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A moose You can just pick one up for free in the wild and it would be pretty amazing if you brought it back to the uk


A møøse once bit my sister.


Mynd you, moose bites Kan be pretti nasti...


  No realli! She was Karving her initials øn the møøse with the sharpened end     of an interspace tøøthbrush given her by Svenge - her brother-in-law -an Oslo   dentist and star of many Norwegian møvies: "The Høt Hands of an Oslo            Dentist", "Fillings of Passion", "The Huge Mølars of Horst Nordfink"...  


And then you could sing - there is a moose aboose this hoose.


da da da DA dada da da da...


We saw one! They're huge! Far bigger than I expected, far larger than a horse


If you catch more than one bring the meese home.




Don't bother with maple syrup. You can get the exact same stuff in the UK for cheaper. Ice wine is a shout though.


Canada is the premier ice wine producer in the world. It's still pricy, but much less so than elsewhere. OP doesn't say exactly where they are, but a trip to a local winery if they are in the right area might be a great idea. You can also occasionally find ice cider which is also delicious.


Maple syrup is the exact same here and often cheaper as well. Ice wine is pretty unique. I hate it but some people like it


>Stay away from the ones in clear bottles and gimmicky shapes like maple leafs. If it says 100% maple syrup, that's what it is. Not saying they aren't up charging for a cute bottle or whatever, but syrup is syrup.


All dressed chips (crisps). I've seen them on Letterkenny and I really wanna try them


They’re almost exactly the same as Prawn Cocktail. Source: Am Canadian, was Brit


Came here to say this!


Maple creme cookies. I have no idea how much they are, or if they're remotely unique, but they're one of the few foodstuffs that I really enjoyed while I was there and I haven't seen anything remotely like them in the UK. However, if you bring them back I will be very jealous.


Hey! Canadian here. If you want I can send you some! Send me a message and I absolutely will! We can get them in every grocery store for less than $5 so I can absolutely send you some 😊


Buy them at Costco when you get back. You’ll get the same ones they flog in the airports and tourist traps for mega bucks. Box of 36 for about £5.99 or something. Don’t waste your money.


Yes! Husband is Canadian. We get them from Costco too


Costco ones are the exact same. They are really good.


Also maple candies. We can get the syrup easily but the candies are impossible.


These are amazing. I’m British living in Toronto, and it takes a lot of might not to eat the whole box. I managed to eat 12 in one go whilst I was stoned. Get the Leclerc brand from Dollarama for about $2.50. Don’t bother getting them from Loblaws/Metro etc or any tourist shops. Edit: also grab a pack of the Presidents Choice Decadent chocolate chip cookies. They’re usually on sale in Shoppers or Loblaws for $3 or so.


This was going to be my suggestion too. They're delicious and I've never found them here in the UK! Get a few boxes because you'll miss them once they're gone.


I loooove these. I’m Canadian and I have some in my cupboard lol. You can get them in most grocery stores.


I have no idea why, but your comment lingered in my head since you posted it. Today at Costco I found and bought these because of that: https://www.costco.co.uk/Grocery-Household/Grocery-Delivery/Canada-True-Canadian-Maple-Cookies-800g/p/378547 Edit: since it lingered I should have caught up on the comments!


\- Ice wine \- Nanaimo bars \- Coffee crisp \- Hudson's Bay Point Blanket \- Hat/socks/sweatpants from Roots \- Some merch from whatever the local hockey team is \- A mug or tumbler from your local Timmies Those are all pretty damn Canadian. All the maple themed shit in souvenir shops and airports is just for tourists. Nobody actually consumes that stuff, other than syrup which you can buy in the UK anyway.


I am Canadian and [here is a good recipe for Nanaimo Bars](https://www.canadianliving.com/food/baking-and-desserts/recipe/classic-nanaimo-bars). They are very sweet, so good with tea or coffee to cleanse the palette in between bites. They freeze well too.




Just the one?


Can I have the mountie from Due South please? 😋


Paul Gross? He reprised his role as 'Brian Hawkins' in that recent Netflix installment of Armistead Maupin's 'tales of the city'. He's aged very well.


He's 64 now.


Maynards Fuzzy Peaches


My sister lives in Calgary and I highly recommend Purdys chocolates, the caramel and nut ones are amazing. According to my Dad, the cinnamon rolls are the best ever. He brought 6 huge ones to bring back. Didn't make it through the airport!! Also, if you are a whisky fan, Crown Royal is not a bad little over basic number. Enjoy it though, make a snow angel if you can.


Maple cream cookies, maple candy, maple fudge (it's relatively easy to find maple and walnut fudge here, but plain maple is surprisingly rare). Coffee Crisp bars are pretty good. If they're still doing the dark chocolate mint Aero, it's amazing. Thin plain chocolate coating on the standard green mint Aero filling. It's better than the UK dark mint one.


Also some Hawkin's cheezies.


Diamonds and fentanyl.


Which is good for your hand luggage too because both can just fill up any gaps.


Coffee Crisp candy bars…awesome!


Some snow shoes that look like tennis rackets. And the entire Rush album collection.


Geddy Lee is in the UK right now so, we’re good


And Lerxst is with him, so even better.


I'll take a moose please


Check out good brands you like, they've some quality winter wear. Eddie bauer gloves are brilliant. Proper maple syrup is always an easy one.


Cookies: Maple cream and PC loads of chocolate chunk. Chocolate: Mr Big, Coffee Crisp, Wunderbar, Eat More, Skor Other: Maple Syrup (tin can, not see through bottle).


Maple cookies. Like custard creams, but in the shape of a maple leaf, and with maple cream in the middle. Proper fit. I mean, sure, you *can* get them at Costco, but that's not as exciting. Ditto ice wine.


Ohh, now you're talking!


https://www.walmart.ca/en/ip/Great-Value-Maple-Creme-Sandwich-Cookies/6000201967809 Love a good custard creme, going to grab some of these guys for sure!


Nooo don’t get the Walmart great value ones! See my other comment in this thread!


Ah, maybe I should have read the thread before answering!


They're the biggest exporters in the world of gingerbread apparently.


As much snow as you can pack in hand luggage, and a big fucking block of ice, my fridge is kaput.


If you are into whiskey at all, Swear Jar is amazing, it's got a warm peppery aftertaste. Struggle massively to buy anywhere outside of Canada. And if you aren't into whiskey buy me two bottles anyway, I'll barter for them!


Sweets made with pecans and caramel dipped in chocolate, called Turtles.


Ooooh turtles!!


Ice wine


A pint of milk.




Yah, we spotted that. Weird, but it works.


It was a thing briefly in the UK maybe 15 years ago. It didn't take off obviously


I think I still have the plastic jug that the bag went in somewhere. It made a lot of mess and seemed to go off really quickly


Maple butter, or maple sandwich spread


Maple syrup fudge is pretty damn good


Costco do these s’mores bites. I’m from England and they are by far the best thing that I have tried over here. The taste like little bite sized Double Deckers.


Pepto Bismal


Canadian Mini Eggs are the best Mini Eggs.


Something from either Hudson’s Bay Company or Roots. Lived in Canada two years. Nothing at all I miss.


How much maple syrup can you fit in your suitcase? Consider this a challenge.


Why are you asking Brits?


As long as it's not an accent then whatever you fancy


What I have had happen over the years that went over well: bring some snacks that are only available here. There are a lot of vids on YT, but when you have a few over to try different things oh the fun. Especially if there is some drinks to be had. Cheers!


I got some Tim Hortons instant coffee on a complete whim when I was there earlier this year - haven’t been able to find an instant coffee like it since (if anyone can recommend a similar one in the uk?!)




Nappe syrup


I hear maple syurp is good over there


If they have taffy I'll take some




* tin of maple syrup * bag of milk * some Montreal smoked meat * ketchup crisps


That alchole that tastes like lilt.. pineapple lemonade get drunk lovelyness.


Factor 50


Ketchup chips and all dressed chips. By chips I mean potato chips, not fries… I mean crisps. You get it!


Socks from Roots


Mukluks. Seriously, mukluks. You'll never look back


Maple cookies


BIG bag of snow please


Nanaimo bars


Coffee Crisp chocolate bars!




Ketchup flavored chips. Bound to be at least a controversial conversation starter.


Hy's Seasoning Salt. Ketchup crisps.


BC Bud is awesome.


A bottle of ice wine. Expensive but the best sweet dessert wine you can get.


I thought maple biscuits were pretty epic


Mountain Equipment Coop mec.ca great outdoor gear


Everything bagel seasoning and powdered ranch dressing!


You may as well have some eggnog while you are there. You'll find it in the milk section of supermarket. It's good with some spiced rum and ice. Not much else you can't get here that they sell there. You may prefer clothes shopping there to here, I do.


Years ago my best mate brought me back some maple flavoured ground coffee from a holiday in Canada and it was the best coffee I’ve ever had. I still think about it!


Butter tarts (pecan ones in particular), as long as you pack them so they don't fall to bits in your luggage! Best Canadian delicacy IMHO.


Heinz brown mustard if they still make it!


Brookside chocolate. They're amazing


Many of our standard items have already been mentioned, but I will see what else I can think of. When we head to Canada, we come back with Cheezies and Hickory Sticks (and the previously mentioned All-Dressed chips/crisps). Graham crackers are a must for some of the recipes that I make, as digestive biscuits just aren't the same. Celebration brand cookies are a great short-cut for s'mores if you are into that kind of thing. We enjoyed the Coffee Crisp hot chocolate mix. If you are on the prairies, Saskatoon berry anything (jam, tea) is great. I love Icy Squares, which can often be found at Bulk Barn during the holidays/colder months. We found maple glazed nuts at Costco one time, which were amazing. They may have them elsewhere as well. Maple fudge and maple sugar candy is a classic. I like just wandering up and down the grocery store aisles to see what looks good/different. I enjoy jigsaw puzzles, so I often try to find a puzzle to use as a souvenir. We also found a version of a card game called Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza, that was themed for Canada called Taco Puck Maple Syrup Canoe. It makes a nice little item to take home and is only the size of a deck of cards, so it doesn't add a lot to the luggage. Special note: If you are flying with crisp bags, make a small opening in the bag to keep it from exploding due to a change of air pressure. We have had some of ours burst.


Maple butter and poutine flavour Ruffles!


I HOPE this is two things!!


Quality Street tub from Canadian Tire