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Haven't slept a lot, currently nursing a shoulder injury which acts up big time if I lay down.


I haven't really slept. I've been struggling a lot anyway but last night was bad. I have struggled with depression and anxiety most my life and I think I now need to accept I need to go back on medication. We got a kitten yesterday. We'd been talking about it for a while then my kids fell in love with a friend's little cat and all of a sudden we now have him. It was all a bit fast and I think by the end of the day I was very overwhelmed and all my feelings about everything going on in our lives just broke me. I feel bad that I want to go back on them, like I failed but they do help me.


You haven't failed, you just need a little help. Would you look at a person using crutches as having failed? Or a person needing iron tablets because they are anemic? Try not to judge yourself more harshly than you would judge a stranger. As you are feeling overwhelmed, I won't be demanding kitten tax. Yet.


I'm apparently just completely unable to go to bed at a sensible time on a Sunday night. Always 3am or later even though I'm up for work at 8.15. One day I'll learn but today is not that day. My favourite animal is the cat. Every cat, but particularly my one. He's a fuckwit but I like him.


I'm on episode 4 of baby reindeer and fucking hell that was a hard watch, I had to take a break from it halfway through. I don't understand how people seem to be so nonchalant about it Stepmum just gave birth, I'm 18 and have just got a new sister


Woken up from a dream I had about the northern lights (which I still haven't seen) and our dog who died in January. I miss him. He was my favourite animal. 


Thought I'd beat my mate at Fantasy PL by overturning a near 200 point deficit. Then the bonus points were calculated. He pipped me by 1. I am numb inside.


This will sound stupid, but I read a bit of nettle and bone tonight, and got really scared of the descriptions of cannibals 😭


Misread this as “description of cannabis” and was like wtf how scary could they describe weed 😂


You never know 🤔 maybe if you read the script for reefer madness 🤪 I'm feeling better! Watched some stupid videos and read about cooking for a while. To bed!


Another one who napped late and for too long. Even worse, so did my toddler. Fortunately, we aren't in work tomorrow so it shouldn't be too rough.  Polar bears are awesome and we should donate our ice to their habitats


I did what I usually do on a Sunday, nap ridiculously late, now I can’t sleep at all, despite being exhausted a couple hours ago, I’m now unable to switch off. Dogs are the best animals. Dachshund or husky, both so full of character. Would also love a golden, lab or sheep.


At work, quiet thus far. Went cycling this morning, not bad 53 miles, legs are a bit knackered but that’ll pass. New to me bike is working well so far. Lovely weather as well. Spent the afternoon dozing in the garden listening to music.


Currently doing deliveries in EVE Online. It's my super chill late night wind down, listening to a synth wave playlist on YouTube for the vibes


Off to bed later, listening to a little bit of radio first.


I mentioned last night that I was worried about how I would be today. I was right. I woke up at 5am shivering, made myself stay in bed until my alarm at 7:15 when I wrapped myself in a fleece dressing gown and put the heating on. The living room window gets the morning sun, and it still took a couple of hours to warm up. I forced myself to stay up until 10am then gave up. I have spent all day in bed, some of the time flat on my back with my feet elevated, some of it under the covers sleeping. I got up for the 7:30pm meds and stayed up for the rest. Just taken the last lot. I am so glad that manic-me changed the sheets yesterday, if you are going to spend all day in bed it's nice for it to be fresh. I like sheep. The baby ones frolic and look cute, the older ones look tired and pretty fed up. I see myself in them. And as a bonus, they taste good.


My heart is feeling full of emotions atm. I am having some trouble with some family relationships and feel left out a lot.


Hope you're looking after yourself. Being left out means you can put yourself first.


I am trying to but its just making me feel that no one really cares about me or I am not a priority for anyone :/


You are a priority here!


Thank you! this means soo much :)




That's difficult. Hope you can talk to them about that or give them some space until you figure out how to handle things going forward.


Great Sunday. Did some gardening, bike ride with a mate, fed the family, went for a drink with some more mates and then made the fatal error of posting in another sub about that thing we don't talk about in here (mods pls don't ban me pls pls pls). Trust me to ruin a perfect day... Favourite animal: this specific dog right next to me snoring his face off. Edit: cat has just turned up to remind me of what I really should have said (in her view) was my favourite animal.


Weird Sunday. Awake at eight. Out of bed at Ten. Out the house at Two. But got gardening, shopping done, and picked up a load fo lumber to build a new workbench area in the Garage. Fairly chill, but productive. Favourite is obviously a dog. Big, big, fan of Degus, Capybaras, Komodo Dragons, Bearcats, Badgers, and especially Corvids.


Just watched a brilliant Argentinian movie called 'Nine Queens'. Now I'm putting off going to sleep in a doomed attempt to stave off Monday.


Chopped the hedge down earlier, aching like a bitch ATM, trying to arrange something for a mates 40th in July but can't get the things she's hoping for to happen in the venues she likes and it's becoming a bit of a nightmare. She arranged a weekend away for mine so I'd like to do something nice back for hers. She likes to be centre of attention and has mentioned karaoke to several different friends. Found a karaoke venue but they don't do any catering options. Found places that'll do a buffet but not the karaoke thing and her fave place is already booked out for a baby shower. Anyways my favourite animals are my cats. I'm always fascinated by giraffes when I see them...


Not got work tomorrow at least not until later. I work nights so I'm always a night owl 🦉


Happy to speak to other fellow night owls. DMs are open


Staying up agonising over the week ahead even though I should be excited that I’m going on holiday. Fave animal? Gotta be a duck. Or a platypus. Either will do.


I keep being productive which is great but also im going to run out of things todo plus knowing my brain il crash soon. Finished a couple projects and tidied them away. Good but hot gym session with trainer , certain shes trying to kill me ( joking ) Did couple hours of test prep , which will be this weeks theme Listened to a chunk of my audiobook and read a chunk of my physical book. Checked the new paddling pool , just need swimwear now also a hose Favourite animal trotters down pigs there smart and cute 🐷🐖🐽


Chilling today. Had a new idea for a novel so have spent the majority of the day just fleshing out ideas and actually doing some writing. It's not something I've done in forever, and it's felt great! I really can't be fucked with work tomorrow.


Sunday is my ‘Saturday’. Currently playing Xbox and getting tipsy, enjoying a breeze coming through the windows after today. Best animal is easily dog.


What games have you been playing


How is it Sunday night already? Bring on the bank holiday weekend. Rhinos are the best animals. They have soft skin behind their ears, and love a scratch there.


>Rhinos are the best animals. They have soft skin behind their ears, and love a scratch there. Is this true? And if so, how many had to sacrifice themselves to discover this fact?


I spent a while in South Africa looking after orphaned rhinos, I have first hand experience.


Both tragic and wholesome. Please say one day you will go back and some grown up rhinos will recognise use you and come leaping over for some behind-the-ear scratches.


I can't find it, but somewhere I have a photo of some of the older rhinos running towards me. They'd been let out into a field for the first time that day, had to get them back in for the night. They knew it was food time.


That’s something special, for sure.