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Look at it as a temporary placement while you plan and find the next option.


Went for a walk yesterday in the Chilterns, while walking up to Coombe Hill Monument I was telling my wife how great it was to not worry about work for once. We get to the top, I get a tap on my shoulder. It’s my boss. I think she had me microchipped in my sleep, there’s no other explanation!


Exciting new job opportunity, pepped up my cv, sent it to my husband for him to have a look and...whoosh... Well he certainly managed to deflate me fast. He hires in his job so I'm sure he knows what he's doing but yeah, no point me applying for the job anymore. Even if I could get my cv up to scratch I've lost all confidence.


Apply anyway. I've got jobs that were seemingly way beyond me and were actually really not


Aww you can't say that. You should feel more confident than ever - he took your application and made it even better!


He hasn't made it better though just told me how it's shit! Aka I don't have the skills or experience needed. My fault for spending my twenties off work sick so building no experience.


Back at work. It's going but very boring.


Had a stag do in Blackpool this weekend and I’m suffering from the hangover of doom still. I’m getting to old for this now…


I can feel a panic attack approaching. Nothing bad is happening but somehow my stupid brain is thinking otherwise. I’m irritable, almost had an argument with my husband. I feel like just crawling under the duvet and staying there for the next three or thirty years. My boss is out for the next two weeks, I’m essentially replacing him in a few crucial tasks. I can feel the pressure although I have a direct line to his boss who is a total sweetheart and never said no when I needed his help. Still I’m feeling like an imposter and have a feeling that way too much faith is being placed in me. I’m really dreading the next two weeks. Happy Monday.. not


If you were out this weekend it may just be the slump. Either that or it's time to look at other options.


I never realised how annoying it is to phone somebody (close family, close friend etc), not get an answer but then for said person to not phone back or message at a later time! Drives me insane as I know when they're not occupied they're attached to their phone like superglue, so it baffles me when you don't get a call back or message.


Tbh I sometimes have days (or a couple of days) where I don't want to speak to people unless urgent so I ignore the call (since they'll text if it's important)


Family drama, can't be doing with it. I have an aunt who is extremely controlling and thinks I need her permission to go and see my own grandmother who has explicitly said I should come any time. Cue a massive tantrum today when I arrived, because I'd told Granny but not aunt. Rage, tears, shouting at my Granny, who good on her stood her ground and said it was her house and she can have who she pleases there. It's nasty and upsetting.


Oh no, that sounds horrible. Does your aunt live with your Granny?


No, but she does caring duties and fair play to her works v hard. But alongside that she's said some pretty money grabbing things about the eventual estate and is trying to control everything down to what chair my Granny sits in. I go to see my Granny because I want to see her, not because I'm hoping to increase my inheritance. It's not my money and I think it's horrible when people expect a payout.


Just back from the gym and M&S. Trout for lunch with a fruit pack after (kiwi, pineapple, mango and watermelon.) Filled chocolate muffin for desert. Picked up some slow cooked pork and a raspberry cider to try for dinner tomorrow. I haven't drank in 10 or so years but I used to like a fruit cider.


Trying to find this video I've seen recently, can anyone help? Basically it's a podcast, host asks guest 'Are you ever gonna visit your home country some day' and he replies 'yes, I'm already here'.


Woke up fresh and motivated. Felt good until I got to work then it didn’t last long.


Sat in the hospital getting yet more tests done in relation to endometriosis Then I’m going to treat myself to a mcplant because they’re £1.39 today Then I’ve got to go to work to be abused by feral underage prime drinkers and their parents Then I’ll deep clean the flat as much as I can before doing my essay


Hey can I ask what the process was to get diagnosed? My doc just suggests going on the pill?


hope your endo stuff goes okay, i'm waiting to get the date through for my laparoscopy atm.


Thank you! That’s what I’m waiting for as well as I’ve had MRIs that detect it meaning it’s likely in later stages. I need a laparoscopy to see if it’s on my kidney. I hope you get your tests and surgery soon and all goes smoothly!


thank you and same to you too! i haven't had an MRI which i thought was strange but maybe between my symptoms and the internal examination they might be sure it's there. i am a bit nervous about the surgery but at least it should be worth it!


Starting to do our de-rig at Glastonbury. Far too hot to get any real sort of sleep in the van. Practically running on fumes. Can't find the kettle either


What's the pack-down process for people there? Does everyone stay on a day or two to help clear up, or did loads of people squeeze through the gates after Elton John last night?


Today is just being a giant no. Current life situation is a pita, but I've been quietly carrying on, but I've now reached the point of just complaining about it multiple times a day and seething most of the time.


Was pondering for too long how life can be a pita bread before I figured out what you meant.


got a day off so i am making music of the style of 90s trance. this one people have probably heard in kevin and perry lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vHyCjAByAOg


I've seen it mentioned that with all the increased water we should be drinking due to the heat, we should also increase our salt intake. But how much are we talking here? On a scale of "small portion of salted nuts" to "mainlining a tub of salt", where are we?


If you were re-hydrating without eating, you'd want about 1.5g per litre, or a little more. Most of us have high salt diets because there is so much in processed food. Unless you are chugging four or five litres of water a day I doubt you'd need salt supplements. The marmite on my morning toast is plenty for the whole day.


> Unless you are chugging four or five litres of water a day I doubt you'd need salt supplements Just finished my 2nd litre of the day, so yeah I'd say I get about that 😂


Maybe get some electrolyte hydration powders to add to your water? You’ll know if you are low on salt as you’ll get a slight migraine.


> You’ll know if you are low on salt as you’ll get a slight migraine. Cheers! I've had some headaches before bed these past few days and figured it was just heat. Checking with the [NHS on migraines](https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/migraine/), it's probably just a regular headache as I don't meet any of the "check if it's a migraine" criteria. I'll definitely keep an eye on it though. If I get one tonight / tomorrow I'll nip down to Superdrug / Holland & Barrett and see if they've got some hydration powder.


Just got back from a 5hr round trip to drop my parents at the airport for their holiday. Cannot remember why I volunteered for that!


Hopefully these things will pay themselves back. I'm returning a favour by taking my parents to Heathrow at 5am on Sunday.


The weather has been lovely but I’m glad to see temps dropping this week. Short week at work finishing Wednesday for a long weekend. Thing is I’m at that stage where time off just amplifies how much I’m not liking work at the moment. Going to try and enjoy it to the max and try and re-focus next week


Broke my arm last Tuesday in a foreign field. Had surgery here on Thursday. Coming to terms with no work for quite a while. Got a titanium bar in my forearm for life. Need to chase mortgage broker.


Another enhanced human! Hope you heal quickly


Currently enjoying the quiet before my kids stop for the summer Holidays tomorrow (Scotland)


Spent Saturday at my kids karate then in the pool. Sunday was the trampoline park and crochet. today is crochet in the park then gym with my oldest, pick up my old car from my siblings and drop it off at my oldests (was gonna fix it and sell it, giving it to the bairn instead, fuck it) home to build new garden furniture and see if my waterproofs have arrived for tomorrow's guns N roses in Glasgow as its meant to turn into a right mudbath at bellahouston when it rains. Tomorrow is shopping and gnr, hotel for the night then Wednesday we're seeing Heather's, going for tea then home for one day of rest before heading to blair drummond Friday, then finally craigtoun park fayre over the weekend. When I say I like being busy people think I'm kidding 😅


Man I am so glad I had two days to recover and... I'm already tired. Sleep has been an issue for so long, getting a decent night sleep, seems to be an impossible dream, pub intended. Sleeping tablets have been helping but didn't last night, I should really go to the doctor, but they have been so unhelpful in the past.




Thanks, I've tried most things but not melatonin. It's worth a go. I want to get onto a sleep study to confirm or deny apnea. I wouldn't rule out CBT but sleepio isn't available to me, so something else maybe.


I've had bad insomnia since I was a teenager too, a small change I made after watching a video was to go outside as soon as I wake up in the morning, get sunlight in to your eyes. As long as you can spare, 5-20mins. It took a few days and the change was subtle but I'm sleeping through the night a lot easier, still wake up once or twice but not nearly as debilitating as it was. Didn't even notice it helped at first but it must have, haven't changed anything else, still eating shite, still not exercising like I should


I've been using a SADs light as it gets pretty bad in winter. Does help, but I think there is a deeper solution.


My dad’s gone out to take my sister to the dentist after she knocked her false tooth out by hitting it with a prosecco bottle. Funnier than it should be. Then we’ve got some guy coming to look at our house at 1 to see if we’d be suitable for solar panels, so I’ve been left with the task of tidying the house. Meh.


Why would you tidy the house for the solar panel guy? Surely he will be checking the outside?


I would have thought so. Dude was here for an hour and looked round the entire house, every single room! Turns out my dad has been looking into grants to get them fitted and we’d have to get the entire heating system replaced, extractor fans fitted everywhere, etc, just to get the grant. Which sounds way too invasive and expensive for my liking, and I think once he spoke to the guy he realised that as well 🤣


Fucking horrible. Lost an important client last week who owed me £3.5k. Hadn’t paid me for 2 months and told me 36 hours before their invoices were due. Reckon it’s cost me an extra 1.5k in expenses and opportunity cost for lost work from other sources. Am now 2 months behind on rent and facing eviction. And to cap it all off, talktalk have just disconnected my internet so I can’t work anyway. Out of food, out of money, no diesel and no one to turn to. Fuck it. Gonna take the dog for a walk


> talktalk have just disconnected my internet so I can’t work anyway Libraries sometimes have free wifi. I'm sure if you explain your situation to them they won't get fussy about you being there all day. Coffee shops also offer free wifi, so if there's a bench outside you might be able to leech off that without having to pay for a coffee.


Thanks for the ideas. I spoke to talk talk (well, web chat) and they’ve switched my internet back on until Friday!


Mate, I'm sorry to hear this. Sounds a bit shite. If you fancy or want a takeaway sometime this week, DM me your details. I'd be happy to shout you one.


Thank you kind stranger. You’ve reaffirmed my faith in humanity a bit today. I’m sorted for food now though thank you. Had a chat with CAB and they’ve sorted me a food bank voucher which will keep me going until my UC comes in on Friday.


Okay, that's great news. No need to thank me. I'd love to help somehow. The offer will be there if you wanted to hit me up anytime or if the food bank can't help one week or whatever.


Legend 👆


Usual pre-night shift antics of attempting to pull an all nighter. Absolutely zero idea how many hours of sleep I got, somewhere between 5 and 9 though, woke up on the couch deep into some crime documentaries on YouTube at 10am.


Just nope to today. Nope nope nope. Super nope. Lymph nodes causing me havoc, people are work being blatant idiots and liars, our own team not being able to follow our own processes and timelines. Nope. If we can't follow processes in IT then what hope do we have for the rest of the business doing it, or even being able to call them out on it. No chance.


Car is in the garage today - Lovely to have a bit of a lie in this morning. Daughter woke up at 6:30am and I was delighted, for the longest time it's been around 5:15-5:45am wake ups.


I just landed 3 hours ago, and I just found out that the meal deal I used to get 3 years ago is now £5.50. I'm gonna have to be a proper adult and finally get a clubcard. Somehow I'm not jetlagged despite spending almost a day on planes, but the same can't be said for my mates. They're proper knackered (is that the right British slang? i'm trying my best to integrate into the culture lmao). I just finished helping my mates get settled in their hostel and got myself settled in my flat. I'm probably gonna spend the day doing some shopping for basics for me and my mates before they wake up and spend the night in a pub as their designated walker(?) as I don't drink. I still don't know what I'll eat there, though. Probably a whole pizza and a pint of water?


Feeling a bit meh and not looking forward to the prospect of a late shift. Thought some exercise might help but it hasn't. Also a bit miffed that just as I'm building up to going swimming again (trying to get some basic fitness/energy first) the local leisure centre pool is closed for 3 months...OK there are alternatives but I'd have to trek closer into city centre


Just wondering if it would be good to have a Glastonbury megathread for the weekend next time it's on?


I booked hotels and trains yesterday for a week-long trip that's starting on Saturday, so I'm very excited! Until then, it's another week of work accompanied by the orchestra of sniffles that is my hay fever


The weekend was a bit boozier than it probably should have been, nothing raucous but we had some family visiting which resulted in nice food and wine... plus the hot weather! This week is going to be a bit of a rollercoaster, my wife had an unexpected surprise for me when I got back from LEJOG and it looks like #2 is on the way. We've got a private scan on Thursday.




Two day work week so that’s good. Then my payday (with bonus) falls on my birthday, which is also good. Just wish the pissing pollen would piss off.


Having a lazy one as i'm off all week. Today's plans are to head up to Hadrians wall and look at some very old roman shit for the afternoon.


It's my first day back at work after annual leave. My bosses are now on holiday and I'm next in line by seniority so I'm in charge. Not complaining about pleasant weather but it was one of those mornings where you don't know if a jacket is necessary or not, and I already regret my decision to wear one.


The good thing about Glastonbury on BBC is being able to see so many acts you don't normally pay to watch. The downside is a lot of those bands impressed me and my wallet is now empty after buying some tickets this morning.


Woke up at 5:30, it's getting stupid now. My brain seems to have decided it's going to wake me up an hour before my alarm every day. Bet it's back to 6 tomorrow as I'll be back to my usual 7am alarm. Was in work an hour early today as I had to unlock the building, so I'll be off at 4:30. Had my quarterly review at 9, just finished that. Got a busy couple of weeks coming up, lots of changes and work to do.


How have I managed to lose a pair of trousers? I washed them on Friday, now I can't find them. Feeling a little more like myself today. Got an appointment with the nurse later, thanking the weather gods that the temperature is lower today. I really don't want to spend time in a sweaty waiting room before a smear test. After a blood test on Wednesday I think I am going to have to declare my GPs surgery as my second residence.


Under the bed? That's where mine usually end up.


Did they fall off the washing line, hidden in the overly long grass that needs cutting?


I did that with a beer. Got from a micro brewery. Went to drink it. It wasn’t there. I got the wife involved as you know husbands can’t see shit. Nothing! Week later she asks if I went back to get another crowler…. The missing beer has just reappeared in the fridge.


I checked the fridge, no trousers.


Freezer? Quick chilling…


Misunderstood instructions, it's cold in here.


I'm inexplicably absolutely down in the dumps today. I had loads of sleep Saturday night, so it's not that, I didn't get hammered over the weekend, so it's not booze blues. I do feel extremely stressed at work, so it's possibly that, but I've never felt like this about work before. It's like a feeling of un-named dread in my stomach, like I want to start running and never stop. Forrest Gump style.


20c here up north and quite breezy. Thank fuck. Do other schools have a bottle disco every term or is that something specific to our primary school? Basically the kids have a little party at the end of each term and the parents donate stuff , typically a bottle of something that gets used as a prize pool in the school events, summer fair etc. We use it to offload the shit prosecco and red wine that people insist on giving us for Christmas. No doubt someone will win it in thr raffle and give it away for Christmas to some bellend they barely know. .


Yes, our school has gone for this kind of thing - it's a donation for a non-uniform day, and goes towards the very classy raffle prize of 'booze in a barrow', which is as the name suggests. You do get to keep the wheelbarrow though. I'm just not sure what kind of message it's sending to Primary school aged kids...


Feeling guilty as I didn't get up early enough to walk the dog before it gets too warm. He'll now have to wait until >8pm.


It's terrible isn't it, I plan my entire day around avoiding the worst of the heat! I want to do a day trip next week and am anxiously checking weather forecasts hoping the temp will lower 🤣


Yeah us too, I was amazed at how many people I saw out with their dogs at 2pm in blazing sunshine over the weekend.


Sorry to bring the thread down but following on from the late thread, we're still in hospital. Husband has finally been seen and had an initial scan. They found what look like brain tumours. I'm in fucking bits. Did not expect this. He's being admitted and there's (many) more tests ahead.


I saw your comment last night and was thinking about it this morning. Completely understandable you're in bits, this is completely unexpected and someone you love. Remember to take 5 minutes to yourself when you need a moment to cry and scream and shout if that helps, or just breathe and have a drink and food. You're allowed to have all your feelings too, and make sure you care for yourself so you can be the best support for your partner as possible.


It's okay to be scared and in bits. Definitely reach out to people and let them support you in whatever way you need. Try to keep up hope where you can. Medical science is absolutely astonishing these days, they can do some incredible things. Take it one day at a time. Sending you big hugs.


No matter how I try to write this, the phrasing is really clumsy, so forgive me. Hold your nerve for now. There are a lot of tests to come, and a lot of information incoming. Until you have a full picture, be realistic but don't catastrophise. For the love of anything you believe in, resist the urge to Google. Reach out to family or friends that you trust to help you with this. You need people who will catch you when you stumble. I wish you and your husband love, luck, and strength.


Not exactly a happy post here, but Friday will mark 9 years since my friend was killed. She was actually killed on a Monday so maybe that’s why I’m feeling so questionable this morning. It’s not like I don’t think about her during other times of the year, but this particular day/week feels incredibly heavy. It’s just hard to think about how she was so young, and that she never got to live her life because she was killed and how my life fell apart and everything went wrong because I could never really move on. I want to go visit her and bring her some flowers and play music that we used to love, but the graveyard isn’t accessible and it hurts to know that I can’t go to see her. Honestly don’t even know what I’m typing. Think I’m going to get back in bed and cry for a while.


Big hugs. :)




It’s Monday morning so naturally I’d like to trip over on my way into Tescos and have an over aggressive automatic door cut me in half after about ten attempts.


I applied for a full time job first thing. It's not doing me any good doing the occasional project work and part time Masters. There is far too much time to watch films. The job is related to Masters. I'll give them a couple of hours then go and harass them.


Follow up to yesterday's 'kids destroyed my fence' post. I got a hand written note pushed through my door with an explanation, apology and an assurance that they are contacting the guilty party's mum to pay for the damage. So today is just trying to get people to come and do a quote, which is harder than I'd imagined. It's like people don't want money.


Final week of reddit on mobile for me. Back in the air conditioned office and the temperature (for once) is perfect. Managed to fall off my skateboard yesterday and bashed my wrist, its working OK but sore if I want to carry anything (including my tiny child, which made this morning rather uncomfortable). Four days until payday...


I’m still not ready to let Apollo go.




I set that up :-)


> Managed to fall off my skateboard yesterday and bashed my wrist, its working OK but sore If you've not already, throw a bit of ibuprofen gel on it. That'll target the area and relieve the pain & swelling. My GP recommended that the last time I bashed my wrist on something enough to have residual pain


Oh fuck! I forgot RIF will stop working end of this week. Sad times!


Same; once Baconreader dies I can't be bothered using the official app. I'm collating a list of websites that pop up regularly in my feed so I can go direct rather than use Reddit as an aggregator.


Yeah, I'm using forums again which is weird but comfy like an old jumper. Also dabbling in Lemmy which feels very much like old old reddit, but its still a bit shonky.