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Considering I spent the whole day in a gazebo that itself was under a tree, I'd like to know how the shit my back has got so sunburnt.


Looking to get back into getting back into shape. Not too bad right now but could do with dropping about 8-10kg. Play football weekly but struggling to find the time for too much at the moment with work being mental. Anyone have any tips for getting back into a rhythm? And any good starting workouts?


Consistency is key. If you’re losing weight, a mix of cardio but also the main focus being to cut calorie intake will work. Even if work is mental, the main difficulty of lower calories is just being hungry, but swapping out sugar coke for diet and eating healthier more filling foods will help.


It's near 30c in my room and cant even enjoy a cool breeze as those car dinguses are out going nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnrghhhh rrrerr nnnnnnnnghhhhhhhbhhhhbbhhhrrrrrrr spooooooosh nnnnnñrrrg! The Spanish ones are the worst. I really don't get why the police just dont sit at the side of the massive straight and just score some easy money on tickets.




Helped the other half with one of his test pits, dragged a work colleague along. Found lots of tile from the old manor house that was there. Then my mum conned me into clearing up the scout food cupboard where we unearthed more ancient relics. A solid block of fajita seasoning and several jars of dubious jam were the usual finds. Along with the sardines that have no use by or BBE date - so they went back as I want to see if anyone uses them. But the highlight was the exploded tin of peach slices, there was only 1 slice left in the tin so all the others had escaped through the hole they had made. Also what scout camp has ever used Modeno balsamic vinegar? You’re lucky if they season anything. Edit: spelling


Feeling like I'm losing all my friends. Idk probably panicking about nothing


If somebody was to move to the UK, from a non English speaking country, but their surname was a highly offensive word in English, although fine in the native language, could they be legally made to change their name?


Any specific examples you’re thinking of?


No, just wondering?


Rick Astley on the pyramid stage because of a meme lol.




Got woken up early after a bad night's sleep. Was supposed to get my ears cleaned but apparently wasn't needed so got a refund coming back. An surprise afternoon visit from brother and girls who keep screaming. I've been busy with tea and they've decided to have ice cream so everyone gone out before tea for ice cream. Just been trying to get stuff done since I can't have a nap.


I really hope your brother is going to get you an ice cream to say thank you for making tea and to make up for your rubbish day!


No but my parents were grateful which is already more important plus I got a tub of mint choc chic ice cream in freezer. I don't think he was well from the weather either so he'll be let off.


Harvested my new potatoes. Got around 3 or 4kg of potatoes from two bags. My maincrop are still growing. I really don't know what to do with them all, since there are only two of us to eat them. Going to be researching potato recipes this weekend, I think.


Mash freezes well, get mashing!


I've part cooked and then frozen potato wedges before, might be an idea for the extras


Good idea! I'll give it a go if I can't get them used by the time my other ones are done.


Took the dog a big run down to the beach after a nice lie in. He very much enjoyed it and he was a good boy, didn't annoy other people as much as the last time. Then went to maccies because why not, came home and helped mum to hoover out dad's car. Now sat in the garden with alexa on (we've found a way that we can hear it outside by putting it on the outside windowsill of the kitchen). We've made pretend sun loungers out of 2 chairs and changed into sunbathing clothes...and I am about to go and craft a cocktail


Sounds like a lovely day! Which cocktail did you go for?


A margarita, had all the ingredients so made a couple up. On my second now😂😂


Hungover as shit, ordered a big Chinese and now trying to figure out what movie to watch. Want something relatively dumb, action no thinking time thing that isn't dreadful


Shaft on Netflix is great. It's just Samuel Jackson being himself lol


New Dungeons and Dragons film was unexpectedly good fun.


Watch the news. It's gonna become an action movie in the next few hours.


Yeah it's mental! Way too much for my brain to take today. First off, who has a mercenary army of 25,000 people ready to roll?! Secondly, why does this feel like a film?


Did the food shop, and the general public had very selfishly purchased all the air coolers in home bargains for the bargain price of £60 - how dare they be more efficient and organised than me? /s So I’ve ordered one off Argos and I’m waiting for it to be delivered Predictably after tomorrow the weather looks reasonably mild for the next two weeks.


Still trying to figure out how to dress for the summer so I don't overheat. Wearing a lot of skirts because I find them to have better air flow, but I keep managing to overheat and knock myself out. . . . . Been through tights, leggings, socks, changed my shoes multiple times, stopped wearing my dress because of the weight, but I last about an hour outside before my body gets heavy and sluggish, and everything starts to go grey around the edges or starts spinning. I'm blaming my clothes, but I've tried so many different things and still not got it right. I drink plenty, I get exercise anyway, I'm just not coping with this physically. How am I supposed to set up, so I don't TKO myself every time there's a temperature spike?


Have you tried different materials and colours? Can't comment specifically on ladies clothing but I find I cope so much better in the heat either in very thin cotton or some kind of sporty synthetic material. I also find I cope much better in light coloured clothing than dark, apparently black soaks up the sun quicker than white does. Sorry to hear you're struggling, I wonder if maybe it's worth speaking to a doctor if it carries on too much?


What worries me is that if I'm knocking myself out in this, I'm going to be a liability once we get to pavement melting temperature. I want to be out and about, be it walking or not walking. And I want a summer. . . . . I do need lighter coloured clothing though, seeing as most of my stuff is various types of black and white. And a bunch of my stuff was bought in January, meaning thick near unbreakable materials that can survive me. And I'm still having to wear arm stockings on account of a certain behavioural issue. I can probably sort out some thinner tights, and replace my leggings, as long as they don't get caught on my foot braces and tear immediately. And I'm not really a dress girl anyway so screw that. It's just I need my wrists covered even in heat, and short of ordering some bandaging I don't know what to do with that instead of wearing fuzzy sleeves. . . . . . . I just don't want a repeat of the other day, where I blew through an entire water bottle in record time, and started fainting every few hundred metres, only to then pass out in my bathroom. I've been woozy and weird, ever since, and I keep having warnings for a seizure that never actually happens. Got safe places, and I can manage that, but I've spent two days in the weird place, that is hard to describe the feeling.


Bless you that must be really difficult. Have a look at a product called Kool n Soothe also - I use them sometimes when I get a migraine but it's like this gel pad thingy that goes really cold when you open it, feels lovely if you stick it on your neck or forehead on a hot day


Basically, most of what I've done has been to survive in the depths of winter as a disabled person. I understand Winter, I know how to work it. But this I know nothing about. So thank you.


Well, I knew it. I'm hungover as fuck after having far too many beers last night at my mate's leaving do. Currently in Hucknall playing pool and drinking the hangover away.


Staying home cursing at Evri for fucking up a delivery three days in a row and having the worst customer service.


I've just finished sterilising my flat by cleaning it top to bottom with bleach, giving the place that unique 'swimming pool' scent which I love as it means that I've done a decent job (sounds pathetic I know, but I enjoy cleaning!) - now it's time for a joint or 2 while drinking an ice-cold bottle of 'Bigga' ginger beer, which I believe is a Jamaican brand of soft drink which isn't full to the brim with dodgy sweeteners and other chemicals, instead it is mostly pure sugar/syrup which gives it a taste which is long-gone from all British varsities of soft drink due to that fucking sugar tax bollocks! Now that I've re-hydrating myself with sugary ginger beer, it's time for a shower before going to Walsall town centre as there is now a small-ish shop which sells all kinds of anime merchandise, plus the figurines which I collect are something like 50% cheaper than if they were being sold in Tokyo Toys (that anime shop in Birmingham)! I still love Tokyo Toys as they have a great selection of Japanese KitKats and many other examples of Japanese sweets and biscuits (bearing in mind that the KitKats are tiny in comparison to a full-size British KitKat, as well as them costing £2 each if you can believe that!) so visiting Birmingham often drains my bank balance, but I now have a collection which I'm slightly proud of, see pictures below! [https://imgur.com/NiAKNhv](https://imgur.com/NiAKNhv) / [https://imgur.com/vu1KdkD](https://imgur.com/vu1KdkD) I know, I may seem kinda weird for collecting anime merchandise like this but it's part of my identity, I can't help finding the figurines on display cute as fuck! Does anyone else in this thread spend their down time watching anime? I'm on episode 166 of Inuyasha so I plan on completing the series tonight :)


You like anime merch? Don’t get into nendoroid 😁 I used to watch Inuyasha, never finished it - are you talking about the original series that ended in the 2000s or the spin off that’s on crunchy roll right now?


Excuse me if I come across as ignorant (it wasn't intentional, I promise!) but what is Nendroid? I've not heard of it before but if it's anything to do with anime merch then I would love to know! And I'm talking about the original :) Judging from your reply I assume that you're also into anime? If so, what's your favourite series?!


Nendoroid are small, chibi style posable figures. They come with accessories and sometimes different expressions. The problem is if you miss the preorder window it can be hard to find them later! I have Mob and Reigen from Mob Psycho 100. I like action series mostly, Mob Psycho 100/one punch man, Spy x Family, Trigun/Kekkei Sensen (Blood blockade battlefront in en?), Death Parade was good, Kado was a wild ride 🫠, Noragami…there are others 🤣


The newest addition for my collection which I'm displaying on the walls of my living room! The same figurine in Birmingham's Tokyo Toys cost £42 when I was there a couple of weeks ago but at the anime/manga shop in Walsall town centre this cost me £24, which came with its original box and such making it an absolute bargain, truly ridiculous! Hopefully if any anime fans reading this are from Walsall or the surrounding areas I will have convinced them to try find this fine establishment, but I an aware that I sound like a super-shill but I believe that if small businesses are new and in need of a new wave of customers then writing honest & positive reviews online is the least I can do to increase their exposure :) https://imgur.com/tmDGuJB


Oh wow, those sound like something I would definitely spend a hell of a lot of money on so to me they're dangerous! I assume that they're only available online or has a shop in your locality got them in stock? :) Out of what you've listed, the only series that I've seen myself is Spy x Family which I found myself laughing at a lot of the episodes even if it's not classed as a comedy series! I like older series, such as Slayers (which happens to be my favourite series, and I must have watched literally hundreds of series by now...) and other classics such as Neon Genesis Evangelion - for me, the hand-drawn animation amazes me as well as the older series having the best opening theme tunes unlike more recent series which don't seem to put in much effort to make their music/OST worth listening to :( It is surprising (in a good way, obviously) to find another anime fan in /r/CasualUK \- if there are any other anime fans -in this sub-reddit who are reading this then reveal yourselves! :)


I've been really lazy and kept putting off my yearly car service. It's like 3 months overdue. Now I'm scheduled to go to a city 100 miles away tonight, wondering if I'm going to damage my engine with old oil. My mileage has tapered off hugely post-Covid. Overall, I've average 4.5k miles/year over the last eight years. Probably have done a couple of thousand miles since the last change. I travelled 100 miles in a round trip last week, and it seemed fine - normal/good fuel efficiency.


3 months would be nothing and you do sod all miles a year so it'll be ok.


I know absolutely nothing about cars. I know how to drive one, but that is all. We have an old fiesta (2004 plate!) that has only ever needed tyres, brake pads etc on MOTs. The oil is probably as thick as my brother and still goes OK. Overdue 3 months will be fine. I should say that I'm not advocating for no servicing at all. The fiesta is our run around. We have a proper family car that does go in for services, so I'm somewhat responsible.


Just sort of sitting around today. Bit of outside in the shade- Moto GP quali at 1.30 and more sitting around after that.


Sprint Race soon


Cut my 4 year olds beautiful long blonde hair and hopefully haven’t frigged it up too much! I need a hug, therapy and a stiff drink now 🙃


The ol' lymph node pain in my neck hasn't really subsided and there's an increasing chance i'm down to our local minor injuries unit to get checked out, just I don't fancy sitting for six hours to be told to stay at home and rest. I'm already doing that. I didn't have any plans this weekend either way other than watching Glastonbury but last night's performances were a little hit and miss. The BSL interpreters on the iPlayer are amazing though, proper kudos to them.


Turns out it takes way longer for me to recover from one hour of nakedness in the sun than it does from a blackout drunk hangover. Got burned on Thursday and I'm still in so much pain. Second one bath in as many days, taking paracetamol for the hell of it, and turning myself into slugboi with the aftersun moisturiser. Ordering first Domino's in a year, though probably a terrible idea to desicate myself with their "salter than seawater" pizza.


You probably got a touch of heatstroke as well as the burn, which makes it feel worse. If there are any blisters I'd wander into a pharmacy and see what they can advise, you need to make sure it doesn't get infected. Also don't put on too much moisturiser, your skin needs to breathe in order to heal and ironically slathering on the aftersun will suffocate it and make it last longer. Just a little bit and make sure it's rubbed in thoroughly.


I think I do have some small blister. Annoyingly in a way, I have an appointment with my GP on Tuesday, I was supposed to be talking about something completely unrelated but here we are, can't imagine I'll return to my vanpiricly pale self before then.


Ouch! Good idea to have them take a look at it, but a pharmacy can also help for right now if there's one nearby. They can advise on the best painkillers to take and might be able to give you some cream to put on it to ease the pain.


Just put Glastonbury on and I got Rick rolled.


Been on nights this week, finished yesterday at 8am. Spent the whole day in a post-nights haze, then somehow slept until 11 this morning. I say surprisingly, because the dog is usually up at 7 asking for breakfast but he *also* slept through. What a good boy. Treated him to scrambled egg and bacon for his brekkie. Today is for loafing and watching the new series of *Never Have I Ever*


I’ve decided to get a start on my winter hobby by building a load of minis and priming them so I’ve got no excuse not to paint them when it’s cold. As an aside, is it normal to put vinegar in the fridge down south? I had some food in a pub in London and vinegar was cold I’m a bit confused


No. It's vinegar. It preserves itself.


No, vinegar in the fridge is weird


Bucket list band gig tomorrow. Today DIY stuff on our new house. Like will the tool I got to clean the dryer vent work?


Gym session this morning and then walked to pick up a veg box. Got some house viewings in an hour but seriously contemplating whether it's worth buying right now. In a pretty cushy position right now where I live with my boyfriend and pay him low rent, but the flat is too small if our baby making plans succeed..




As someone who has been the kid in a similar situation I’d say no harm in reaching out as long as you are ok if they aren’t ready to connect at this time. I think what you and they could potentially gain is worth trying, I hope it works out for you all.


Yes. Be honest about how you feel and that you want to carry out her wishes as best you can. There is no obligation for them to engage of course, but I like to hope they’ll understand.


Finally ordered my phone, via Carphone Warehouse. It's still in credit check so who knows whether it'll go through, but it seems double porting worked. I'll definitely do this again if I need to. Nothing big planned for the weekend, though. I'm too anxious about my provisional exam results, which drop next Friday. I find out if three years of work is a waste or not...


Just had a knickerbocker glory which *was* glorious - but now my teeth hurt


Children’s swimming and riding lessons this morning, then this afternoon I am banking myself some hours at work by representing my employer at Essex Pride.


My energy levels have dropped somewhat, I reduced my sleep meds last night and was still out for almost ten hours. Bit concerning. I have the joyous task of defrosting my freezer to look forward to, depending on how trying it ends up being I may sleep all afternoon and order a takeaway for my dinner. It about 18 months since I got a takeaway, so I am sure the sticker shock will dissuade me before I check out. Why is Matt Tebutt wearing cycling shorts on Saturday Kitchen?


In case you don't know the speed defrosting tip, once it's empty, stick some towels in the bottom and a couple of big bowls of boiling water, shut the door and wait 30 mins and you'll be done. I had to do that yesterday as the fan, or something, was making a god awful noise and a defrost seems to help.


I want to go for a walk but I've spent the whole week uncomfortably sweaty so nah. Supermarket for some nice batch cooking ingredients and maybe trying out some games it is.


So, at risk of overdoing a slightly tired meme, how early is too early on a weekend to be busting out a drum kit? Does the timing change if my erstwhile neighbour has all the rhythm of a barrel of monkeys falling down stairs?


I would say leave it until after 11am, but if the neighbours are already being noisy all bets are off.


Chilling on the sofa before hanging washing out. Walk down to big tesco to get some bits. Make pizza dough and generally chill watching telly. Not too bad a day.


Had sort of a lie-in but its grey / miserable but humid even though i had windows open. My parents are finally getting new front door and back door of the house done today yay! Don't plan to go for a run soon as I think i will go for a long walk later. Made new friends so plan to meet the friends later, grab coffee or whatever.I plan to do some gaming later this evening, binge on some YouTube and watch Fast X (considering I've watched the previous 9 so why not?). Update: going to do some self-paced study at some point as well.


Broke my little toe on Thursday, so today will be another day of rest, ice and elevation. Luckily have Final Fantasy XVI, Diablo IV and Zelda Tears of the Kingdom to distract me! If it’s sunny I’ll have a seat in the garden and order the usual Saturday night Chinese for tea. Might watch a movie or two tonight seeing as I didn’t get to the cinema last night, too scared to try putting a shoe on! Was going to go shopping for a new bike this weekend too, looking for a nice hybrid to ride around town and canal tow paths on. But I guess that will have to wait too! Hopefully not too long, been looking forward to going cycling this summer.


Sorry about your toe! If you’ve got some first aid tape, or you can even stick two bandaids together their ends, tape the injured toe to the toe next to it. It’s called buddy taping and it’ll help a lot with being able to walk and it’ll help an awful lot with the pain. I hope it heals quickly. You’re doing great with ice and elevation.


Thank you, I think I’ll tape it tonight or tomorrow and try a short walk on it.


Sure hope it helps. Injured toe is the worst.


I've not finished BOTW, I'm struggling to progress on that game.


I finished the main storyline back when it came out, but never 100% completed it. There is just too much to do in that game! ToTK seems the same, I’ve been playing for hours and still feels like I’ve just started


I am putting up wallpaper for the first time ever, so that will be fun


Not been able to get my hair cut for WAY longer than I would've liked but today I'm off for my hair cut!!! woo!!! Going to watch the MotoGP throughout the day too. I've just started my new job so I have the full weekends off now too. Amazing.


As usual starting my day with coffee and looking ahead at the day. The (not so) youngling is going to Edinburgh, not for Pride just a day with his girlfriend and is negotiating spending limits. We are meandering down town for hubby to have his beard done and general mooch before going to The Buffalo Farm to stock up the freezer. I have an evening alone as aforementioned hubs has a regular game night and I have streaming services and a couple of cocktails ready to go. Hot already just covering the lady bumps and wearing some baggy dungarees, my faves as they have dinosaurs on them.


My partner is working nights again (booo) but we're going to Spain on Monday for a holiday and to visit relatives so can't complain too much. I'm just nervous about missing the flight as he doesn't get home from work til 7.30 and the flight is at midday, it's pushing it ... More washing to do and then I've got to run to the shop at some point. And then I'm going to start making sure my ipod/headphones/power banks/kobo etc are charged and ready. Not sure what to wear today as everything vaguely summery I want to pack in the case so I'm scrambling around a bit. Might have to be pyjamas at this rate!


Spilling the remaining 3rd of coffee pot all over the floor before getting any coffee is how it is going so far . - F7 on this morning.


We're taking my husbands nan to borde Hill Gardens and then for cream tea. Think we'll do a cone off the dog park walk with a Frisbee after that cos I'm pretty sure he's miserable not going for his usual 2 hours of running in the woods while his leg heals. I can't believe we've got almost 2 weeks of this left. He's already cracked the cone by running into so many things with it and my legs are covered in injuries from him doing that into my legs (usually I wear jeans but I'm living in shorts at the moment). Maybe some diablo later. I haven't played much because last time we played, we played for so long I hurt my wrist which is... a new low. But its feeling a lot better now!


Have you looked into an inflatable donut thing instead of the cone of shame? Made a massive difference to my dog’s mood after a small op on her head!


Yeah we asked the vet about it and she didn't think it would stop him reaching the end of his leg. We also can't bandage cos bandaging was not letting it dry and also pushing his dew claw into his skin and causing rubbing wounds. He's properly miserable though so we're giving periods without cone but he immediately grooms and nibbles the surgery site so have to put it back


I think it depends on your dog’s shape/size too. Mine is quite small so she wouldn’t have been able to reach her back leg. Yeah she hated the cone, I had to hold her all night for her to sleep with it on, it was awful. She only needed it for 2 weeks thankfully. It’s such a wee shame, hopefully your pup is better soon!


Ah ours is a springer spaniel so bit easier to reach over! Thanks :)


Having tea and toast ahead of paying someone to use hot wax to rip hairs out of a v sensitive part of my body, such fun! Really wanted to swim somewhere today but dilly dallied about booking and now there’s nothing available. It’s that time of year when I get enraged that London doesn’t have lidos in every single park even though they’d prob only be used 4 weeks a year. Oh well. Cleaning the windows is on the agenda this weekend so maybe I’ll spritz myself with water as a treat then.


About to drag BBQ out of shed and give it the annual burn baby burn the bacteria dead - heat and scrub. ….bowls match at 2.30, then evening beers and BBQ…. Preferably slipping into vague food and wine coma whilst watching/listening to Glastonbury on patio with much “who the fuck are they?” comments. ….good times.


Was expecting a fun day of building the new release box of warhammer. Had it all planned, got the new leviathan audio book to go with it, cooked the misses a big hangover breakfast…. Royal Mail didn’t deliver. :-( Now I get to do a top to bottom clean of the house and cars instead. Not quite the day.


When is too early to start construction work on a house during the weekend. Neighbours started at 9am and I don't know if I'm unreasonably annoyed or not


Ehhh I think 9am is the start time of acceptable (earlier than that is just being an arse if there's noise involved)


We're buying a home, and giving up our rented flat so in about an hour I have 8 viewings for people to come nosey around my flat to see if they want it. I've never had viewings on anywhere I've lived before, feels weird!


Paddle boarding and kayaking this afternoon! Hopefully the thunderstorms aren’t too bad


I drank too much during the 8 hours I spent playing FFXVI last night and am feeling it right now. Not helped by a mate who's at Glastonbury sending me a clip overnight of Phil Hartnoll playing a fucking abba song (I absolutely despise abba). Anyway I need to go to Tesco when I feel fit to drive, and have to pop to a mate's house to water their (indoor) plants cos they're on holiday. Then a nice little garden gathering at someone's this afternoon. And probably more gaming this eve. Really could handle a bacon butty, probably enough to walk 5 mins to the butty shop. In fact the more I think about it the more I definitely can walk there.


>FFXVI How's FF XVI going so far? I've not played them since FF X and X-2


I'm absolutely loving it, it has a lot of the feel that X and XII had but a more adult tone. Combat is fun, music is incredible, story is engaging... Yeah it's great.


Is ps5 worth it? Have a PS4 and been mulling over when I should switch. Also, just looked up the price on Amazon and it's 479 for normal, 475 for digital only. Swear I thought the digital only version was supposed to be cheaper than that!


Yeah that's odd, digital used to be 350. But yes it's definitely worth it. I got one at launch and haven't regretted it one bit. Everything is a huge step up.


Being Mum's taxi service this morning. Then off to order carpet this afternoon. 7 year old thinks she is having bright pink carpet in her room. I'm not convinced.


Was going to make a Thai green curry recipe that I'd seen floating around a few of the subs, but it looks like it's going to be 28-30C here this weekend, so don't really fancy using the hob for too long...Oh well, I can pretend I'm in Thailand when it gets above 30 in the house later. Other than that not much, might catch the highlights of AM at Glasto yesterday, perhaps with some cheap beer and fast food to recreate the festival spirit in my tiny new-build garden. Have a good one!


My friend has just text me asking if I have a valid passport. So, who knows?!


Dull, overcast, and disgustingly hot and humid here. I'm sweating like a fat pigeon outside Greggs.


If I pass Greggs later I'll look out for you! 😁 Hope you're not working today...


Family taxi, then collecting and delivering about 100 pints (three polypins) from our local brewery for a friend's birthday.


TIL what a polypin is. Sounds like a good time, enjoy!


Had an utterly bizarre nightmare about an ex (after a good run of not having any weird sleep stuff!) so trying to process that and shake off the grotty feeling. Later I'm going to a spooky wares market and to meet up with a couple of friends for lunch. This evening I'm applying for a very interesting and senior role for me, civil service too!


Been back and forth to hospital with my daughter all week. Finally had a doctor yesterday that looked at her, not a piece of paper, who identified she has a massive infection, did some treatment there and then said he was willing to send her home with antibiotics because my multiple visits despite being fobbed off made him confident I would bring her back if she deteriorated, but cautioned me that if I felt at all worried to rush her straight back ("skip a and e, just come straight to this ward, you'll be seen") because I think we came dangerously close to the infection becoming systemic. By the time we were seen by him, her temperature was 38.7 and she kept falling asleep. So....a very quiet weekend on the cards!! If shes up to it I might take her and her sister to our local town (less than 5 minutes away) for a cake and a smoothie, just to try and get some food into her (she's not infectious). But we will play that one by ear. Apart from that, I need to do a food shop, and I suspect its an excessive screen time weekend...


Aw, I’m sorry she’s so ill. I hope the antibiotics get her back to her self soon. Be mindful of combining dairy products with some antibiotics.


What happens with dairy and antibiotics?? It's amoxicillin if that is relevant


Dairy and also fruit juices affect the way your body absorbs antibiotics. It won’t kill you or anything. I hope she is on the mend.


Thank you. I'm not sure if she is improving, as yet! Time will tell.


Experienced my first proper migraine yesterday, passed out at 19.30 and now summoning the strength to get out of bed. Meant to be driving cross-country to visit the wife's best friend for a big party, and wondering how to break it to her that I'd really rather not.


Admitted to hospital for a few days of IV steroids, Ulcerative Colitis is sucky but grateful to the NHS and luckily got a private room on the ward so going to binge watch tv shows


Hope you feel better soon mate. What are you gonna watch?


Thank you! Currently Greys Anatomy it seemed fitting for being in hospital. But I’ve actually just live streamed my friends wedding which was beautiful, gutted to of missed it but happy got the technology to stream it


Aaw that's lovely you were able to do that, hope it makes up a tiny bit for having to miss it. I'm a sucker for medical programmes! ER was my all time fave. I've got the latest series of GA to watch, might start that soon. Take care x


Going to wear my new skirt its quite swishy which is ideal in this sticky heat . Im going to eat and melt til the weather cools lol . Oh already had 2 breakfasts might sneak a brunch in before elevenies then lunch hahaha


Swish is a win! I'm in a black polka dot swishy dress, nice being able to get more summery clothes out


Love a good swishy dress i bet you look amazing in it .


Swishy skirts are wonderful in the heat. Got a maxi skirt from Asda on atm, with a sort of terracotta ammonite pattern on it. With Flanci skorts underneath, because I am struggling to find bike shorts that aren't XS or XXL. Apparently everyone's cottoned to their anti chub rub properties this year. (I have some Flanci single layer shorts on order, to wear instead of skorts.)


Would genuinely recommend [snag shorts](https://snagtights.com/collections/chub-rub-shorts) for thigh rub, I thought it was just one of those scammy facebook adverts but I ordered some and they're fabulous. They're tights without legs essentially, and I find they don't get too hot or ride up like some bike shorts do :o)


Do snags have a thigh pocket?


The ones I have don't have a pocket no sorry, but I'm not sure about their other products


I wear shorts under my skirts/dresses to stop the thigh rub too . Also i might need a trip to asda to look at there skirts.


https://i.imgur.com/U90A8L8.jpeg That's the skirt I got. There's another one I liked the other night, but I spotted it after closing and the next store was tiny and didn't have it.


That skirt is gorgeous and looks perfect on you! I don’t know if it’s something common there, but women’s knickers made like men’s boxer briefs. [women’s boxer shorts](https://www.myoddballs.com/collections/ladies-boxer-shorts)


I love your outfit . Oooh i need that skirt .


Funny thing is, I used to _hate_ skirts. Turns out that I hated school skirts, and that I actually quite like midi and maxi length skirts, as long as they're not tight and clingy.


Oh i hate short or clingy shorts too .


I have now given several people testers of my cola, dandelion & burdock and rose lemonade cordials to see what they think. Reports have come in saying that they’re pretty damn good and once I get the cola recipe finished, that they’d buy some off me. Second half of my trip up north today - from Cheshire to Northumberland once I’ve finished my coffee and had a shower.


Cola cordial does sound fantastic!


Returning home from a week in Scotland, 330 motorway miles on my bike won't be fun.


You're going to need a lot of energy gels.


Weightwatchers first thing, then the Dark Arts Midsummer Market in Nottingham. Pork chops for dinner.


Oooh, me too (the Dark Arts market)! 😁


Off to do some more maintenance at my local Non League football club while trying not to fry. Nothing much planned for the rest of the day but I suspect it will involve being in close proximity to a fan. Tomorrow will be a game of bowls followed by a few light refreshments.


Gonna be walking the dogs then might pop down to the club to play some 🎯not sure other than that relax mostly because I am still tired from work last 2 days are you up to much??


Bene watching Dragon Prince with eldest. I've watched it before but I've gotten her into it. Hopefully we will have a nice quiet day at home today and try and cheer everyone up. It's been a long week. Eldest has a dance rehearsal later but we'll play lots before that.


Not everyday you get woken up by a peacock honking










Big chungus






We’re hoping to be able to go shopping this morning but the missus has a dodgy tummy. Letting her have another ten minute snooze before we’re getting up. Then it’s the fun of hair cuts and eye tests this afternoon.


Park run at 9, first time doing one and have to cycle to the other side of town for it. Hardly the best preparation for in by drinking a bottle of stout last night, which is still sat in my stomach this morning.


How did it go?


Everyone bailed; I’m going to prepare better for the next one and choose one closer to me.


Driving to Croatia! It's not as mad as it sounds, I'm starting from the Czech Republic.


So you're Czeching out?


I've been Czeched out for years.


Noooo, don't say it's going to be hot. Currently at a bus stop, nice breeze. Dragged myself out of bed at 6am to paint nails, shower, put on make-up etc. Food and relaxing is today's plan!


Got much planned over the weekend?


Am at seaside now :) How about you?


Oh nice good weather for it Just gonna chill over weekend had work last couple days so gonna relax walk dogs and play some darts at the club


Taking part in the Pride march in Edinburgh then a BBQ later.