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Where are they getting the foster dogs from? Call their shelter and let them know the cats started having issues when they added the dogs and they are planning to euthanize the cats because of it and watch them pull their dogs out of that home.


Absolutely second this right here!! No way should someone whose fostering animals be eligible to continue doing so if they're going to euthanize problem animals, whose problems were created because of said foster system. That's the whole point of the foster system, to keep ANY animals from being euthanized for non medical reasons. I would document thru text that they want to euthanize animals with a clean bill of health and call the program they're signed up with.


This is the best solution honestly. Hell they may take the cats too depending


This is absolutely the answer. Euthanizing healthy animals will get them blacklisted at every rescue and shelter forever. And they talk. A lot. It's best if all animals are removed from the home.


Why are they continuing to foster dogs when it should be kinda obvious to them that that's the issue? Those kitties were in that home first, and there's nothing even medically wrong with them. To think that the family member is just gonna euthanize them because they're likely peeing outside the box due to stress makes me so incredibly angry. Some people don't deserve cats. If you're unable to sway them into stopping fostering dogs, and they see no other choice than to euthanize them, you could take them temporarily while reaching out to other friends, (nicer) family, rescue organizations, etc. to see if anyone can help you re-home them.


These people are monsters to kill their babies for such a silly reason!!


Can you take the cats home until you can get them to either a no kill shelter or a rescue where they would at least stand a chance. Sorry but I find it troubling that they are fostering dogs and so willing to just kill the cats because they are an inconvenience and (I am guessing) not generating any revenue. I agree with others, I would report them.


Just to clarify, fostering dogs or cats doesn't generate any revenue either- revenue doesn't seem to enter into it


Apologies, I shouldn’t have posted that.


Wow I absolutely despise your family member. Wouldn’t they WANT to get rid of the dogs rather than kill two cats?! What garbage human beings! Can you explain to that [expletive retracted] idiot that THEY are the reason for the cats’ behavior and how easy it would be to fix it??? If they won’t listen to you, would they listen to a cat behavioralist who will tell them the exact same thing?


Depending on where you live, shelters are probably overcrowded due to kitten season. I would call around and explain the situation and see if they have any helpful leads. They may not at this time of year, but it's worth asking.   If that's a dead end, please consider temporarily housing them to get them to safety and back on track with the litter box. Better yet, perhaps you have good friend who can do this where housing isn't a concern. The sooner they get out of that stressful environment, the better. And obviously nobody wants you to get in trouble with your landlord.   I suggest you buy "Dr. Elsey's Cat Attract" kitty litter. It does wonders to get cats using the box again. If possible, you might start them in one room. Give them churu treats and lots of reassurance.   Post beautiful photos of them for adoption on social media (local reddit, nextdoor, facebook) and at vet's offices. Also rescueme.org. Include the backstory that they are in danger of being euthanized because they are stressed out by aggressive dogs.  Highlight their cute and affectionate characteristics. Say they need to go to a home without dogs. By this time, they should be great with the litterbox again, so that won't be a deterrent for adoption. The more energy and passion you put into getting the word out, the better chance you'll have of finding the perfect home.   When I was looking to adopt again, I would have taken these 2 in a heartbeat. There's something about being abandoned like this that makes their story very compelling.   Finally, charge a fee of $40 each, citing it's to ensure a good home. Make sure they have a history of long term commitment. And detail the adoption will come with $40 of food.   If you're not able to find a great home right away, don't worry. When kitten season dies down, it should be a lot easier to find a home, or work with a good no-kill shelter that can help. Thank you for your compassion and intervention.


Did OP say somewhere else that the dogs were being aggressive? They don't say so in the post. I'm assuming the presence of the dogs just stresses them out as a new thing. Agreed that a pitiful backstory helps the case for adoption, but they can be truthful


Yeah, they should say the cats are in danger of being euthanized over this. More compelling and sadly accurate 


What kind of vet euthanizes an animal just because someone asks them to? And what an awful thing to ask of a vet. My sister is a vet, and putting animals down really destroys her. The only comfort for her is knowing that she relieved their pain and that it was the right thing to do.


Cats are territorial by nature. They are peeing outside the box because they don't want the dogs there. Sounds like this owner doesn't really care about the cats because if they did they would not have brought dogs into the picture to stress the cats out in the first place. If you are unable to take them I would contact a rescue organization. Maybe they can place these cats in a foster home together. With Someone who really understands cats..unlike thier current situation.


Barbaric and inhumane


Your family member doesn’t seem to particularly care about their animals, but if they were open to trying one more thing, Prozac for my one anxious cat who had peeing outside the litter box issues has been basically a godsend. He’s been on it since May and has only peed outside the litter box once since then. If the cats will take the pill version (I hide it between wet food and dry food for his dinner) it’s pretty cheap.


Please take them and try to rehome them yourself if you decide you can’t keep them permanently. The cats are not safe there and at the very least stressed in their own home.


Yeah, honestly if I were you, I’d take them into my apartment then rehome them soon after. If the family member cuts you off for it, it sounds like you dodged a bullet. I’d also reach out to the foster organization too.


This is awful. I have no idea why people are so quick to want to put pets down. Just rehome them if it’s such an issue! Please OP call some sort of animal charity. I think if ur in the UK the RSPCA can help with this. I’m not too sure about other countries though


Definitely it's the environment, or even that the owners don't take enough care of them -> cleaning the litter boxes enough + too less playtime with them + potentially not enough quiet spaces for them. If these humans really want to euthanize their cats because of that they are...whatever, please do take them and find them good new homes, a cat of the age of 10 is not that old yet and I am sure he/she can also find a good new home that takes more care. Thank you for taking care of it! <3


Who cares for an animal for years just to get it killed for a minor inconvenience? I dont get that


DON'T LET THIS HAPPEN! If you can't take them, give them to a nonprofit organization who will find good homes for them. There are many non profit organizations that will help you.


I'm not supposed to have more than one pet but I have 4 cats and feed 3 other feral cats. I'm friends with the owner of the property for 35 years so I'm not worried even though the manager brought it to my attention. They don't mess with me anymore after they found out my relationship with the owner. I was invited to the funeral of the first owner and later his son which I attended both and kept in contact with the wife and grandchild. They have a management company taking care of everything now but I contacted the CEO of the management company to let them know who I was and my relationship with the current owner. No more problems.


Beat her ass


No vet will euthanize healthy cats because the owner wants it … its’s unethical ….. Can you take them OP and they are definitely not foster material for any animal in my opinion.