake Ramoray?


No, it was actually his twin brother, Stryker.


Russ Abbott for me. I can remember loving his shows as a child and he seemed to be on TV regularly in the late 80s and early 90s, then just disappeared. Having said that though, I've not rewatched anything of his since then (I'm sure at least some sketches are probably on YouTube), and have never really been bothered enough to actually try and find out.


All those light entertainment / end of the pier style shows seemed to disappear around the same time - Little & Large, Cannon & Ball, Bobby Davro, Les Dennis, Paul Daniels, etc. I guess tastes had moved on and they seemed dated compared to hot new stuff like Gladiators and er Mr Blobby.


Half of those are dead TBF, so we know where *they* disappeared to.


How about famous shoplifter Antony Worrall Thompson? I can see that in 2009, he was deep in debt (£800k) due to overstretching his business.


I’ve got a set of his pans in the cupboard


Sure hope you didn't pinch them from your local kitchen accessories store.


My favourite I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue jokes was about how he had his own range of sausages. On the packet was a big picture of him and underneath it said, "Prick with a fork".


Runs a really nice pub and restaurant near Henley. 2 nice cars with personalised number plates in the car park. Don’t think he’s doing too badly by the look of it, but you never know.


Once described by Charlie Brooker as a "neckless sex-barrel"


Jon tickle


Haven't heard from his sister Tess either


Still hanging around, I think.


They were quite the pair.


He works at British Gas! Me and my mates were talking about what he was up to the other day


Indeed. I used to work for BG so it was a very strange moment when he turned up to a meeting.


Here's one for you, where did Jon Tickle go? Things that make you go hmmm.


Used to love the science show with Richard Hammond. Can't remember what it was called now.




Braniac. Watching it back as an adult 20 years later, it's *very* dated.


How so out of interest? Overly laddy?


I mean there was that one episode where they checked if real or fake boobs make you float better. Edit: [video](https://youtu.be/KiQlNIsFkHs)


Angus Deaton


I wish they let him back on Have I Got News For You. Surely no one remembers the scandal now, and he's the best host by a country mile!


Paul Merton and Ian Hislop remember though. Apparently their working relationship wasn't *great* to begin with even before the various scandals broke, especially with Merton. And as he's now been gone for twice as long as he hosted for it'd be kind of odd to bring him back.


Mark Lamarr.


And Simon Amstel. Actually a lot of buzzcocks guests would fall into this category… Preston from Ordinary boys, Donny Tourette from Towers of London…


Simon Amstel is focused on stand up and writing now. He is still about though.


Much as I loved Lamarr, Simon Amstel was unbelievably funny on Buzzcocks. "The only reason I'm on the show is because you told everyone you fancied me, dude!" Annoying Towers of London bloke, somewhat homophobically. "It's not, it's because we have trouble booking people." Simon Amstel, going straight for the jugular.


Amstel ultimately killed the show though. Nobody wanted to be a guest anymore in case they got that seat. With Mark Lamarr, everybody got the piss taken out of them equally and at the same time it never went too far that it verged on bullying whilst still being exceptionally funny.


Watching Preston storm off after Simon was taking the piss out of his girlfriends book was hilarious.




and then they replaced him with an audience member who was a much better guest


I wonder what *THAT* guy is doing now.


Simon Amstell still does stand up tours every couple of years and has a great Netflix special. He's also written and produced some comedy series and films. He's still around and very good, just not on TV.


Donny is now living a sober life and really into yoga.


That's actually quite nice to hear. Hope he's stopped being a twat.


Maybe. I have a soft spot for him, I feel like he was always in on the joke of him being a Twat. Compare Preston and Donny on NMTB, Donny generally took the barbs in hood humour whilst still being a bit of a Twat.




Simon Amstel wrote a film called Carnage a few years back. It's a sort of mock documentary with elements of black mirror about a future where everyone is vegan. It's absolutely hilarious and skewers both sides equally. Well worth seeking out just for the cow opera.


I assume he went back to the job he had in the 1950s and is currently a hard working Binman.


Doesn't he host a BBC radio slot ?


He used to host God's Jukebox, a late night show on Radio 2, and did a few series on other topics. He dropped it like, a decade ago. He's got a fairly active twitter account where he posts youtube links to songs he likes. According to the pinned tweet on the account "To the half dozen people who ask me every day where I'm broadcasting. It's here. This is it. Hope you enjoy it."


Barney from cbbc


Kidnapped by ninjas.


I saw him in December at my cousin's 30th birthday.


It's insane how many things he did for CBBC. Just looked at [his Wikipedia page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barney_Harwood) and he was doing different shows for almost 20 years. I watched him as a kid and he was still on long after I'd aged out of kids TV. I could've had a kid in that time and they would've been able to watch him growing up too


Bepe Di Marco


Professional poker player these days, won some big money tournaments in the states.


The leather corset Goddess, Philippa Forrester?


Married and lives in the sticks with a big pond with otters. Well in a house obviously but you know what I mean.


Rory McGrath, if we're going to continue in the sex pest vein.


Used to work with a chap, Stuart, who looked disturbingly similar to Rory. We’re out one night in the Free Press and friend/colleague goes to the bar and we see him talking with Rory for about 10 minutes whilst he gets drinks. Comes back to the table and says “i didn’t realise Stuart was in town”. He’d been talking to Rory for 10 minutes about some complex coding problem whilst he just nodded and smiled. Maybe that’s what sent him over the edge.


I did something similar, one night I was out, pretty drunk, and met a guy James, who I used to work with. Spent most of the night chatting to him in a club, talking about work, who we still see, things that happened, etc. There was a photographer in the club, and we had a couple of pictures taken. And it just wasn't James. Why tf didn't he say something?


Never met him personally but I know a few people in Cambridge who have had not very nice encounters with him, including a sweet old lady who was trying to help a cyclist he had knocked off their bike.


Dick and Dom, super childish, but that's my humour level


Fun fact: Greg Davies' first ever TV appearance was on Dick and Dom in da Bungalow as ["Massive Greg"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_PAIWP1SDC8) in 2003


Just imagine if he’d been your teacher, you casually put on da bungalow and there is Mr Davies. Love it.


Saw them at Butlins a year or two ago! Still brilliant. They realise their fans are adults now and adjusted humour appropriately (while still being suitable for the kids). Dom also has a TikTok or insta account detailing his home improvement projects.


Yeah Dom is clearly now working for Ryobi. Because, there's no way someone who does that much work would still be using them.


Dom is chronicling himself renovating a house on TikTok.


A friend saw them live recently at the Lowry at Salford Quays. Said they still had the same energy from the bungalow days


The are dnb djs now.


I’m old enough to remember ‘Richard’ being added to CBBC as a new presenter, before Dick and Dom were a thing.


Dominic was a magician they had on after he won Young Magician of the Year.


Ah yes, Richard and Dominic. What lovely, calm young men. I sure hope they don't turn out to be essentially feral.






A 6.5, raising the game ever so slightly with that one.




They were on Sunday brunch a couple months back, I believe they do mostly live shows now.


Seems to be the way with kids entertainers. As the kids who grew up with them become adults they turn to live shows and the adults in turn go to them for a hit of nostalgia and shock at how their act is now more adult. Worked for Timmy Mallet, Pat Sharpe etc.


Pat Sharpe at my union just constantly being asked where the twins were


Pretty sure Dave Benson-Phillips still does Get Your Own Back at the Fringe every year too


1950s throwback, Mark Lamarr. There one minute, gone the next?


He’s a binman.


Gaz Top


I was on Get Fresh in the late 80s 😂 And that's not even his [real name](https://youtu.be/0BRCCqw17jE) [Holy edit](https://youtu.be/M2Pp3YQT70E), Batman


What's Terry Christian up to these days?


Steve Coogans description of Hell - “Hell to me would be sat on a long haul economy flight with Terry Christian on one side…and another Terry Christian on the other side.”


Justin Lee Collins didn’t just disappear, I’m pretty sure he punched his partner about and ended up in court. No idea where he is now, I assume normal job somewhere.


He was convicted of harassment causing fear of violence agaisnt his former partner- I seem to remember him punching her was something she alleged in the case but I'm unsure if he was ever done for physical violence agaisnt her. There were recordings of him attacking her verbally/being extremely verbally abusive that were pretty terrible which also incl racist langauge. Not a nice bloke at all.


It gets used as a case study for DA offending, it's a nasty, nasty job.


I remember a voicemail being released where he was berating her for not "offering to cream his back". Just a really nasty guy.




Rufus Hound was on loads of stuff for a while and now you never hear of him either. I was watching an old would I lie to you the other night and he was on it!


This is probably the only name on here that actually for me has me confused... Saying that, last time I saw him on TV he got completely naked and mocked for his small cock.. that'll do it...


He voices the insanely annoying Waffle the Wonder Dog on Cbeebies


God I hate Waffle. Gets away with everything just because he can talk.


Alistair McGowan


He was great in The Pianist


Yeh I always wonder what happened to Michael Barrymore. He was on TV all the time.


He's quite big on tiktok!


Genius move to go to a platform that is almost exclusively used by people who were all born well after the drowning saga.


Ronnie Pickering


Who’s that?


Ronnie Pickering!




Jayne Middlemiss - was all over tv in the 90s and early 2000s


Freddie Flintoff. The TG crash seems to have been a lot worse than being reported.


Richard Hammond said that his crash messed him up a lot more than he let on. When he did his first episode back of TG they had him walking down this long flight of stairs with showgirls on either side. He said all he could think was “I hope I don’t fall over” as he was still unsteady on his feet. Every New Year he and his wife would look back on the previous year and say “Well, that one was a lot better than the last” and only after a few years of doing that did he realise how bad it originally was.


Yeah, from what I've read it seems like his facial injuries were pretty bad. Which makes sense as apparently his face was being scraped along the floor.


He was photographed this week covering his face. He reportedly hated filming top gear and it made him want to just stay out the lime light


I loved his show about cricket setting up a club for youngsters really good.


Phil Cool maybe?


Rubber faced irritant


Ainsley Harriott. Apart from saving his sister from drowning in a pond at Chelsea Flower Show with Nick Knowles, and his face appearing on road signs between Sheffield and Nottingham, what's he up to? Come on Ainsley - give that meat a good ol' rub for us again! Edit: turns out I've been missing out on plenty of recent spicy TV appearances. Maybe I should watch some normal telly rather than streaming everything.


He's been presenting loads of stuff. [https://www.radiotimes.com/programme/b-7ognyy/ainsleys-coronation-kitchen/](https://www.radiotimes.com/programme/b-7ognyy/ainsleys-coronation-kitchen/) [https://www.ainsley-harriott.com/join-ainsley-for-some-fantastic-flavours-saturday-mornings-on-itv/](https://www.ainsley-harriott.com/join-ainsley-for-some-fantastic-flavours-saturday-mornings-on-itv/)


Almost half of the big breakfast presenters, Donna Air, Danni Behr, Kelly Brook, Jasmine Lowson.


Donna Air has had two extremely rich and posh husbands. Dani Behr trained to be a property lawyer and now sells mansions in California. Kelly Brook does breakfast radio in London. I don't remember Jasmine Lowson at all.


Dido Andy Parsons Noel Edmunds The girl from Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps who isn't Sheridan Smith or now on Bridgerton/The Windsors


Andy Parsons - probably just shouting somewhere. I have no idea how that man went from stand up to being on TV and radio. I guess they were scooping up everyone for panel games back then.


Still trying to get to the end of a joke


I couldn't stand how slowly he speaks. It's like listening to an elderly relative tell a long rambling story.


Natalie Casey.


Noel Edmunds went off the deep end with yoga mats that cure cancer and a paranoid lawsuit about Lloyds Bank. My media teacher in college worked with him before and apparently he was a real prima Donna, snapping his fingers at everyone and demanding the crusts cut off his sandwiches and the like


Paul Nichols. He was a 90’s soap star who I later met once randomly while living on a boat. We got high together and I fell asleep and never heard anything about him again. Shame because he seemed like a nice guy.


He was in Thailand on holiday and got chased by some wild dogs, fell down a waterfall, lost his kneecap and was stuck there for a couple of days before he was rescued, narrowly avoiding death. Sounds like a piss take but it's true. He did a few interviews about it: https://youtu.be/se284SZ2nX4


Whatever happened to the Safestyle UK guy? “Yer buy one, yer get one free. I say yer _buy_ one, yer get one free!”


[Tax dodger](https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/you-buy-one-you-one-11865901)


Only on Reddit would you find a link to such a niche person’s tax affairs. I love it.


Duffy the singer. Completely vanished from public for a few years, briefly returned to the media with a story about being abducted, then vanished again


She was kidnapped, held hostage, raped and tortured for 3 weeks. I reckon I’d disappear as well


I remember her criticising Netflix for releasing a trashy film that glamorises and romanticises some dude kidnapping a woman.


She what???


On her birthday no less.




Explains why you don’t see her on stage singing “Mercy”. Imagine the lyrics to your biggest hit single basically retelling your worst experience ever.


I don't know nessisarily what JLC does now for money. But he's kind of a public meme in bristol. My mates and I treat it like bird spotting but instead it's when the last time you saw JLC was. My last spot was I was in a quiet pub having a roast. He rocks in and loudly asks the staff if they have any tables. There are about 15 empty tables. He then strides out an retrieves his two kids and I'm assuming the wife he hit? Then proceeds to have a roast dinner with them all in silence while ge browses his phone. Spot before that he was stood underneath a public jumbo TV for watching Wimbledon. He walked past the TV and stopped 3 times... He has a lot of 'look at me' mannerisms when he's out and about. Which is just sad.


I work on the harbourside and see him about 4 times a week at the moment. Always with a loud t-shirt on related to Star Wars or the A-Team. Fuck knows what he does for work now, but he’s always about in the day time.


> I’ll start; Justin Lee Collins Hiding would be what he is up to after his conviction for abuse.


Rumours are he hangs around in alleyways asking passing women to rub cream on his back.


Well Justin got done for harassing/stalking his ex GF like 10+ years ago, that's why he vanished.


Josie d'Arby?


Phillip Schofield. He was everywhere a few months ago and just seems to have disappeared. Not sure why.


To paraphrase HIGNFY "It's almost as though he's done a runner"


I guess we’ll never know…


He’s from Bristol and I happen to be travelling there now (or at least will be landing there, then quickly driving out) - I’ll let you know if I spot him. Edit: Sad to report that I did not see him.


Guarantee you won't be driving out of Bristol as quickly as you think. Traffic is terrible here mind


Cliff Richard. Obviously did not take kindly to having his house searched while broadcast on tv


I was thinking Noel Edmonds, but apparently he didn't die. I really thought he had passed on. He's 74 and apparently lives in New Zealand.


He also peddles some snake oil bullshit cancer "cures".




Chris Barrie. Absolutely huge Red Dwarf fan, and I remember seeing the other of the main 4 doing work elsewhere afterwards. Before they revived the show, I remember seeing a lot more of the other 3. Craig did a fair bit of TV and Radio. Robert felt like he spent ages on Scrapheap Challenge, and Danny had a pretty comfy job on Death in Paradise. But with Chris, I remember him briefly getting a few film roles in the Tomb Raider films, but things just seemed to go really quiet for him after that, and after the new series of Red Dwarf, he just seemed to disappear again.


He had his own sitcom in the late 90s which ran for 6 years - The Brittas Empire. It was brilliant, Barrie is an absolute legend. (Edited to include a bit more info)


At last, someone else that thought ‘Brittas Empire’ was brilliant


Not really a response, but on the subject of JLC - I see him in Bristol ALL THE TIME. He looks just like he used to, he walks around with the unfettered confidence of his heyday. What I don't understand is the frequency. I see him in the strangest parts of town, exclusively when I am walking alone and when he is walking alone. I would not be surprised if he recognised me by now. We are clearly in some kind of synchronicity. Sometimes I fantasise of stopping him and talking to him about how it is being post-famous. I wouldn't judge him for his misdeeds as I believe in redemption and he's clearly lost it all. But I'd love to know how someone like him makes money, or was he just wise when he was getting 3 million a year presenting and now owns a lot of property. And how does he keep his self esteem up. On top of all the above, no one else I know recalls ever seeing him. There is a small chance that he is my awful cancelled westcountry Tyler Durden but I think it's more likely that no one else I know used to watch as much Bravo as me in 2004.


Does your house have a carbon monoxide alarm?


Melinda Messenger? Apparently she now works as a psychotherapist.


Fort Boyard on a Sunday evening was peak tv.


Rob Newman I remember when the Mary White House Experience was touring massive venues and he and David Baddiel never seemed to be off the telly. David still pops up but where is Rob?


Nobby the sheep from ghost train


Dido vanished overnight 15 years ago even though her music is still relevant