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mum's surgery went well.


I’ve been having a lot of stress at work but today while taking my 13 week old puppy on a walk, this woman stopped me and said “I’ve been watching you walk him and you are so contentious and patient with him. You really love him”. It’s the highest compliment I’ve ever received.


Nah wins , have to work over time at home till 11:00 at night and heard my bf snoring , I was kinda grumpy and woke him the fuck up


i’ve finally found a sense of happiness with my routine and enjoy waking up in the mornings


Just went into the garden and saw my hedgehog 🦔 friend. So put some food out for them hopefully I haven't scared them off.


Just got great seats for the Danny Elfman show at the Royal Albert Hall in October and I'm so excitedddd! Got the Lord of the Rings show lined up too for my birthday!


After two weeks, I've finally sorted out my phone and it's been dispatched (late, of course - they said it would be delivered today). Turns out they didn't have stock when I ordered it. They still took my deposit, though.


I guess a win is- I know how I’d like my life to look, I’ve got clarity there. But the lose is I’m nowhere to achieving it and not sure it’ll ever be achieved. Hmm.


Had two electricians round today, one who was saying he wanted to take his mum on holiday and how worried he was about her having no hobbies, and the other who said his wife was happy for him to go on a boys trip but the problem was he didn’t want to as he just wants to be with his wife and kids. Later we got an email from him saying as it took less time than he expected he’s reduced the price from the original quote. He is literally one of the nicest human beings on the planet.


After nearly 2 years I had an interview, and felt I might actually be able to cope with doing the job. Hopefully my mental health is getting good enough to work.


Well I won 10 ranked games of league of legends in a row on my main and am now at my peak LP since season 8!


Brilliant day at work.


Got back from Glastonbury saw guns n roses in Glasgow now in Leeds waiting for iron maiden and got foo fighters tickets on the train to Leeds


I’ve not been able to do any actual sports or exercise for around five years due to a bad injury. At one point I didn’t think I’d be able to hike, cycle, or do anything remotely physical ever again. Today I cycled to and from work for the first time since then, only a mile or so each way, but it feels like a win.


That’s absolutely amazing, so happy (and proud!) for you, that must have taken some serious physio and commitment from you.


Feels like a win, because it is a proper win. Well done!


Somebody viewed our flat and said "It would be great at £x" in online feedback, and I told the agent "£x would be great" and the agent has told the viewer "contractor thinks £x would be great" So let's see what comes of it


I'll give you £*y* for it. 🤣


Took toddler to a family gathering at a restaurant on Saturday, he's never been to one before and was quite happy for 2 hours. Also grateful for his portage worker, toddler wasn't doing so great today so she happily came out in the garden with us instead, it's our last session so need to pick up a thank you gift. When your child is struggling with things and you don't know why since they ve been the only helpful support we ve had so far I don't know what gift appropriately covers that gratitude.


The gift that keeps on giving is always cash. I’m sure they are meant to declare it but no one needs to know! Doesn’t have to be a lot. I gave each of my daughters key workers at nursery and the amazing chef £10 and some of the others £5 and I cannot tell you how grateful they were. They get so many gifts of chocolate etc but it’s so nice to be able to choose what you want yourself, or treat yourself to a drink or use it to pay 0.001% of the gas bill.




Congratulations, it's a great feeling knowing you don't have to worry about it again.


My partner suggested I ask ChatGPT to shorten my overly wordy cover letter, and it did, very well actually! It feels a little like cheating but I'm not going to use exactly what it said, just work with it. I told it thank you and it wished me luck with my application. Do young people these days thank their AI? I feel like an old person saying thank you to a computer but it feels very rude not to.


I thanked it for helping me troubleshoot some Power BI issues I was having today and it replied by saying it hoped I had fun with my analysis. I know it’s silly and it’s basically just a very advanced search engine / text generator but like you it just felt rude not to thank it for being helpful and the response did make me smile.


Finally been able to eat a proper meal after horrendous food poisoning on Saturday left me unable to eat anything for 3 days!


Makes you really appreciate normal bowel movements doesn’t it. We take it for granted!


Lord I have never been more happy to burp in my entire life!


I managed to get Foo Fighter tickets!!! My eldest daughter squealed in the middle of the school cafeteria when I messaged her to tell w


I got up this morning and tidied the mountain of crap on the sofa before work, feel like a weight's been lifted! And some decent jobs have come up so I'll have some applications to do.


I'm sat outside in the sun on my lunch break 🙃


Landed a new job! Big defence company. Passed my security checks, had an interview with the US security services (big yikes) and I'll be starting end of July (after three weeks off). Big pay bump, and they only work four day weeks, class. Fully remote job, so now I'm trying to figure out where I want to move to. Partner & I split a couple months ago so suddenly the UK is my oyster. Debating Manchester, Edinburgh, Bristol.. I need to get out and actually visit some of these places. Just want to comfortably live on my own, save a grand a month, and hopefully make some new friends and have an active dating life. I don't ask for much...


> and they only work four day weeks More time to devote to Reddit? Nice.


Congratulations! I assume the job is marketing beans to our American cousins?


He's a bean counter for DoD


Husband got a job offer! Takes the pressure off now and he's so relieved. Slightly less money but they'll give him the flexibility to have Fridays with our youngest which is lovely (and saves the nursery fees)! Now we can look forward to our holiday instead of worrying we can't do much.


Ah I'm glad to hear it! Congrats to hubby




Fantastic news, well done to him!!


Just popped into the bathroom and saw there was a fly half dead on the floor. I've a resident bathroom spider that lives far off in the corner and keeps to itself and tackles the fly problem I sometimes get due to the vent. So I get this fly onto a piece of tissue paper and just plonk it under the web. Spider immediately takes it and wraps it. Was pretty awesome, was right on up there watching, thinking we now had a bond. I mean sometimes I sing to it when I poo but I'm not sure it appreciates it as much as it should. Then whilst it was feeding I figured it was time to clean up its previous fly carcasses. Only I didn't realise its web extended to the floor and last I saw it, it was spinning so fucking fast. Its food dropped to the floor. I think our bond was very short lived and the next bathroom encounter is going to be so awkward. \*edit\* awww I've just been and it was awful. It looked quite lively when I first opened the door then just froze. Its food still on the floor under its web. I guess it was doing web repairs. \*Another one\* [https://i.imgur.com/N86TQFj.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/N86TQFj.jpg) It has its food again. Which is good because whilst it was spinning I figured I've started let's just get it done with, I'm cleaning the mess and wasn't sure I left the right one.


I did something weird to my knee and it was really painful and swollen for over a week. But yesterday it randomly clicked and suddenly felt better, there must have been something out of place that just snapped back. Today swelling is gone and it hardly hurts at all, I can walk again hooray!


Oddly I had a similar situation except it was just yesterday. Woke up and couldn't bend my knee without immense pain. Made for a painful day. Today it is fine. I think it was just out of place too.


Wife is now a qualified hypnotherapist. Youngest has finished her GCSEs and off to Cambodia for the World Challenge soon. Eldest has been finally marked as a 2:1 for her degree. Did some very fancy wine tasting at Chapel Down last weekend. It's been a very good few weeks.




I think people forget that you have to start from somewhere. Or they're just arses


go you, thats great progress!


I found an automated AI caption bot that ties well into OBS so I can stream with captioning to help people who are hard of hearing or just like captions.. And it's pretty cool!


Payday, flat is slowly coming together after the move, and I can feel the stress lifting ever so slightly. The cats have been tentatively touching noses and even doing little chase me games, which is so much more than I ever could've hoped for when we introduced them. My end of life doula work is really coming together now that I have genuine time to dedicate to it, which makes me feel amazing. I'm a perfectionist so it's all a process of pushing and letting go for me, but I know for sure this is what I'm meant to be doing.


The number of steps I have done in the past week is about 1,000 x higher than it has been for years - I have been walking to and from the GP's surgery a lot. I understand why people can't get appointments, it seems I am taking them all. I know that walking is a bit of a rubbish win, but a month ago I couldn't do it, so it's a bit amazing for me.


My skiving coworker has finally been caught in a lie/fake excuse for not working by our manager, who is thoroughly fed up. I'm glad to see it happen because he (skiver) has been unreliable for months, but it's been so hard to prove that he's clearly just making things up to get out of having to do work, and the work he's not doing has ended up being given to me instead. I'm just sitting here enjoying the fallout.


I have a co-worker like this and the lies and bullshit are starting to catch up with them. I'm just enjoying the fallout while keeping my head down and my mouth shut.


It's fun in a horrible way isn't it? I still don't know how mine hadn't been caught, swear he's run through half a dozen dead or dying relatives at this point to get out of going to meetings.


Its annoying having to pick up the slack of the skiver, but also highly enjoyable watching themselves lie their way into a corner they can't get out of, especially if your party to more information then the bosses.


I'm getting married next week and I can't wait!


Iv managed to work out my mother’s washing machine at last lol .


Only gone and landed Foo Fighter tickets, with a relatively stress free process!!!


Definitely right buddy. This thing was a good idea after wards i do believe on your plan thanks


Me too, wanted standing but got seated as I’m taking my daughter who’s 15


Rushes off. Oh, presale only. Have to wait until Friday 9am. How terrifyingly expensive was it?


£80 for general admission, think there were cheaper available but I’d rather standing than seats


Oh, much cheaper than expected, cheers. Fingers crossed for Friday :-)


Good luck!!


Got some. Apparently there's no limit to the number of times you can use a presale code... Shame I could only get tickets to Manchester (as opposed to Cardiff, which is much closer), but I'll see if they release more tickets on Friday. If not, at least I have some :-)


Whey 2 days off as of 8am this morning. Going straight back onto nightshifts though so not even going to bother switching my current sleeping pattern this time. Wasted my last days off trying to make it back onto a dayshift pattern. So I'm contemplating whether to have a couple of pre-bed beers or have some post-bed beers. Got 4 more nightshifts to go from Friday night then that's me off work for a couple weeks too.


Okay thanks now I Kno how to deal with it buddy thank you so much for sharing this idea to us Buddy because this would help me to grew my knowledge regarding to this issues


How about both? I loved them 8am beers when I did nights. Felt like I was going on holiday.


Actually we can't teach them because we aren't on that situation


Probably not gonna manage both. I've only got 3 bottles in, 500ml bottles though but no plans to buy anymore until my 2 weeks off. This week and next are the two tight weeks with the car finance coming out a few days ago, all the household bills on Friday then rent the week after. But yeah morning beers are pretty great. Even managed the housework (besides from hoovering) first thing on getting in just so I've got complete fuck all to do, the roomba can tackle the floor when I eventually crawl into bed. \*edit\* Ahh boo I'm onto the last drop of beer and the day's young. Does Jamesons go with irn bru? I think it will today. \*edit 2\* Oh my god. I've just learned I made plans today. I don't know when, but I did so I've just had to cancel, but to be fair I've also got maintenance in all day trying to sort the fire alarms out so i've an out.


Saw spiderverse 2 with some friends I haven't seen in some time which was epic.


Oh i guess this thing was pretty amazing buddy i hope i have a great idea same as you Buddy


I thought it was a good film but Jesus it hurt my eyes!


That was one of my complaints too! Some art styles were just a little too clashy and jarring for me personally, but I do like how the animators went all out on it :D


I had some poos in the peace , in the last week Also no scam phone calls. Won 5 pounds on a 1 pound scratch card , so thinking of buying a Freddo bar


Block the number so it wouldn't call you again you don't have to invest time for a nonsense thing


After an awful night sleep, I managed to get a quick nap in, this morning. The real win is being able to do this at all, a few years ago I would be on a stuffy office struggling to get through the day.


Oh you have a depression and anxiety huh? I Hope you over come it buddy


Now on 38 days without drinking and 11Kg down. More importantly I've broken the back of my financial procrastination paralysis and contacted my accountant to try and come up with a plan of how to get square with HMRC. I also helped my wife get a job. I was talking to an ex-client and they mentioned some problems and now my wife has 15 hours of remote work a week which fits in with childcare. She did want a job, she doesn't like not feeling independent.


I wanna know more about it buddy because i was a kind of hesitateting regarding to this issues as well


Which bit? Drinking or owing a crap load of money to HMRC?


May I ask an impertinent question? Did you stop drinking specially to lose weight? Because I haven't touched a drop in about the same length of time and while I haven't weighed myself, I doubt I have lost a single gram. Well done on the first steps to sort your finances. It is always hard to face and confront the problem rather than ignoring it and hoping it goes away.


Yeah why? And i also avoid eating i ate twice a day


Yes and no. I largely stopped drinking as I was getting a bit concerned about it, but I also tied it into an effort to sort myself out a bit in terms of exercise, diet, stress etc. What prompted you?


Definitely so you can loss your weight so quick and start a healthy living instead


my sis is over from the states, not seen her for 6 years :) my lads prom tonight too, doesn't seem like yesterday I was dropping a very worried boy off for his first day at secondary either :/






I went round a mate's last night and played with his pellet guns until the sun went down. Kind of a big deal for me, being mid-thirties, quite socially inept, and no other friends of my own locally, this was a bit of a nerve-jangler but it quickly became lots of fun and his family (partner and kids) is lovely.


Pellet guns bring out the inner idiot kid in every grown man! We spend literally hours shooting at a tin can when we go camping and it never gets boring.


That sounds brilliant - and you're right, I definitely felt back in touch with my teenage self for a few hours. It was great fun!


I got a seat on the tube during the rush hour. One hour commute.


Got out of an interview this morning just in time to get to work on time without raising suspicions. That feels pretty great.


I won £60 at bingo last night. Also I’m not in work until Monday, so that’s nice.


Work is pretty relaxed this week especially for month end. I'm waiting for some crisis really but I'll enjoy it while it lasts. I've also managed to go for a walk daily for the last 10 days or so, my fitbit loves me


>Work is pretty relaxed this week especially for month end. I'm waiting for some crisis really but I'll enjoy it while it lasts. Fancy swapping? I've just started an extremely busy period.


I visited Craster smokehouse and came away with my own body weight in smoked fish. I’ll also be visiting the Poison Garden in Alnwick later today - been wanting to go there for about a decade.


Smoked fish is so addictive they need to put warning labels on it


Kippers, salmon, cod and haddock. I’ll be dining like a king.


Nice haul, and should try getting your hands on smoked trout if you find it. It's salmon-y but not as oily


I do like a bit of trout, but this place didn’t do it.


I got my third fastest 1k time on Monday, my fastest since I sprained my ankle! I'm getting my speed back!


That must feel good. Congrats


Thank you! Doesn't feel half bad


Thought I’d start with a win by having scrambled eggs on marmite toast this morning 👍🏻 It’s a 4-day week for me, away for the weekend visiting North Wales.