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Family came up to visit today rather than me popping down to see dad - I'm the only one who lives out of town so I think they fancied the change. Got a message in the middle of the night from a sibling saying they'd been up all night with a stomach bug, so I made the assumption they wouldn't be turning up. Colour me surprised when they rang the doorbell this morning. Turns out they didn't want to miss out on all the fun, so turned up with a fever and the shakes and a miserable face on, refusing to eat in case they yosh on the table. Dad then got drunk and fell asleep on my settee while Mum nagged me about work. Happy happy days. (Goes without saying I do genuinely love my family but they drive me mad)


Hahaha and now they're staying the night because they're sick, so you'll be sick tomorrow, but at least you'll all be together, right? Amazing turnout anyway and glad you had a funday Sunday


Hahahaha no I sent them home after food so that I could run around and bleach everything they've touched - they were upset about it but I'm not taking no chances lol


Kids did well and got me the great wave Lego set. Haven’t done a proper Lego set in years and this is the biggest iv ever done. Spent 3 hours with some beer building the main painting part and planning to build the frame tomorrow.


Sadly I don’t have anything like an awesome dad - happy to swap wiv someone


First Father’s Day for me with my four month old, plus it’s also my birthday, win win


Happy birthday, first fathers day, and Sunday




My dad passed almost 20 years ago so I'm just gonna spend as much of the day as possible with my baby girl asleep in my arms. She's not quite 2 months old yet so probably unaware it's a special occasion. My wife says there's a surprise for dinner so I'm looking forward to that too :)


How was the surprise dinner? Football-filled, booze-filled, and hopefully a tummy-full of some grub!


She did a whole spread of mexican goodies. Pulled pork nachos, fajitas, the works. And a pint of Guinness. It was magical. She knows me so well lol.


Kids went slightly non-linear and bought me an awesome Fred Flintstone- style tomahawk steak, but nothing for the rest of the family to eat. I can't really sit there tucking into that whilst they're eating beans on toast...


Not really close with my parents, but try to ensure they have a relationship with my kids (until at least my kids are old enough to decide if they actually like them or not). Anyway, I've had a lovely day so far. I had a lie-in, some sweets, a card and painted shells from the kids (they're 16 months, and nearly three). Picnic in the garden, quick solo trip to B&Q. Now relaxing watching Spiderman and his Amazing Friends with my eldest whilst my youngest naps.


So…my daughter’s present for Father’s Day is a voucher to be a butler for 24 hours. It expires ‘tomorrow’. When I explained tomorrow never comes and she was now my full time permanent butler, she looked slightly disappointed. No takesies-backsies!


My first Father’s Day with my son (8 weeks)!!!!


It’s a somber one for me this year. I don’t really talk to my own dad and my Grandad passed away 3 weeks ago today, so today is mainly about checking in on Mum and making sure she’s ok.


Fun watching all the women in my social circle posting gushing messages about the men they ignore for 364.5 days of the year on Facebook.


Yeah i've seen a lot posts on social media, it's the same during Mothers' Day.


Saw my dad yesterday* and my wife saw hers because I wanted to spend the day with my daughter as a family…she’s told me about 5 times today ‘not you daddy—-I want mammy’ Ah the life of a dad *edit: apologised to my dad yesterday for not seeing him today and my dads response ‘Don’t worry- I couldn’t care less about it’


First Father's Day after my beautiful daughter was born sleeping a couple weeks back. It's a tough day but I know she's looking down at me and can feel how much love I have for her.


Oh that's horrible, so sorry to hear. Hope you and your partner are coping OK and that things go smoothly if you decide to try again. 


Thank you


Mate, I'm sorry. I know I'm just a stranger on the internet but I hope you (and your partner) can find some solace. Sending you big, manly hugs


Thank you


I’m sorry to hear that - first Father’s Day was rough for me too. It gets better, but you never forget.


Thank you


Haven't seen mine since 2005, he's useless. I hate this day tbh. But I hope everyone has a cracking day with their dad's.


I went to Lincoln with my dad for a piss up yesterday. We said we wanted to see the sights but we both agreed that was just an excuse to spend the day together. Got a brilliant handmade card from my 7 year old daughter and now I'm enjoying a bit of peace and quiet. I can't decide whether to play Fallout, keep watching the Northern Diamonds cricket game or Big Jet TV


My dad died when I was 26 but I try to spoil my husband as it’s a nice distraction and makes the day nice rather than sad. My 7yo made him a card at school and I bought him a couple of Vans t shirts. We’re going to a local barbecue restaurant later and then he’ll want to watch the football (no change there though lol). A pretty chill day in all which he prefers anyway :)


My dad was an absolute piece of trash (as was my mother - lucky me to strike out twice! /s), but luckily my father in law is an absolutely wonderful man, so we celebrate him and my mother in law (on mother's day) each year. There are some wonderful dads out there. You are so lucky if you have one! We visited the inlaws yesterday with gifts and cake for FIL. He loved his bottles of different meads and box of Toblerone truffles lol


I'm with my Dad. He's not perfect, neither am I but he has stuck by my mum and supported my mum, me and sister in life so far. He has sacrificed a lot before and after he met my mum and had me and my sister. Some of my family members are ungrateful and unappreciative. Anyway we plan to have some indian lunch soon: parathas/stuffed methi paratha and saag. He loves smoothies so I will make a blueberry, strawberry, apple and cherry smoothie. I plan to watch some pro-wrestling with him as he is fan since childhood watching it on black and white TV. I know football is on later and England are playing so will be watching that with him with alcoholic beverage in hand.


Dad of a 4 year old here, I’m about to sit down in front the TV with my lunch and watch Top Gun, then play some Xbox afterwards. All alone and completely by myself, while my other half takes my boy out for a bit. ❤️


I’m 3500 miles away from my awesome father ☹️. But I’ll be seeing him in 7 days. Amazing Father’s make all the difference.


My grandparents raised me and I am so thankful to my Grandad who stepped up and became the father figure I needed. 💙


Ive sent a text, but mine moved to Aus earlier this year........I miss him :(


My dad's past has just been revealed to me this week, and I've concluded he's a bit of a knob.


Context? He had a piece on the side is my guess...


Nah. Mum and dad divorced 30 years ago but this week I found out just how selfish he actually was when he left, and the extent of the mess he left her (us) in, and didn't give a shit.


He told you that himself I assume? Every story has two sides. Never take his side of the story from someone else's perspective. I know nothing about your situation so I'm not saying it is or isn't what it is. But if he's told you first hand, then fine. If not, then validate.


I've seen the court documents from the time. I've heard bits over the years but ignored them for a peaceful life, but I can't anymore. He's been a terrible father, despite me getting on with him quite well as a person. I've never asked him for _anything_ in more than 40 years. Not one thing, and the one time I needed something this week, and it was a something that would have cost him nothing. Not time. Not money. It was a box ticking exercise, he went on a huge rant and made it all about himself. Because he didn't do the something, I had to go digging to find a way around it for some business admin, and came across the documents showing just how hard he fought to ditch my mum and siblings, and then try to taken the house from her just so he could fund a new life in Europe. I'm not sure where the dust will settle at the moment, but he's not getting anything from me this Fathers Day.


What a gut punch. I’m sorry he was and is such an arse. You certainly don’t owe him anything for Father’s Day!


I'm thankful that he fkd off 30 odd years ago and I haven't had to deal with his shit since.


My dad can gtf, waste of space. I've spent my life ensuring I am the dad to my kids that he never was to me, so I'm going to have a great day with my 3 boys.


I've a 4 year old, who spent last night at her Grandparents so a nice easy start to Fathers day (she'll be home this afternoon for presents). I had a proper Fathers day experience yesterday, as my daughter did her first mountain bike event (with me of course). 6 miles off road and she did all of it under her own steam. Afterwards there was lots ofdancing to live music which was awesome (she spent a lot of time bouncing on my shoulders)


Being treated to Sunday lunch from my daughter, only downside is she’s not going to be there. She’s a student and had to work an extra shift to buy a voucher for it.


My wife is pregnant with our first so I get Greggs breakfast in bed this morning


Better than no breakfast. I made my own at 4am, but it's because I decided to wake up at stupid o'clock and go for a walk.


He's been diagnosed Gluten Free in the last few weeks so on Tuesday there'll be a gluten-free set of ready-to-bake pies and pasties arriving for him :)


I tried gluten free once.. not something it's do unless I had to, but nice and thoughtful on your part considering he's relatively new to it.


It was his idea; in our family if any of us would like something specific we tell the others and it gets sorted out. He's obviously subscribed to this gluten free meal place and forwarded it to me :p


Bunch of adidas socks and a cool dad club bluey t shirt. Awesome day


I was planning on going out with mine for the game tonight but I've had a chest infection since Wednesday and on antibiotics so no pub for me 😭 it's another day on the sofa feeling sorry for myself 👎


I forgot, my mum had to message us. Thankfully my dad's alright with just a text and we don't talk much anyway. 


My dad and I will be going out to breakfast at the harvester soon! I'm trying to make it a yearly tradition for us


I have two small kids so have received an array of adorable tat and a box of meat from an online butchers. My dad was killed in November, so it's still pretty raw. Going to go and see my mum and siblings today. Please, please, try and do something for your dad today (you know, as long as you're in contact. I'm not suggesting you go on an epic search to find the man that left your family all those years ago or anything....) if you can, and if you can't try and do something tomorrow, or the next day or the next.


Similar boat here. Mine passed away in March, and it would have been his 60th on the 22nd of this month. Hoping to fill my day with distractions to keep me busy (that loft I've never been in definitely needs to plywood putting in it!)


Spend 5mins actually thinking about him rather in solemn rather than ignoring it. It's hard, but confronting it is often the best way to get away from what bothers you about it the most.


My passed away in August. I saw my mum yesterday and hanging with my partner and our two sons today. Lots of love to you from this internet stranger


Happy Father’s Day my dudes. I post this poem every year, it sums up being a father much better than I ever could. [Kate Baer - What Kind Of Man](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/5a/a0/ef/5aa0ef8da1fa29dde14cbdeec37def4b.jpg) *What kind of man does not give up his time, his many pleasures, but hands them over without a sound. What kind of man admits his failures, turns over his heavy stones, stands at the feet of grief and wanting and does not turn away.*


I have a strange relationship with my Dad. He was never particularly interested in me or my brother growing up. He was there, but distant, and never really expressed any affection for anyone but Mum. Mum died when I was a teenager and I’ve never really forgiven him deep down for not being emotionally close. He’s looked out for me though and has always helped financially when I needed it as a student/young adult. I just think he’s a bit f*cked up from his own childhood. I always dread father’s day because I have to get him a card and ring him but it feels false and awkward. Even though we get on ok on the surface when we occasionally see each other I can’t connect with him any deeper than that. Sorry for the downer, I just wanted to get that off my chest, don’t really talk about it.


Similar to me. My dad is a man of service. Thays his primary love language. He enjoys food, so I get a nice meal instead of the card. We sit and enjoy it together and talk. He expresses genuine gratitude


I am Dad in this scenario, I am as usual the only one awake yet thanks to the doggies. My good lady is making me a special breakfast and taking me for lunch, my beloved son is in those difficult teenage years and in the midst of gcse's so I'm expecting a card and hopefully a hug. If you are reading this and are a teenager, give your dad a hug!


Thanks for the reminder! As a new-ish dad, it’s my first ever Father’s Day and I kept forgetting.


Congrats dude. Enjoy it 🙏🍺🍻




Enjoy! The first one is lovely I think


My dad left when I was 10. Father’s Day for me is about how far away from that I am. 3 beautiful girls and I shall spend it looking at them and smiling. Happy Father’s Day all!


Same, 11 for me. I have two wonderful boys, and I'll enjoy it with them.


Today is my first Father’s Day as a dad. It’s also the first without my dad


Did he at least get to meet his grandchild? Sorry for your loss.


He did! The first time my son laughed was with my dad


Now that is a fantastic thing!


Sorry to hear, and congratulations. That's a bittersweet pill to swallow. Emotional for sure. Hope you're okay and have a blessed day


Well that’s a shitty way to balance the planet! Enjoy the good parts, but sorry for your loss. Firsts are always rough.


I bought my dad a ship in a bottle model for Father’s Day this year he’s an ex merchant navy man and loves nautical stuff and he particularly loves the HMS Victory which is Admiral Nelson’s ship and the ship in the bottle is the Victory. It’s his birthday next month and I always like to get interesting presents for him. I don’t see him because he lives in Scotland and I in the North East of England. I haven’t visited him in a while since I lost my mum two years ago and have been super busy with moving to a new home and sorting out inheritance and my mum’s possessions, but now that it’s all over I can arrange to go visit him. I’m chronically ill and find it difficult to visit him for this reason as well.


Sounds like you guys could have so much to catch up on. You've got a lot going on, but please make time for him. He probably really misses you and when its all said and done - especially as you've lost your mum - you're a part of her and he'll probably really appreciate seeing you. Make it happen and tell us how it goes. If I wasn't all the way in the south of England I'd honestly take you to see him just because I'd like to see it happen for you.


Yes I plan to go and visit him, he and my mum divorced in 98 but when I told him she had passed away he got all quiet and then my stepmum alerted me that he was crying. I didn’t understand why but someone explained that he had loved my mum enough to marry her and have two kids with her and even though they were divorced he still loved her to a point. I received a phone call earlier this week from him and he told me that he wouldn’t be able to come visit me in my new home because he has the start of dementia which is understandable because he is 79. I told him not to worry over it and that I would try and visit him but it’s been difficult due to my health and my mobility is very poor at the moment. I’m seeing about getting an electric wheelchair or mobility scooter to improve my mobility. I’m not able to drive and have to rely on train to visit him.


If he has the start of dementia please arrange a visit as soon as you can. Talk about whatever you need to, and ask as many questions as you like. My mum had dementia and the decline in her memory was severe. I had so many things I could have asked and said to her but didn't understand at the time.


I will, my brother and I suspected our mum had the start of it as well but since she passed I’ve been wanting to further strengthen my bond with my father because he wasn’t in my life much when I was growing a teenager, I only got back in contact with him when I was 15 and since then I’ve visited him regularly a few times a year and phone called him every three months. But since covid and my mum dying it’s just been super stressful to visit but I do plan to visit him sometime this summer.