• By -


The ring came off my pudding can.


Take my penknife my good man


Were you sent here by the devil?


No good sir I’m on the level!


I swear it's Springfield's only choice Throw up your hands and raise your voice


But Main Streets still all cracked and broken


Sorry Mom, the mob has spoken!




Mono- D'OH!




capable gaping rain physical slap door thumb cable sulky apparatus *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Mono…. D’oh!




Any chance the track could bend ?


Not on your life my Hindu friend!


What about us braindead slobs?


You'll be given cushy jobs!


Morrissey's disappointing B-side to Girlfriend in a Coma.


You're twisting my melon man With your no ring pudding can


Good old-fashioned tin opener to the rescue


Thoughts and prayers.


Shutup Millhouse


The ring pulls are more expensive to produce, obviously.


So how do they decide which tins are worth of the majestic ring pull? Baked beans, sure. Every other kind of bean, get the fuck outta here.


Baked beans are a more premium item than other kind of beans which are just beans. If I get kidney beans in a chilli sauce, that comes with a ring pull. But just normal kidney beans, that is a normal can.


I remember buying a can of baked beans in tomato sauce for 2p. Full price.


No offence but how old are you?


This was just hours ago. Poor guy can't reply to you because the bolutism has set in now.


Mmmmm bolutism




Old enough to have been shopping during the "bean wars" where multiple supermarkets priced beans as loss leaders to encourage more customers into their shops resulting in tins of beans costing as little as 2p. I don't even eat beans, I thought this was British lore.


My friend cut out an article from the Eastern Daily Press when beans were 1p a tin in Norwich for day, and put it in his scrapbook He subtitled it "The day the world went mad".


Around the same time Hollywoods in Romford offered free admission on a monday night if you donated a tin of beans. It was a glorious time. I'm not entirely sure what they used the beans for


1p at aldi mate. A loaf of bread for 7p too.


Yep, the "trick" is that butter will be like £17. That's how these loss leaders work.


Fine with me I didn't buy butter I was a student back then.


I am using "butter" as a catch all term for "stuff you put on toast". Was a student myself but I drew the line at dry toast. I realise this makes me an aristocrat.


Give me 2 beans for a quarter you'd say


I’m only 30 and remember the same 2p cans of beans from a shop called Netto back in the day


I'm 30 and I remember netto, can't remember 2p bean.


Aye they did like 2p and 5p cans of sundries


You have a good memory if you can remember being 2 years old but fair play! I can't even remember yesterday [Beans cost Lore](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/beans-means-cuts-in-supermarket-wars-1304956.html)


Nah they must’ve stayed that price for a while, or I saw reduced beans in Netto and thought they were always 2p. Unsure but I defo remember them


When I went shopping as a kid with my dad, it wasn't uncommon for tinned veg and baked beans to be 1p or 2p. This was Tesco in the late 80s early 90s


Back in the late 90s Kwik Save had a deal where their beans cost negative money, so if you bought the maximum number of tins you got something like 60p off your shop. The beans were pretty bad but ok in a Breville cheesybeany toastie.


Early 90’s saw the Great Baked Bean Price War, IIRC. Heady days for those funding their evening meals with loose change found down the sofa.


When working in Iceland I had to charge a customer something like minus -50p because the yoghurts they were buying had a BOGOF deal and were also reduced as they were almost out of date. It was all they were buying so I just handed them their yoghurts along with money from the till (I checked with my supervisor before doing it as it seemed mental). Edit: I’m sorry this isn’t very bean related.


> I’m sorry this isn’t very bean related. Is this the most casualuk sentence yet?


A can of beans & sausages was 17p last year. It's now 55p. The cost of a cheap student meal is x3 in the last year :( ... Can't wait to be employed at this point


I remember Tesco launching their ‘Value’ range and a tin of beans was 6p. My Dad mused how much money they’d lose because, “the can alone must cost more than that…”


Cannellini or borlotti beans are a far better bean for chilli. Try them next time. Kidney beans are like cattle food.


Oh don't worry. If I'm making chilli, I don't put beans already in a canned chilli sauce in my chilli.


It’s just arbitrary, at least from the buyer’s perspective. Some companies might decide to use them, others not. Some might set the “premium can” price at which a ring pull can be included at £1, another at £1.20. Some might forgo the ring in favour of other quality changes, such as higher quality ingredients or nicer labelling, or as a way to cut their margins or to reallocate overhead. At the end of the day, every single cannery in the world is run by different people with different rules and priorities. Whether they choose to include a ring pull or not is just as arbitrary as what clothes you decide to wear on your day off - it’s basically entirely random to anybody who isn’t inside the head of whoever gets to make that call.


While it is pretty much arbitrary, you don't get as much liquid in a ring pull (we call them easy open) can. It's very minor, but if memory serves its something like an eighth of an inch, couldn't tell you in weight as that varies depending on the quality of sauce. But that's due to the countersink of an easy open end being greater. Also while I'm here I can tell you for sure that Branston are, by quite a stretch, the superior product. Coming in second are Aldi brand (can't remember their name), everything else is too similar to call third. But way down at the bottom of the list is asda and sainsburys, really difficult to get the weight and head space right as there is so much water in the sauce and not a lot of anything else.


Seems one notable omission from that list, and not a chance are Aldi beans better than them.


The only difference with heinz is that the beans are processed differently, I think it's detrimental to their texture but that's a personal opinion. Heinz definitely use more water in the sauce than aldi, which makes it cheaper, which makes it worse. I can water down my own tomato sauce if I choose to thank you.


From a quick web search... Heinz and Aldi both 51% beans, 34% tomato. Aldi apparently contain rapeseed oil, which seems an odd choice but probably results in a 'fuller' mouth feel (perhaps why Heinz seems 'watery'?). Heinz are lower in sugar and calories but higher in protein, for those that care about these things. Personal experience is cheaper beans tend to be smaller, 'weedier' beans, which is why I stopped buying the Tesco ones years ago. I presumed they simply buy cheaper raw ingredients to manage the price point of their product, and as crop prices rose didn't up their budgets in line and so got the 'bottom of the barrel' crops.


I've never worked for heinz, I can only go by taste test, and admittedly I'm not the best at that. I can tell you that even though aldi may seem like the cheap option, they do not use cheap Ethiopian beans like some others. The beans are all the same North American, save from a few that use the Ethiopian beans, which are the cheap option. I haven't worked with them for a while, so I can't tell you exactly which brands use Ethiopian beans any more, but I can tell you 100% aldi use the same beans as the top brands. The difference really comes in the sauce which helps the beans process after they have been canned, and aldi has top quality sauce


More expensive cans of kidney beans, chickpeas etc do have a ring pull. The cheaper ones don't. That's about it for the logic.


Some baked beans have ring pulls, others do not.


Every bean I buy (black, baked, chickpea, butter etc) all have ring pulls. It just depends on the brand and the price.


In the shops I go to the type of contents in the can doesn't determine the type of can. That is determined by where the product sees itself in the market, price and fanciness wise.


Branston baked beans had no pull ring, haven't had for a while, checking out other (store) brands at mo, had Tesco's for bean and toast yesterday, not bad and lots more juice. We don't eat a lot of beans, but probably will buy favs next time, probably no tin pull!


Even Big Bob's bastard beans have a ring pull. Sort it out branston


Marks and Spencer's baked beans are really good & 45p you can't go wrong


Personally I have no idea but because of arthritis I prefer to use my tin opener.


In business studies our teacher told us that a can production line somewhere has more lines without ring pulls than with. A big reason being older people and folks with arthritis or similar can't do ring pulls so you're potentially excluding some customers. Heinz cans with ring pulls, you just turn them upside down and use a can opener.


> older people and folks with arthritis or similar can't do ring pulls You can open ring pull cans with a tin opener if you like. Still works.


Huh. I always thought they did that to stop supermarkets stacking their cans, thereby taking up more shelf space and being more visible to the customer.


Serious question - is that why Heinz cans don’t stack? 


Heinz cans don’t stack so they take up more supermarket shelf space Basically they come in cardboard trays with advertising on them, you can’t take them out and stack them separately so have to put the full box on the shelf replete with extra advertising


This is actually genius 


I bought one of [these](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Function-Silicone-Gripper-Kitchen-Arthritic/dp/B0BRXY5Q6J/ref=sr_1_33?crid=1BP4C0TZNSM9Q&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.sFZ9IdnpgnOW4nhkqo4Y3BPEvBijAxida2eI30frt_f2T8JzUuNyPsH80wV3uyfUJoQhgLLQsn6ZaySh0X0g8xjQAOvMM6jxkCBp20EkZu7gqB-Rws6yPQDuSv3BTvRSI8ct55f_0yMeBW6xoO9Ezt0GpeygQXCSqN0zFWZ7ljv_orwWMCJpA4IjaUrEjzNPLyRXchM3fmrpaorrTKMvqEFbQYurkKPiFtDDBqCMXkbd_VlW3ayo14oxt7JLOfsZleLWVuzM0Ppqxg5oAQ5ZtpDvkOsFcDPg-viNZf-AKO8.jOVfyVZxL9mSl1sIgDoRv0W8UE4yqGRllEjBf1buzHI&dib_tag=se&keywords=ring+pull+can+opener+aid&qid=1715450787&sprefix=ring+pull%2Caps%2C167&sr=8-33) for ring pulls.


Much appreciated. Thank you, :)


I have a husband. Comes in useful sometimes 😉


Don't forget we can open stiff jars as well.


I just stand there, squeaking like a lost baby seal, with the jar in my hand.


Oxo good grips have a magic gadget that opens jars. It's good for getting the cap off the meat grinder as well.


My gf is good with stiff things...


have u got a number


Heres a £2 device shaped like a hook that is genius for ring pulls [https://amzn.eu/d/gOqpQ8h](https://amzn.eu/d/gOqpQ8h)


You know or just use a spoon.


Yeah definitely fuck that. Looks like it's designed to jam my kitchen drawers and stop them opening.. In fact it reminds me of the guy on dragons den trying to sell the cucumber cut end cover thing when Peter Jones just said "but people just cut the end off." We don't need a specific device for everything...


>We don't need a specific device for everything... When it comes to things like the device for opening ring pulls, they're originally designed for people with disabilities. They seem useless to able-bodied people, but are extremely helpful to a specific group of people. I'm actually someone who would benefit from getting something to help with opening ring pulls, but because I'm cheap, I just use my student ID card (which works the same way one specfic type of ring-pull assistance thingy I've seen works). I remember a while back, a bunch of able-bodied people were shitting on a device that helps with putting on socks, making comments along the lines of "how lazy must you be". It was a thing made specfically for disabled people who may genuinely struggle with putting on socks. Generally, if a device to help with something specific seems useless to an able-bodied person, it's most likely made for disabled people. >In fact it reminds me of the guy on dragons den trying to sell the cucumber cut end cover thing when Peter Jones just said "but people just cut the end off." But yeah, this sounds useless. Especially if you get the cucumbers that come wrapped in plastic, cuz you just twist and fold that under the cucumber in the fridge and it keeps the cut end fresh (I'm assuming that the intended use of the end cover thing). If it's a cucumber that doesn't come wrapped in plastic, you can just grab some cling film or a food bag or something and use that.


Or just cut off the shrivelled up bit at the end


Butter knife for me but same difference


Much appreciated. Thank you, :)


I don't have arthritis but I can't open them either. I keep my nails very short and just can't get under the ring pull to lift it.


Why the fuck don't branston fuckign beans have a ring pull?? What are they playing at


Making you work for the gold.


Literally had this the other day! Rediscovered beans a few months ago, specifically Branston, been buying loads and loving them. Ring pull attached, no problem. Bought a 4 pack last week and no ring pull?! Had to ask my partner what the hell to do because I've not used a can opener since I moved in and didn't know if we even owned one. Felt proper savage and like I'd gone back in time to the dark ages. Partner probably thought I'm an idiot who can't use a can opener because I was just staring at the tin at first...had to explain that I can use one, just as in utter shock that it would be required.


I thought I was going crazy! I swore they had a ring pull!! Had to go at it with a knife I stole from wetherspoons like a right savage


Yup individual cans have ring pulls, 4 packs don't. Crazy.


Thing is, I bought a 4 pack a few months ago and it definitely had ring pulls! I remember because it was the first time I thought "you know I really feel like beans" and what kick started the addiction. It did have slightly different design on the tins though, so I'm wondering if it was old stock or something..


Branston beans > Heinz beans. Don't @ me.


They do, some of them at least. But then, they may as well not. I think I've successfully opened one without resorting to the can opener. It's one of life's cruel tricks, putting you further from that Branston greatness.


It's so you can use the lid to drain the tomato juice from the beans


Same with tuna. I bought a pack of five. Didn't think to check the lids. Had to go back out to buy a tin opener cos I couldn't find mine. Pain in my fucking arse that was.


With a ringpull you can use the lid to aid in the draining, my can opener causes fucking tuna juice to get fucking everywhere and then I have to drain the can like a fucking neanderthal with tuna fingers. I had this out with the missus yesterday in Tesco. Until she starts opening the fucking tins and making me something with the contents we are buying ringpull tuna.


Open it up like 90% to create a kind of hinge and then  press the lid into the can to drain, then do the last bit  Pros: no tuna fingers Cons: small possibility you cut yourself and now there's blood in your tuna


You've not met my tin opener, I could do this with the old one. The new one cuts the tin under the lip on the lid making the lid wider than the opening. It's not my first rodeo mate.


This is the way... But... Some tins are cheap and have an uneven bead. That can cause difficulties.


Agh I hate those ones


I have a super fancy one. Used it once or twice and hated it so it's in the drawer of doom now, keeping the dinosaur cookie cutters and the shark fin ice tray company


Yep, deffo got to be careful with this technique. I've got a scar and permanent numbness in my right forefinger from employing this method.... Haven't learnt my lesson yet though


You need to use the old school tin openers like [this](https://www.buzzcateringsupplies.com/butterfly-can-opener.html?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwrvyxBhAbEiwAEg_Kgg6uDfqdy7I2M6fDtYBMMvIl6lROQJx2344XKk5UPpCHZJBARmEDUhoCMyoQAvD_BwE). Most people dont actually understand how to use this type of tin opener and they try it horizontally like the other newer ones but you are supposed to do it like [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Pu9SAdUQRo). It is much easier to open, it does not cause any spillages and you can easily drain the tunda can buy pushing straight down because it cuts from the inside. You dont even need a bowl to mix the stuff in, you can put mayo straight in and mix it with a fork, put on bread and have your sandwich. Years ago I was watching Rip off Britain and Angela Rippon got 2 people to see which can opener was faster so they had a race between the older one or the newer one. Well the girl that was using the older one kept dropping the can and made a mess all because she was trying to open it horizontally, none of the crew or Angela Rippon seemed to know how to use it properly. Its actually easier and faster than the newer ones.


This properly cheered me up! Thanks for the giggle




And it’s not even the poverty tuna. John West has no ring pull. Mad times.


That was glorious poetry


Steaks over flakes.




I did the same. Didn't think of checking the tins and had no tin opener at work. Luckily my ex husband has a workshop upstairs so he took it away and brute forced his way into it, he returned it looking like one of those cartoon tin cans with a jagged lid.


Same issue when camping last weekend. Pasta on the boil, sweetcorn has a ring pull, tuna doesn’t. No bloody tin opener. Husband managed to open it with a knife. The worst thing happened after that though - we’d forgotten the mayo. Dry tuna on pasta. Gross.


I'm impressed that he was actually able to open it.


You can just rub the can on pavement to open it, its genuinely very easy [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lhT7VNRFkx4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lhT7VNRFkx4)


My other half almost managed to open a screw top wine bottle with a corkscrew. He was very, very drunk. He'd have probably eventually got in there but I stopped him when I saw the puddle of blood on the floor.


Based only on this evidence, this man should not be an ex.


I fucking hate tuna, but I still feel your pain.


Tuna is weirdly inconsistent on having ring pulls or not, even with the same brand (princes)


At least you found your can opener ( in your arse ) !


Nah, turned out to be piles.


They are more expensive to produce. https://money.howstuffworks.com/food-cans-pull-tabs.htm


yea, obviously they are more expensive. I just wondered how it was decreed which legumes would get it and which were left out.


Probably if the producer thinks they can flog it to you at a higher price . I don't think there is anything other than that. Though I have heard that pull ring cans don't keep as long as standard ones


What's the difference between a baked bean and a chickpea? I'd never let a baked bean on my face.




I would like to know why corned beef comes in those stupid shaped tins with a key. Every damned time those keys break on me and I’ve got to raid the tool box to get it open.


As a left hander (who cannot use a tin opener for love nor money!) I really struggle with this. I find that the more expensive brands have the ring pulls. The cheaper value ones are the ones without


I'm a lefty, but learned to use tin openers in my right hand. Idk if it's because I'm less dexterous and therefore rougher, but I've destroyed so many tin openers. I have to use the Magican.


Most things I’ve managed to adapt to with my right hand, but a tin opener and scissors are things I’ve never mastered :(


I can do tin openers (as long as it's a Magican) and scissors right handed, but anyone who eats at my house has to put up with knives and forks laid out lefty style.


Hahah I’m the same with the knives and forks. Growing up my grandad used to tell me off for it. Told me it was uncouth and I’d never find a good man eating that way(!)


My mum used to bollock me for it too, even though she's left handed!


My Dad has an electric tin opener because of his cacky hands, it's a game changer.


Buy a left handed tin opener?


Available at the Leftorium.


I’ve tried. I just can’t use it at alllll. I’m destined to pay more for my canned goods


Culinare Magican Auto. You’re welcome. Best can opener I’ve ever used. It doesn’t twist at the side and locks in place, so fairly lefty friendly I imagine.


Other than cost things that are to be drained are more often found without the ring pull in my experience


The more expensive brands use ring pulls, the cheap shite uses the cheaper oldschool tins.


Was going to say. Everything I get from Waitrose has ring pulls.


Then why at Tesco do cheap peas have a ring pull, but cheap sliced carrots don't?


***Why don’t heinz beans stack?!?***


They do. You've just got to be careful. - worked retail for a few years. I perfected my heinz beans stacking technique


This is my biggest issue with Heinz and genuinely makes me avoid them. If by some mistake they are bought, they are the foundation layer of the can tower, and we all know we don't touch them


It’s money . Food sector saving 10000s by having their tins made without a ring pull and retailing for the same price . I have also noticed this and I need a new can opener


I don't use ring pulls on cans anymore. Got a "no sharp edge" can opener (or whatever the actual name is) which perfectly remove the top without leaving a sharp edge and do so in such a way that the top cam be replaced as a lid for storage if I dint use the whole can at once.


The cheap products don't have them and the more expensive ones do - not sure why this is so hard to understand?


I once opened a tin with a ring pull as a child, left my little finger on top of the tin and sliced right through my finger… to the bone. So I much prefer using a tin opener anyway!


I'm an ex-pat and I miss ring pull cans so much


I recently moved to Switzerland. All cans here seem to have the ringpull so I've not noticed the fact I don't have a can opener. I brought some cans of ambrosia custard over with me. We had a bit of a cold snap so I made an apple crumble, classic comfort food. About five mins before it's ready I get a can of custard out of the cupboard, and... no ringpull. No shops were open, and anyway can openers probably cost £500 here. I had no ice cream. So just ate the crumble... by itself. Like a peasant from the dark ages, living in mud and shit and vomit and eating crumble with no accompaniment. Reader: it was *dry*. Even the tears flowing down my cheeks couldn't moisten it.


No Swiss army knife?


I actually do have one but it doesn't have a can opener, and it's a present from someone so I didn't want to ruin the blade on a can :(


Ruin? They're almost indestructible :P Mine's also a gift I've kept close for 22 years, it's supposed to be used to be loved (the real way to not ruin it is never lose the tweezers or toothpick). But, would be good if yours had the can opener xD


You can buy replacement tweezers and toothpicks you know


I didn't know that but I'm not surprised. Victorinox are a good company of course they let people maintain their products.


It's the mushy pea tins that piss me off - not a ring pull in sight!


The ring pull, probably requires a different canning machine, so older factories probably use older non ring pull machines. Less popular goods are probably tinned on older machines as they’re not as fast. Material cost is insignificant to time cost.




This most definitely isn't true, the canning machine is called a seamer and it's a simple tooling change and minor adjustment to settings


It's probably just down to which factory packs the product.


Branston beans have a ring pull when bought singly but not when you buy a 4 pack. I was not a happy person when I found my money saving purchase sent me scrabbling for a tin opener. I now happily pay extra for single cans as I am not a Neanderthal (and my can opener is crap).


Magican is the best manual tin opener, I literally destroy other ones, I think because I'm a lefty who learned to use my right hand to do it.


And it's not necessarily true that the more expensive brands are the ones with ring pulls - Ambrosia custard is in old school tins but I think all the Tesco brand tins I get are ring pulls


I feel this!!! Such a first world problem but sooooo annoying! Especially when neither of your Tin openers bloody works!


lol literally had this situation this morning too


ThI black beans and chickpeas I get bit have ring pulls. I’m not even sure I own a tin opener as I think my neighbours broke my last one when they borrowed it


It costs more to add a ring pull


Other legumes, especially those you mention, need draining. It is easier to do this with a small slit in the lid, as opposed to the whole thing being off, like with baked beans.


Pretty sure it's a price thing, i've noticed that often the supermarket own brand of an item won't have a ringpull, but the name brand will.


Could it be where the food is produced? Since moving to Mexico I never see cans that need can openers. They're all ring pulls though I do have a can opener for imported cans to here. I only share because it was one of the things I noticed here.


I’m Spanish, and the first time I used a can opener was when I moved to the UK. I had to ask for help to my roommate and he looked at me as if was retarded lol. Stuff with no ring pull was common there when I was little, but nowadays it’s quite rare. In fact most manufacturers are moving towards a tinfoil top that requires even less effort to open. Something like this, [Ecopeel](https://www.eviosys.com/ecopeel-2/) Soo I don’t think the product really has anything to do with it.




I notice most home-brand, cheapy-type tinned foods have no ring, but the premium/branded equivalents usually seem to have them. (Asda 23p beans vs Heinz 78p beans, for example) Probably a cost reduction thing.


I think its just to do with cost?


Hm I do not understand why many supermarket own brand tuna cans have ring pulls, but the John West ones often don’t!!


Things used more often, like baked beans at breakfast time, probably get a pull ring. Things where you're doing it as part of a planned meal prep might not as you're going out of your way any way and they can save a few pence. Might be one explanation. Another is it doesn't really matter what's in the can but which factory made it. Different canning company different can style. Might be. Another reason.


I’ll do you one better. Same brand/tin size of Tuna. Some weeks ring pull, some weeks not. At Aldi.


I don't know, but what I do know is: individual cans of John west tuna have the ring pull. The multi packs of the same tuna do not have ring pulls. What's with that?


Also why don’t Heinz cans stack??


I bought two tins of tuna in brine, same brand from the same shop. One had a ring pull and the other did not.


I can open normal tins without a ring pull with a knife faster than a can opener 😆


I haven’t had a can opener since the 90s. I wouldn’t buy a can without a ring pull.


I suppose it depends what tins they buy. Probably to do with costs and overheads and other jargon I don't understand.


Never had a ring pull that didn't immediately rip off the instant I try to use it


Probably the racism.