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This sounds like the post your mum's shitty friend makes on Facebook. 😂


Along with the dodgy photoshopping


Oh absolutely. It's got it all. Lmao




😂 sounds about right! Can spot those types from a mile away. They're so mean in person too. Just horrid


She's the mum I have, not the mum I want.


Oh god. That's tough. 🫂


Shared Basru luv, too many snakes stay safe hun xx 






Politics? Look, we know it must be difficult being a kid, not a lot of schemes... But, you know, we're not the borough. We wish we were, but... *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CasualUK) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Cornwall on the bleeding edge of global fashion advice.


Many years ago I had an interview in Falmouth which required an overnight stay, and forgot to pack underwear so went to M&S to buy a spare pair. The only style they sold in the tiny Falmouth M&S was massive granny knickers.


And the M&S used to close every winter before the university campus opened. I remember an old lady telling me this when she started on an 'actually I don't mind all the students here' speech. Most locals do, indeed, mind the students. I worked on the campus but my neighbours hated me as they could never understand that I wasn't a student. I was thirty years old when I moved to Falmouth.


lol worst one was when people would tell me how much they hated me as a student by saying “I’ve been here for ten years and…!” I was a local student, I’d lived in Cornwall all my life and told them so in Cornish.


You should've gone to Trago!


Came here to say this. (For northerners: Trago is like the Boyes of the Westcountry.)


Oh come now it’s a very downmarket Boyes. (Cornish but lived in Yorkshire)


I used to live in Penryn and yeah, I pretty much hated the students.


We hated ourselves 😔


It wasn't personal. It was all the problems that came with it. I blame the university to be honest, for bringing in so many more students, and just expecting the town to absorb them.


We live next door to a student house, in Penryn, and for the last 15 years that it's been a student house every student has been a delightful neighbour. Way better than we were 40 years ago. Used to be rented to a family, who were perfectly nice as well. It's not the students fault that landlords are deciding there is more money to be squeezed out of students than out of families. 


How big is a massive granny?


You know those "your mum" jokes? That, squared.


I didn't know they made square knickers. I now want a new category on porn hub.


Square knickers for Minecraft porn.


I should have knew there was somewhere on the Internet for it. It's all about knowing the right keywords. I'm disappointed in myself for not guessing Minecraft.


Ooooooooooooooh Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?


He wears y-fronts.


I can't hear you! He wears y-fronts!


The answer to your question can be found in your mirror


Pretty damn massive to fit in those knickers.


Did the same once on travels and the only undies in my size for sale in the entire town were scooby doo kids boxers.






Scooby snacks.


Falmouth M&S is just about the least interesting thing in Fally. Best 5 years of my life was spent studying in that wonderful little town.


RIP Falmouth M&S, it closed down in 2019. We miss it every day.


It's clock is still a pokestop on Pokemon Go though, so it's legacy lives on.


Oh that’s so sad. All those poor old ladies with cold bottoms :(


Has it really? I lived in Falmouth for about 5 years or so. What's there now? Or is it empty?


Still empty. There was a proposal a few years ago to turn it into a food market with lots of restaurants in, but I think they are now planning to just turn it into flats


I go there all the time. It's one of the places I haven't ever gone.


There's a massive ASDA on the outskirts in Penryn.


I think that says more about your choice of shop than it does Falmouth.


*London. Paris. Milan. New York. Bodmin* *Everybody's talkin' 'bout what's the new Thing*


Reaches for a pasty…


It’s the bleeding edge that they don’t want to be subjected to…




Yup, this isn't a real Cornwall sign. At most it might be the sign some c*nt set up in their garden.


> c*nt You're allowed to swear on the internet, theres no need to censor yourself.


You’re also allowed to censor yourself, if that’s what you want to do.


Sure, just seems a little silly to me to want to use a word, but also be worried enough about offending somebody/breaking a rule that you also censor that word.


This is the internet, someone will be offended no matter what you say. 😊


>  worried enough about offending somebody/breaking a rule       Sometimes people asterisk out words for emphasis or for a humorous effect, not out of excessive timidness. Much like swearing, it can be used to express a variety of things.   Haven't you ever seen people write shit like "fuckin h*ck 😱"? It can even be done to troll the kind of people who are annoyed by it.


Many subs hide comments that include that word automatically, so I think there is a pretty good reason to do so.


Fair enough.


There’s a concerning number of people in this thread who seem to think this is real…


They have been bamboozled by fake Facebook posts like their parents.


It's so weird, who are these people? Why are they like this? How do they fall for this yet are able to operate a computer?


CasualUK has always been a bit Facebooky tbh


Fuck me! I see posts and replies every day on reddit that make me wonder how they remember to breathe, never mind operating a computer.


Who needs a computer when all you need is an idiot proof smartphone and an App? Facebook went to shit when these became available to the masses. It was only a matter of time before those kinds of people found their way to reddit.


Reminds me of when someone (quite poorly) photoshopped Greta Thunberg with a picture of Hitler on her wall and everyone on Facebook thought it was real 😂


I thought the comments on the Facebook Groups were pretty bad and then I discovered Facebook Videos. If you want to see the Cream of the Crop of morons, check out the comments on the videos. But I don't recommend it. Being exposed to such idiocy may cost you a few brain cells.


You never know they is a restaurant near me with a sign that says something about they will ask everyone for Id who look under 25 if your older and get asked take it has a compliment to your youthful looks.


This comment section is embarrassing. It's like reading Facebook


This is some Facebook level shite.


Definitely a photoshopped sign btw


Nothing gets past you Sherlock.


Perhaps not me, dear Watson. But it's definitely gotten past a lot of people


Come to Devon instead, we dont body shame here.


Why anyone would drive through Devon to get to Cornwall is completely beyond me. Devon has so much more to offer.


Why go to a county with only one coast when you can go to one with *two coasts*


Why go to a country where you can't buy rock with beer running through it?


Because you don't want to wander too far from civilization, or they might end up in a Hot Fuzz situation.


Cornish history, its identity being stamped on the language and pasties (even if both can be found in similar enough amounts in Devon), and it being the bottom corner of the country.  A better-established cultural identity to outsiders, basically. Devon needs better PR - even if it might actually have nicer stuff, for now it comes across a little like “we have Cornwall at home”. 


And better pasties.


You go too far sir...


I’ll give you that Dartmoor is better than Brown Willy, but otherwise you’re out of your damn mind.


Once you go to Brown Willy...


What's funny is that Brown Willy is actually an Anglican mistranslation of the original Kernowek name which meant 'brown hill'. They did a poll like 15 years ago on possibly changing the name, but most of the locals said they liked it being called Brown Willy.


Why anyone would drive through Dorset to get to Devon is completely beyond me. Dorset has so much more to offer.


Why anyone would drive through Hampshire to get to Dorset is beyond me. Hampshire has so much more to offer.


I don’t think there are many other land routes to Cornwall…


Why would anyone even bother going to the beach when living in the UK?


No thanks. You lot do weird things with your scones.




yes they do but also i miss devon and cherish the memories i made there


What yooz be torkin' bowt? Uz don't wan' no gurt big 'effers in Deb'n neither. Bloody grockles.


Eeyur, no; evrywunz'a naasty gurt big bodyshamer loik thee! Can' sell no paasties if no bugger eats 'em!


Caalm yerself me 'andsome. Wasson? Why youm be gettin' all mazed? Them grockles can stay tome n 'av them saarsage rolls frum gregg or George or wha'ever he be called. Now my luvver you 'av yerself a heller gud Sundy an' dunt get yer grundies all taangled. Proper job!


I read that in this [voice](https://youtube.com/shorts/ej_QzDu7Ozg?feature=shared)


Intelligence level on this sub took a real swan dive huh


Dress however the fuck you want to.


Sun's out. Arse out.


get the bellies out get the bulmers and strongbow out were british we all need vitamin D seriously fuck everyone else. you think middle age bald bloated bill gives a fuck what you think of him. no. arse crack out and pints


Not Very good photoshopping


Not as funny as the people who consistently paint over the sign for Totnes and replace it with Narnia! Edit - also, if people can’t tell this isn’t real, AI is going to doom us all!


i remember stopping at totnes train station and these guys painted green dressed like shrek were singing all star as they got on the train lovely


I used to think that, nowadays i feel like as long as you're not exposing your genitals, wear whatever the hell you like, it's none of my business Edit: as some seem to think this sign is real, just wanted to make clear that i'm aware it's faked.


Boomer humour. This is the kind of thing that would get laughs on have I got news for you.


Hey that's not fair! Poldark gets to throw his kit off so why can't I??


lol people can wear whatever they f’kn want to


Signed, The cheeky buggers lucky enough to live in one of the only UK regions sunny enough that even the chavs know how to adapt


And when it rains, they’ve got the Bude tunnel.


Is it really one of the sunniest regions in the UK? We average more than a meter of rain annually where I live in Cornwall. This year has been exceptionally bad but I have always considered anywhere on the west coast of the country as having utterly miserable weather most of the time. It's like a payback for being the beautiful side.


It may not be the sunniest, but it's definitely the warmest on average throughout the year due to its location.


I'll agree with that. The Gulf stream is a wonderfully warm although it does bring a hell of a lot of rain with it.


It pissed down from December to about last week so I dispute all “Sunny” claims.


Are we talking a parking meter or a water meter?


If you think people are lucky to live in Cornwall, then you haven't lived there.


Everyone wears cords and jumpers, charity shops are in vogue and it's really nice and arty. 


Better still, dress however the fuck you want because body-shaming is pathetic. I say this as someone who lived in Cornwall for years and mostly loved it. That said, I'm pretty sure the sign's fake, if only because someone would've got rid of something so bloody stupid by now.


Rude. Cornwall body shaming and proud.


I have a body, I go to the beach, therefore I have a beach body. Except unironically, fuck ur bodyshaming shit.


It's fake holy shit stop crying lmao


Like. yeah of course it's fake.🤨 I just think it's a shitty joke to make.


A perfect blend of awful Facebook humour, and awful overreacting under 30s screaming "fuck your goddam fucking body shaming fucking bullshit" like someone has thrown up a nazi salute or something.


Reddit in a nutshell


I'm with the oldies on this one.


This from a place that invented a tartan and a kilt to underline just how really, really, really, really Celtic and like totally different and completely un-English the English county of Cornwall is.


Eh… Cornwall has quite a long history of being a somewhat separate entity from the rest of England, it’s only over the last couple hundred years that the distinction has really eroded so significantly.


Cornwall became part of England in the 9th century. Some of the locals really like to big up their celtic roots and their "independence" from England, but in reality they are no more distinct than counties like Yorkshire, Norfolk etc.


That isn't quite true, Cornwall had a much higher level of independence than Norfolk or Yorkshire plus their own language. Cornwall being culturally homogenous with England might be more true now, but that started with the Victorians after proper rail networks were set up


For quite some time it had more independence than Wales!


It's not only untrue, it misses the point. It's hardly as though Cornish pride is about Yorkshire not being good enough. Or alternatively, that pride in X is actually about Y being suboptimal in general. Good natured ribbing and historic rivalries aside.  If a region expresses pride in its origins and differences, and seeks to preserve and honour its traditional heritage, there's hardly any reason to take that as a negative in and of itself. Including when it celebrates a difference in lineage and a traditional, if romanticised, resistance to being incorporated into Anglo Saxon rule or culture.  As for the descendents trying to preserve what remains of Celtic culture, it's what remains of the original Britain along with Wales. It comes across as a very jaundiced and solipsistic world view to dismiss this just because the state is now a modern nation. Honouring Cornish history - that stretches long beyond Anglo Saxon culture - doesn't mean other regions, like Yorkshire, have no unique traditional drawcards. It's just distinct.  For example, the Long Sword dance is unique to Yorkshire, is not found elsewhere in England. Cutting out some words, based on the logic employed, does this mean that no one in Yorkshire should bother with a dance that isn't necessary for any modern custom, except tourism? Because it's only performative? What a depressing and, might I add, tremendously dull approach. ⚔️🕺 Besides which, there's some rather interesting anecdotal arguments I've stumbled across about culture in Yorkshire - to wit, that Yorkshire actually remains much more influenced by a history of Danish rule than other parts of England.  (I'm not actually clever or well read enough in history to comment on this myself, but it's thought provoking) Interesting point about the Victorians and the railways. I was actually wondering if you were thinking mainly about industry or a fledgling form of tourism - I suppose it's all of it. Massive changes.  England is actually a very small country, relatively speaking. Tiny, really. Yet along the lines of the argument that Cornwall's no different than anywhere else in England, putting Cornish language aside, why are there so many different accents in England alone, if it's homogeneous? The British Isles including England has also been invaded loads of times, if you think about it. The legacy of the resistance of those who were invaded *and* the imprints of waves of invaders *both* remain. All are part of the cultural heritage of the modern British Isles and even aspects of the English language itself (for example loads of words turn out to have French or German origins, etc). 


Because this thread is specifically about Cornwall being a separate entity, which is was more so than Yorkshire. You’re reading far too much into what I put 


I took out some of what I was saying to reduce length, so I apologise. My direct references to your own assertions about the railway only emerged further along in my summary, as opposed to my response to your statement about truthfulness. However, I'm not reading into what you said. It's my own thoughts on the matter. The way my comment is structured might be slightly confusing you as although I was riffing on the truth of the matter, you weren't originally the one making those arguments I'm commenting upon. However, if you think my comment doesn't address Cornwall being a "separate entity", then you're not reading into it enough. It's simply part of the original entity which predates the Anglo Saxons, among other things. Which was also not homogeneous. This being said, I was addressing the overall argument at the top of the thread - from memory, as I'm on mobile. This included the claim that if Cornwall set itself apart as a Celtic region, this could only be inauthentic and performative (up-itself wank, per fake regalia) in the modern age. And that Cornwall is effectively no more especially different or distinct than other regions, for example, Yorkshire or Norfolk. That is more about a claim to being special. This is not quite the same thing as whether or not Cornwall is or was independent from the rest of Englamd culturally or otherwise. Even if it's true that your particular comment focussed more just on the idea of Cornwall's independence. My recollection about the earlier reference to Yorkshire is that it was about whether a region was renowned for being more culturally distinct and unique than others within England, perhaps including in terms of how it rates itself or how it's viewed. I was saying that from my perspective the nature of the whole argument is in principle absurd and solipsistic. I didn't say that you said that; *I'm* saying it. Why? It's ahistorical among other things.. You said the earlier argument was not "quite" truthful, I argued it went beyond that and that it misses the point entirely. I wasn't talking about your comment only but the overall discourse, including the interpretation of cultural value and meaning.


Mate, I do not care enough to read all that. Try to get some sleep lad


I'm not a lad, and Celtic culture will persist regardless of whatever Anglo Saxons presume. It's always been the case and it always will be the case. Cornish culture didn't die without the Industrial Revolution although we could still have talked about relevant changes if you could deal with more than 2-3 sentences when it comes to England's history and culture. Good day. 


When we say "independence" what we mean is, "the only train line connecting us to the rest of the country is flooded again." Either Dawlish or Tiverton; Devon gets the same thing but less often, because it only gets cut off when Tiverton is flooded.


Even when it's not flooded, train don't stop at Camborne on Wednesdays.


...That must be a fib, surely? Don't kids at Truro College still get the train back to Cambourne after lessons? And I've never checked the timetable when I've been going down to there.


Sorry, its an old joke. [a very old Jethro joke. ](https://youtu.be/_axHV2wx8RA?si=LlxdCym4QXfXtgOX)


That sounds just like something a true English imperialist coloniser would say.


An Anglo-Snarxon p'raps.. heavens forbid that a number of Britons maintain any idea or practice of inherited cultural lineage that doesn't derive at its root from what is now Germany. Consider the massive procession of various invaders that the Cornish people survived throughout the centuries. Culture would certainly have been totally blotted out if it wasn't at least stubborn. 


Hmm... [A 2015 study found that modern Cornish populations had less Anglo-Saxon ancestry than people from central and southern England, and that they were genetically distinct from their neighbors in Devon. Individuals sampled from Cornwall form separate genetic groups to those in Devon, with a division almost exactly along the modern county boundary](https://www.ox.ac.uk/news/2015-03-19-who-do-you-think-you-really-are-genetic-map-british-isles)


Evidence of said stubbornness! Study is as interesting as fuck on multiple levels, including in consideration of multiple waves of invasion.  Interestingly, in reference to culture Yorkshire, I just stumbled across anecdotal claims of influence from Danish rule.  Overall, it's pretty obvious there are culturally distinct areas within the British Isles. So it's incredibly interesting to take a snapshot at the genetic level. Including with respect to the original Britons who were also never a homogeneous group, including linguistically .  Part of what's also interesting about all this is relatively speaking, it's not a big place.  I've recently-ish looked at genetic studies of modern UK populations in various regions, but more with regard to specific groups than overall - such as research about Viking DNA as one example. Appreciate the article. 


Wales came under English rule only a few centuries later but still retains a lot that’s culturally distinct. Ireland was under English rule for centuries but kept its culture and identity.  The 19th century saw a drastic escalation in English attempts to stamp out non-English identities and make all of the UK more culturally homogenous, and it worked better in Cornwall than anywhere else - but that’s still a recent thing, and so Cornwall has a strong claim to being more culturally distinct than any other English county. 


If you want to fit in with the locals in Cornwall, then the best thing to be seen in is your little sister, or a cousin, at a push ^^ this is not yokelist, some of my best friends are  Cornish inbreds


\*Ring\* \*Ring\*... \*Ring\* \*Ring\*... Hello? Who? 2010 Facebook wants its meme back? Never heard of 'em.


Dress however you like.* If it makes YOU feel good, do it. Other people can look away. If they don't like it, it's their problem. *Within the bounds of cultural obscenity, obviously. Keep your naughty bits hidden.


I do—my body is too hot, so I gotta strip down.




Surely this is body shaming and discriminatory? Nobody should be excluded from wearing whatever they like just because they don't have the perfect body?


Body shaming, discriminatory and... Photoshopped!


Why would it be photoshopped. Its just a joke sign


It's joke sign. You know like those "You don't have to be mad to work here built it helps"? Like that. Nobody's excluding anybody from anything. It's a joke


Thanks for clearing that up! I should have figured as much.


Still good advice tho


What about all the fat people that dream of being a plus sized model?




Cornwall here. You can wear what you like, we really don't care.


It's photoshopped but also wear what you want love the body you have.


Nah that's kinda shitty. As long as it acceptable (decent behavior) then let everyone be themselves.


not holding back any punches huh


Safe to say, the body wanted in that scenario is one that isn't so fucking hot. Temperature wise.


Cornwall 'clever' sign ageing like milk


Agree strongly


Why are people so angry over a humorous sign?


People like being angry about things


It's right tbh, men get told to cover up yet women let all that bits hang out n low n it makes rest of us wanna steer clear


never seen a man told to cover up in my life


Why is there no graffiti on this sign?


I dont even know what they mean. Seriously.


As someone Cornish, dress however you like and screw anyone who says something like this.




It's not all about obesity and I'm sorry that, that's the place your mind took you. My best friend had a mastectomy due to breast cancer when her daughter was 2 weeks old. She chose not to have reconstructive surgery at the time as the healing time would be much longer, and she wanted to get home and care for her baby. She 10 years later has one breast and wears a sweatshirt in 70 degree heat because people like you are narrow minded.


If you live in Asia, perhaps you should stick to subs about Asia then. Oh, I bet you’re one of those Brits that move abroad and don’t bother to learn the local language, you just shout and point.
















\*Put's car in reverse slowly\*




True words!




Surprised it doesn’t just say “keep out”