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Bad news: if they get out of control they’ll devour your clothes. If you’re getting them dropping off the ceiling they’re out of control. Good news: they can be killed by flea spray. “R.I.P Fleas Extra” is a fairly pricy one but it contains the insecticide you need. One round of this killed the entire infestation we were dealing with and as a bonus wiped out the clothes moths too. (I made an account just to say this after being mildly traumatised having to deal with these things in a neglected house. After pulling away the piles of rubbish we found they’d eaten holes in a carpet we assumed was cheap plastic fibre)


You created an account to help someone you dont know. Wholesome as fuck. You chose to call it hedgehog arse. I dont know how to react to this.


Are you saying hedgehog arses aren’t wholesome???


Love the username bro, we could be cousins


Never thought I'd say it, but here we are: _DogTits_ and HedgehogArse, this is the reason I'm on Reddit.


Was about to write the same thing 😂


As we're on the subject of reddit names, regarding the word scrumple, from babies, my kids all giggled like crazy when I prefixed any word with Scrumple (a word i thought id made up at the time)...scrumple-biscuit, scrumple-flump, and so on...so, it has now become part of our household language when expressing affection for each other. So, thanks for making me smile today with your reddit name.




r/rimjob_steve is built on people like u/hedgehogarse


Most careful rimjob ever. A tentative tongue is a prerequisite.


With gratitude. Hedgehog arses are not known for going around, helping people with their problems. After all, arses, they are.


Indorex is a great alternative brand too. The only caveat with it is that the permethrin dosage is strong enough to make cats unwell so make sure that the room has been fully vented out before allowing them back in the room again.


Thanks for posting this!


Gotta ask, any reason for the username?


Better question is: why wouldn’t I name myself this when I found out the combination was free??


It truly is a tremendous day when you find *your* username. I've had this one for a few years now, must've made 50 accounts and it's been taken maybe twice, and I think they might've been me forgetting I've made an account. Occasionally I have to add a second 'i' at the end. Truly shocking when it happens.


You got me there, I'm just jealous.


I assume this is your 9th incarnation?


Also if you notice a few too many of those tiny gold house moths over a period then start looking for the source before it turns into a horror movie & takes you months to get it under control.


Sources we discovered: pasta, flour, rice (they can get into all the plastic packaging and they love tiny crumbs spilled in cupboards too) clothes drawers, airing cupboards, wool, moulted animal fur gathered in the corners… The one that shocked me was that they were completely uninterested in sugar. I think they’re after the protein in hair and grains.


We used some pesticide infused paper for those. Stuck them in every drawer and cupboard with clothing. We also changed our carpets which probably helped but I'm tempted to get some of that spray as a precaution.


I did the traps & the spray to keep it under control but it didn’t stop until I found the source which is what you have to do or they always come back. If it’s stopped or dramatically gone down immediately after you changed the carpet (recently) then it probably took care of the source.


We had these at my old house 🤦‍♀️ they're a menace, you think you've gotten them all then BOOM fucking up something else in a different room


How do you administer it?


The same way as when it’s flea spray. The exact instructions are on the bottle but generally:  1) Move furniture out the way so you can get to all the corners  2) spray floor and soft fabrics thoroughly  3) shut the door and leave it for several hours to sink in and do its work 4) hoover everything you sprayed 5) Do the same again in a few weeks just to catch any insects that might have escaped your purge.


Or those that have hatched since


Thank you for the helpful advice u/HedgehogArse


I managed to get rid of some at my old house with white vinegar if anyone is searching for a chemical free option. Sprayed liberally to all surfaces, then hoovered thoroughly. Repeated twice and haven't seen the buggars since 🤞🏼 the smell took a while to fade though 😅


Everything is chemicals, some are just more commonly used so have common names. Vinegar is acetic acid.




Rubbing alcohol works and it evaporates quickly, doesn't leave much of a smell and obviously isn't going to contaminate your food with poisonous bug spray


Just have to watch out for the fact it’s too amazing a solvent - it’ll strip varnishes, will weaken/dissolve certain plastics (so spot test before using on anything) and those fumes are flammable.  I do love the stuff though - scrub a bit into your hands after chopping chillies, wash with water and all the chilli juice is gone.


How does white vinegar affect soft furnishings? I’d be worried the acid would weaken the fabric fibres. (I spray my knitting supplies with a bit of the fleaspray every spring just to kill any clothes moths that might have found their way in - I never want to see any creature again)


diluted vinegar also already helps. also neem oil


Neem oil is a wonder, especially for killing some of the hardest to kill bugs that infest house plants but my god it absolutely stinks!! 


I didn't notice any discolouring or negative effects, but I should have specified that it was diluted 😊


I wasn't expecting my suggestion of white vinegar to be so controversial 😅 I understand white vinegar is a chemical, I suppose what I meant was a less harmful one? Some of the flea sprays /bug sprays I was looking at when I had carpet beetles had some particular nasties in! Each to their own 😊


Yeah you're talking sense, people are nit-picking


I think they intend to kill them *without* having to pick them, tbh.


“No they are definitely nit” 😖


White vinegar is a chemical. 


Everything is a chemical and vinegar is a highly corrosive chemical.


Carpet bugs. They hibernate over winter in our homes. Just have a little check in any dark corners to make sure there’s no nests and give any carpets a good vacuum.


Also any clothes or old toys can fall victim- check them too! We had an invasion in our house and it turned out they had nested in a teddy bear my sister got when she was like 2 and has been under her bed for years 




I’d suggest you don’t head down the rabbit hole and look at some of the other bugs that normally live in our homes… My personal favourite ‘that’s disgusting’ are Flour Mites, little bastards are almost impossible to kill and get literally everywhere.


I think I might have had these in Japan, I bought a big bag of brown rice and took too long to eat it all and they all hatched inside the bag. I wanted to cry and had nightmares about it afterwards. I showed one of my housemates and she was like "how fascinating" because she'd never seen it before 😂 (apparently it's a thing that can happen, but white rice is husked and polished which gets rid of any eggs, and not many people eat brown rice). They were contained in a plastic bag at least so the problem stopped there. Took me a while to eat brown rice at all again and i only bought 2kg bags after that which was the smallest size.


We had them in flour, they got literally everywhere. No pesticides would kill them, after a few weeks we finally found a really nasty spray meant for the garden. We emptied every single thing from the kitchen cupboards, coated it in this biocide and fucked off away for the weekend.


When we had them, they also went into those plastic pockets where I kept the printed recipes in. Absolutely disgusting.


I always have flour for too long but they never seem to spread more than the cupboard. Just bin everything and drown them in soapy vinegar and it's done. Waste of money but an easy problem. Guess I'm lucky?


Biocide! Good for pressure washing too, lichen, mold and moss never stands a chance.


They sound like weevils - their eggs look like rice grains. When they hatch they are very small, long, sort of spotted insects. I had the same issue with a nearly full 2 week old bag of white rice.


Weevils hate bay leaves. Sprinkle bay leaves in all your kitchen cabinets


fortunately this happened over a decade ago in another country but yes i'll bear it in mind if i ever have a similar thing happen again.


Me and the Mrs came home from a 2 week holiday to be confronted by what looked like a moving kitchen. Holy shit, that kitchen had the deepest of cleans and we were still seeing them for a while after.


Once I thought the rice inside the bag was moving. I thought I was tripping. Oh boy the disgust when I realised what was happening.


Nothing wrong with a bit of extra protein


We has those last year. Found them in the cupboard, deep cleaned it with bleach, threw out everything that was open and not individually wrapped. A week later they were back. Binned everything that was in there, left it completely empty and cleaned with bleach daily for 2 weeks, there were still a few hanging around. Think it took about 4 weeks before we weren't able to find any & started to use the cupboard again.


At least they are edible if properly cooked.


I have everything in sealed tubs, but anything that isn't gets full of the little creeps. Blegh.


Extra nutrients!


are we somehow, not part of this amazing/beautiful (& sometimes many legged) web of life smeared over the surface of our planet ? -- do we not walk around carrying 10 times more bacterial cells than our own bodys cells ? most of which we live in harmony with ? -- if its not eating you or your house, maybe you could be a benevolent god, & just leave these lives to live --- if you go down a visual (magnification) level then we are swarming anyway -- and you would have to conduct chemical warfare upon yourself to get rid of em. --- far better a few mites eating up your dead skin flakes than a poisonous house environment, which may well be harming you also. x


Unless they pay rent then mutually assured destruction via chemical warfare it is. We'll die clutching each other's throats.


That’s Toy Story if it was a horror movie. “You got a million little friends in me”.


Now I want this.


Hang on a moment, your sisters been under the bed since she was 2.....


Hide and Seek legend


Thats honestly disgusting 😂


Toy Story horror.


That’s not a bug, it’s a beetle.


You’ll find the beetles on white/light coloured items like window sills. The larvae are like small hairy caterpillars - they crawl up the walls. Same thing, just not in beetle form yet!


You sometimes find the larvae crawling on a wall they look like little brown hairy caterpillars. Or you might find empty larvae shells at the bottom of drawers


Yep! I have these bloody yearly in my flat they make me sick. I seen one of the larvae on the wall the other day and I’m just gutted. It’s carpet beetles I get. Any idea why? I paid a couple years back for pesticide to be sprayed, no idea if it worked or it was time of year


I get them in my flat as well, I'm pretty sure they come in when it gets warmer and you open the windows. The larvae are a pain in the arse, if you squash them they mark my wall I have to grab them with tweezers. You can go ages without seeing any then you see one of the bastards on the wall. Make sure you check your drawers, they eat your clothes


It's carpet beetle season! Harmless things, but you'll start seeing loads of them now you've noticed. Takes a real deep clean to get rid of them and you specifically look out for areas you notice a lot of them in/around. In the meantime make sure any organic-material clothing is contained as I've heard they can destroy things like 100% wool, but I've never noticed any damage even though I can never get rid of these buggers in my home.


I keep finding these in my HMO at the moment and thought it was something wrong with the flat. There’s very little carpet in the flat but it’s regularly hoovered, can they live on wooden floors too?


When you mop your floor, use white vinegar. It will stink so keep the windows open, but it only smells for about an hour. This will kill them off.




they can also irritate airways and cause allergies!!


Yeah they eat wool. I knit a lot and have found several of my handmade jumpers with giant holes in!


Harmless until you move the heavy furniture off the carpet and discover what they’ve been doing underneath… Edit: they can be killed with fleaspray - insecticide in that wipes them out too


Yep can tell its spring as I'm finding them in my home had them every spring for past two years so annoying I've tried diamateous earth stuff deep cleaned and steamed home even chucked out loads but still getting them. My clothes are fine and furniture so can't have too bad an infestation every spring so making peace lol.


Sounds like me and the six million woodlice that live under my house that love coming in to say hello


So this is what’s been eating my merino wool pullovers. What little cunts


We’ve had them in my house for like 7 years now the annoying little shits they do my head in 🤦🏼‍♀️ They start out as little furry tiny caterpillar like things. They get everywhere no matter how much I clean how many things I use to get rid of them. I found one yesterday and had a little bitch fit with myself coz it was on my hung up coat


I got immune ones in my home too lol I've tried everything online I chucked out so much last year steamed the house, sprinkled powder, bug sprays etc. Still get them every spring. Can't find a nest or anything just will see a random one on my wall one day.


Yeap we had them maybe nesting, in the fluffy ends of a material on the divan bed.... Got new bus, in between gutting the room powdered floor, and carpet stairs to attic. And all boxes of clothes emptied, washed, and then boxed up again, but in bin bags.. all last year. Found 1 yday .. downstairs on kitchen wall by door... Grrr. Nuisance!


I had so many in my old apartment, I could never get rid of them. I would find the little caterpillars or the sheddings they left behind everywhere, in all of our clothes, blankets. It was so disgusting and didn’t stop until I moved


Diatomaceous earth!


Have you tried some of the various powders and sprays?


I have , unfortunately it’s only ever been a temporary situation I think they’re immune to it now as it doesn’t seem to make a difference. I’ve stripped the whole house before pulled everything out cleaned it sprayed it etc and they still come back. It’s not a swarm of them obviously I think I exaggerated slightly but they pop up a fair bit. Really annoying !


have you potentially got them coming from old shit in the loft? wouldn’t surprise me if they’re munching down on shit up there


A steam cleaner will kill them! 


Oh I also found one yesterday and adult in the bath, so it begins again this Spring lol


A varied carpet beetle in Dermestidae.


No, they're in the UK


Don't worry, I understand your excellent British humour. 


Looks like a Carpet beetle, they are so hard to get rid of and the larvae will eat your clothes, carpets, fabric. You need to find the source and bin it, it’s usually something like an undisturbed item at the back of a cupboard. They love Wool. So look for wool coats, blankets etc. they also love to hide under carpets. the larvae look like tiny maggots as baby’s and small spiky caterpillars when they’re a bit bigger


How can I tell what the source is please? These bstrds been taunting me for 8 years


Well as a fellow sufferer of these little gits, I can’t say that I have yet won that battle. I think I have, until the next spring when they start popping back up again. Every year I think I’ve won…. But I haven’t. I have drastically reduced their population though but some source still eludes me. The main product that’s worked so far is moth killer spray strangely. It’s potent stuff and I’m sure I’ve taken a couple of years of my life span spraying that shit. But I did get to hoover up a load of dead ones over the course of a few months whereby I narrowed down the source to my coat via dead carcasses. So far I’ve found the “mothers” as in a few big hairy larvae in an old towel that I didn’t know was there at the back of a shelf in a cupboard (it was already in the house when we moved in) & my beloved wool coat (now on a landfill somewhere). I’ve nearly ripped up all the carpets in the house, just 1 bedroom left to replace with hardwood flooring and then the landing / stairs are last. I never found any under there though so that might have been a waste of time, I don’t know. Put everything you own through the washer and store anything that needs storing in an airtight container with an insecticide sheet. I think it’s a minimum of 60 degrees to kill the eggs, freezing also apparently works but seriously who’s freezing their clothes, I don’t have the space for that at all. Check all corners, drawers, cupboards etc for dust collections. Let light get onto your clothes, they like dark undisturbed areas. They are sneaky and they like to hide so it is really difficult. Thoroughly inspect all woollen items. This summer I’m trying that powder stuff; Diatomaceous earth made of sharp dead things. I’ve been reluctant to use it as if you breathe it in, it’s really toxic but I’m allergic to the floating hairs off the larvae so I really need to kick them to the curb one way or another.


Look online and buy a can or two of **Indorex** (the vets recommend it for fleas), it obliterates everything including spiders, beetles and bugs, *everything*. One spray out should clear your problem, only needs doing once every 12 months. Harmless to cats/dogs, check if you have other pets before you go ham (especially fish/very small pets). Do your own research to be safe, but it is VERY effective (always has been for me, I spray every 12-18 months as I am a bit of an insectophobe).


+1 for Indorex


Yes. Highly effective spray. Pets then carry it on their fur to all the tucked away places they visit where it continues to kill fleas for ages, 10/10 for flea destruction.


Harmless to cats when **dry**. Have to keep them well away from it until then, and until the room is vented out afterwards. Then it’s safe for cats.


Assuming it’s also safe around small humans if it’s okay for cats and dogs? Not OP but we also have carpet beetles.


Do you need to spray and then leave the room for a few hours?


I open all of the windows in the room, spray the carpet well and then come out and close the door. I also put an old towel down across the door but I have cats and anxiety! Hoover the carpet first - it wakes up anything nasty lurking! 




Service guarantees citizenship.


Would you like to know more?


Am I in danger? Will they kill me?


Yes. The only good bug is a dead bug.




I'm doing my part too!


I Didn't Do Fucking Shit!


I know where my towel is!


Try sucking on the corner


I had Dizz before Rico.


At least I had Rico before I died.


Kill them all, bring them some real managed democracy!


Would you like to know more?


It’s afraid!!




Yes, we can ill afford another Klendathu.


Here's a tip. Aim for the nerve stem and put it down for good. 


Is this going to be a stand up fight, or another bug hunt?


Nuke it from orbit, only way to be sure


It was a bad call




Shared in Tattooine hun x


Shared in another galaxy far, far away hun x


Im doing my part


For Managed Democracy


Would you like to know more?




So I’m an Arachnid?


Can i siphon oil 710 out of them


I had carpet beetles eating the insulation in my ceiling. Forever I couldn't figure out where they were coming from until I saw a few fall out of a small hole in the ceiling. Opened it up to find legit tens of thousands. Ceiling just infested , insulation was mostly the larvae at this point it looked like the insulation was crawling and when I opened the roof they rained down on me. Nightmare fuel. Anyway it makes me concerned they may be in your roof or attic. They like to eat dead stuff especially my dogs hair. So be religious about vacuuming for awhile and unfortunately may have to explore if they keep coming back. Most houses have some carpet beetles. But if your unlucky, they may have found some major food source inside your walls/ceiling.


Oh no, that's literally my worst nightmare. I hate, **H A T E** bugs, even the teeny tiny ones. If they aren't the roof, I'm leaving, never coming home, it's their house now. I'm not brave enough to go up there.


Thanks for ruining my day. 😅


What the fuuuuck! What was your insulation made of??


Nuke your room from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.


These are what they call annoying little cunts


No, you're thinking of children.


Easy mistake to make


As people have said carpet beetles. Be assured they are not harmless. What you've seen is an adult beetle. If you look carefully around, you will see tiny caterpillar looking things crawling. They are the babies. You won't immediately notice, but they do a lot of damage to any soft furnishings. Also their excrement can cause rashes and itching. Getting rid of them is a bit of a batch. For that, I would google around a bit and use a variety of methods.


P.s. I am speaking from having dealt with them. I vacuum every day etc. In the end I stripped out all the carpet and furnishings. Then gave the whole place a shower with a concentrated bleach solution.


As many people have said looks like a carpet beetle. However, you couldn't have taken a better picture OP? Cause without the context that could easily be mistaken for a 22-spot ladybird.


When I first saw the picture, I was like "Oh, looks like a ladybug/ladybird, completely harmless and really cute" then I read the comments and everything else and was like, yuuuck, nevermind"😂😂


Except OP clearly said it had STRIPES! I think this picture must have come via the palace.


Yeah, that's part of the context I was talking about.


Yeah carpet beetles. I don't do anything about them. Just see one every now and again, I don't think their population gets out of control or anything. They leave me alone I leave them alone. Edit. They also have weird larvae. Slightly spikey looking black things. I have seen them occasionally in the en suite. I don't know if that because they prefer the moisture or if it's because they stand out and I can spot them. Again, I don't see them v often so I don't worry about it. 


>seen them occasionally in the en suite I absolutely pictured you walking in and finding a life size one using your shower


Hey Dave, how's it going? Rub a dub dub! How I now picture that interaction


My fault, I haven't fitted a door lock yet! 


Yep, same. Found 1 beetle, and on other people’s recommendation I tore the house apart and cleaned everything. Sealed every nook and cranny with silicone to boot. No sign of a nest or anything. Found a larvae on the ceiling a few months back. No sign of more 🤷🏼‍♀️ I think my cat brings them home tbh. Little ginger bastard brings home slugs stuck to his tummy on the regular, so why not these little guys too.


Carpet bugs! I once moved into a dingy flat that was riddled with them.


Get some fumigator smoke bombs from Amazon. Buy loads, set them all off and go out for a hour or so. Nothing will survive. Open all drawers and cupboards / wardrobes etc and let it rip.


Oh no. Fucking carpet beetles. Bloody horrible things. Check your skirting boards and clothes for the larvae. They are a pain in the arse.


I get them every spring for past 2-3 years now, I have tried everything online diamouteous earth powder, steam everything, chucked out lots, sprays, bombs. Mine are immune I guess I haven't seen any damage to clothing or furniture so I'm making peace can't find a nest so letting them be I just squish when I see them lol and still suggest a deep clean at the least inspect furniture and clothes.


Adding on to what others have said, they don’t just eat textiles. I had them popping up all over the house and finally tracked them to under the cooker because the dog would drop biscuits and they’d get knocked under there. The beetles were in kibble heaven.


I used to play with these as a kid, I’d put them in my toy car and drive them around carpet beetles


Entomological identification is tricky when the subject was pictured at a great distance by a potato camera. Best stick to photographing UFOS


Carpet beetle :) up your housekeeping and vacuuming, it helps keep on top of them.


I store loads of clothing and a massive stuffed bear my late mother gave me in my room and I am praying that these things aren't in the bear as it would be heartbreaking to throw away (I've seen 3 of these around my room so far)


You can freeze stuff to kill them! 


Carpet beetles, I currently have a bad infestation :( they are mostly harmless to humans except that they ruin cloth and some people are allergic to them. You can spray for them (I can't because I'm pregnant) and keep clothing and other food items put away in Ziploc bags or vacuum bags for clothes. My bed is on the ground and they are always in it, planning on doing some cleaning tomorrow to see if it helps, fortunately they are easy to kill and don't have a super hard exoskeleton like fleas. I'm kinda just worried one is going to get in my nose or ear and that's going to be an interesting Drs visit haha.


What vacuum do you have? These can be the mark of a bad cleaner


Just found one of these on my wall this morning. Now I’m checking every nook and cranny. I don’t even have carpet! Which means they must be in my bed frame! Shudder.


We have these at the moment, they're carpet beetles as someone has already mentioned. We have white wine vinegar and put about 3/4 of it into a spray bottle and top the rest up with water. We spray around any cracks in windows, door frames, and around the edges of carpets. I would advise keeping it away from soft furnishings because the smell is very potent, but you CAN use it to wash your clothes with! (Just re-wash on a normal cycle after it's done) Use neat vinegar on a hot or lukewarm wash, then regular detergent the next. Another really good option is to soak toilet paper in it (neat) and patch the paper wads over any cracks for a few days. This will stop them coming through and kill them off. Unfortunately a few years ago I had an infestation and they ruined my books.


They are carpet beetles. However these are the adults. They are dark yellow with black zig zig lines. Tiny too, but when you have dealt with them I guess I got good at spotting them. They will try to reach light so you will see them on window sills but also they are good at playing dead. You have to literally splat them I’ve drowned them in bleach and no use. These could be adults that have either entered or already have laid eggs. These are what you don’t want. The larvae have 3 growth stages, starting at like grain of rice size with loads of spines, to couple of inches long with bulb like heads and spines too, those also shed and will leave the skin in whatever they were eating at the time. Only thing that truly helps with the larvae is to put demetrius earth around edges of all flooring, the sharp pieces cut into larvae and kill them, as basically they eat ALL soft furnishings, decor, and worst Keratine which few strands of hair and odd stray nail clippings they will love. I had these in my home and along with throwing away a load of items I found them in my wicker furniture, inside the leather of settee, in footwear stored under stairs. I had a few wigs and they were eaten. I used to collect plush teddies as a child and most were ruined. Once they take over something like a plush teddy if you look close they leave brown greasy marks. My children’s blankets and soft toys had to go. I had to have Rentokil twice in the end, and stay at my parents overnight. Even now I have not ventured into the eaves of my loft, as they also like old birds nests and of course fibreglass insulation. Like other pests they breed at a phenomenal rate only pro is that unlike fleas they don’t bite but you may have nasty skin or respiratory reactions. As someone else said, they eat clothes too and will make a line of neat round holes just enough to ruin a garment at the seams! Unless it’s made of plastic or glass they will try and eat it. Oh, and the larvae are like it for up to 3 years too. We have woodland at bottom of our garden so inundated with various bugs but these are truly awful. Made me paranoid for months afterwards and it really upset me over what they had destroyed. The times I came across a shedded skin make me shudder still. For our carpets, I thought it was the quality and cold concrete floors but it was just them slowing eating corners inwards. Anything you can hoover, boil wash or put in freezer for 24hrs then do it and hoover again. Vacuum seal anything else you don’t use everyday if possible especially any sentimental items. Wish you luck, as with products I can only say the demetrious earth as an asthmatic I can’t use anything remotely strong or scented.


How the fuck do these get into houses? I live in a second floor flat and something that looked very much like this dropped onto my lap a couple of days ago, and I’ve no idea where it came from.


Looks like a Lady Bug to me


I get these in my windowsill in my bedroom, but they're harmless. Just annoying. I'd rather have them crawling around than spiders.


OP you say it’s striped but it looks spotted from the photo. If it is spotted it’s a harlequin ladybird (Harmonia axyridis). Harmless. To me it totally looks like that rather than the carpet bug (Anthrenus verbasci) you are all frothing about. In fact even from the crap photo i’d say it looks nothing like a carpet bug (mottled all over, not spotty). Getting more annoyed by the minute. Downvotes welcome.


You know those popcorn cieling things you find in most houses, they're eggs and they're hatching


u/gay_idiot53 : How big are these bugs? Millimetres is a good reference, as opposed to bananas.


I like your username 😂 Googled carpet beetle and it doesn’t look like one to me? Don’t mind me though, I’m just another Reddit idiot 😆


I have these little fuckers in my house and have never been able to completely remove them. There was a point where I'd be seeing the larvae or beetles on a daily basis, with some deep cleaning and taking away/washing old clothes have reduced them significantly. Though I'll still see the odd one maybe once a month! They probably infested your home due to a lack of cleaning. Time to change those habits. That's your best weapon to get rid of them. Hire cleaners if you must. Also, don't kill/remove spiders in your home. They are helping in your carpet beetle war.


Something dropped on my head about 5 minutes before reading this post and I think this is the Gods telling me it was one of these little cunts. Better clean out the room.


Looks like a ladybird to me


I hate these things, I've seen about five of them today


The carpet beetles are related to moths so they will eventually eat into your clothes or material furniture. Mothballs in your wardrobe and drawers send them packing. There are sprays and balls available to buy just for carpet beetles/moths. I am certain I could not live in countries that are plagued with so many different insects. I am out with the sprays and persistently vacuuming the seconðppp6pppp0⁰(I vacuum twice a day even if I don't see creepy crawlies). Good luck with the mission to rid the carpet beetles!!! x


I get these in my house too, usually in the bathroom, always wondered what they were.


Ant powder, I managed to wipe them out with it. saw the bugs literally dry out once they crawled over the ant powder. Horrible little things 🤢 they love to eat carpet.


Carpet beetles, must be a new baby only seen black ones .


Carpet beetles, must be a new baby only seen black ones .


Thank goodness you circled it.


Get moth spray and spray skirting boards & in loft which is where the larvae hang out. Since I sealed off loft hatch & net the windows I have zero bugs.


Get moth spray and spray skirting boards & in loft which is where the larvae hang out. Since I sealed off loft hatch & net the windows I have zero bugs.


I don't know, but I visibly shivered when I zoomed in on it 😳 I'll never learn.


Carpet bugs and they're a massive pain in the arse. Their larvae looks like little furry grubs and you find them stuck to curtains etc. I used flea spray and hoovered every inch of my flat twice a day every day til o didn't see anymore but I think they're cyclical and came back in the autumn.


Sorry, your photo is blurred, but it looks like a 14-spot or 22-spot ladybird. They sometimes hibernate indoors over winter. Did you have ice or snow around where you live? They are also good at predicting the severity of a winter, and choosing where to hibernate (indoors, outdoors, on the ground, in a tree, etc).


These little shits were crawling around in my bell peppers right before I was making dinner. I'm pretty sure their called carpet bugs? It put me off my whole dinner to br honest.


I've been getting them on my window too


Worth getting some carpet beetle spray and some treatment strips. We had them for the last year or so, it's the larvae that do the damage (they're bigger and hairy) so be on the look out for them.
