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Should’ve just said “It’s called Hentai, and it’s art”.




She just has the body of a 12 year old, so it's okay, honest, I'm not a child predator!


She's a 600 year old android. But it's not simulated rape, because she doesn't understand consent although the android does have working lady parts. But..


She doesn't actually feel emotions, it's all just programmed in, have you seen Ex Machina because


Nah, should’ve just said “Mind your own fucking business you nosy cunt”


This all day long. One thing worse than a guy reading a comic in a pub, is being flopped out by a guy reading a comic in the pub. ​ (To OP; only playing mate. Fuck what people think. It's your life.)


I'd have gone with you know what really weird tell strangers what they can and can't read now fuck off!


Yeah definitely this one. made me chuckle


This is the only right answer. Direct, honest, and straight to the point. It lets everyone involved know where the line is. Zero ambiguity.


Ah man, wish I'd thought of that! Though isn't it called something else when it's in written?


Wait, you’re reading the words?


There's words? That's some advanced shit


Yaoi it is, then.


Bara even.


*he asked; knowingly.*


Nah, it’s the same, don’t worry


Manga refers to Japanese-style graphic novels and comics, covering many genres and topics aimed at different audiences. Anime refers to hand-drawn and computer animation originating from Japan. It is characterized by distinct visual art styles, storytelling techniques, and common themes and genres. Hentai is a genre of sexually-explicit anime and manga content intended for adult audiences. It depicts sexual situations in graphic detail. While hentai and manga both refer to Japanese illustration styles, hentai specifically focuses on explicit, sexually-oriented content. Not all manga features those kinds of depictions. And hentai, by definition, features sexually arousing material.


Good bot




Interesting though Anime comes from the word animēshiyon which is the Japanese for animation


Well I mentioned hand-drawn *and* computer animation because some people think it only refers to computer animation. But yes "anime" comes from "animēshiyon" which is of course a borrowed English word, so "anime" really comes from "animation" in a way. And animation comes from the Latin "anima" meaning "soul", referring to how animation "puts the soul" into drawings by brining them to life.


“And yes, each one of those thousand tentacles is a penis”


do this then you get to have the impeccable conversation of describing in explicit detail the art known as hentai then you make yourself a new friend


Or tell him that it’s a not a comic, it’s a graphic novel. Say it in a manner like he’s deeply offended you.


I used to do this all the time. My mates and I would meet in the pub around 7 on a Thursday night, but I'd finish work around 5, so I'd nip into the comic shop, grab my weekly stash, and have an hour sipping and reading all by myself. Nobody ever said a thing. On the days my friends weren't available, I'd go to the local Ed's Diner instead and have a burger and milkshake all while reading my weeklies. Nobody said anything and I'd have the most wonderful time relaxing on my own. People who say anything just don't know how to have a nice time.


That’s oddly lovely and sounds like a cracking time. Bit jealous as it goes!


Chance would be a fine thing!


A fine thing indeed!


Me and my friends play magic the gathering in spoons some times, had some great chat with people about it.


I would call your all nerds And then sit on a table watching my boyfriend creating 26/2 tokens with you all wishing I had enough brain power to remember all the triggers lol


During lockdown I got back in to painting miniatures and making terrain with the intent to play that never happened mind, my wife calls it pixie fiddling.


That sounds like a really solid night out mind you.


I have no idea why anyone cares what anyone is reading or doing in a pub. Sitting minding their business. I'm just pleased to see they are comfortable and happy doing what they atr doing. Went into a wetherspoons for a good few pints before a gig not long ago and there was a group of six guys, all having a pint and playing magic: the gathering. Fantastic! That's the whole point of a pub! You go and do whatever it is that you like and enjoy yourself. Doesn't matter what you're reading, games you're playing, conversations you're having, as long as you aren't causing trouble you are contributing to an very British institution that is more vital to society than people realise.


I got to the pub about an hour early for a meet up with friends, maybe on purpose, and decided I was going to enjoy a sippin’ pint and read my new graphic novel, which was Superman: Red Son. Cracking time it was. No one cared either


i bloody love a solo outing like that!


I miss Ed's Easy Diner!


Supping up your milkshake and seeing what scrapes the Bash Street kids had got up to this week. Sounds perfect.


Just an old man. Ignore him and do whatever you want. Unless it was like a porno comic or something


What we can’t Watch Porn in the Pub anymore!?!??


Political correctness gone mad I tell ya!


Porn Pub.


With the way hospitality establishments are closing down at the moment, this might be just the entrepreneurial initiative we need.








Pornpub.com. I'd register the name before someone else does.


You should be able to watch *a little* porn in the pub


I’m not in trouble. AT ALL


This is a nude egg comic I won from my game.


Save it for the House of Commons


A friend of mine works in a library and apparently it's not uncommon for people to watch porn in there.


Is it really a pub if someone isn't showing their mate a pornographic WhatsApp that's been forwarded 609 times and is offensive as heck?


Nahh was Brzrkr, fairly decent first volume though


Nice choice! Just finished reading the first myself and its a great ride. I always read comics in public when I have downtime and never get weird looks. Def just a weird older guy.


This. Just different perceptive due to generations


I'm an old man and I read the latest Viz in my local Spoons with a pint of Leffe every 10 months of the year.


Can’t even read Dick Fight Island at the local Spoons without getting a tut or two these days.


Apparently telling them it's actually got very compelling romance 'makes it worse' 🙄


I've worked at a pub. You're fine, lol. No one really cares, he was probably just trying to start a convo. Or just an old guy who's only experience with comics is how nerds are shown to be in movies haha


Maybe, I did see things only recently about how Older people are more likely to cause confrontations to strike up some sort of human communication that was pretty fascinating.


Probably a generational difference on how they see graphic novels, too. I'm in my 30s and people my age and younger tend to see them as just another form of media with a range of genres and audiences, while people more my parents' age seem to have a more strict "comics are for kids" attitude.


Likewise with computer games


Was speaking to a colleague, who happens to be an older man, about what we did with our evenings the previous day. I said I spent it on my PS5. “Do you not think you’re wasting your life?” Fucking charming, another thing added to the list of reasons why I don’t like you 🙄


I'm 55 and play on my xbox every day. It's the same as people watching shit on telly, except it keeps your brain more active.


Yup. Every generation has complained about the entertainment medium of choice of the following generation. Honestly, I think video games are better than television. It's way more engaging. You actually need to think rather than passively consume.


You mean you didn't watch TV all night like the other brain deads?


I don’t know much about that, but it does seem about accurate. People at that age are usually pretty lonely, especially if they’re sitting alone at a pub. Older men especially never really want to admit it, cus they don’t want to be seen as weak. But everyone needs some human interaction to help them feel happier. It could be that. Or he could just be a prick, lol, but from how he said it, it feels more like he was just nosy? Maybe he wanted to know about the comic but didn’t know how to ask. Difficult to say without being there myself. Either way, I wouldn’t dwell too much on it, whether he had good intentions or not it’s definitely not something the majority are gonna think less of you for.


Yeah, it seems likely he was just trying to reach out in his clumsy and inappropriate way, rather than being judgemental. There's maybe some truth in the observation that elderly people might be lonely, but I'd need to be persuaded. I find a lot of younger people are painfully lonely even when in company in a pub, and that many older people are more content and settled in their own company. But either way - it's prompted some interesting conversation on here which clearly didn't happen at the time! Now, where's my collection of Belgian 'bande dessinee' ?


Nah dudes just old and slightly jealous your in an age where you can read what you fucking like. Definitely in the minority as well. I remember working through V for Vendetta in one of my locals and some old boy wanders up faintly pissed and goes "oh! My son just got that for his birthday! What's it actually about!?" And he quizzes me for like half an hour on it. "So it's Thatchers 1984 on speed?" "Pretty much yeah" "Fuckin mental. Well enjoy your beer, I'm gonna order it."


That is actually pretty much the most solid way of describing V for Vendetta. Should've told him the bloke who wrote it is also a Rasputin impersonator crossed with a creepy Santa. Big selling point.


Oh yeah I mentioned the guy who wrote it worships an eldritch pagan snake god and that really seemed to tickle his fancy.


If it's the sort of place where auld fellas sit at the bar, anything other than the Sun or the Racing Post is weird, yeah. But why be concerned about being weird.


Yeah to me weird means unusual or odd. Supposing the bloke has been regular for years and has never seen someone reading a graphic novel I think it's fair enough to say that its unusual in that pub. Doesn't matter if the guy was right though, still a rude thing to say to a stranger.


He's being a nob. If you were reading the Da Vinci Code, he'd have taken the piss. If you were reading Dostoyevsky, he'd have taken the piss. If you were reading the paper, he'd probably have tried to start an equally obnoxious conversation with you about a story. I've seen people with books in pubs all the time. Yours happen to have a few more pictures, so he thinks it's childish - it's not. It's art, and a legit form of literature. Just a condescending old prick.


Sounds like he's the type of guy that would have made shitty comments if OP wasn't reading whatever newspaper he believes to be the correct one.


You know we were talking earlier about Dostoevsky? Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky. Born 1821. Died 1881


House of the dead? of course it wasn’t his first major work


Definitely. Nothing you were reading is possibly as "weird" as criticising a random stranger for their choice of literature. Don't give it a second thought.


Exactly what I was planning on saying. He's a bored old man who's trying to get a rise out of you for his own enjoyment. There's a good chance even if it was something he did like he'd then have queried why you were on your own despite he himself being in on his own


Yeah, it would depend on the vibe, but, if after a couple of interactions, I’m getting the feeling that he’s better off combing his own ass, I go for the jugular: “Sorry Mate. I’m not… gay, as they say now. I like women. I don’t want to waste your time while you are… Is ‘cruising’ the right word?”


One good life lesson I’ve learned so far: never assume that someone is wise just because they’re old. They may just have been stupid for a very long time.


"but this is a good one, its about a murderer than sits in pubs reading comics"


This probably isn't the best place to ask this. You're going to get all the "you do you" "fuck them" and "not weird at all" comments from people who know and understand graphic novels as a medium. To most people, they are going to see the comic style and make no differentiation between what you are reading and the beano.


This is it. The general public still thinks comics are for kids, so why would an adult read them.


It's only weird if you never see anyone doing it.


Depends what the comic's about.


it's about an old guy and a guy with a comic walk into a bar


Does it even matter what other people think? Just do you. It's none of their fucking business.


I don't suppose it does but ya'know when you're fairly confident about something then somethig happens that just knocks it off track for you? I'm fairly reassured by the responses that this lad was just being a bit of a knob though


Yeah just feel sorry him that he lives his life worried about how people might perceive him and imagine how that holds him back. Have another pint and tell him to grow up!


Some people waste more of their lives worrying about how society expects them to act, instead of actually being happy. Saw my grandad make that mistake, I think a lot of older blokes have done the same and they can get very fussed about younger people not doing the same.


I'm betting that if you had pressed him for a specific reason as to what is weird about it, he wouldn't have been able to or they came out with 'it just is'. Just ignore them mate and tell him to try and not lose any sleep over it.


You're happily reading away and he's making it weird. Not as if you were causing a disturbance, right? If he thinks it's unusual, then that just makes you a trend-setter in your local. See if anyone else rolls up with a graphic novel or two the more you do it.


Reality is a lot of people do think reading comics is something that only children do. In the same way a lot of people think watching anime and animated shows is something for kids. It's not a generational thing, people just grow up differently. Some get lost in comics and cartoons growing up, others don't.


Get out of my pub, neeeeerd.


Its weird in as much as its uncommon but that's more to do with graphic novels being largely underappreciated as a storytelling medium.Reading in a pub is probably just as weird for the same reasons but it used to be a lot more common because pubs were far more a community and society space where reading about the affairs of the day and then discussing them with fellow patrons was a done thing. Not so much nowadays and I suspect we're frankly the poorer for it. As an act of consuming a piece of storytelling, I don't think its weird at all. My response would have been that I'm frankly not that bothered what they think. An auld boys pub that I was in not long ago I saw blokes and couples just sat there supping beers and not saying much if anything to anyone in an air of grim silence. Carrying on with a routine because its what they've always done but long since run out of things to say to each other and no mind to seek out something new to fascinate the mind and chew over with their fellow community members. Now that shit is truly fucking weird. They'd be a lot better off if they cracked the spine of a copy of DMZ or Paper Girls or something and pondered out loud the reflections of humanity contained therein.


"Bit odd to comment on what's odd to read mate. You the pub reading police or something?"


Why did you even let this busybody's comment live in your head rent free? Comics and a pint is a great idea. Sad for that man that he can't appreciate good story telling.


Ah ya'know after reflection I am wondering the same myself but its one of those things, once the thorn lodges in your head you start to question.


You’re free to read whatever you like as long as it’s not affecting anyone else. Paper, novel, comic - who cares? Meanwhile the old lad is constrained by the need to do what everyone else does and not stray outside the norm, even when it wouldn’t hurt anyone. Leave him to it and revel in your own freedom.


Oddly that's what I've been doing recently, trying to do things that I feel like I wanted to do rather than what one 'should' do.


Excellent. You get no points for trying to please near eight billion people and forgetting yourself.


Good for you. There’s a lot of joy in being a little eccentric or mixing things up just for fun.


I go to the pub and read a book or even play a small board game! Had some weird looks but didn’t bother me


What's your preferred board game for that?


Bet that old guy would think an adult reading a comic is weird in any setting.


No one care. Far weirder to walk up to a stranger and give your opinion. Read your comic, not one person, other than that chap, cares.


“ I’m reading it so I don’t become a miserable old bastard who pokes his nose into other peoples business “


Should have said "no stranger than looking at your phone" and I bet you'd be able to look around and see people on their phone.


I was sat in a pub reading Railway Modeller the other week... The only comment i got was an old chap telling me he could me all the back issues as free downloads!


Ahh, Railway Modeller, one of life's guiltiest pleasures


He was taking the piss, perfectly normal behaviour for a pub.


Nowt wrong with it at all


Standard old guy behaviour if I'm honest, but if you were in a pub I'm east London or something, no one would bat an eye.


Maybe. Wouldn’t stop me though. I’d think it was more weird to go up to a stranger who’s minding their own business and give them my unsolicited opinion on their lifestyle, but that’s just me.


I'd say it's weird as in unusual. I saw someone knitting or doing crochet at the pub once and whenever I see unusual stuff like that or hear about you reading your comic it just inspires me to stop giving a fuck what people think and just be myself. Who cares what that closed-minded old fucker says. He's literally been thinking and doing the same things his parents taught him all his life without question, sad really.


Used to work in pubs. I loved it when people were reading something other than the paper. If they ever made eye contact with me, I'd ask them about it, and they often absolutely lit up about someone else being interested in it. It was just so cool. That old man was just a pompous little twat bag. Ignore him. Carry on reading comics.


Comics do come across as a bit of a virginial manchild item to be seen in public with


Nuh uh, I do sex like all the time, just they are all not from round here, you wouldn't know them. shut up. You're the virgin.


OK you pest, old man got you rattled


I wouldn't, but I wouldn't judge anybody who did. Stupid old fool.


He’s just jealous because he can’t read. The sun however is written so simplistic a child could read it.


v0v OK it's weird. What of it?


A pub i go to regularly always has several issues of Viz Comic for punters to read. Old guy is talking nonsense


Mind you own fucking business is what I would have said.


He’s a grumpy old dick who should mind his own business. Crack on pal.


I know you know this already but I just want to clarify that there is absolutely no shame in that whatsoever and the guy digging you out is an idiot. Unless you're reading Mein Kampf whilst tittering at passers by your choice of reading material really is nobody's business and nobody should be trying to shame people innocently supporting their local pub by sitting quietly with a pint and a comic. Making people feel unwelcome in pubs is a surefire way to kill the pub's business and put it at risk of closure in an environment that's already beyond challenging. Having a quiet read of something in a cosy pub with a beer is a simple British pleasure I don't want to die out. Idiots trying to draw issue with it are going to put this wholesome pastime at risk


Depending on the paper they're basically the same thing


Aye true enough. Same reason you read the paper, a wee break from reality.


Underrated comment.


Pay it no mind. I’d wager that he thinks an adult reading a picture book is the weird bit. It’s just something the culturally wouldn’t have happened in his youth, so is weird to him. Bit rude and judgey to have commented on it tbh…. It’s absolutely fine to read anything you blooming well like. Whether judge dredd, Viz, Batman or the sodding beano…. Anything really as long as it’s no the daily Mail eh?


Putting 3 dots then a space then a dot is kind of weird


I’m with you reading a comic in the pub is the same as reading a newspaper. I mean the are both fictional only newspapers more so.


Reddit will tell you it's normal but people in the pub will be laughing at you because it's not.


It’s not weird at all. I’m sick of this what society sees as acceptable thing.




Should have had a copy of the beano


Fark I do miss the Beano and Dandy. Or partial to The Broons or Oor Wullie


Me and my 2 friends play magic the gathering in the pub all the time. I used to be a little self conscious of it but now I couldn't care less. 99% of people don't look or care and occasionally a passerby asks what you're playing or recognises the game.


It’s not expected but clearly fine


"It odd reading that i here isn't it?" "Why?.. Does it bother you that much?"


I used to visit my local pub to pick up and read the latest issue of Viz and I wasn't the only one.. on publishing day there would always be people sitting round reading it!


I read occasionally in the pub with my book or my kindle. I used to care if others thought it was weird, but no one really cares enough let's be honest. He's weird for making that comment in the first place, it's no different to a paper.


If I saw someone reading a comic in the pub, I probably would stare. Not because I think you’re weird - I just like being nosy and seeing what people are reading. I wouldn’t find it weird or anything.


I have the opposite problem because my local is a very artistic/nerdy place for most people. People write music, play board games and even paint in my pub and that’s normal. There’s even people who sit there and read comics/manga. Reading a newspaper would be utterly weird in mine!


Dude why do people on these subs write posts in the weirdest, most overly exaggerated english style. Who tf even talks like this?


Because most of the posters here are absolute virgins who are incapable of communicating properly in person


Not sure whats overly exaggerated about it?


Errr, English people do. Never met someone who's read grown-up books before?


Ignore him, he's being a dick who likes to crap on other people's interests.


Pfft, comics are awesome.


I was in the pub reading a book on my iPad (The Dawn of Everything: a new history of humanity- it’s fascinating) and an old guy taps me on the shoulder and says ‘in my day people read newspapers’. I just smiled patronisingly at him and returned to my pint.


I would have replied with "oh, so that explains it" and then just blank him


"Maybe newpapers were worth reading in your day, old man"


sure jan


In his day, all there was was paper.


if i walked in a pub and there was a guy reading comics i would walk right out. just bad vibes for a pub


Do newspapers not still have comic strips in them?


I've not read one for a while but I think they do?? I still vividly remember the one that used to be in the S\*n that was some weird soap opera kinda thing, but it had tits in it and I was 13 so it stuck with me.


George and Lynne! Guess it stuck with me too!


It is a bit weird, but that's ok


I used to enjoy these comments all of the time!


Sat and read a train mag in my local with a quiet pint, no one batted an eyelid.


Bro you do you


I don't think it's weird at all


If he’s old he’s hardly a good barometer is he?


What graphic novel was it? I wouldn’t give it a second thought tbh.


He is from a generation where men couldn't be big kids. There was literally a film about this in the 80's, where the comic hook was an adult Tom Hanks acting like a kid playing with toys and wearing trainers to work.... That's just normal now.


He was probably bored and looking to strike up an argument/debate. One of the best things about pubs is arguing/debating about some inane topic. You were doing something out of the ordinary, so its prime pub argument/debate material


He'd probably have taken the piss out of anything besides the Daily Mail.


He sounds closed minded and stuck in his ways.


No it isn’t. Unless it’s a very graphic comic


I ordered an espresso in my local few weeks ago. The reaction was staggering. It highlighted a point tho, like these folk need to see more of life. They think they're relevant when really they're stuck in the past and never adapted.


It’s ok op, he probably doesn’t have the confidence to read a comic in the pub


Comics present a more accurate version of reality than most of the newspapers


He's right, but also fuck him. I used to read books in the pub all the time and there were a couple of occasions when people accused me of being stuck up our whatever but that's then projecting their own insecurities. Same thing here.


was in a typical city centre pub the other week having a drink with my mate and these three people came in and started playing a tabletop game at the table next to us. never seen that happen before. they gave zero fucks about what anybody thought, and they had a good time. live and let live innit.


“Looks like we got ourselves a readah!”


Too much scrolling until I reached this.


RIP Bill Hicks.


Some people are just incredibly rigid and controlling. When they see someone doing something that's not 100% 'normal' in their view and they feel the need to assert that this is not what should be done. This is because they live their own boring lives by such rigid self imposed rules that when they see people doing things outside of these it invalidates their choices. They are confronted with the reality of how much of a boring fuck they are. But that doesn't compute for them, so they feel like they have to make sure you know what you're doing is wrong instead. This is basically my mum. We don't speak anymore. You can't live your life by other people's rules. Especially when those rules are boring as fuck.


Times are changing, we have a regular group that meets up at the pub to play board games, and these are big heavy boardgames that take over the whole table, 5-10 years ago we would have faced ridicule, but now it’s fine. Loads of people are curios and will come over and ask what we’re playing, the only drawback is that the games are usually so complicated it’s hard to summarise if they are only familiar with monopoly or scrabble. Obviously still some dinosaurs who still think newspapers are relevant.


Should have said, "Well, I've just switched gender, my cat associates as an Apache helicopter, and my recent, lgbtq friend has come out a-sexual and no longer wants to join me for clay sculpting. So I'm not sure what 'normal' is anymore." ^/s


He’s just mad that you get a pretty picture on every page, while he gets only one on page 3 (is that even a thing anymore).


I play magic the gathering in the pub with my teenage boy, be weird, no harm done


I had some woman start questioning me on why I was reading a book about 'The Simpsons' (Homer's Odyssey) as she couldn't understand how 1) A book could be written about 'a cartoon' and 2) Why anyone would want to read it. I would have told her to wind her fucking neck in, but she had young kids with her.


You based your argument with a sample of one, also I am assuming a lot here, but most people that post to reddit don't go to pubs and most people that go to pubs don't read comics they read newspapers, remember if the older generation is resisting it fuck their opinions they've wruined this planet for us anyway let us enjoy our shit at least.


Maybe it’s because you punched your wife at her art studio?


When they die out reading the paper in the pub'll be weird and comics in I reckon.


Either that or I'll be an old bugger reading my Comics while the kids are sitting in VR headsets or something.


Newspapers are basically fiction these days so if anything comics hold more self awareness. That guy was just a closed minded dick read whatever you want to.


I would have to say it is slightly weird. Not reading it in a pub, but reading them at all. But each to their own.


You just reply “piss off dickhead”.


If you sit alone in a pub, only just got used to going to the pub on your own, refer to online people as 'the hive mind' and need reassurance because an old (sorry, 'Auld') bloke in a pub said something to you I get the impression there is something a little more about your appearance than simply reading a comic. ​ If it were me I'd have told him to fuck off tbh


No, just someone who is recovering from a fairly rough couple of years and gained a fair amount of social anxiety in that last few years that I'm slowly working on.


Cool. Doesn’t mean you aren’t still a mental


Ignore the dickweed above, the world would be a better place if more people reflected on their behaviour. For my tuppence worth, I'd probably think "Wish I had the balls to read a comic in the pub" if I saw you, and if I saw the old man giving you grief I'd probably chime in on your behalf. An old man once told me off for looking at my work phone on a train. It's what keeps them going after retirement. Nod politely and ignore it.

