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Tell her she is not allowed to be on the bed under any circumstances up. That’s how my wife did it.


Ill have to try it lol




This method also works for getting them to be on counters and tables. The more times you tell them, the better it works.




Cats just do what they want. My cats colonized my bed and now I’m struggling to retake control of it. Be careful what you wish for.


My partner always complains that we are always left with only a tiny portion of the bed, and the rest is for the cats. And I refuse to move because I don’t wanna bother them 😂


The corgi already takes up the whole bed. Not sure how but i prefer that lol


This right here probably answers your question.


Cat probably sees the bed as the dog's territory. She might feel safe enough entering it with your sister there too, but isn't comfortable enough there otherwise.


The cat is telling you she's not comfortable with the jumping space available to her with your dog on the bed (and you). Move your corgi to the side to make space. My cats, brother and sister, love each other and sleep together, including on my bed. But, when jumping on the bed, one will often do exactly what you describe- pace, circle, hesitate jump- if the other is laying to close to where they would land when they jumped up. I have to physically make space or move the other cat and then it's fine. You have to remember how small cats are and their visual perception of space. The cat is looking up and trying to jump up, she can't see the full bed, just you and corgi looming over her.


The problem is my room is small so my bed is against a big window. The corgi is afraid of the edge of the window and also the other side because its too close to falling off thus she msut be in the center taking up all of it. I have tried to slowly drag her out of that spot and she moves herself back


Try holding the corgi in your arms with you sitting as far back from the edge the cat is at as possible. Having a safe landing spot is super important to cats when they jump, particularly up because they can't see from their position. Imagine if you were trying to jump up to climb over a fence and all you could see over the top was your buddy's big head. You'd be like "dude, move", right?


From what you’ve described, this is actually the corgi’s bed


Yeah the bed is the corgis


I’m honestly considering just buying a bigger bed 🤣


My cats don’t bother with the bed, they just sleep on top of me. I can have as much bed as I want.


I have 3 cats and tell people that sometimes I sleep very poorly bc no room on bed. They don't understand just how much room 3 cats can take up on a bed. I love em, glad they sleep with me. But sometimes I want space to spread out or even roll over lol


https://preview.redd.it/tswwflmxwr9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21936f4042888460d0b6e6a270a612713f345704 Kind of like this ?? It’s a king size bed by the way!!! Also there’s a 4 cat who just isn’t on the bed when this was taken!!


Yep basically lol. Like yeah it's a big bed but where does one sleep? Bc they take it all up


Same here, we got 3 Ragdolls and only room for 2 on the bed, thats because I turn a lot in my sleep. But when my wife is up and about early morning, the 3rd will take her spot. Our bed isnt small (180x220cm) but our Ragdolls are just big cats, 2x 6kg and 1x 5kg.


My mom visited me in my apartment and I only had my bed so she slept with me. My dog was used to sleeping with me. She didn’t complain and just slept in her dog bed, but the second my mom got up to use the bathroom, she was in her spot.


Cats are extremely territorial creatures, and she seems to think when not guided into it that the bed is strictly your territory. When she’s really antsy seeming to want up calling her up or just scooping her up if she’ll let you could help. I’m sure once it clicks for her that that is an area she is allowed in herself not just as a guest of your sister she’ll be fine with it.


My cat and every other cat I’ve had or known believed all territory is theirs. I’ve never heard of a cat who refused to go to a part of the house because it was some mere human’s self-declared territory.


I have a cat who is very polite, and the only times she seems confident about being on my bed is when I'm not on it. Otherwise she's very cautious, and will leave if I shift positions in my sleep. It took a while after I got her for her to come on my bed at all, even with me being encouraging. I don't think she feels like it's her territory. I got her a new bed of her own, and I had to put her in it a time or two to make sure she knew that was okay. She was treated poorly in the past before I got her, so it might be a trauma response.


Meanwhile, my cat moves from one part of the bed to my spot as soon as I get up lol


My cat was the same way until we had a kitten that got on the bed all the time.. then she was insanely jealous of all the attention that baby cat was getting and now she’s in the bed 24/7. Definitely triggered her to claim the bed completely 🤣🤣


😂 this is cat. Pure accuracy


If I'm lying on my bed, my cat will not get on it until I invite her up. I've had her for 8 years and she's been doing this the whole time lol


I recently adopted a 5 y/o ginger girl, and this is essentially it for her. She'll absolutely wind up on the bed no matter what, but if I'm in it, she'll just kinda sulk beside it for 5-10 minutes before jumping up. If I pat the bed, she jumps right up at the invitation. She's just being polite.


Maybe just pick her up and put her on your bed…. she’ll go down if she wants


I did do this, she didn't seem to like it :(


Try it a few more times. She needs to know that it's okay in general.


Give her a treat like a Churu while she’s up on the bed


I do this. My kitty hops up, scarfs her treat, then flees before I can even pet her 😭 I guess she just has Very Important Cat Business to attend to in the living room at night.


You mean she sniffed and jumped off immediately? That's fine, do it several more nights, maybe she's shy or insecure. Sleeping place is important for cats, she needs to be certain that you don't mind and that she's welcome there. And she needs to trust you really well before falling asleep near you.




Yes, great advice! Perhaps not toys though as it would send the signal that it's a play space. But definitely reinforcing treats and catnip!


You can buy catnip spray from Amazon or Walmart. I like it because you don't wind up with catnip everywhere. My 4 fuzzy kids love it.


Psss, psss, psss. Tap, tap, tap. "Here kitty kitty." *shake, shake, shake* the bag of treats.


I was missing the treats when i tried this technique


One of our cats is what I call "snuggle adjacent" meaning he will occasionally sit next to you if you're sitting on the couch. Once in a blue moon, he'd come up and want to lay on my chest while I was laying in bed. I'd give him one of those fancy treats made with rabbit or whatever (we got them as a gift, so idk). He comes up for snuggles almost nightly now!


My cat would sleep on the bed but only down at the end. He'd lay facing me until he was ready to sleep, then turn over. So I started waiting til he was completely tired then drag him over next to me when he was too relaxed to resist. Eventually he decided that it really was the comfier option and now he claws me to raise my arm so he can tuck himself in my armpit every night. Cats also seem to get snugglier as they age, he demands full-on spooning with body rubs and scratches for several minutes at a time now when he used to bite after more than a quick pet. 


If I lay a piece of clothing on my bed my cat will usually lay on it. Try it with something of your sisters maybe?


Yeah. I was going to suggest this too.


A heating pad under the blankets at the foot of the bed. Eventually they’ll figure out where the warmest spot in the house is.


If the dog has always slept on the bed, that may be his territory and the cat is respecting that. Animals have a way of communicating and possibly the dog wants to be the only one up there - that's his safe place. It's possible this isn't the situation but it does need to be considered or you might have behavior problems with the dog later on. Everyone has offered some good advice that you can try but do keep this in mind.


My old cat weirdly understood it was bed time so she would always follow me up to bed every night and had a specific spot she would curl up for the night and I didn’t really teach her to do that. She has always done since we had adopted her as a kitten. My current cat is weird, sometimes she does the same and follows me up and sleeps with me, most of the time she just does her own thing at night or she goes to her spot under the bed. I will say thought I think it did help that her food bowl is in the room and it’s her routine to get a little bit of kibble before bed, so shes learned to recognize that when it’s night time and I go upstairs, that means snack and sleep!


Wait for winter to roll around!


Sooo true! My cats have been keeping their distance lately no cuddles etc think it’s because it’s hot


Electric blankets attract cats.


I keep my apartment a little cold so my cat and dog will snuggle with eachother when i’m not home 🤭


Your cat will sleep where it wants to sleep.


It took a little while before my adopted cats wanted to sleep in bed with me because they were not allowed in the previous owner's bedroom. I would repeatedly call for them, tap on the bed with my hand, and sometimes scoop them up, plus keep lots of pillows and throws om the bed. Now they come running to bed every night! 🥰


Think about what you’re asking for. I have two boys who insist on sleeping by my side, on top of me, on my head, taking 3/4 of the bed every night and for funsies wake me up at 4 am to show me their food bowl is half empty. They do the same thing every night. Same order every night. Every night. Just saying I’m tired.


You can’t force your cat to do anything. I use to carry my cat to the bedroom and place on bed and give him some loving. Give it loving on the bed every time


They do it on their own. Ours didn't but after a couple of months one morning i woke up and there she was. It helps if you have or put a super soft blanket ours likes that


I'm afraid you can't really get a cat to do anything. It's probably threatened by the dog. Hence the sister being the favourite.


Cat's don't "have trouble" going where they want to go. They can standing jump to the top of a 6 foot fence and walk the 3/4" top of it like it was a highway. Cat doesn't want to go on the bed. Cat wants to complain about something. (Probably that sister is missing). Mine does this when it rains. He doesn't want food. He doesn't want pets or to be picked up. He wants me to make it stop raining, and he's gonna tell me about it for a minute.


I use a l shaped TV stand so it's over my bed and put a cat bed on it so he has a spot


Yes, this is my thought too. Just give the cat a bed space in OP’s room. You might have to offer multiple options. We have three cats, and one sleeps on the bed, one on a chair near the bed, and one in a cat bed under the bed. Nothing could be done to change their minds.


We have two cats, sisters. Got them together when they were 1.5 years old. Had them 3 years now. One always sleeps in the bed, day or night; the other NEVER does. Cats just do their own thing in this regard.


Cats are territorial with people. Usually bonding with only one.


If you find out, let us know. You can’t make a cat do anything, really. You can only provide a safe environment and hope for the best.


Does your dog sleep in bed with you? Like others have said, cats are territorial. Things like blankets and cat furniture serve as a scent holder, which makes the cat feel more at home. If your dog sleeps in bed with you, or on it during the day, the cat is picking up on that scent and sees it as the dogs area. You could try getting a blanket that the cat likes to lay on, and putting that on your bed for a while


She might be afraid to jump up from the floor because she can't really see what's up there. Put something next to the bed that she can jump up on so she can get on the bed From there.


My cat started sleeping on my bed at a young age when it’s cold. She won’t do it in the heat nowadays unless sharing is bearable lol


1. The cat seems to still be adjusting to the new Space. It took my two Four months before I could leave them alone without worrying They might kill each other. Maybe bring her bed in your room? Move it a little at a time So she gets used to it. Catnip on the bed is a good idea. My first cat had a toy teddybear that she would sleep with. If your cat has a toy/blanket she loves bring that


Put a special blanket for kitty on the bed. Mine like having a special area


My cats sleep on my bed but I wish they didn't because I'm allergic. I do find that when I dogsit and the dogs sleep on the bed, the cats will refuse to sleep in the bed. So try feeding her treats in your bed as someone else suggested, else, I think you just need to wait and see. When you force anything, they tend to do the opposite.


My 14 year old cat goes for some weeks on one bed, then on another. I think it's due to temperature, light, etc. He'll also sometimes meow outside my son's closed door even when others are open. My son gives the best cuddles. Hard to figure out what a cat's reasons are sometimes.


My cat wouldn’t sleep on my bed until she trusts me. Maybe she still needs to build trust. It takes time w some cats… took my cat a year!


Put a black shirt on the spot you want her to sit. It works like magic.


Bribery—flat out bribery. I leave treats on my bed….. And give her treats when I’m in bed. I know…I know…but I don’t always have to buy her love and it’s a win-win


If the cat wants to sleep on your bed the it will .but you have to work hard if you want to make it. I always go to bed late when I visit my fiend , I give them snacks before I go to bed . They started to wait for me to come to the bed every night , after couple of days it will become routine and they will sleep on the bed and wait . After couple of days they will allow you to sleep on the bed


Make sure you get a blanket or new toy with the cats scent all over... pick up the cat and place it there for a minute, maybe pet it or do slow blinks while on it. It will be conditioned to sleep on that spot. Or just try to get the cat used to you. Dont always pet it and just make sure to acknowledge the cats presence.


Like with many other cat situations, try to show them it's ok, encourage them to come, give treats, then ignore them, and let them lead the interaction.


What I’ve found after having many cats, is just simply give them attention throughout the day, and then let them do their own thing at night (ie: choosing to sleep on your bed). Cats are extremely independent, and by giving the cat attention it wants during the day, you’re forming a bond with it so it will naturally gravitate towards wanting to sleep with you at night, all while thinking it was their own idea! I will say, my girl sleeps with me every single night in the colder months for the warm snuggles, but as soon as the warmer months start up, she is much less likely to snuggle. Use the summer to build the bond, then come colder months the cat will likely want to spend the night times with you!


Hmm. Is there a cat bed, blanket, pillow, or box that she really likes? You could try putting it on your bed and see if it will entice her. My tortie loves when I put a cardboard box on the bed, or an empty canvas bag. She climbs right in there.


My cat tends to stay with me if i immediately put the covers over her whole body. Try that? Or maybe giving her treats every time she’s on the bed


Cat treats at night (once they jump on the bed) intermittently works really well.


I put a little blanket in the corner of my bed and the cat will jump onto it and sleep there.


i used to give my cats treat on the bed at bedtime. he still sleeps on the bed to this day.


You are living in the upside down. Cats love sleeping on the bed with their owners…. However, have you ever punished your cat? Dogs interpret mild punishment as a corrective act of aggression. It is part of pack social organizing for a pack animal to use mild aggression to correct a pack member.. Cats use aggression differently. They use it to tell another cat to stay away and to protect their territory. If you ever physically punish a cat they can interpret it to mean you want them to keep their distance from you It is a big root cause of why so many people think cats are aloof. Cats are extremely social, but they have a cancel culture.


Can you pick her up and put her on the bed, so she knows it is ok?


You let them decide if they want to. Cats sleep where they want, not where you want them to. They also choose their favorite person




Treats, lots of treats.


Freshly laundered clothes or bedding without any other person or animal scent. Or a suitcase


Make the bed a safe space for the cat. This means discourage the corgi from playing with the cat when they are both there. Have self restraint and don't let the cat too much when she is there. Have blankets and pillows and if it's hot maybe a fan, I'd even throw a sweater in a corner (maybe even your sister's) until I see what kind of terrain she likes. To entice her to try it just leave her favorite cat treats lying around or if she likes catnip, cat nip.


Lots of good advice in here. The thing that worked for me when I adopted my boy was finding a blanket he liked and had it in the general landing zone for where he'd jump. It'll have his scent on it and it'll make getting comfy easier. Take this with a grain of salt though since I don't have any dogs. But this worked for me when my room still had previous cat smells


Wait… Our cat was a garden stray who eventually decided that an indoor armchair might make a good sleeping place. He had been regularly fed in the kitchen, but would come in, eat, then go back outside. We never restricted him, he had freedom to explore the house, sleep wherever he liked. Eventually he tried out the bed. It’s been 9 years since he joined us. I think it’s about every two months he changes where he sleeps. Sometimes it’s on our bed at my husbands feet (even if he’s not in bed), sometimes it’s where my body is at night but during the day, sometimes it’s wrapped up in the curtains, sometimes on my husbands gaming chair - or on the hall carpet - or on my fabric stash pile - or under my desk - or on the sofa… We don’t KNOW when he will change or where he will go next. There is no rhyme or reason or anyway to anticipate his next “chosen spot”. I would love him to sleep cuddled up to me, but that has not yet been somewhere he chose to sleep. And unlike my husband, I have never had him sleep at my feet.


You don’t. The cat does whatever the cat wants to do. That’s their whole thing.


If she allows you to pick her up why not try that? Just pick the car up and sit on the bed and set the cat down on the bed next to you and see if she stays. If she doesn’t then she doesn’t want to sleep there/is not comfortable there and best to let it be. I’m sure she will stay though. Especially if your sister is gone.


I would think that if you let the dog sleep with you your bed is marked with its scent and the cat is wary of coming up. Maybe try changing the sheets and bring the cat up on the bed without the dog in the room. Let her put her scent on things and see if she wants to come up on her own. But it sounds like the two are still in their integration phase. It can take a while for new pets to get accustomed to the ones you already have.


I've only ever had one that would actively sleep with us. And that's because we locked him in with us at night for the first two years lmao


Two words: laser pointer. Cats go freakish for those red dots and then she will see she can go on the bed and Corgs won’t be bothered.


My cat loves plastic bags. I just put one on the bed and he lied on it.


https://preview.redd.it/tr6u1vsgyk9d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64780e6b359b4b943f54db6aa932cb449ddbf911 Put some cat beds on the bed


Do not know I'd this is the way, but I just put her bed on mine and she spends most of her time there


Move your bed to where they love to hang out?


> How do i make the cat confident enough to get on the bed with us so she isn't so upset? This feels like a fundamental misunderstanding of cats. Cats are very consent-oriented creatures. You do your best to allow them things, and they will do them on their own timeline/volition. That said you can do things to encourage the cat. For example, throw some treats on the bed when the dog isn't on it. Still, I wouldn't expect her to immediately start sleeping on the bed with the corgi, it may take a long time and it may also never happen. Just let the cat do what it wants.


We have two cats, but only one will be sleeping on the bed with us at any point in time. They simply will not share. As soon as one leaves, the other will replace it.


You just gotta let the cat do what it's gonna do. You can't force a cat to do anything. Our cats will sort of rotate. Sometimes Cheezit sleeps with me, sometimes Janeway does, and sometimes no one does. A cat's gonna cat.


Maybe it’s because it’s summertime and hot. Mine hardly comes around me unless she’s wanting food, but when it’s cooler she sleeps beside me


put a pile of clothes on it. never fails. especially if it's fresh and warm


Cats like messy, soft comfy blankets, especially those chenille and microfiber small blankets. Further, if you tell the cat "no, in no uncertain terms are you allowed on the bed" the cat will God to sleep on the bed. I have two little blankets on the foot of my bed, which is fine because I curl up fetal. In the morning I wake up with my little Tuxie girl at the foot of my side of the bed, and our 17 lb boy stretched out as long as he can, toes near my face.


Mine will not sleep with me. I toss and turn and poor kitty went flying. She either sleeps in my window above the bed or on her kennel. Perhaps if shes not fond of the bed a short tower or something next to the bed?


Put your sisters clothes on the bed. And then pick her up and put her on the bed..that’s what I did with my cat


You can keep inviting her, but at the end of the day cats do what they want. They don't mean it personally though it's hard not to have your feelings hurt a little 🐱 Of the several cats we've had over the years, I can't think of one that liked me best since my lunatic Siamese, who passed in 2000. We recently goodbye to our grumpy 17-year old kitty who tolerated my holding her for no longer than about 45 seconds, and sometimes my husband could manage a minute or two. My daughter however, she let haul her around and low key manhandle her- not sure why daughter never got clawed to ribbons whereas I still have scars dating back to the kitten days, but as I said they do what they want. The two we have now tolerate me just fine, and one is somewhat affectionate when it's just me, but they are both shameless Daddy's Girls and if he's in the room I'm just the invisible other person that lives here who's only value is that I'm the Bringer of Food. I've told him that we're just going to have to keep getting more until we have one that likes me best. 🙄 My point is, just be kind to her, give her treats, play with her (try one of those fishing pole type toys or a laser pointer) and keep inviting her on the bed but don't force it. And like I said, don't take it personally.😻


How do I get my cats to NOT sleep in my bed, lol? They never leave me any foot space. https://preview.redd.it/p8389m0nll9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73ae01b0a1a0433b456a106d6c9fa3cd0ca1987a


Male the bed woth fresh sheets and blankets,


Ignore them. In cat world that’s considered polite and an invitation for contact.


I just rub cat nip all over my bed and my self


it aint happening


She'll get there soon enough. Took ours about two weeks to come out feom under the sink, another week to jump on our bed and sleep at the foot of the bed, and a few more days and now one of us is always teetering on the edge because all 8 pounds of cat needs to spread out as much as possible between us.


Good luck!


Give them time. If they want to sleep with you they will


I have what I call my “cat attracting blanket”. It’s from Kmart and is kind of fleecy on one side. My cats can’t get enough of making biscuits on it


For winter cuddles try to live in a gloried tent. It drops to 10° inside and the cats love sleeping under the cover to keep warm.


Put something that has the cats scent on it on the bed with you and the dog when you’re trying to get her to sleep in bed with you. For example, a blanket that she sleeps with when she sleeps with your sister at night. Scent is a huge factor of comfort for cats.


I got my cat’s favorite things and put them on a designated side of my bed for her. A cat heating pad that stays on for 12 hours so I turn it on morning and night, her favorite cat bed, her favorite toy, and a plastic bag (idk why but she loves sleeping on those things) I also lure her up here with a few treats. You don’t wanna go too crazy with those because your cat can overdose on treats as they are very high protein. But two or three a day are OK


Be the one to feed her. Don’t pet her beyond what she likes. Less is more in that regard, and don’t pick her up unless she invites it. You’ll become a trusted person then and safe to be around, which is key for the cat to decide if you are safe to sleep with. If your dog shares your bed already, that is likely a key decider for her. Trust and acceptance amongst those two takes its own time.


Force it. Lock them in there when you sleep and eventually they’ll come up on the bed. Worked with all my cats. They’re my little spoons/foot warmers/head warmers now


You could place a box on the bed! I see other great suggestions, but what cat can resist a box?! Throw a little ‘nip in for good measure maybe.


Ultimately it's for the cat to decide


DON'T!!! I never realized how sleep deprived I was until my last cat was put down. I plan on getting a bonded pair but my bedroom will be off limits.


…Give the cat treats when sister isn’t looking, and then when sister leaves the house, only give the cat treats…like basically assume the role of the cool aunt who feeds icecream and candy, and no bedtime with R movie, the second your sister is out of the house. That means treats, the special secret toys come out, the YouTube cat tv video clips with the birds flying around, etc. Then at night time, wear the cat out with toys or laser pointer before bedtime, feed cat calming treats, and just turn the AC so it’s cold af for kitty, and put a heated pad on the corner of the bed (obviously demonstrate to cat it is a heated and comfortable pad). Then when sister comes home, put all of that stuff away, lol.


You can get a heating pad and put it on its lowest setting. Then place a soft blanket or towel on top and put it on the bed. Cats love warm things and can't resist. Bad news the dog might steal it.


My cats don’t snuggle in bed with me during the hotter months. But once it starts cooling down, they come back. They also just go in phases of where they like to lay down. You mention a corgi, does the corgi sleep in bed with you? That might be a reason why your cat won’t come up as well.


The corgi sleeps in the bed with me. But when im not home they both sleep eith my sister on her bed together.


I wonder if your sister may be more neutral to them whereas for the corgi, you are the primary person. So when the corgi is with you, the cat can’t cross that boundary.


Had to ban the cats from the bed after repeated cat piss incidents. Be careful what you wish for!


my cat only started occasionally napping in my bed when i left my door open for her to come and go as she pleased and invested in very soft blankets 😭


Somewhere in the alternate Reddit universe the cat makes this post: How do I get my human not to sleep on my bed? (New Human)




I put a cat bed on my bed so she has her spot. Otherwise, on my face is her preferred spot


I had to buy a fabric basket to put on the end of my bed 😅 bunch of spoiled babies 🫶🏻


Cats will sleep where they want.


Get something that smells like your sister and wrap that cat up in it or put that piece of clothing on your bed. Don’t force the cat though.


Consider putting two recognizable pet spaces on the bed:one for corgi, one for cat. Then wait and hope


Do you really want to have to move a cat every time you want to change positions? Because that is what's going to happen. I have two and currently sliding down in the bed because they're on my lap and won't move. It hurts. So bad. But you DO NOT MOVE THE SLEEPING CAT!


Can you pick the cat up and put her on the bed? Teach her she’s allowed to be up there by putting her up there. That is how I convinced my cat to sleep with me when I first got her


It’s a blessing and a curse when they do. I now have one that sleeps on my head, then periodically walks on my face and tries to eat my hair. I have another that puts his face 2 inches from mine and stares at me, also eats my hair, and bites any exposed hands and feet. Then they go off and run around and eff shit up at 3am.


Our cats mostly only like our bed in the winter, when it's cold. We had one cat, though, who preferred to sleep in the basement by himself most nights, unless it was extremely cold. We had another cat who went the opposite way and slept in bed with us under the covers almost every night. In the winter, we keep the thermostat at 63F at night. It saves energy and encourages cats to sleep with us and share body heat.


A cat will likely only sleep on your bed if it’s their human’s bed and if they feel secure and safe. Trying to force them to will only make them more unwilling.


You’re the spare human


I know :(


Put a cardboard box on the bed. Once she gets used to sleeping there you remove it.