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Until I moved out of my parents home I had a specific spoon I had for my cereal. Since then I have lost the ability to form attachments to cutlery.


I have a spoon that's somewhere between a teaspoon and a tablespoon size and it's my porridge spoon.


I have a similar spoon like this. I stole it off the ferry on the way from France. I have never found a spoon like it. Have since been back on a ferry multiple times and have never found the same style


I have a spoon like that! Just right for yoghurt, ice cream or cereal. I wish I knew the name so I could get more


That sounds very like my long lost risotto spoon.


I can relate to that! Is it round or oval? I've got one that's round, and I love it for certain foods, whereas all my others are oblate.


Had the same spoon for over 20 years I think. I took my spoon with me, when I moved out of my dad's 11 years ago. Still only use that spoon now. Had to buy the kids a spoon of their own as they wanted to use mine. I hope they keep theirs as long as I've had mine. My wife thinks we're lunatics.


Me and my son have breakfast spoons, they are soup spoons.


Does cereal count as soup?


melodic gold quarrelsome ossified illegal live continue adjoining provide gray *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I have a favourite bowl/plate hybrid thing at my boyfriends house that is my favourite. We don't get to see each other that much due to work commitments but when he's knows I'm coming over he makes sure that one is clean....even if he doesn't clean the rest and leaves that for me to do. He's both a sweetheart and a prick :)


I have a favourite fork. One time on holiday in Venice, I think it was the first time I went there with my now wife, we got pizza and pasta very late from a restaurant, and wanted to take it to our room to eat it. We asked if they had disposable cutlery. They didn’t but the proprietor gave us two proper (different) metal forks and said it was perfectly alright to keep them. They both still live in our cutlery drawer over 10 years later, and one of them is my favourite one. It has particularly fine long prongs, and looks a bit antique.


One of my children misplaced my favourite fork. It's been over a year now and there's still a little fork shaped hole in my soul -_- Everyone has a favourite wooden spoon though right? Mine used to be my mum's, when I moved out 25 years ago I swiped one from the kitchen pot. It's dark brown with age, just the right size and feel, my cooking wingman 😁


Mine's stubby and half burnt. Also, so is my favourite wooden spoon.


Did exactly the same thing! I can’t use most wooden spoons as the texture puts my teeth on edge, so took my mum’s old wooden spoon with me when I moved out 21 years ago. There’s a good chance the spoon is older than I am. Tried a few others over the years but nope, can only use the OG spoon. My husband is terrified of accidentally breaking it as he knows I’ll be inconsolable if that ever happened


Yes, but it is not attachment to one piece. I buy the full set I think has the shape and size I want. If I find a set I think I will like better, off goes the old set to kids or grandkids. Kids going off to uni or setting up their household were good excuses to replace the cutlery. When I was a kid we had the mismatch cutlery and I definitely had a favorite cereal spoon. That favorite formed the basis of the first set I bought, but by then of course the manufacturing had changed and the exact ones no longer made.


My mum had a favourite teaspoon, insisted nobody else could use it. When she died we buried her with it!


That digging must've taken *ages.*








> Do you have a favourite item of cutlery? I actually do. In fact I have two. Both nicked from various business class flights by friends. One is a small teaspoon and the other is a larger dessert sized spoon.


Probably showing my age here but somewhere I have a pair of British Airways teaspoons that I nicked in the mid 90s. Younger relatives are surprised to find that you used to get metal cutlery on flights. I guess they stopped that either around 9/11 or when too many scallywags were half-inching the spoons.


I think you still get them in some of the posh seats. Ffs, I remember *smoking* on planes. Going to the back row for a bifta, Qatar air, circa 1998.


Already posted elsewhere but mine is a teaspoon I nicked from the directors box at the Emirates stadium.


I have a wooden teaspoon - I won't eat yogurt, or those small potted puddings without it. I've had it years, I don't know where I found it, and I've never seen another like it... I genuinely have anxiety over the fact that one day I might not be able to find it


If you post a couple of clear pics on r/HelpMeFindThis, Reddit might help source spares.


Say what? That's an amazing idea, thank you 🙏🏻


My favourite piece of cutlery does not belong to me. It belongs to my parents. But in the hopefully distant future, I intend to inherit the Buddha spoon. It is a slightly smaller than normal teaspoon with a cross-armed, cross-legged man as the tip of the handle. It may not be a Buddha, but it is a great spoon. I will have it. As for my own cutlery, I have mostly uniformity amongst the ranks, and then those I hate. I have the big knife. The big knife is just a stainless steel table knife, but it has the whole vibe of "wedding silver" - it is chunky as shit, and it is huge. It does not fit in the dishwasher. I understand why the big knife feels good about itself, but the big knife can go and fuck itself. It will have to. There is no big fork. I have the intermediate spoon. It is a spoon that is clearly larger than a teaspoon, yet smaller than a soup/dessert spoon. It normally goes in the big spoon compartment, but sometimes it ends up in the teaspoon compartment. It is cursed to live between worlds, never to be truly loved, and certainly not by me. In my kitchen, uniformity is a virtue. Unless you are the Buddha spoon, in which case there will always be a home for you here.


I like the cut of your jib, it's worthy of Alan Bennett. Perhaps the big knife can obtain comfort from spooning a ladle. The intermediate spoon clearly needs to make its fucking mind up.


Yes! I thought it was just me.


You're not alone! Not many of us would admit to it, but it's definitely a thing!


Me to. I have a fav fork and spoon!!!


Piglet teaspoon




That's just their porn name


Or an instruction


I have three knives that I took from my parents' house when I left for uni. A decade and a half later I still maintain they are the best knives because they cut cheddar really well.


Even in my mid-forties, I can't read 'cut the cheddar' without thinking you mean a fart. My sister's special fork is still at my mum's. It's the shittest fork in the drawer so no one else ever uses it. 


I have a favourite piece of string


I work in a primary school. This is a normal conversation for me. But *why* is it your favourite? What characteristics does it have that makes it pleasing?


The Allegro's triplet motif?


Oh, well, yes, of course! *Everyone* has a favourite piece of string, it goes without saying. Perfectly normal. But what about cutlery?


I don't use cutlery but I have a favourite finger.


Is the owner acquiescent?


We’ve found Christian Horner


I dont have a favourite but I do have a least favourite ... 1 fork in particular which has 1 tine raising ever so slightly up ... Still don't chuck it for some reason . Just get bloody annoyed everytime I accidently use it


get some pliers and sort that shiz…


I have three of the Perfect Spoon, and one Wrong Fork. The rest are adequate.


>one Wrong Fork In that case, I suggest you fork out the money for a better one.


Not really cutlery, but I have a favourite knife. It's from Japan originally. And if I spend a bit of time sharpening it, it will slice through molecules.


I have a single bevel yanagiba that I shouldn't use for onions but it slides through onions like they aren't there.


I don't have a favourite piece of cutlery, but I do have a spoon I absolutely hate.


I have enemy forks that I hate. But I'll still use them and give the better one to my husband if the other good ones are in the dishwasher.


If you won millions on the lottery, would you throw them away?


Hmmm, good question. A little lighbulb moment, I don't think they'll last the week, even without the lottery win. It never occurred to me I didn't have to live with their smug presence taunting me 😂


I stole a plastic serving spoon from my furnished rented place when I moved out. It just felt nice to use. I bought the landlord a brand new similar spoon to replace it so I think he got a good deal. Unfortunately when it was about ten years old it broke and I haven't found a worthy replacement :(


Yes, mine is elegant, weighty and so much better than the rest of the ikea stuff in the drawer. My grandma had an Aluminium spoon that she needed to use for eating - I think it was from the war maybe - felt horrible in your mouth if you got it by accident… Not like my lovely fork.


The latter is quite the collector's item. [https://stephentaylorhistorian.com/2017/12/16/ww2-military-cutlery/](https://stephentaylorhistorian.com/2017/12/16/ww2-military-cutlery/)


I have a favourite teaspoon for putting sugar in my tea.


I have a favourite spoon. It doesn’t match any of the other cutlery and I don’t know where it came from. It’s a slightly different shape and slightly smaller than the others and just seems perfect


Serendipity. It probably came from one of Terry Pratchett's wandering shops. It must be treasured. I recommend you give it a name, and pass it on to future generations.


I have a favourit dessert spoon. It's a bit narrower than the rest and the edges are less sharp, so doesn't hurt the sides of my mouth when eating soup or cereal.


I have a lot of favourite mugs because no two are the same. They are from dozens of different places and countries. I do have a favourite knife however. I half inched it from beefeater 33 years ago next month. I'm getting buried with that thing lol.


Ooh, does it have the logo on the handle?


Even better, the blade!






I've used the same fork for about 20 years. There was originally an older one that was thrown out, so my mum replaced it for me (they were NHS forks from her work). Would easily be 30 years if I still had the OG one.


I had a favourite spoon specifically for the eating of risotto. It was perfect. Sadly long-lost. I DO still have my favourite teaspoon, it's shiny and looks smart, it's also engraved with "steal me" - it came from an Alice in Wonderland themed food event.


Knave of Hearts found.


I have a favourite teaspoon for my large mugs of tea. The handle is of sufficient length to not make the tea awkward to stir, which would most certainly be the case if I were to use a standard size teaspoon in my big mug.


I've experimented with larger mugs, but I find my tea goes cold before sufficient time has elapsed for consumption. Having said that, I still favour the two-mugs multi-tea hangover cure. Two seem to cool slower than one double, which is somewhat paradoxical. Perhaps a physicist can explain.


I have a fork that is heavy and satisfying to hold. A spoon that is the absolutely perfect scoop shape. I am yet to find a favourite knife but I’m sure I will eventually. I also have a favourite plate and a favourite bowl.


Knives are tricky buggers; a jack-of-all-trades isn't quite right for any specific task. I like a sharp steak knife with serrations, but those are useless for spreading butter.


Fuck me, I do. A spoon I found in a village, one of those long ones for knickerbocker glory. It’s very handy for getting the bottom bit of a mango chutney or lime pickle jar.


I distinctly remember my first knickerbocker glory, in a roadside cafe. When I was struggling, a waitress presented me with that exact implement.


I have found my people. I have favourite forks, favourite spoons. Knives (table knives) less so for some reason.


Yes, two matching teaspoons that are just total perfection. The weight, the shape, the size, everything, I feel a sense of total peace and calm whenever I touch my lovely spoons.


Both myself and my partner have favourite cutleries, and luckily we each know each others preferences so we're not let down by one another 😂


I don’t, but that’s because all my cutlery is identical. When I was a kid we had an assortment of cutlery, and while I didn’t have a favourite I definitely had a preferred type. I do have a favourite mug though. And a second favourite, a third favourite, a fourth favourite, a fifth favourite… there is a hierarchy of mugs. Also now that I think about it I might have way more mugs than any one man needs.


Five is copacetic. Six is cromulent, but seven is surely unreasonable.


I have ‘my’ spoon at my parents’ house, for my use when I’m there. It is a dessert spoon that is incredibly shallow - almost flat - and which doesn’t match anything else because I *borrowed* it from a former workplace. I’m in my forties.


Yes, I have one fork I use. Everyone in the house knows it’s my fork and not to use it 😂


I have three of the same fork, from the same Indian restaurant (all gifted!). One at mine, one at the missus, one at work… fork yeah!


You're not alone, I have a favourite teaspoon!


I love spoons. I have been known to accidentally drop them in my pockets at restaurants. Only three times, the rest have been obtained legally or gifted. And I remember where every spoon came from - one a friend brought over the day we moved as I’d packed all our spoons and couldn’t make coffee, one my mother in law leant us while we were camping and forgot to pack teaspoons, one I picked from my mothers kitchen draw when I left home, etc etc. I also have a favourite butter knife, which might actually be a fish knife but it’s a lovely shape and has a faux ivory handle.


I have a favourite spork.  I've got a plastic one, and plenty of regular metal cutlery...but I like bringing *that* spork to work. Even if using it makes my co-workers wonder if I've finally completely lost it and started eating with the handle of my cutlery. 


Not cutlery but I have a vegetable peeler that was my Nan’s. She gave it to my dad when my parents divorced and mum cleared him of everything. It’s now mine and the only peeler I can use. It fits my hand perfectly and peels beautifully. I can’t get on with any other. It irks me when my partner uses it and peels the wrong way in case he ruins it.


A spoon I used to use for cereal it was round and perfect. when I visited last year I stole two of them wishing I’d taken all 4 now.


I have collected an odd selection of cutlery from charity shops over the years. I have a certain fork that I use for fried food cos the prongs are more spikey and good for stabbing, but another one I eat pasta with cos it holds more!! I also loved the type of spoons that we had growing up so I bought a load of them off ebay years ago! Things just taste nicer on the proper cutlery!! Apparently posh folks used to use gold or silver cutlery and it makes the food taste better. (Never tried it, too poor!


If you haven't seen it already, I highly recommend watching this story about someone's precious [ducky spoon](https://youtu.be/BY3Uby5UcEU)


Thank you. That poor woman! What a traumatic shock!


P.S. Exercise due caution, note rule 12.


You should be fussy about your cutlery and crockery. You use it every day. It's important to get it right. I have a small mouth and use a dessert fork to eat with. A full size dinner fork feels like a shovel to me! Also I like old rattail spoons with a proper deep bowl made of EPNS. Thin stainless steel cutlery is awful. Finally I prefer a thin rim on a fine bone china mug. I hate thick rimmed cups.


Yes I do. However, “Shakey” set my mind to Stevens rather than Arthur. This probably says a lot about my English A level.


Arthur? Is that Bill's brother? I think it's pot-luck depending on which book you happened to do at school. Which was yours? Mine was the Merchant of Venus, and that's the very first paragraph, so it's ingrained in my memory. I quite enjoy his depiction of Antonio's existential crisis and melancholic depression, but I don't buy into the theory that he's a closet homosexual, tempting as that theory is. There's some dead good bits in Merchant, such as choosing the casket ("All that glisters is not gold"), and Portia's rant about the quality of mercy. The latter was excellently parodied by Tony Hancock in his tribute to 12 Angry Men. The book has some lovely crude innuendo too, like Antonio sticking his pen in Portia's ring. It's also fun to consider that back then, a man would've been playing Portia (no women allowed on stage), when she was pretending to be a man. Now \_that's\_ some contemporary gender-bending. But I've digressed tangentially. I'll get back to my runcible spoon collection.


Merchant of Venus lol? Was that a sequel? ;)


Fucking lol. Don’t know where Arthur came from. Merchant of Venus is at least a plausible typo; got some HitchHikers Guide vibes.


Definitely! One with a certain weight and feel! I also particularly have three or four spoons I love to use! Spoons are my favourite item of cutlery in general aha.


We ought to petition Desert Island Discs to include ones favourite cutlery item.


Not cutlery but I do have a favourite plate that I 'acquired' from the first (and last) shared house I lived in after finishing university. That plate has been with me through a few decades and three house moves since then. You're not mad, or at least no more so than the rest of us.


My extraordinarily mild chagrin is, I only have one special fork. I use my dishwasher about once a week, so I only get to use it for 14.28% of meals. I could get more identical ones, but they'd still not be my fav. OK, I now realise that I'm straying into the realm of Mr. Flibble.


I had a favourite wooden fork for a long time. It was the only thing I'd eat chips and gravy with as a kid- now I do have a favourite spoon. Brought it with me on holiday too. I'm a silly goose -


Nah, look at how many people are posting about theirs. I used to live in Japan, where it's perfectly normal to carry around your own chopsticks. Often snazzy ones in a pretty case. I'm actually trying to find a nice set back in the UK - they're so useful for fast food, but it's not easy to find 'em here- most are chunky Chinese ones. Japanese are pointierer. But not metal; that's Korea. I might have to import the fuckers.


I have a bread knife that was my grannys. Ugly, plastic, fake ivory, crazed and discoloured handle, like vile, but the the serrated blade does the job perfectly. Finally got round to buying one with a beautiful wooden handle, but I'm saving (hoarding) that for special usage, whatever that is.


I prefer to use the Ikea set with rounded handles we have over the ones with the square handles that we got several years later. They just feel nicer. Sometimes my husband gets out the square ones or worse, one square and one round one and I have to go swap them. I've got specific cups I prefer to use too. I bought two sets of cups that are the same except one's white and one's blue and I just prefer the white ones. Drinking coffee from a blue mug feels slightly wrong.


My neighbours have one spoon I always use. The rest of their dessert type spoons are massive, this one sits in size between them and the teaspoons. It’s from the same set but is the only one for some reason. Whenever I get asked over for dinner and we have dessert I always go for that one. It is my spoon, they never use it for anything else!


Mismatching cutlery stresses me out so we only have a matching set of my favourite cutlery from IKEA. When we go out I tend to hate most cutlery as the spoons are too deep and the fork times are often too long.


I’m not saying my favourite fork was stolen from work, the kind with the super fancy thing on the handle…but it might be. All others are just dull in my drawer. I swore I would never have a mixed cutlery drawer like my parents…wait does this mean my parents are thieves?


My wife bought me a fork and had it engraved with "I forking love you". I use it all the time.


Yes! I triumphantly bought a set of my favourite teaspoons and was shocked to discover that their allure was entirely ineffective on my partner who just picks whatever the nearest spoon is when he uses one. Imagine picking an inferior teaspoon when those delights are an option. Madness.


I stole a fancy tea spoon from the Arsenal directors box at the Emirates stadium when I went in a tour. That's my spoon now and no one else is allowed to use it.  I'm not even a football fan, just went with a mate.  Nice spoon though


"as Shakey said" - I was racking my brains for a Shakin' Stevens lyric that matched your quote. Then the penny dropped...


I don't have favourite cutlery, but I do have a favourite glass. It's a Beavertown one I nicked from a pub. I also have a spoonula that I can't be without. If it broke, I'd buy a new one immediately.


I have a favourite spoon. We have some bowls that I prefer and two forks which I flat out won’t use.


I have my own fork, kids and misses know it's mine and will use it just to spite me 🤣


I don't have a favourite one, I have a hated one... or ones? Somehow my brother will occasionally acquire a shit fork or spoon. It'll last in the draw for a few weeks and I'll be like 'fuck sake' and return it to get a proper one until the day comes it gets thrown out.


Yes I have favourite utensils! Mainly based on feel, style etc. I have 3 forks and 3 knives I'm particularly attached to, they're wooden handled and used to belong to a set that my grandmother used. They're probably about 35 years old and still going strong. I have 2 glass tumblers of hers as well which are probably older than me and still in use daily. I refuse to use certain teaspoons in my mum's house because they just feel wrong. Cheap pressed metal from Poundland or B+M.


Shake’ Stevens said that??


Bill Shakespeare ;-)


I absolutely do. Our cutlery is largely from IKEA. We have one random spoon that neither my partner nor I knows who brought it into our life. But it is sturdy and I like the spoon shape a lot better and I will always pick it. Same for my favorite fork. I do remember where I got it, and it likewise looks different from the rest of our forks.


Butter knife and tea spoon. The spoon holds the perfect amount of sugar for my cup. The knife is weighted perfectly. Probably. Or I’ve just used them for decades and familiar with them and I don’t like change. Don’t make me change my spoon.


I have 3 ceramic teaspoons from Japan and eating a yoghurt with one is so good, definitely my favourite cutlery.


Well……you’re not a monster…..* *but


Considering I bought a Sujeo set myself, from a local Asian shop. My favourite Spoon and Chopsticks, because the spoon has a kind of long handle.


Tidy. Sutgarak and jeotgarak, spoon and chopsticks, covers every situation.