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Had a night of tomfoolery, gaming and beer. But now I'm unwinding in bed with water, Pringles and Portishead's Dummy album-a glorious masterpiece. Toodlepip.


Should be asleep but having spent all day on my feet decorating cakes for our bake sale tomorrow my feet are killing me. I've realised that the counter is too high/I'm too short so I've been subconsciously standing on tiptoes whenever I bake. 15 cakes ready to go, just got to bang out some macarons and scones in the morning. And something for guess the weight of the cake, but that might just be a lemon drizzle. Maybe a fruit cake. I also need to sort out labelling and allergens etc. And put up bunting. And find my business cards and work out how to scatter them around without it being obnoxious. And wrap the lucky dip prizes. Fuck. Favourite relative? At the moment it's probably my brother who's offered to come and help set up tomorrow.


There’s a holiday home behind my house where there’s what sounds like quite a large group of people drinking in the garden the sound carried enough that they might as well be sat in my garden, I’ve got a long shift tomorrow do I walk round and ask them to pipe down or put some headphones in and hope they’re going home tomorrow?


I'd put headphones in, if only because the adrenaline of speaking to them would mean I definitely wouldn't sleep.


Hit a PR of 113KG on the leg press today, 10KG higher than last week. Could have gone about 20KG more but played it safe.                                                                                                                                                                                                        Going to a Tom Platz meet and greet later this afternoon, proper excited for that one. Bought a Golds Gym t shirt for him to sign.                                                                                                                                                                                               Picked up some Creatine Monohydrate in a strawberry and raspberry flavour, never had Creatine before and this tastes like a strong but watery milkshake. Only doing 5g a day no way im gonna cope with my stomach issues loading 20g.


Winding down for bed with 9 out of 10 cats does countdown and a cheeky can of lagerini. Flying day tomorrow. Joining a gliding club was one of the best decisions I ever made. Can't really afford it right now, but my mental health really needs it. There is no feeling like flying without an engine. It's playing chess with nature, with invisible pieces.  You get to play out with your mates all day in a field with big toys like tractors and gliders and winches, then when it's your turn, you can literally escape the world for a while. Noisy brains that won't stfu are forced into a zen state where they have to concentrate fully. It's a different kind of peace.


Playing on my xbox and watching old Benidorm episodes


saw 50 shades of grey on the guide. thought i'd be a pervert and put it on. lasted about 2 mins..... before remembering how cringey and laughable it is so turned over. I'm not a "master" (tho neither is mr grey) I don't have a red room but how on earth did the writer get away with such rubbish without it being called out more for such pure bending of the whole "bdsm scene". not that it wouldn't happen between ppl into it of course but come on, how is it just not called out as a gaslighting abuse story. anyway i turned over and watched coldplay. The part where he bought out MJ Fox brought a tear to the eye. Love how he's still determined to live his best life despite is problems.


Watching horror films, some YouTube, having a drink, boyfriend is in bed. I don't have a favourite relative.


BTW my I reminded my ex husband tonight it would have been our 25th anniversary - we had a wedding at dawn Glastonbury 1999.


Having some cocoa, then bedtime. Had a romantic night ❤


This again? It's like ground hog day!


OPs post history is weird, it's 99% posts gushing about their partner. Not that there's anything wrong with liking your partner but dedicating a reddit account to them is weird. 


Yeah, I've noticed.


My 93 soon to be 94 Auntie. She's totally on it. Lives independently. Took up art when she was 70 and now teaches it. Helps with mum and toddlers group at local church. She is an absolute scream and good company. Dresses like a hipster. Family goals.


Aspirations for life that! I can see that being me in 60 years. 


My brother, though we have a lot of differences, fundamentally he is a good person, and we get along very well. And he has been very good to me the last few days after my adventures in dental hell. Dental hell woke me up in the middle of the night, and it is keeping me up now. Can anyone remember the name of the mouthwash with an anaesthetic in it? I really need to find some.


I have remembered, it's Difflam. I will have to try to find a chemist I can get to tomorrow as it's an OTC thing.


Get Orajel or Orajel extra strength if it's really bad. The extra strength one is behind the counter at pharmacies whereas the normal one is just with the other medications. It numbs the area in a similar way to the injection they do before doing work. Works like a dream. Stockists: https://www.trolley.co.uk/product/orajel-dental-gel/TNT050. Just stating the obvious here but it's also worth talking to a pharmacist about the pain relief options in addition to Orajel. And (also obviously), if there's some kind of infection there did they not send you away with antibiotics? Or is it another kind of problem? If there is infection the pain will not really subside until there is treatment/antibiotics, though Orajel is fantastic for masking it.


I had a big procedure done at the dentist on Thursday, the pain is to be expected. I was in the chair for 90 minutes, all working on the same bit of my gum. It's just going to take a while to heal.


How's it now? Any better?


It is still sore, but not "waking me up in the night" painful anymore, thank you for asking.


Np, I vaguely remember you giving me advice ages ago when I was ill. I'm not searching to find when but I remembered your username because it's so distinctive.


Oh, good to hear it's something that's already been treated. Sorry you're in pain; dental pain is such a drag. I've always wondered whether it's because it's (literally) in your head. Hope it improves soon. I think gums heal very fast from what I remember.


If not that, get some Anbesol. One dab will anaesthetise it nicely for a while.


Fix You always fucking gets me


I prefer them singing it live than the album version


Yeah also watching Coldplay. Really enjoyed it. Awww lovely to see Michael J Fox too ☺️


Not a coldplay fan by any means but god they put a good show on don’t they? Fave relative usually depends on which one’s offering to go to the bar!


I don’t have a fave relative. All have their quirks and we all have our ups and downs. Family innit! Love them all tho. Weekend vibes. Gaming, f1, walking, reading, chilling and now laying on bed


> Who's your favourite relative? Right at this exact moment, my 3yo niece. 3 year olds are such fun. This is the first time she hasn’t screamed the house down as soon as my sister left. We baked a cake & then painted/crafted. She hardly made a mess, helped me tidy up (and I mean she actually did help). We ate some snacks (fruit) and pizza and she then refused to tell me where her nappies were because she knew that meant bed… once I’d found them she then refused to put one on or her pyjamas. I wrestled with her to do the nappy & pj bottoms (she was giggling so knew she was ok about it really, just deliberately winding her auntie Xivii up). I had no chance at the top though so I just left the room, came back and she’d put it on. She is so like me it’s unreal.  Waiting for sister & her partner to get home so I can go home & get into my fresh sheets. Trying to decide what time I should go to the float spa tomorrow. They don’t have much availability but don’t want to book until I know what time I’ll get home & into bed.  House update: I need to pay the surveyor and read their T&Cs & email them to let them know both are done.  Then I should probably use this time to start making a list of what I’m going to need, and ideas of things I like / so I can cost it all up. It’ll be months before I can move in (seller moving into a new build) but no harm in starting to look & get ideas. 


I can't wait for my brother to make me an auntie. Health issues mean it's not on the cards for us, but doesn't mean I can't be a fab auntie. Sounds like a lovely afternoon/evening!


Embrace auntie-hood when it happens! It’s the best, and every kid needs aunts and uncles who are active in their life. My favourite thing is that when they see me they will pelt themselves towards me. No one else gets that excited to see me, haha. 


Watching coldplay at Glastonbury (from home) - making me feel emotions and shit. Getting it broadcast live for free is so special


No, YOU'RE crying


Grit in my eye....;)


Not particularly a Coldplay fan, but their Glasto set has been absolutely joyous. Can't pick a favourite relative. It's like saying "which one is your favourite child?"


Yeah I'm not really a fan either but I respect how they put on a show for everyone. It's pretty special seeing all those people sing along


100,000 folks in a field, pretty powerful stuff lol