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Just wanted to add that we call these days mellandagarna in Swedish. Literally "the in-between days". They're made for dozing off the Christmas food and sweets, eating all the leftovers, catching up with childhood friends, and laying 2000 piece puzzles while drunk.


The feel of this word sounds so apt, we should borrow this term. Also much better than “Perineum” which is what I’ve been calling it.


christmas gooch or merryneum


Please steal it all you want - it's a lovely word. It has such a gorgeous, slightly decadent feel in Swedish. No one is really expected to do anything, and it's a lazy, loungey time, bellies in the air, dozy winter walks, wild homecoming parties.


Saw someone else call it the 'merryneum' and thought that was quite clever. Then again I'm a man of simple tastes.


The middle of the two best things!?!


The English name for it is apparently "Twixmas", since the middle ages, I only learnt it today.


What an absolutely adorable name! You should bring it back to life. Very British, in the absolute best sense.


I want a Twix now :-(


Me too, and I'm reading this whilst eating a chocolate gelado in nando's


Interesting, I didn’t know that until now. Learnt something new today. My childhood friends all have their own lives and are busy at this time hard to organise. Some of them don’t keep in touch with each other so even if by miracle I could it would be awkward no doubt.


In Sweden, people usually go out on these huge homecoming parties, and they tend not to end well, lol. I stay the fuck away from them. It's horrid enough if I meet an old schoolmate at the local shop, there isn't really much to talk about these days.


I understand what you mean. Also socialising can be exhausting too especially with this huge parties etc. 2 sides to a coin.


I haven't lived back home since I was 15, after that I went off to boarding school, and went on to become a writer. I've lived away (and abroad) longer than I lived back home, while most people stayed on. I have absolutely no idea what I would talk to them about. Neither do they. So it's all very awkward - if it wasn't for my family I would never have gone back.


A Reddit post the other day called it the ‘Chrimbo Limbo’ which I thought was great.


I saw that one, but as a non-native speaker I didn't understand that. Haha, now I feel stupid. Because it is so obvious now. I just assumed it was something more ... established, I don't know, lol.


Childhood friends? Ew. Unfortunately just leads to awkward interactions in my case. We’re completely different people to who we were back then. None of my childhood friends went to uni nor wanted to and several got into criminal trouble and got involved with drugs. Sad because they were lovely enough as kids… but as adults I’ve reconnected a couple of times but we have completely opposing attitudes to life goals, parenting, critical thinking, society, the universe and everything. It’s impossible to bridge that social gap any more.


I don't do childhood friends either. Never had many, and left for boarding school when I was 15. Just stating what people normally do these days. Me, I celebrated with my Swedish workmates here in Sofia, Bulgaria, where I live these days. But I did manage to snatch a puzzle in the secret santa-game we did! So all is well.


Similar thing here. Back in the village I grew up in and left 15 years ago. It's a nice little place in rural Lincolnshire but apart from going to the pub, there really is jack shit to do. Pretty much all my mates from round here moved on and the guys that stayed, I've no interest in seeing. I am meeting some friends in the nearest town today though which I'm excited for.


Commenting as I will be back in the rural Lincolnshire village I grew up in for 2 weeks this summer dying of boredom.


I live in a village in Lincolnshire love it don’t like going anywhere else


Damn, I know your pain. In fact, I'll be living it over new year's! Stayed home this Christmas, but will be at my parents in rural Lincolnshire and it's always like this. We never fly there. Always take the ferry (or go down to the tunnel even!) because otherwise we're trapped in a place with nothing. Urgh. Nobody I still know lives anywhere near there.


I’m doing the same 😂 Little village in Lincolnshire in the arse end of nowhere with only a pub.


Also a former rural Lincolnshire dweller - Where’s everyone from? I was in Keelby.


Sitting in a hotel in Skegness as I’m down from Scotland for a flying visit. Not a rural Lincolnshire village per se but may as well be!


That was my Nan's village back 15 years ago, I hated it at the time, but looking back at it, I miss spending time with my family there. She passed away last year, my dad passed away 12 years ago, and my uncle passed away around 13 years ago as well. We used to sit around playing trivial pursuit for hours at night, and during the day, I would play my xbox 360 or ps2 to make the days go quicker.


recognise important theory pot office unique zesty meeting work dinner *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Same here. I’m usually gone by 27th but Eurostar prices were a joke this year so decided to stay an extra couple of days to save myself €200. I’ve seen some episodes of Only Fools and Horses 4 times at this point. Not complaining mind you. Haven’t got to see as much Vicar of Dibley as I would have liked unfortunately. I’ve already been to every pub within walking distance multiple times. Spent an hour walking around the Sainsbury’s Local yesterday. Went marching around boggy fields and started speaking to the sheep in the afternoon. Probably should spend some time with the family this afternoon before I leave tomorrow.


Same here. Watch films til the boredom subsides. If you need help getting hungry, I'd recommend the Japanese flick Tampopo (AKA Dandelion). If you want a silly fantasy adventure movie, the new Dungeons & Dragons film (if you're not a fantasy geek like me) is probably best enjoyed at Christmas. The new Chicken Run is alright, but worth a watch so you can join in the zeitgeist of it all.


Yep me too. So damn bored, I’m travelling home tomorrow night thank god


“Nothing but the dead and dying back in my little town” - [Paul Simon](https://youtu.be/__Ro3eGuznI?si=dnXUi5sRGzmljJj2)


Appreciate it while you can.


Same here.


This one week every year I feel like the real me. No performance reviews, client meetings or deadlines. it's like waking up from a bad dream. If I won the lottery this is how every day would be.


For me, it's being able to go along with my body's preferred rhythm too - go to bed about 1 and up somewhere around 10 or 11.


Yes, just shows how unnnatural the work sleep schedule is for me. I'm a proper nightowl when it's left to nature instead of obligation.


I’m convinced we were 1000x happier as humans when the only work we had to do was hunting/farming/building for sustaining life in our 30-to-100-strong village. Working for each other’s direct benefit and only when we needed to. Yes conditions were rough, infant mortality was high, diseases were frequent, the work could be back-breaking… but it seems so desirable when I’m sat back at work at 8am on January 2nd with 10 hours ahead of me of slaving over tasks that will have no impact on the world or my future 10 years from now just so my boss gets his bonus.


Very few people alive today would last 5 minutes in those conditions.


Omg same, I said to my partner this morning I feel like a normal functional human - surprising what we can be when we're not burdened with the rat race :(


I'm an entirely different person.


Damn, I'm working over this period and I feel super jealous now.


Mentally (and unwillingly) counting down how many days I have left before I have to go back to work and dreading it at the same time.


Yep, and it’s scary how quick the days are going in, seems like I’m no sooner up until the days over and I’m back in bed another day closer ffs


Cheer up, you'll be dead before you know it.


I’m already back at work so it could be worse!


This is why I booked next week off.


You're not alone. If you are feeling dread maybe it's time to talk to someone and get some mental health support? I know I didn't think I needed it until I literally couldn't cope any more and looking back, I should have got help sooner.


Thanks but I'm not dreading my return to work in that sense. I've just enjoyed my time off.


Cool, it's always worth checking in with people and giving them support, even if they really don't need it I think.


So I got up early, got dressed for the gym, decided I couldn’t do it and went back to bed. That’s it so far!


You were almost there!


So close, yet so far!


Think of all the energy you expended in the process.


Exercise in itself right!


Well done 😀


It is TOO cold for the gym that it would be considered torture to go out and try


Just got to the hospital for my second round of chemotherapy. Gonna be spending New Year's here but I didn't have any crazy plans anyway!


Hope it goes well mate.


Best wishes for your treatment. I hope it goes well!


Best wishes matey. Hope it's not giving you nausea or affecting your taste too much and you can enjoy some nice treats x


The nausea was really bad for a couple of days at the end of the last round, hopefully the meds are stronger for this round. Taste hasn't been affected thus far, though appetite was low during the nausea.


If the anti nausea meds aren't cutting it, make sure you tell the dr/nurses, there's various different ones and different dosages etc they can try you on, so don't suffer in silence! Wishing you all the best ❤


Yeah I did tell them about all my symptoms when I came in for a little top up last week, so they should know to change the dosages. I'm in for a 5 day stays during the chemo, the symptoms only started showing on the last day, and lasted for about a week before I felt back to 100% normal. Nausea was bad for 2 days or so before it became more manageable. On the plus side, I only threw up once, so the anti sickness meds are doing their job.


Right there with you, sat in the day unit on my 4th round so will be out of commission for the next week or so. Make sure you enjoy the time you feel well and do stuff, just allow for lower energy levels. Best wishes.


You too friend, hopefully it's not hitting you too hard.


Good luck hope it goes well!


Best wishes to you!


That's rubbish :( Hopefully the new year will be a better one. Good luck!


We're in Scotland for skiing, slopes are shut because of the storm so only got 3 days of ski done. We've now been struck down with fever and due to drive 10 hours home tomorrow, woohoo!


Well at least you got to experience the true Scottish skiing experience (a bit shit). If you can ski in Scotland you can ski anywhere!


Where abouts were you skiing.


Cairgorms, only the beginners slopes were open. Heavy snowfall yesterday so I imagine when they do open up, more slopes will be open!


That was my first sking experience back in '93..... remember enjoying going downhill and enjoying the sheer thrill of speed until I realised that stopping isn't as easy as it looks .... face planted over a sheet of ice and walked around Aviemore all week with a face like Swiss cheese. Got me plenty of pity beers and kisses though.


Its my birthday and i hope to get out of god damn house if the weather is half decent to do a bit of my fav pastime, bird watching


It's my birthday too! Happy birthday 🎂


Happy birthday to you too!


and a very happy birthday to you too


Happy Birthday, cabin fever has definitely set in here too but weathers been shite


Happy Birthday!


Hiding in the local coffee shop trying to work out what day it is, tested positive for quality street after a blood test yesterday!


Snuggled up on the sofa with cats, coffee, Reddit and a book.


Purrfect 🐱


Is it wrong that I’m still in jammies at 11am 🤔 I feel The Getting Dressed Rules do not apply between Christmas and New Year


Not at all!! It’s expected ☺️


same but instead of cat, the newborn.


Missing out on the cats sadly (though hopefully there will be two next year!), but for the rest, same! A perfect day if you’d ask me.


Getting married in 2 and a half hours


This is how you deal with the gooch of Christmas ans new year ! Have a great day !


My Wife to be's birthday is boxing day, so in the future I will have Christmas, Wife's Birthday, day off, Anniversary I did not future proof


I think that is forward planning. Get it all done in 4 days. "I am taking you to the lake district this year for your Christbirthiversary." You can get her one big, expensive gift and that is you done until next year! You are a genius!


Eventually you can reduce 3 gifts to one big one or upgrade to a fantastic trip abroad for both of you!


Wow good luck


Congratulations 🥂


Trying to get back in the habit of going to the gym. I’m really trying to psyche myself up…


Sweeet fuck all it’s amazing


This is the first job I've had where I get two weeks off for Christmas and it's my 6th year doing and I'm going to miss this privilege when I quit next summer.


Working. Care home so nothing really changes, it never closes, the work never ends.


At least they clapped for us.


We clapped for the NHS. Pretty sure we still don’t recognise care home as an actual job. Sorry.


People sure did give each other a good clap during the pandemic. I’m serious, the rates of new Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea infections doubled in 2020 compared to 2019 despite the lockdowns, even though testing for STIs halved during the same period. Work that one out. https://researchportal.ukhsa.gov.uk/ws/portalfiles/portal/30305001/Charles2021COVID_19ImpactOnBacterialSexuallyTransmittedInfectionsSexTransmInfect.pdf


Probably a lot less people getting tested regularly/as standard due to aforementioned lockdowns, meaning the only people testing had symptoms, if you’ve got symptoms you’re more likely to have an STI Not everybody went home to their parents either, students living in shared flats etc. probably contributing to that


Oh yeah. Paid off my Porsche with those claps 😆


Me too. Just woke up off night shift. Reading this thread made me realise how I've just normalised working all the hours over this festive period. I work in a late stage dementia and difficult behaviour home. Hard graft but some of the residents are absolute gems.


Same here but blood donations, we had Xmas day/ boxing day off atleast.


I'm in a factory, apparently New Year's Day is a normal work day to them. They aren't laying on transport and there aren't any buses so I also face the joy of a 4 mile hike to and from work, with an 8 hour shift of physical labour in between. Needless to say I'm not amused.


I really, really appreciate the work you do. My mother lives with me and she's got mild cognitive impairment and it really wears me down (Christmas was a shitshow). Doing that as a full job time for people in even worst states...phew. You don't get paid enough.


Dreading going back to work.


It’s never as bad as we think, sadly the dread ruins the time off


Quietly painting Warhammer figures and recharging my social battery


"Working" Given how dead it is that really means fucking around on Reddit and wiggling my mouse occasionally.


Hahaha. Me too. Start at 10, leave at 3, at least 2 hours on lunch.


I'm logged on 9-5 with an hours lunch, but I'm mostly doing some bits around the house. Just finished pairing a load of socks... exciting times.


I don't understand why people in my office book this week off, it feels like a waste of annual leave.


Before I started at my company they used to have the office open for people that wanted to to come in, until they realised they were losing so much in heating and electricity for one person to mooch about on their own for a bit.


Same. I spent almost 2 hours yesterday wandering around town looking to spend my Christmas voucher. Got a lovely pair of leather boots in Marks half price for 50


Same. I did a few bits. But the cat wanted to sleep on me and who am I to argue.




Same. Even if something were to come in, I probably couldn't deal with it anyway as 90% of the staff aren't in.


I'm also supposed to be working today, but at this moment I'm still lying on my bed scrolling reddit.


Playing a bit (alot) of Oldschool Runescape


Tempting me to make a new account


Slow cooking a ham.




Going to see Craig Charles funk and soul party in Glasgow tonight. Hopefully good!


This is the first year I've had the whole period off work. I'm making a tiramisu with some gifted coffee liquor and had a request to make more chorizo and manchego biscuits as they were a huge hit at Christmas!


I love the sound of those biscuits! Can you share a recipe?


Here you are friend :) https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/manchego-chorizo-melting-biscuits Side note: mine for some reason didn't set well in the freezer (probably impatience!) So I just rolled it out flat and used a small cookie cutter to make the biscuits.


Stripped the beds & put in the washing machine. I'm going to take down the tree today, I'm fed up with the rooms it's taking up. Doing a supermarket supermarket shop later. Meeting a friend tomorrow.


Sounds like a massive tree


This is my first (and possibly last) day of non-social activies. I just need some time to be on my own and in my own space today.


Pretending to work. Thankfully I'm WFH and can just leave a YouTube video on to keep me from looking offline while I do my nails. I've had 2 emails since Friday, only one needed a response. I've got some non-essential stuff to do but saving that for next week when I've got a day in the office, so it will seem like I'm super busy while I'm there.


Taking our 9 year old to the theatre this evening. He's very excited, to the point that he's wearing a shirt and tie. He lives in joggers and Pokemon tops usually.


Same thing as the past week. Waiting for Covid to fuck off. First break from work in 6 months. Slammed by the virus literally the first day of my break. fml


We came down with either flu or covid on Christmas morning. Fecks sake


Heading up (from Oxford) to Manchester to see my mates and my family.


Other half’s working but I’m on enforced holiday, so I’m sat in the living room playing games while she’s in the back room sat at her laptop clock watching as she’s got so little work.


Sitting on a the sofa with a dog snoring loudly on my lap. I need a piss.


The Gooch is the best bit about Christmas. I’m spending the time doing as close to nothing as possible. I do have a delivery coming for some PC parts to build a new set up but other than that, as little as possible.


>The Gooch is the best bit about Christmas. The merryneum






Going to visit my son in hospital who fractured his spine and pelvis falling 15m during psychosis caused by his drug addiction. Never thought I’d be happy that my son is forced to lie on his back and not move. Desperately hoping that Mental Health teams intervene now but that might just be hoping as my son is an adept liar and no one has listened to us so far. Hope you lot are all in a much better place x


So sorry to hear this. Recommend finding yourself a Nar anon meeting if you have a spare hour or two (meetings are in person and online). Families of addicts benefit from support too.


Have got friends coming over today and tomorrow so am currently prepping yummy desserts and waiting for Sainsbury’s to deliver me more food! I love the bit between Christmas and new year, so much more chilled than the run up!


Painted my room, while rewatching Bojack and then stayed up till 4 gaming


This time period is called the Merrineum


Feeling like shit cause my parents decided to come for christmas whilst suffering what can only be described as a Giga-cold and very kindly gifted it to my Fiancée and I right in time for the big day. So we're currently both laid up in bed feeling sorry for ourselves, eating christmas chocolates that neither of us can taste and watching crap on Netflix with the windows wide open for the fresh air. Sounds better than it is.


Working, thankfully from home, I have tomorrow off and then it's all family and new years parties. though if i'm honest I just want to stay in, watch films, drink alcohol and paint models. (rock and roll!)


I'm in Vietnam, just got back to Ho Chi Minh City from the Mekong Delta and had a little swim


Fed and walked the dog and washing up all the Christmas Dinner dishes and pans, then back to looking after my cancer ridden mother. So stressing myself into oblivion


I actually can’t wait to get back on a health kick on the second of January but for now I’m still having a Baileys coffee in the morning.


I am eating cheese and the softest food I can find as I have the worst toothache. And a broken leg with a brand new titanium insert/s. The Fast Show is getting me through these difficult times. I can’t even go out and be more mobile cos it’s pissing down and my roboboot will get drenched. Oh woe is me. This Comte is well alright though


Driving home from Christmas. Just found out it is Thursday.


Sick as fuck. Everything hurts. Still need to work, i run holiday cottages and our big new year group arrives tomorrow. I am done in. 5 year old turns 6 in a few days too. So tired.


I'm so sorry for you. We're sick. There is no way I could work right now. Sending healing wishes your way


Going to Tesco for a few bits & nipping to get some puppy pads.


Clearing up Tornado damage, genuinely not something I ever expected to say.


Still off till 2nd. Smoking weed. Getting prep ready for dinner. Potatoes and beef going in the oven soon. For dinner today Beef topside with mashed potatoes with beef gravy, tenderstem broccoli, York pudding. All the effort for myself 😂


Trying to muster up the energy to start work 😴 This year seems to be the worst for feeling drained and just meh. Going to try some light therapy glasses to see if they can pep me up. Fingers crossed they're not a con.


Same. Haven't even managed to turn my laptop on yet.


Currently air frying some hash browns. Later, vegitating in front of a video game of some variety. Hard life being single with no family at Christmas.




Lying in bed with a cough, sniff and headache. Hoping it's gone by new years!


Me too, I've had it since yesterday. Hope you get well soon.


I'm sat in hospital with my youngest. 3 weeks yesterday. He is having way too many seizures and needing rescue medication daily. My other two children are at home with their dad. It's very stressful and I feel incredibly guilty about my other two children. While also worrying that my youngest might die. It's not new. He has a life limiting condition. It's just a particularly troublesome time, and hits with Christmas, school holidays and the first Christmas since my mum died. It could be worse. He is relatively stable.


Im so sorry, sending virtual hugs from this internet stranger. Take it easy on yourself.


Having a chilled one today but we’ve got a wedding to go to tomorrow and my wife’s a bridesmaid so I’ve got to look after our little one and hope he doesn’t kick off during the ceremony. Scared.


My wife is working in the weird time, but I'm not. We never have it this way round. It's so, so strange.


I'm on my fourth Christmas day after the one with my family, the one with my partner, the one with our friends and now the one with her family. I think trivial pursuit questions could be my mastermind category at this point.


Went for a haircut. Haven’t had one in 6 months, can’t find anywhere I liked the look of, so went to the same place I always go while up visiting my parents, 300 miles away Turned out nice as always


Sitting around getting super worried. Waiting on either a suit I ordered at the start of the month to turn up or for the dry cleaners to tell me my backup suit is done. I'm getting married tomorrow and starting to think it'll be in a mismatch suit or just shorts and T-shirt...


I went to spend some time with my Grandad, he is in a care home, and fed him his lunch, and now I'm sitting about.


Working, because I thought it was a good decision to work for the nhs.


Doing psychedelics ⭐️🙏🏻🤩


It's my birthday, which is satisfying to me because I have a week in the year where there's something to do every three days! But currently nothing, I'll start doing things in like an hour


Worked yesterday but off today and tomorrow. Going for an annual piss up/meal at a pub this afternoon. There should be around 30 of us


Gym everyday before the January rush


Calling the Halifax fraud prevention team, fun.


Oh dear good luck


In my flat with a cold


working :(


Working, unfortunately. Would much prefer to be caressing a pig in a blanket.


Recovering from noravirus. Kids had it just before Christmas and both recovered enough to enjoy Christmas day.. me and the wife woke up Boxing day morning and knew what was coming. ..never been at this point in a Christmas period with a near full chocolate/goodies/snacks/alcohol supply nearly intact! I am feeling well enough to begin attacking the kids Lego with them though :D


Day 3 of marathon training. My body doesn't like it Only 18km over 3 days but it's more than I'm used to I'm also working from home today and had the dentist this morning. All in all not bad.


Enjoying doing nothing but I do need to check work emails today. Just enjoyed a toasted bagel with some truffle brie, it was lush. Going to pop into town, then come home and do an hours work then snuggle back on the sofa with some wine and more Christmas cheese. Bliss


Doctors appointment then karaoke


Bored shitless, but it's better than going to work.


Eating Ferraro Rochers and lounging


I'm in Sweden enjoying the snow.


Me and my boyfriend spent Christmas with my family and we're going back for New Year, but wanted to avoid that in-between lull where you're a guest in someone else's house and even though you've been invited to, don't really feel comfortable raiding their fridge or doing our laundry. So we've come home for a few days, to give them a break from hosting and so we can be little house-goblins. Been playing RE6 as we nail snowballs for the last few hours. Bliss!


Just spending a day at home in between staying with the in-laws and visiting friends in Scotland.


Working. Freelance musician so at least arranging band parts for an imminent pantomime can be done from home, with nice view out of window and a walk promised to myself if I get enough done!

