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A friend was living in the US and dating an American girl. Her mother kept asking her " Why does your boyfriend sound like a pirate? " He was from Bristol.


Well Blackbeard was from Bristol…


Most pirates were from the West Country I think. A big reason for the popularity of the "arrrr" accent is because Robert Newton, an actor from Dorset who played Long John Silver in a film in the 1950s. He just used his normal Dorset accent and it went from there


Piracy and smuggling was rife in the southwest. Partly due to the number of caves and coves along the (mostly) jagged coastline, which provided refuge and hidey-holes to store contraband and loot. Partly because it is geographically close to the European "shipping lanes" exporting goods from the Mediterranean to the northern edges of Europe (and vice versa)


I think I saw a documentary about pirates from Penzance. Didn’t realise they were such talented singers.


Making it probably the most impactful acting performance in history. And how many people would know his name?


Is that true? My luvver


Gert lush that is


And so was the actor who played Darth Vader. He had the nickname of Daft Farmer on the set


You'd think the tourist boards down there would be all over this. Putting pirates on the signs, maybe hire actors to dress up as pirates to walk around the tourist areas, etc. I can imagine Americans travelling the UK just to head to the west country to see 'real pirates'.


They have a pirate festival in Brixham in Devon every year which is really good.


I came here as a Bristolian, safe in the knowledge that Bristol would be acres of scrolling near the bottom, or not at all. How wrong I am ha


I snorted. That's great.


I love a North East accent. Not the high pitched, daft "why aye man!!" Geordie Shore bollocks but the nice, soft ones you usually hear from people in call centres. Bit Bob Mortimery. Very comforting


I'm pleasantly surprised to hear (apparent sex icon) Bob Mortimer mentioned so frequently here. Also realising I need to move to make use of my accent. Everyone talks like that round here.


Oh god. I've just read the thread properly. I thought we were just talking about favourite accents. I didn't really take any notice of the 'swoon' bit and now everyone thinks Bob Mortimer turns me on. I need my ADHD diagnosis immediately, it's gone too far


Haha nothing quite like the Smell of Reeves and Mortimer, eh mate 🤤


Nobody is here to kink shame


Actually, I am ✋


I’m a Geordie who has worked in call centres for over a decade. Woop woop I may be attractive to someone.


Had also come here to specify that it’s got to be a soft Geordie one


Bob is technically a Yorkshireman but the softer Geordie accent could be Durham/Northumbria. More melodic.


Well North Yorkshire, he was born in the Boro. If I'm ever on holiday people assume we're soft Geordies, I've never been mistaken as having a Yorkshire accent.


Cheryl Cole's accent is 🥰 That redhead on Gogglebox as well, really like her voice.


Durham is a lovely accent. Parts of Teesside too, but they can also sound awful. And I say that as someone brought up on the Herts/Esssx border with that accent.


Welsh women's accent usually does it for me


Yeh, I had a real thing for Cerys Matthews voice back in her Catatonia days. Very sexy.


It’s all over the front page


You give me rrrroad rrrage


Rrrracing thrrrrough the best days


KFC. I've had that song stuck in my head ever since I first heard it. For some reason it just kept seeping back into my mind whenever it was quiet. I'd got rid of it a few years back and now... ... Fuckers.


Mulder & Scully!


She'd never throw her knickers at you.


It was a great pleasure to discover her Radio 6 show later on. 


That Sian Eleri on BBC Radio 1 is something else man.


Shared a plane with her once to NYC (I got upgraded to the upstairs on a 747 for free). She was really nice and taking pictures with all the stewardess’s. I still listen to Catatonia


Catherine Zeta Jones ✅


She hasn't had a Welsh accent for 30 years


Same, they seem to like having a laugh as well, plenty of banter.


There is something about the Welsh accent.... just don't tell my Welsh friends, who I love to wind up.


Radio 1 DJ Sian Eleri's voice


She’s so Caernarfon, it’s weird to hear it in the mainstream as a local.


Female welsh has something that hits deep.


Norman Price’s ma could get it


I had a colleague who was half Welsh half Afrikaans, and she had the *best* accent ever.


I need to hear this


I've got a mate who is the same, still makes me chuckle every time he says do you want to come up my house as, " do you want to cum up my ars?"


Oh, what's occurring? I won't lie to you, Nessa loves a good ride.


Yeah Northern Irish female accents are very attractive too!


North or south? There’s a big difference. Even within north and south divides, lol. Swansea jack vs Llanelli.


I’ve always liked Scottish accents, they’ve always sounded so cool to me


The Kelly MacDonald kind of accent in The Decoy Bride. Yes, definitely.


Out of all the Scottish films that exist this is a hilarious choice of example.


Which one?


The mad alcoholic ranting about how she turned the weans against him in Glasgow city centre, that one


What about the Yoker accent? Never been there. Don't know what it's like, just this pure mad fabled land that sounds like a pure mad egg yolk.


The Highlands and John Gordon Sinclair.


Try visiting Fife for a few days 😂


What about [Edith Bowman](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ohUCzmlXfPw) though.


You've obviously never been to Ayrshire


I hitched down one Saturday - 50 miles to Kilmarnock to see Hibernian plsy.


The day was bright and sunny but the game I won’t relay


And there was no Kilmarnock bunnet to make me want to stay


South Ayrshire - Not too bad North Ayrshire - Where the bams go on holiday. Bit rough around the edges, but the bams mostly come out at night, if its not taps aff. Mostly. East Ayrshire - Where the bams got moved too when they became too bammy for all the other bams. Never again. Nothing competes with Peterhead, or Fraserburgh... Nothing.


Agreed. They are almost musical.


specifically david tennant’s voice


David Tennant my beloved


Northern Irish, melts me every time 😍


This is funny because every time I hear our accent on the TV I want to die


Same, also when I hear a recording of myself, makes me cringe hard.


Same for me, so it is.


I feel like all who says this has only ever seen it on the telly, and have never heard a NI farmer or a Belfast spide.


Please don’t let it be the Lurgan/Craigavon accent…


Glaswegian accent on a woman. I like the fact it's a little scary at times, keeps me on the edge of my seat perpetually




That definitely does it for me. I couldn't concentrate watching Taskmaster. 😂


What is wrong with you 😂? I'm Glaswegian btw so I'm allowed to ask this, I hate my accent so much. But i do get people tell me they love it. 


I'm from Leeds but work with a Glaswegian guy, accent so thick you could cut it with a knife and I love listening to him speak. I think it's a real shame that a lot of regional accents are getting softer, which is why I love a heavy Glaswegian accent. It's so unapologetically Scottish.


Glasgow is the best Scottish accent imo.


Personally, I have a bit of a soft spot for a Welsh accent. That lilt really floats my boat. I've only dated a Welsh girl once, but I still love the accent.


Yep, on men and women both. I live in Scotland at the moment and I love listening to that accent very much from my friends, but it doesn't have the same effect on me that a Welsh accent does!


North or south wales though?


Aye there's a pretty big difference.


As an American lady, it's whatever Bob Mortimer's is.


Middlesbrough, he's a smoggy.


Does he strike you?


Oh no, he's sinned again!


Are there more like you on your planet?


Fucks sake Eric, bounties is well shit!


Yes, as he is also a fucking nightmare 😂


He mentions it in this video https://youtu.be/H0WiwB1Cjbg?si=UosrJvlGOeozh72t At about 1:40 or so


Welsh Valleys, proper Southwest English accent, and also Yorkshire and Lancashire (which I cannot distinguish) edit: I seem to have caused a diplomatic incident


Yorkshire is a really easy accent, once of course, you know how to detect it. Firstly they will immediately tell you that they're from Yorkshire and that is the end of my comprehensive list of 'how to determine the Yorkshire accent'. Sent with love, from the winning side of the Penines.


I’m from Yorkshire and I disagree!


A Brit was testifying at the Karen Read trial in Massachusetts this week; Hailing from South Yorkshire, he told the court. Americans were commenting on his posh London accent.


Do you have a link to the video?


The only thing your side is winning at is rainfall.


>Yorkshire and Lancashire (which I cannot distinguish) A British person talking of a Yorkshire accent or a Lancashire accent makes me think of an American talking about 'the British accent'. Yorkshire covers a massive area and in the North has accents closer to North East accents and in the South is closer to East Midlands. Lancashire also has many different accents and even former Lancastrian towns in Gtr Manchester have quite distinct accents e.g. Bury and Bolton. Granted there are places on the borders where accents are similar either side but I can't compute the idea of *a* Yorkshire or a *Lancashire* accent and that you can't hear the difference between someone from Blackburn and someone from Grimsby for example.


I can hear that there are different accents up there, but I'm from too far south to know where each specific one is from. If you got someone from Grimsby and someone from Blackburn and asked me who was from where, I could not tell you. What I can tell you is that all the accents up there are sexy


It's a bit like the South West, if you live down here you can tell the difference between Zummerzet, Cornwaaaaal and Deb'n, but to the rest of the country we are collectively "The Wurzels"


Ignore them. I have a thick Lancs accent and I also can't tell. I can *my* home town and usually the next one over but other than that, nope. Sean Bean in GoT sounds Lancs to me.


My wife is from Burnley, and her Mum is from Nelson. They sounded the same to me at first, but over time I've been able to recognise slight differences. She can identify someone from Darwin, Oswaldtwistle or Nelson etc. I'm always impressed by that.


Blackburn and Burnley are the most distinctive Lancashire accents as they are the only ones that have retained rhotic aspects.


I wonder what the most represented Yorkshire accent is on British TV that people down south think is the definitive accent, the way people in the States think of an "English accent" as basically RP? I'm from Leeds/Bradford way and I sound nothing like someone from Middlesbrough, Hull, or Wakefield.


Probably Sean bean?


IMHO its York, because David Bradley possesses it and is very recognisable. Or I guess Sean Beans offering, which is Sheffield.


I can tell between different Yorkshire accents, too. I’m originally from Sheffield, I can tell if someone is a deedar, from Leeds, north Yorkshire, North Yorkshire nearer Teeside, ‘ull, donny, Barnsley etc. they’ve got a slight difference. I don’t think Lancastrians and Yorkshire folk sound the same at all


Honestly, even towns as close as Barnsley and Wakefield have notably different accents.


Yorkshire is Lancashire at 0.75x speed. (I'm from Lancashire/ Cumbria)


You've got a point, the similarity in accents can stretch quite a distance too. Rochdale/Oldham and a Halifax/Huddersfield and Leeds are very similar. But you could go the other way from Rochdale/Oldham to Moston/Manchester and you'd notice a difference within a mile or two.


Also, Grimsby is in Lincolnshire, but granted the Arras of Lincolnshire along the Humber (Scunthorpe and Grimsby) are very similar accents to South Yorkshire


You just offended Yorks and Lancs with that last bit! I said that once when visiting, never dared say it again. Tip: Lancs (esp Manchester) is more nasal, and Yorks will tell you they're "gods own country" quicker than an outspoken preachy vegan admits their diet. I was told to get them to say 'car park' to figure out where they're from - trust me, this works!!! There are some randoms in Yorkshire though which throw it all out - I personally think east Yorks (Hull) can sound a bit more Lancs than Yorks plus some small local dialects near Leeds will really throw you. There is a vast mix across all those counties, it seems way more eclectic than other parts of England.


Most Scottish accents do it for me. I once slipped and fell outside of a coffee shop in London, and this lovely Scottish gentleman came over to help. I told him I was fine and just needed a few minutes to let the pain subside. He talked for a few minutes about Glasgow to distract and I barely remembered that I was in pain.




A Hull spoken "no known owner" is amazing


Omg you've got me repeating this now, I can't believe how bad it is 😭


The more I say it, the worse it sounds!


I prefer it when they say “oh no it’s snowing”


I heard a recording of me the other day. Couldn’t even understand what I was saying myself!


I’ve always had a thing for a Geordie 😂 dated one for about 18 months some years ago an honestly I never got tired of listening to him


I love a geordie accent too!


It's one of those accents that never fails to cheer me up, on men or women.


Same. I used to love talking to his mum 😂😊


Genuinely such a lovely accent/ dialect. No amount of reality telly will make me hate it because it just sounds nice, I love the glottalised consonants (especially T) specifically. Essex on the other hand is the worst for me by a mile, probably due to my hatred of reality TV changing my subconscious opinion of this accent, which is a testament to Geordie for being able to be unaffected by this to me, despite ITV being full of people from the North East.




I have to admit a soft spot for the estuary/RP accent which is part of an unfortunate liking of Eric Birling-like cads. Expect to see me in a newspaper story one day.


Yorkshire area accents are my favourite (namely, Leeds, Sheffield, huddersfield)


Proper Welsh accent, I suppose from the Welsh speaking areas


Northern Irish, Scottish.


Good to see my accent is nowhere to be seen… Do enjoy a very posh London accent on girls.


My wife is a scouser, but she’s very softly spoken.


I’m Scottish, so glad to see lots of ❤️ for us. I love a strong Welsh accent, or Bristolian.


Love to see some love for us Bristolians


I was raised in Yorkshire but haven't lived there for ages so my accent has properly faded. Apparently, I sound like Sean Bean now which seems to go down quite well.


I do have a soft spot for a Geordie or a Welsh accent in a man.


Any Irish accent makes me swoon ~ Welsh woman




I had a little thing with a cute redhead scouser when I was younger. I’ve never forgotten her accent.


A West Country girl calls me chicken or my love is better than heroin


Scottish Highlands and islands.


The different accents we have, plus the fact that you can travel half an hour down the road and come across a completely different one, is one of the things I love most about the UK. My personal view is that all regional accents are great if they’re soft. But equally, they can all be horrible when they’re really harsh. Eg a really thick Scouse accent is disgusting and sounds like the speaker has a load of phlegm building up at the back of their throat! But to answer the OP’s question, hearing a woman talk “posh” is the one that makes me swoon (think Kate Middleton or similar)


My thoughts too, it's the softness of any accent that make it sensual. Jodie Comer has a nice soft scouse accent. Anything harsh is too much. Maybe Birmingham is the exception. Terrible no matter what.


I love the Brummie accent in a man. Maybe I'm sexist like that. Sounds a bit weird in a woman.


I work with a guy from Bham and he always goes on about "If you can't tell by my accent, I'm from Birmingham". Anyway, I dislike it because of the way he says "like". He's a mid 40s guy and he says 'like' more than your teenage girl, but worse because he pronounces it "loh-yk".


We went to view a potential nursery. Nice enough place. Nice staff. But the head minder who showed us around said 'obviously' at the start and middle of every sentence. Minimum. EVERY SENTENCE. Most of what she was telling us was not obvious, as we were hearing the information for the first time. Wound me right up. Went with a nursery further away.


Yes, the Welsh accent on a girl is very hot.


Desperately scrolling to see if anyone's said Manc


I was juuust about to, didn’t expect to see many people mention it but I’m glad it’s at least not just me haha


Yes, I was playing valorant last night and there was a girl who was talking in a perfect RP accent, like something you would hear coming from a satnav.


Not a regional accent per se, but RP.


Welsh. Definitely Welsh.


I'm a manc and scouse girls sounds brilliant to me... But scouse lads sound like a jammed printer from the late 90s. Special mentions for Country Durham accent and Edinburgh accents


Liverpool, especially from a woman. Makes me melt 😊 Edit: want to make it clear that I’m a mostly straight woman. This is the power of the Scouse accent.


Wifes a scouser. Scouse women are you best friends or your worst enemy ... not half measures


YAAAAAAY!! Finally🤣🤣 Alright lad!


I have an estuary accent as I was brought up in Chatham in Kent. My mother was Welsh and as a kid we were taught Welsh by my Granddad. So sometimes when I’m in Wales visiting my family I slip into a slight Welsh accent. My granddad and mum died before I was 11 so can’t remember much Welsh at 56, I lived mostly in London and Australia, just moved back to London. I hated my weird accent as a kid but it works for my Australian husband, so it not all bad.


Northern Irish, mostly because of Saoirse-Monica-Jackson.


Christopher Eccleston and is Northern Accent, I absolutely WOULD


I’m Welsh and I love a guy with any kinda northern accent. Liverpudlian accents are probably my favourites.


Nobody will say this but I love a proper broad yam yam Black Country accent. Being from about as far up north as you can get, and spending a lot of time in the midlands over my life, I find it really comforting - as well as familiar. I find the proper yamyams have a lot in common with my specific type of northerner. Both friendly and straight talking.


Oh my. I had to do a search because I never thought I'd see my accent mentioned lmao.


For the first 5 years of my life, I lived in Stourbridge, and I picked up the local accent. My father was from north london (as was my grandmother), and my mother was from Bath/Oxford as were her parents. So I ended up with what I term as the "M40" accent, having a little from London, Oxford and Birmingham all thrown in. I have had a lot of females tell me how much they love the accent.


Scouse, I have no idea why but big burley Scousers gives me butterflies, and of course Scottish!


I’ve always loved the scouse accent as well. Pretty decent folk too


The Coventry accent is by far the best


We speak with an accent exceedingly rare If you want a cathedral we've got one to spare


You guys have an accent? I'm married to a woman from Cov and don't come from there myself so you'd think find one. The only think is; batch instead of cob.


You’re both wrong, it’s a roll


A northern Ian McMillan style accent. And Scottish obviously.


The Scottish accent is absolute turn on for me doesn’t matter where from, I love them all.


American here. I absolutely love Scouse accents. My Mancunian husband grumbles whenever this is brought up.


I’m a sucker for a posh Scottish accent or northern Irish accent.


West Cumbrian. Areet marra???!


Tom Hiddleston's accent (swoon). I think he speaks what they called **English Received Pronunciation accent**


Middlesbrough, for some reason.


Northern Irish accent does it for me, closely followed by a Middlesex accent...


For me it's got to be the northern irish


There's a noteable lack of mentions for a Suffolk accent. Luckily for me I don't have it myself.


Liverpool scouse accent but only on men 🥰 just does something to me lmao


"*does this hankerchief smell like chloroform to you?*" ...makes me swoon everytime i hear it.


I'm a brummie and I love the accent on girls think it sounds so homely


I'm not a true born Brummie but I've lived here for 23 years and I love the accent too.


Brummie accent, seems to have a criminal tinge to it


Never thought anyone actually swoons over our accent haha


A Scot’s accent, especially from the north or islands.


Irish women. Dear God I go weak at the knees. If I could own a Tom Tom with Aisling Beas voice, I would never leave my van.


Liverpool accent Northern Irish accent Yorkshire accent


Liverpool on women.


I could listen to scousers all day long 😍


Female Welsh or Liverpudlian accent does it for me


The cut glass Annunciated English accent on a good looking girl.


on a hot posh guy from chelsea whom went to Eton oh yes please


Do the colonies count? I’m happily married but I need to be very careful not to head over to Alabama or Louisiana cause I don’t think I could resist anything said to me in those accents.


I was once on a project over the Christmas holidays and I was quite annoyed by it. But twice daily calls with our client and local colleagues in Nashville helped - such lovely, soft accents.


Always liked a gentle north-east accent on a woman.


My fiance sounds exactly like Jon Snow and that definitely played a part at the start.


I am ALL about attractive voices / accents, they can absolutely make or break my attraction to someone. I've had crushes before even seeing a person because their voice was hot. Most UK accents are lovely. I tend to not notice Yorkshire accents the most because I've lived in Yorkshire since I was 5, so it just seems like a "normal voice" to me. Always been very partial to Irish accents, and married an Irish man. I'm probably least enamoured with whichever posh accent pronounces year as "yaaah". Whatever that one is. What I cannot do is tell you where each accent is from. Barely a clue. I just like nearly all of them.


Having moved around England, I don't ha e a specific accent and it tends to adapt to whom I am talking to. I can affect most accents, both domestic and international with a degree of accuracy and they get better with usage. Given a choice of a permanent accent I would probably elect to speak with a West Country (wilts/Gloucs) as it makes me feel happiest.