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How nice would it be to have someone to run the household? Do all the boring stuff (cleaning, plan meals, do the shopping, laundry). And oh my house would have air conditioners.


My fiance already has one of these. It's me.


You're an air conditioner ?


Only after a curry


that's a space heater


Specifically, a Dutch oven.


Think you’ll find that’s an air fragrancer


Air putrifier


I would go to my local Chinese takeaway and order all those things on the menu I have never tried. Then the next night the Indian takeaway


Then on the third night a new toilet


Then the 4th night a Japanese toilet and never have to wipe your ass again


This is such a good shout


Have you ever considered just going to a Chinese buffet?


My dude you have £20m in the bank. You can go to China with a guide to tell you what you're eating. Just don't forget to bring the takeaway menu.


Not sure what it’s like in china, but I went to Singapore and went in a Chinese restaurant there and the food is so much different to what we have in Chinese restaurants here, it’s probably the same in china there was nothing even similar to what we are used to.


New eyes. My prescription precludes LASIK (over -10) but I could be a good candidate for lens replacement surgery if my prescription would just settle the fuck down.


Yes! I can't get LASIK, so I'm just hoping I'll get cataracts eventually so insurance will cover a lens replacement. I'm only 44 and my eyes are still too healthy. My ophthalmologist said he's also waiting for his cataracts so he can get new lenses.


I had lens replacement surgery and lasik after they got the lens prescription wrong. One year later I was back in glasses spending about £40 a month on eye drops and at least once a month wake up with burning eyes and eye pain all day. This is not everyone’s experience. My whole family had it and have been fine, most can’t drive at night now due to halos but they don’t experience pain and their visions fine. but I feel they downplay the chances of bad things happening to people and i wish id done more research id have stuck with glasses and i was -14


Oh man. I'm in my 30s and my eyes still aren't settled. I'm almost at -9....now I find out LASIK is out of the question at over -10. Oh no no no.


Don’t rule it out just yet. My eyes were -9.50 and -10.00, with astigmatisms. I had it done. First thing - go to a proper optician. Not Specsavers, Boots, Vision Express, etc. an actual proper optician. Specsavers told me my eyes couldn’t be done. The proper optician not only told me that was crap, she recommended me the best laser eye surgeon in the country (Professor Gartry at Moorfields Eye Hospital in London), and within a month, my eyes were done. Stronger prescriptions generally have you undertake LASEK surgery instead of LASIK (like mine did), but it’s about the same sort of thing. Don’t give up yet!


Most hopeful message I have read here. -10.5


I'd buy some small live music venues that could then run rent free.


I really like this idea.


Investing in local arts is the shit


I don't get why every multi-millionaire doesn't tbh. What's the point of getting wealth if you aren't planting seeds with it?


Because greed. Wealth inequality is miles beyond what it was even during the gilded age. Philanthropy is pretty dead these days. If it ain't making money - the richies don't care.


Great idea. Give aspiring artists and djs an opportunity to play in front of crowds that won't even have to pay to watch them


I've always said I'd open a multi room rehearsal studio. There's a couple of single room spaces here but nothing like I've experienced elsewhere. Also a nice private studio space for me with lots of drums!


Before the money even hits my bank account I'm heading to Saville Row for a tailored suit. I've always wanted one, and nothing would be able to stop me!


Can't believe they named a street after him. Dusgusting isn't it. The mind boggles.


Got a genuine laugh out of me this


Did this for my wedding. Can confirm - epic


I wonder why more people don't. At least a suit will get reuse in the future. Instead it's usual for the bride to drop thousands on a dress they'll only wear for a few hours and the groom hires something.


Hiring is a tenth of the cost. A lot of people nowadays won’t wear a suit ten times before getting too fat for it.


A tailored suit would be awesome


I’d buy all the absurd Lego models. A £500 1.5m tall Eiffel Tower? Sure! A £600 1.3m long Titanic? I’d happily spend a week putting it together!


It took me almost a week to build the SP3 and I would consider myself an advanced builder although I did have to do other things in that time so probably only 2 and a bit days. Eiffel Tower supposedly takes ages


lol I tend to spread those large technic car builds out over a month, but I only do an hour a day. Feel like I get my moneys worth if the build takes me longer lol


I'm similar actually. I want to build a desk which is also a train set. The keyboard hides under a bridge, the monitor pops up below. Not using the desk? It's a train set. Using the desk? Now and then a train runs across your vision. There's also somehow a fish tank built-in.


Old 1960s VW campervan, have loved them forever and would love to have one, complete with a little stove and flowery curtains 🥹


top tip if you win the lottery, change out all the oily bits for practically anything else. the amount of times ive heard of people renting them for a weekend and returning them 10 mins later because they hated driving it so much is far too many to count. 1960s power output combined with a extremely difficult gearbox, 1960s handling, and no power steering or assisted brakes is a recipe for pain, danger and unreliability... EDIT: not yucking your yum here, just get a driver for it so you can sip gin in the back and listen to the colourful language from the front


Ahahah thankyou for the reality check! If I had all the money I’d make the ride more comfortable, so I can park it at the beach, and after surfing all day come back, have a tea and listen to the beach boys


I'd turn the heating up by 2c.


I'd probably buy my husband one of the big expensive lego sets he's been after for years. Or 2 if he's been nice recently.


If you buy 2 of the bigger sets, put one in the loft untouched and a few years after it has been discontinued you'll most likely be able to sell it for the same price you paid for both...


That's true, I recently bought him the Helm's Deep set from a friend who'd done exactly that (but not intentionally). It's been discontinued for about 10 years (I think?) And I paid a pretty penny for it. It's going to be a Christmas present from me, his parents, grandparents and auntie. The only way I could currently afford it.


Sometimes cheaper on Zavvi fyi.


In that case, maybe I'd buy him 3.


Are you accepting any further applicants for the husband role as advertised?


Unfortunately the advert officially closed 4 months ago today. It had been open for 10 years while my husband was in his probationary period.


Congratulations on the wedding!


Thank you!


I'd get a Domino's pizza, right? But without any of the deals. And I'd eat it on a full price DFS sofa. With the box on a table from Oak Furniture Land the one day a year they don't have a sale on.


We are talking about a lottery win here. You'd need Elon Musk money for that!!


I’d do this before buying Twitter 🤔


An absolute mad lad!!!!!


The planets must have aligned!


Skint within a month with that type of spending


Stormtrooper costume and a motorbike modded into a Speeder Bike with mirrored covers over the wheels so it looks like it's floating.


I see you've pondered this question before lol


Clearly a man who plans for the future. The sort of man who is unlikely to forget yo buy the ticket the day his lottery numbers come up.


I’ve seen that post… good choice!


I'd buy a bunch of those replica WWE belts, they're like £400 each I think and I'd just wear them casually to work, the pub or even a funeral and if someone pins me they can keep it


“It’s still real to me god dammit!” Still funny


We got one for our NFL fantasy football league. 12 years strong and the belt has travelled to Australia, New Zealand, UK, Ireland, Canada, USA and Hong Kong so far. We all met in Canada and that’s where everyone’s ended up. I can confirm, they are well worth it.


My aunts dog loves chasing a ball. I’d hire one of those kids ball pits and let him at it. It would be a slobbery mess at the end, but I know he would have had the time of his life.


I missed the word dog here the first time I read it…


Why hire it when you can buy it… change that dog’s life 😄


Then hire it out to other dog owners. Profit.


And livestream/monetise the dogs playing in the ball pit on YouTube! I'd watch it.


This is the sort of comment I’m here for.


A small holding with a large pond and a herd of capybara because capybara are cool af


forgetful placid connect continue squash impossible depend chunky handle vast *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


GTTF - Giant Tortoise Trust Fund


I've always wondered, do capybaras make the same noises guinea pigs do, but louder? Because that would be awesome.


Yes they do and it’s weird cause they’re the size of a Labrador and you expect it to be a lower tone. They’re gorgeous, I got see them in Brazil when we visited the pantanal wetlands, there was a herd in the farm we were staying at hanging out at the lake.


Love this idea!! I would love a huge wild pond.


Every Sunday in winter I watch the Japanese Livestream of Capybaras in a hot tub. It's so relaxing to watch them relax.


I'd always get my hair washed and blow dried at the salon And electrolysis for everything from the neck down.


I used to work at a pub that was pretty quiet in the afternoons, the kind of place where a few regulars sit round the bar and chat with the staff. We'd always have these kind of chats and mine was, and still is, that I'd get my hair washed and dried for me all the time. One guy picked having brand new socks every day, I still think of him every time I wear a new pair of socks for the first time!


Wonder if he thinks of you whenever he’s getting his hair washed and dried


Well now I will, too!


I’m exactly the want about getting my hair done. I’d be so happy for someone else to deal with it for me




I would make a donation to Wikipedia


I actually do donate to Wikipedia, and did so yesterday.


I thought it was just me! The emails strongly suggested so, in any case.


Yep me too - use it loads every week. Worthwhile cause.


You guys are all heroes we don’t deserve


Me too! I use it so much a £5 here and there doesn't seem like too much to pay.




I’ll increase my Wikipedia donation by 1000x.


Me too. Still £0


Registered HyperCam 2




A bed sized porch swing to go on the porch of my new house that I'd buy. Also probably a rocking chair. I'm 36 and dreaming of old people things


Means you've done all the young people things you wanted. That's a win


If I won big, and money was absolutely no object... I would love a little art cafe/gallery. All the exhibition spaces near me, in the suburbs, are expensive for hobbyists that just want to show their work. I would love to have a small community creative space. A few cheap studio spaces, a couple of exhibition rooms and a meeting area for local art and craft clubs. It wouldn't be free, but would be run as 'not for profit', and any users, exhibitors, clubs that volunteered services would get subsidised use. Basically, I have no studio space of my own, or darkroom area... And can't afford to rent anywhere. I have ideas and little means to get them done. It's frustrating, and I know others are in the same situation. I'm not the only one, and it could really help people get a foot hold in their journey (sorry, I hate that terminology but couldn't think of another word).


I'd see if I could buy back my old car - old mx5 that I had to give up at 9 months pregnant when I could no longer fit!


Isn't there normally a certain change to pregnancy at 9 months that might have solved the issue?


Unfortunately that change involved needing more than two seats, and the insurance wouldn't let me strap the car seat to the boot.


Health and safety gone mad, I tell ya.


What's the world coming to?


I hope the baby’s middle name is Mazda.


Could legitimately call the kid まつだ (ma tsu da - Japanese pronunciation of Mazda)


“Hi, my name is ‘Yul Beamazed With-Amazda’”


Hell yeah for the MX-5


I’d like a big garden with a bar with pool table, dart board and a fancy kitchen, pizza oven and bbq. I’d do ace dinners and parties in it.


An electric golf cart. Don’t know why I just want one.


I'd buy my own woodland


A robot hoover


I got one for £130 on prime and it's fucking great.


I’m not sure that’s what they’re designed for but, you know…


You've clearly never owned a Henry.


And a robo lawn mower


I have both of these and can confirm they’re good but they get stuck a lot and you have to go sort them out. The lawn mowers are particularly bad but mine is like 15 years old so the modern ones might be better. Would recommend!


Not frivolous, but definitely on the list even at around £600-700k… (it would have to be a bloody good win..) to fund the restoration of an untouched but defunct cathedral sized Arthur Harrison organ 7 miles down the road… it knocked my socks off when I played it even in its dying days 30 years ago. Well, you did ask… (For pure frivolity, on the other hand, an adult sized Mr Potato Head bouncy “ castle”with a slide that takes you down a dinosaur’s mouth… niche, I know…)


Really that much to restore it?


Ooh yes…. the hidden costs of lead, leather and musical craftsmanship!


Wow. I don’t know the first thing about organs, my dad restores pianolas which seem to cost their owners a fair amount but would never have thought an organ would be in that price range to restore!


Organs are money pits. Especially if the kids push feathers down the pipes of the one in the school chapel.


I've crawled through organs to test badly positioned electrics at the end of them. They are absolutely bonkers machines. That sounds really wrong.


I’ve told my manager many times that a monkey could do the boring bits of my job. Every time he tells me to shut up and get on with it. I’d get a monkey, hand them my ID badge, and send him to work. If he can’t do my job, I’d send an additional one the next day, then more everyday until there are enough monkeys in the office to do my mundane tasks. Then I’d see if I can get my monkeys to replace anyone else, starting with Jean. That’ll teach her for finishing the milk and not replacing it


A PlayStation 5 media remote control. It does essentially nothing that can't be done via a normal PS5 controller. It exists for no other reason than to promote certain streaming services via the PS5 such as Disney+ and Netflix. It is completely and utterly frivolous. And I'd buy the fucker if money were no object...


When I bought a PS3 I bought the media controller as it convinced the wife that it was a Blu-Ray player that also did the occasional game…


Did it go similarly to this ? [PS3 Router](https://youtu.be/CODkbg6yBzc?si=vssHzwffqw3uzZ_z)


I'd never have to cook again in my life.




Me too. I'd have a brilliant kitchen and I'd make all those recipes that use an ingredient I might never use again, just because I can (I won't do that now, it's a big hindrance to some of my cooking dreams). I'd get a huge chest freezer, a kitchen range and have a walk in pantry. I'd have a professional sharpen my knives every fortnight. Imagine - if you didn't have to work, you could make fancy slow cooking meals, like smoked barbecues, 40 clove lamb...


Ahhhh my kitchen would be so gorgeous like yours!! All the best appliances and fixtures, a glass door refrigerator and cupboards, tidy walk-in pantry with spaces for the small appliances... Oh I could stay there for days just making whatever my little heart desires!!! And then serve it all up on simple but lovely matching dishes, and enjoy the fellowship of happy people I love to feed, ah what a dream :')


I dream about having a kitchen equipment room like they do in MasterChef Australia. Bowls and machines and utensils like the "guns, lots of guns" scene in The Matrix


A stand mixer! With ALL of the gadgety attachments! And they aren't in the way of everything else all the time!!!


Exactly this. popping over to Italy because you have run out of the 30 yr old balsamic.


I’ll cook for you for the rest of your life for a mill


I'll cook better than this guy for 990k


I'll cook and suck you off for 850k


Do you need a sous-chef slash ballfondler


One of those fancy Oral B electric toothbrushes. I'd have to be a multi-millionaire to justify £100+ on a toothbrush.


My husband bought me a mid-range Oral B electric toothbrush a few years ago (cost about £100 at the time IIRC). I recently bought one of the cheap ones (still Oral B brand) for £20 in ASDA and there is basically no difference - the posher one had a light to tell you when you were brushing too hard and a blinking light when it was charging, this one has neither. Other than that they are basically identical!


Totally agree. Spent a silly amount on one that was supposed to lonk to an app and everything. No better than the bottom of the range one I use for travel that cost about 100 less.


I'd build an electronics lab, with all the cool measuring equipment, 3d printers, CNC mills, etc.


I'd buy some flats and turn in into a pub.


Full function Japanese toilet. Never use toilet paper ever again.


Build a full size trebuchet. Launch anything I can out of it at various targets. Like ballistic dummies dressed in different armours and formations or behind fortifications etc. Measure forces from slings and various missiles flung from them. I'd basically just nerd out and play soldiers


I would buy good quality food all the time. I'd have good quality clothing for every day. I'd always be warm because I wouldn't worry about turning the heating on. I'd have a fantastic garden with a gardener who knows what they're doing but allows me to potter about and teaches me things. Edit: I realise that the brief is frivolous but paying a lot for food and clothes seems frivolous when you're watching pennies. Oh and I'd buy whatever yarn I want, in the colours I want even if it's just to look at it. A personal haberdashery with attached library would be heaven.


Ah, enjoy the hobby of collecting yarn without letting it interfere with the hobby of using yarn!


I’d treat myself to a trip to a fancy hairdressers. Been cutting, styling and colouring my own hair for 15+ years because i can’t justify the cost.


I'd start buying Lurpak


Get a cleaner, imagine coming home and never having to do dishes or clean the bathroom or do washing/ironing. Bliss!


I'd get another hamster, but I'd keep it in a tank the size of a double bed, like the hamster setups you see on instagram. I would get all the trendy accessories you have to get imported from Germany (where they take hamster care seriously!), all the ceramic hides, log tunnels, dried out moss, sprays of different grains... I would make the bedding a foot deep. Then I would adopt some aging hamster that's probably only got a few months to live and treat it like rodent royalty.


Advisories on an MOT


A freddo with caramel


A Taz bar..


Taking it back to the old school


If I won twice : Lurpak


Rotisserie cabinet


I lost 2 Tshirts that I would like to track down. One I think in Las Vegas and another here in the UK, possibly Manchester area. Both around 15 years ago. I would somehow track them down. I also sold 2 Tshirts a few years ago that I would attempt to buy back, should be easier to locate these ones as I’d have the buyers details somewhere as a lead.


If you have photos on them it might make it a lot easier to track down. Also, there's a subreddit for helping people find things but ironically I can't remember what it's called.




I’d have a triceratops skull in the entrance hallway of the house!


Pinball Machines


Man I was at a wealthy friend's house and they have a proper classic pinball machine. It's a work of art.


I'd get my teeth done, not in shiny white, just to even them all up again.


There are 7 pubs in our little town and 3 takeaways, everything is on one street: I’d stick a grand in every one and everyone who went in them for the next couple of days would drink/eat for free


Regina Blitz


I'd build a Catio for our indoor cats to get some outdoor time safely.


My new fancy house has a new fancy library and cinema room, and I'd go to a good bookshop and a good media store and splurge, like I always wanted to do in Waterstone's/HMV back in the 90s. The Folio Society have a physical bookshop, and I'd take a trolley round it. Armful of 4K blu rays? No trouble. *Two* armfuls. *Four*. I'd be the Cat with his *six fish* trout a la creme. Enjoy your meal. And I'd buy at least one of every herb and spice the supermarket can sell me.


I’d buy the last company I worked for and fire everyone! Then start a fresh and make it a nice company like when I started. Not the staff but upper management (although some staff, might buy canon as well to fire them from)


Just start a new company and poach all the staff. Youd be paying off the people you hate otherwise


A field and a digger then dig holes and trench’s all day


Full carded set of Real Ghostbusters "Ecto Glow" figures.


I would buy a tank! I’d drive around my stately home in it and if anyone came begging for money I would drive over them!


Maybe a few different bands following me about when needed. New Orleans style jazz band, mariachi band, maybe a gospel choir to repeat what I say in an argument… not constantly though, just on call


Most frivalous, well I’ve just discovered that kindle page turners are a thing.


.... That makes two of us lol what do you mean, aside from your thumbs??


Have a driver.


World’s largest bouncy castle. I reckon about half a mile on each side and perhaps 8 stories plus various climbable towers.


Someone to plan and cook healthy meals for me


I would take my family and friends out for a meal and drinks, and everyone could have exactly what they wanted without us all checking the prices and budget first and just have a nice night out without having to think about it or save up in advance.


There’s an outdoor swimming pool close to where I live. I love swimming there, but it understandably closes over winter. I’ll throw money at that problem in one of two ways: pay for a state-of-the-art insulated roof/covering to be installed that can be completely retracted away to the point of not being seen at all during summer, but put up in winter. Really throw some effort into R&D to make something effective but also tasteful and in keeping with the pleasant surroundings of the place. OR Buy a house with some land and have my own 10x25m pool built. Or both. Fuck it, why not?


I don't like formula 1. I recently got told by a friend that they now add weight to all the cars based on the heaviest driver, so that they are all the same weight, as there have been issues with drivers having eating disorders in the past, good thing I guess. If I win the euromillions, I'm either buying the cheapest team in a grand prix (I don't know how it works tbh) or offering a bribe maybe, and putting the fattest motherfucker who volunteers in a formula 1 car. I will then proceed to watch it on telly and giggle for hours at all the extremely heavy cars going very slowly around a track.


Some big lego sets, a few nice watches, a top of the range mountainbike, one of those big fancy bbqs, get a pilots license and a small plane


You missed cuddly toy


A set of B&W Nautilus loudspeakers and the amplification to make them sing. [B&W Nautilus](https://www.bowerswilkins.com/en-gb/product/loudspeakers/nautilus-series/nautilus/FP10293P.html) By comparison, my current loudspeakers are a bit average! [Neat Iota Xplorers.](https://www.fanthorpes.co.uk/neat-iota-xplorer-speakers)


I'd pay two private investigators to follow each other around and see how long it took them to figure it out.


Heated motorbike gloves.


I'd enter one of the high roller world series of poker events. Like a $50k buy in tournament and a few nights in a 5* hotel suite in Vegas. I'd get destroyed by the pros but it would be entertaining.


The thing is, anyone can win one poker game.




I wouldn't bother with a car, but I would have regular chiropody/pedicure visits.


Multiple pairs of prescription sunglasses for different light quality and activities.


I would get a PA. All they have to do is make a note of where I am supposed to be and when, and book the multiple cars in for their services. So, a well paid, low use Personal Assistant.


I'd fill up a trolley at M&S or waitrose- all the delicious foods with none of the 'this is way too expensive' thoughts


Frivolous? I’d hire a chef to cook my meals, then hire a chef to cook my chefs meals.


I never thought about this before this post, but it would be custom designed and tailored clothes for me. As a uniquely-sized woman (very tall and weight/height proportioned), it would be incredibly amazing to have cute and pretty "girl clothes" that actually fit me.


Ive posted this before, but i'd buy an expensive Black or Crystal Opal from Australia and have a guy called Bobby White set it into a Platinum bracelet and whatever colours were in the opal, i'd have corresponding coloured Sapphires/Rubies/Emeralds etc set into the bracelet links.


A Dominos pizza, need to win the lottery to buy one these days!


I’d put on my own drum and bass nights. I’d be able to afford the artists or least their travel here and some advertising and a good venue. Purely for my own enjoyment ofc.


A Dyson Airwrap lol