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Build a catio


I think that is a great suggestion! On the off-chance he had a medical condition surface around the same time, I think a vet visit could be helpful for peace of mind. A cat not eating sounds concerning.


One option is to harness train him, and take him outside once a day at the same time. He'll learn the routine and should focus on going outside less. My cats now only meow once the harness comes out, but they were confused and meowed at random times after going out once or twice. The other option is to wait it out and completely ignore the meowing. Blocking some of his view of the outside may also help. It may take a while, unfortunately. You're aware yelling is counterproductive, so I won't focus on that, but getting yourself under control is the #1 priority.


I would try setting a schedule for when you take him out. You can decide on a time to leash him for outside everyday, and make sure it’s a good length of time or 2 shorter trips. Keep to this schedule fairly strictly, it might take a week or 2 but he should eventually get used to it and know when to expect outdoor time so that he stops meowing for it all day long


Do you think he will get used to the routine even though he is 7 years old? I prefer to take him out once a day rather than waiting for him to forget about it. And yes, I will control myself more because he is the most important thing in my life, and I feel horrible after yelling at him. :(


Seven isn't too late to adjust to a new routine! In that case I'd absolutely suggest leashed walks once a day. I would highly suggest carrying him outside instead of letting him walk out. That way he won't associate the doorway with the great outdoors in the same way.


Thank you so much! I will update if it works :)


I have a 16 year old cat who has adjusted to a new routine so I think you CAN teach and old cat new tricks!


One day my visiting adult daughter thought it would be fun to take my cat into the backyard with a harness. WORST. MISTAKE. EVER. Needless to say that was the first and last time for the exact reasons you indicated. He would literally climb the screen trying to get out. Eventually he seemed to forget about it but it took all summer. If you stick it out, he will possibly forget….eventually 😩


Omg I feel you :(


You'll need a consistent schedule for him and stick to it very strictly. Set a time to leash him and take him out every day. Once you get back, and he starts meowing nonstop, put him in a different room. Once he stops meowing, give him a treat. If you're taking him out because of his meowing, he will continue to do so because he already made that connection--meow enough times, my human will take me out. He needs to associate NON-meowing with going out, so keep at it my friend.


Is he neutered? Is he vaccinated? Any health issues? If the above is fine and already done, know that cats are creatures of habit. They are almost internally 'trained' to know our schedule. If their human suddenly introduces any other thing...it throws them off. I would get him a large 41+ size cat wheel and play with him to forget about the walks. Encourage him to use the cat wheel. It will help wear him out to forget about the new stimulus aka in this case outside. If you can, build or purchase him a catio attached to the house or just open windows for him to see aka 'cat tv'


He is neutered and vaccinated and healthy. I will cover the terrace with a cat net, maybe it will help him to forget


Try this guide from the Humane Society on how to turn an outdoor cat into an indoor one: [https://www.humanesociety.org/resources/how-bring-outside-cat-indoors](https://www.humanesociety.org/resources/how-bring-outside-cat-indoors) \[you might have to start at the beginning for this guy to remind him he's an indoor cat!\] Also: Jackson Galaxy has a video on cats you 'over-vocalize' that might help: [youtube.com/@JacksonGalaxy](http://youtube.com/@JacksonGalaxy) - I liked his tip on making sure the kitty has puzzles/treats so he's not bored. If you've got the resources & space then a catio may be the perfect solution for both of you Hope it helps :)


I recently read somewhere on reddit that it took someone 3 months of consistently ignoring their cat's begging to go outside for the cat for forget about the outside....


Cat wheel, or maybe just some new toys or a cat tree


Depending on your climate, the weather will eventually cool down, and then you can introduce him to rain and he'll learn outside isn't that great. This is probably just a spring/summer problem. Taking him out on a schedule is a good thought though. Also, can you shut yourself in a separate room from him when he's getting too obnoxious? "I won't spend time with you if you act like this" is pretty effective with cats and definitely better than yelling. Wear headphones if needed. When my cat causes trouble while I'm working, I shut her out of my office, then she fetches her lawyer (ie my boyfriend) to negotiate for her return, and then she usually behaves herself after that.


Mine dont meow, ever. My furry princess just trills and my boy, aka my house panther can only let out small squeaks. Its funny because he is this very large 🐈‍⬛who shakes the shingles when he runs through the house and stops in front of me, looks up and squeaks like a door that needs oil.


And this is exactly why I always tell people to never take their indoor cat on a walk with a leash. Cats see any area they've been in as their territory, so if you let him outdoors, you better be ready to either grant him unrestricted access to the great outdoors, or be prepared for a very annoying, irate cat.


Someone on here said to pick the cat up and go outside while carrying the cat. Put the cat down outside. And when you’re done, carry it back inside. This was to deter the cat from meowing at the door and being obsessed with the dor




Don’t give in.


Sounds like you need to take him outside once or twice a day.


I do but he doesn’t stop meowing




No advocating for outdoor cats as a training solution. We understand that there are situations where outdoor cats cannot be avoided (feral cats, etc.) and that there are differing laws and viewpoints on this. However we do not accept advocating for putting cats in the wild as part of a training solution in this subreddit. Please see link before for more information: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7070728/




No advocating for outdoor cats as a training solution. We understand that there are situations where outdoor cats cannot be avoided (feral cats, etc.) and that there are differing laws and viewpoints on this. However we do not accept advocating for putting cats in the wild as part of a training solution in this subreddit. Please see link before for more information: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7070728/




No advocating for outdoor cats as a training solution. We understand that there are situations where outdoor cats cannot be avoided (feral cats, etc.) and that there are differing laws and viewpoints on this. However we do not accept advocating for putting cats in the wild as part of a training solution in this subreddit. Please see link before for more information: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7070728/


Hey cat bot, I didn’t say the wild, I said my yard which my cat specifically doesn’t leave.


Also you said you haven’t taken him outside in three weeks. Get your story straight and stop lying.


Why would I lie to a loser like you? lol


Okay so which is it, you’ve been taking him out once or twice a day or you haven’t taken him out in three weeks?