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They don’t know what to do, might panic, they will hide but not necessarily in a safe place. Even if they are okay they can get lost in the destruction. You should crate and take them with you.


Not an expert but I really don't think they'll know what to do. They'll probably panic, get scared and stressed and hide. I mean they are afraid of vaccuums.. Aaand 2 of my 4 cats are scared when there is strong wind.


If you can, take them to shelter with you. If you cannot easily find them, I would take shelter without them. It won’t do them any help to get yourself killed.


Second this. Our tornado warning plan is do a sweep for cats and immediately go to the basement.


I always confine our cats to one room when there's a tornado watch. That way I know where they are to crate them if we have to seek shelter quickly.


What's the set up? Room with food and litter box?


Yes. They hang out in one of the bedrooms with the door closed for a bit. There's a litter box, food, water, and their carriers.


Imma have to figure this out. Our cats do not get along but they will have to tough it out


My cats get along. It would be harder if they didn't! I suppose you could set them up in different rooms, like one in the bathroom and one in a bedroom.


Maybe. Lucky its not just me wrangling them. I have lured them into the basement when vent and carpet cleaners were here by shaking the treat jar. I'll have to experiment and see what works. Thank you!


Crating and taking them with you in bad storms is ALWAYS the best bet. You will always be thankful you did it versus risking their safety. Cats can get so freaked out that they get themselves into incredibly unsafe situations. Err on the side of caution!


Take then to the basement with you.


I have 5 cattos and rounding them all up when there is a tornado warning is like herding cats. Awful. But I do it because I want my babies with me in case the worst happens. Do a cat sweep and then get to safety.


If your cat isn't in your safe place with you, how would they be safe? If it isn't safe for you, it isn't safe for them. Definitely crate and take them with you if at all possible. The trouble is probably more with the execution of this plan... When I was close to a very severe tornado, I only had a soft sided carrier, and no real safe place at all (even the bathroom had windows and I was in a second floor apartment). I stuffed my cats into the linen closet and myself into the tub with a mattress over me. Luckily, the tornado missed us because I am sure none of us were actually safe where we were..


If it isn't safe for you, it isn't safe for them. You do love them... right?


Take them with you.


I would always bring my cats with me into the shelter…and the dogs…and the whiskey


cats don't even know not to eat plastic candy wrappers and not get stuck behind couches, they 100% need to be crated and brought to safety.


Ugh cats and damn plastic.


They can’t even taste sweet so it’s not like they’re relishing in the leftover candy taste!


So a couple of years ago, a tree fell on a neighbor's house. It took several days before they thankfully found their cat. My one cat will automatically go to the basement in bad weather and the other tends to follow us around, but I've started making sure both of them are with me in bad weather if we're in the basement.


You take them with you get them in a crate if you have time safest option for them. They will be secured and protected in case stuff falls on them


I drag all mine to the basement with me during storms.


If the cat truly “knew what to do” it would instinctively follow you to the safest place, the basement. If it's not doing so by itself without any prompting, then it's not in the safest spot, indicating that it doesn't actually “know what to do.”


Mine always goes in the basement with me. It's part of the routine. Kids, technology and cat, in no specific order.


You have been given crazy advice! Crate them and get them safe, why on earth wouldn't you??


You need to train them to go to a safe area when the sirens go off. During drills, when the sound goes off, calmly get up and call them into a room that would be safe in the event of a tornado. Give them treats as a reward for following you. After a few times, they'll race to the spot when they hear the siren go off, anticipating treats.


I'm assuming you are in the Midwest, possibly around where I grew up so I'm sending hugs and good thoughts for y'all. I've always taken my cats with me to the basement/storm shelter. My Siamese would beat me down the stairs and tell me and my mom to hurry up! 


my childhood cat would always freak out so we took her in the closet with us. she was most comfortable in an enclosed space with her people. sometimes in a carrier.


We always took our cats to the basement during tornado warnings. If you can, I absolutely would.


My cat freaks out just at thunder Please, please don't leave alone


You absolutely need to take them to safety with you. I'm sure you can imagine how absolutely terriefied they will be, hw they can get hurt a million ways. I would treat it no differently than a fire. You wouldn't leave anyone by choice if you were warned there was a fire headed your way. And put them in a carrier for their sfety, its hard to predict if they will freak out, hurt you, escape if you just hold them (unless that is your only option of course).


Have your cats had osha disaster training? If not crate them and take them with you if time permits.


do not leave them alone. what if your house gets destroyed or you all need to evacuate? the cats will panic and run away. you are waaay better off putting them in the carrier and keeping them wherever you're hiding.


Crate, if emergency you grab it and run.


Though me and my cat live in the UK, where we’ve had storms (though none admittedly nearly as severe as a tornado) I would absolutely keep him with me if such circumstances were somehow to arise. Aside from the (logically sound advice) others have mentioned, as to what happens if you have to flee or if there’s damage, emotionally they will want to be near you in any time of stress. Cats can seem aloof and solitary, but in truth they are highly social creatures, and you are their family. So though an animal *will* seek shelter in times of disaster, it’s likely, far better for them if that shelter is with you.


Uh all animals you have need to be taken with you. Cats are stupid & will panic for the dumbest of things. Put them in their carry crate & take them. Leaving any pet behind like that is like leaving a kid behind.