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Used to call the permanent nightshift workers the Ghouls, because, well, they really were.


The night crew are mysterious cryptids in every sector


Am pretty much on permanent night shift, can confirm, nobody here is mentally stable


Vampires where I worked. Odd bunch.


Aye, almost translucent, and a kinda pale glow. I'm sure when everyone left, they'd turned off all the lights and worked pitch-black.


Like goalkeepers.


Night shift are known as the "grey men" here


They were called “the monkeys on night shift” in the factory I worked. We were always tidying in the mornings and catching up where they missed the overnight targets or they’d fucked yo what they were doing.


We called them ‘night mongs’. Probably not PC now


Yeah, these days, you'd have to call them the *daylight-challenged mongs*. It's bloody PC gone mad.


It's true, we are ghouls or night goblins


I'd love to know more about you and how you've gravitated towards it!


I'm not a morning person, like at all. If I was working an early shift I wouldn't sleep before it, I'd be worried I'd oversleep and then of course would oversleep due to worrying. I get weirdly depressed if I'm working nothing but earlies, it makes me so miserable. I've been like this since I was a teenager, in my 30s now and it's not changed. My normal bedtime is between 0200-0400. I partially blame gaming, years of staying up late hasn't helped I reckon.


When I worked retail in a shopping centre in the 90s, back when pensioners got their money from the post office in cash on a set day every week, that was called ‘dawn of the dead day’ because they’d wander around all day working out what to spend their cash on.


Waiting at the bus stop at an ungodly hour of the morning with their waterproof plastic head scarves and pull along trolleys!




Spoken like a true bus driver!


Jesus yes. You know you are too early Edith. You can’t use your free pass until after a certain time, yet everyday you are at the bus stop 20 minutes before


Hey! Don't mock the pull along trolley. When you don't have a car, you're middle aged with a bad back and you need lots of beer it's a godsend. I have yet to graduate to the plastic headscarf though.


I've just hit over the Quater Life Crisis and can confirm when you don't have a car the trolley truly is your best friend


I have a car, yet still have my trolley. Because sometimes I walk to the shops.


No mocking!!! just reminiscing of something I don't see much any more, those little lines of bus stop grannies used to be omnipresent on pension day.


This comment made me miss my nan 😢


Somewhat related but we called the people who were shit at their jobs but couldn’t be fired the window tribe, because all they did was look out the window all day.


At a farm I used to work on we called the shit long-term employees the broken guns... they didn't work and they couldn't be fired


We call them the Teflon crew because you can’t get any shit to stick


I've heard people referring to "Teflon Terry/Tessa" before.


The group W bench.


You can get anything you want...


Not exactly the same thing perhaps but if we were working open to close we were doing an AFD (all fuckin dayer)


Previous workplace of mine used AFD too. 11pm / last orders in the pub, we called the witching hour.


We had AFD and then an asterisk next to it if it was a full moon - you knew it would be a "fun" shift.


Every place I’ve worked in hospitality has used this. It’ll literally be written on the rota like that. There’s also a Clopen. Closing and then opening the next day.


We used Clopen, too!


Much preferred to do an AFD!


Same! Clopening felt like 24 hour shifts. I’d dream about work then get up and go back.


I was drifting off to sleep in bed after a shift once, and woke myself up as I'd said "it's Pepsi, is that OK?" in my sleep.


Cries in AFD clopens 4 days a week


I hate the guy that closes when I get in first thing. (He's me)


I use to do a few of them In fact the closing team leader was always the same guy every time I had a close into an open All I had to do was say to him " it happened again" and I got sent home half an hour early ( due to a close into an open being in that 12 hour period where you shouldn't be doing it)


Huh, clopen is a maths term for certain kinds of sets (both closed and open)


Not as bad as the BAFD. Breakfast all fuckin day.






Yay it a common one


Did you ever come across the Timperley Big Shorts?


I did not


Oh blimey.


As you can imagine, Canary Wharf is pretty quiet on weekends; all the finance cunts have gone home. If you live in Essex and are trying to get to the West End for a big Saturday then you hop on the central line at Epping. It stops at Stratford where you can pop over to the Jubilee line and then it’s 4 easy stops to Canary Wharf for a cheeky pre-drink sesh with the lads. I worked in a cocktail bar, and we had vast swathes of roided-up orange geezers with pearly white teeth absolutely hammering the espresso and/or pornstar martinis before continuing their voyage onwards to Soho. Thus, Saturdays were the Essex shifts.


Fantastic imagery in this one.


yeah wonderful.


Worked in a tower bridge cocktail bar for a while and feel your pain with Essex shifts


I remember when pretty much all the boozers in the city closed down most of the weekend cause the business wankers were gone and it wasn't worth opening.


I head out from the centre around 7pm on a Saturday on the jubilee line quite frequently and the train is usually pretty full. About half of the people get out at Canary Wharf and I can never work out why. Is this it? Are they all going to meet their Essex mates before heading back into town? Baffles me every time.


Couldn’t tell you… Lots of people get off at Canary Wharf these days to transfer over to Crossrail. Maybe that’s it?


Grim. That would be my least favourite shift.


I'm a permanent night worker. The day shift is the land of the living. We are the undead. I'm happier being a zombie than being in the waking nightmare of managers and meetings.


Former shift worker - when anyone left for a 9-5 type job they had gone to become a Daywalker.


What do you do at weeeknds? Just sleep through the day?


I only get a little sleep after my last shift (Friday morning), then I'm tired by the evening time, so I'll get an early night. Wake up early (around 4am) Saturday and go about my day. Early night Saturday, early rise Sunday, then I'll try to get an hour or 2 sleep before my shift starts Sunday night. It's not ideal, and it doesn't always work, but it's what I do.


That’s proper interesting. I tried working nights years ago, but I kept zonking out even by week 5


I've been doing them for about 6 years straight. Did it a few times before, but it was for shorter periods. Lack of proper sleep is the worst, and there are some days when the term zombie is absolutely appropriate. I do find that I'm at home with the family more because when I'm at work, they are in bed, so that works for me. Plus, I really don't want to go back to managers and meetings, I always found myself getting involved, and I could do without the extra stress.


Everyone who is WFH is known as a Foreign Correspondent


We started calling them remoaners instead of remoters


Shirking from home 😁


Aren’t they all adored and praised for the unbelievable amounts of work they get through whilst WFH? Edit: Looks like I’m being downvoted to hell for daring to criticise the anxiety ridden WFH types.


As a "sad dad" myself, this hit me where it hurts 😭


The other warehouse in the company is called Stalingrad because its freezing and if your sent there you don't come back


We had one of those too. That work‘s until everyone wants to be send there, because there’s much more fun.


Last hour of the working day is “Happy hour”, as in happy the shift is nearly over.


There used to be a bloke at my old factory who would jump down off his filleting table, walk down the centre of the factory and yell "Happy hour!" at 1pm sharp every day, and the whole crew would cheer. Miss you Chizzy.


Cheers to Chizzy, every factory needs a chap like him 🍻


He was a rock solid bloke. Had the best night out for his retirement do, then did it again at his funeral. Absolute legend.


Our factory used to have an old Jamaican guy called Clifford. He worked solo on a work station just around the corner and out of sight from everyone else. At 0500 (our night shift’s happy hour) you’d hear the bellowing sound of “Daaaaaayoooo” Harry Belafonte style. “Daaaayoooo” would be the response back followed by everyone in ear shot, maybe 30/40 people singing “daylight come and me wan go hooome” and we’d go back and forth for a few times. Was and still is a tough place to work, night shift is a bastard. Big Clifford made it a little easier to get through that last hour. RIP Clifford you legend we miss you man


This is so wholesome. Having someone like that can really be what makes a difficult job manageable. Big up Clifford.


That was the worst hour it always seemed to drag


I read that a Saturday shift in a soft play is called Sexy Saturday, because the single mum's dress up in the hopes of meeting a man.


I worked in one and every last Sunday of the month was The Piss Shift. It was where we had to get in the ball pit, put the balls in a big, soapy container and clean the piss off the floor. The water and cloths always turned yellow.


Used to be a soft play employee, this hits hard. Worst was when we found a big brown smear down the slide. That was a bad bad day


I want to down vote you for this but that wouldn't be fair. I did watch a kid do a piss on one once, then several other kids ran through it while we tried to find someone to help 🤣


We used to have an evening shift which was officially called the twilight shift. People on that shift were always called 'the twiglets'.


I did the twilight shift 1600 till midnight every other week for ten years, alternate week being 0830 till 1700. Didn't seem too bad until I was over 40. A year after changing to hybrid working in office hours I don't know how I did it.


I used to know a guy who drove a black cab in London. Not really a shift name, but he used to talk about working the zombie triangle on a weekend. This was the triangle you can draw between Shoreditch High St Station, Dalston Station (high street and kingsland are almost next to each other), and Old Street Station. Between this is like the hipster area from Nathan Barley. Rich kids with too much money out of their brains on alcohol and drugs walking around like zombies.


[Keep it foolish](https://youtu.be/ZptMIcdCcpI)




Another Maccies one. The dreaded 9-5 shift was a "Dolly" and 11-7 was "levsev"


I did 6 months of levsevs on a 5 on 2 off pattern - it was fucking rough and put me off working nights for the rest of my life


Why a 'Dolly'?


Dolly Parton, 9-5 song!


Tumble outta bed and I stumble to the kitchen


Working 9 to 5


Dolly Parton


Yeah I guessed that, but I still didn't understand until somebody spelled it out to me... "working 9 to 5" duhhh


Everyone making giant tits of themselves.


10-10 was the cowboy shift.


Why cowboy?


Ten to ten sounds vaguely like this apparently https://youtu.be/uUpDG680uew?si=OM6GmUT0jgJXKJyd




When I worked in industry, the occupants of the next door office (programmers all) were known as The Swindon Branch.


🤣😂🤣 ooof! Native Swindonian here... and this made me laugh harder than it should have done 🤣😂🤣


You're a slug.


Yea? Against karate?


I was in the TAs


What’s the brewery in Swindon? Might be Courage, actually.


None of the best ones turned up


Nice drop


We had a Swindon lot, when our two offices merged.


None of the Swindon lot respect you






yeah makes sense


The night team at my old retail job used to call the rest of us ‘day walkers’


Somewhat related, but my pharmacy has a sister branch of the same company literally across the road and up the high street a little bit. The dispensing technician who works there has a reputation for being... somewhat highly strung, and that would be being diplomatic. Anyway I asked one of my dispensers to go give them a hand one afternoon as they were short. She came back saying that she felt like she'd delivered the One Ring into Mordor and since then going over to help as been variations of the same joke: 'Going on an Adventure', 'Take the ring to Mount Doom', 'Join Saurons army' etc.


Early earlies (06-16) earlies (7-17) twelve hours (07-19), ten eight (10-20) shit shift (12-22), half night (16-02), nights (20-06), late night (21-07), twelve hours (19-07). I guess we didn’t really do funny names, I used to do a 16-06 sometimes which you’d ask control for a tourist visa. Essentially we could volunteer for a 10 hour shift to be stretched to 12 as overtime, but no more, but in the last few minutes of the 12 hour overtime shift, they could find you an out of area job that had been waiting ages and dispatch you to that, putting you into “end of shift overtime” which means you’re protected from getting any other jobs, however the run home time from the out of area would probably get you another hour.


We’d have A (0745-2000), a Big A (0745-2100), E (0630-1230), Late (1230-2000), late Late (1230-2100), Double (0630-2100) and nights. Doing a run of Big As on the bounce was a fun week


I used to work at Nando's, and if it was particularly busy on a weekend we'd have 'Captain Closedown' - an extra pair of hands for 4-5 hours or so on a busy closedown was very helpful. (edit - typo)


Omg the sad dad club is so valid. I've never worked there but maccies on a weekend is full of dads spending their joint custody time staring into their phones giving their kids one word answers and it's literally so sad.


We call a certain group of employees the special shift. All are fucking useless at their job and do fuck all and the next shift has to pick up all the missed cleaning jobs. If the special shift has been on, it's going to be a long couple hours trying to catch up


There's a few, not quite retired, 3 day a weekers at work. Or TWaTs. Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays


We always call Friday "poets day" poets standing for piss of early tomorrow's Saturday.


When I worked shifts, we used to call the 'Monday to Friday, 8-5' workers 'Daisies.'


We call em Cods. Cunts on days.


The daisies are for the frequent off sick. Some days they're in, some days they're not.


Always called them "Mouth Breathers" or "Day Walkers", depends how bad of a shift its been


...and on board ship, there's the Dog Watch. Apocryphally so-called because it is curtailed.


Someone’s been reading Patrick O’Brien!




He’s one of the best to ever do it.


10-2 shift was called "mums shift" as it was always literally mums working.


Had a friend who was a bus driver. He said the early morning routes were called “twirlies”. Because all the old folk would ask “is it too early to use my bus pass?”


We have an EELS week: Early, Early, Late, Spare.


Eels up inside ya!!


Finding an entrance where they can!


Elements of the past and the future, combining to make something not quite as good as either.


Futurrrreee sailorrrss


10PM - 9AM was the 'Redeye'.


That's a horrible shift pattern


Funny thing was, there were a couple of blokes who liked it. One was a young lad, the other an older divorced man. No good for anyone with any kind of family or social life though.


Yes, we call those that work on Executive Management shifts useless cunts.


Used to work in a hospital and one of our shifts was a Late Short Day (LSD).


At a Wetherspoons I used to open the kitchen at 6am, cook til 3pm, take an hours break, then change and work on the bar from 4 until close which was 1am, then work to close down the bar until 2am. We called this the AFD shift. All fucking day. Made some bloody good money doing it too, and I’d often go clubbing straight after (the nearby night club would let us in in our uniforms for the last hour for free) party til 3:30am then go home, shower and be back to open the bar at 9am after a quick kip. You’d be dead on your feet by the end but oh god I had so much fun !


My husband works shifts as a quality control technician in a cement making plant. They work 2 days 2 nights then 4 off 7 times then get an 18 day break. Their last shifts before the 18 are called "the fuck 'em shift". I imagine as any problems will be solved for when they're next back 😆.


I worked at Maccies many years ago and we had a short shift 9-4 that a lot of us called “Emma Maxwell” because there was a manager by that name only did this shift, no one knew how she pulled it off (or who she pulled off) but that’s the only times she ever worked. And thus….the Emma Maxwell shift was born.


In hospitality we’d do shifts called AFDs. Abbreviation for “All. F-cking. Day.”


When I worked 2 days 2 nights 12 hour shifts..on our last morning we used to play Zippity Doo Dah on a tape to welcome the oncoming shift to their 4 days on...oh how they laughed :)


The shift that covers the end of the day shift and the beginning of the night shift. Swing shift.


Worked at Pret on 2-10pm closing shift, we got called “the lazy shift” 🥴 when we do all the stock for them to re open in the morning (4am)


Is it because you don’t have to do the morning rush nor the lunch rush?


I used to work twilight shifts, we were mushrooms, because we never really saw daylight.


We were called the mushrooms because the bosses kept us in the dark and shit on is.


More of a watch than a shift; throughout Greece the 2-4am night watch slot is known as “the German number”, stemming from the army slang.  Probably because on a 22:00 - 06:00 curfew it affords the least consecutive sleep and the next day sucks, along with leftover WWII sentiments. 


9-5 shifts are ‘working the Dolly Parton’, naturally.


We have TWATs. Tuesday Wednesday And Thursday in the office, work from home Mondays and Fridays


I used to call night shifts ‘the upside down’ because it literally turns everything inner-body wise the wrong way


When I was in uni and had a part time job. We were called ‘the people under the stairs’ because the access to our bit of the warehouse was…underneath a rather large staircase


Working in B&Q, pensioners got 10% off on Wednesday, thus naming the Wednesday day shift, Crumbly Wednesday


The most innovative answer (/s) goes to our ‘clopen’, for those who did the closing shift and then were on the opening shift the next day.


Straight out of university I worked in 2nd line tech support. Shifts were lates (2pm until 10pm, Mon to Fri), earlies (7am till 3pm Mon to Fri and 7am to 7pm Sat and Sun) and middles (9 to 5 Mon-Tue-Wed or Wed-Thu-Fri). The pattern was earlies-middles-lates with a week on each, so it was possible to go from pulling a 7 day shift on earlies into the Mon-Tue-Wed middle shift and end up working 10 days straight. This was called The Grueller.


Every Thursday is “dither day” at our workplace. Usually when old folks come out for their pension, if that’s how pensions work these days, but Thursdays are always awful.


In hospitality when you work a closing shift and then open the next morning, we call it a 'Clopening' shift. Sorry for making you read that. We also call a shift where you work from opening to close an AFD, as in All Fucking Day. Relics of the past, they don't really happen anymore but when they do you're treated with a special kind of masochistic reverence.


At uni I worked in a call centre, 8pm-6am Sat and Sun, sometimes Fri too. We called ourselves the rebbulCs. (Written that way, you may get why.) In a different job, we had a shift/set of tasks that were defined as a "Harry" day [not his real name]. It was a set of crappy jobs that no one liked, but they were easy enough. Except Harry got them all wrong, too. For at least a year after Harry had been fired, we still referred to them as the Harry jobs. Much later, the "Charlie work" concept in IASIP confirmed that this wasn't just us.


I was a steward at football for a time. There was one shift where you went around the men’s toilets trying to stop smokers. The people on that shift were called the boaby patrol. If your not familiar with Scottish slang, “boaby” basically just means penis


The sunday sad dad club was named because McDonalds is a favourite drop off point for dads with weekend visitation. Source: Was a member of said club for many years.


Not exactly related, but I worked in a factory with 4 shifts. Red shift, blue shift, green shift and.... brown shift, which was of course, the one I was on. Cue my Steve Buscemi impression from Reservoir Dogs!


When I was nursing, as soon as The Boss had driven off Id loudly declare "Playtime"


Dogs watch. Also split into first dog and last dog.


The dog watch is when the baby dabbers have to make sure no stray dogs get up the gangway.


Nightshift get blamed for everything....been on it 25 years


Weekday day shift was either “groundhog shift” or “mum’s army. Groundhog because of Groundhog Day, everything the same day after day. Mum’s army like dad’s army the tv show. A horrible, nasty clique that hated anyone bettering themselves. Students coming working in holidays in particular were targets of bile


My shop is right next to some retirement flats. Every morning at 7am is 'Night of the Nearly Dead' as they all come shuffling across the car park for their newspapers. On a foggy day it looks quite creepy, like a horde of zombies. Especially if we don't open on time; then they start banging on the windows.


Shopping Center Chain Restaurant near a posh area - weekday lunch times were the "entitled mums from (area redacted) club".


Shit trade Sunday :)


I dont understand the sad dad thing. Single dads spending the last sunday with their kids?


Fathers who only have limited access to the kids on a Sunday afternoon who have either run out of ideas or just do what the kids want.


Contractors from the faraway towns who only come into London on Tuesdays Wednesdays And Thursdays: The. T.W.A.Ts


Not necessarily that funny, but a place I worked at had a weekend shift of 9am until midnight. We called it the suicide shift, because you volunteered for it and by the end you felt like death. The only bonus was if you did Saturday you got Wednesday off as a gimme, if you did Sunday you got the Monday off.


Working for an ambulance service there used to be a relief rota which every new member of staff had to do for roughly 2 years before getting an established rota. The relief rota essentially plugged the gaps, primarily sickness and annual leave of staff, so the bulk of the work was weekends and nights. Gruelling work. It was affectionately known as "the divorce rota"


My family has always referred to the middle shift 10am till 6pm as the donkey shift because unless you make an effort to get up earlier you end up doing nothing but work and sleep.


On submarines we have two watches. First watch does 0700-1300 and 1900-0100. Second watch does the opposite. On my last patrol, something always went wrong during the other watch's on-watch. We started calling them "Doom Watch"


Shifty McShiftface!


Sir David Attenborough


Worked in a kitchen: AFD = all fuckin’ day




Enjoy the one day ban, I hope it makes you happy. Dear lord, what a sad little life, Jane. You ruined our subreddit completely so you could post politics, and I hope now you can spend your one day ban learning some grace and decorum. Because you have all the grace of a reversing dump truck without any tyres on. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CasualUK) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If you did a long shift where I used to work We called them AFD ( All fucking day)


Weekend doubles known in the restaurant industry as AFD shifts- all f*cking day


All I can think of is the AFD shift at the pub but that's pretty boring 




Politics? Dry your eyes mate, I know it's hard to take but our minds have been made up, you're getting a small one day ban. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CasualUK) if you have any questions or concerns.*


There used to be housewives shift, graveyard shift. And one more but can’t remember what it was called. I have done all 3. 1 week of each it’s hard work getting used to the change but you mange and the graveyard shift you got paid more. 10pm-6am, 6am-2pm, 2pm-10pm I use to hate 2-10. You get up have breakfast then work get home and bed. 6-2 was good you had rest of day yourself. 10-6 was great because it was relaxed no bosses and when you finished you have rest of day to yourself plus as you were going home you could see everyone else going to work it was satisfying. Of course you would work into the Saturday if on 10-6. This was the 80s. So after work it was night clubs or pub with everyone you worked with great fun.🤩


D Shift used to be called F Troop for some reason.


What type of shift....


12 till 8pm "matey lates" so called because only friends of the boss got that shift.


‘Clovernight’ = close into an overnight.


This might be universal, but in my restaurant you're said to be 'in suicide' when you get the section with 4 six-tops, 3 two-tops and a four ... because the sixes _always_ come at exactly the same time, usually between 6.30 and 7.


The jammy bastards who work Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays: TWATs


TWaTs = people that do the middle three days of the week in the office with Monday and Friday remote.