• By -


I've spent the last 6 years working in a petrol station and it's just likely that the item is currently on promotion and instead of a price barker being there they have just slapped a shelf edge label there, it happens with a bunch of things, for example a 250ml Red Bull costs say £1.70, 355ml costs £2.10, but the 355ml one goes on offer/promotion and it now costs £1.50, looks silly side by side but it's very normal.


i'm addicted to pepsi max, if its on offer in the local petrol station the 2l will be about 40p cheaper than the 500ml(which will still sell cause it;s in the meal deal), shits wild sometimes lol


FYI: 3l Pepsi Max is only £1.50 in Farmfoods at the mo


Where is farmfoods? And do they have the cherry one? Also, I've seen the 500ml being sold for more than the 2l in the same shop before but the 500ml is in the fridge! Give me convenience or give me death (as someone once said, that someone was the Dead Kennedys btw)


Originally in Scotland but they're all over now - https://www.farmfoods.co.uk/store-finder.php


I'm blown away right now upon finding out Farmfoods is a Scottish thing and not a British thing.


Do you mean English? If something is Scottish it is British as Scotland is part of Britain


I meant not British as in not found all over Britain, but I get what you mean


They are found all over Britain...


They are all over Britain. Google it.


Everything has got to start somewhere


Til that Torquay is 3500mi from London, according to store chker


There must be a glitch if it thinks a London branch is your closest option


Not all hero's wear capes


Heroes. It's a plural, not a possessive.


What's plural and what's possessive kid sir


Them's the two things you go back to school for...


possessive is when it belongs to something (possessions) and needs an apostrophe. Plural is multiple


I think it is explained, later, but one hero, more than one heroes. Singular hero, plural (more than one) heroes. The apostrophe ‘ then s denotes the possessive, belonging to the hero, so the hero’s cape, the cape belonging to (possessed by) the hero (singular). If you were referring to the multiple capes owned by the the multiple heroes, then it would be the heroes’ capes ( the subsequent s after the apostrophe not being used)


I am genuinely fascinated by this - why put an apostrophe in "hero's" but not capes. Is there an inner logic to the decision there (something like they come after a vowel?) or just put them at random. I would suggest if you are unsure, just leave them entirely as it looks a lot neater.


Is the chair doing the belonging or is the hero? "Cape'sx could have an apostrophe if something belonged to the cape, such as "the cape's emblem fell off"


Plus they have a great deal on the [Homestyle Liver and Persil dinner](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_iabBYeEKmo).


Did you know... It's jelly week! (Oh god!)


So late to the game, but: thankyou :D


weirdly i dont like the 3l's as much(i actually prefer the 500ml, it's weird sounding i know but the different size bottles taste differently, i suspect they're done with slightly different mixes, it goes 500ml, 2l, can then 3l for my preferences with the 2l being my compromise on im not rich enough to drink the 500ml regularly), ty for the info though(and when i used to commute past farmfoods i'd buy the 3l's omw home as lazyness trumped my liking it less)


No idea if the case or not but could be getting bottled in different factories as a lot of bottling plants are geared to doing large batch runs of the same sizes all day long.


It is extremely, extremely unlikely they use different coke/pepsi/etc in different sized bottles. They're going to have different formulations, different filling lines and a ton more factory space just to put different stuff in different bottles and sell them as the same thing? Why? What is far more likely is that the drink reacts differently in different bottles over time. A glorious engineering nerd did some work on this on this thread from 20 years ago and it looks like it's down to the interaction between the drink and the plastic over time, and most of the difference is down to changes in the carbonation. https://www.eng-tips.com/viewthread.cfm?qid=39702


perhaps you're right and im wrong, it's not terribly important really


I'm not disputing anything in that link, but I don't think it's *very* unlikely that the recipe would be tweaked for making larger batches. It's a small matter to alter the flow of syrup, and in larger quantities like a 2l bottle, say, 3pc less syrup will be less noticeable. Scale up that 3pc worldwide over decades and you make significant savings. I agree it tastes better out of glass bottles, but not enough to warrant the increased cost!


Brother is the carbonation connoisseur


Not sure why you’ve been downvoted. I don’t drink any fizzy drinks but I’ve heard quite a few people say different sizes taste different.


Guessing it's because they take longer to drink and it's a larger bottle it goes flat more often


Look at this casual, not drinking a 2L bottle in one sitting.


Because the can clearly tastes better then any plastic bottle, and he didn’t even mention glass bottles which are superior even to a can




I think it has more to do with how each material insulates the drink. With plastic bottles the drink tends to get warmer a lot quicker than glass bottles or cans.


This might be it. Straight from the fridge, I think a can will stay cooler for longer than a plastic bottle. And warm soft drinks suck.


Glass bottles are ruined by containing noticeably less actual liquid proportionate to their size. And being mostly sold in restaurants where it's inexplicably like £4 for 330ml


100% agree, but it does taste better


I got 24 cans in Tesco for £5 this week. Looks like the clubcard price has gone and it's at the standard 10.50 price right now, but one to look out for. It's marginally more expensive than your mega deal there (62p, rather than 50p /litre), but they are served up in convenient fresh cans.


Or if you tolerate Asda brand cola (imo not that bad) it's 49p or 70p for 2l, depending on flavour and diet or regular


Had to get off the stuff. 2 days and then saved a fortune. Don’t know how the brown sugar water got me but it was bad.


I will never understand why people love Pepsi Max so much. It just tastes of chemicals and artificial sweeteners to me. Same goes for 90% of other sugar free drinks. I don't mind no added sugar so long as there's no sweeteners either. It's just the sweeteners that ruin all these drinks for me. Horrible tasting things.


I’m addicted ti Pepsi max too. Been trying to cut it out and managed to go from 4Litres a day to maybe a can a day. It’s so hard man


4L a day!?


Yes I know that’s why I thought this needs to stop


Hahaha mate same. I have to actively stop myself from buying it more than 1-2 times a week. I regularly get the 1.25l ones and I can finish it in a couple of hours. Chilled straight from the fridge, I am addicted.


Just imagine a table in a room and on it I put a pile of chemicals. Then slowly I add water as it turns from a black powder, into some mulch, into some putty, some sludge, some slime, some gel and finally its watered down enough to be a can of pepsi max.


My mouth is watering


I can't stop thinking about this response unfortunately, so I am replying to ask your opinion on the soda stream licensed Pepsi Max syrup. https://sodastream.co.uk/products/pepsi-max-6-pack I am drinking some now and while I was filling up the glass it occurred to me that the syrup is a few steps down from the powder. I literally added it to water i had just made fizzy, and it went from clear to black. Anyway wondered if you have ever drank that shit straight, I hope not, but were you aware it existed. Its literal pure pepsi max chemicals. Might get you a buzz.


I’ve heard it’s pretty strong. Haven’t had the chance to try it though




It tastes so fucking good, especially from a cold can!


4 litres? You must have been weeing like a horse. I only drink about 2 litres of water a day and I feel like I'm weeing all the time.


Had a load of it free from deliveroo, wish I could get rid of it. (Loads by the standards of non Pepsi max drinkers, not by an addict drinkers standards)


my orders 10 bottles usually so yeah lol


You also generally buy 2l and 500ml bottles in different occasions. It is generally inconvenient to lug a 2l bottle around when I want a small amount with my lunch or ona train or whatever. Thus even outside of meal deals the 500mls can still sell when they're more expensive paying for the conveniece and all that.


I am also addicted to Pepsi Max. Iceland Food Warehouse do an 8x2L pack for £11. It's been the same price for years.


my nearest is probably 5 miles away(i do occasionally go the papers have had vouchers to encourage you but i cant carry 8 bottles on public transport, it's annoying not having a car sometimes it really is)


Use a shopping trolley, My trolley can carry upto 35 litres. I go the shop every 10 days or so using the bus. Edit: using the bus.


My local Tesco was doing the 24 x 330 ml crates for a fiver with Clubcard discount the other day, might wanna check if yours does too


Food warehouse has 8 2l bottles for £11


I feel soft drinks regularly have this problem. The mark up on cans in restaurants is mad too - £2+ for a 330ml can?! No thanks.


There’s worse things to be addicted to


Yep, I used to work in a spar shop and it was the same. The prices would look ridiculous. Honestly half the time the prices were wrong and I'd have to change the prices after a customer told me the price was wrong because there was never more than 1 person working so trying to update the prices on the shelves every week was near impossible


> one goes on offer/promotion and it now costs £1.50, looks silly side by side but it's very normal. it looks silly side by side because it is silly. just cause its "normal" doesnt mean its not silly.


I bet that some twonk just typed "150" in for both the weight and price.


happens at major supermarkets too also other things can cause weird pricing comparisons; asda had the large tin of nescafe azera price locked at one point and it was alarming watching inflation/corporategreed cause the smaller tin slowly creep up to the same price point as the large tin once was


The 150g bars probably have a nearer end date, they want you to buy them so they purposefully put those two products next to each other so you think you're "winning" by "beating the shop" but in reality you chose the option they wanted you to.


They'd be gone by the end of the day so that wouldn't be a problem.


You manage to make it home with them?




Whatever I'm buying, I'm eating well before best-before-dates can be an issue


I can honestly say I have never had to check the best before date on chocolate in my life.


I mean even if it has passed, not like it's going to stop me.


Yeah that's what I meant. Looking at the date would make no difference to the outcome. Chocolate will end up in my belly regardless.


My mum recently brought round a celebrations easter egg she forgot to give me several years ago, it was all fine apart from the miniature galaxy caramels tasted a bit funky


How about [THESE](https://i.imgur.com/CqYQnN7.jpeg)? (Liqueur chocolates that were past their prime...)


Sure plenty of people would pay a premium for a liqueur chocolate that resembles a bumhole


So you're saying I should have sold these on instead of chucking them? xD


I used to work for Thornton's and the difference between the best before date and an actual Use By date was 12 weeks. If something went past the BB we'd take it out of the packaging, break it into pieces, bag it up in a clear bag, and sell it as "misshapes".


I believe that the best way to make white chocolate is to store dark chocolate well past its expiry date....


Expired chocolate that has had the sugar come to the surface giving it white spots just hits differently. It's like a little sugar patch.


in a blind test i honestly think most people would prefer past BB date chocolate.


I've had some liqueur chocolates that were past their date. Each individually wrapped. Upon opening them - each one had a hole melted in it, the liqueur had evaporated and the chocolate itself looked like a dry butthole... And they did not taste right! ([THIS IS WHAT THEY LOOKED LIKE](https://i.imgur.com/CqYQnN7.jpeg)) The funny thing is that I'd eaten half of them some time before and they were fine. I set the remaining ones aside and forgot about them for a few months. And then the rest of the story is above. So... yeah...


I try to put it away but it's a farce.


 The M on the label means it's a product they are no longer getting in stock so will have dropped the price to get them moved. Anything with an E is still in the stock rotation. Source : [https://www.reddit.com/r/CasualUK/comments/1d7yevb/comment/l72ydwd](https://www.reddit.com/r/CasualUK/comments/1d7yevb/comment/l72ydwd)


M = Masticate with alacrity. E = Easy, mate; It'll still be here next week.


Those are perfectly cromulent words


Yeah but you still benefitted


That or they price the smaller one stupidly higher, so people think they're getting a deal by buying the big one. But they still make a big profit on the bigger one, and if someone doesn't check and buys the smaller one, they also win. E.g., Let's do this purely on weight Small costs them 50p Large costs them 75p Selling the small for £1.00 gets them a 50p profit. Selling the large for £1.50 gets them a 75p profit. So they would lose profit if they sold at the proportionate price of £1.00. Now they either get a 75p profit if someone thinks they're beating the system and buying the bigger bar, or they get a £1.70 profit if someone buys the smaller one, not checking. Win win for the corner store, and OP thinks they've won.


Your example makes total sense but you haven’t provided one that relates to the original post. Yours uses a higher price for the heavier weight but with a larger profit margin, the picture clearly shows the heavier weight is actually cheaper (by over 30%) than the smaller one, so the simpler answer is you are spending less money and getting more chocolate.


> Now they either get a 75p profit if someone thinks they're beating the system and buying the bigger bar, or they get a £1.70 profit if someone buys the smaller one, not checking. Think you missed this. £2.20 (the listed price) - £0.50 (the cost in my example) = £1.70


I have 2 theories now, 1 very similar to yours. If you check the date on the price tabs. The 150g one has a more recent date. So, it could be that the label was replaced to try and move stock left over from Christmas. and theory 2, because the date is 16/04/2024 (right after easter) could be that they overstocked for easter and didn't sell as well as they hoped. So they dropped the price right after to move the units. And now I've spent so long looking at these, I'm now craving chocolate.


The 150g ones have a newer printed label, theyre probably just on offer but dont have the offer label. Not everything is a conspiracy


No marketing ploy is a 'conspiracy' calm down lol


The marketing ploy is that there is an offer on the product. Dont know why I need to ‘calm down’ when I was just making a comment like reddit is designed for us to do? The ‘calm down’ comment combined with your original comment where you think youve figured the casino out rather than just assuming the obvious and dull answer does suggest you think youre smarter than you are tho


At no point did I call it a conspiracy, there is no 'conspiracy', so I don't know why you're implying I think everything is a conspiracy - I don't think anything is a conspiracy. It's a simple marketing tactic. That's all. Calm down fgs.


I also referred to the scheme as the casino in my last message, wanna take that super literally too?


"Stop using the definitions of the words I used!!!" Jesus, bad day mate? Hope it improves but learn to take it out in a better way. You sound like a trainwreck


Do I? Seems a tad hyperbolical no


Not half as hyperbolic as calling a common marketing tactic a "conspiracy theory" imo


Its not the marketing tactic tho, the bigger packet is currently on offer


I bet this shop isn’t even on a corner.


Probably in the middle of their street.


Our house, it has a crowd, there's always something happening and it's usually quite loud


Our mum, she's so house-proud


Nothing ever slows her down and a mess is not allowed


Our shop, on the corner of our street


I drive up to Muswell Hill, I’ve even been to Selsey Bill….


Probably doesn't sell corners, either.


Deffo a co-op






Our Co-Op had an offer on for about six months where it was 60p for a pot of ready-made jelly, or £1.30 for two. And yes, it did charge you the extra 10p if you bought two.


I recently was in Co-op (I think) and there was a deal where if you bought two of a particular product it was cheaper than buying just one. Not a cheaper two-pack, but literally buying the same individual product twice. My 9 year old likes to think he has a keen eye for a bargain, and it literally blew his mind that if you only wanted one it was cheaper to buy two and chuck one in the bin on the way out. Madness.


I remember years ago, 4 packs of Fruit Pastilles were on an offer where it was £1 a pack, or two for 65p. So buying 2 4 packs was cheaper than one 4 pack


Marketing 101, we were taught this in college 35 years ago. It was an old technique then. Basically everyone is greedy, we all like to think we got one over on someone, one size is massively over priced, so rather than buying the packet you wanted, or not even buying one that week, because you think you are getting a good deal and perhaps the shop hadn't noticed their mistake you buy 2 or 3. In reality you just paid the normal price, but they shift much more stock.


Your reply makes zero sense given what they wrote. They wrote literally the opposite of what you're describing.


Re-read what they wrote, it's the opposite situation.


so good


i'd know these SEL labels anywhere, that's McColl's or now Morrisons Daily labels, (used to be a manager) what has happened there is the M on the label means it's a product they are no longer getting in stock so will have dropped the price to get them moved. Anything with an E is still in the stock rotation.


If I remember, E means it gets restocked automatically, M means they have to order more manually, and D means that they will never be restocked.


Yup, that's right but from my time there we never requested restocks on M either jjst if warehouse had a ton left over you'd be forced more in your delivery 😅


From my experience, D usually meant "this is no longer on plan, so we'll send you 4 boxes in your next delivery"


So it’ll be another shrinkflation where the 100g is the new bar size and more expensive than the one it replaces.


Morrisons were very kind to me yesterday. Had this display full of bottles of wine/port with a big 2.99 sticker, which I presume was for the cheap 5% mulled wine, but there were no other prices for the nice shiraz and port. So I questioned whether the wine was also 2.99. It wasn't but the assistant said they legally had to sell me the fancy shiraz at that price (not true). But I took 2 bottles regardless. Would've taken the full shelf but didn't want him to get a bollocking off the manager


It makes the extortionate rate of £1.50 look like a less terrible deal in comparison.




Cocaine? Yes Chocolate? No


Isn’t one a bar and the other loose?


Check the dates, there is always a reason for this, they're not stupid. (in that way)


Would have been that when they bought them, probably from the Cash and Carry. That there was a discount on.


I **really** wanted some corn beef earlier. Took a look whilst in the corner shop and it was over £5 for a small tin, I passed.


I really wanted some here in the Netherlands it was 13 eur for a tin, decided my craving would have to wait. A few months later I was in Tenerife on holiday, and I spotted some in a supermarket for a normal price. So I spent my first night in Tenerife tucking into a plate of corned beef hash. Brits abroad and all that.


It has been so long since I've had some that I can't remember how much it used to be but £5+ can fuck right off.


TBH probably better food than most of the food spots there.




My closest one has the 1.5L bottles of coke for £4.75... Who in their right mind is spending the best part of a fiver for a bottle of coke?


Someone who really wants a bottle of coke at 8pm on a Sunday when all the bigs shops have shut due to Sunday trading hours.


Stock levels and end date


I used to work at a corner shop, our prices were absurd, sometimes a single regular size bar of chocolate cost more than a larger item, but the larger item (often new) were on sale-or-return deals or just had very high markups because they're being shipped to the supplier for next to nothing. Whenever Cadburys launched a new product we'd have boxes basically to sell that we'd be expected to push to our customers (upselling)


Co-op was bizarre a while back. 4 can pack of certain beer was £8.80, cans 4 for £6, two 660ml bottles £4


£2 for a dairy milk caramel??? Didn’t they used to be £1-£1.25p??


35p at one point.


If the shop is honest then it's probably just the price they paid at cash & Carry + 30% (or whatever they choose their profit margin to be). Similar to a supermarket, cash & carry do deals so perhaps the cheaper packet was on offer there, allowing them to sell it cheaper.


I once went into the Costcutter around the corner to grab kitchen rolls. There were regular 2 packs, as well as 3 roll "3 for 2" packs of the same brand at the same price. I took them to the counter, the woman rang up 150% of the sale price. I'm like "hey, I think you made a mistake, the price on the shelf says \[£amount\]". She said she can't start selling the 3 packs for that price until the 2 pack stock is gone. I asked why they're on the shelf at that price then. She just shrugged and said that's what she's charging. I said in that case, I don't want them. She told me to put them back if I don't want them. I said "No, that's your job" and left. I don't go in there any more.


At the corner shop I worked at during high school, pricing was calculated as the price we paid + 75% (with some exemptions for booze, cigs and price-marked stuff). If we bought a 100g bar for £1, we sold it for £1.75. If we later bought a 150g bar of the same brand for 80p, it was priced at £1.40 regardless the fact the smaller bar was pricier. It was the same at the petrol station I worked at during uni, but only for fuel. If for some unknown reason high octane petrol became cheaper than the cheap stuff, we’d sell it for less, even though it should be the better product. The “xyz*abc” pricing algorithm transcended common sense pricing expectations.


is this an actual corner shop though? a newsagent? it doesn’t look like it to me. looks like a budgens or something similar.


Just been to spar.£8.30 for 100g Dowie egberts 🫣😆 I didn’t buy don’t worry


Caramilk - is that the same as the old Caramac?


Similar, but not really.


They do this so often. Yesterday I bought 2 x 60g cashews from the Co-op, a 120g bag was more expensive. Make that make sense. More waste too.


Then you take it to the till, and it's another price .


It's like a GCSE Maths question... which one is the best purchase? Show your working out


They’re two top tier snack options, too.




That’s not French, it’s racist. There’s a big difference.


Dam that'd be $6 in Canada


My local corner shop sell Fredo for 40p even though they're marked 25p and a can of Coke or Pepsi 330ml 99p. They also sold out of date Yazoo and random drinks from Sri Lanka like watered-down energy drinks that got people really sick. I tried to report multiple times for them selling knock of Coke, which was Cuke Cola and Pepsi it was Popise, Twix was Twax, Twirl was Twailry Wirly, Bounty was Coconut Baunty.


Of all the millions of things I don't understand in this world, this is not one of them.


One has a scummy low class wrapper, and one has the fancy upper-class wrapper. Yes, classism even made it to chocolate.


They’re probably changing the packaging design so they’re trying to move the old style first by having it on offer


They also spelled ‘Maltesers’ wrong




One a cake bar and one is a bar of chocolate. Does this really need explaining??


Confidently incorrect


From look of the selves it’s a co op store probably had bought in bulk so that reflects the price


Check the best before dates. It’s okay to sell things past that date. My local shop frequently sells lager at a discount that’s very close to, or past the best before.


Still buying tbf


The price of convenience.


You can buy slabs of Ferrero rocher now?!


Corner shop pricing🤣😆In corner shop near to where I live the prices flutcuate daily.Every day I pay different price for same items lol.


Because they can


Are you in the Scottish Borders? Because I noticed the exact same thing in the exact same looking shop!!!


Happens in supermarkets as well mate. Although, the SMs tend to make you think a bit so you have to work out that the "deal" is 3 for the price of 3.4. But the instinct is to go for the "deal" of course!


Often find this in supermarkets too, got a large tun of philidephia in asda for cheaper than the smaller one


Mines the same. £3 for a pack of Harribows is crazy tbh


🧐*starts to purchase shares in mars affiliated snacks*


makes you think you're getting a steal or one up on the store or something I reckon


100 gr - fancy package - a gift for your beloved 150 gr - plain package - consolation for not having one


This country is out of control I saw the other day 125ml cans of coke for 70p who’s thirst is that going to quench!!!! Fanta,sprite and others too. 70p!!!


Economies of scale


You're lucky this one displays prices. Most of the ones I've been to only have a few price tags here and there.


Stay with the RRP 💀


As someone with a Booker card I can confirm that at certain times manufacturers offer price marked packs (pmp), this means they in effect reduce the wholesale price to enable the retailer to sell at the PMP. This means you can have two packs of pepsi max 24 cans on a shelf and one maybe £6 and one £8, the £6 one is the one with PMP, the £8 will have a higher profit on resale (POR)


It’s also a business tactic to encourage you to buy the bigger one.


The two piles look different colours. Maybe it's like my local corner shop where official UK Coca Cola is at a higher price, then the import version right next to it is a touch cheaper?


This would convince me to buy a bar even if I didn’t need one. I think it’s clever


That's 'drug' habit pricing.


that's boss man logic