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Hi mate, removed because this isn't fundamentally related to the UK, cheers Rule 3: Not UK Content We're a UK focused subreddit and we are looking exclusively for content relating to the UK. If you have any questions, feel free to shoot us a modmail.


Dog owner here; my dog usually doesn’t jump up but when he does and someone says it’s fine, I don’t see that as them talking to the dog and more them saying to me that no harm was caused.


[And always put your trolley back in the supermarket.](https://i.imgur.com/dVhSvn3.png)


Rule 4: Stop Moaning | Ranting Come on now, there's so many other places for you to be a moany-pants. So what if your train is delayed and you forgot about your cup of tea and it went cold. If you're frothing at the mouth about something it's probably not appropriate for here. If you have any questions with this removal, please send us a modmail.