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That all sounds reasonable! A cat overnight alone should be totally okay. They might be a bit confused since you’re there most of the time, but you can compensate by giving them extra love, attention, and treats when you’re back! Make sure they have enough food, water, some toys, and a clean litter box. I can tell you really care and your kitty is lucky to have you! 💜


Believe me, they won't be confused after a night. Cats don't work like that. 


I’m trying to be kind and reassure their worries. I know I sometimes focus on things that may seem silly, but it still makes me worry! Especially when it comes to my pets. Ultimately, I was saying that even if the cat was confused they’d be okay. 💜


Oh I understand. Very thoughtful.


thank you :”) i’m very anxious when i leave my animals, usually when I come to, I realize that i was a bit dramatic hahaha. People like you are the ones who keep me sane when im not feeling it though :)


You can’t really speak for all cats though because they’re each different. Some cats may be totally fine and some definitely wouldn’t. My husband and I work from home and when he or I leave town or even go out on jobs for a few hours, my cats will act markedly different. They’ll sit watching the door for hours waiting for the person to come home, meow while pacing around looking anxious, their eating habits change, they get much clingier to the person at home…I can only imagine what they’re like when both of us are gone, but of course I wouldn’t know. OP says they work from home so kitty is used to them being there most of the time. It’s reasonable for them to be nervous about the cat getting confused or anxious - I know my cats would be.


I had one kitty who was super attached and once I left him alone for one night. He was so upset that I never did it again. My new boy was left alone for two nights (with people coming to check on him twice daily) and he was fine- just a little more snuggly than usual for a day.


One of my cats climbed on my back and refused to let go for hours when I got back from a weekend away. She wasn’t left alone my husband was here the whole time. The other one looked at me and carried on with her life like I’d never been away! 😂


lmao one of your cats was like "*finally*, i cannot believe you left me with that *spare*" and the other went "Oh, the spare is back"


My bestie left her cat alone for a night and when she came back (with her new boyfriend) he looked at both of them and took a dump on the floor lmfao


Ahhhh! What a little shit :)


My cat growing up did this when my mom was gone. When mom got back, the cat peed on the bed while making eye contact with my mom, who was on the toilet. The cat never did it again. She was just mad. 🤣


What happened to the super attached kitty?


He was such a dear, sweet, loving boy and I still miss that crazy meatball. He loved parties because he felt everyone was there to see him. He got old and he had diabetes for a few years, then kidney issues, and then an aggressive form of cancer grew in his abdomen and he went downhill quickly. I had a long talk with the vet, and I made the insanely hard choice to put him down. The day before his appointment he had declined so quickly that it was clear that it was time. :( His first owner gave him junk food and Twinkies were his favorite - I never gave him any people food, but on his last night I bought him a Twinkie and it made his eyes sparkle.


the thought of sparkly twinkie eyes have me crying rn.


Ah, thank you for sharing this heartwarming story; he was loved & spoilt and how!💕rest in peace, baby boy...


Aww thank you <3


We'd left our cats home alone for two nights with a neighbour coming in to feed them. The first time we left them alone overnight with extra dry food, without anyone coming in, they were angry with us when we came back.


It really depends tbh. Some cats actually do have separation anxiety


Yeah it’s not like the person who posted this is leaving the cat alone for more than overnight. Nothing really to worry about. The cat will probably be sleeping.


you cant generalize cats. my cat definitely does. even when other people are still in the house, if I leave for 1 (or more) nights, he gets confused and looks for me. if I don't come back after 2 days, he gets extremely stressed out and vocal, sometimes stops eating.


My cat is broken then, he gets separation anxiety every time i go back to work after my days off.


Is it your only pet?


I am amused to find “cats” and “work” in the same sentence.


Plus be prepared for a little sulking. Some cats make you wait for cuddles as punishment for leaving them. But then they are extra close.


Cats tend to be more attached to their "place" than their "people", so she should be fine. When we are away our cats get two visits a day from the cat carer, morning and evening, but otherwise are "home alone". Last summer we were gone for 5 weeks, and they were no more glad to see us than they were her given we were both suppliers of food and playtime.


I had a cat that really didn’t like strangers. We had to go away for several days and I had a friend who would come twice a day to put out food etc. when we returned home she told us that she never once saw the cat but found the food had been eaten and the box had been used. This cat also had a habit of opening all the lower cabinets a couple inches around the house so he could hop in and hide. When I would look for him I would walk through the house calling for him and he would always come up from behind me so he wouldn’t reveal his hiding place.


We have a "cabinet opener" too. Bless her, some of the cabinets she opens are full of stuff and won't accommodate her, but she's ever hopeful apparently. When we are away we close off the bedrooms so there are fewer places to hide from the cat carer, but as the bearer of treats she has apparently earned status as "not a stranger" by now.


Remarkably this same cat was very devoted to me. I was self employed with a home office. He spent the majority of his time in arms reach. Weirdly he didn’t like to be held but he enjoyed head rubs and petting while sitting next to me. I set up a cardboard box with a foam pad wrapped with a towel and put it on a chair next to my desk. He spent most of his time there while I was working. At night he slept at the foot of the bed (out of reach) and would lay across my ankles when watching television while sitting on the bed. He was very sensitive to my condition and several times he woke me during the night when I was having a low blood sugar event due to my diabetes. Sadly he passed away at about sixteen years.


One day I heard meowing and I thought it sounded like one of my cats, but it was too far away. It sounded like it was outside. He kept meowing so I kept investigating. Turned out Vulcan slipped into a cabinet while I was making breakfast and fell asleep. Hours later he woke up trapped. He never did that again.


When I cat sat before I had one cat who was happy to say hi and get pets and one I didn't see for the first three days. He never really warmed up to me but he stopped running away when I came in the house, and on my last day I got to rub his ears and he gave me slow blinks.


We have a cat like this now. We have to reassure sitters that it's fine if they never see him, as long as his food is disappearing and the litter boxes have been used. The sitter normally comes once a day to reduce stress on the cat. The cat has a stranger-danger hiding place in our house that we have yet to find.


Believe me, i was saying that even if the cat was confused they’d be okay...


💔 he is more attached to his food than me 💔💔💔💔


I leave mine whenever I do a staycation, so maybe by herself for 30 hours or so. She has an automatic feeder and water fountain. She does just fine.


Was coming here to say this too. Ive left my cat for 3 nights and she’s completely fine. I’m the one that’s spiraling but when I come home she looks at me like….”what”. 🤣


Me too. We have a family cabin we'll go to sometimes. She hates car rides, so I never take her. I just put down food in the automatic feeder, make sure she has water and her box is good to go. But if we're leaving for longer than a weekend, I'll hire someone to come in and take care of her.


I regularly leave the cats for 3 days at a time with an auto feeder and recently got a camera. They just sleep the entire time I'm gone. They really don't care.


I generally max out at two nights before I get someone from Rover or a friend to check-in on him, but honestly think my cat would be fine with three nights because whenever I do this my cat acts like he barely noticed I was gone.


I did 3-4 nights and I worried about them, but they were fine. They had bowls and bowls of food (lots of fun for them, they’re piggies so they’re often on a diet) and multiple bowls of water and extra litter boxes. They just chilled at home. When I got home, I think one greeted me and the other stayed where she was. But the next time I do this, I’m setting up a camera. We didn’t have any before, but this way I can see them and even speak to them.


I have a camera too!! By the food bowl so I know she’s eating. It definitely calms my nerves


Realistically cats are fine for 2-3 days (think long weekend) if you give them enough food and water. Truthfully, those are really the only limiting factors in how long they could be by themselves. They’re really good at taking care of themselves. I felt bad the first time I left them, too, but I got back and they couldn’t have cared less. They definitely seemed happy to see me, but resumed normal activities right away.


My cat meows at me like I murdered his entire family whether I come back from a 15 minute grocery shopping trip or if I’m gone for the whole weekend. Can confirm it’s just business as usual.


This is a terrible idea? They should at least have someone checking on them. They're little doofuses and could easily have an emergency ffs


It's just a night. Your little one will probably think you're out hunting and honestly just sleep most of the time.


“Out hunting” is so cute lol


Yes, you are allowed to leave your cat alone overnight. People need to stop never leaving their house because of their pets. I understand your concern, but your kitty will be fine :) It’s not mean at all! You’ll only be gone for maybe 10 hours? Thats no different than people who work long shifts and get home late. Tons of people own cats and spend the night at their partner’s place Most cats don’t like travel so it’s better to leave them at home than take them with you You can even leave them alone for the weekend as long as someone checks/feeds/plays/scoops the litterbox every day. I have two cats so they can keep each other company if I need to leave for the weekend


The cat's going to be so happy that you're finally gone that it will even pretend to be happy to see you when you come back


LOL so real


Make sure they have toys, enough water and food :) also if you want, just in case, set up a camera. Overnight is fine.


I have 2 cats, and I leave them alone for up to a week if we travel. I have automatic feeders, multiple gallon-size water dispensers and automatic litter boxes, and Google cameras by all of them, so I monitor that the cats are eating, drinking and going to the bathroom. I have a friend who is "on call" to go check on them if I am not seeing them eat/drink/potty regularly (which hasn't happened yet). In the past, I used to have friends stop by to check on them daily, but my cats hate strangers and they could never even find my cats when they came to check on them, let alone pet them or play with them. I know all cats are different, but this is what works best for us - it's the least stressful option for my cats. My cats enjoy each other's company and frequently play and snuggle with each other, so I don't feel that they're lonely.


Cats are very independent. I’ve left mine alone for a weekend trip many times over the years and they are fine. If I will be gone longer I have someone check on them but no one spends the night at my house with them. They actually wouldn’t like it if someone did; one of them hides and refuses to come out while anyone other than me is in the house.


Not to be a downer and I’m def not a doctor but it’s possible you have some pet anxiety. I went through this about a year after adopting my cats. Used to travel a bunch, have people watch them and didn’t feel any guilt or anxiety. Now I get really nervous doing day trips but I have realized my thoughts are finding the worst possible outcome and running with it. 


I've gone camping a couple times, leaving my cat home alone. He yelled at me for missing his wet food feedings, but was completely fine otherwise. Don't stress, your kitty will be fine.


Cats are so dramatic 🤣 I'm sure he gave you the look that said, "the nerve of you to go off and enjoy yourself while I was wasting away here all alone" but in reality forgot about you 10 minutes after you left.


Yes I am leaving mine over the weekend, leaving Friday, coming back Monday. Big bowl of dry food, water fountain, clean litterbox. They will be fine. Any longer and I have someone stop in to check on them and give them some wet food every other day. I've had cats all my life and it's never been an issue.


Don't feel bad! Your cat will be fine. Since owning a cat, have you worked an 8-hour day, then came home to get ready to go out for a few hours in the evening with friends? It's basically the same thing just different times of day.


I had to leave my boy overnight for the first time this weekend, so I completely understand how you feel. They'll be fine. Leave lots of toys out and maybe the tv on to give a sense of not being alone.


I used to not want to leave my cat but got one of those $20 blink cameras to check in if needed. Set it to motion activated and watch the highlights of your cat doing its thing in the middle of the night the next morning!


Your cat will be fine alone overnight, but if you are still concerned set up a camera to watch them.


Cats are generally VERY self-sufficient. If they have food, they're generally ok.


If it’s anything like my 4 your cat will be asleep before you even have the door locked on your way out !!!


She should be fine but if you're concerned about her being stressed you can get some plug-in calming pheromones to have going while you are gone Cats are creatures of habit and get very attached to their routine. So if she is used to sleeping with you and you are suddenly not there she might be looking for you or calling for you so the pheromones might help her feel more relaxed with you not there. You might want to leave some of your used clothing out for her to sleep on. that way She will still be able to smell you and that may comfort her. I have a large bed and yet my cat is always wanting to sleep in my spot. It's not that she was trying to hog my spot. It's just that my scent is there and she likes that. You can also get one of those pet cams so you can keep an eye on her to see how she does in your absence


I just left my 17 y/o by herself from about 8pm Mon to 1130pm last night because I had to go out of town for work yesterday. I put out extra food and plenty of water. She was happy to see me last night but she was fine. There was still a little food left in the bowl, even. I wouldn’t do it for more than a day or two tops but for one night? It’s fine unless your cat needs meds of some sort


Cats are pretty independent (unless medical issues that you need to treat) Give them some food. Pull up a cat tv Playlist. Put out a couple toys. Cat bed screwed into a high up window. Overnight. Fine. 2,3,4 days. Starting to stretch it. More than that. Have someone help.


Not at all, I think mine actually prefers it. She likes to sleep in our bed, but she's always getting tossed around. I've come home super late from somewhere and she is totally spread out in the middle of it......I think she likes that better than sharing it lol


some nights my kitten won’t let me sleep because she will want to play and will bite my face and stuff, so i’ll put her scratch post (with her hammock attached) in the bathroom over night so i can sleep and she’ll settle down. she doesn’t ever seem to mind the next morning and is always happy to see me and eat her breakfast like normal. i don’t see it being an issue for you.


I've left mine alone for a weekend I just make sure they have plenty of food and water. If I'm gone longer than two nights, that is when I start to have someone checking in on them.


Absolutely fine!!


lol she’s a cat, she’ll be fine 😄


Yes totally fine. That is one of the huge benefits of having a cat vs a dog. I will leave mine for a long weekend and just have someone go in and feed her once a day. She is always chill when I get back!


Everyone thinks I’m insane when I express not wanting to leave my cat alone over night. Many people will go on vacation for days at a time and just put a bunch of dry food out. Some cats are just fine with that. My cat is an exotic shorthair and that breed thrives on attention. They get literally depressed when left alone because they are such lap cats. Wondering what breed your cat is. :)


thank you guys so much for all the advice !!!! 😍😍😍😍😍


She’ll truly be totally fine, I’m not sure if cats really have the same concept of time as we do so she’ll probably just sleep until someone comes along to offer some stimulation. I work from home too so totally understand the anxiety but I’ve just recently gotten more confident with leaving mine for longer periods, longest she was alone was about 18 hours recently. She was completely unbothered and I actually think it’s been positive for her to practice a bit more independence.


Leave some soft music on for company. You could get a pet camera too.


I’ve left my cat alone for 2-3 days at a time. I just made sure he had plenty of food and water (he wasn’t the kind who would just eat and eat and eat until he got sick but would only eat whenever he was hungry).


I completely understand LOL I am the same way your post is extremely validating😂


Leave plenty of food/water and an old sweatshirt of yours that has your smell on it. If she's used to noise, you can leave a radio on.


I go on vacation and leave my two cats home alone for up to like 6 days. I have a water fountain and automatic cat food feeder as well as the litter robot. Never had any problems. Glad I chose cats


I do this exact thing at least twice a month. I work from home and he stays glued to my side all day, everyday. I hate leaving him behind but I go and watch my sisters 2 dogs that are very reactive to cats so I’m definitely not risking bringing him over there. Like your situation my sister lives about 20 minutes away so it’s not a big deal to drive back and forth if it’s needed but if I’m leaving on a Friday afternoon and I’m back by Saturday afternoon he’s got plenty of food and water to hold himself over. The one thing I do suggest to keep in mind is to put any teasers away as unfortunately there have been cases where it wraps are their necks and obviously you don’t want that to happen. Dryer sheets are another one of those things to keep out of reach. Besides that, as much as you’ll miss your buddy it will be fine. Maybe leave some soft music playing and a light on.


Get a water fountain and a timed feeder machine, toys around and a glassed off balcony or kitty terrace and you can leave her alone for a day or two no problem.


I have left my babies for a week. Automatic feeder, extra bowls of food out, water fountain with extra water.. Extra liter pans and someone will come to check on them. Everything is fine and it works for us. They play sleep and eat just fine.


Every time i leave my cat alone to go to work, i put Cat TV on YouTube for him, and set my laptop next to the window. It also helps if i give him wet food just before i walk out the door so he's super distracted. It's the only time i give it to him, so he can start linking my leaving to something pawsitive He had me every single day for the first year of his life, so he gets major separation anxiety now that I'm leaving all day. Which i didn't even know was a thing cats went through!!!! He was howling at the door all day my mil said. I'm off today, and he's curled up at my side rn


Easy! Get a new cat so it's not fully alone. 😉 Your cat should be fine just for that little overnight. Leave it plenty of fresh water, a fresh litter box and some extra food. You could also bring home a new toy as a reward.


She will be fine for one night.


Yes she will be fine


Overnight is ok


I sometimes leave my cats alone even for 2 full days. It's totally fine. They just need enough food and water. First time I do when I come home is clean the litter box.


How much is enough food? First time leaving my cat of 8 months alone. Someone is going home to take care of the litter and the food. But I am worried that he just eats all the food and then he might be hungry?


Since I feed kibbles, I just leave a lot. Like more than they could ever finish. Being dry food, it won't spoil that quick.


Just get an automatic feeder with camera that is app controlled. 


Since I feed kibbles, I just leave a lot. Like more than they could ever finish. Being dry food, it won't spoil that quick.




I entirely agree with leaving out the food and water in a larger amount, but as an additional example we have two automated food dispensers. They are plugged in and have battery backups. I usually just leave those full and I can adjust the meal sizes as necessary. As for the water, we have two large water bowls with fountains. They are plug in only, but the water is still accessible to our cats if the power goes out. It kind of helps ease me knowing they’ll have access to food and water if the power goes out while away (even if only a purple of hours away).


I have left my cats home alone overnight loads of times! I just make sure the house is cat proofed and leave a mahoosive bowl of water and biscuits out for them, way more than they would need for 1 night (just in case)


The cat should be fine. Make sure there is more than enough food and water and that the litter box is clean and full. I left my cat at home last year for 2.5 days. My Mom was flying into Memphis and I stay near Houston. I figured I would spend those couple of days there with her and then we would both drive to my place and my Mom wouldn't have to pay for another flight. I left more than enough food and cleaned and filled the water fountain and changed the litter on the day before. When we returned, my cat was happy to see me and she acted like I had not been gone, other than wanting attention and hiding from my Mom. I was more comfortable doing this because it was only that short time and I did not want to put her in a pet hotel, where she would be locked in some cage with a bunch of other cats and dogs. I figured she would be less stressed out in a familiar area than being somewhere that she had never been and having all the extra noise. I did feel a little bad but she got through it. If I had been gone longer, then I would have done the pet hotel/hostel thing though because I really don't know anyone who could come to check on my little buddy.


Awh kitty will be ok for one night! Since you’re gonna be dog sitting so close to your apt, you can always go visit your kitty for a bit to make the time apart not as long 😊😊


Yes, you absolutely can.


Not a problem at all, as long as they got food and water and litterbox, they are fine. However some solo cats might get a little needy and upset about it, depends on your cat.  I usually have a multi cat household so it's literally no issue when they got each other. 


Yeah, they'll probably be sleeping till 4-5 am. At least the cats I live with do.


Yes you can leave them alone up to 48 hrs with a clean litter box and some foods and toys


It's a cat. It won't care


I leave my cat alone overnight all the time. :)  Even when I go abroad I get a sitter who comes in to check on her twice a day, so she’s completely acclimated to being home alone. 


Hey the cat is actually going to enjoy the night! We all love our pets and think they are so dependent on us but truth is cats especially would rather lick themselves than have to entertain their human servants!


Of course! Leave food and water and they'll be fine. I just had to leave my 3 month old kitten and 2 older cats home alone overnight and they're all fine. My friend came and gave them their wet food both days since we left early in the morning and came back late at night the next day.


We leave ours for 2 nights with an automatic feeder every couple of months and he literally does not care at all


Have you considered getting your kitty a cat friend? Cats are pack animals regardless of popular belief. Having 2 really is no different from having 1. And it takes the guilt away from leaving them for longer periods of time! I have 4 and they all love each other and keep each other company.


Absolutely yes, when i was younger (a child, like a very young child nothing I could do about this situation) my parents left my cat alone for 2 weeks once every year with people regularly coming in to feed him while we went abroad and the cat was always fine. I understand this is completely not ideal and like to mention I wouldn't do this myself! Just I was a young child at the time, didn't have any choice in the matter mostly under 10.


I left my cats alone overnight with sufficient food and water. I watched them through the camera in my living room and they didn’t even care that I was gone. Just played together, ate and slept as usual.


I have left my cats for one night and they were always fine. I always leave multiple water bowls out in case one gets knocked over or messy. If they have water, they will be ok.


I have to leave mine for nightshifts a few times a month, I've found that personally I can't leave mine more than 20 hours (even with automatic food for dry and a bit extra wet food, water fountains, litter robot and 2 spare trays) unless I want to find wee somewhere I shouldn't. My cats are like dogs though and very attached, so when I get home I get a welcome party and they like to be around me always. I think the mysterious wee was because it was an accidental 20 hours but when I was slowly building up to the average of 14 hours they were totally fine. All cats are different so my only suggestion would be if you could, build up time you're away and cameras.


That’s totally fine


Kitty will be fine overnight. Make sure their favorite toy is out and a blanket that smells like you. Make sure the litter box is clean and dinner is served and kitty will be just fine. I’d even suggest playing cat tv on a preferred television using the YouTube app. It keeps my cats entertained while I’m gone


Yes, she can be alone overnight but she will probably not like it. I left my cat alone overnight for a few times but to be honest I would not do that to her so that I can take care of someone else’s pet. Cats do suffer from separation anxiety. Why do this to her unless you absolutely have to. A friend of mine asked me to do same for his dog. He has a nice house and he made it sound like it will be a nice change for me. The fridge will be filled by things that I like, etc. I said no because I knew my own furry baby would be anxiously waiting for me at home.


Your cat won't mind and will be fine. Just remember to go the water and crunchies before you go. You'll miss your cat more than they'll miss you. Worst case, your cat might punish you by peeing on your pillow or favorite shoes 🤭


I have left my cat for a week at most by himself. Someone comes to feed him breakfast and supper and hang out a bit and pet him. When I took my first vacation last year having him inside full time, he was depressed and cried all the time (I have a camera to watch him). When I would talk to him through the camera, he would cry louder 😿. Since then, he has gotten better. Now , he just gets worried if the person feeding him doesn’t feed him right on time. I still feel bad leaving him and I worry the whole time. He is all good as long as his toy rats aren’t under the couch, he has food and water, and scooped litter box.


I can’t give you any actual reassurance other than the fact that your worry is so completely valid! I’ve had my cat for ~4 years and we have never left him overnight alone yet (we always have someone come stay with him). He’s a big snuggler in the morning so I always worry that he’s going to climb into our bed in the morning to wake us up and find it empty and get stressed out 😬🥲😣


Longest I've left my cat was 36 hours because he's wet food only. Overnight should be fine! You might miss her more than she misses you! I always feel sad when I spend the night apart from my cat, he's a big "next to cat" as I call him - always has to be next to me, touching me, but hates lap sitting. Bed feels empty when I'm not home!


currently vacationing for a week without my cat. my roommates are watching her, and she’s apparently a little sad, but otherwise totally fine. as long as cats are getting fed and taken care of, they are just fine without their owners for a bit


Our first cat, Rocky, was such a sweetie. He was used to us being at work but when we took a 3 day vaca, he got so excited we were back he puked. We felt kind of bad but he got over it....


Your cat will be fine. :)


She’ll be fine, if you’re really worried about her being bored throw on some bird feeder videos on the tv and that’ll keep her entertained


Your kitty will be totally fine, I promise! I have a kitty who is very attached to me and gets anxious when left alone for too long. As long as I have a kitty sitter come and spend quality one on one time with her, feed her, and play with her, she’s honestly so happy when I get back from trips! Since you’re going to be the one checking on her during the day, she will be even happier! ❤️💕


I get it. I too have anxiety when I leave my cats for a few days. But they're cats, they do well by themselfs.


We left our 7 month old overnight alone, he was fine just needy when we got back. He is used to being here with two humans and a dog, we could take the dog with but not the cat.


I think it depends on you and the cat. Mine sits at the door and waits for me to get home, crying meouws the song of her car people. I wouldn't, knowing what I know.


Your cat will be fine, my little brother (whom still has to get his italian car ride ) was entrusted to watch over my babies for a week and theyre 2 and he was barely here and is a scum bag....but that aside, dont underestimate the power of the pussy!


If it’s just one night, it’ll be okay


That's the whole point of cats. They're self sufficient. One night will be fine. Have you ever thought of getting another kitty?


My daughter has more than one job - day cleaning for the elderly, night (1-2 per week) cashier at a 24hr store. So this week - Sunday night till 7am Monday, home, feed cat, sleep till 1pm, cleaning, home for 7, feed her and the cat, sort out cat, fuss cat, sleep, Tuesday get up, feed cat, go to cleaning, cover evening straight from cleaning (someone called out), home 11pm fuss cat, sleep Wednesday - lie in, housework, fuss cat, work 11pm-7am. Thursday - home, sort out cat, cleaning, home, eat, have a nap, work 11pm-7am Friday - home, sort out cat, bed and sleep. Yes, you can leave a cat overnight. Make sure that they have plenty of food, water, and a clean litter box.


My cats disappear for hours and only come around for food and pets. If I died, That's what they would miss. She might wander and screech if she really misses you, But just temporary.


get a second cat.


I travel pretty frequently, a few days per month at the least. My cat is *very* attached to me but he does just fine being alone overnight with twice a day visits from his cat sitter.


I've left my cats home alone for 4 days (with lots of water/food and auto poop scooper). One night is nothing to them


The cat will be perfectly fine. If you think these occasions may occur in the future more frequently, get another car they will be companions and also will look out for each other.


Cat will be fine overnight :)


She’ll be fine. Cats are more independent than dogs.


I'm a nurse who works 12 hour over night shifts. With my commute, I typically leave at 6pm and get home around 8 am. My cats do great. How do I know? I'm a crazy cat mom with cameras so that I can check on them whenever I feel anxious. I can see if they're playing or where they snuggle in to sleep (my female like my bed or the top of the cat tower, my male likes his heated bed or his flat bed by the front door.) That being said, any change in routine can cause some anxiety. Are you home every night? Do you ever occasionally go out with friends and come home late? Safety-wise, they'll be fine. And it might be a good idea to have them get used to you being gone for some stretches of time. Imagine if you landed in the hospital for a few days. Having them get used to a few solo nights would probably be good.


Your cat will be fine. My two are alone for a long weekend (3 overnights) a couple times a year while we visit extended family out of state. They have a robot litter box and water fountain that both connect to my phone so I can make sure they are working, they have one of those feeders that holds a bunch of food in the top and it falls as the cats eat, and I hide treats in random places for them to find and fill up their catnip toys, and give them extra snuggles when we get back. We’ve been doing this for 9 years, my older cat is 13 and youngest is 2 and we have never had an issue.


Won’t even realize you’re gone.


I'm a new pet parent myself and I totally get it. Thank you for asking the question. :)


I just left our cat alone for the first time last night. He’s generally very clingy, if you’re in a room with a closed door he’ll howl & whine until you come out. I got an auto-feeder and was worried how lonely he would be. We came back today, and he didn’t seem to care, acted the same as when we come back from an errand.


I took a two week trip to the UK in 2017 and left my cat alone. I have a wonderful neighbor that came twice a day to feed her , clean litter box and spend time with her. She missed me for sure and slept with my jammies on the bed. But she did survive and your kitty will be fine.


Yes, no problem


Growing up I had two cats. They had auto dispensing food and water bowls and a self cleaning litter box. They stayed home alone the whole week while we were in disney and we're just fine.


I think your kitty will be fine. With my old cat, I would sometimes leave him for a night, and he was just fine!


She should be fine. Cats are attached to their routine, but they generally adapt well and are self-sufficient.  I had to leave my male cat who is also used to spending a lot of time with me for 4 nights once. He was totally fine except for being very sassy with me when I returned.  I did have a pet cam but when I tried to speak to him through it one time, it freaked him the f out so I didn’t do it again lol. Those can be nice for your own peace of mind if you have to leave her alone for longer in the future. 


Absolutely, my cat has been left alone for 3 weeks. I had my son come by daily to feed, water, and clean her box, but she's extremely skiddish, so she would hide under the bed while he was in the house. If he tried to interact with her by looking under the bed and talking to her she would just hiss at him.


I went on vacation for a week while I had someone feed my cat. I rescued him off the streets and had him for a year and he's my other half now. It hurt to leave him but I thought it was ok since my friend was going to feed him morning and night and give some attention. So I had cameras set up and let me tell you. Checking them every now and then and hearing him meow every night for hours wondering where I am.... I will never ever ever leave him ever again. I love him with all my heart hahahaha 😭😆


Yes- your cat will be fine


Your cat should be ok for one night. I would just make sure to come back the next morning to feed the cat. A lot of cats and dogs don’t get along for some reason.


I don't believe your edit. This has to be a troll question


I’ve left my cat alone overnight a couple of times. He absolutely hates it and will wander around the apartment meowing and looking for me, but he has food, water and clean litter and I’m always back the next morning He’s always fine, so long as it’s not multiple nights (in a row or not). I always get a very meow filled lecture when I come home, and he gets tons of cuddles and some extra treats


I left my cat alone for a week once. To be fair, I have a camera in my place and she has an automatic feeder


How about just sleep at home but check on the dog at night and in the morning.


They should be fine, barring anxiety or something else specific to your cat. I just left my two cats alone in the house for \~30 hours and returned to find a total of one plant and one glass votive candle holder knocked over. I'm alright with this because nothing broke; I actually expected it to be worse. Our brown tabby is chill and probably slept the whole time. The orange meatball is forever jumping up on things with zero regard for whether his intended landing site is clear. He scatters bric-a-brac like he was trying out for the feline equivalent of the Olympics. They both just immediately started screaming for food. (We did leave extra, and they have a fountain.)


Cats, unlike dogs, can be left alone overnight and they'll be just fine.


She'll be okay!


It should be fine, but personally, I do a safety check before leaving for the night. I take the knobs off my stove so she can't turn it on and unplug appliances like the microwave and toaster. I also put away some of my more breakable decorations. I have a camera in every room too.




I think it’s okay! I’m a newer cat owner, but we have left mine over night and he was okay. We left a LOT of toys out (including new ones!) food, water, and we found a cheaper cam so we can check in. (The camera is Wyze!)


If your cat finds out that you left her alone at night to go spend it with a stupid dog, then you're gonna be in big trouble!


You'll be fine. Your cat will be all over you because of the change in routine but it'll all go back to normal. I'm going to Mexico soon for 5 days though and that would be way too long to go without someone popping in and taking care of everything.


Dominant life forms


Overnight? lol your cat will be fine. You could go away for a week as long as the cat has food and water it should be fine. If you feed them wet food then feed before you go.


It's a normal occurrence for me to take a weekend trip and just make sure the cats have food, water and clean litter before I leave, they do talk my ear off when I get home though. Mine have always been very clingy though and love their humans.


If I'm gone any longer though, that's when I have a neighbor or friend check in on them and make sure they have anything they need (and plenty of snuggles and play time) while I'm gone


It's fine


I leave my cats over night, I just put down extra treats, then prepare myself for velcro cats when I get home.


We leave our cat alone overnight generally whenever we go on trips. We just have a pet sitter come over 1-2X a day to give him food, water, and attention/playtime. I do always stress about leaving him alone and worrying if he gets lonely, though, so I completely understand where you're coming from! If it's more than a long weekend, we've started to pay someone to "house-sit" overnight with him now. Or if we're lucky a friend who wouldn't mind staying at our place.


Don’t be surprised that the cat leaves you a present.


i work nights so my cat is always home alone at night


I feel bad leaving my cats home alone every time and I don’t think that guilt will ever go away, but I know it means I care. What has really helped me is getting a camera that I set up in my living room. It’s nice cause I can check in on them and talk to them through it even though they probably do not realize it’s me. But it does help me feel less bad when I go to work or stay with a friend for the weekend.


Totally normal to feel like this, especially when you’ve got an attached cat. My baby (3yo Male) is extremely clingy, and initially I was working from home predominantly when I first adopted him. He’s fairly used to me coming and going due to sports, and when I started going into to the office, he then was left for longer periods of time. I went on holiday for a week, and had the neighbour look after him. When we came back, he was so happy to see me - he’s deffo a people cat, but knows who his main human is. The first time you leave them is the worst, I felt so anxious. But now I’ve been away for a long time and a mix of shorter times throughout the day/week, it’s absolutely fine. In fact, me being away has done him the world of good, and encouraged him to self direct his play and gain some more independence. And of course, whenever I’ve been away and come back, the love I’m shown is on another level.


I have an auto cat feeder and water fountain. Also auto kitty litter. I'm concerned if im not home for long hours if those things will stop working ugh


I left mine all the time for three to four days. Anytime after that, I have a friend come over to check food, water and scoop the boxes. We also have two indoor cameras that have two-way speakers so when I see them in the camera view, I will speak to them and they know we are still around just not at home. It’s funny to watch them look directly at the camera.


I leave mine home alone for a week once a year, my son comes over to feed him, change his water and litter box and they play a little


When i leave over night i make sure food and water is good. Extra blankets on couch for day sleeping. And i drop treats around the house for a fun thing is she comes across them


This is a totally reasonable concern and it proves you're a good kitty parent just because you're asking for help! I say kitty should be totally okay as long as they have plenty of food, water, toys, and you could even maybe leave the TV on on a lower volume while you're away so they have something to listen to :) my cat personally likes the tv on because its usually on when we are home lol we put on bird videos for him while we are at work :)


They should be fine. But I couldn't go on a weekend trip with friends while my spouse was home. I just couldn't. So I get it.


I got very anxious about leaving our two alone for a weekend but they were absolutely fine on our return. Whilst we were away they were fed 3 times a day by our lovely neighbour, and they were able to carry on their usual routines of sleeping during the day and hunting (mice) at night. As others have said, their attachment is more to their territory and to their routines than it is to us!


Great thing about cats is you can leave them alone unlike with dogs. Water, food, clean litter and someone to check up on them every day or two to ensure they have the aforementioned and you’re good!


We leave ours for a few days sometimes while taking vacations. We usually sit out an extra litter box just to make sure they have clean litter and enough food and water to last. We also have a friend stop by just to make sure they’re good if it’s longer than that, which is rare. We also have a treat feeder that has a camera so we can check on them while away. They come running as soon as they hear the motor spinning up to spit out a treat, then stand in front of the camera and let the treats hit them in the face lol. We got it as a gift, but it’s a nice little thing to have to check on them and still give them a little extra treat while away.


Don’t worry I am a helicopter pet parent too and I had pets all my life(I will be 36 in Oct). Since it is overnight and you are not that far Kitty will be just fine. She will probably be confused at first but in kitty fashion she will most likely go to sleep until you return. Make sure she has food, water, some toys and her litter box is clean. Then when you return give her so much love, playtime, cuddles & treats.  A tip for the future if you can afford it get a camera like one of those ring cameras for inside your house. Put it in a place where she is mostly. That way if you have to leave her overnight again you can check in on her through the camera that will send a live feed to your phone. 


yeah u can leave cat alone


TBH I hate leaving mine overnight. They are also mischievous. I know how you feel. Just make time to play/cuddle when you get back! I have to lock up EVERYTHING. Lol. They have the run of the house though, other than the bathroom. (Just because I don't want to reorganize it every day). I also provide many cuddled, pets and loads of play time when I'm home. If I'm away longer than a day, I arrange for someone to go over feed/play with them.


yes it will probably just sleep and be bored until it gets to see you the next day.


It will be fine if only less than 24 hours, as long as you have enough dry biscuits and clean litter. You can give some extra treat for your baby when you are back.


Most cats are a-ok and barely notice if their human is gone longer than usual, as long as they don't miss any meals. My cats act aloof for about 10 seconds when I come back from a trip, whether it's one night or 2 weeks -- then they're up on my lap purring again in no time at all. However, I have heard a few sparse tales about cats who get revenge when their human(s) leave. Not likely, but check your pillow for "gifts" when you get home.


I’ve left my 2 year old cat for weekends before (think leave Friday morning and come home Sunday afternoon). I put out an extra bowl of water, an extra litter pan, and have an automatic feeder. I also have an indoor camera to keep an eye on him when I want to. He’s done just fine the handful of times I’ve had to do this since getting him a few months ago. I personally wouldn’t leave him more than 2 nights without having someone come to play with him and do the food and litter box duties.


highly recommend considering getting a second kitty at some time in the future. once they are friends they will take up the same amount of space, and you wont ever have to worry about her being lonely! i know you said she's not a fan of other animals but i recommend peeking at some of jackson galaxy's videos on cat introductions. almost all of them start off looking very scary but with patience most do even out. not a call to action, just food for thought!


Seconding! My first cat’s adoption papers said he hated other cats. Took about 2 good weeks of introductions but I have two best friends now :)


Congratulations on the success!! I think more cats are animal-friendlier than we realize, they're just territorial animals that need a gentle introduction :)




Can you just leave the dog alone and stop by to feed and let it out instead?


Dude it’s a cat, they’ll be fine. Quit worrying so much. Getting downvoted while being right, classic for this sub. Cats can be by themselves without issue for a day.


What? I've dumped five pounds of dry food in my cat's bowl and filled up her water dispenser and left her for 3-4 days. She didn't even seen to notice I was gone....lol. I'm just a fleshy food dispenser. If she had poseable thumbs to open her food should would have killed me already.