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Took my socks off. Snapped a tendon in my finger.


Socks are treacherous. I once put my back out putting mine on.


They should come with a warning label.


Definitely, the sneaky bastards


I'm taking a shit, and laughed some out.


It is possibly the most ridiculous thing I've ever done. Had to have my finger in a splint for 6 weeks.


I had a boss, he fell down the final step of a full flight of stairs. He broke his leg. He told me - and I laughed uncontrollably. ...it took a moment, and then we were laughing together. Some times these things happen dude. Be safe.


The same happened to my mum. Fell down the last step and broke both her foot and her ankle. I laughed for faaaar too long.


Darn socks...




I took my gloves off and dislocated all the joints in one of mine! More painful than breaking one, felt like a longer recovery too.


I played volleyball with my son 3 weeks ago and sprained both my wrists. Both hands got inflamed in a matter of seconds. My GP, (whom I visited for a different matter but saw my obviously swollen hands) interestingly remembered that I was the one who pulled a tendon in my foot whilst walking up the stairs.


I dislocated my sisters arm when I tried to force it into a leotard sleeve when we were playing ballerinas as kids. I got in the shit for that.


Fucking hell, I thought I was the only idiot to do this. Made a comment in here saying the same thing and someone replied saying you'd done it too haha Mine was the middle finger so I had a plastic splint making me look like I was giving everyone the finger for a month lol


We should make a trauma support group.


And have a sock as the logo!


I sprained my ankle taking a sock off! Entire side of my foot went black!


I broke my ankle tripping over a single leaf. I saw it out the corner of my eye, panicked and stumbled and snapped my ankle. Now if I wear heels my weak ankle buckles and every one think I’m drunk! And I’m like…. *NO, it’s just my weak ankle from tripping over a leaf* 😬


Yep, did it pulling leggings off. Didn't really know what I'd fucked up (maybe I did not join your tendon snap club) but the top finger joint basically went all floppy.


How does this happen so I can hope to avoid it?


Slipped on a leaf while out on a dog walk. Was with other people and as I was going down, I remember thinking “well this is going to be embarrassing”. Broke my back. Worst part is, because I’m young and relatively fit, paramedics and A&E staff didn’t believe I could have done any serious damage - they pulled me up and made me walk 100yds to the ambulance and after 6 hours, the dr was about to send me home when my X-rays came back. He looked very sheepish and said, “I’ll get you some stronger painkillers…”


A similar thing happened to my aunt. She bent down to load up the washing machine and slipped a disk in her back. She spent six months in a rehab centre re-learning to walk and ten years on she still mostly uses a wheelchair.


That's terrifying


I’m using this story as an excuse to continue being rubbish at loading the washing machine


Mountain rescue said they didn't suspect I had a spinal injury. Which resulted in a 6 hour wait for an ambulance as I was none priority. 6 fractured vertebrae, two surgeries for pins and rod said different.


I was so excited to see my cats after my holiday that I ended up in A&E from falling through the door as we got home.


A commendable act of love and affection


I am not in love but I’m open to purrsuasion


I’m upvoting, but that is bad lol


Did the cats even care that you were back?


I hope so. I was about 10 and had to miss the football course I was booked on because my head was partially glue.


I am glad you added this comment. Without it, I would assume this life changing event happened yesterday.


Cycling home from work one evening we had a sudden freeze. Going round a corner I hit a patch of black ice. The bike went one way, I went the other. I could see the kerb heading for my face so put out my hands to save my teeth. Knew instantly I'd broken my right wrist. Amazingly I got back on the bike and cycled home - adrenalin is such a drug. Straight to A+E to have it put in a cast. But the main plasterer wasn't there so it was only a temporary one and I had to go back the next day for a proper fit. Get home and throughout the night I'm thinking the left arm is twinging a bit. Get to the hospital the next morning and mention it to the nurses. Go for an x-ray and, yup, both wrists broken. That was a fun 8 weeks I can tell ya.


What did your mum think about the situation?


I was 39 when it happened, married for ten years, and had two young kids 🤣 The wife was not impressed, put it that way. My mother pissed herself laughing when I phoned her a day later.


They were referencing a legendary reddit post where a teenager broke both arms and ended up getting sexual services from his mother


I'd completely forgotten about that post! I managed to figure that conundrum out for myself eventually.


Jesus fucking what


There was an [AMA post](https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/nmmjr/iama_man_who_had_a_sexual_relationship_with_his/) that's now part of reddit history. Just like the Halls Of Daggobah, Jolly Rancher, Poop Knife, Cum Box and other infamous reddit posts


You fucking what now???


Did you dial your mum with your nose?


Haha! The first day or two took some adjusting but after that I was able to do the basics. Got signed off for six weeks and unbelievably my PS3 conked out on the second day (I was still able to use a controller) Having a shower and wiping my arse was an ordeal though.


He broke his wrists, not his arms


Oh god is this the reference I think it is 🤮


Yes. Yes, it is.


I've been on this website for far too long


Nah I fell off my bike as a kid and broke my wrist, it was only after I had been x-rayed etc in hospital and waiting to get put in a splint that I realised I couldn't move my thumb on my other hand. Ended up being broken too. My dad was... understandably frustrated that I hadn't noticed earlier haha But the brain has like a gateway mechanism for pain, so there was nothing I could have done about it. If something is causing you really incredible painful it's all you can feel at the time. If you have a headache and stub your toe, you'll feel the toe but at least your headache will piss off for 30 seconds.


You did well to save your teeth. A couple of years ago I had to get an implant to replace a broken front tooth, set me back a shade over £4K.


Adrenaline is a crazy one. I broke my wrist mountain biking. Finished the ride pain free back to the car. Only there realised I couldn’t pick my bike up and something was wrong.


Dog jumped over a fence. I went after him. Didn’t check landing spot. Landed directly on an old rusty fence post. It literally went inside my vagina. Rushed to hospital. So much blood they thought I’d been shot.


Okay this is the one that has made me full-body wince.


Oof that made my hooha clench right up


Me too and I don't even have one


Neither did u/crimp_dad before *the incident*


Yeah I often think how bad it would have been if I were a dude. Also I was wearing thick corduroy trousers, imaging if I were in a dress- I might have died!!!


Holy shit that sounds horrific. Sorry that happened to you!


I was in the middle of IVF treatment at the time too. Had to explain the ‘scars’ when I had my next appointment at the fertility clinic. 😅




Once, when I was a kid, I was walking on a balance beam when I slipped. One leg on either side, plums broke my fall. Until today, I considered myself to be unlucky.


Oh my god that is horrific I hope you’re okay


I seen in another comment that you're OK, which is amazing. But my mind instantly went to those stories of blokes who "fall" on something and it ends up inside their bum with a condom on. Glad you're OK.


Yes I always wondered if at the hospital they thought I was one of those….’errrr I accidentally fell and a post went inside me, I swear it was an accident’




r/ouchmyflaps ?


I once had an epileptic seizure at a train station about 10 years ago and fell down a flight of 24(ish) concrete steps. My wife thought I was dead but didn’t have a single scratch on my body. Two days ago, I had an epileptic seizure in my nice comfortable bed. I’m currently nursing broken ribs which is sore as a mofo. Figures.


Full sympathies, my mum had a seizure a few years back sat on the toilet and face planted into the tiled floor. Broken cheek and 2 black eyes


That sounds so painful I’m glad you recovered My mum had a stroke stood at the top of car park stairs and went down 2 flights whilst 6 months pregnant with me. So scary.


My comment about a minute ago was about epilepsy. I've retold the 'scalding my bum and other parts with a kettle full of boiling water' story before so today I thought I'd mix it up a bit. Hope you're OK Hun. Only epilepsy sufferers understand. I'm not scared of the seizures, am scared of the injuries that seizures cause.


My partner is the same. It's been 18 months since the last one. We know what caused them roughly. Every time they happened they were not out for that long, but every time they went down they were like a fucking pinball between furniture or kitchen stuff. It's my job to handle anything hot when at home, and that's ok.


Naked as I put my takeaway pizza on the kitchen side to open I felt something stick to the bottom of my right foot. So I brushed it over the top of my left foot, turns out it was a piece of glass and just sort of opened my left foot up hahaha. Didn’t want to leave the pizza so gaffer taped some kitchen towel to my foot and quickly cleaned the floor, but my pizza was cold by the time it was clean. Really annoyed me because I was just ready to relax for the evening.


This is not where I thought this was going after the mention of naked and kitchen. Nailed on for a condiment up the fundament, but no…


Oh yeh! I was going to say that I couldn’t be bothered putting on my clothes to go to A&E once I’d finished the pizza. Then off to work in the morning so never went at all, took a couple of weeks to seal up. But whilst I was typing I got bored of my own story.


>But whilst I was typing I got bored of my own story. I feel this


I assumed molten cheese was going to afix itself to bare skin


Did the exact same thing whilst walking down the street in Barcelone, except instead of glass it was a load of dog shit on the bottom of my shoe. I thought it was something harmless and went to wipe it off on the top of my other foot. I just had to stop in the street and stare when I realised what I'd done.


I do think that is worse! But I have a friend who mixed our tragedies together. He was barefoot walking on a beach road after surfing, he slipped in dog crap which caused him to stub his toe on the kerb and cut it.


I wasnt't naked but the same thing happened to me. That piece of glass showed up after months if not years of hiding under the cabinets. Anyway, I was lucky it didn't go very deep because that would have been my big toe tendon cut through!


I once stood (stupidly) on a very small sliver of glass left over from a smashed cafetière. I couldn't see it so assumed it had fallen out, only to discover the following day, when the pain was still there, that it had lodged itself in my foot. Being the idiot I was, I didn't get medical treatment, and hobbled around on it for about two weeks whilst my heel attempted to heal itself round the embedded piece of glass. One evening I got fed up of the occasional jolt of pain when I stood on my heel in the wrong spot, so I pared back some of the flaps of skin and dug around with some needle nose pliers until I got a firm grasp on the glass, then pulled it out. The relief I felt after pulling it was miraculous.


Oh dear! That will be painful for a while! Similar but different; when I was 12, we lived rurally and my dad enjoyed fishing, so me and my faithful pup Toby went along so we could do some exploring in the forest nearby the fishing spot. Off we go, through some brush, trees etc, finding cool acorns etc. I go to hop over a ditch, and misjudge a branch angle. It staked me directly in my thigh. Hooh boy. Did I scream. DAAAADDD?! When I tell you a full grown man moved like a graceful gazelle through the brush, got to me in what felt like 2.6 seconds. Saw me. Was like, are you fkn srs right now. We have to leave fishing. 🙄 He found me a good branch to use as a walking stick as we hobbled back and he half carried me. He then fashioned it a good handle on it afterwards, and it was so helpful lol I kept it for years. No stitches but I now have an O shaped scar on my thigh. One of my favourite scars lol.


Love that you have favourite scars, dare not ask what your least favourite is!


Haha! I’ve never considered least favourite. Most mysterious? I’ve a tiny but noticeable scar above my top lip that I’ve no idea how I got, when I asked my parents in adulthood, shrugs 🤷‍♀️ wow thanks. Another of my favourites is a tiny one on my finger given to me by a feral cat I used to look after, shortly before she died, I had her wrapped in a blanket and all cosy, and she got a sudden blast of panic and threw her paw out and caught my hand, realised she was ok and safe, and then settled down again. Lil sausage, best girl 🥹


14 at the time playing football. Landed funny on my left knee, got up and two seconds later fainted. Fractured the tiniest part of my left hip, went on a school holiday on the Monday to Paris with crutches and spent around 4 months on them. It has never felt great since and my left leg is still around 15kg of lifting weight weaker


It’s insane how such a small thing can have a huge impact on life going forward!


I can’t remember the correct term for the part of my hip that fractured, but it was literally an inch of bone at most


Walking down a street and I was distracted by a three foot high plastic gnome in a shop window and tripped over a slab that wasn’t even and went down like the proverbial sack of potatoes/shit. Broke my fecking ankle.


Did you ever go back and buy the interesting gnome?


Haha no I didn’t but should have, missed a trick there.


The gnome injured him with a paving slab just for making eye contact, I wouldn't go near the bloody thing afterwards!


I apologize for laughing.


You go for it. I wasn’t laughing at the time, more like a sobbing mess in the floor trying not to throw up. However, now it is funny. I am clumsy as they come but this was one of the stupidest. Apart from face-planting, for no particular reason, at Reading train station in front of hundreds of people. Then I got on the wrong train for a god knows how long and then had to go back to Reading and start again.


You have provided entertainment for others. There is value in that. I once got my hand stuck to a caramel apple while driving, attempted to free the first hand with the second and then got stopped by the police for driving erratically with both hands stuck to the caramel apple and the steering wheel. Fortunately, I was driving at a low speed in area with few vehicles and there was no accident. The cop laughed and didn't give me a ticket.


I'm laughing so hard right now, my eyes are watering. I'm sorry, the mental picture I have of this masterpiece is amazing.


Sounds like something from a mr bean sketch 😂


Thank you for this, made me laugh out loud and I will be imagining it for the rest of the day


I'd say in the first 3 months I lived in the UK, I tripped on 10 uneven paving slabs. Luckily never broke anything.


As I am clumsy I am usually careful when walking but the gnome…the gnome.


It probably isn't within the definition of a freak accident, since anyone objectively reviewing the situation would likely anticipate this scenario unfolding but... Cycled into town to meet a friend. Drank a fair bit. They walked me back to my bike, making me promise I would not cycle home as I was too drunk. I said "yeah, obviously I won't", got round the corner and decided I was bored of pushing my bike and not too drunk anyway, and started cycling. Thought I was a hotshot and could get my vape out my bag, which was in my bike basket, whilst still cycling. With attention misplaced, I turned my wheel directly into the kerb and went straight over the handlebars. The freak part is that I did this directly in front of a police car. I didn't realise this until I came back around from unconsciousness, with blood dripping out my nose and off my forehead, crying to the police that I was a criminal (for drunk cycling) and a waste of emergency resources. I tore my rotator cuff which still bothers me 8 years later. Police were fab though, they put me and my bike in the riot van and took me home without any judgement or charges.


Less paperwork if they're confident lessons were learned and no innocent parties were harmed!


*Ahem* "I trust you're not thinking on driving that?" *"Nooooo?"*


There is no prescribed limit for cycling so it’s a much more vague offence than it is in a motor vehicle. Probably because you’re most likely to only damage yourself as happened here.


You're lucky they had a van. When they rescued me they were in one of the not-vans [I'm not an expert] and the solution they came up with was the taller officer hopped out, mounted my bike and cycled frantically after us as I gave them directions to my house.


That's hilarious to picture, sounds like a sketch


I got to the cinema late, thought I was on my row but I was actually above it on a step. Landed sideways on my ankle and crawled to my seat. Didn’t break it but very badly sprained it, crutches for a few weeks. My main memory of that is trying to go to the toilet during an action scene and the dramatic music really helping to intensify my struggle up the stairs.


Got my foot stuck under a door and ripped my big toenail off. Unbelievably painful.


I’ve read a lot of these comments but this is the first one to actually make me wince 😣


Same! My shudder/clench was audible


I screamed internally reading this sorry to hear that.


I once did the exact same thing.


Not really freak but was chopping an onion to make curry and took the top 5mm of my thumb off, thought it's Saturday night at 8pm there's no way I'm spending the night in A+E because of a silly mistake, so I just taped it back on. Went to the docs Monday morning to get it checked out, was told I was an idiot for not going to A+E as it was pretty serious, took months to heal properly and I still can't feel anything in the end of my thumb now, it looked like a little bell end for ages too.


>it looked like a little bell end for ages too. Instead of upping the middle finger or giving the V-sign, you could just hold that thumb up!


I took the tip of a finger of with a mandolin, beautiful clean slice through my finger, didn't hurt, but was freaky to look at.


Mine wasn't painful at the time but it's the only time the sight of blood has made me feel faint, hurt like an absolute bitch afterwards but not sure if that was the red onion aswell


Stood on a very small and insignificant rock in an otherwise flat carpark. Ankle went one way, I went the other way. Went down like an uncoordinated domino. Took a few days for diagnosis, during which time I was walking around on it, but the ankle was actually a little bit broken


I tore my MCL (a ligament in my knee) like that. It wasn't too bad so I bought a hinged knee brace and exercised to strengthen the muscles and take some stress of the knee. It worked; the pain went away.


3/4 years ago I had shingles for the 1st time. Doc prescribed codeine and naproxen, plus amitryptaline and warned me to take it easy as it was a heavy mix of meds. Went for a piss, off my face on painkillers and noticed what looked like a coin on the bathroom floor mid stream. Leant forward to pick it up....and fell off the toilet on to the floor headbutting the bath panel. There was no coin. Whelp.


I fainted going to the toilet, day after surgery on my ballsack. Why do we never listen to doctors?


I was beekeeping, turned slightly one way, my knee went the other and I just crumpled. My parents were with me and encouraged me to get up but I couldn’t feel my leg and simultaneously was in PAIN. I’m good with pain but DAMN. So, I’m lying there in a beesuit, middle of a field in Lancashire, bees all over, parents flapping slightly. They called an ambulance for me and threw tarps over me because I was getting cold on the ground, then just carried on with the bees. Ambulance turned up, I was about 100-150 foot into the field and there wasn’t access for the ambulance. There was talk of an air ambulance but nowhere to land it, so they borrowed some beesuits and dragged a wheelchair into the field, then dragged me back out again. They then cut my trousers off me to assess the damage. This was mid-Covid, so I got seen fairly quickly in hospital, nothing was dislocated and it turns out I have double jointed knees and possible hyper-mobility. Because it was covid they left me outside A+E in a wheelchair, with a set of crutches and a blanket (to hide my shame) they asked to have back when I was picked up. My parents picked me up, pissed themselves laughing at me outside of A+E and took photographs before loading me in the car. https://imgur.com/gallery/lFcjOuN


That is absolutely fucking hilarious, your parents are my kind of people hah.


I'm sorry but that picture is hilarious 😂 😂


I was at a gig and the crowd surged forwards at the start of the 1st song, caused a bit of a crush at the front which then surged backwards. The guy in front of me had the person in front of him go flying into him and so he went flying into me and the back of his head clocked me on the nose. I thought it had dislodged some snot but then I looked down to see my nose was spurting fekkin everywhere down the front of me. So yeah I heard 30 seconds of the 1st song and spent the rest of the evening in A&E with a broken nose. I feel a bit bad because I left the mens toilets looking like a crime scene, but no amount of holding my head back etc was stopping it spurting, if anything it projected it outwards.


For future reference, you shouldn't hold your head back if you have a nosebleed as you'll swallow the blood which can irritate your stomach, or choke on it. Instead you should hold your head forward, pinch the bridge of your nose.


I know it's beyond it now, but future advice for you or anyone else with a nosebleed. Tilt your head forwards and pinch your nose. The pinching will help the blood clot. Tilting your head forwards prevents the blood from running down your throat and windpipe and stops you aspirating it and choking to death on your own blood.


I was riding my motorbike and a pigeon hit me in the face at around 100mph. Came out of nowhere, took me a moment to even realise what had happened. Ended up with a broken nose, haemorrhaged the back of my eyeball and had bits of visor and pigeon sticking out of my face. Really fucking hurt


Was the pigeon ok?


Sadly, no. It pretty much exploded on impact


This is why London pigeons walk everywhere


Turned around too quickly trying to reach for a packet of McCoy’s and sprained my neck. Was on bed rest for near enough two weeks. Also turned around too fast stacking shelves and dislocated my knee.


On my bike as a kid, the handlebars didn’t have the rubber on the end, so the edge of them was like an exposed pipe Riding along the street and someone was putting out cones, I went through where he was putting cones, the guy putting them out dropped one, I hit it, the handle bars turned 45° and I landed on top of it When I looked down my shirt was covered in blood The handlebar punctured my stomach I got to hospital and the doc initially thought I’d been shot 20 odd stitches later and I still have the scar


Was trying to show off to my mum that I could swing on the swings without holding on. I could for about 5 seconds.. then I fell off, somersaulted and landed on my arms, breaking both of them (and no I’m not that guy from the famous Reddit lore)


Taking jumper off. One side of glasses caught on the fibres. Pulled glasses back like a bow and arrow and released and the arm of the glasses stabbed me straight into the centre of my eye. Scratched my cornea and was blinded for a week.  Very annoying. Got to use a cool 3d eye scanner though. 


Kid fell down an 'unmarked' step in a cafe as he didn't see it. Just as he landed on the floor, a waitress threw the door open from the kitchen straight into the side of his head with blood everywhere.


Reminds me of a work Christmas doo. We were at a table on a raised part of the restaurant and I was sat with my back to the steps. A waiter tripped coming up the steps and launched a hot cast iron bowl of creamed spinach at my back. The cast iron jobbie pinged off... but the creamed spinach stuck like napalm and burned like hell! Luckily I had a button up shirt over T-shirt so I could take the top layer off. I had a big pink mark on my back but no blistering or lasting damage.


Got out of bed, broke my ankle and foot Herniated a disc so badly I got cauda equina Now if I go to the doctors and say “I’m not sure what I did but…” I swear she goes pale


I was home ill from school, bundled up in a sleeping bag on the settee. All I fancied to eat was a Pot Noodle so my mum got one ready for me, brought it in to me, and dropped it on me just as she was handing it to me. Just-boiled, noodley water all over my arm, caused quite extensive scalding, and I had to go to hospital where I, a 13 year-old already feeling ill and now in excruciating agony, became the butt of all the staff's jokes. At all my subsequent dressing changes I was greeted with chimes of "Are you the Pot Noodle girl??".


Couple of years ago I was at work making a pot noodle for lunch, as I'm heading back to my desk it slipped in my hand so I instinctively squeezed to catch it... Throwing boiling hot water up my arm. I'm still "Pot Noodle Guy" at lunch time.


Oh damn, solidarity with you my Pot Noodle twin!


When I was 15 I stepped on a nail near a derelict building. Nailed my shoe to my foot. A&E kept asking me to take my shoe off to examine the wound.


I need the rest of this story….did they make you yoink the nail out of your foot? Did they do it?


Alas, they did not. But every person I was handed over to asked me to remove the shoe - first to x ray to make sure the nail hadn’t cracked bone, then to try to inject local anaesthetic, then to actually remove the nail.


Not so much a freak accident, I tripped at home and my hand went through an indoor window deep cut on my wrist I wrapped it in a towel and went to bed in the morning got up to pee and collapsed by toilet A&E followed and stitches


Thought you were going to say woke up in a pool of your own blood


I did that and they made me see a psychiatric nurse in case I was self harming


I tried to cut open a taped up box with a brand new pair of cooking scissors. The scissors slipped and stabbed my hand. I had to have my hand bandaged with my thumb up like this 👍 for 2 weeks.


One of my friends, on our first day of uni, was opening his new pack of kitchen knives with a pair of scissors, and he cut his finger open on the plastic packaging! It bled for hours, and we all spent our first night at uni (having never met before) in A&E, ha.


There are worse digits to have locked in the upright position


Walking the dogs at work on a big grass lawn (it's a large farm, but the area I was walking on was just set to grass and never used for anything) Step in a hole up to my left knee. Fall very dramatically on my right ankle. Knew I'd broken it straight away - at one point then bottom of my foot was at a right angle to the rest of my leg. Had no reception and was miles away from the house so had to hobble back to get help. 


When I was small, I broke my right femur. 8 weeks in a plaster cast, no worries. Had the cast removed, promptly fell off the bed I was on and broke my left leg in multiple places. Mum walked off, muttering about clumsy children. The nurse who'd taken the cast off my right leg was in tears. I was in tears. The radiologist just looked at me and gave me a sticker for being brave! Spoke to my mum about getting a wholesale order of bubble wrap. I was very well known in Bromley A&E. Got greeted with "Again? What's the matter this time?" I was a clumsy child, and I'm a clumsy adult. Last year, all I was doing was walking down a corridor and managed to damage all the ligaments in my leftfoot 🤷🏼‍♀️. A week later, I tripped myself up with my crutches and managed to dislocate my right knee. I'm just a bit of a walking disaster really.


I've mentioned it before and I'm gonna mention it again... Broke two toes with pasta sauce. I freeze my pasta sauce flat, in bags. It takes up less space done that way. My fridge was on a ceramic tiled floor. I dropped the sauce, it landed side-on on its narrow profile, sauce dropped from a height of nearly 4ft, hit toes, toes were against ceramic tile. So I basically did to my toes with pasta sauce what Annie Wilkes did to Paul Sheldon's ankles with a sledge hammer in Misery. One of them still gives me issues to this day and I did it 9 years ago.


I once snapped a tendon in my middle finger while taking a sock off when drunk. Had to have a plastic splint on for a month. It made me look like I was giving everyone the finger lol


Someone further up did the same thing, you guys should form a sock safety support society


I also had the flippy offy splint after somehow breaking my middle finger playing rugby. No clue how I actually broke it but I got subbed off and as I was walking off thought "fucking hell my finger hurts" and looked at it to only see it was pointing in a different way to before


The fact you’re not the only person in this thread alone that’s done this is convincing me to never wear socks again


I did 1000 jumps on a trampoline in my teens, sensibly got off the trampoline and then smashed my little toe on the picnic bench. Never got it seen to and it’s still a bit wonky. Fell off horses multiple times. Was never seen in hospital- this is important for later. Went on a zombie run in Sheffield. Backpack had a broken strap. I ran faster than the girl in front of me (I have long legs), tripped over her feet and faceplanted, dislocating my shoulder, managed to slit it back in myself! Trip to a&e for a check over at 3am and sent away with painkillers again. It was my right shoulder so I couldn’t write or use the mouse or keyboard at work. My eldest (then only) child was just learning to walk and pulled the upright vacuum over while trying to stand. I rushed around the corner, bent to pick them (vacuum and child) up, slipped a disc. 2 cans of gas and air and a shot of morphine I managed to get into the ambulance. Left a&e with a prescription for diazepam and diclofenac. Assume one of the horse riding injuries caused this. Re-dislocated my shoulder closing the car door after filling up with petrol and getting my wallet out. Very recently my back went again. I couldn’t walk I was in so much pain, no idea of the trigger tbh. 111 tried to get me an ambulance but the ambulance wouldn’t take me as it was a Saturday night so I had to get myself in the car and OH drove me to urgent care at 11pm, kids and all. I couldn’t sit so I had to stand in urgent care until they saw me at 7am and told me they can’t give me anything stronger than what I was on. I had nerve irritation down my left calf and foot, still can’t walk properly or even run (I used to be a great runner). Feeling has only just recently come back to my toes. Was sorting horses out one day, silly mare pushed against my index finger and did some damage to it - no idea what, but I still have trouble writing, holding cutlery, cooking, all sorts 🤷‍♀️ There’s probably more that I haven’t remembered.


Talking of riding injuries, my mum broke her arm slipping on rocks in her 40s. When the hospital xrayed her they discovered another much older break which had heeled itself. She’s pretty sure it was from falling off her horse as a young teen. Coming from a farming family no one bothered with hospital for things like that!


Fell off a step ladder and some how ended up with my leg in it buggering my knee. Tripped over my dogs bed and broke my thumb. Slipped off a 1" rock and broke my ankle in 2 places. First one side then the other went as I righted myself, had to get back to the car which was uphill. Slipped going down the stairs thanks to slipper socks and broke my butt! That's just the last 4 years.


When I was a toddler, I pulled out the kitchen cutlery drawer too fast and ended up with a fork wedged up my nose, prongs either side of the nostrils. Mum received a check up call from the Council's social workers the following week after that trip to A&E


Ha. I got one of those check ups as my daughter went to school saying "daddy kept trying to hit me with toys". We were playing dodgeball. 


Dodgeball is brutal tbf I had to get surgery that nearly killed me earlier this year because my mum broke my nose as a kid playing dodgeball and I didn’t even know she broke it until January this year and that’s what caused loads of health problems that severely impacted my life lol


Was running upstairs in my slippers carrying something in both hands , tripped on the top step , twatted my head on the wall and knocked myself clean out. The worst part is I have textured wallpaper and ended up with a friction burn on my forehead, just in time for a funeral the next day.


When I was younger I got so excited that my mum had bought me new bedding I tripped down the stairs (my bedroom was downstairs) and smashed into the telephone stand at the bottom. Broke my collar bone. At the same time, my brother was away on a school trip, he fell out of bed and broke his collar bone. That was a fun few weeks going out on family trips with both kids in slings.


My dad fell and dislocated his middle finger in all the joints. Triple dislocation. It went in a zig zag. The doctors kept bringing students and nurses into see it. They spent about 2 hours photo ing it’s and showing it off to students before it was put back!


There's something special about an injury that the doctors get a little excited about. I fell off my bike a few years ago and managed to clearly break off the knobbly bit on the inside of my wrist. Got to A&E, had some x-rays, but whilst waiting for them the nurse did the checks and said I must have just strained it. However, she goes out of the room to get the x-rays to check, walks back on and goes " well, that's broken", off I go to the consultant who was a little bit excited about dealing with this injury, pointing out how few of them each year. I like to think they have a little group chat where they exchange the best injuries they've had to deal with.


I once stood up from the floor sitting cross legged, and snapped my ankle through the skin. That was in 2006. In 2023 I stepped down one step on the bus, and my ankle twisted out & my foot nearly fell off. I now have a titanium contraption. Full disclosure, I have Elhers Danlos syndrome so I can’t trust any of my joints to do their jobs, it’s a fucking lottery.


Bought a new house. Came home from work, opened the door, stepped in, turned round to lock the door and the floor went from under me. Turned out there was a hatch to access under the house that we didn't know about that hadn't been secured. The ledge that was supporting the board covering it gave way, and I fell straight down. I somehow managed to fall with one leg in and one leg out, landed on my elbow which took the full weight of the impact and I dislocated it. Couldn't use my arms to get out, so how to use my tip toes to scale the wall and gradually push myself out onto my back. I'm lucky as if I'd have gone fully in, they'd have struggled to get me out as its a 5 ft drop and I couldn't move my arms 🙈 So now I have a trap door!


In primary school I was running up the stairs, tripped, landed on my fingers snapping all four of them. I don’t know if it was shock or fear but I just remember looking at them and thinking my mum will be so mad for some reason.  Walked back to the classroom and showed the teacher and she almost had a heart attack, called an ambulance and everything. Took me to another room because both me and her were panicking, she called other teachers for help too.  Like 10 minutes later I was crying my eyes out because it started to actually hurt and everyone was freaking out so I was scared.  They’re still a bit stiff in the cold but not sure if that’s just my mind making it up or not. 


Was dragged out on a bike ride in the pissing rain and I really didn’t want to go. About 100 yards from my house, I tried, half-heartedly, to get up on the curb. The wheels slipped on wet leaves, I went sideways onto the pavement, my foot stayed caught between the curb and the pedal. I heard the snap - ankle broken in three places and I missed my curry buffet lunch. The three day wait for surgery was made better by the fact they had to put me on the geriatric ward (I was 30) with lots of lovely old ladies.


Thanks all of you, I’m never doing anything ever again


Fell directly into a roadworks hole.


Sat down cross legged and twisted my ankle. Very mundane and we still don't know how, but after that they put me in military style boots so I could stop spraining my ankles so much.


I was a primary school with a girl who sat down cross legged in assembly and broke her ankle, I will never forget that sound


Doing the macarena dance, did the jump, landed on the floor with my knee in agony. Ended up in A&E where they xrayed it. Doc said xray is normal so get up and walk. I couldn't without my knee collapsing and being in terrible pain. Turns out I had torn my ACL and meniscus.


As a very young kid I fell over and had the hoover plug go through my cheek. Mid teens I was learning to wheelie on my bike, did it but at a lamppost so turned the bars to avoid it. This obviously did nothing as the front wheel was in the air, until it went back down, threw me sideways and broke my wrist. Dropping into a small half pipe on my bmx, chain snapped so lost my footing, fell forwards onto the bike and into the ramp. The handlebars went into my chest and cracked two ribs, and I smacked my head on the ramp (luckily in a helmet). Mate in uni slipped on the grass and broke his knee. The weird bit is he was walking a while later when it was semi better, felt it "start to go" so just dropped any pressure from it, and headbutted a lamppost.


I once fell off a perfectly stationary horse. That one hurt feelings rather than physical pain. But the injury that really got me was crouching down to hug a small child goodbye, buggering thing threw himself at me. I caught him, while still crouched down in a squat like position, and tore two tendons in my left foot. Still deformed and weak 10 years later.


I once looked after a cat that loved being chased around (it was nuts). Lived in a one bedroom flat at the time. One evening, running up and down while playing with him and being the klutz I am, I tripped over the hoover, fell over onto my knee and sprained my hip. Was on crutches for a few weeks.


I once took the removable sunroof out of my car's roof and went round to put it in the front trunk. On this short journey I managed to put my foot sideways down a drain grille outside my house, which has been there since 1973 and has never caused me a problem. I couldn't pull it out as all my weight was on it, and couldn't put my hands down to break my fall as I was holding a big bit of breakable glass, so my only alternative was to slowly sink down with a strangled scream, until I was lying sideways on the pavement then wriggle free. Hurt like a bastard for days but the humiliation was forever.


Died when I was 2 and got resuscitated. I choked to death on a haribo egg. Pushed myself down 4 flights of stairs a year later in a pushchair. Got hit by a car twice. A dog mauled my face and I had to get my lips reconstructed. Smashed my fingers to bits and one of them was hanging off on the side. Drowned in cyprus and had to get my stomach pumped. I could probs keep going


Very young, baked and thirsty at 2am with no drinks in the house.  Didn't fancy water. Popped an inch long hole in a can of pineapple rings, with an old fashioned tin opener that pierces the lid and pushes it inward slightly.   Sucked some of the juice out.  Got distracted, wondering if I could pull enough vacuum to collapse the can.  Failed.  Stopped sucking, at which point the vacuum sucked back, and the can literally inhaled my top lip, in through the small, sharp edged slit.  Trying to pull it out just made the sharp edge close on my lip.  Imagining the hilarity which would ensue if I turned up at A&E with a can of pineapple rings hanging off my lip, I spent a good twenty minutes with a screw driver, carefully prising the opening and VERY gingerly pulling my lip. Managed to extract myself with only minor cuts and minimal blood loss! Lesson learned.


Close friend was doing a high jump indoors, missed the mat, landed on the hard floor Knee smashed to pieces and tore up his tendons


Ran down my driveway and tripped - landed on my face and a rogue nail went straight up into my chin. I was 3 at the time and apparently was super quiet during the cleaning and stitches, but screamed when they tried to snip the end of the stitches, as I thought the doctor was going to cut my chin open again 🤣


I broke a rib from coughing too hard, I thought I might have had a heart problem but nope tiny fracture on the x-ray. I ve also sprained my neck as a child falling off the back of a chair. I m dyspraxic so to have only had those injuries so far is an achievement for me.


I bent down to pick up the hose pipe to water some herbs in my back garden. Fell on the pebbled concrete face first. Blood dripping out of my nose, so I pinched it shut. Blood still dripping. I shouted for help, my husband came outside, looked at me and called an ambulance. I broke my nose, but thankfully no displacement, so I didn't need surgery. First bone I ever broke, in my early 60s.


I was staying at a hotel in sheffield, on the top floor. Two friends were bickering about whether to wait for the very slow lift or to take the stairs. I decided "fuck sake lets just take the stairs". Missed a step on the way down, fell down half a flight of stairs then got up at the bottom only to notice my foot was pointing backwards


Was in the garden and my son was holding a long stick pointing upwards with its other end on the ground. He let go of it at the exact same time that I bent down next to him. The stick and I collided and it hit me perfectly in the cheek with enough force to pierce my face but luckily enough it didnt go all the way through. I didn't go to hospital but thought that it would be a ridiculous story to tell to a nurse.


Slammed my door as a teenager. I had slammed said door probably 100 times before this. This is back when door glass was proper glass and not any kind of safety glass and it smashed (I’m not sure why my bedroom door was half glass but anyway) I had a shard sticking out of my hand going from my finger to my thumb. Mum had to take me to A&E and get stitches and I have a lovely scar that wraps around my thumb goes across my palm and up my finger. Incase your interested as to why I was slamming the door. It was bonfire night and we weren’t going to see any fireworks. I was about 13 and an absolutely awful child. I don’t know how my mum didn’t murder me at some point growing up or loose her shit with me but she never did.


My fiancé and myself were really giddy after arriving back home from a little trip to Wales. We are dancing around and he tries to lift me up…and we hear SNAP. He fractures his back, and I have to try and get him to hospital because there’s such a long wait for the ambulance. We had only been home 10 minutes!


That's an amazing injury OP! I stood on a small toy bike and it punctured my foot. It was incredibly painful for a piece of plastic!


Not really freak accidents but I want to share anyway! Playing basketball at school, full on collision with another girl and I came off worse with a snapped ligament in my foot. Weirdly exactly 10 years later I snapped the same ligament in the opposite foot at a gym class…clearly I am not meant to exercise. Also broke my leg at school when I was 5 when an bench was tipped over onto me by the resident bully dickheads, completely took my leg out from underneath me and when I had X-rays I had an impressive spiral fracture in my fibula. Took bloody months to heal and I had at least 3 different casts.


Eeek, poor you! Bet that was extremely painful! In terms of my own freak accident, I was helping my Dad hang a radiator and turned and sliced my arm open on the bracket I’d mounted. Cut right through an artery on my right arm, so I had to hurriedly get to hospital!


Snapped my humerus doing archery at summer camp as a kid, just pulled the string back and snap


I was helping renovate a kitchen. My father and I were trying to remount a radiator on the wall. He mounted his side, but let go before my side was mounted. It dropped on my big toe, right foot, and pushed my toenail down into my toe. It was not painful at all. However, I didn't go to a&e. I treated it myself. Almost a year later, I had multiple infection treatments and antibiotics, as the nail inside my toe, under the skin, was still growing. Best way to describe the feeling was a razorblade under the skin. Another toenail was also growing over the top. I still have remnants of the old toenail under my skin, but it is no longer growing. Oh, and my brother in law almost sawed his hand in half using a circular saw. Literally a millimeter to either side of where it cut, and they would not have been able to repair his hand.


I was stabbed in the eye with a piece of wood when I was sixteen at school by a bully. A month later, my eye was on the way to recovering completely, when I ran the eye straight into a branch when playing with my nieces. Just before COVID hit, I was washing up and my son was messing about in the kitchen, I turned my back to tell him off, and didn't see the large knife fall back in the sink, pointy end up. I went to put my hand back in the sink and ended up stabbing my hand. I pulled the knife out, and you could see a line on the blade with how deep it went in. I couldn't go to the hospital as my wife was out, and it was coming up the kids bedtime, so I wrapped it up and kept going. The blood was everywhere, we measured the line on the knife and it was 2cm, which doesn't sound a lot, but it is when it goes into the palm of your hand.


Oof. Looks like the universe told you in the most unpleasant way possible that you need to tidy your bedroom floor.


It certainly did. Said stand was on my treadmill and I moved it onto the floor to try and be a better person and use the treadmill and this is how I’m repaid. It’s good to tell my kid to tidy his room though and not leave things on the floor


Nothing as spectacular as these, but when I was a kid I used to spend a lot of time larking about in the river. One day I cut my foot quite badly, cycled home and was looking at the cut and thought ‘there’s something in there’. Got my mum to have a look, she dismissed it, but I had a root around, out popped out a water beetle.


About 8 ran up to kick football…stepped on football….broke elbow.


About a week ago. My well worn slippers had decided to "leak" a part of itself to the outside of the footwear. I managed to stand on it with the other foot and face planted into the door making my nose bleed.


Teenager, on my way to school in the winter slipped on some ice and landed on my ass. Had lower back pain all day at school teachers didn’t care just said “your to young to have a bad back” was made to do PE. Parents weren’t much better. After 3 weeks of me complaining dad finally gave in and took me to A&E. I’d broke L4 & L5 vertebrae in my lower back. The joy of being a 80s / 90s kid.


Being helpful I was sweeping my parents decking, the metal brush pole snapped and chopped the top of my finger off it was hanging on and sliding around. Stupidly on the way to A&E all I could think about was having no finger nail and not being able to paint it- how I took painting all my nails for granted. My dad helped me move out of uni private accommodation 15 odd years ago. I’d crammed all my books into a box that was ridiculously heavy. He slipped on the quarry tiles and his hand landed straight on the fence finial. It was poking right through. Luckily A&e was only 2 minutes away but having my mum (a very nervous driver) attempting to drive a transit van was scary in itself!


I was cutting fabric for a quilt while listening to Game of Thrones on audio book. I got distracted and cut the tip of my finger off. It was a few weeks before I was due to be married so the first thing out of my mouth was “the pictures!!” I had to wear a fake nail for the wedding. We got divorced so it didn’t really matter anyway. Maybe it was an omen. I still have nerve damage and it was 12 years ago.