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I cant help as I'm colourblind and you've managed to use all of the colours I struggle with. But it's the same for pretty much any roundabout no? Indicate for the exit just as you pass the previous exit? Unless you're in the left lane and going ahead. With this roundabout I'd probably just indicate for all exits to make sure there's no confusion.


Or simplify the process and drive a bmw?


Looking on [streetview](https://www.google.com/maps/@53.1043187,-0.8240507,3a,76.9y,60.53h,59.78t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1saGkUKzrJ60o9j2ykSDF_Ew!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DaGkUKzrJ60o9j2ykSDF_Ew%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D56.092743%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205409&entry=ttu), it's a bit of a weird roundabout. Once you've passed green you're basically already entering the purple exit. I would say your original approach of waiting until you're passing green is technically the correct way, but also I think indicating a bit early here doesn't hurt because of how close those 2 exits are.


Your approach seems right. I always understood it that you indicate right for anything beyond the 12 o'clock position as you approach. You indicate left as you pass the exit before your intended exit.


You need the sign on the approach in order to know whether the exit is considered to be "past 12 o'clock".  Indicate right if it's past 12 o'clock *on the sign*.


My instructor always said 2 o'clock to be considered a 'right turn'! Unless there isn't a turn before it - happens sometimes, especially on new estates where there are plans to add additional exits in the future.


> when going from Purple -> Red I would indicate Left even though it's a second exit. This is the only bit where you're wrong. You only indicate left on approach to the roundabout if you're taking the first exit. Since this is second exit, and it's less than 12 o'clock, it's classed as "straight ahead" so you don't indicate when entering the roundabout, pass the orange exit and indicate left to signal that you're taking the next (red) exit. Everything else you're doing correctly. The purple exit guys while you're coming from blue to purple are just idiots tbh if they're getting annoyed there. Would they prefer that you indicated left approaching the roundabout, making the green lane enterers think you're turning off at green and probably having them pull out on you? Though, if the distance from green to purple is very short, make sure you're signalling left just as you pass the exit lane on green so the purple waiters have plenty of time to see your left signal.


Yeah, this is my reading of the situation too.


What I find funny about these situations is that some exits are so close together that when I switch my indicator from right to left to come off the roundabout, it must only get one left flash off before I've exited. It feels stupid sometimes.


The actual rules of mini roundabouts (another commenter posted a street view link which showed this one is) reflect this - the second lot of indication is unnecessary because there's not enough time for it to be effective. https://www.drivingtesttips.biz/mini-roundabout.html?amp


The Highway Code says to indicate on mini roundabouts the same as a normal one.


Your first approach was correct: no right indication and only indicate left after passing green. Anybody getting pissed with you for that is an idiot. If you indicate left straight away, cars waiting at Green to enter the roundabout will think you're exiting there and pull out on you. Purple > blue I'd do the exact same, no right indication as it's still near enough straight on. Red > purple: indicate right, then indicate left after passing green exit and start moving from outside to inside of island. Purple > red. Same as 2nd paragraph, you're indicating left too early. No indication until passing brown. Oh, and on top of all that, if going straight on, I was taught you don't need to indicate left to exit unless there's a vehicle waiting at that exit that will benefit from you indicating. So I wouldn't necessarily indicate at all when travelling between blue and purple in either direction. Disclaimer: this is how my instructor taught me 14 years ago.


From the street view the roundabout looks like a tiny one to the extent that there’s a chance that whenever your indicators are on people opposite could blink and miss it. I guess the round about gets quite busy and there’s not enough counter traffic to give purple many chance to go? I get that it’s frustrating to have to wait a long time and be annoyed at missing a potential go opportunity but flipping the bird seems excessive. Seriously I think it’s a them problem rather than a you problem.


1) Signal left after passing the one before your exit 2) Signal right if you are passing two or more exits then do (1)⬆️


What do the road signs say is straight on? I’d probably treat purple to red as straight on as it’s the same road.


Do not indicate left, until you are passing the junction prior to the one you are taking… therefore you were correct. If your exit is past 12 O’Clock AND there is more than 2 exits prior, then yes indicate right. However, as you are technically going straight ahead, then I personally wouldn’t, as anyone waiting to exit blue, may think you are taking the green exit. There are variables such as how much traffic etc.


Is there lane commands or a sign up anywhere? I know a similar off centre roundabout and the lanes are left lane for exits 1 and 2 (roughly 7 and 10 o clock) right lane for exit 3 (which looks like it is straight ahead at 12 but really isn't.) Causes carnage either way but at least you can point to the signs and shout at left lane exit 3 idiots




The same as literally every single roundabout, just like they taught you in your lessons. Before 12, or after 12. You know the rest... Hopefully 




Left lane for straight on, right lane to turn right, *unless lane markings on the approach say otherwise*. It's a right turn if it's after 12 o'clock *on the sign on the approach*.


I would look at the sign on the approach to tell me how to indicate on the approach and the lane markings on the round-about to tell me when to indicate my exit.  Neither of these things appear on your diagram.


First exit left lane indicate left Second exit left lane don't indicate until you're past 1st exit 3rd exit either lane dint indicate left until past 2nd exit 4th exit right lane only, indicate right, change to left indicator after 3rd exit.


The approach I always take is:: 1st exit, indicate left 2nd exit, Indicate left after passing 1st exit Passing 2+ exits, indicate right until level with the one before the one I'm taking, then indicate left


Two options. A) Fuck with their minds by indicating right until you hit purple. B) Don't let it bother you.


Purple to blue I would indicate right until I passed _orange_, at which point I'm going "straight" so cancel the signal, then left signal as I pass red. Otherwise I agree with your thoughts process. I've started flipping the bird at the people who come up to a roundabout on my right and take the first exit without signalling at any point, which usually happens once or twice on a short drive across my town 


How do you have a driving license?